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Queen of Blood (Worm/Castlevania) (Complete)

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Originally posted on Spacebattles. Placing it here for a backup version and for more exposure...
Awakening 1.1
A/N: I got into Worm recently, and I freakin' love it. Unfortunately, I own nothing of it or anything else that even looks vaguely familiar. I love the versatility and imagination of the powers on display, and thus I couldn't help but hop in myself. Kudos, Wildbow, kudos!

And since I'm a Castlevania fan (both classic and Lords of Shadow continuity), I had to get this out somewhere. There's going to be elements of both in here, but nothing truly concrete.

I know it's been ages since I've posted anything here, but, hey. I've lurked. And lurked. And lurked. I figured it's about time I stretched my creative muscles a bit, again. And holy crap, nine years since I posted anything? Yeah, this is overdue. I gotta kill my old muse, excuse me.

Yeah, LoS2 was somewhat disappointing, but there was good in there. Probably all the more disappointing because of that. If it had been a complete flop, it wouldn't linger.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. (Locked)

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Locked)

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow portal. Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Can also draw things from the Plane of Shadow. (Locked)

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.

Bat summon: Army ahead of me? I'm going to summon a few thousand bats. Police bothering me? I'm the goddamn Batman. (Locked)

Monster form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims and brings about an absolute chill. (Locked)

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. (Locked)

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but preferred. (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.









Rage cold enough to freeze Hell itself. Hatred hot enough to sear every world that nestled in the heavens.

Power enough to reshape a world. The will to see it through.


I looked back and forth down the hall, trying to keep my head down. A chill whipped through the air, making me shiver, reminding me of the stickiness that covered me. It froze against my skin, making everything just that much worse. I shuddered away from the thought, but I couldn't help but be constantly reminded of it.

One moment, I had been in the locker, screaming, crying, begging for help. Laughter, their laughter ringing in my ears. The next....something twisting in space, far larger than I could comprehend. Raining pieces of itself down on the Earth, one coming for me, and then...something made of darkness and flame. And then this cold hall.

Was I dead? I wasn't expecting the afterlife to look like this. I sure didn't feel dead. I felt too miserable to be dead. So where the hell was I? I didn't know of any place like this in Brockton Bay. It never got this cold, there. Winters weren't exactly fun, but this was on another level.

I stumbled as I moved along the hall, the cold stone floors chilling my feet even through my shoes. Torches hung on sconces, warming things somewhat, but not enough to make things exactly comfortable. Even if I hadn't had so much toxic waste covering my legs.

At least the bugs covering me had quickly scattered or died in the chill. A small part of my mind was keenly aware that I would be joining them if I didn't find somewhere warm. And soon. My muscles ached, the exertion of my struggles to escape the locker, and I knew I'd just traded one predicament for another.

Stopping by one guttering torch, I basked in the feeble warmth it offered, before I pulled it out of the sconce and moved onward. Turning a corner at the end of the hall, I perked up as I heard the faint sound of falling water. Carrying the torch, I felt my way down the corridor, stepping carefully over the loose rubble that covered the floor.

I came to a pair of wooden doors, the designs on them intricate. Carved with golden dragons, in combat with much smaller massed knights. I pushed on the door, already dreaming of the chance to get warm.

It didn't budge. I let out a wracking sob. I was beginning to suspect doors everywhere hated me in particular. Along with everything else in the universe. Ever.

I screamed with rage and hit it, feebly, and the door jostled, opening a crack. Inward. I felt foolish, I hadn't even thought to try pulling on the rings of the door's handle. The roar of rushing water growing louder. Even better, heat and steam flowed from the crack between the doors, and in almost desperate need I pulled it open.

Before me lay an ancient bathhouse, a large pool resting on the far side of the room. The steam rising from the pool called to me, and I dropped the torch, the flame guttering as it bounced on the stone floor before it rolled up against a wall. Desperately I shed my clothes, not wanting to feel the sticky mass of congealed vomit on me a moment longer, the desire to get clean overriding all sense. I dropped my glasses atop my clothes and slid into the pool.

The heat of the bath soaked into me. I let out a gasp of pleasure and relief, closing my eyes as I no longer felt so horridly, horribly filthy. I didn't have anything unsoiled to work with, so I scrubbed my skin with my hands. I was vaguely aware of the filth coming off my legs, the clotted, rotting blood staining the water around me.

I nearly fell asleep there, in the pool, the blessed heat filling me, contrasting with the chill that had sapped so much of my strength. I lay there at the edge of the pool, feeling my strength return slowly, when the air began to taste....different. Coppery.

I opened my eyes and let out a scream. The steam was now stained a deep crimson, and the pool was filled with blood.


I awoke to face....nothing. It was utterly, completely dark. I started gasping as I flashed back to the locker, covered in insects and filth...

Only to scream as I realized I was still trapped in the dark. I could feel something soft surrounding me, but behind that softness was a hard barrier. It lay in all directions, and no matter how much I struggled, pushed, or kicked, there was no sign of it giving under my efforts. The only good part about it was that I had more room than in the locker.


Had to get out. Had to get outoutoutouthadtogetout!

The world twisted sickeningly, and then I was dumped onto cold, wet grass. The streetlights seemed to blaze nearly blindingly after that sudden shift. Oh, it was raining, too. Apparently even the weather hates me.

....who was I, again?

I was...I was...a slab of stone caught my attention.

Here lies Taylor Hebert

Beloved daughter

June 19, 1995-January 7, 2011

Oh. Oh hell. That brought a lot back.

I looked down at myself. The cold rain soaked through me, but it didn't hurt. Just made things leaden, unfeeling. I lifted my hands to see I was wearing a dress. A dark, black dress. I'd never worn it in my life.

The answer smacked into me like a baseball thrown by Alexandria. It was a funeral dress. That meant the space I had been in was...was....my coffin. I'd somehow shifted myself from inside my grave to on top of it.

I let out a scream to the uncaring sky.


Brockton Bay wasn't exactly the best town to grow up in. The house I grew up in was in rough shape, built back....I actually wasn't sure when. There was a coal chute in the basement, though, designed to heat the whole house, though it hadn't been used anytime I could remember.

...and why was my mind focusing on these details? Right, because I'd been standing here, in the pouring rain, at night, looking at my house. For at least half an hour. Every part of my mind that wasn't running on its own weird tangents was consumed by one thought.

What would happen if I walked up and knocked? Would my dad still be there? Would he be happy to see me? Would I frighten him half to death? Would I frighten him TO death?

My fingers trembled.

Regardless, I didn't see any good options. Steeling myself, I walked up to the front porch. I tried the door, and it was locked. Of course it was locked. I just needed to get my key....

Which was definitely not on me. I nearly broke down, tears welling up in my eyes. I walk away from my own grave and my house's front door is what makes me break down.

Okay Taylor. Think. Thinkthinkthink.

I walked around the back of the house, hoping to see if there were any lights. Any sign of life inside. The back door's latch had always been a bit finicky. Not quite 'open it with a credit card' but with the right jostle and just enough pressure, I could get in. That had been helpful when the Terrible Trio had stolen my keys, once.

I jiggled the doorknob, then pushed upward on the door and put my body weight against it. I kept jiggling the knob, waiting for the tell-tale click of the latch releasing, and...

The door swung open with a crack. I blinked as I looked at the doorframe. I'd completely broken it.

What the hell happened to me?

There was a whistle of something coming toward me, and it smacked right into my side. I let out a cry of pain as I fell to the floor, as the attacker advanced on me, baseball bat in hand.

It was my father, Danny Hebert, and he held the bat with both hands.

".....dad?" I managed to croak out. My voice barely sounded human, rough and raw. But it was enough to make him pause, his eyes widening.

"Taylor?" He managed to whisper in the darkness, his voice filled with a dreadful, horrible hope. We both froze for a few long seconds as his eyes examined my face, as I examined his. He was thin, pale. Nearly emaciated. All of his body fat was gone, and his muscles were thin, reedy. His mouth opened and the bat shifted as he tightened his grip on it.

Finally, he managed to speak. "Whoever you are, you've got a lot of nerve wearing her face."

I made a small cough as I pressed my hand to my side, where he hit me. Funny. It didn't even hurt now. The cough was more habit than anything. Desperately, I spoke. "Remember what you said to me, after Mom's funeral?"

He paused, anger and grief filling his face, the bat twitching in my direction.

My voice cracked as I made the words. "You said 'I know nothing is going to be the same now, kiddo. It may never be just okay ever again. But no matter what, I'm here for you, and I love you.'"

The bat slipped from his grasp, clattering on the floor.


Hot tea warmed my hands as I held the cup. My dad sat in a chair, facing me as I sipped from it, shivering and shuddering. The cold didn't seem to really effect me, but the warmth was pleasant, at least. His eyes were filled with pain and hope. He looked broken. I...felt exactly the same way.

At least I'd managed to get something to wear other than my funeral dress. Under the light, it was plain it hadn't held up too well. Splotches of discolouration where it had begun to rot. I hadn't noticed in the rain. Jeans and a t-shirt, that was much more....me.

Okay, I wasn't exactly very flowery with my descriptions, here. Give me a break, I'd just walked away from my grave today.

Dad's voice was rough as he spoke. "I kept your room just as it was since..." His voice caught, tears in his eyes. "They pulled you out of that locker, Taylor. It was the most horrible thing I'd ever seen. You were..." Deep pain filled his eyes.

I sipped from my cup, a lump in my throat. I shuddered as I remembered it. For me, it had just been a few hours ago. "I screamed, begged for help. I remember being laughed at. Then...I was in the graveyard. I just...came home." I swallowed hard, tears flowing freely. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, dad. I'm so sorry..."

He gently took the cup from my hands, setting it aside before he wrapped me in his arms. I sobbed into his shoulder, the well of emotions too much for me to handle.


I was in The Castle again. This time I was there almost the second my head hit the pillow.

This time, though, I wasn't cold. At all. Huh. Apparently The Castle didn't just sit on a mountain, it sat on a volcano.

How could I know that? Well, the streams of lava going around everywhere was a pretty good sign. You didn't need to be a vulcanologist to know that molten rock meant volcano.

I guess my dreams are weird. I wonder why I keep dragging up this kind of thing.

So here I am, in an enormous cavern that held immense equipment, the kind of thing a medieval smith would make for his forge, if he happened to be a mad Tinker too. There was a mould casting leaning against a crumbling brick wall that would have worked just fine as a wall to my entire house. It looked like it was for a sword. If Godzilla ever needed a sword.

Next to the casting looked like the entrance to the forge proper, and I felt interested in taking a look inside. There was just one little problem. The river of lava between me and the other side of the cavern.

And since, apparently, I couldn't fly like Alexandria in my dreams, I would have to find a way over there. This little ledge I found myself on wasn't exactly comfortable, and the heat was oppressive. Though I knew that in real life just being this close to lava would have cooked me to death already.

The ledge was small, and thin, but it did circle around the cavern. The light from the molten lava below was enough to make it easy to see, if a bit bright.

I'd like to say I confidently walked over the ledge with the confidence of Eidolon facing a street-punk. What I actually did was hug the narrow ledge and shimmy over, crawling on my stomach, keenly aware of the heat flowing over my arms. Still, I couldn't help but feel a little thrill, both of fear and excitement.

Well, I did once want to be Indiana Jones' sidekick when I was a little girl. I probably would have been less irritating than Short Round, anyway.

I stopped as the ledge came to an abrupt end. I carefully looked up. Wait a bloody minute. This ledge went all the way over there! I could see it clearly from where I started!

Stupid dreams. Hey, wait a second....

Carefully, I felt my way forward, putting my hand over the edge of the ledge. I wasn't feeling so much heat, there. I lowered my hand, and...solidity! It actually felt like granite.

And I couldn't see it. Creepy castle has an invisible bridge. Well, invisible ledge. This made no sense. But, hey, dream. What did I know?

So I kept bravely (timidly) striding (crawling) over the invisible bridge. Finally, I was on solid and visible ground, and I got to my feet.

I walked carefully into the forge, taking a moment to enjoy the smell of treated leather, hot iron, oils and sweat. All right, it wasn't a pleasant smell, by any means, but there was something primal about it.

A flicker of shadows caught my eye, and I turned to see another chamber. The room was circular, and resting on a pedestal was a black orb, smoke and shadow writhing around it. It was almost hypnotic, and without thinking, I reached out and took it in my hand.

There was a shock, and sudden heat flowed up my arm. It didn't hurt, but it felt like every muscle in my arm had tensed up to nearly the breaking point before it relaxed. The shadowy orb rested in my palm, and I breathed with excitement. It felt good. Like I was holding fragment of pure power in my hands.

The orb suddenly cracked open, dark red blood flowing over my hand. I could feel it curling around my skin as if it was alive, my body readily accepting it. In a mere moment, my hand had what appeared to be a gauntlet made of shadow and blood. It seemed to be just begging to be used.

On instinct, I turned and cut the air with the gauntlet, and a long stream of glowing red shadow extended outward, forming a whip that easily shattered the pedestal the orb had rested upon.

I couldn't help it, I giggled. I really, really liked this. A moment's concentration, and I could feel the blood coursing through my veins, responding to my will. Freaky, but cool.

"....aylor? Taylor? Can you hear me?"

The Castle faded into crimson mist around me, and I opened my eyes.


I awoke on the couch, my dad watching me. He looked tired, worn, but at least somewhat more content. As my eyes opened fully, he gave a gentle smile and pushed my hair from my eyes.

"Morning, kiddo."

I gave him a weak smile. "Morning, dad. Were you awake all night?"

He looked tired, bags under his eyes. I rose from the couch, taking his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. He gently kissed my forehead in return. "Yeah. I was afraid that if I did, when I woke up..."

I nodded slowly. "That I'd be gone when you woke up." I pulled myself together, the feeling of my blood rushing through me helping to calm my emotions. "How long was I...?" I trailed off, not knowing how to finish my question. Dead? Only mostly dead? Pining for the fjords?

Dad's voice cracked as he hugged me. "Three months. It's April 4th." He gently stroked my cheek. "How did you come back?"

I shuddered. "Dad...I think something happened to me in the locker. I think I'm a parahuman. Last night, I just...woke up in my coffin. I'm not sure how I got out of there."

Dad listened patiently as I described everything. The bullying that started a year and a half ago, Emma's sudden turn from my best friend to worst enemy. How I was afraid of bringing any of it up to him, knowing how hard it already had been under the weight of Mom's death. How I had hoped my three tormentors had finally gotten bored of making me miserable, only to be pushed into my own private hell.

All the while, Dad's face had gotten more and more cloudy. Danny Hebert wasn't a very violent man, and he had a long temper. But when something happened to push him into rage, it was a thunderous, terrible rage. The kind of anger that would give any gang leader in Brockton Bay pause, if only for a moment.

Considering all of those were parahumans, that said something.

He surged to his feet and overturned the coffee table, everything on it scattering all over the living room. He spent a long few minutes ranting as I shrank into the couch, my eyes wide with fright.

Dad caught my expression and slowly, carefully reigned himself in. "I should have guessed something when Alan moved away a month later. 'Job opportunity in New York,' my ass."

I managed to crack a small smile. Of course he'd move to protect Emma. It was horrible, but it was also understandable. You do what you can to protect your daughter. Even if she's a murderer.

An odd thought crossed my mind. If I was resurrected, did that make her an un-murderer? I shook my head as I spoke. "We need to...do something, dad. Sooner or later it's going to come out that I've come back. I'd rather not get drafted into the E88."

Dad nodded. "This afternoon, we'll take a trip to the PRT building." He winced. "They'll probably want to run tests...even these days, a resurrection is something unusual. There's other explanations they'll probably look for, first." He held up his hand as I opened my mouth. "I believe you, kiddo, I know you're my daughter. But we'll have to prove it to them. Somehow."

I sank into the couch, sighing. "I'm not sure how. I guess they can just do a paternity test or something..."

He gently squeezed my hand. "We'll figure something out, okay?"

We shared a hug. It was all I could do to keep from bursting into tears.


The sun was bright, nearly painful as my dad drove toward the PRT building downtown. I kept having to shade my eyes from it, grimacing. I could feel my skin tightening, hurting on every inch of it exposed to the light. It was almost as if the sun had a grudge against me, personally. To try and stave off the effects, I pulled my hood up over my face. It still hurt, but at least it wasn't so torturous.

Besides, compared to the dark, I almost preferred it. When it was too dark, I kept on remembering what it was like inside my locker. And my coffin. Both at once, sometimes.

As he pulled into the PRT parking garage, I let out a sigh of relief. Dad shot me a look of concern, but I gave him a smile and he smiled back, if a bit weakly.

"Time to face the music." He said, his voice filled with false cheer.

I just blinked, managing only to shake my head. We got out of the car and walked into the front entrance. I looked around with interest. It was a wide open room, several pillars near the back walls and hallways, with none up front. My eyes spotted several sprinklers and nozzles in the ceiling. Some of them looked to be the ordinary fire sprinklers, but the other ones weren't familiar to me.

I somehow knew I was missing something. Something I'd learned about a while ago, but just couldn't bring it up. Then I blinked.

"I can see..." I whispered. I didn't have my glasses on, hadn't even thought of them since I woke up in my coffin, and yet my eyes were clear. All right, superpowered laser-eye surgery!

My dad shot me an odd look as we walked up to the receptionist, a pretty, thin blonde. She was obviously there to put the best face forward on the PRT. Made sense.

"Welcome to the Parahuman Response Team headquarters for Brockton Bay. How may I help you today?" She said with an astonishing amount of perkiness. How much coffee had she had already?

Dad managed to return the smile. "Danny and Taylor Hebert, for one O'clock." I managed to make a small nod. Stupid shyness.

She took a moment to look at her computer, and gave a nod and a smile. "Excellent. You're expected." She tapped a button on her intercom, and spoke. "Greg, Heberts for one here."

"Got it. Be there in a moment."

Danny and the receptionist shared an awkward smile as I fidgeted. The light pouring in from the front windows made for a nice view, but it wasn't comfortable for me. I'd be happier once I got inside an office or something.

A pleasant-looking young man came from the back halls, giving us a friendly wave. When we approached, he smiled at us. "Hello there, Daniel, Taylor. I'm Greg Landers, and I'm supposed to escort you to the interview room."

My dad nodded, gesturing. "Please, lead the way."

Greg led us through the building, bringing us to a plain room. I noticed more of those nozzles in the ceiling. We both sat down while Greg pulled his phone from his belt, making a quick text. He gave us a grin. "Armsmaster should be here shortly. Please, make yourselves comfortable."

We nodded, then Greg walked away. I gave a nervous smile to my dad, and he gently patted my hand. "It's all right, Taylor, things are going to be okay."

I appreciated the sentiment, even if he was lying. Things hadn't been okay for a long time, now.

The door opened, and in strode Armsmaster. He didn't have his iconic halberd with him, but that didn't matter. In his blue and white armor, the man probably had a hundred little gizmos designed for just about everything.

He didn't offer a hand, just a curt nod. "Mister Hebert." He looked to me, though I couldn't see his eyes through his helmet. I could just barely see his mouth through his beard. "And you claim to be Taylor Hebert."

Anger surged through me as I got to my feet. I'm being accused of this, now? "I am Taylor Hebert."

He paused for a moment, his lips curving into a frown. "Miss, please calm down. I'm here to help. We just need to verify a few things."

Memories came in a rush. Putting in documentation to the school staff about being bullied, hoping for change. Being ignored. Everything coming down to pretty-girl-says with friends against me alone. Never being believed or having any backup at all.

I saw red. There was a flicker of movement at my side, but I didn't notice much with my gaze on Armsmaster. "Verify? I ended up dead because the fucking school wouldn't verify that I was going through hell. Because all they listened to was the popular girls, and not the 'problem student.' Know why I was a problem student? Because I was attacked every single day! By Emma Barnes, Madison Clements, and Sophia Hess."

Armsmaster had been shifting slightly as I spoke, but he froze at that. "Are you sure?"

My anger turned into a tide of white-hot rage. He doesn't believe me. Nobody ever believes me. They always said I was lying to get attention. And one of the heroes I looked up to as a kid was just like them. "Are you calling me a liar!?" I was moving forward before I knew it, my hand tingling.

Armsmaster rose his hands, taking a step toward me, closing the distance.. "Miss, please, if you don't calm down, I'll have to restrain you."

This little gnat presumes to give me orders? "Don't tell me to calm down!"

Armsmaster grabbed my wrist, and on instinct, I flicked up my arm. A red streak flicked from my hand, slashing against Armsmaster's chin, making him stumble back as his lip was suddenly bleeding.

I looked down at my hand, my forearm covered in the shadow-gauntlet. I froze in surprise.

I looked up to meet my father's eyes. Danny's eyes were wide with surprise and fear.

Fear of me. My dad was afraid of me.

That snapped me out of my anger, the irrational rage replaced by horror.

An alarm sounded, then suddenly the nozzles in the ceiling swivelled. I let out a shriek of surprise as they started spraying a foam all over me. I tried to move, but it quickly hardened. I became all the more frantic as the foam began covering my face, cutting me off from the light in the room. I began to panic as the world was cut off from my senses.

Please let me out! I won't tell anybody if you let me out! Pleasepleasepleaseplease......

There was a rip of displaced air, and I was free, right in front of Armsmaster. He stumbled back in surprise, before he began reaching for his belt.

I moved on instinct. I had to get out. They were going to push me back in the locker where I'd be bitten and stung and I'd cry and...I pushed him against the wall with all my strength, and he slammed into it, hard. Turning, I raced back the way we came, tears flowing down my face.

My dad was afraid of me and they were going to lock me inside a box again! Nononono!

The nozzles that held containment foam aimed my way, and I instinctively zigged, zagged, and dodged as they sprayed. Once I reached the front entrance, I could see the sunlight being cut off as metal shutters started coming down. If I could just get through those doors, they couldn't put me back in a box!

Ten feet from freedom, foam managed to tag my leg. I fell to the floor as it hardened, panic overcoming me as they covered me completely, now they had a stationary target. I screamed through the foam, the feeling of being enclosed yet again scaring me. Not again not againnotagainnotagain!

There was another sickening twist in the world and then I was seeing, and standing again, right before the front doors.

