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Search results for query: *

  1. redaeth

    The Ascendance (Original, Superpowers)

    [X] Meditate on the Flow. Feel how it ebbs when you slow down time. Learn how it surges when you enter it. Know the Flow. And let it take you home.
  2. redaeth

    The Ascendance (Original, Superpowers)

    [X] Ask him why he thought attacking a brand-new, only one day since Ascension, Ascendant was a good idea. -[X] Ask him what he knows about Ascendants. Since you are going to have to get you and him back, you need all the information you can get. Information first. Then we can decide on what...
  3. redaeth

    The Ascendance (Original, Superpowers)

    [X] Become one with the flow. Because invisible text is always the interesting option.
  4. redaeth

    The Ascendance (Original, Superpowers)

    [X] Maybe ask about it online? Trying to search about it would probably be useless, but asking if there were others like you... -[X] Look up recent crimes with weird things to them, and recent vigilantism of people in masks. People with super powers might try comic book stuff.
  5. redaeth

    The Ascendance (Original, Superpowers)

    [x] Experiment more with your powers. -[x] Skip School Time powers. Neat.
  6. redaeth

    The Ascendance (Original, Superpowers)

    [X] Art [X] Aeon. Instance. Eternity. Voyage. Hmmm, yes [X] Jessica South [X] Petite, dark skin and long dark hair kept in a loose braid. Dark brown eyes. Prefers loose clothing over tight ones.