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Recent content by Komrade Comrade

  1. Komrade Comrade

    But a combination of being unreliable and power outages have killed the new chapters ever time...

    But a combination of being unreliable and power outages have killed the new chapters ever time I've started them up. The ZnT fic is my favorite of the things I've written as well. So I won't let that one ever really die. A new chapter will come eventually, unless I actually die in the meantime.
  2. Komrade Comrade

    I have been periodically trying to get back to it, editing all the story posts (check when the...

    I have been periodically trying to get back to it, editing all the story posts (check when the story posts were edited) and then starting on the next chapter...
  3. Komrade Comrade

    Don't worry, I was only pretending to be dead. Probably.

    Don't worry, I was only pretending to be dead. Probably.
  4. Komrade Comrade

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    I think she'll take it in the other direction and suddenly find magical beauty treatments a worthy scholarly pursuit. And oh no, what do you know. A pleasant side effect that was in no way the central point of her studies, she's now very attractive and no longer feels inadequate.
  5. Komrade Comrade


  6. Komrade Comrade

    *Brain melting noises*

    *Brain melting noises*
  7. Komrade Comrade


  8. Komrade Comrade

    (Early AM Sunday counts as Saturday-ish... Probably...) Don't worry, no sleep until it's out.

    (Early AM Sunday counts as Saturday-ish... Probably...) Don't worry, no sleep until it's out.
  9. Komrade Comrade

    The quest resumes! Also, my worries about freezing/starving to death are much reduced with the...

    The quest resumes! Also, my worries about freezing/starving to death are much reduced with the new job.
  10. Komrade Comrade

    I, Immortal (The Vampire Diaries Jumpchain Self Insert)

    It's too bad the plan didn't go off before the drama bomb exploded. And anyways, everyone knows your next jump is going to be an idolmaster/cooking show crossover. Maybe.
  11. Komrade Comrade

    I'd like to keep going, but I recently lost my job. As long as I don't end up homeless or...

    I'd like to keep going, but I recently lost my job. As long as I don't end up homeless or starving to death, it should continue eventually.
  12. Komrade Comrade

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    Both of you turn into girls first. Then it's ok. I guess I can try to leverage my new hat into godlike power in a series of improbably favorable trade ups, seeing as the world has been hit with the transforming magic stick.
  13. Komrade Comrade

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    Be sad at the missed opportunity to become an overpowered protagonist. Also sad at the loss of thumbs. Enjoy new hat. Edit because of new avatar: (Old Avatar was the dog with a communist flag and hat.) Enjoy new body and superpowers. Nobody can stop me from NEETing it up! Maybe turn into...
  14. Komrade Comrade

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    I can't think of anything else it might be, especially opening that portal without the magic book. Maybe Taylor's subconscious is directing QA, or she's unconscious and being puppeted by QA? Maybe QA spawned it's own Zion like avatar and that got empowered? A third party that interfered...
  15. Komrade Comrade

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    They also sting on a conceptual level. But you don't care about that, you care about how the romance dynamics work when nearly the entire hive is female. The love polyhedrons are insane!