The front doors that were now sealed shut by the shutters. I hit them in my panic, knowing freedom was inches away. I clawed and scratched at the shutter, doing negligible damage, trying my best to do something, anything to get away from these people who were trying to lock me away in the dark again.

A group of four PRT troopers approached, carrying what looked like flamethrowers. It wasn't, though, as they began spraying more of that containment foam at me. I shrieked. As if in response, the world twisted again, and suddenly, I was outside, blinking, then whimpering as the sunlight started irritating my skin.

I turned and dashed across the street, deftly dodging as a car came to a screeching halt just in front of me. I ran as fast as I could, knowing that I'd likely be caught if I couldn't pour on the speed. I'd be hemmed in on foot rather quickly if I couldn't get twisting twirling screeching avoid hard surfaces find space dodge red eat bug avoid tree claw bird and....what?

How the hell did I get on the rooftop of a building three blocks away?

And more importantly, how do I get down?


A/N: Just thought I'd try something I hadn't seen before. If there's interest, I'll keep on posting it here.

Bonus points for anyone who can guess just what happened when Taylor's point of view went insane (well, more insane) at the end, there.
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Awakening 1.2
A/N: Since it was asked for, here goes.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Locked)

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow portal. Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Can also draw things from the Plane of Shadow. (Locked)

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.

Bat summon: Army ahead of me? I'm going to summon a few thousand bats. Police bothering me? I'm the goddamn Batman. (Locked)

Monster form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims and brings about an absolute chill. (Locked)

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. (Locked)

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but preferred. (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Certain things. Castlevania vampires tend to have certain powers and weaknesses. LoS ones are a bit different. Usually, there's no reflection for example. However, Taylor wasn't sired the usual way, so there are some things she lacks while other things she gains. Immediate understanding of powers, no. Immediate control of powers, no. She's a bit different, just because she's the founder of a bloodline.

Now here's the thing. There are parahumans out there with stronger powers. With the Drac package, though, there's an absurd amount of versatility here. Alexandria's stronger, tougher, and smarter, Noelle's harder to kill, Sundancer's deadly, even Clockblocker's power is stronger in its own way, basically telling the universe for a little while 'This thing here is absolute for ten minutes.' There's just....uh, a ton of them.


Okay. Apparently, I've gone and hurt one of my childhood heroes, traumatized my father, pissed off the PRT and got myself stuck on a rooftop in the middle of downtown.

What am I going to do next? I'm going to Disneyland!

I giggled to myself. I knew I was messed up, considering everything, but I just had to keep going. Not like I had much other choice, here. And I had to get a handle on my new abilities, whatever they were.

I didn't want them to catch me. They were going to put me back in a box. The very idea of a tiny space made me sick. I shuddered, trying to breathe. I felt like every nerve was dialed up to eleven, everything bombarding me all at once. I got away once but I was lucky.

My emotions were bouncing all over the place. What's wrong with me?

I looked down at my hand, flexing and relaxing it. With a twitch of thought, my hand was covered in that shadow-gauntlet, and with another twitch it vanished again. Apparently, I'm now easily amused. Twitch, it's back! Twitch, it's gone! Look Mom, I can do magic! Tada!

I bit my lip and brought the gauntlet back, slashing at the air with it. As in my dream, an arc of a glowing red shadow slashed outward, following the motions of my hand. With a thought, I could harden it, make it into a solid stick, but that took effort. It seemed to default to a whip. It acted easily when I slashed it about as a whip. Call me Mistress Pain!

Well, I wasn't going to complain. Since when did parahuman powers make any sense, anyway?

Okay, now, how do I get down from here? There was a roof door, but it was locked. Maybe I could get down the same way I got up? I tried to concentrate on that weird sensation, of having dozens of eyes and points of view simultaneously.

And waited. And waited. My leg itched.

How had that worked? Okay, maybe the other method? I got out of my grave by wanting it, out of the hardening foam when I wanted it, and out of the PRT building when I wanted it.

I concentrated on the next rooftop over, which was, at least, closer to the ground than this twenty-story building. I want to be there. I want to be over THERE and not HERE. Let me be there. Now? How about now? NOW!

The world twisted. Good news, I now knew how my teleporting power worked.

Bad news, I was now in midair, over the alley between the buildings. I yelped, turning and trying to reach out for something, anything, to catch on, only to miss the side of the building by a few inches. Then I smacked into the ground.


Well, on the plus side, I was in the shade now. And I was on the ground. The sun hurt my skin with every second of exposure, and the light hurt my eyes. To have some relief was welcome. It wasn't anything I couldn't withstand, but the shade was like a soothing salve.

Funny, the pain was fading rather quickly. I cautiously opened one eye, then both. I got a nice, clear view of some of the accumulated trash that littered in the alley. Ew. But, hey, alive! Maybe it cushioned my fall?

I slowly rose to my feet, frowning as I realized there was about an inch of trash on the ground. No way it could have absorbed enough energy for me to not splat. And yet, here is me, unsplatted. Guess I was tougher than I looked.

Which, admittedly, wouldn't be hard. I was a stick insect masquerading as a girl.

And, well, clothes ruined, again. Not as bad as last time, but still sucky. But....how had I survived that? I carefully felt my face, and didn't feel anything broken. I didn't even feel hurt, now. Though I was feeling hungry.

Scraping off my clothes as best I could, I walked out of the alley, wincing as I entered the sunlight again, trying to decide where to get something to eat. I groaned in annoyance as I realized something.

I had no money. At all.


Well, I guess it was time to steal from those who deserved it.


Finding Madison's house wasn't too difficult. There were only two Clements in the phone book. And the first one apparently lived in the more successful neighborhoods. Since Madison went to Winslow, she wasn't likely the upper-class Clements. Middle-class, maybe.

So, here I was. Hungry and bored. Bored and hungry. Here I am, Taylor Hebert, nascent superhuman, and the first thing I wanted to do was break into Madison's house, pull her out by the hair, hold her up to the cops and force her to give a full confession.

Instead, I teleported inside her kitchen and raided her fridge. Besides, Madison wasn't home yet, anyway. She was still at school. I could drag her out into full view by the hair after she got home.

I made myself a sandwich. Turkey, mayo, cheese. It was good. But not satisfying. I felt like I was craving something the turkey lacked. It filled, but my hunger remained. I guess I'd just have to try and find out what I was craving.

I rifled through her possessions. She had a nice room, showed either she or her parents had good taste about nick-knacks and such. And apparently, she collected little unicorns. And little stuffed toy dogs. It was almost disgustingly cute.

While I was here, I helped myself to some of her clothes. She helped kill me, the loss of a few clothes would be tiny, tiny, tiny recompense. I wasn't going to steal her best dresses, though. I could never pull off looking good in those. Or being comfortable. Besides, they weren't my size.

Instead, I stole a jacket, a sensible shirt, and a pair of jeans. I had to steal a belt, too, because her hips were wider than mine, but, hey, I wasn't planning on keeping these forever. I was just really, really, really tired of having garbage all over me.

Then, I went digging for dirt. I didn't have any hope that her phone would be here, so I looked for her diary. Nope. Either she didn't have one or she had it somewhere else.. So I tried her computer.

Ha. She didn't use a password to login from home. She did have one on her email, though. I tried to get in, but just couldn't guess it. I even checked under her keyboard, in case of it. Oh well. I tried. I shrugged, shut it down, then looked out her window and teleported into her backyard.

Another teleport and I was in the next yard. Again and I was on the next street.

Nice timing, too. Police cars rounded the corner ahead, moving toward Madison's house. Either I set off a silent alarm or the PRT was sending out a description of me possibly moving onto my bullies. Probably to try and protect them. I...found myself not caring, much.

I didn't feel any desire to kill them. I wanted them to suffer. Killing them would end that. I'd settle for seeing them lose everything they hoped for. Their futures for my life. If I hadn't become a parahuman, I'd be dead. Still had been for three months, apparently. I saw what the effect had been on my father, and that angered me over anything else.

That kept giving me shivers, actually. Dead. Gone. Kaput. Then not.

I tried to put it out of my mind. I didn't actually experience the time, at least. It was like taking a nap. A nightmarish nap.

I looked down to see the shadow-gauntlet on my hand writhing. Whip Gauntlet? Shadow Whip? Whatever. With a shake of my head, I dismissed it and headed for the docks. I needed some time alone.


I watched the sunset over the city. Unfortunately, Brockton Bay couldn't get a good view of the sun going down over the water, but I bet the sunrise would be nice from here. Only way we'd get a sunset over the water here, like in all those movies, would be for the Earth to spin backwards.

Still, as the darkness rose, I let out a sigh of relief as my skin stopped protesting at the light. Blessed, soothing darkness rose over me, and I simply basked in the growing night. I felt....good. Hungry, but good.

Rising to my feet, I looked upward at the rooftop of a nearby warehouse. With some practice, I was beginning to figure out the limitations of my teleportation. Roughly twenty feet in any direction, as long as there was space for me to move into. Not exactly far, but with a bit of practice, it could be devastating. Thoom, thoom, thoom, and I was on the rooftop. It was making me even more hungry, but I felt the need to move, to prowl, to hunt.

Feeling energy flowing through me, I took off running, leaping from the edge of the roof to land on the next, then the next, making jumps I'd have never even considered trying before. I nearly lost myself in the feel of it, my grace inhuman.

I made another leap high into the air, exulting in the freedom....and had just enough time to realize I'd misjudged. Instead of coming down on the metal roof of the next warehouse, I was going to come down on a skylight.

Before I could call up my teleportation power to redirect to the roof, I crashed through the glass and slammed into the concrete floor below.

Ow again.

I put my hands to the ground and looked up.

Ten men looked back at me. All Asian features, blocks of white powder sitting on tables, money on other ones.

Ah, crap. An ABB warehouse. Lovely.

We all stood still for a moment. Well, they stood still, I lay there in surprise. Then one of them let out a yell, knives and pistols springing into hands. Instinctively, I teleported behind the line of the first few rushing toward me, calling forth the Shadow Whip. I flicked my hand around me in a circular motion, and the glowing red line of the whip arced around me, slicing low.

It impacted the legs of five of the men, smashing hard, ripping through clothing and scoring flesh rather easily. They fell to the ground, screaming. I didn't have time to consider as guns rose in my direction.

In a flash, I was behind one, slamming my left fist into his side, my right hand grasping the arm that held his weapon. With a sudden jerk, I broke his forearm, the gun clattering to the ground. As he screamed, his friends turned toward me, and I hurled him at one, the pair falling to the ground in a tangle of limbs.

Then I was shot. Repeatedly. The bullets tore through Madison's jacket, slamming into me with ease.

I went down, gasping. It hurt, not as much as I thought it would, but it still felt like someone was hitting my chest with a sledgehammer. More bullets hit me, and I went still, the world growing hazy. My hunger rose, but I felt I could barely move.

Feet shuffled up to my side, and I managed to blurrily see three of them around me, pointing their guns. A surge of rage flowed through me. These insignificant gnats would dare?

The anger gave me the energy I needed. I exploded off the floor, kicking the one right in front of me in the chest, sending him flying back in a howl of pain. The last two shot me again, pushing my rage, and my hunger, to a breaking point. I tackled one, putting my hand on his throat, instinct driving me as I leaned in.

Desperately, he shoved his wrist into my mouth, and I bit down.

Warmth. Delicious. Soothing. Powerful. Orgasmic. I felt complete, whole, strong. I sank my teeth deeper into his wrist and drank the flowing blood greedily. He was beneath me, screaming as I feasted.

Another bullet hit me, and I broke off, looking at the last gang member. I grinned, licking my lip as I savored the taste of blood in my mouth.

He turned to run, I tackled him like a leaping lion grabbing a gazelle. I sank my teeth into the first bit of exposed flesh I could find, his shoulder, and lapped at the wound. I was aware of his screaming, struggling beneath me to get me off of him, but it just seemed irrelevant. I held him down easily, despite the fact I weighed about half of his own mass.

I broke off as I felt his heart begin to slow, getting to my feet as I took stock. Every gang member was on the floor, whimpering, crying, clutching at wounds. My whip had sliced the first five men's legs to ribbons, while the other five were disabled. Broken legs, arms, bleeding from the wrist, from the shoulder.

I leaned over my last victim, ignoring his flinching, his attempts to get away. He was weak from blood loss, feeble. I knew if he didn't get help soon, he would die. He still might even with help. I quickly searched him, finding his cell phone and activating it.

This fellow was sensible, it had a passcode to unlock it. Luckily, this model of phone needed no code to call emergency services. I may have despised gang members, but I didn't want them dead.

"911 Emergency."

I spoke quickly. "Trace this call, I don't have the address. You have ten gang members down at this location. They have various injuries. Broken bones, blood loss. It's a drug warehouse. Send police and ambulance services."

These idiots may not have deserved help, but I wasn't going to be like my tormentors. Even with my new powers.

"Are you a cape?"

I debated what to say. I shrugged and put the phone on a table, leaving the line open. I could faintly hear the operator trying to get my attention, but I ignored the little voice. I spent a few minutes to rip the gang members' shirts to make makeshift bandages to slow the bleeding, for those who were bleeding. Which was most of them. Then I took off Madison's now-ruined jacket, tearing it apart to make makeshift bindings.

At this rate, Brockton Bay was going to run out of clothing in a month, the way I kept wrecking them.

As I heard sirens faintly in the distance, I knew I had just a few minutes. Taking a look at a stack of money on the table, I shrugged and grabbed it, heading for the doors. Could use some cash, and it wasn't like these people deserved it.

"Stupid white bitch." One of the gang members spat. I stopped, looking over my shoulder. It was the one I'd bitten on the wrist.

"Lung is going to burn you, you little bitch. You're fucking dead."

I smiled faintly in amusement. "Story of my life." Thoom. I was outside. Thoom again, I was on the roof opposite the warehouse.

I waited just long enough for both the police and ambulances to arrive, then I thoomed a few more times. I could feel the hunger within me, but it was faint. Guess I know what I was craving, now.

I took a seat on an apartment building's rooftop, looking out over the city. From here, it seemed nearly peaceful. Idly, I licked my fingers, tasting the drying blood on them. Now things were beginning to fit. My parahuman powers made me a vampire. I was a vampire. Vam-Pire. Vaaaampire. I ran the word around in my mind, both amusement and worry washing over me.

Was that what was wrong with me? I couldn't remember being this high-strung, this quick to anger. Was it my powers or what I'd been through, or both?

I couldn't really dwell on it.

I looked down at myself. The shirt I'd 'borrowed' from Madison was pockmarked with bullet holes. My skin beneath them was unbroken, despite the dried blood around them and the rather distinct memory of being shot. I had to try and figure out what else I could do. Control my blood, teleport, regenerate....drink blood. I knew some part of me should be horrified, but I wasn't. Maybe I was twisted in the head to start with. Or maybe it just felt...right, when I would have gagged at the thought a week ago.

Carefully, I put my thumbs onto my canine teeth, then focused. They lengthened and sharpened. I relaxed, and they retracted. Fangs, no fangs, fangs, no fangs.

I summoned the Shadow Whip, flexing my mind over the blood that made up some of its substance. It was my blood, but it was more than that, somehow. I simply didn't have the words to describe the feeling to myself. Since it responded so readily, maybe I could do more with it.

The blood hardened between my fingers and I flicked it. The makeshift dagger flew through the air, burying itself in the gravel of the rooftop before it faded into wisps of smoke and shadow, returning to me in a thin stream. I grinned and tried it again, and again, and again. It took some effort, and my aim sucked, but I had freaky blood-daggers!

Well, if I was going to be a vampire, I may as well take the good with the bad.

And there was a lot of bad, here. My dad was afraid of me. Afraid of me. I'd hurt Armsmaster and the PRT wanted to drag me in. They probably wanted to hang me by now. I'd almost prefer that over being locked up in any small space. I felt my whole world was over. More over.

But....maybe I had a small chance. Just enough of one to make sure this time, I'd be remembered.

Summoning the shadow-gauntlet again, I examined it under the faint light. I wonder...maybe I could make it stick around, some way, without me having to bring it out? It might help my clothing problem.

My blood sang through my veins as I called upon it, bending it to my will. Blood flowed from my skin, curling over my arm and solidifying, turning into a dark crimson bracer. I tapped it with my left hand, grinning. It even felt like metal, but it was lightweight. It also felt like part of me.

Which made sense. It was my blood. I shrugged to myself, looking to my left arm, repeating the process. Giggling with a weird, demented glee, I stood up, looking down at my body, forming the image of armor in my mind.

That was a bit harder, but a breastplate formed, rapidly solidifying. It made me a bit more hungry, but at the moment, I didn't care. Testing myself, I felt I could move in it easily enough, the material somehow flexing to my desire. Another minute's concentration put red leggings on over my jeans, a testing punch against it telling me it was as supernaturally strong as the breastplate.

On a whim, I decided to try something. The hunger grew as I consumed more of my reserves, but out of shadow and blood formed a black cloak with red lining, hanging over my shoulders and falling gracefully to my feet. Better yet, I could feel it as if it was part of my body, and it responded to my will. I could do that whole flapping in the breeze thing with no breeze! I spent a minute or two doing just that, giggling to myself.

The last part, I bit my lip as I considered, feeling a sharp fang press against my lower lip. Huh. Guess they come out on their own when I'm feeling peckish.

Most heroes and villains wore masks. Even some of those with public identities had masks. Having one would not just help me fit in the parahuman community, but would also help identify me as a cape outside of it. People listened to capes, whether hero or villain. I wanted to be listened to. I wanted to be more than I had been.

Almost without thought, it formed in my hands. A dark red helmet, the mouth visible, (just in case I needed a snack). The front of it was decorated with a roaring red dragon, the wings of the beast sprouting off the helmet itself, forming 'ears' if looked at from a distance. The mouth of the decoration was open, a fleck of gold in it, as if it was breathing fire.

I slipped the helmet on, and I felt...complete. I grinned, licking my fangs as I looked over the city.

I giggled a little. I knew I was an emotional mess. At the moment, though, from here, I was riding high.

Look out, Brockton Bay. Here comes Crimson.



Well, it'll do until I come up with something better.


Edits: Little more detail, little less Batman monologue at the end.

Power list now in spoiler.

Roughly how she looks. I can't draw, but I can play Skyrim and take screenshots:

Interlude: Armsmater, Piggot, Dragon
And what the PRT's thinking. Oh boy.


"So," Director Emily Piggot spoke, her fingers folded as she sat behind her desk. "We apparently have a new cape and a mystery on our hands. What do we have so far?"

Armsmaster took a moment to mentally review his notes, based on what had happened. His lip was healed, along with his other injuries, thanks to Panacea. "First, we were contacted by her father, one Daniel Hebert. He claimed his daughter had returned from the dead." He took a moment to bring up the relevant data on his tablet. "Taylor Hebert, found dead of a heart attack in her locker at Winslow High. She'd been trapped inside with...biological waste. Her body was partially consumed by insects."

Piggot frowned. "I remember reading about it in the newspaper, investigations turned up nothing of substance, and only one student who was willing to admit he even met Hebert. There's currently an investigation by the city over this into Winslow's staff."

Armsmaster nodded. "Autopsy was performed by the BBPD, confirmed the diagnosis of heart attack. 'Frightened to death' was in the notes. Funeral took place two weeks later."

Piggot shuddered. "Christ. That's a trigger event if I ever heard one."

"Indeed. Which makes what happened this morning concerning. They came in at one, and I was tasked to meet them. On Daniel's description over the phone, we were concerned we had a Master, Stranger or Changer trying to affect him, possibly to get at the contacts in the Dockworker's Union, or to try and get at the accounts. They don't have much, but some of those try and stay low, doing what they can to not get much attention. I was already collaborating with Dragon, so I asked her to help identify this possible parahuman."

A voice spoke over the speakers, a slight Canadian accent coming through. The voice of Dragon, renowned as the World's Greatest Tinker, at least after Hero had been killed by The Siberian.

"When they walked inside, I pinged her on the facial recognition software. She matched Taylor Hebert's class photos from a year previous to 94.347 percent. The differential is within the margin of error, considering she lacked her glasses."

That made Piggot sit up. "So either it's someone who can change themselves to resemble someone else, but doesn't need glasses, or her power fixed her eyes."

Dragon's voice agreed. "Indeed. Still, that reduced the probability of her being a Master, such as Heartbreaker, by enough that I deemed it somewhat safe for Armsmaster to meet her in person. A Stranger would get past the first protocols, while a Changer would, theoretically, be able to pass facial recognition software regardless of our efforts."

Armsmaster nodded then, tapping the side of his helmet. "My helmet has a digital display, which would keep me from being affected by some of the less-powerful Masters on record. It also allows me to detect when someone is lying. It isn't perfect, but with the right statements, I can get to what someone believes is true and investigate from there." He tapped his tablet, showing Piggot. "File Hebert, 04/04/2011."

She started the video file, a screen on the wall lit up, showing the recording of the encounter from Armsmaster's helmet.

The point of view dipped. "Mr Hebert." It swung to face the clearly nervous young lady at his side. "And you claim to be Taylor Hebert."

The nervousness was replaced by anger, the irises of her eyes turning red. "I am Taylor Hebert."


A pause. It was only through Piggot's long relationship with Armsmaster that she could detect the undercurrent of surprise in his voice. "Miss, please calm down. I'm here to help. We just need to verify a few things."

Her face darkened with rage. Fangs grew outward, her canine teeth sharpening even as she spoke. Mister Hebert noticed, his eyes widening as he instinctively pulled away from Taylor.

"Verify? I ended up dead because the fucking school wouldn't verify that I was going through hell."


"Because all they listened to was the popular girls, and not the 'problem student.'"


"Know why I was a problem student? Because I was attacked every single day! By Emma Barnes, Madison Clements, and Sophia Hess."


Piggot paused the recording. "That's horrid. If there's any truth to this at all, Shadow Stalker will likely be tried as an adult. She'd get life, at the least."

Armsmaster nodded. He didn't say anything. Not simply because he wasn't social. Simply because there was nothing to say.

She restarted the recording.

Surprise and concern in Armsmaster's voice. "Are you sure?"

Taylor's agitation visibly grew, her eyes visibly and literally glowing. "Are you calling me a liar!?" She moved forward, her hand erupting into a mass of black and red energy.

