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Search results for query: *

  • Order by date
  1. HiMyNameIs_REDACTED_

    Would you bang the avatar above you?

    Give her the JUDGEMENT.
  2. 1eyed1

    Same, I tried to change my email not knowing there was an email issue. Now I am locked out and...

    Same, I tried to change my email not knowing there was an email issue. Now I am locked out and it isn't sending me the email to reverify.
  3. An Everdistant Horizon (Worm/Horizon Series)
    Threadmarks: Seed 1.DUC (End)

    Well here we are, the final chapter of the 1st Arc. Seed 1. DUC (End) Danny Setting his glasses on his desk, Danny Hebert leaned back in his chair, a sigh escaping his lips as he sought relief through rubbing the bridge of his nose. Sitting before him was more paperwork than he had seen in...
  4. Soussouni1

    I Will Touch the Skies - A Pokemon Fanfiction (OC)
    Threadmarks: Interlude - Fallout III

    INTERLUDE - FALLOUT III May 5th 20XX, 9:56PM (Shinwa Time/SWT) - Lily of the Valley Island - Grace Pastel What material were these bed sheets made from? Even after having laid here for two hours, they felt just as cold as they had when I'd first jumped in bed. My back was sinking into the...
  5. OreoMcflurryEnjoyer

    Would you bang the avatar above you?

    Yeah, sure, why not?
  6. Bob is bob

    Got some personal writing done but need to do more with dedication tomorrow

    Got some personal writing done but need to do more with dedication tomorrow
  7. Bob is bob

    How your day Andy

    How your day Andy
  8. SuperPulp2789

    General chat thread

    Gonna have to be around/with some people who these days just get on my nerves just being there or even hearing them I guess part of the reason I can’t stand them anymore is that years before, I didn’t see their true face or really understand how shitty they are At most before, I just felt...
  9. Uzuwo

    I hope you come back with moemon's fic someday. I really like that onex3

    I hope you come back with moemon's fic someday. I really like that onex3
  10. Flippedhouse546

    As long as we get more tfbnsac or the fat bastard never stood a chance I'll be happy

    As long as we get more tfbnsac or the fat bastard never stood a chance I'll be happy
  11. With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Fun story: On an old 640 class Submarine we were doing an Nuclear Weapons inspection. Google tells me that's now called an 'NWTI (Nuclear Weapons Technical Inspection)' but I don't remember that name. I recall NWPI, but may well be wrong, I've been retired for 30 years now. Anyway, I was...
  12. Can I ask a question, what is SD in your comment about politican here ? 'National leaders are...

    Can I ask a question, what is SD in your comment about politican here ? 'National leaders are typically two-to-three SDs above the average citizen.'. Not to mention what does "standard deviation" referred to ...
  13. Crississ

    Currently on road trip with barely any access to wifi. Plus side, just made massive headway into...

    Currently on road trip with barely any access to wifi. Plus side, just made massive headway into A Guiding Hand, hopefully the rest of the chap continues to be peak.
  14. Radiant Knight

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    They don't. They're part of the same weapon family though, but there's a lot of design considerations to being able to be fired from a submarine versus a silo.
  15. Fran Gark

    Attack on Titan: Wolfborn
    Threadmarks: 13 - Reckoning

    Chapter XIII: Reckoning Anja stared at Connie's lifeless form, his body partially shrouded by a blood-soaked sheet. Beside him, Sasha wept, her sobs echoing in the dusty air, tears cutting through the grime on her cheeks. The distant sounds of battle provided an ominous backdrop, mingling with...
  16. Kalaong

    [RWBY] No Victory in Strength (Minecraft Jaune)

    Seriously; does Jaune just bullshit it - people blink and stuff is there, or does he make motions with his arms and blocks appear? I haven't played Minecraft in aaages; has a "cut and paste repeatedly" function been added? One thing in the isekai manga that just makes you 0_0 is Sound like...
  17. ThunderBasilisk

    Pokemon Dark Tidings

    He hasnt camped long enough next to a tree stump yet.
  18. [RWBY] No Victory in Strength (Minecraft Jaune)

    Honestly, I want Ruby to win. Ruby and Jaune are both 'Simple Souls' and they honestly complete each other in ways that the other members of Team RWBY can't match. Heck, Ruby just wants to be friends with Jaune (despite the budding crush she's developing) while Blake and Weiss want to use him...
  19. BetweenTheLines

    XF2 transition feedback

    Bumping a previous post to see if anyone had answers. Especially the first paragraph, since I have been noticing more hosting sites having embedding issues since then.
  20. ZurigaSungama

    That's hella weird. It worked just fine for me just now when I tried it!

    That's hella weird. It worked just fine for me just now when I tried it!