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  1. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    IIRC the conversation between Amy and Gallant has Amy describe her issues not as a desire to do more to help people, but a sense of helplessness and pointlessness to her actions and that she doesn't really want to help people anymore but feels forced to do so.
  2. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    Amy being evil does sort of unintentionally hint at the idea of morality being genetic.
  3. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    A lot of Amy's stuff in Ward seems to be WB deliberately trying to make her as unpleasant as possible. Either to justify his earlier writing choice of having her sent to the Birdcage or to piss off fans of her's.
  4. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    Personally I was hoping for more insight into what Victoria and her family were like prior to the whole "Flesh monster" thing, but that doesn't seem abundant in the story.
  5. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    ...That's exactly my point. Some of those things work in small doses or as background details, but whole sections of Ward, especially toward the end if I've been informed correctly, are all about fighting villains across whole dimensions, dealing with the frankly stupid shard's thing, and giant...
  6. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    I was initially excited by the idea. Having a story set in the Wormverse that focused on a group of heroes dealing with the fallout of Golden Morning sounded really interesting. I quickly stopped when I remembered just how shitty Wildbow was at times and he seems to have actively gotten worse...
  7. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    I thought it was that Armsmaster should have known that Taylor would have used lethal doses of poison on Lung and the tranq would stop his regen?
  8. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    What are we even arguing about any more?
  9. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    And we have no evidence that AM didn't treat him for bee venom. It's just a very different treatment than Brown Recluse venom.
  10. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    But AM doesn't know that. Thus he likely assumes that she was bringing things like bees to the fight.
  11. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    Except she explicitly states that this was all an accident. She wasn't planning on fighting Lung and only did to prevent him from hurting people. So to AM her using venomous spiders is like her taking a gun and just lucking into shooting someone that wears a bulletproof vest.
  12. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    On accident, not purposefully. I mean Taylor wasn't really using lethal force since we know Lung would have lived, but she was effectively using a lethal weapon on someone. Even a few bites by Black Widows can kill someone, and she had several. It's like shooting Wolverine, yeah he's not going...
  13. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    Or she could have said "I attack him with insects" and he figured she meant wasps and such, or she could have mentioned spiders and it didn't occur to him that she meant lethal spiders, seeing as it seems a bit unlikely that someone claiming to be a hero on their first night would use something...
  14. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    Why? Why would you assume that?
  15. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    He sort of does: So Taylor walks through the basics of the fight but seems to never mention the spider venom. Which makes sense, as far as she could tell it was totally useless on Lung. Still she told him what happened.
  16. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    Point of order, Taylor's poison did jack shit to Lung prior to the tranquilizers being introduced. Bitch and her dogs were the ones to bring Lung down. They tore him apart, than AM showed up. To him it wouldn't look like Lung fell down from some unknown source. It'd look like he was mauled by a...
  17. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    No she asked to be Caged. No one else even thinks of it. They say she can either unmask to SS which Taylor rejected or face jail time. She says she'd rather go to the Birdcage than unmask to SS.
  18. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    It could have worked as is if the story was built around something other than life or death fights. Like make it a moral struggle, and a real one. Have Taylor go through a Walter White like fall to the darkside. Where she becomes more obsessed with building a criminal empire for personal...
  19. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    I think Dinah was a major misstep in the story, or at least presenting her as more or less perfect in her prediction. Part of that might be my dislike of prophecy in fiction, but having a character that can outright tell people what will happen I think is real hard to pull off at the best of times.
  20. volantredx

    Worm and Ward discussion and debate thread

    I assume since he's stated the end goal was always Golden Morning that it was all just what was needed to set that up. I've seen someone suggest that the story should have ended on Emma's interlude since it brings Taylor's story full circle, shows that even the character people hate the most had...