Armsmaster rose his hands, placatingly, and also preparing for violence. "Miss, please, if you don't calm down, I'll have to restrain you."

"Don't tell me to calm down!"

Armsmaster grabbed Taylor's wrist, trying to keep the possibly dangerous mass on her hand in check. She flicked her hand, a red streak flowing outward, and the camera viewpoint stumbled as Armsmaster fell back, a small grunt of pain reaching the audio.

Taylor froze then, staring at her hand. Piggot froze the video. "Her expression....she's surprised. Surprised she hurt you?"

Dragon's voice came over the speaker. "It's my opinion that she's surprised she could do that. As if she had no idea she even could do that. At the time, however, I missed that. Armsmaster was injured, so I activated the containment countermeasures."

The screen split, showing things from the point of view of a surveillance camera in the corner of the room, as well as showing Armsmaster's point of view. They began running in sync.

Taylor was frozen for a precious few seconds, then she looked at her frightened father. The containment foam sprayers activated, covering her, a shriek audible. The stuff was Dragon's design, a marvel of chemical engineering, able to hold down even mid-level brutes and yet porous enough for someone to breathe through it. It was an invaluable tool.

In a few seconds, the Hebert girl was completely covered in the foam, the stuff quickly hardening into a resin. Armsmaster's point of view shifted, taking a step toward the encased Hebert girl.

Only for the air to ripple and distort, Taylor flashing into existence in a burst of red energy, just outside the encasing foam. As she pushed Armsmaster up against the wall, Dragon paused the video, freezing things as they got a good look at Taylor.

Her eyes were glowing a blood red, fangs came down from her lip. She also looked utterly, completely terrified.

Dragon's voice was...cool, but with definite concern coming over the synthesizer. "I've seen that kind of look before. On kids just picked up from a fresh trigger event. I don't think she intended to hurt anybody. She moved to escape afterward, and didn't even attack the PRT security team who tried to stop her at the front door."

Armsmaster spoke. "She had her trigger event three months ago. That doesn't apply."

Dragon retorted. "If she's telling the truth, then from her point of view, she had her trigger event yesterday, and being restrained is a reminder of that. Given how dangerous powers can be during such incidents, leeway is usually granted for all but the most dangerous cases. I think we can extend Miss Hebert the benefit of the doubt, considering her actions."

Piggot raised her voice then. "Well, regardless, this could have been handled better." She held up her hand as Armsmaster opened his mouth. "You did fine considering the information we had. However, your opening approach had things tense from the beginning. We need to figure out the next step from here. She's a teleporter who does not need line of sight. Depending on her limits, that alone could be extremely dangerous."

Armsmaster nodded slowly. "Point taken. At the moment, we've given her a few tentative ratings. Mover 4, if her teleportation ability is as limited in distance as it seems. Not easy to contain, but if it's by a few feet, it's possibly manageable. Changer 2. Apparently, that gauntlet weapon is made from her own blood." He tapped his chin, where the cut was healed. "We took a sample of it before Panacea healed me."

Piggot straightened in her seat. "Checked for infections?"

"Of course, clean bill of health. If it wasn't for the biological concerns, we wouldn't have bothered her."

Piggot let out a sigh. "Good. Last thing we need is a cape who can spread plagues. The Nine are bad enough."

Armsmaster grunted. "Agreed. Tentative Brute rating, as well. She's strong, more than her size and mass would indicate, but not much more than humanly possible. Brute one, at least. We're also considering a regenerator rating on her Brute status. Theory goes she triggered in the locker and went into some kind of metabolic stasis. We'd have to get further testing, and that we can't do while she's at large. "

"Well, we'll have to see about bringing her in. In the meantime....your equipment says she's telling the truth about Hess. If Shadow Stalker's truly responsible for what happened in January, then it's our responsibility to fix it. If she's not what she seems, however, we can't just clamp down on Shadow Stalker without evidence."

Dragon's voice came over the speaker. "What do you have in mind, Director?"

Piggot rubbed her lip, considering. "First thing, we compare the blood sample she inadvertently left with us to Daniel Hebert. Secondly, we check her gravesite. If her coffin is empty, that's telling, though not necessarily proof in the matter. We check the other two she mentioned, Clements and Barnes. We look for any documentation there might be about who was bullying Miss Hebert. If we, and the police, can find out exactly who put her in that locker, we can slam them for attempted murder." She made a wry smile. "Or perhaps successful murder, if it really was Taylor Hebert put into the ground."

Armsmaster nodded. "And the Wards?"

Piggot shrugged. "We inform them of a new, unknown teleporter cape. Tell them to call us in if spotted, not to engage or even speak with her. I'll want Miss Militia to make contact if possible. She's more likely to get a positive response at this point, I think. As for Shadow Stalker, place her on monitor duty for as long as we can without her getting suspicious. If I have to, I'll send her to guard duty in a Simurgh quarantine zone. But until we have solid evidence of her actions, we leave her where she is. If she's guilty and catches wind, she'll run. If not guilty, we'll apologize." She smiled faintly. "I doubt she'll accept it graciously, but that's all she'll get."

Awakening 1.3

Don't worry so much about where in the timeline the castle comes from. Forget the timeline. What's more important is there IS a castle. There are elements of both here. Don't worry about specifics. Castlevania is a fluid thing, after all.

Taylor Hebert, newly risen vampire:

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. (Locked)

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Locked)

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow portal. Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Can also draw things from the Plane of Shadow. (Locked)

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.

Bat summon: Army ahead of me? I'm going to summon a few thousand bats. Police bothering me? I'm the goddamn Batman. (Locked)

Monster form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims and brings about an absolute chill. (Locked)

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. (Locked)

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but preferred. (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.


Brockton Bay was different by night. Even more different with my new status as a vampire. The night air seemed clearer, somehow. Or maybe that's just because my eyes weren't hurting from exposure to the sunlight.

Part of my mind was rolling around in laughter at the thought. I'd become an actual vampire. Oh, there's been capes out there kind of like me. Not too many who got a lot of publicity, mind, because the governments of the world didn't want to panic people. There was enough panic out there from certain maniac capes. Not to mention the Endbringers.

Hell, Lung could turn into a metallic dragon that only got bigger, tougher, and stronger the longer he fought. And apparently, I'd ticked him off. Or will have ticked him off, if he hasn't gotten word yet. I only stole a couple thousand dollars. And sold out a stockpile of drugs and money to the police. And gnawed on two of his men.

Okay, if I were him, I'd be pretty ticked, too. All the more reason to find somewhere nice to nap. Somewhere safe. Well, as safe as one could be in the same city as a dragon-man who probably wants you dead. Which wasn't much.

Lung was famous (or infamous) for going toe to toe with Leviathian and driving the Endbringer off. Thankfully, he didn't have the ability to control that transformation at will. Otherwise, we'd probably consider him a fourth Endbringer.

I shrugged at the tangent my mind was on and shook my head. First of all, I needed to get something to eat. Since apparently I could enjoy food, but it wouldn't actually fulfill the hunger pangs, I needed blood. And since I didn't want to become a wanton murderer or piss the PRT off even more than I had, I needed to find a way to get some without hurting anyone. Or at least, not hurting anyone who didn't deserve it.

Where's an Empire-Eighty-Eight member when you need one? I wouldn't feel too bad if I snacked on a Neo-Nazi.

Maybe I can buy a lot of raw steaks? Well, okay, cook them a little bit, as the idea of cold, bloody steak was only somewhat appetizing. Huh. My new tastes were weird. Still, it was the blood itself that seemed appealing. Like an utterly divine dessert that was hearty and meaty at the same time.

I considered my dilemma as I walked down the empty street. Where would I get steaks at three in the morning, anyway? On top of that, I'd have to sleep somewhere. The thought of sleeping during the day was growing more appealing, but even now, I was feeling somewhat tired.

Well, maybe I should reverse my priorities for the moment. Rest, then food. I could buy a lot of raw steaks when the stores opened.

I considered my options. Couldn't go home. Dad was scared of me. The memory of him cringing away from me was fresh and raw. Plus the PRT probably wanted blood for me attacking Armsmaster. I didn't really intend to, but I couldn't see them listening to me. Nobody did before.

Couldn't go to a decent hotel. I'd need ID, and I didn't have that. Even Winslow's crappy student IDs I lacked, on account of being dead for three months. Didn't want to go to a bad motel. The Locker was still fresh enough in my mind. And most of those rooms were small. I was pretty sure I'd hate small spaces for at least the next twenty years.

And of course, I didn't have any friends' places to crash at. Even if I had, they'd probably run in the other direction on seeing me. Hello friend! I'm back from the dead! Can I borrow your couch?

I decided to take a page out of the Merchants' playbook, at least for tonight. Find a warm dark hole and sleep there. Let's see....the Ship Graveyard. The remnants of Brockton Bay's once-booming shipping industry. There was bound to be a ship cabin I could sleep in, even if it was barely habitable.

So I turned and started running the way I came, trying to test my limits as I went. I could run faster than I had before I changed, and was definitely stronger. I half-wondered if I could move like some of the capes I knew about, flying or running at Mach speed. More, for some of the high-tier ones. Maybe I could pull a Velocity?

Faster. I leaped over a car, springing off a curb, going into a roll and getting back to my feet in an easy, smooth motion. I grinned ferally as I put on more effort. I felt I could do more.

Faster. My legs pumped smoothly as I ran through the street, my wake scattering litter behind me. More.

Faster. I ran five steps off a wall before leaping off of it, getting enough distance in the air to soar over two parked cars before hitting the ground again. I landed on my feet, cat-like.

Faster. I jumped again and clawing air circling around tasty bugs sounding out TREE TREE wall there water rust bite bite bite sing out claw CAVE and landed on a shipwreck, breathing heavily in excitement.

That was a rush.

I remembered how it felt a bit more, this time. Dozens of pairs of eyes, mouths, wings. Being dozens of bats at the same time. Seeing more through sound than through light. It was an utterly alien experience. It was also awesome in its own way. It was difficult to steer or control, but it was simpler when I had a destination in mind, if only in some general way. I wanted to find a ship to rest in, I-as-bats found a ship to rest in.

I experimented a few times. Flash to bats on one side of the ship, reform as Taylor a second later. Screech, screech, screech. Still, it was disorienting. It would be helpful, but not that pleasant.

Gathering my thoughts, I looked around the rusted shipwreck. It wasn't huge, but it seemed familiar. Like I knew this specific ship, somehow. Then I remembered. The Foam Dancer, a fishing boat. It was one of the first ships to get beached here, before there was such a thing as the Ship Graveyard.

Weird how bats-me had picked this one. I guess it just looked comfortable to them. Me. Whatever. I shrugged to myself and found a corner of the cabin that would be shielded from the sun come morning. I'd rather not be woken up by my skin being irritated. I folded my cloak over myself and closed my eyes.


The sound of the waves was soothing. I rose to my feet, stretched and smiled. Not even a sore muscle. After all the exertions of last night, I expected some soreness. Though considering how I seemed to heal, that's a bit of an odd perspective in retrospect. It probably helped that I had been sleeping in a comfy, comfy bed.



I blinked a few times, taking stock of where I was. This time, I was in an opulent bedroom, the walls made of stone. The crackling fireplace in the corner provided a lot of warmth to the room. The bed I had been on was a huge thing, easily four times larger than a king size bed. If one was inclined, they couldn't have a pillow fight here, they could have a pillow war.

That thought gave me a pang. A half-remembered memory of having a pillow fight with Emma when we were ten. Another memory tainted by the last year and a half.

I looked myself over. I was in a soft, silken set of sleepwear. It looked fabulously decadent, and I never would have been able to afford it. Not without winning a lottery. I looked to a wardrobe in the corner, shrugged and went to open it.

Well, someone had good taste, if a bit old-timey. There was various dresses that would fit in a Victorian painting. I liked them, but I felt they wouldn't suit me.

The wardrobe rippled, and suddenly before me was a set of jeans, red t-shirts, boots. And sitting behind those was the entire set of armor I had crafted out of my own blood.

Okay. Freaky dream. Well, it was The Castle in my dream, so I shouldn't be so surprised. Still....why was I coming up with this place? It somehow felt familiar and yet alien.

I slid the sleepwear off, replacing it with the clothing provided. I simply touched my armor, and the substance of it obeyed, flowing over me to form itself on my body. I grinned. No need to mess with straps! My powers were convenient sometimes. If that wasn't just my dream-logic coming up again.

I stepped out of the room, giving only a momentary glance to the golden dragons decorating the bedroom door. I strode down a corridor, much like the first time I'd dreamed about this place, only this one was in better condition. And warm. An open door waited at the end of it. Outside was a peaceful lake, the waves coming in slowly, giving the gentle sloshing I'd first noticed.

It was a dark, beautiful night, the stars twinkling in the sky. I had no trouble seeing, despite everything, but it seemed as if the colors were washed out. I turned to glance back at the way I came.

The Castle loomed. I was just beginning to glimpse just how large the place was. If it wasn't shifting around in dream-logic the whole time, it and its grounds covered the whole of the mountain before me. It was warm where I was standing, but I could see snow at the peak, decorating the very apex of the tower at the top. This wasn't just some castle. It was a medieval metropolis.


I looked over to see a figure at the edge of the lake, skipping stones across the water. I shrugged to myself, walking over to her.

She had spiky black hair, a short black tank top and black leather pants on. Combat boots rounded out the attire, and she had necklace with a silver skull on it resting on her chest. She gave me a mischievous smile, tossing another stone out into the lake. "Finally! You took a while to get up and about, you know?"

I blinked. "I did?"

She grinned. "Yep." Emphasizing the P at the end of it. "Three months down. You weren't even stabbed by the Vampire Killer or anything. Well, I guess I can't blame ya. It was your first time, and that's always special. Good to meet you face to face though, Taylor."

I frowned as I searched my memories. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I know you."

She shrugged with good humor. "It's fine. I know everybody. I meet everyone once. Some privileged few, I meet more than that. Not too many, though. I'm actually kind of like you. I've had one actual friendship. Kind of sad, really." She sighed wistfully. "There are people who've fondly told me of their lives as I bring them to where they belong, those who wail and try to bargain with me. Not something I enjoy, but, well, I've got a job to do."

I opened my mouth, then closed it, then got my thoughts in order. "I'm....sorry? I don't understand."

She let out a laugh. It was actually rather pleasant. "Sorry, sorry. I'm having way too much fun with this. I'm called a lot of things. Most of them unpleasant. Depends on where you go. Here's a few favorites, though."

She suddenly shifted form, turning into a skeleton wearing a black robe, hovering above the shore. A sharp scythe spun in the skeleton's hands. "DOES THIS SUIT YOUR EXPECTATIONS?" The voice rang in my head, the skeleton's jaw moving, but there was no actual sound.

The form shifted again, taking on the shape of an older man, still fit and strong, with a short white beard, wearing a black suit, casually smoking a cigar. "This, I usually take among the more stuffy fellows. They don't tend to be very welcoming when I arrive in my more...at ease self."

I swallowed hard. "Death."

He grinned. "Indeed, indeed. You are a bright one, despite the baggage. He chose well." He took a moment to tap his cigar, smoking from it with a smile. "These things will kill you. I should know."

I couldn't help but crack a smile. "You're...not quite what I expected."

Death laughed at that. "Perhaps not. It doesn't truly matter. For me, this is a little past-time. A little hobby while the rest of me is doing what must be done. I'm sorry, but it isn't something I can properly explain. Analogies fall so very short that there's little point."

I nodded slowly. I didn't understand, not really, but I couldn't really argue anyway. "So....are you here for me?"

Death shook his head, grinning. "On the contrary my dear, on the contrary. I am here to welcome you. Since Castlevania herself isn't quite able to just yet. You're only able to visit her in your dreams right now, and that is simply not enough for her to do everything she can." He made a small shrug. "I am afraid that is more my old friend's area of expertise than my own."

"I...thought all this was just a dream."

Death smiled, a gentle, fatherly way. "Far from it. I could explain, but you won't remember all of it. You're not all here, and for you to retain everything, you must be here in flesh as well as in spirit."

I swallowed, hard. "I'm afraid you've completely lost me."

He smirked in amusement. "You'll find out, soon enough. He will make sure of that, one way or another. I believe you have an appointment to keep."

I frowned, trying to keep my voice steady. "What the hell are you talking about?"

He laughed again, but somehow, I didn't feel offended. "Don't worry. You'll see." He snapped his fingers, the lake, the shore, and the castle gates began to fade into crimson mist.


My eyes snapped open. Light was shining in from the open door of the Foam Dancer's cabin.

It was faint, but I could see it. Fire was rising in Brockton Bay's docks. Even as I watched, another gout of flame roared up.

I concentrated and exploded into bats.

Whirling twisting HEAT claw up bite screech seek hunt find attack CRUSH.

I reformed on a rooftop, overlooking the street as warehouses burned. A ten foot tall burning figure chased four others, riding on large creatures. They were desperately trying to stay ahead of him, but their avenues of escape were being cut off by lobbed flames. While the burning figure threw flames at the riders, the four riders were acting increasingly desperately. As the burning figure rose a hand to throw a wave of flame, one of the riders, a man in white, flicked his hand, and the figure's aim suddenly jerked, throwing the flame into a long-defunct shipyard.


He dares name himself a dragon.

The Shadow Whip flowed into existence on my hand, and I teleported into the air over and behind Lung. I slashed the whip into his back even as I came down, and he staggered with an inhuman roar of rage. My feet landed on the ground, and I exulted in the rush.

He turned, his features distorted as he looked at me. He tilted his head, taking in the boiling appearance of the Shadow Whip on my hand. "Ooo. Rave ting." You. Brave thing.

I must be insane. This was Lung.

He dares challenge me.

My eyes narrowed, and I charged. He attacked with a wave of flame, and I slid around it frictionlessly over the ground, lashing out with the whip. It carved through scales and flesh easily enough, but even as I drew my hand back for another slash, he was healing.

Still, the whip caused him pain. He jerked with every slash. With a yell, he came at me, throwing punches, the air blistering with intense heat. I wouldn't have been able to withstand it before. Now, it hurt, but it didn't make me back away. I slid around the first punch, flowed backward from the second, and caught the third on the gauntlet of my Shadow Whip. With my left hand, I slammed him in the face, my hand burning with pain. And also, literally burning.

He opened his growing maw and clamped down on my hand, eliciting a scream of pain from me.

So that's what that feels like.

My arm was burning as Lung poured his pyrokinesis into me, feeling the flesh cook inside my armor. I unfurled the Shadow Whip and slammed it against his neck. Once, twice, three times. He let go and staggered back, but my situation hadn't improved much. He was now twelve feet tall and his flames were growing brighter, hotter.

Suddenly, we were blanketed in darkness. I couldn't hear anything, see nothing. I was slammed to the ground, heat washing over me. I teleported twenty feet straight up, then again to a rooftop before I could fall more than a foot.

Darkness washed over the street, blanking out all vision of what was happening below. Lung suddenly leaped out of the darkness, his features more draconic, wings beginning to sprout from his back. He was also larger, claws sprouting from his fingers.

I flowed backward, letting him slam into the rooftop. He struck out with a long arm, and I slashed it with my whip, boiling blood pouring from the wound before it sealed. He lunged toward me, jaws open, fire bellowing from within his mouth. I brought up my hands, the heat washing over me, hatred boiling within my veins. It hurt, the fire flaying my skin. My hunger rose and I growled my displeasure.

He shall bow before his betters.

I flashed into existence above him and landed on his shoulders. He turned and twisted, trying to dislodge me, but his form had already grown inhuman enough to make it difficult to reach up and over.

I dug the claws of my shadow-gauntlet into his neck, ripping metallic scales away. Before the wound could seal over, I bit down.

Power. Strength. Hatred. Flame roared through my veins.

My forearms caught fire. Lung's struggling grew more desperate, stronger, the flames around him growing brighter, causing me even greater pain.

I rose my burning hand and slammed it down onto Lung's head with all my strength. The air rippled from the force of the blow. Metallic scales shattered and flew off of him in all directions. Lung staggered under the blow, his flames rippling as he lost concentration. I hit him again. Windows shattered across the street, and he let out a bellow of rage, swaying unsteadily under me.

For he shall know.

I roared from deep in my chest and slammed my fist into the side of his head a third time. Partially-regrown scales shattered.

Lung went down, the flames guttering out as he slumped on the rooftop. I flipped off him and landed smoothly, instinctively, as if I'd pulled off the impossible manoeuvre a thousand times before.

Eu sunt Dracul.

I took a moment to look down at my hands, still burning. The flames covered my bracers, making it appear as if they were flaming gauntlets. I opened my fist, and the flames seemed to tip my fingers into claws.

"Such bullshit. Just bullshit."

I turned to see who spoke. The three beasts stood before me, four-legged creatures the size of horses, appearing to be demonic dogs. They were being ridden by three people. One in a white costume, a sceptre in his hand.

The next, a man dressed all in black, a skull painted on his motorcycle helmet frantically waved his hand at the man in white next to him. "Regent, don't piss off the nice lady who punched out Lung. With flaming hands."

The third rider, a girl wearing a dog mask just looked at me, then looked down at my feet. I felt some measure of strange satisfaction at that.

Wait. Three riders? There was a fourth before.

I looked down. I hadn't noticed her there, prostrated in her dark purple costume.

"I pledge to serve you, my dark queen!"

I blinked.



A/N: Powers unlocked:

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Chaos Magic: Control and mastery over hellfire. Others can wield it, but only a few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws.


First Omake:

Death laughed again, but somehow, I didn't feel offended. "Don't worry. You'll see." He snapped his fingers, the lake, the shore, and the castle gates began to fade into crimson mist.

"Wait, why do you sound like Patrick Stewart?"

Death grinned, his eyes gleaming in some private joke. "I'm looking forward to asking him some of the finer points of Shakespearean theatre. The man can act!"

(Of course, Patrick Stewart voiced Death for the Lords of Shadow continuity.)
Interlude: Tattletale
A/N: And now, Lisa's point of view. This one was made pretty quick. Next update will be bigger.


I looked at the figure before me. She was like something out of a nightmare. Almost everything on her was blood red, her eyes glowing. The wings of her helmet made her appear to be a demon. The skin on her face was burnt, a result of Lung's fire. Yet it was healing, the ugly marks first fading into scar tissue, then lightening, before being reabsorbed into flawless, healthy skin.

