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Recent content by Chojin Patriarch

  1. Chojin Patriarch

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    And I am now picturing something truly horrifically eldritch now. Like, I don't know... Cthulu's naughty bits. And if you're now picturing it, I am truly, truly sorry for that. 😨 And I get the feeling they're going to have to poke whatever it is in order to get to the bottom of this... ...So...
  2. Chojin Patriarch

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    I see the orientation briefings went well. Once the more rowdy recruits settled down, anyway. Hopefully they understand more about Humans and their culture now, and can avoid getting into too much trouble around the 'fleshlings'. Not least of which is not using that little insult around them. :p...
  3. Chojin Patriarch

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Ah. So my timing of the Space Odyssey was off. Swamp Thing's already taken one cosmic trip and made it home safe... Safe-ish. This one seems to have been less planned, and possibly instigated by the Dominator's computer design, perhaps... So, looks like the plan is incarnate Gary the Grey...
  4. Chojin Patriarch

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Because little or no mixing of castes for the Dominators. I'm guessing they aren't super-heavily armed, and probably expected to go unnoticed the whole time their experiments are running. Pity OL's properly paranoid about these things. Welp, Swamp Thing might need some therapy once you track...
  5. Chojin Patriarch

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Sensible. And it's clear that it is exactly where OL wants to go, given the drone's reaction. And we have pretty clear confirmation that the Dominators are involved with this, given the technology. Time to welcome the visitors. So, one step closer to sorting this out. Kick some Dominator...
  6. Chojin Patriarch

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Ah, the most amusing part of a new job: orientation. And while a quick data-upload might get the gist of it across, there's bound to be thigns that need to be said out loud, if only to make sure thick former-Decepticon CPUs get it. Quite the motley crew they've assembled. Then again, they're...
  7. Chojin Patriarch

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    I'm still guessing some kind of space-fold thing. How it did so is still a mystery, but we can guess why. Whatever this thing is, it doesn't want them getting away. Though that still leaves us the question of what it is. So... Some 'Aliens' brought the 'Great Mother' here and shoved it into...
  8. Chojin Patriarch

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    And it might not be using eyes to see, after all. It may have all manner of exotic sensory apparatuses to be looking at you with. Especially if it can sense minds, and you two are the closest ones in range. Even worse if it;s hungry. The dimensional flux around it and the giant projection...
  9. Chojin Patriarch

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    And I doubt her suit is fitted with any sort of sanitary recycling systems. Not something that lightweight. I's surprised, though. The ship has no crew facilities at all? What, is the 'cabin' just a tiny cockpit or a small car sort of setup? Then again, she didn't have the luxury of choosing a...
  10. Chojin Patriarch

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    So she runs more to the 'cute robot girl' end of the spectrum than 'lifelike gynoid', eh? Now I can't help but picture her like one of those super-sexy third-party versions of femmes like Arcee and Windblade. With plenty of soft, flexible panels... A nice little moment of interaction with a...
  11. Chojin Patriarch

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    ...Do you just have a danger fetish, lady, or is this a Thanagarian cultural thing? Like, you've locked onto something and now you won't let go until you've run it to ground? Besides, you'll probably have a safer time of things on Earth, instead of following OL. Well, if Bleez wants to come...
  12. Chojin Patriarch

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Given the reputation OL probably has amongst the population of Mars, I can understand the rubberneckers hanging about to watch. If only so they can say they were there when shit went down. Not that anyone's expecting trouble. So, bit of a fizzle there for OL's search. Though his little...
  13. Chojin Patriarch

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Never mind the differences in atmosphere and even gravity. Cybertron is a very inhospitable place, even post-revival, and Earth... Probably seems like a paradise, if not the the fact that it isn't the homeworld. Ah, catching up with old friends and new. And the surprises are just beginning...
  14. Chojin Patriarch

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Ooh, a trip into the Primeverse. Got to love the subtle ways cybertronian bodies are different to organics. Seen a lot of fanfics use things like 'fluffing armour plates' to represent skin-crawling shudders, or 'cycling their fans' for a deep breath and release. Well, she is going to have a...
  15. Chojin Patriarch

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Interesting choice of first contact on this matter, but if he's got one of the largest collections of existing plant life, it makes sense to check if Swamp Thing or Gumbo Man haven't been by. So, a dead end so far on Mars. Not surprising, as Swampie's space odyssey went a lot further afield...