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New profile posts

Fear The Mau rewrite and continuation soon
And a third one in the works!
Apparently, Riot of LoL fame put out a new skin for the hot foxu, Ahri.

Fret not, for it too can be yours all for the measly price of... 500$

Top kek!
Your Story 4 in your snippets thread was really good, and I liked it a lot. Thank you for your time and effort. If you ever have the free time and the inspiration to write, please consider contuining that story. Have a nice year.
I'm writing a story called Hyoudou Issei and the D&D Beach Trip. I plan to write that on the website Fiction Live for people there. My goal is to share that in a few days... that's up in the air right now.
Just found both your Worm and Star Wars stories, I hope both of them continue for a long time. Keep up the great work! They are very enjoyable to read.
It seems like a major flaw in these "multiverse chat room" type stories is that the author keeps adding new characters, which means less time to the old characters, and part of this is because they have no creativity, so after the "fix fic" aspect on each of the original characters, the authors don't know how to write them
In detective conan, the black organization has its main members code named after alcohols

so why no bud light?
You gain the powers of x-ray vision, hypnotic eyes, addictive body liquids, time stop, mental suggestion, intellect reduction aura, nimble fingers, sensitivity control, but you can't use any of these powers with lewd intent
I hope, perhaps someday, you continue the show fic. If only to find out how a 15 year old Ruby got stuck in a sex show. Which I'm totally into by the way.
apparently "everything is Tokiomi's fault!" is a meme line of dialogue, just like "I can play with these legs for a year"
Rank Up!

[Name: Zam]
[Class: Zamserker]
[Level: 2]
[Strength: F---→F--↑]
[Durability: F---→F--↑]
[Agility: F---→F--↑]
[Magic: F---→F--↑]
[Luck: F---→F--↑]
[Noble Phantasm: F---→F--↑]
[Inherent Skills: Procrastinate EX, Divinity (Loser) F, Madness (Laziness) D]
[Noble Phantasm: Twelve Zams B, Shooting Hundred Zams C-A+]
Heh I got a few snippets being worked on right now in my free time along with the next chapter, it'll take a bit to get through them though since there not priority and I'm only doing one of them at a time
Fakeking have you ever heard about a game called Unicorn overlord? I have a feeling you'd like it since it's like fire emblem but with squads
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I know of its existence, but I haven't checked it out yet
Is there any way to set the alert notifications so I'm only notified when something is threadmarked instead of getting alerts with every little thing in a watched thread?
Idk how Cai Xukun offended so many people by being a Chinese Justin Bieber, but he seems to always be depicted as a petty antagonist in web stories
Also for some reason his name is synonymous with "chicken", "cock", and "penis" online for some reason