Rapid regenerative ability. Fire harms, less than it should, quickly fixed. Need to kill in one blow or neutralize healing ability. Not human.

The girl in red was staring at her forearms, covered in fire, yet unlike with Lung's fire, they didn't seem to be burning her.

Surprise. Yet calm. First time using power? Yes/No. Both. Not first battle. Took Lung down with brutality. Holding back? Yes/No. Both. Only tapped tiny amount of true power. Still growing. Instinctively staking claim. Destroy rivals. Possible freedom if allied or subordinate to. Fair. Not human.

Every movement deliberate. Not breathing. Doesn't need to. Not human.

I scrambled off Brutus as Regent spoke, gaining the figure's attention. She examined the Undersiders in turn, cooly. Not as threats, or as people, simply as if they were furniture. Complete unconcern. The dogs whimpered, not liking being near this girl.

No threat to her. Beneath notice otherwise. Only consideration is whether we're worth time. Unconcerned about Bitch's dogs. Capable of dealing with our attack. Brutally take down each of us quickly. Not human.

The repeating bits of information telling me she wasn't human was frightening me.

Supreme Predator. Supreme Ruler.

I dropped to the ground, prostrating myself as terror flowed through me.

More dangerous than Coil. Might get me free from Coil. Not human. Using small fraction of potential. Keep on good side. Not human.

I spoke as I felt her gaze on me, the red glow of her eyes assessing. "I pledge to serve you, my dark queen!"

Startled. Unexpected move. Used to commanding yet not used to followers? No, no followers previously. Body language shifting, becoming uncertain. Shy. Shy leader? No, automatic instinct. In action, defaults to strong, confident. Social inexperience. Breathing now. Habit? Human. Not human. Unknown.

Grue spoke warily. "T, what are you doing?"

The unknown's eyes lost their glow, and she shifted on her feet. Her burning forearms extinguished, leaving her entirely unharmed. Even without my power, I wouldn't have made the mistake of thinking the new girl harmless, now.

Nervous. Scared of us? No. Took her off guard. Expecting confrontation on some level. Not expecting genuflection, despite body language. Former leader? Never led anybody before, but also has? Mixed up body language. Absolutely confident one moment, unsure the next. Emotional mess. Can be helped. Let Lung live. Not sociopath. Not deliberately cruel, but easy to push. Handle with extreme care. Immense possibility.

Risking a look over my shoulder, I paled as I could see that Bitch had noticed as well. Bitch was staring at the girl straight on, now. No longer intimidated. Vying for alpha. Instinctive for her.

Not good.

Regent's voice was incredulous. "Isn't it a little fast to give undying devotion to someone, Tattletale?" He caught himself, then added on very quickly and nervously. "Not that you're unworthy of being served, ma'am. Um. Please don't hurt me."

The whole situation had thrown the girl off. I got to my feet, giving the girl in red armor a smile. "Look, you don't have to say yes or no right away. You did us all a favor by taking out Lung. But if we stick around, the heroes are going to show up. I'll try and contact you later. We owe you big, and if serving you is the price, then it's fine by me."

The girl in red made a small nod, a small, hesitant smile on her face.

Tongue-tied. Shy. Push wrong and the rage comes. Needs help. Needs support. Not human.

I got back up on Brutus, and the we left, clinging to the backs of the enlarged dogs.


(Short, but it's honestly hard to do the Inference Engine justice.)
Awakening 1.4
A/N: Still keeping the references here.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Locked)

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow portal. Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Can also draw things from the Plane of Shadow. (Locked)

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.

Bat summon: Army ahead of me? I'm going to summon a few thousand bats. Police bothering me? I'm the goddamn Batman. (Locked)

Monster form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims and brings about an absolute chill. (Locked)

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but preferred. (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.
All right, quick explanation. Taylor can't steal powers from gnawing on parahumans. As much as I love the franchise, it's not Mega Man, and all that. She could eat every Thinker on Earth Bet and get no smarter. If she eats Coil, she won't be able to split timelines. If she eats Bakuda, she gets no insight on bombs.

What's happening is she has all sorts of powers from her transformation. They're all there. However, they're locked because she doesn't know how to access them, and doing so is not intuitive. However, if she's exposed to a parahuman ability that's broadly similar to what she has, it acts as a little reminder for how to do it and the power unlocks. She can also unlock such powers by testing her limits. She managed to unlock Grace last chapter not in the fight with Lung, but by her running down the street and testing her reflexes and balance.

In the case of Lung, for example, she had Chaos Magic when she woke up in her coffin, but no idea she had it. Being burned by fire, combined with taking some of his blood which was 'attuned' to fire, gave her the prompt she needed to awaken it.

And, more importantly, there is a reason for this synergy. It'll become apparent eventually. Might be a long way off, though.

This is why I have this long list of Locked powers. I also have a list of what each one is when unlocked. They are not random.


The four teens left, riding those immense beasts. I felt...confused.

Dark queen? Part of me liked that, but the rest of me also felt entirely bewildered. What kind of queen needs to squat in a shipwreck to get a few hours sleep? I knew I had strength, but...really?

I shook my head, looking at my feet. There was Lung, unconscious, slowly reverting back to human form. I looked around, warehouses and buildings burning around me. The fire department was certainly going to be on its way, but they'd have their hands full. And if I just left, sooner or later Lung was going to wake up and walk away.

Part of me toyed with the idea of simply finishing him off. It would be so simple. Just reach down, twist, and tear. It wouldn't even be hard to rip his skull and spine out, once he'd fully reverted. I could even put his skull on a mantlepiece as a trophy to my glory.

Wait. Skull on a mantlepiece? What the hell was I thinking? If I kept going like this, I was going to completely go insane. They'd put a kill order on me in half a second. Lung could take the punishment I dealt out and survive, but if I'd hit almost anyone else like that, they'd have turned into a bloody smear!

Worse, part of me liked that idea.

I began hyperventilating. My powers were fucking with my head. I knew I wasn't doing so well, but I took on fucking Lung without any thought other than...other than....

My breathing stopped. I let the thoughts flow through me. Thoughts that somehow both were and were not my own.

I am the dark shadow that chills the hearts of men. I am the rage that mastered the flames of Hell. I am what demons swear to follow, lest they find themselves within my path. I am what the heavens fear to face, lest I rip them asunder. Even the gods themselves fear to face me.

For I am the Dragon, Dracul. I am the Lord of Darkness.

My eyes widened. I turned over the edge of the rooftop and retched. Nothing came up, but I felt sick all the same.

I knew it. I was insane.

Such rage, such hatred boiling in the back of my head. I had no reason to have it at that sheer intensity, but it was there all the same. Was I pissed at my bullies? Yeah, sure. But part of my mind was revelling in the idea of making them suffer in horrifically creative ways that the rest of me was shuddering away from. I was better than this!

Wasn't I?

I retched again.

Long minutes passed as I struggled to get hold of myself. I could see the flash of lights pulling up outside the walls of flame. Brockton Bay's firefighters got to work trying to douse the flames. I could also see PRT teams escorting them. Made sense, the inferno was caused by a cape fight, after all.

I looked down at Lung, now in completely human form once more. The desire to take a trophy was still present, but my disgust with myself was larger. I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder. It was easy. Disturbingly easy. I was a foot shorter than he was and had a stick-frame, yet I barely felt the weight. The only awkwardness came from the fact he was so big. It was like carrying a big empty cardboard box.

I concentrated on the distant lights of the fire trucks. I teleported to get nearer, then again, and again, and then again to get past the wall of flame Lung had set to catch the four teens.

I appeared behind the flame, just around the corner from the fire trucks and the PRT teams. The PRT was keeping a lookout, ready to call in support. I took a deep breath and stepped around the corner.

I wasn't noticed at first. I approached slowly, carefully, not wanting to risk a fight. I looked ahead. Armsmaster was there, halberd in hand as he scanned back and forth. There was also another man standing by a fire hydrant. He was wearing what looked like silver scales from head to toe. I didn't like looking at him, something about how the silver reflected light annoyed my eyes. Instead, I focused on the water pouring forth. The hydrant's water moved as expected at first, but then it flowed at the man's directions, coiling around the corner like a snake to run on and douse the flame.

Armsmaster noticed me first, whirling to face me, halberd moving into both hands. He was tense, prepared for anything.

I stopped and set Lung down, placing my foot on his back as I called out. "I have Lung here. He's down. I'm handing him over to you."

He paused for a moment, then nodded. He turned to the man in silver and called. "Neptune, stay on task. I'll handle this."

The other man nodded, his lips tight in concentration.

Armsmaster approached me, putting his halberd on his back. As he got within ten feet, I stepped away from Lung, keeping that distance between us. Armsmaster kept an eye on me as he bent down, pulling some restraints out of his belt and binding Lung's hands behind his back. Then he checked over Lung carefully, calling to me. "You took him down. How?"

My voice was wry. "I hit him."

His lips turned into a frown, a slight current of disbelief in his voice. "You hit him."

I nodded. "I hit him really, really hard."

Armsmaster shook his head. It was hard to see his expression, but I would bet he looked bemused under that helmet of his. He withdrew a dart from his belt and injected Lung.

He must have seen my confusion. "Tranquillizers. Hopefully they'll keep him inactive until we can get him somewhere secure. If there really is such a thing as secure with Lung." He got to his feet, looking at me carefully. He tilted his head, putting one hand to the side of his helmet. Probably listening to someone.

Then he spoke. "Things have been rough, haven't they? I apologize for what happened yesterday."

I swallowed, my hand twitching. He recognized me, despite the armor. Of course. He probably had a gadget for that. Facial recognition, voice sampling. For all I knew he sampled my DNA before and got it off of Lung with something on his fingertips. The man was a Tinker, after all. And everybody knew Tinkers were bullshit.

Pretty sure even Eidolon would say Tinkers were bullshit. And Eidolon's power was bullshit.

He paused again, then spoke. "Will you come in, please? We aren't angry with you. We're worried. Your father is worried. You're treading a dangerous path."

I shuddered, taking a step back. I just kept remembering the darkness, the encasement as they sprayed me with foam. It was too much like the locker and my coffin.

He nodded slowly, reaching to his belt and withdrawing a cell phone. "The number for the PRT is on here. When you are ready, call us. We have a lot to discuss, and..." He paused, putting a hand to his helmet again. "We don't want to make the situation worse." He moved five feet away from Lung and set it down before returning to the unconscious cape.

I kept an eye on him as I went over to retrieve it. I carefully examined the phone, then gave him a small nod. Then I flashed into existence onto a rooftop, stepped out of view of the streets, and burst into a flock of bats.


I sat upon Captain's Hill, my back resting upon a tree. From here, I could see most of the city. I just watched the sun rise slowly over the water, gradually lightening the city below me. It was windy up here, and it was cool in the early April morning, but it felt peaceful.

I was right. It was beautiful from here. Even if the sunlight hurt.

"What the hell does all this mean?" I muttered, trying to decide what to do. Call, not call? Run away? Go to my dad? Head for Istanbul? Hunt down my bullies? Pick a fight with the Simurgh?

Right now, I just kind of wanted to sit here and slowly fry.

I looked down at my hands. With some effort, I called into existence the flaming claws, covering my hands. I could feel it now. They were formed from hatred and flame. But not just my hatred. What was I, beyond some vampiric parahuman? Worse, while they were out, I could feel my emotions broiling, becoming more and more inclined toward violence.

I dismissed them and breathed, beginning to calm. The sight before me helped, even if a primal part of me was nearly demanding that I find shelter from the sun. In the morning light, I felt more like Just Taylor again.

So much had happened. It felt like I'd been running forever, but it had been just a bit more than a day since I woke up in my coffin. One day.

"It's a heavy burden, I know." A familiar, gentle voice spoke. I scrambled as I whirled around, seeing who spoke.

Death. He was standing there wearing his male form, his black suit immaculate. He came next to me and sat on the grass, and I slowly relaxed, turning to look at the sunrise once more.

I managed a small smile as a funny thought occurred to me. "You're going to mess up your suit."

Death chuckled. "Let me worry about that. It isn't too often I can sit back and enjoy the moment. Besides, there are worse things to worry about than grass stains."

I couldn't help it. I giggled. "It does seem to be a rather small thing to worry about, doesn't it?"

We just watched for a few moments, breathing the clear air.

Death spoke quietly, his voice filled with surprising gentleness. "My old friend, he took up a grand burden because he had to. If he hadn't grasped the power when he had, his world would have been destroyed. He did not particularly want the power, the responsibility he carried. In his world, there had to be one, however. If he did not carry it, someone else would have. Perhaps someone better, but likely someone far worse."

I licked my lips. "The burden?"

Death faintly smiled. "Lord of Darkness. My old friend gained the title after he slew the last. In your terms, he killed the god of a plane, and so he had to take his place. Else the power would flow to another, seeking a worthy vessel. He did not want it, but it was either become it or risk the few things he loved. Despite everything, despite losing everything, even his very humanity, he loved a few things still."

My breath caught. "I have the power of a god? How does one kill a god?"

Death looked amused. "It's difficult, but easier than you might imagine. I'm afraid your world has some odd ideas about gods. Most of them are small things. Gods of revelry, gods of wine and music. Some few are larger. Gods of ideas, of love, of war. Larger still are gods of planes. A heaven, a hell, an entire species. But there are no gods that are on my level. Gods emerge from creation, they may be masters and shapers, but they are not the creators. In time, a very, very long time, mind you, it will be my task to reap creation itself. Including every god that has ever been. And yet, there are things even larger than gods. Still lower than myself, but few things are equal."

He grew pensive, even sad, at that.

I breathed out, shivering. "I'm not sure I believe you."

He rose an eyebrow, looking amused. "Why so? You already know of three gods. Damaged, twisted, enslaved gods, true, but gods nonetheless."

I did? What could he be....

No. Just no. Nononono. He couldn't possibly mean....he bloody well did.

"The Endbringers." I said, dreading the thought.

Death nodded, his face filled with sympathy. "I was supposed to handle them. They were snatched from me at their appointed time, and now they suffer. But unfortunately, despite what many think, in some ways I am quite powerless. I cannot end their suffering, even as they cause so much more." He gestured toward the rising sun. "In five billion, seven hundred forty-nine million, four hundred thirty-six thousand, nine hundred and seventy-six years, an aspect of myself shall harvest your sun. I have no choice in the matter. I cannot come for it sooner, or later, not even by a microsecond. That is, assuming nothing happens to alter the life of your star."

I couldn't fathom it. The being sitting next to me was so very different to me that he might as well be a titan while I was an amoeba. Worse, he was a black hole and I was an atom. Even that analogy falls short.

Smug bastard.

I took long minutes, staring at him. He simply seemed amused, a twinkle in his eye.

Finally, I managed to speak. "How the hell did you and Dracul become friends?"

He blinked, then smiled. "Good. Good. You're grasping more. He gave me the greatest gift I could ever have, my dear. Perspective. Before him, I simply acted with no freedom at all." He gestured to himself. "My old friend managed to give me form, substance, in a way I had lacked. It is strange to learn you missed out on so much simply because you never had it. In some ways, the youngest human child has more than I ever did. A simple choice. I am limited in my own ways, but thanks to him, in some small ways I can actually do things of my own will."

I breathed slowly as I considered that. I was beginning to understand, in some way. He simply sat there, watching me with his pale eyes.

How weird that the gaze of Death on me was soothing.

Eventually, I spoke, my voice rough. "Why did he give you form?"

Sorrow rose in his eyes. "He was exploring avenues of returning the dead to life. His wife, his beloved, was murdered by a servant of the then-Lord of Darkness. Even as a mortal, he had strength and will, enough to bend the planes to his desire, and sought to bring her back. The Lord of Light, however, refused. He had his reasons, but, the love and grief of a human soul is difficult to reason with."

Death shook his head. "When he became the Lord of Darkness himself, he sought other avenues. Me. It took much to convince him that it was beyond my power. Like most, he misunderstood my role. I end the suffering of spirits and bring them to where they belong. I cannot ferry them to rejoin the living. Even if I wish it."

I took a deep breath, nodding slowly. "If you could, would you bring Mom back?"

Death bowed his head. "I would. She begged me to stay. Begged to not be separated from you and your father. I never enjoy taking a loving parent from a child. She waits for you and him. I do know that she's proud of you, and not for my friend's influence upon you." He paused for a moment, as if listening. "And she is not angry with you about her flute."

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I curled in on myself. I cried, and cried, and cried. I'm not sure how long I did. He gently hugged me, providing warmth, comfort.

It took an eternity, but I finally ran out of tears. Death gently rose my chin, wiping my cheeks. Then he leaned to my ear and whispered something. It wasn't English, or any real language. It was sheer, perfect knowledge.

He gave a gentle smile and nodded. "Go."

I burst into bats.

The confusion was set aside, shoved aside by the absolutely perfect image in my mind. I could see it. I knew exactly where it is.

I reformed over the bay, turning my body into a dive, splashing into the water. The coolness was soothing, the sunlight attenuated. I didn't care. Forward.

I dove downward. Not that far, twenty feet. I was holding my breath, but there wasn't any strain. The supernatural lightness of my armor helped, it didn't seem to weigh me down. Or maybe I was just strong enough to not worry about the weight. I swam lower.


I thrust my hand into the sand and silt, closed my fingers around it. I swam back up to the surface, then moved to the shore, a silly, triumphant grin on my face.

There in my fingers, I cradled a battered, dented, tarnished, damaged flute.

It was also the most beautiful thing I'd seen in my life.


A/N: Don't bother looking up Neptune. I came up with him after not enough sleep.

Hydrokinetic, blaster. Wears silver scalemail over more practical modern armor.
Interlude: Investigations

Hopefully, this isn't too confusing. Hence the date and time these events happen in.


April 4th, 4:04 pm

Madison Clements had a rather depressing day.

It wasn't any one thing. She simply hadn't had a good day since Taylor had died. When she found out about Sophia and Emma's stunt, her entire world had come crashing down. She put one leaden foot in front of the other as she walked home.

Shame filled her when she thought about what she participated in. She had taken pleasure in ruining Taylor's day. Every day. Stealing her work, ruining her assignments, splashing juice and soda over her clothes and hair, shooting spitballs. Nothing outright painful, that was more Sophia's thing.

Looking back, though, if Taylor hadn't died in that locker, Madison's actions probably would have helped drive her to suicide. Or came to school with a knife or gun or something. Maybe that's why she had the heart attack in there. Fear and despair.

She knew it had been Sophia who did it. Someone else might have, but someone else wasn't focussing on Taylor. It was the three of them. When the three met during the week Winslow was closed for investigation and decontamination, Sophia stared Madison and Emma down.

"If the cops so much as breathe in my direction, you'll get what Hebert got. And that's after I go through your family. Your mom, your dad, your brothers, your sisters, your fucking cat. I've handled enough that they won't look our way if none of us talk about it. Now all this shit'll go away if you just. Shut. Up."

She arrived at her front door to see police waiting, quietly talking with her dad. They looked up and straightened.

Her dad stopped her. "We can't go in just yet, Madison. Someone broke in."

Madison's breath hitched. "Broke in?"

Oh god oh god oh god. Sophia was going to kill her.


April 4th, 11:45 pm.

The machine was a plain thing. It had no mind of its own, it did just what it was designed to do.

Twenty years ago, its job needed an entire laboratory of specialists to check and double check the blood types to narrow things down to the mere possibility of one person being the parent of another.

Nowadays, advances in technology made things much easier and simpler. This little device, however, was a bit of Tinker-tech, made up by one computer-oriented Tinker on a bet as to whether his expertise could be used on something like this. It had the ability to take every chromosome in a sample, unravel it, store the information digitally, and compare it to another sample within six hours to complete accuracy.

The reason it took six hours? The Tinker was drunk at the time.

Still, despite its ignoble beginnings, it was useful in certain circumstances. It hummed and whirred in the PRT laboratory, doing its work. It finished, finally printing out on both a sheet of paper and displaying it on a small screen.

Sample 1: H, D

Sample 2: H, T

H, T comparison to H, D. Paternal relationship .

Probability of error: 0.000000000143%

Even Tinker-tech devices were imperfect, however slightly. But if it could feel satisfaction, it would at a job well done.


April 5th, 10:45 am

"I don't get it. Why the rush job?" Mack muttered to himself as he drove the excavator up the graveyard path. "Why the heck is the Protectorate pushing this through?"

The cop at the grave just waved him forward. Officer Friendly, he wasn't. Other police were taking snapshots. The rest of his dig crew surrounded it, waiting with shovels and equipment.

Mack stopped the machine in place, getting out.

One cop spoke, a big fat one. "Grave looks undisturbed. Not necessarily indicative." He nodded to Mack. "We'd appreciate it if you can dig down to the tomb without damaging the coffin."

Mack grimaced. "We'll have to dig carefully. Four feet down with the excavator to be safe. Two feet with manual tools." He smacked the side of the excavator's treads. "This baby is not exactly precision equipment."

The cop nodded. "All right, let's get on it."

It didn't take that long. Mack deliberately didn't take exact note of time as they worked, it seemed to make the job go faster. He'd just clock out at the end, anyway.

They managed remove the concrete slab at the top of the tomb, then pull the coffin up, setting it on the ground. The police took their time taking pictures before one in hazmat gear had the go-ahead to open it. They didn't want to take risks, a three-month old body could be pretty bad. With trepidation, they opened it.

It was empty. Strangely, even, there was little decay at all. There was evidence of contamination that had entered, mostly worms, but they were long dead, shrivelled.

More worrying was the evidence that someone had punched, kicked, clawed, and tore at the coffin's interior from the inside.

Mack summed it up for everyone. "What the fuck?"


April 5th, 8:36 pm

Sophia yawned as she struggled to keep looking at the monitor screens. Apparently, the Wards were doing their nice old fun time boring patrols through the city, doing what they tend to do. It was bullshit, in her opinion. More PR than anything else. The Wards really weren't allowed to do much more than call in support unless they were up against one lone mugger. Or Uber and Leet.

She itched to get out there. But nope, apparently schedule snafu happened and she had to play the good girl, sitting around. She wasn't even allowed to have the opportunity to knock out some thugs with tranquillizer bolts.

