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Search results for query: *

  1. Xilph

    The Ascendance (Original, Superpowers)

    [X] Meditate on the Flow. Feel how it ebbs when you slow down time. Learn how it surges when you enter it. Know the Flow. So basically what Redeath had, only without the part that might get us dumped in the original Jurassic Park by accident. Could be worded better but it is basically just...
  2. Xilph

    The Ascendance (Original, Superpowers)

    I've put a lot of thought into the different ideas of time travel, plenty enough to poke at anything to see the possible implications for this. Anything from unchangeable timelines to Back to the Future to the many styles of Futurama is out there with different possible ways to screw up in all...
  3. Xilph

    The Ascendance (Original, Superpowers)

    It's quite possible that we're already protected by virtue of precog immunity making our our position in time inherently volatile and how it inherently makes the timeline non-deterministic so just being here naturally screws up everything. At least it has the possibility to, there are two many...
  4. Xilph

    The Ascendance (Original, Superpowers)

    Well that was unexpected, setting change surprise and all. [X] Ask him why he thought attacking a brand-new, only one day since Ascension, Ascendant was a good idea. -[X] Ask him what he knows about Ascendants. Since you are going to have to get you and him back, you need all the information...
  5. Xilph

    The Ascendance (Original, Superpowers)

    Why? Serious question but what is the point of conquering the world or trying to? It's much more effort for next to no extra reward, revolutionizing every field of science there is and doing it for heroic reasons would be much more cost effective for results and give basically the same results...
  6. Xilph

    The Ascendance (Original, Superpowers)

    No one wants to help the world through science? Because being a superhero just feels so inefficient, plus really dangerous considering we know nothing of the possible opposition and are a giant beacon for any form of precog anyway thanks to our chaotic timeline thing.
  7. Xilph

    The Ascendance (Original, Superpowers)

    [X] No matter what, you wanted to help people. -[X] If we could understand how our powers worked we could do amazing things, science and study would be the most helpful to humanity. Science! Really though I could go into it but with temporal manipulation from an unknown source studying it and...
  8. Xilph

    The Ascendance (Original, Superpowers)

    Pretty sure time travel to several hours in the past in a safe and easy manner is not a day one skill, just guessing here but that would likely be correct.
  9. Xilph

    The Ascendance (Original, Superpowers)

    [X] Experiment more with your powers. -[X] Before/After School We can choose both right? Extra experimenting and all that, no need to experiment at school yet, lots of potential witnesses and all.