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Search results for query: *

  • Users: Sono
  • Order by date
  1. I'm not getting emails from QQ

    Like others, it's gone to being erratic: some mails get through, others don't.
  2. Daily Crashing of QQ

    I've been getting intermittent 502 errors, and today I got it for several hours. Sites confirmed QQ was down.
  3. I'm not getting emails from QQ

    Same issue, also using gmail. Checked spam, but the mails seem to not have been received at all.

    Needs a threadmark. Looking good so far.
  5. Ponzi (Worm/Celestial Forge)

    Panacea used her powers, hence she counted as a combatant cape at that point. Past that, they're violated often but that's specifically a violation, and remarked as such. They're also applied to Endbringer fights, and the reason Weaver gets a new identity. It's all the rules, working as...
  6. Ponzi (Worm/Celestial Forge)

    And he continues to make terrible decisions while drunk. Or make them while sober, then execute them while drunk. Does he even have a plan for all the money he has? And has he paid back his debt yet? It would be funny if he gets his kneecaps broken for something completely unrelated to his...
  7. Ponzi (Worm/Celestial Forge)

    He remains one of the protagonists with the worst decision making skills. What a breath of fresh air. I wonder if the forge and luck will let him keep outpacing the consequences? I mean, at this point almost everyone knows where he lives, some of his abilities and his identity. And he just...