She wanted to use real bolts, to give them pain, to see their fear, for them to know they were weak, pitiful prey compared to her. But she couldn't risk it. Since she and Emma had tossed Hebert into a locker, she'd been very, very careful not to put a toe out of line. No evidence whatsoever that Shadow Stalker was anything other than a little repentant girl.

It had been hard to throw her old bolts into the bay. She was tempted to stash them somewhere, use them as she wanted to, but anything that might hint at the violation of her probation just might get more questioning eyes on her. It was sheer, blind luck that saved her skin when Hebert croaked.

The whole thing was mostly a demonstration, an attempt to keep Hebert in her place. The ultimate omega of the school. The whole idea was to put her in there, wait a couple hours, then bang on the locker to see if the weakling was still whimpering. Word would get around, a janitor would open it, and all would be demonstrated. When there was silence at the check-in, though, Sophia was concerned. Not for Hebert, nah. Concerned that the whole thing was a bust. That she somehow got out and ruined the whole thing.

So she reached in with her shadow-state and felt the cold, the absolute stillness. The little bitch had the audacity to fucking croak. She couldn't take a scare!?

Hebert's backpack was still outside the locker, so she went through it. There were her school supplies, naturally, but what had nearly freaked Sophia out was a notebook, meticulously written down of damn near everything the three of them had done to the weakling. When she leafed through it, Sophia didn't even remember half of them until she had the reminder. She spent a good little while leafing through it.

Then she burned it. It might have been nice to keep for a bit of amusement, but she knew they'd hang her if they found her with a dead girl's notebook full of stuff she did to said girl.

Just as she began to think things would fade away, she got a call on her cell phone the day before the school would reopen.

"Good day, Miss Hess."

"And who the fuck are you? How'd you get my number?"

"How I got your number is unimportant. What is important is my name is Coil, and from this moment forward, you work for me."

"Why should I do that, hm?"

"Perhaps because you owe me your freedom. If it were not for my interference, the police would have entered into evidence two notebooks filled with all sorts of juicy details about how a Miss Hess, Miss Clements, and Miss Barnes had been tormenting Miss Hebert for a year and a half. Because of me, however, they were, shall we say, misplaced. Rather important information, considering Miss Hebert died by your actions, Shadow Stalker."

The bitch had three notebooks? Paranoid little... "What do you want?"

"For the moment? I want you to stay in place with the Wards. You will be an asset I can tap at my leisure. Don't worry, I am not an unreasonable boss. But from now on, your life belongs to me. Push me, and certain details will become known. Double-cross me, and what you did to Hebert will be a tiny sample of your fate. And here is my first directive to you. If you should see the Undersiders, you will leave them alone. Have a nice day, Miss Hess."

Sophia would say this for terror. It had a way of reassessing her priorities.

Only good part about the aftermath of all this was a lot of the school staff was suspended. Blackwell, the boring old bitch, was suspended. Likely wouldn't ever get her job back. So had a lot of the faculty, digging down to see how the review might go.

Part of Sophia suspected that pressure was solely due to the Empire Eighty-Eight presence in the city. If Hebert hadn't been white, they likely would have swept everything under the rug. That's all she deserved, anyway. Weakling little prey.

She turned as the door opened behind her, returning her mind to the present. In came Armsmaster....with his halberd in hand.

What was going on?

Then came Assault. And Battery. And Dauntless.

Armsmaster was a difficult man to read, most of the time. He could be emotional sometimes, but he was usually either 'I'm a mobile statue' or 'I'm going tear you apart.'

And right now, he looked pissed.

"Shadow Stalker." He growled. "We need to talk. And you had better have damn good answers for us."

Assault was usually rather humorous, had a devil-may-care attitude. Now? Everything about his body language was saying he would like to see her smeared on the floor. Battery had her arms crossed, glaring at Sophia. Dauntless had his spear in hand.

Sophia knew that spear could throw lightning if he bloody well felt like it. And with all the electronic equipment and wiring in the building, she wasn't going to be able to phase her way out and run.

So she did the sane thing.

She cleared her throat and spoke. "What do you want to know, boss?"


April 6th, 9:45 am

Danny Hebert blearily opened his eyes as Miss Militia put down a cup of coffee in front of him. Part of him resented her, despite being awake all night, she looked just fine.

"Don't you ever sleep?" He asked, taking a sip anyway. He'd had about five hours himself.

She shrugged. "I don't sleep. Not since I got my power. It gets lonely, sometimes."

She must have seen his confusion, her eyes crinkling up in a hidden smile behind her scarf. "Oftentimes I'm the only one awake in the middle of the night at The Rig. Everyone else on patrol or asleep. It gives me time to catch up on the paperwork, but it's difficult sometimes."

He nodded at that. "I think I can get that." Danny took a few, long moments to breathe. The sheer stress of the last few days was...tiring.

How does one react to their daughter coming back from the dead, however changed? He had a second chance, and he'd blown it. Instinctive fear caught him when he should have embraced her, calmed her.

Red eyes or not, Taylor was still his daughter.

Miss Militia looked at him intently. "She'll come around. From what I'm told, she's scared, Danny. Scared kids do dumb things."

He nodded. "Yeah, but she shouldn't have to be scared. We're in this whole thing because she was scared of hurting me." Danny took a minute to calm himself, staring at the half-empty cup in his hands. "My wife, Annette...I took it hard when she died. Taylor did, too, but...I never knew that things out of the house went so badly for her, too. Then she died and...."

And the house stood empty for three, long, horrible months. The first two weeks, he hadn't left the house, with the exception of the funeral.

And that had nearly killed him, right there. He barely ate, barely slept. When she came back, it was a fairy-tale dream combined with a horrible, horrible nightmare. He'd had dreams before, where both of them were there. Waking up again was more than he could stand. On those days, he barely got out of bed. He would have preferred it if he had died.

Then to have one night where the dream wasn't a dream...only for her to run away? He'd hit his lowest point. He felt....odd. Like his awareness wasn't all here.

Miss Militia's phone rang, and she answered. "Miss Militia. What? Really? How long?" She looked at him, her eyes crinkling. "Good. Thank you, Johnny."

She hung up, pulling him to his feet. "If I'm not mistaken, Danny, we're about to have company."

He straightened himself with some effort. "What do you mean?"

She laughed gently, a pleasant, harmonious sound. "Just go to the door."

He drained the last of the coffee and went, his mind whirling. Just as he got to it, there was an ungodly sound, dozens of screeches, wings clawing through the air, then silence. And then, a knock.

Carefully, he opened it. His breath caught.

There she was, Taylor, standing there in red armor, helmet in one hand, clutching a tarnished flute in the other. Her face was stained with tears, and she stood there frozen. Her features were filled with a mixture of emotions. Hope, fear, a horrible desperate want.

Danny simply pulled his daughter inside and hugged her.

Miss Militia stood in the kitchen, her eyes crinkling as she smiled beneath her scarf. She let the pair gather themselves while she went to the fridge to make a proper breakfast.

Reclamation 2.1
A/N: I....uh....I got nothin. Let's just keep going.

This one's a bit short. Had to post it now, though. Seemed a natural spot to stop.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Locked)

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow portal. Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Can also draw things from the Plane of Shadow. (Locked)

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.

Bat summon: Army ahead of me? I'm going to summon a few thousand bats. Police bothering me? I'm the goddamn Batman. (Locked)

Monster form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims and brings about an absolute chill. (Locked)

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but preferred. (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.


Well. This was awkward.

I sat at the kitchen table, my dad at my side, while Miss Militia sat across from us. Before us was a breakfast of scrambled eggs. They smelled good, and the way my dad was eating, they obviously tasted good, too.

Miss Militia didn't have any herself, as she kept her American flag scarf on. I did see she looked somewhat envious, though.

I took a sampling of my own, but as the turkey sandwich did before, it didn't do anything for my appetite. I felt as exactly as hungry as I did before.

She noticed. "Not hungry, Taylor?"

I gave an embarrassed smile. "It's good, it just doesn't do anything for me. I...found some things out about myself last night. I'll explain in a bit." I tilted my head. "So...not that I mind, but what are you doing here?"

Miss Militia chuckled. "After you ran off, I was tasked with making contact. I was pretty sure that you'd come home sooner or later. If I was wrong, no harm done." She gestured to Danny, who was on his second cup of coffee, looking a bit more awake. "Your dad needed some moral support, anyway."

I bowed my head, wincing at the thought of what I'd put him through, meaning to or not. He gently squeezed my hand, and I gave him a weak smile.

Miss Militia looked over me with interest. "I'm kind of surprised. You managed to get someone to make you a suit with such little time and resources. Good quality, too. A bit scary, though. Where'd you get someone to make that red metal?"

I felt my face heat up as I blushed. "I...uh, I made it. One of my powers lets me manipulate my...um...blood."

Dad and Miss Militia stopped. Blinked. "Manipulate...blood." Dad said. "Your armor is made out of your own blood."

I nodded slowly.

Miss Militia stared at me intently, then she blinked and shrugged. "Well, there has been weirder things. You know of Narwhal? She fights in the nude. Her suit is made entirely up of her forcefields."

I let out a laugh, grinning, my mood lightening. "You're kidding."

Her eyes crinkled, her expression full of humor. "Not in the least."

I nodded, giggling to myself at the thought. "Well, I feel a little better now, at least."

Dad squeezed my hand again, and my tension slowly relaxed.

Miss Militia chimed in then. "We've been looking for you all over the city. Ever since you gave us the slip in the PRT building." She held up her hand as I opened my mouth. "It's all right, we don't blame you. Armsmaster's taken worse injuries while training, and he's fine now. You ever hear of trigger events?"

Both dad and I shook our heads.

She nodded. "It's not talked about too often. They hit us on the worst moments of our lives. Often, life or death situations, but not always. Every parahuman has one, and they tend to be a bit easier for second-generation parahumans, but they're never easy. You get superpowers, but you're also trapped with an emotional strain that can take time to get past. If we ever do. Considering your experience, you effectively had yours two days ago. And because they're so traumatic, there's a certain amount of allowances given when there's damage or injury occurred because of a trigger event."

I nodded at that. It made sense.

Dad's voice was filled with horror. "So every one of the heroes went through something like what Taylor did?"

Miss Militia nodded. "Mine happened when I was a little girl. The others....bad things happened at various points in their lives. We don't tend to pry, the moments are touchy subjects. Yours, Taylor, is really, really horrid, I assume it was in the locker?" She paused a moment, and I nodded in response. She looked at me, her gaze considering, then shook her head. "If you want, we can talk about it in private, later."

I shuddered, and nodded, my voice quiet. "Thank you."

Dad spoke quietly then. "So what are our options?"

She hesitated for a moment, then said. "That's complicated. The PRT is certainly going to want you to join the Wards, at least eventually. If you were anybody else, I'd agree. However, there are issues we need to get out of the way."

I blinked. "What issues?"

Miss Militia sighed. "Legal, moral, and a number of others. Unfortunately, I can't say too much. Do you have a lawyer on retainer?"

Dad shook his head. "Could never afford one."

She nodded. "Get one. The PRT is going to bring up a few non-disclosure agreements. They're going to want to hammer things out concerning you. The first deal they offer probably wouldn't be in your best interests in the long run. Have someone who knows the law back you up. Beyond that...I can't imagine how trying the last few days have been, by your perspective. I'd consider therapy. The Protectorate has some good ones on call, but they'll likely want you to sign up first. I'd suggest seeing if you can wrangle something."

I cleared my throat and spoke then. "Um...there's another problem, as well." I gently pushed a bit of scrambled egg around on my plate. "My powers seem to make me...well, vampiric. I need blood. I found out I did by accident, but if circumstances had been different, I might have killed somebody."

"You might have done what?" Dad exclaimed.

"Dad! It's fine, it's fine! They were gang members. I called for help. They were taken to the hospital."

"Ah." Miss Militia said, considering things for a long moment. "I heard something of that. Well, we can run a few tests. Yours wouldn't be the first unusual diet a parahuman needs. There's a kid up in Boston, Weld. He's made of metal and eats it. He has to be careful not to touch anything metal, or he risks it becoming part of him."

"I think my situation is a bit more problematic. He might damage cars by accident. I'm afraid of eating people." I said wryly.

Dad winced.

She chuckled at that. "It's good you are. I'd be worried if you weren't concerned about hurting someone else. Offhand, though, I think we can figure something out. Expired donated blood, perhaps? They just dispose of it as a biohazard, anyway."

I blinked. Why hadn't I thought of that?

"Anyway," Miss Militia continued. "What I would want you to consider, before saying yes or no to the Wards, or the Protectorate, when you're older, is to get your head on straight and get your civilian life in order. We're aware of you now, we'll help protect you. But until you're in a good place, emotionally, it would likely be best to take it easy. You seem to be versatile, and anyone would love to have you. But when you're ready, and not before. Mind you, this is my advice, and not the PRT or the Protectorate's. They might want to throw you into an Endbringer fight..."

Dad tensed, and I very gently squeezed his hand in response, worried about my own strength.

"...but you're not ready for it. Such things are horribly dangerous, and someone who isn't focussed on the task there and then might cause more harm than good."

Dad frowned. "Sounds like you're speaking from experience, here."

She visibly winced, despite the scarf. "I can't say just yet. I will tell you what I can if and when I have the go-ahead, but it's not my place for now."

I nodded slowly, then I blinked. "What did you mean, 'seem to be versatile'?"

Her eyes crinkled up. "We've been having weird reports of bat activity since you reappeared. Bats do nest in Brockton Bay, but not too many of them fly around during the day. That, and some of them coincided with sightings of you, well...it wasn't that difficult to guess. That's how I knew you were coming. There was a sighting of a cluster of bats heading this way. I suspected it was you in your Breaker state." She tilted her head. "Or maybe Changer state. Your powers are a bit weird."

I couldn't help but crack a smile. "Guess I need to be smarter. I'll..." I shook my head, trying to gather my thoughts. "I don't want to come into the PRT building. At least...not by the front door. After everything, small spaces remind me of the locker....and the coffin. Being sprayed with that stuff in the front entrance put me right back there. Could we arrange something so we can meet with a representative somewhere neutral?"

She made a small laugh. "I think we can."


So here I am, in the back of a PRT van. Miss Militia driving, my dad beside me. Heading to Brockton Bay General, sheet of paper in hand with a request to take old blood packs off their hands for a small fee. Buying old blood. Who would have thought it?

Apparently, the Protectorate is able to make an official print out for just about any request imaginable and still make it look nice, official and important-looking. Just a bit weird, but, well, I woke up as a vampire, so what the hell?

I knew I wasn't a typical parahuman. If it weren't for Death and the dreams of The Castle, I wouldn't have guessed, but it was easier to just keep the idea going for now. There's parahumans out there for just about anything. Legend could heal himself just by turning into energy for a second and back again. A parahuman with a vampire theme going? Sure, why not? Myrrdin had his wizard thing going. They'd probably humor me as long as I was more helpful than harmful. Then they might break out the stakes and holy water.

Now I'm wondering if those actually would work on me. I need to test that.

As we arrived, I picked up my helmet. Dad moved to get up, but Miss Militia called to him. "Please, Mister Hebert. We need to go in ourselves. Unless you can mask up, you might risk Taylor's identity. It might be shot already, but we should at least try. We're just going to go in, hand in the paperwork, and be back out before you know it."

She then looked to me. "Have you picked a name to give to the staff? They'll have to fill it in."

I nodded, a smile on my face. "Yeah. Crimson."

They both froze. Dad was looking at me in horror, while Miss Militia's eyes were wide.


Dad was gaping like a fish. What did I say?

Miss Militia shook herself. "Crimson was one of the Slaughterhouse Nine. He's dead, thankfully, but..."

Oh. Oh. Oh. No. Nonono. Hell no. There go all my noes, heading right out the door to toss themselves into the ocean.

They are beneath me.

Shut up, Dracul.

I deflated. "I forgot. I'd just been through so much and a lot of my powers were about blood and....that's all I got?"

They both began to relax. Dad hugged me. "Had me worried for a minute, kiddo."

I let out a sigh, shaking my head. "Sorry, dad."

Miss Militia coughed, looking a bit embarrassed. Odd how expressive the top half of someone's face could be. "Well, we need something." She sounded teasing as she finished. "Unless you'd like to be known as 'Hey You.'"

I thought over it. I mulled. I...ran out of words to describe thinking. Ah ha! Thinking!

Stop delaying, Taylor! They're staring at you! "Um..." I looked at my helmet. Knowing what I knew now about the....whatever I got from Dracul, the dragon motif made sense. It formed without me considering it. I hadn't even thought of why it was a dragon at the time.

How much of him was in me, anyway?

Too bad 'Dragon' was already taken. Some part of the back of my mind bristled at that. Even as the rest of me would squee on meeting Dragon.

They're still looking at you! Come up with something fast!

"Scarlet. Scarlet Knight."

Miss Militia nodded, then. "It'll do."


....well, that's not too bad.

Reclamation 2.2
A/N: Let's just move on, shall we?

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Locked)

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow portal. Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Can also draw things from the Plane of Shadow. (Locked)

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.

Bat summon: Army ahead of me? I'm going to summon a few thousand bats. Police bothering me? I'm the goddamn Batman. (Locked)

Monster form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. (Locked)

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but preferred. (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

So in I went with Miss Militia into the hospital. We got a few looks, but nobody accosted us. Miss Militia was recognized easily enough, and in my armor, nobody would mistake me for an ordinary walk-in patient. I drew some interested looks, though.

I guess even in Brockton Bay, a new cape sighting was unusual. It didn't happen every day. Just...on a fairly regular basis.

We came up to the reception, and the woman behind the counter did a double-take as she took us in.

Miss Militia spoke, handing the official-looking sheet over. "This is Scarlet Knight. We're here to requisition some blood packs. Expired ones are fine, though fresh would be preferred." She looked to me. "Do we need any right now?"

I shook my head. I was somewhat hungry, but it was at about the level where I felt like snacking. I could deal. "Umm.....Until tomorrow, I'm good, at least."

Miss Militia nodded, turning back to the receptionist. "They're to be made available on Scarlet Knight's request."

I gave a little wave, a smile on my face, my face flushed in embarrassment. Stupid shyness. And stupid me for not having checked 'Crimson' earlier. Well, it'll have to do. Scarlet Knight is dorky, sure, but I could live with it.

And almost anything else I could come up with would make people run away, screaming, anyway.

The receptionist gave me a little smile. "We'll set things up for you. Does it matter what kind of blood?"

I shook my head in return. Stupid voice.

A voice caught my attention. "Miss Militia? Is everything all right?"

Miss Militia made a small laugh. "Everything's fine, Panacea. Just helping Scarlet Knight here get settled in."


THE Panacea. Most renowned healing parahuman around the world.

I gave another little wave. "Hi."

Oh my god, my voice squeaked.

She looked faintly amused, however tired she looked. "Medical issue? Maybe I can help."

I raised an eyebrow, feeling uncomfortable. She looked nearly dead on her feet. "No, no. We're actually here to get things handled, hopefully. You alright?"

"Just need some food. And sleep." She said.

Okay. Long day. I get that. I guess even the famous parahumans have them now and again.

I looked to Miss Militia. She looked back at me. I shrugged. "I appreciate it, but I think things are okay."

I squeaked again. Dammit.

And Miss Militia's eyes crinkled in amusement. Fun!

She gave a tired smile, heading out the doors. Another figure came to meet her, a girl all in white. Then they shot off into the sky.

Huh. Glory Girl. I am geeking out a lot today.

I looked to Miss Militia. She was watching me intently, her eyes deep with thought. "Um...can we go?"

That seemed to break her out of her reverie. "Right, we should."

Miss Militia and I left, returning to the van where my father waited. He let out a sigh as he saw us.

"That was more than a few minutes." He groused.

I flushed with embarrassment. "We ran into Panacea, dad. Sorry."

Dad nodded. "Things going to be okay until tonight?"

Miss Militia looked at me. I nodded.

"All right." She said. "Let me get you two home."

The drive back was quiet. I spent some time trying to gather myself, calm myself. If I was going to be running around as I am, I needed to stop bouncing on the inside like a five year old.

But ohmygod! New Wave!


We arrived back home, and we stepped out of the van. I gave my dad a small smile. "Um...can I stay with Miss Militia a bit? I just need to talk, and...I'll come back before dark dad. I promise."

He opened his mouth, thought better of it, then nodded. He headed inside, looking a bit unsure.

Can't blame him. I felt unsure, too. There's not too many ways to deal with 'person comes back from the dead.'

Miss Militia started up the van again, putting it in gear. We pulled away from the house, and I let out a sigh. "This is so weird, you know. Part of me is geeking out. I went dressed as you one Halloween."

She let out a laugh. "I do seem to be pretty popular with the younger crowd. I suppose it helps my look's simple. It's a bit harder to pull off Armsmaster on a budget."

I smiled, nodding. It was a bittersweet memory of happier times, now. Mom was still around.

"I do know that she's proud of you, and not for my friend's influence upon you." Death had said that, and I believed it. Still, the memory was a good one.

I cleared my throat. "You were talking about trigger events, back in the house. It's...good to know I'm not alone when it comes to them. Still, it was horrid, though." Maybe not quite true, considering...but what I'd experienced was close enough.

Miss Militia pulled into a parking lot. "Do you remember the moment?" She asked.

I swallowed. It was hard to think of it, considering the sheer panic and terror I was experiencing at that moment. It felt fresh, still, amplified, even. The open parking lot around us helped. Knowing I had power now helped, too. I wasn't helpless now. Though the memory was still fresh enough.

"I was banging on the back of the locker, trying to push against the locker door with my back. I couldn't move, could barely breathe...garbage and insects all over me. I heard them laughing as they walked away. I kept struggling...I don't know how long. I was sure I was going to die in there." I made a wan smile. "I suppose I did. Then, though...I saw something. Immense...things. They were titanic, shedding something off themselves. They looked like shooting stars."

Miss Militia looked sharply at me.

Odd. Thinking on the image now, I felt....icy, empty rage. Not the searing kind that makes someone flail in anger. The kind of cold rage that's all the worse because it's calculated, the kind of rage that can drive a man to spend twenty years to see the object of his attention utterly decimated.

My hands felt cold.

I took a moment to breathe. "Then my world was...rage and hatred. It hurt, but didn't at the same time. I think I had dreams." Easier than saying I wandered in some vampire castle I couldn't show her. My voice thickened. "Then I awoke in my coffin."

