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  1. Prince Charon

    Complete Detachment (Star Wars Prequel SI)

    That's pretty standard mod behavior on SB and SV... mostly SV.
  2. Prince Charon

    Complete Detachment (Star Wars Prequel SI)

    Reminds me of one of the vague Star Wars AU ideas that I think I've seen, which was a partial fusion with Dune (planets with spice production were hotly contested in the clone was, and Luke might have had blue-on-blue eyes). Not sure how much of that description is from something I read, and...
  3. Prince Charon

    Complete Detachment (Star Wars Prequel SI)

    B1s all have practically the same personality, though, and you can have a simple personality without full sapience.
  4. Prince Charon

    Complete Detachment (Star Wars Prequel SI)

    She was at the Second Battle of Geonosis, and probably killed at least one Geonosian there. I tend to agree with you that her experience is atypical, though. I suspect that most Jedi during the Clone Wars killed few or no organic sapients (or sapient droids, for that matter) directly, and...
  5. Prince Charon

    Complete Detachment (Star Wars Prequel SI)

    This part I agree with. On an absolute scale, the B1s are smarter than smartphones, but I agree that they don't really give the impression of sapience, just of limited VIs with a presumably-cheap personality overlay.
  6. Prince Charon

    Complete Detachment (Star Wars Prequel SI)

    I'm starting to wonder if Palpatine remembers that he's Darth Sidius, because otherwise this is a hell of a risk to take, even for him.
  7. Prince Charon

    Complete Detachment (Star Wars Prequel SI)

    Great for SW-smutfics (though I'm surprised that I haven't seen any that I can recall with that premise) not so much for other types.
  8. Prince Charon

    Complete Detachment (Star Wars Prequel SI)

    Same. I could honestly see this Obi-Wan going Sith in a really cold-blooded way (which would likely destroy Olana, psychologically), and as Selias notes above, Mace Windu is at serious risk of falling just from using Vaapaad.
  9. Prince Charon

    Complete Detachment (Star Wars Prequel SI)

    Yeah, but the implication of Silverbullet's comment was that both genders were social with the same gender, but extremely hostile with the other outside of mating. That's kind of unusual.
  10. Prince Charon

    Complete Detachment (Star Wars Prequel SI)

    Yoda apparently agrees with you, and you're both right. Badly? IIRC, there are some solitary species on Earth in real life that avoid each other and are violent toward others of the same species outside of mating season, but I'm having difficulty thinking of examples, and I think they're...
  11. Prince Charon

    Complete Detachment (Star Wars Prequel SI)

    I would think very carefully about it, and look for alternatives, but if I could not find a better option, I guess I'd have to. On another note, is Partha Nillis a canon character? She's pretty disturbing, but sadly not implausible. I wonder if she'll be expelled from the Order and end up...
  12. Prince Charon

    Complete Detachment (Star Wars Prequel SI)

    Huh. Maybe the Jedi were aware of this, and that's why they tolerated Anakin's canon behavior circa AotC.
  13. Prince Charon

    Complete Detachment (Star Wars Prequel SI)

    Anakin is starting to learn patience from this, it seems. That's a very good thing.