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Search results for query: *

  1. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    It's never been officially answered but there are two contenders, depending on your view of what kind of mentality Taylor had at the time of naming the team: Bump in the night Break in the n***** Given that Sophia was repeatedly raped, there is some real ambiguity here.
  2. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Two questions, if that's okay. If not, whatever man. Had you decided on the ending's pacing before you posted chapter 1? Are there any fanworks in the Parahumans fandom, or something else that SB/SV/QQ likes, that you particularly hated around the time you first started writing this?
  3. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    If it isn't a spoiler for future chaptets, how long did the round trip take?
  4. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    All of the people who were pretty rightfully upset at Taylor being a psychotic nazi without comeuppance are now... upset at Taylor getting comeuppance..? Somehow? IMO the last couple chapters have been excellent. It's nice to see villains get karmic justice for both their evil deeds and their...
  5. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    What is Shatterbird's soul price?
  6. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Given how hints from earlier took a long time to pay off, I think that maybe you're planning to write Bonesaw cutting Taylor into pieces and making a combo cape with bits of Taylor, her foetus and some or all or none of the capes Taylor has gained powers from? Because we've never really had a...
  7. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Nobody else is asking so, uh, any chance of getting a flashback smut or divergence smut omake on NSFWCW?
  8. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    My god, the only way you can have this much trouble with the horrible team name is if you have never had to tolerate racist assholes on the internet. If so, I'm kinda envious.
  9. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    I do think that this story is lacking convincing characters with non-fascist perspectives but c'mon guys, are you seriously expecting any version of Theo to have the experience, rhetoric and intellect to fill that role? Theo? Taylor's gonna get her cosmic (or given the earlier poem, divine?)...
  10. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Who says that the part alleging that wasn't just a situationally gullible Taylor being lied to?