She spent a long minute staring at me, then she spoke quietly. "I had mine as a child. Guerrillas took my village. They...killed the adults. Took the children, and had us walk into the forest, leading them through. The forest had mines. There was a moment when I knew, just knew, if I took another step I would die. And yet if I did not, the man behind me would shoot me. And then I saw them. Things I cannot describe in detail, for while I remember clearly, I don't have the words. A piece of them touched me, and then I was in the forest once more." A pistol suddenly appeared in her hand, in a flash of green energy. "I used my gift to kill the man pushing me forward, then to free those of us left. But there were so few."

She took a moment to gather herself. "I have spent a very long time, since then, learning. I came here to build a new life, and in that time, I have met many parahumans." She looked me straight in the eye. "And you are the first I have ever met to remember the moment as I do. All others speak of being helpless one moment and empowered the next. But not the titans."

My mouth was dry. "Any idea what the hell they are?"

Miss Militia shook her head. "No. Only they felt...alien in some way. Something that simply does not belong." She gently took my armored hand and squeezed it. I didn't feel it, though I appreciated the gesture. "Know this now. You are not alone. Not anymore. Your burden is shared."

I nodded and swallowed. "Thank you."

Her eyes crinkled, and she started the van, bringing me back home.


Castlevania again. It was nice to have a name other than The Castle.

Though I'll probably keep calling it The Castle just because for a while.

Much as some part of me liked the feel of this place, I was getting annoyed with being here every time I fell asleep.

I was in a large chamber, water rushed down from above, flowing in waterfalls, joining together and merging into a river that rushed down the sides of the corridor. It looked like a natural cave that someone had built into. It was cold, but somehow welcoming.

The cold....

I looked at my hand, closing my eyes and summoning that icy, deadly clarity I felt when remembering the image with Miss Militia. When I reopened them, there was a cloud of cold mist billowing from my fingers, moving down the corridor as if showing me a way.

I followed it, mentally conjuring the armor I crafted out of my blood, feeling somewhat more reassured with it around me. I followed the path of flowing water, my breath still, hearing slight whispers in the air.

Free us.

Know us.

Take us.

Become his heir.

Surpass him.

Avenge us.

Avenge him.

I reached an ornately crafted door, frozen over with ice, the now-familiar golden dragons reminding me of just whose castle this was.

Like I needed the reminder.

I clenched my hands, pulling the hatred from the back of my mind. The fiery, deadly hatred. My hands burst into flames, and I smashed the door. The ice heated up, splintering, then exploding outward. Shards of it hit me, but it barely hurt, most of it melted by the flame coming from my claws.

I wrenched my hands into the gap between the doors and pushed them open, taking a good look around. This place was a gigantic cavern of ice, the walls and floor ornately decorated. Icicles hung from the ceiling, some of them massive enough to reach the floor and form pillars. Gold, jewels, all strewn about as if worthless. In the centre of the room was an immense ice sculpture, carved in the form of a massive man. I could see something glistening and shining blue within his chest, but the refraction of the light through him made it difficult to identify. The thing was at least thirty feet tall.

I extinguished my burning claws, coming closer to examine him. The detail was astounding. I could see every fold of his simple clothing, care taken to replicate in ice the repeating textures of ancient cloth.

I looked up at his face.

He was looking back. I blinked.

His features twisted in rage.

Imposter. False heir. I serve only the Dragon.

An icy fist rose up, and I dived to the side as he slammed it into the ground, where I had been a moment before.

What the hell? The Castle was trying to kill me, now?

Rip out his tendrils.

Defeat him.

Succeed him.

Surpass him.

Free us.

No, not the Castle. The damned security system.

I flowed around the now-mobile sculpture's feet. If I hadn't been in the middle of a fight, I'd have marvelled at how easy it was to move. When I wanted to dodge, I didn't have to roll or dive, I just floated and flowed in that direction.

A massive hand made of ice came down my way, and I lacked room to dodge. So I teleported behind him, summoning my flames. The rush of hatred when I brought them out was getting easier to handle.

Though, still not exactly easy. I wanted to run up and bite this thing's face off. Bad idea, when he's made out of ice.

In an instinctive move, I hit it in the knee with an uppercut. It stumbled, letting out a wail, then it turned and grabbed a ten foot long icicle, wrenching it out of the ceiling and trying to smash me with it.

I slid around it, grinning as I felt the flames in my hands responding to my will. I started throwing slashes, my claws cutting deep into the thing's legs. One after another, flowing around the icy thing's attempts to counter me. I didn't intend to hit anything vital, but then, I didn't have to. Any place a slash landed melted big chunks of my opponent away, and even me approaching it made it shy.

It began melting somewhat, its features losing definition. Near its chest, though, the ice began to fill in, regenerate. I could see the blue object within gleaming, pulsing as if it were a heart.

Well, never let it be said I couldn't take a hint.

It lifted a foot to try and squish me underneath it. I dodged out from underfoot....only for the shockwave of the impact push me off my feet.

With a triumphant look in its face, the sculpture rose its foot again.

I teleported straight up, right in front of its chest, and hit it hard even as I began to fall. It lost its balance, falling to the floor with a ground-shuddering rumble. I touched the ground rather lightly.

Teach you to be smug, jerk.

While it put its hands on the floor, presumably to rise to his feet, I jumped up and landed on its chest. It had just enough time to look horrified before I brought my fist down. With its weight on the floor, all the energy of the hit went into it, and the creature cracked.

I put my burning hand onto the icy surface, clawing my way into its interior. I wrapped my fingers around the blue object and pulled.

With a strange rasp, it pulled away, and the mobile ice sculpture disintegrated. I looked down at the thing I'd liberated.

It was a sword, long and shining with a strange sheen. It wasn't metal, it was energy, as if somehow a shard of interstellar space was in my hand. At least four feet long, but it was as light as a feather. Cold radiated off of it, and I could feel it connecting with me, somehow. The life-stealer, cold with the forgotten and tormented souls of the void. Including that of its original forger.

The Void Sword. I knew its name as much as any part of myself.

I grinned to myself. I could feel it connecting with me, becoming part of me. With a thought, it vanished, and I knew I could call it back in an instant.

A small whisper echoed in the chamber.

We welcome you, Heiress of the Dragon.

I looked to the door, and paused.

There was an immense white wolf staring back at me. It was just sitting there, impassive, its yellow eyes seeming to search.

Then it nodded, turned immaterial, and ran through the door.

Okay then.


It's cold in here.


A/N: Powers unlocked:

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill.
Interlude: Hannah, Amy, Alan, Madison
A/N: Quick interlude


Hannah rubbed her eyes, taking her mind off the paperwork before her, considering what had happened earlier that evening.

Someone else who remembered the titans.

Someone else who knew something of those things.

Mind you, that didn't mean much on its own. Comparing the notes, however briefly, didn't give her much information. Save one.

Those things were doing things to people, to give them powers. Then promptly and immediately hiding the fact they'd done so.


That thought kept her pace slow as she slogged through the paperwork. What made Taylor different enough to remember? Something about how her powers worked?

However those worked. It seemed as if her power was giving her the set for a vampire. Rising from the dead, drinking blood, turning into bats. But where did the teleporting come in?

And where, exactly, did she get the strength to punch out Lung? She's avoided mentioning that to Danny Hebert, but it was still worrying.

A tap came from her doorway. She looked up, her eyes crinkling.

Neptune stood there, looking curious. One of the newest capes, he worked exclusively with emergency services, usually with the fire department.

"Don't worry, I'm all right, I'm a little distracted."

He signed carefully, slowly. He was still learning sign language. Hannah learned it pretty quickly. It helped them communicate. He had to use a text-to-speech app for most other people.

Much trouble. Third kidnapping. No ransom. Asian block.

She nodded. "ABB working. Anything to follow on?"

Not much help. Need. He paused, searching for the right signs. Truth-seekers. Can't do.

Hannah sighed. "And you don't like feeling useless. Anything come back, John?"

He tapped the side of his head. No. Nothing past two months.

"I'm sure we'll find something. Give it time."

He looked unsure, and shook his hand back and forth. Doubt it.


(With thanks to Char-Nobyl)

"So..." Vicky said with an air of blatantly-false casualness, "Who was that with Miss M?"

"A new cape," Amy replied. Mid-flight conversations like this were good. They helped distract her from the damned feelings she got when Vicky was holding her so...closely, "Or at least one I'd never heard of. Scarlet Knight."


"And what, Vicky?"

"Is he cute?"

"W-what?" Amy would've whirled around if it didn't mean squirming out of her sister's iron grip. And falling to her death. The latter more than the former.

"C'mon. Don't tell me you didn't use your power to peek under that armor. Which screamed edgy badass, by the way."

"I didn't use my power at all! And Scarlet Knight is a girl," Amy sputtered, quickly thinking back for any indicative pronoun-use from Miss Militia. Finding none, she added, "I mean...I'm pretty sure she's a girl."

"You're only pretty sure?"

"There was a bit of a weird reverb in her voice. I think her armor was some kind of tinkertech. But I'm still pretty sure she's a she."

"It wasn't the hair, was it? Guys can have hair that nice, too. It'd fit with the 'sexy vampire' thing he had going on."

"Okay, Scarlet Knight is still probably a girl, but you are not going to refer to her as a 'sexy vampire' if anyone asks about her."

"Geez, fine...hey, are you okay? You look like shit."

"Gee. Thanks," Amy grumbled, but she was starting to tense up. She knew what Vicky meant, and she knew that Vicky knew-

"You know what I mean, Ames." Shit. Please not this. Not right now.

"It's...I'm just tired. I'll feel better after some sleep."

"...alright," Vicky sounded like she thought it was anything but 'alright,' but to Amy's relief she seemed to drop the issue. They flew in silence for a few minutes.

"So..." Vicky began with that insufferable tone again, "If he...oh, don't make that face. If 'she' wasn't there to get patched up, why go to the hospital at all?"

"She was there to get some packs of...blood," Amy only fully realized what she'd said once it was too late to stop, "Vicky, don't you dare-"

"-set you up on a double-date with the sexy vampire boy? That's a great idea, Ames!"


A knock on a door.

The door opening.

"Alan Barnes? I'm Agent Jansen of the FBI, this is Agent MacGregor. We need to speak with you and your daughter."

Alan Barnes paled.


Madison stood still. From the outside, she would have seemed stoic. It was a simple facade.

"You are aware of the penalty for perjury, Miss Clements? If you're making a false statement, there can be very serious consequences here. The police department is not a service you can use to resolve petty grudges."

She nodded. "I'm aware."

The cop nodded. He was a tall man, balding, and professional. He set her sworn statement into a folder. "We'll do what we can for you and your family, Miss Clements. I'll assign protective detail until we can get word on this Sophia Hess."

Madison nodded, managing a weak smile. "Thank you, officer."

He smiled gently. "Austin. Jake Austin."

She went to sit down while he made some calls, her breath shuddering.

Her mind wandered. Focussed, then wandered again.

Please. She whispered in her heart. Let me not be afraid anymore. Let me do the right thing once. Let me fix my mistake. I can't change what I did, but let me do better for everyone else.

She straightened. Light filled her. Cold, strong, emotionless light. Light with reason. Light with purpose.

It filled her vision. She knew it. She knew how to make it.

Madison's mouth was dry. She needed to build it. She needed to forge it. She needed iron and silver.

For the first link in the chain.

Reclamation 2.3
A/N: Continuing onward. Is anyone still reading these?


Well. Apparently Dracul left some things going on automatic in his castle, because he'd made it difficult to safely get at some of his things when he went on vacation. Or whatever the heck happened to him.

The thought scared me a bit. Dracul apparently had immense power. The rapid number of gains I'd made since I woke up in my grave seemed to indicate that, but something had happened to force him to give up his power. Or he was killed and it went to me, for some reason or another. So what could do that to him?

"How does one kill a god?" I had asked Death.

"It's difficult, but easier than you might imagine."

A reminder to myself. As strong as I might become, the right circumstances could kill me. I needed to be aware. I needed knowledge. And I couldn't rely on only what my powers were giving me. I knew I had a number of strengths, but I needed to see where my weaknesses were. And if possible, find a way to counter them.

Lacking better options, I went to see if I could follow that wolf. I also took my sweet time about it. Death had said I was here in spirit, but I didn't want to know what would happen if I got myself killed in my dreaming-not-dreaming state. I seemed to carry over my actual strengths, and they translated to reality easily enough.

Soon as I woke up, I'd see if I could summon the Void Sword. I'm....not actually sure what it'd mean if I could, but until I know for sure, assume dreaming-me is exactly as regular-me. That seems to be how it's been since I came back.

I lost the wolf's trail. Apparently, despite being a vampire, I did not become a tracking expert overnight. Good to know. Probably doesn't help that it turned immaterial. How does one track something that doesn't have any substance?

Still, the corridors twisted around until I reached a landing. The air was chilly, whipping through the halls in a powerful breeze. It slowed me down as I moved.

Eventually, I came outside. I was near the apex of the castle, a set of stairs going upward to the tower at the top. The view from here was spectacular. I felt like a queen of the world. I could see...darkness and shadow out around everywhere, surrounding the castle, but it somehow had form, substance. It wasn't the lack of light, it had form of its own.

I looked up at the tower. I knew that up there was the throne room, and somehow, answers would be there. When I moved to the base of the stairs, though, I couldn't move any further. There wasn't a wall or anything preventing me, but I simply would not move forward. I even tried teleporting up onto the stairs, but that just plunked me right where I was already standing.

Well fine. I don't want to go up your stupid stairs anyway.


Reverse psychology doesn't work either.

Well then. I turned around. And stopped.

There's another set of doors. Either I didn't notice when I came up here, or Castlevania's shifting around me. Or both.

There seemed to be a faint, feminine giggle in my mind. Playing with me. Okay. Fine. Whatever. The Castle didn't seem to be malicious, at least toward me. I began to wonder if I wanted it, I'd find a room completely full of cotton candy.

That wasn't a request, by the way!

I waited a moment, listening for a response. Then I shrugged and headed through the new set of doors.

Ah. This was familiar. The hallway, that first hallway where I thought I would freeze to death. That first dream of Castlevania. I followed the hall, reaching the baths that I thought would be my refuge.

I pulled the doors open, and I breathed in as the crimson mist boiled out. I looked to see the bath filled with blood. It was...alluring, in a way that would have horrified me such a short time ago. I moved forward, taking a sample from the bath with my finger and licked it.

It was warm, welcoming, but I knew in an instant that even if I were here in flesh, it wouldn't sustain me. It was already part of me, in some way, and thus even if I managed to take in every drop it wouldn't help my hunger. It would, however, feel really good. To bathe in this blood would be to bask in my own power.

I closed my eyes and let out a breath. I was tempted to head in, really tempted, but I didn't want to indulge myself just now. I had something more important in mind. I needed to find a way to get here in the real world, not just in my dreams.

So I turned, walked out of the bath, and retraced my steps from where I remembered my first moment here in Castlevania. The corridor was filling with mist the further forward I went, and I felt a sense of foreboding as I went into it.

Then....no. Nonono. Not here. Anywhere but here.

I turned around, dreading what I would see. I knew what it would be.

It was my locker, filled with filth, crawling with insects, and the horrid stench of it filled the entire hall.

The school shattered around me, and I woke up screaming.

Dad came barrelling into my room, and he hugged me. "Taylor, Taylor! It's okay, it's okay!"

I clung to him and cried.


"I'm sorry I woke you." I murmured as dad made his breakfast. He looked terrible, still. He'd been eating a bit more, but he was still thin. It would take months to restore him to something like the father I knew.

He gave me a gentle smile as he sat down next to me with his toast and orange juice. "It's all right, Taylor." He put his arm around my shoulder. "You've been through hell. Frankly, I'm glad. You waking me up? Means I've got my daughter back."

I leaned on his side, still feeling wretched. I tried to ignore the smell of his blood, running under his skin.

I'd have to drop by the hospital, pick up the packs they'd prepared. I didn't want to hurt my dad.

He spoke quietly after finishing his first piece of toast. "I know I haven't been a very good father, Taylor. I failed you, in a way that broke me." He gently tilted my chin up, and I gave him a small smile. "To have you back is a miracle. I know I haven't done anything to deserve it, but it's a miracle all the same. I don't care if you wake me up in the middle of the night, or even if you've changed in ways I can't grasp. You're my daughter. I am going to treasure every second." He made a wry smile. "Even the ones when I've had three hours sleep."

I nodded at that, feeling uncomfortable. "So...what's the plan for today?"

Dad looked thoughtful. "I'm making arrangements to get us a lawyer. I can't afford one for too long, but if it means your future, it's worth it. Probably only need one for a day or two."

I breathed out, considering. "I need to head back to the hospital. Feeling hungry." I shrugged. "Then I'll try and relax. I have....well, a lot to work through, dad."

He gently squeezed my shoulder. "Will you be home at six, Taylor?"

I nodded. "Yeah." I smiled slightly. "We can have a movie night."

His smile was faint, but very welcome.


Updraft flee flee bright there wall look for red can't see bright ping buzzing warmth and I reformed on the top level of the hospital's parking garage. I thought about just appearing at the front doors out of a cloud of bats, but that's a good way to freak people out. Bats? Not exactly the cuddliest creature out there.

Though I kinda wanted to cuddle one right now. My instincts are weird.

I made a small laugh to myself at the thought of a vampire using a cuddly form to get around, though. Watch out for that pack of kittens? Pride of kittens? Group? What do you call a group of kittens, anyway?

I shook my head. My mind? Weird place, apparently, and that was before I got a bunch of instincts and urges out of a horror movie.

I felt like I was forgetting something....

Oh. Right.

I concentrated on the icy rage, and I felt the response. The Void Sword flashed into existence in my hand. I carefully turned the blade, this way and that. As in my dreams of the Castle, it looked and acted impossibly for an ordinary object. You do not get to forge a piece of nothing into a sword. Unless, apparently, you had the power of a god and an excellent demon for a smith.

And...how did I know that?

These snippets of knowledge from Dracul were pissing me off. Just enough to get me interested, but not enough to actually tell me anything useful.

Like with my burning claws, the blade's presence seemed to mess with my emotions. There was no emotion other than that cold, deadly focus, powered by methodical rage.

I dismissed the blade, taking a deep breath as my emotions came rushing back in. It didn't seem to stop me from feeling other things, just set it aside for a bit. Still, that side-effect could be useful.

I made my way to the hospital's reception, giving a smile to the receptionist. This one was not the same one from last night. She was older, gray, and looked like she hadn't had a good day since the seventies. "Hi. Um. I'm Scarlet Knight, here to pick up some blood packs." Even saying that as my cape name sounded weird.

Part of me wanted 'I am the Dragon,' but I was very firmly telling that part of myself to shut up. It felt like it was something he'd ranted a few thousand times. Dragon was already taken and I am not Dracul, dammit!

I didn't usually get whole thoughts from whatever he left me, more half-remembered memories and habits, but I did get enough to know one thing.

He was a jerk.

She glared at me, then rifled through her paperwork. Finally she found the form, and was seemingly disappointed at the destruction of the possible excuse to yell at someone. "Wait here." She picked up her phone, dialled a few numbers, then waited. All the while glaring at me.

What? What did I do?

Then she spoke into the phone. "Package to be delivered to SK? Yeah, bring it down."

I shifted uncomfortably while she turned back to her paperwork, steadfastly ignoring me.

Fine, be that way.

An intern came from a hall at the side, carrying a cooler. He saw me and smiled. "Scarlet Knight, I presume."

I gave him a smile. "Yeah."

He handed me the cooler. "We've got ten packs in there for you. Most are fresh, two are expired. Just bring the cooler back when you're done and we'll get you a new one, long as supplies are coming in."

Makes sense. Just keep swapping two coolers. Miss Militia must have thought of this. Or I'm not the only cape who's got an issue kinda like this. Probably insulin or something, rather than blood, but hey, I'm not complaining.

I went out the door and to the hospital's side. I found a spot on a small terrace, overlooking the sidewalk by the water. And even nicer, it was in the shade, at least in the mornings.

I opened the cooler, taking out one of the expired packs. If this was going to work, hopefully the old ones will do. I turned the pack this way and that, trying to figure out how I could open it without it ripping. Or exploding. Exploding would be bad. Finally, I figured 'screw it,' lengthened my fangs, and carefully bit the plastic. Then I suckled on the holes.

Coolness. Bitter. It tasted horrible. Oh it was drinkable, but only just. I could feel it helping with my hunger somewhat, but barely. I'd need three of these to get a full meal, and I could barely handle one. It seemed to be lacking that vitality that slaked my thirst so easily with the ABB members. And Lung. His blood was potent, indeed.

"Ack! God!" I exclaimed, dropping the pack into the cooler. The leaking blood made a mess at the bottom of it, but I didn't care. I shuddered and coughed, trying to clear the taste.

I picked up a fresher pack, and bracing myself, popped it with my fangs. This was far, far better, but not exactly tasty. It utterly lacked the feelings that came with it when I fed previously, like having a meal entirely made of bland noodles. I could subsist on this, but not thrive, I instinctively knew.

Something hit the ground behind me, I turned, and winced.

Panacea was there, with a bag at her feet, a wrapped sandwich falling out. And so was Glory Girl. And Glory Girl was bouncing on her feet.

"See! Told you he was a vampire. Told ya so!" Glory Girl said, grinning. "So glad I decided to pop by for lunch, Ames. We got it right here!"

Oh god. This is so horrible.

Wait. He?

Panacea smacked Glory Girl on the shoulder. "Vicky, come on, stop it. You're embarrassing." She gave me a wry smile. "Though you seem to be making a pretty good impression of one."

I grimaced. And flushed, managing to mutter. "Don't like it when someone sees me do this." Though I was a bit dubious about having any blood from the packs now. I poked the freshest one in the cooler.

I'll try it later. After rinsing out the cooler. The older blood was already making me less enthusiastic about the rest. I shut the cooler.

"Oh, he's embarrassed about it! That's so romantic." Glory Girl moved right up to me and poked me in the chest. "Can you eat regular food?"

I nodded. Didn't help me, but yeah, technically true.

She beamed. "Great! Ames and I'll take you to dinner, we can get to know the new cape in town. I'll set all this up! Meet you at Fugly Bob's at five!"


Glory Girl gave Panacea a wave. "See you then, Ames!" Then she rocketed off into the sky, making me stumble back. I blinked a few times.

What the hell just happened?

Panacea let out a sigh, shaking her head. "She does this every time." She gave me a wry smile. "Vicky means well, but, well, she's a bulldozer. Nothing stops her. Especially once she has an idea."

I made a small laugh. "Well, I guess I can respect her enthusiasm, if not her approach." I held out my hand. "Scarlet Knight, I guess."

She took my hand, smiling. "Pana...." A shock went through my hand, suffusing my body. I felt something in the back of my mind twitch. Mutability.

She paled. "What. The. Hell..."

I frowned. Both at her reaction and my own. "What?"

Her mouth worked for a few moments as she kept a hold on my hand. "You're....frozen, somehow. Your cells aren't dividing. Your heart isn't beating, but your veins are thrumming, your blood flowing, as if it was. When you breathe out, you're sending out just as much oxygen as you breathed in. It's like you're.... locked on everything but the blood. And....is your armor made of your blood? How is that working?"



Well, that's confirmation. I suspected it was the case, but to know I'm undead, as opposed to sort of alive, is...

I got nothing. I have nothing like it. There is nothing like it to compare it to. And yet, I felt okay with it, somehow. I still felt like me. Mostly. Just with a lot more added on my already large pile of issues.

"Well..um...my power lets me manipulate my blood. I can make it into weapons, armor, clothing, whatever. It sounds horrible, I know, but I didn't ask for them. It's too useful for me to just set aside." I said, wincing. I pulled my hand away. Panacea just looked....distant. "Are you all right?" I asked, worried about what the answer might be.

She swallowed, then cleared her throat. "Y-yeah. I've seen some odd effects some powers have on people, but yours takes the cake. Yeesh, your power must have read some bad novels or something."

I guess. Or something. I suddenly had a mental image of a pale man, sitting on a throne, leafing through a bad teen romance novel with one hand and gouging clawmarks into his throne with the other.

I repressed a smile. If I ever had to get my revenge on Dracul, I knew how.

"Well, I feel fine. I don't feel much pain, and when I do get hurt, I heal quickly. I don't think there's much you could do for me. It'd be nice not needing blood, but considering everything else..." I made a small shrug.

Panacea nodded, then she made a small smile. "It's all right. It's unusual, but...okay, it's just weird. Not bad, just weird. It's hard to figure." Her smile widened. "I was sure you were a girl, though. Vicky thought you were a guy."

That explained a lot. "Oh. Well, I'm not." I just have the impulses of one in my head, mixed up with my own. Maybe. I hoped that was all it was.

A slow smile spread across my face. Vengeance would be mine. "Of course you realize, we need to get her back for that?"

Panacea blinked, then her grin matched mine. "Oh, yeah. Let's try this again." She held out her hand. "Amy."

I giggled. Why not? I clasped her hand. "Taylor."


So I arrived at Fugly Bob's. I'd taken a moment on the way to duck into an alley and shift my armor into clothes. I now wore a long red jacket, a black shirt, and black jeans. I had tried for blue, but apparently, I could have my clothes in any color I wanted as long as it was red or black.

Well, at least I wouldn't have to worry about color-matching. And changing the form of the armor didn't seem to strain my reserves. I didn't feel any hungrier afterward, anyway.

Not sure how that worked, but hey. I'm not going to complain. As for the feeding...I was somewhat concerned. I wasn't looking forward to an eternity of blandness. It wasn't like I could go and eat Lung every day.

Well, maybe...

No. No. No. Bad, bad, badbadbadBAD idea, Taylor.

Even if his blood was tasty.

Bad! Badbadbad!

I took a deep breath and headed inside. I spotted Victoria, Amy, and a boy I didn't know sitting at a booth at the back. I grinned, walked over, and plunked myself down next to Amy.

Victoria blinked at me. "Uh..."

I smiled innocently. "Expecting someone else?"

Amy fought to keep a grin off her face. And failed, bursting into giggles.

Victoria looked scandalized, then laughed. "Ames! You sneak!"



Powers (re)unlocked:

Fleshcrafting: Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.


And Omake, because I couldn't resist:

You hate this as much as I do.

"Yep." I said smugly.

Why do you insist upon this torture?

"Because you're a jerk, and you've been pushing me to collect a harem."

Is that so bad?

"No, but it's the principle of the thing." I turned a page.

There are so many good choices here!

"You're still a jerk. Now take your lumps."

You'll get lonely if you don't have company who can last for centuries as you do.

That....was a very good point. I put the book aside. "Fine. But I'm not going to collect every somewhat attractive woman out there."

Of course not. He sniffed. I have standards. And I do not sparkle.

Interlude: PHO, Tattletale
A/N: First time messing around with this tool. It's pretty fun.


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♦Topic: New Cape in Brockton Bay?
In: Boards ► Cape Sightings

SkateOrDie (Original Poster) (Cape Groupie)
Posted on April 9, 2011:

So here I am, waiting in the reception area for Brockton General for my broken leg (long ass story, involves ninjas(not really)) when who
walks in?

Miss frickin' Militia. And right behind her is some guy in all red armor.
It looked pretty creepy, but also pretty badass. And actually, you know, functional.
Some capes go for super-elaborate armor which is more pretty than functional, but this one looked practical. And scary.

I overheard him being introduced as Scarlet Night or something. Anybody have any word?

(Showing Page 1 of 4)

► IKnowNothing
Replied on April 9, 2011:
Heard some rumors about some cape in red running around. Didn't have much beyond gossip, though. Rumor was he was spotted
dropping off Lung at Armsmaster's feet.

► JackSkellington
Replied on April 9, 2011:
Wait, wait, wait.

This new cape took out Lung?

Who the hell just takes out Lung? Why didn't they just shout to the skies 'I am the BAMF who took out Lung?'

Seriously, this is freaking Lung!

► TotallyNotAVillain
Replied on April 9, 2011:
Well, I don't know. Maybe because the ABB has a psycho knife fetishist teleporter/cloner who likes to turn himself into a suicide bomber?

► Glory Girl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied on April 9, 2011:
It's Scarlet Knight, with a K. As in Knights of the Round Table. The knightly armor not clue you in?

Anyway, she's fun. Bit shy, but that's alright. Just means I get to have fun drawing her out of her shell.

For the moment though, she's just doing her own thing. Leave her alone, yeah? She'll debut officially when she's ready. Try not to accost
her if you see her, she's trying to straighten her life out.

See? I can be considerate!

► JackSkellington
Replied on April 9, 2011:
Well. That clears things up a bit. And SK's a girl? Well, even better!

And if the rumors are true, then Lung got beaten up by a rookie girl.

I think I can hear his pride crying in a corner.

► TotallyNotAVillain
Replied on April 9, 2011:
Know what this means?

She must lead us upon a quest for the Holy Grail.

*breaks out the coconuts*

► xxVoid Cowboyxx
Replied on April 9, 2011:
[This post was deleted by Moderator]

► TinMother (Moderator)
Replied on April 9, 2011:
Speculation on cape identities is forbidden by the Terms of Service.

Enjoy your two week ban.

► NoblyCharred
Replied on April 10, 2011:
Don't you ever learn, Void?

Seriously, what you do? Not cool. Learn a freaking lesson already. Or do you really want to give a supervillain reason to come to your
End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4


Lisa tapped her chin, licking her lips.

Made contact with New Wave. Calculated move or taking advantage of coincidence? Not enough data. Control growing, emotional health improving, support gained by allying with PRT and New Wave. Still best chance to be freed from Coil.

Her power was so certain of that. So certain that the girl in red was going to be an immense power in the near future.

Her phone rang. She grimaced, knowing already who it would be.

"Yes, boss?"

"I require you to be visible and public on Tuesday. Between noon and three, something within downtown."

Her power made the connections quickly.

Does not care what the action is. Distractionary measure for another goal. During Protectorate gathering on the other side of town.

"Arcadia is nearby, there. The Wards would be on top of us within minutes."

"A few minutes is all that is required. There will be substantial incentives."

Lisa paused. Dammit.
Reclamation 2.4

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! Unlocked!

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow portal. Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Can also draw things from the Plane of Shadow. (Locked)

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. (Locked)

Monster form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but preferred. (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.


I stared hard at Director Piggot.

She returned the stare, unfazed. "Miss Hebert, I understand you're angry."

My lip curled. "Angry? No, no, no. I'm not angry at all, Director. I am entirely furious as to this situation. Anger does not begin to describe what I'm feeling right now." Frost was forming on the table beneath my hands. My grip on the Void, while less pronounced with the sword in its whatever-space it resided in when not in my hand, was helping to keep me under control. It's the only reason I hadn't gotten up from my chair and started ripping the entire hotel apart around me.

We'd spent a week getting all this prepared, and what happens? I go right back to world-destruction mode. Great!

Piggot, Armsmaster, and Miss Militia had noticed the dropping temperature, and all three were uneasy. My armor creaked and crinkled as tiny shards of ice flaked off my gloves.

Dad gently took my shoulder, though his expression was hard, as well. "Director, you'd better explain. Carefully."

Jason Thompson, our lawyer, nodded. "Considering the allegations involved, and the evidence gathered by your own investigations that Miss Hebert is indeed who she appears to be, and your claim her would-be murderer is a member of the Wards, this is a very, very dangerous situation for the PRT and the Protectorate."

Piggot set her glasses down on the table. "It was a combination of failures and corruption, unfortunately. A number of former villains have joined the Protectorate in the past, and managed to reform themselves in the eyes of the public and the government. However, a close eye is kept upon them for a minimum of five years, and no set maximum. Such things are taken on a case-by-case basis. Shadow Stalker operated as a vigilante for two years before she was brought into the Wards. She was under probation, a single misstep by her would have sent her to juvenile hall. She was brought in when she nearly killed a man by pinning him to a wall with her crossbow bolts and left him there. He nearly bled to death."

She worked her mouth for a moment, grimacing. "Understand that Shadow Stalker was certainly not the first we have taken under our wing like this. Most straighten out. The rest end up getting the full force of the law upon their heads. Which Shadow Stalker is getting."

"Only after I get back from the grave. Apparently, I didn't matter before." The frost spread further from under my hands.

Piggot shook her head. "You did matter and you do matter. Given the severity of the crime and her actions afterward, we are pushing her to be tried as an adult. Had we known of her harassment of you in her civilian identity, we would have packed her up and sent her to juvenile hall immediately. Her PRT handler covered up that information in the interest of keeping a rather 'easy' assignment." She sighed, looking angry herself. "On top of that, the moment we confirmed your identity, we also sent the information to the FBI to pick up Emma Barnes, as well as her father, Alan Barnes, on the charges of conspiracy after the fact."

My glare was icy. "And yet these actions are not taken until I climb out of the grave they put me in."

Piggot took a deep breath, licking her lips. Despite the backup she had directly behind her, she looked nervous. I'd have missed it without the focus of the Void. "We lacked the information. Upon our arrest and interrogation of Shadow Stalker, we learned why. Have you heard of Coil?"

I shook my head.

She nodded. "We're not even certain he is a parahuman. What we do know is he has spread his influence throughout much of Brockton Bay. He has no known parahumans working under him, but he does keep teams of mercenaries under his employ and uses them against both Lung and Kaiser's forces. We suspect he is a Thinker, or at the very least has a very good information network. Shadow Stalker has claimed that evidence that would have exposed her role in your apparent death was intercepted and 'disappeared' by Coil."

I blinked slowly. "And why should I believe anything my tormentor has said?"

Armsmaster tapped his helmet. "I have a lie detector programmed into my equipment. It read as 'true' when she gave that information. From what we've managed to ascertain, after the...incident, Coil used the opportunity to forcibly recruit Shadow Stalker into his organization. He's been using her for various tasks. Information gathering, infiltration, assassination."

I stared at him. A long moment passed before I managed to speak. "I'm still not feeling any sympathy for the girl who killed me."

He looked uncomfortable.

Miss Militia spoke, then. "We're not expecting you to. And we understand that our apologies, at this point, are inadequate. But we are trying to help, and it would be best if we can all leave this room with an arrangement that's at the least tolerable, if not ideal."

Piggot nodded. "First of all, we're throwing everything we have at Shadow Stalker and Barnes. Harassment, assault, battery, kidnapping, forcible detainment, manslaughter, conspiracy after the fact, and a whole list of smaller charges. Considering you've...." She looked dubious as to how to word it. "'Resurrected' we may have difficulty in making the most serious charges stick. However, when it comes to parahuman events with the law, there can be arguments made to at least attempt to charge her with it. After all, you were certainly close enough to actually being dead to fool a coroner after the autopsy."

Thompson spoke, then. "And what about pain and anguish? Daniel Hebert believed his daughter dead for three months. Taylor herself was tormented for a year and a half due to their protracted campaign, and if she hadn't become a parahuman, she would truly be dead, herself. Will the PRT take responsibility?"

Piggot considered for a few long moments. "Shadow Stalker's Ward account will be immediately transferred over to your name, and made available. It will be paid into until you turn eighteen." She held up a hand as I opened my mouth. "No strings. The money is yours. As far as I'm concerned, she forfeited it and it should belong to you, considering what you went through. If you would consider joining the Wards, we will pay into it at the same rate of pay as a full Protectorate member. If you don't join the Wards, it's still yours."

Thompson looked to me. Not exactly a humongous fortune here, but it would help. I nodded slightly, and he did in return. "And Mister Hebert?"

Piggot grimaced. "That is a bit more complicated. I am not stating that it is irrelevant. It most definitely is relevant. However, I have great difficulty in coming up with any kind of compensation that would be remotely adequate. The equivalent of three months pay at your job would be ludicrously short. And yet, my resources are still limited."

Dad thought for a few minutes, then nodded. "Hire the Dockworker's Union for Protectorate work around the city. That would be a start. And only a start. I...think we can work out a few more details from there."

I spoke then. "And what about my third tormentor, Madison?"

Piggot picked up a file folder and handed it to me. I opened it, took the first sheet, and read it through.

I, Madison Clements, being of both sound mind and body, swear that everything that follows in this document and following documents is true to the best
of my recollection.

For a year and a half, I participated in an ongoing bullying campaign against Taylor Hebert. Taylor had done nothing against us, and sought assistance
from the school authorities on multiple occasions, with none materializing. She was failed by the system, and failed by myself. I acted with malicious cruelty
against her, tormenting her by stealing her work and destroying her property while my
*scribblescratch* former friends Emma Barnes and Sophia Hess
attacked her psychologically and physically, respectively.

As a result of these actions, Taylor Hebert died in her locker on January seventh, 2011. I was unaware of the 'prank' that Emma and Sophia had planned
at the time. When I learned of the fact and attempted to confront the two about it, Sophia Hess threatened both my life, Emma's life, and the lives of our family

I blinked. I could see her doing that. Threatening, that is.

I do not shirk responsibility from my actions. I am willingly turning myself in to the police department to answer for my crimes. It is my hope that the role I
played in Taylor's death can be answered for by all three of us, including myself. I have no illusions that I can possibly make up for the injustice I performed
upon Taylor, nor that she can forgive me, being dead. It is only my hope that my confession can help protect my family and others like Taylor.


Madison Clements

Out of curiosity, I went to the next page. Then the next, then the next. Listed in Madison's handwriting was every incident she could recall.

Nowhere near as extensive as my notebooks had been, as they were only from Madison's point of view, and she hadn't been present for everything. On top of that, she didn't have perfect memory, so there were some rather large gaps in places. But...damn. There were ten pages of incidents here.

"Okay." I breathed out as I closed the folder, putting it before Thompson. He began to leaf through it with interest. "She's confessed to being a bully."

Piggot, Miss Militia, and Armsmaster shifted uncomfortably.

No. No. She couldn't have. She did. "She triggered?" I guessed. I couldn't see any other reason they'd hesitate about this.

Armsmaster nodded. "Apparently, she now has designs for weapons and equipment in her head. We gave her a few materials and she was able to craft unusual items out of them. She also claims to have fighting techniques, though not muscle training to pull them off, but it's still unusual for Tinkers. There is some pressure for us to have her join the Wards."

"I won't join a team with Madison." I said flatly. "Ever."

Piggot nodded. "Understandable. However, that is not what we are asking. We're laying out some options for you. If you wish to press charges against her, that is what we will do. Considering her confession and her circumstances, however, we hope you will consider allowing her to join the Wards as a probationary member."

"The same deal Sophia got?" I said acidly. The frost on the table expanded.

Piggot pulled her hands back from the encroaching cold, then shook her head. "Sophia was forced into the Wards, she showed no signs of repentant behaviour and she managed to manipulate the situation so she could get away with her illegal actions. The handlers in question have been fired, charges are being laid upon them, and Madison, at least, seems to be genuinely remorseful. She also, to the best of our knowledge, does not know who Shadow Stalker is. Or that you've returned from the dead. We will do with Madison what should have been done with Sophia. And if you agree, she would not have to be here in Brockton Bay. She may be transferred elsewhere."

I considered that for long moments. Finally, I got to my feet. "I need to think about this. I'll contact you later."

Piggot blinked, while Dad took my shoulder. I pushed him off.

"Taylor, wait!" Dad said.

Thompson stood, too. "Please, Miss Hebert, as your legal counsel, I have to ask you to sit down."

I grit my teeth. "If I stay here, I will do something I'll regret. I'll get in contact later."

Before anyone else could move, I teleported out the window and burst into bats in mid-air.


Well. Though sunlight still hurt, it still shows no sign of killing me. And neither do crosses, apparently. Figured that one out when bats-me returned to normal (well, normalish) Taylor upon a cross at the top of a church.

It was, however, pretty fragile, so I hopped off as it began to creak and went to the edge of the church roof, went to the shady side, sat down, and breathed out. Then I released my grip on the icy rage, the power of the Void, that had kept me focussed. Then I let out a scream.

Fucking Sophia Hess. She was supposed to be a hero! She had action figures! Action figures of the girl who killed me.

She deserves to see all she loves razed for this.

That impulse felt horribly, frighteningly familiar. I was tempted, I was really tempted. It would be easy, even. Find her place. Light my hands on fire and tear her house down. Rip her loved ones limb from limb. Go through each and every thing she cared about and turned it to ash, before I came for her, dragged her out of the cell the PRT had her in, ripped out her heart and fucking ate it before she completely lost herself from the shock.

One thing stopped me.

The thought of how Mom would have looked at me if I did.

How it would have broken her if she knew she raised a monster.

I knew if I took that oh so ever-tempting step, I'd be taking that same step HE took. The first step from vengeance upon a single person to a vengeance upon the entire world. The kind of thing that would make my name as feared as the Slaughterhouse Nine.

They are beneath me.

Okay, worse than the Nine.

I trembled. I sobbed. I breathed, though I didn't need to, it helped. The rush of emotions was so very hard to deal with. And it was all the worse because I knew that this wasn't whatever Dracul had left behind. This was all me. The bits of him were just making things worse.

"Whoa." Came a voice from above. I managed to look up, though I couldn't see much through my tear-filled eyes. The all-white outfit and glint on the head, though, told me.

"Hey, Vicky. What are you doing here?" I muttered.

She landed next to me and sat. "Kinda heard you scream about three blocks away. Alright, Red. What's up?"

I managed a small, bitter laugh. "Oh. Not much. Life sucks. I...can't talk too much about it."

"Ahh." She nodded sagely. "Cape problems. Kinda happens." I wiped my eyes, managing a clear look at her. She looked considering. "Yeah, I've had to sign a few NDA's, too. Kind of annoying, but, well, there's good reasons, usually."

I muttered. "Yeah, only I got fucked over by them before I knew anything. My life's screwed over because a bunch of jerks covered their asses." If it wasn't for Dracul's power, I might not even have a life. Or unlife. Whatever.

She looked pensive, she patted me on the shoulder, then got to her feet. "I'll be right back, all right? Wait right there!" Before I could even open my mouth, she rocketed off.

I simply sat, watching the street for a bit. Some of the passers-by noticed me, but I couldn't bring myself to care. Let them look at the depressed cape hanging out on a rooftop. Go ahead, gawk!

Hey, you. Yes, you! Go ahead, take a picture. Put it on PHO. I know you're gonna do that anyway!

Yeah, I see your phone. It's old, too!

I blinked as Vicky returned, holding a bucket of ice cream. And two heavily-reinforced spoons. She gave me a smile. "Butterscotch?"

My lip quirked. "I don't think I'll mind that."

So there we sat quietly. Well, I was quiet, sampling ice cream. Vicky chattered as she took clumps of her own.

"So, yeah, it's embarrassing, especially in retrospect. I triggered because of a foul at a basketball game. Mom, dad, Ames, Aunt Sarah, they all went through a hellish moment to get their powers. I just got a bad moment. Oh, there was the pressure to succeed and a bunch of stuff pushed on me, but it's nothin' compared to what most capes go through."

She grinned, giving me a stage-whisper. "Know what the worst part is? I got up, picked up the ball, and flew across the whole court and slam-dunked it right into the hoop. And if that point had counted, we'd have won! But nope, not allowed to use powers to win games."

I managed a small chuckle. "Pity. They should have a parahuman Olympics."

Vicky nodded quickly, grinning. "Oh, yeah! I can see it now." She put on an announcer voice. "Here the runners are, doing the hundred yard dash! Boom, it's over! 1.3 seconds! And he went through the wall! Disqualified!"

I giggled, taking a bit more ice cream.

She went on, milking it for all it's worth. "And now for the high jump. Oh, he hit the blimp!" She turned to the side. "They'll take off points for that, Dave!"

We looked at each other, and shared a long, hard laugh.

I wiped my tears away, letting out a deep breath. "Thanks, Vicky."

"Hey," She grinned. "What are friends for? Besides, you and Ames got me the other day. Know when the last time she played a prank on me was? Never. It was good to see her laugh."

I made a small smile at that. "Well, I had to get my vengeance on you calling me a boy somehow."

She laughed. "Yep, you got me. You going to be all right?"

I thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah. Eventually, yeah."

"Good. Feel free to call me, hm? Friend of Ames is a friend of mine. See ya, Red!"

She rocketed off into the sky, leaving me with about a quarter of the ice cream bucket. I shrugged and kept eating it, thinking.

Finally, when I was finished, I set it aside, took a deep breath, and took out the cell phone Armsmaster had given me. I set the right option on the number memory and waited.

"Parahuman Response Team, Brockton Bay division."

"This is Scarlet Knight. I wish to speak with Director Piggot."

"One moment please."

There was an annoyingly repetitive song that played while I waited. It didn't take much more than a minute, though.

"Director Piggot speaking."

I took a deep breath. "You want me to consider what to do with Madison. I want to meet her first."

Last edited:
Reclamation 2.5
A/N: Vicky is fun when she's trying to be helpful.

That is all.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! Unlocked!

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal. Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Can also draw things from the Plane of Shadow. (Locked)

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. (Locked)

Monster Form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather Manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but highly recommended! (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.


My dad squeezed my shoulder. "You sure you want to do this, Taylor?"

I looked through the one-way mirror. Madison sat there, dressed in casual clothing, her hands were unbound. The room was otherwise bare, save for the chairs and the metal table. "I have to do this." I said quietly.

Armsmaster stood at my right. He pointed to the cameras. "We're having this recorded, and when we're done, I'll run everything through my lie detector program. I'll be reading things as we go, but this is for your benefit afterward."

I nodded slowly, then I looked at him. "Why are you going through all this effort for me, Armsmaster?"

His lips curved into a frown. "It's the right thing to do. Admittedly, if I hadn't been...told, certain things, I wouldn't have considered this. I tend to be good with machines, not people. I very nearly failed you in our first meeting because I was inconsiderate. We were concerned you weren't who you appeared to be, but that's an explanation, not an excuse. Had things gone slightly differently, one of the gangs might have gotten you recruited or killed. And that would have been my responsibility, however indirectly. That's why I'm doing what I can, now."

I shivered a little. He had a point. By all rights, Lung should have gotten me. I let out a deep breath. "Whatever your reasons, thanks."

He nodded slightly. I stepped out of the observation room, and nodded to the officer at the side of the interrogation room. He opened the door, and I stepped inside.

Purposefully deepening my voice slightly, I spoke as I walked in. "Hello, Miss Clements."

She looked up at me, and her eyes widened. She paled. Did she recognize me? My helmet should have helped prevent that.

I stepped closer, about to take the chair, when I stopped. Something was familiar about her. Something bright. It was as if I'd seen people like her a hundred times or more.

Something of Dracul turned in my head.


Her entire body straightened, and she pulled back, jumping into a corner of the room. "P-please, don't hurt anybody else! Please! I know what you are, please, kill me if you have to but leave everyone else alone!" She glanced to the mirror, blinked, then looked back to me.

I looked over at the mirror, myself. What? I look scary, sure, my eyes were glowing red...they're glowing red? No wonder some people freaked out while looking at me. I'll have to see how that works. But why glance at the mirror.....wait. Huh. Apparently, she was checking to see if I even had a reflection. And I do. Weird. And it's weird that I thought it was weird.

She knows I'm a vampire. And yet, I'm not the kind of vampire she knows.

I froze for a moment, mulling over what I could feel at the back of my head. Rage, recognition, respect, excitement....sadness, regret, loneliness, despair. Something about what Madison had was familiar to Dracul in some way. But it was only faint impressions of emotions, not the real knowledge from the man turned vampire god himself. There wasn't any context attached. All I had from him was this vague desire to kill her before she could be a threat to me.

I knew that Dracul would have done it in a moment. Fortunately, I wasn't him.

Finally, I spoke. "I'm not here to kill anybody, Miss Clements."

Her eyes searched mine for long moments before she swallowed, hard. "Then why are you here?"

I tilted my head slightly. "I am known as the Scarlet Knight. And while your life is safe from me, your future is in my hands."

She swallowed, licking her lips. "Why would you have that choice?"

"Personal interest." I said, my voice cold.

Madison shuddered, looking scared to death as she stared at me.

I took a seat, putting my hands on the table. Then I looked to her. "Have a seat."

She carefully stepped toward me, sliding into her seat with all the reluctance of someone going to their execution. She kept trembling as she looked at me.

I folded my hands in front of me. It felt good to be in control. Almost disturbingly so. "Miss Clements, I read your confession. You could have easily chosen to simply file that Sophia had threatened your family, or claimed that it was only Emma and Sophia as responsible for the death of Miss Hebert. You chose to name yourself as responsible as well. Why?"

Madison let out a small, bitter, dead laugh. "Because I was. The three of us put all our attention on Taylor. We didn't choose to make anyone else's life hell, we did it to her. I didn't put her in there, but I was killing her all the same. I can't speak for Emma's or Sophia's reasons, but I knew mine. It was a game. I did it so I could be on the top of the school, so I could be great. I never considered anything about what my actions were doing to her. I never thought anything other than how much fun I'd have once I pulled whatever trick. I...was a complete fucking idiot."

She licked her lips, her face filled with shame. "You know why I wasn't involved with the locker? Because my brother caught the flu and passed it on to me. I was sick the entire week. Not because I'd have thought it a step too far or because of the thought that nobody would deserve that. I know how I'd have reacted on hearing the idea about locking Taylor in a locker with trash for a few hours. I'd have liked it. I would have found it funny. And that idea, more than anything, makes me sick to my stomach."

It took everything I had to stay still as Madison spoke. To imagine her laughing about me as I struggled and screamed in The Locker. Only the sheer remorse, the tears running down her cheeks, kept me listening.

Madison took a deep, shuddering breath. "That was it. I know how I'd have reacted if they shot the idea past me. I'd have gone along with it, like a happy, stupid little sheep. Because I was. I'd have gone along with any horrible thing they suggested as long as it was aimed at someone outside my friends. Because those folks aren't people, like little special snowflake me."

She shut her eyes. "And then Taylor died. It wasn't a game anymore. It was real, it was serious, and Taylor was dead because I never thought to tell Emma or Sophia to back off, to stop, to consider what we were doing and what kind of people we were becoming. Never thought about what I had been doing. Never thought that being admired meant nothing when it comes to who you are. You know I used to like looking at myself in the mirror? I don't, today. I haven't since January eighth."

She shivered, staring at her hands. "What kind of person pushes someone to the point of death without any thought whatsoever? Me, apparently. I wanted to say something after all of it. The only reason I didn't is because Sophia threatened to kill my entire family. I didn't care about me, I deserved whatever happened to me. But Mom, Dad, Trevor, they didn't. I didn't deserve them." She sniffed, wiping her tears.

I considered that for a long few minutes, keeping a tight clamp on my surging emotions. "Why did you step forward now, and not before?"

She hiccupped. "Because someone broke into our house. Went through all my things. I thought Sophia went in to make sure there wasn't anything left to tie her to things before she killed me. I thought she'd finally decided to tie me up as the last loose end here in town. Who else would?"

Oh. Oops. I hadn't been thinking, there. But then again, I had just climbed out of my grave that morning.

Well, teleported. If I'd had to dig myself out, I'm pretty sure I'd have gone cackling evil mistress of the universe by now.

I spent long minutes examining her features. The face of one of my worst tormentors, who had smiled and giggled and played little nice girl while making my life hell. She was broken, had been by her own actions, and I hadn't even had to lift a finger. All I'd done was expose it to the fresh air. Without even knowing I'd done it.

Finally, I spoke. "If you could say anything to Taylor, what would it be?"

She made a helpless laugh, shrugging, tears flowing freely. "What could I possibly say? I'm sorry I tormented you? I'm sorry I was crushing your academic dreams? I'm sorry I wrecked your clothes? I'm sorry that I was part of the clique that killed you? I'm sorry that I'm a complete fucking idiot? What could I say?"

I bit my lip. This was probably a very stupid decision. But, if I was going to make a choice that would affect the rest of her life, she had a right to know who was making it, and why. It's more than I ever got. And that's why I felt I had to do it.

With a casualness I didn't feel, I pulled off my helmet and set it on the metal table. Her features went completely white.

My lips thinned. "Try."

Madison's mouth worked for a few moments. She shook uncontrollably, then burst into tears. "H-how?...o-oh god, you...."

I kept staring at her.

She wiped her face, then took a deep, shuddering breath. "Taylor, oh god. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I can't say enough how much. I can't say anything that would ever fix what I did to you."

Madison went on for long minutes while I listened, babbling about how much she regretted what she'd done. Finally I rose a hand, and she quieted, struggling to breathe.

"You're right. There is nothing you can say to make this right. There's nothing you can possibly say that would make me forgive you. Because of a thousand little choices you, Emma, and Sophia made, I ended up in a grave for three fucking months. There is nothing you can say. We could sit here for the next two hundred years and it wouldn't change a thing."

Madison's face crumbled. I could almost see her soul breaking. I leaned forward, looking her in the eye.

"But there is something you can do."

Her breath caught, her eyes flaring with a desperate, impossible hope. I'd seen it before, when my dad realized it really was me.

"Because you have powers now, the Protectorate wants you in the Wards. However, because of all the shit you put me through, they are also willing to press charges against you on my behalf. And with your signed confession, it wouldn't be all that hard to make stick. Maybe you'd get some leniency, whatever, but that isn't the point." I tapped my fingertips on the metal table.

Madison took a deep gasp of air. "Th-that's why you've got my future in hand."

I nodded. "That's why. It's only fitting, all things considered. You and your friends? If I hadn't gained my power, you'd have stolen mine. Now, before I walked in this room, I was considering throwing the whole damn library at you. But you've already tortured yourself more than I'd get any satisfaction out of sending you to a prison, however they'd sentence you."

"So here's the deal, Madison. You got two choices. You join the Wards, on probation. You act out there in the world as you should have acted in the school. You help people, you protect them, you fucking think about what you're doing. Or you turn it down. You accept responsibility, and sit in a cell for five to ten years or however long, thinking about what you've done. I don't care much either way. But if you ever want to be able to look me in the eye again, or be able to look at yourself in the mirror again, you'll join the Wards. You save lives. You do it for them. You do it for your own soul. You do it for the girl who died in that locker. Because though I am her, I fucking died in there."

She shook in her seat, trembling with fear, sorrow, and guilt. She made a small, hysterical giggle. "Kinda always wanted to be a hero."

I rose from my seat, a small twitch coming to my lips as I picked up my helmet and put it back on. "So did I."

I banged on the door, strode out when it opened, and went to the next room.

"Well?" I asked Armsmaster.

"She told the truth about everything. Highest she hit as for probability on lying was seven percent. We did find one lie, though." He tilted his head. "Considering prosecution before you went in?"

I made a small smile. "Yeah, I lied there. I was leaning towards her going to the Wards before I went in. But I had to see her for myself. If she wants to redeem herself, I'll give her a chance. One chance."

My dad came up to me and hugged me. "Proud of you, kiddo."

I returned the hug, letting out a shaking breath. "Thanks, dad." I looked to Armsmaster. "There's two more things, before anything else. Tell Director Piggot Madison can stay in Brockton Bay, if it's reasonable. I want to be able to keep an eye on her. For now, anyway."

He nodded. "And the other?"

"If I'm going to be staying here for a while, to get my life back in order, we need to help prevent misunderstandings. I want to meet the Wards."

Reclamation 2.6
A/N: Yeah, that last one went really well. Mostly due to the controlled circumstances and the fact that Madison hasn't had the time to make more than a few trinkets. None of which would help much against Taylor as she is, now. If she even had them during the meeting. Not to mention what happens when Taylor's got more unlocked.

It would have been much, much worse had they met out on the street, both fully armed. Brockton Bay? Brockton Crater, maybe.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! Unlocked!

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal. Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Can also draw things from the Plane of Shadow. (Locked)

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. (Locked)

Monster Form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather Manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but highly recommended! (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.


I looked across the street at my destination. Taking a glance downward, I shuddered at the sight of the PRT building's front doors, the memory of the feeling of being trapped rather powerful. Small spaces and me were not friends. Or acquaintances. Or on speaking terms. In fact, if I ever met a cape whose power was to make lockers, coffins, or closets, I'm going to punch him. Just because.

I'm glad I didn't have to sleep in a coffin. It'd have driven me insane in very short order. Well, more insane. I knew I was getting better, but there was still a lot to get through. But, if I didn't start confronting my fears, they'd rule me forever. And considering I just might have forever, or at least an extraordinarily long time, I'll just have to start dealing.

But not today! Today, I was going to sneak around my fears!

Take that, me!

So, I looked up. A figure waved at me from the helipad, and I took a deep breath, teleporting over the gap between the buildings. The thought? Go in by the roof and maybe I can trick my future self into not thinking she's going into the same place with the containment foam.

She's a tricky one, though, my future self. She always knows what I'm trying to pull.

The moment I flashed back into existence, several box-shaped objects rose from the corners of the rooftop. I held still as they cast laser scanners over me, entering my profile into the building's systems.

Glad I was told about this. Otherwise, I might have done something drastic when they popped up. Once they were finished and retracted, I walked forward with a smile. "Miss Militia. Good to see you."

I could hear the smile in her voice. "Glad to see you too. Ready to come on down?"

No. Not really. I knew it was the smart idea, but I still didn't like it. "Sure."

Traitorous mouth.

So we took the stairs down a few floors. We could have taken the elevator, but I took one look at the elevator doors and shuddered. No. Nonono. No. If I went in there, the PRT will be sending my dad the bill for a new elevator. And maybe a new building.

I hated being afraid. It got old very, very fast.

So I followed Miss Militia, doing my best to relax. The halls were wide, which was nice, and the hallways were painted white, which was also nice. Almost shining white, really. When we stopped before a door, Miss Militia hit a button on the wall next to it, and there was a buzz. A light above it turned red.

"A twenty-second warning." She explained on seeing my expression. "Gives anyone who hasn't put on a mask the opportunity to grab one. Also a warning that someone is coming in who isn't privy to their identities. They should be prepared. But, well, they're teenagers."

I grinned. "Yeah."

The light turned green, the door clicked, and we headed inside.

Well. This was a mess. I wasn't aware there was an explosives expert on the Wards. Old pizza boxes, pop cans, and empty popcorn bags were everywhere. A well-worn couch, a large tv, and...

Damn. They have a PS3. And a Wii. And a lot of games right there. Well, that settles it. I'm joining up.

Wait. I'd have to share them. Nevermind. I'll get my own. Mine, all mine! And I won't have to share my tv!

One by one, the Wards came out of their quarters. Well, the first rushed out of her quarters and spoke rapid-fire.

"Hi I'm Vista your armor's neat is that a dragon on the helmet how'd you make it can you make a dragon statue are you joining the Wards?"

I blinked.

A chuckle came from a teen wearing a white bodysuit with a clock motif. "Come on Vista, give the gal a chance to respond. Not everyone operates at hyperspeed, you know."

Vista swiped the air. A smack resounded, and the teen yelped. "Ow, hey!"

"You deserved that." Said another teen, this one wearing red and gold. He held out his hand. "Kid Win. Ignore Clockblocker, we all do."


I shook his hand, giving a smile. "Scarlet Knight." I looked to Vista. "And no, I'm not joining. But I'm also not a villain, so I thought it best to come around, introduce myself, so we don't get into a fight over a misunderstanding if we bump into each other out there."

"What?!" Exclaimed Clockblocker. "You're cancelling the new-hero introduction fight!? You know, where you show up, we all throw down to show everybody how strong the new one is, then get to the introductions and pizza!? You're ruining a tradition here!"

Vista swiped the air again. Smack.

"OW! Hey!"

Another teen, this one's costume showing the muscles on his arms, shook his head in dismay. I liked what I saw. "Good thinking. I'm Aegis, and I have the privilege of leading Brockton Bay Wards."

I smiled. "Good to meet you." I turned to the last one, a teen in power armor. He seemed frozen while staring at me. Huh. Something about him seemed familiar. What was his profile on PHO? "You are?"

He shook himself. "Gallant." He held out his hand, and I shook it. "Sorry. Got a bit distracted."

I nodded, giving Vista a concerned look as she looked disappointed. "You okay?"

She made a small shrug, her voice quiet. "Gets lonely being the only girl on the team."

Clockblocker tilted his head. "Shadow Stalker doesn't count, of course. Nobody liked her."

Oh. Good. I'd be noping my way right out of the building if they did.

Gallant shook his head. "It's rude to bad-mouth someone behind their back."

Clockblocker chimed in. "And dangerous to bad-mouth her from the front!"

Smack. "Ow!"

Aegis face-palmed. "Can we try to be professional here?"

"Nope!" Clockblocker said. "It's in my contract."

I was fighting to keep in my giggles. Miss Militia looked to be in about the same state, right up against the wall, suspiciously amused sounds coming from under her scarf.

Okay, I didn't mind so much. Miss Militia was good in my books.

I shook my head, smiling with amusement. "Okay, I get the disappointment. Shadow Stalker gone, though I get the feeling there won't be too many tears, there, doesn't help you much. But suffice to say I've got my reasons for not joining. My trigger," Everyone in the room winced. Yeah, they knew it. "Was bad enough that it screwed up everything about my life. I'm only now getting things back in order, and until I've got things going smoothly I'm more likely to be a liability than an asset."

Gallant shifted a bit. He looked...relieved? Huh. I couldn't remember his power at the moment. I needed to go trawling PHO.

Aegis nodded. "I can get that. The PRT has therapists on hand and such, but...yeah. You sure we can't help?"

I made a small shrug. "PRT's already doing what they can, but things are still dicey for me. Getting better, but...yeah. It sounds corny, but I gotta know who I am before I join a group. And before anybody asks, I can't give the details. I'm definitely not comfortable sharing them with strangers."

Everyone nodded. Even Clockblocker. He clapped his hands. "Well then, if we're not going to have the introduction fight, we need to improvise! I say....Mario Kart tournament!"

I grinned. "Oh, it's on."


I cackled evilly as Vista sprang to her feet, cheering. "She gotcha, Clockblocker! I win!"

Clockblocker shot me a dirty look. "Got me with a red shell as a bomb."

I grinned maniacally. "Yep. You got me. I had to take you with me."

Kid Win selected a new map. "We're losing badly here, Clock."

I held out my fist for Vista. She grinned and gave it a bump with her own.


I left the Wards in a good mood. Though I wasn't joining, I had to say I was tempted. I hadn't had any friends at Winslow, and they would have been good for me.

But while I told the Wards the truth about why I wasn't joining, it wasn't the whole truth. The idea of answering to someone else rubbed me the wrong way. For a long, long time, people made decisions for me, while I had so very few of my own. I needed to be able to rely on my own judgement if I was to handle the sheer power I got hints of from Dracul. Not that I wouldn't need help, or advice or whatever. Simply that I had to be able to trust myself.

Aside from the whole outwitting my future self thing.

I also needed relationships that were mine to choose. The Wards were good, now that Sophia was out of them, but that wouldn't necessarily stay the case. Madison was going to be joining them, not that I'd let that slip. Just because I'd given her a chance to become a better person doesn't mean she'd suddenly become my best friend. Having friends that weren't poisonous might help, but I felt I needed to be on the outside, keep as clear a head as I could. Just in case she did revert to type.

Then there was that feeling from Dracul, that half-remembered fragment. Belmont. The hell did that mean? Something about my powers and hers were connected, but how?

I needed a lot more than the vague cloud I had in the back of my head. I needed knowledge and he left me an index card. Names, but not context. Hatred, but no specific object to hate. Rage, but no target. Contempt, but in a general way, applying to all of humanity. Though there was something about the idea of the Slaughterhouse Nine-

They are beneath me.

-seemed to irk this echo or whatever of him. Right on cue.

And the more aware of all this I was, the less effect those remnants had on me.

It was still a problem, though. It would be easy for me to just do things in the heat of the moment, and end up doing something terrible.

I took my time, moving from rooftop to rooftop as I headed homeward. I could have easily taken my bat form and did it much more quickly, but I didn't feel like subjecting myself to the disorientation of it right now. Teleportation left me hungry after a while, but it didn't leave me confused.

Besides, I wanted to think.

I paused at the edge of a old office building, watching the sun disappear behind the city's skyline. I couldn't help but feel some relief as the light stopped irritating my skin. It may not kill me, but I certainly wouldn't enjoy it. I wondered if I would ever be able to bask in the light as I once did. Well, for a little bit. Even before the locker, I burnt easily and peeled terribly.

I took a seat for a bit, enjoying the cool night air. My cell phone buzzed with the distinctive tones of a text message.

Sure, Dad didn't like me having it, but it was too useful. I didn't like them much myself, considering Mom died because she was distracted by her cell phone, but this was the only way people could contact me without having to go to my dad's phone first.


I took it out of its place, protected by my armor, and took a look.

GG: Going to see a movie with Dean. An older Earth Aleph one, Jurassic Park. Want to pick up Ames and come with?

I bit my lip and considered. Sure, why not?

SK: Sure, I'll join in. Where do we meet up?

GG: Gathering at my place, then we'll drive to the theatre.

SK: Be there in a few.

I quickly called my dad and left him a message about my changed plans for the evening, then I started making my way toward Vicky and Amy's house. I decided to grin and bear the confusion of my bat form for this. It's not like the Dallons had packs of blood waiting for me to snack on, anyway.

Scatter flutter buzzing lights flickering sound headache itchy group with us more more more more I stopped and reformed on a rooftop, the repeating thought catching my attention. There were dozens of bats circling around me, screeching, calling, moving in a tornado of living animals.

I closed my eyes. I could feel them. I couldn't sense exactly where they were or get much data from them, the information didn't seem to translate all that well, but I had command over them.

I opened my eyes and stretched my hand out. They responded to my will, funnelling away from me in formation, forming into....holy crap, they were following my hand. They arranged themselves into grasping fingers. I could sense more of them out there, surrounding me. With a thought, I could have them join my swarm.

Disperse. I thought. They let out screeches as they went into the night, reverting to their natural habits.

I grinned. I could use bats as a weapon. Or a distraction. Not to gather information or details, but they'd be damn useful if I needed to take on a group. Assuming I could gather enough on the way. I'd try not to use them for cannon fodder, but I wasn't going to deny myself a possible weapon, either.

If nothing else, I could scare the drugs right out of any Merchant who bothered me.

I resumed my journey toward the Dallon's house, reforming a street away in between two houses. I shifted my armor into my casual clothing and stepped out, my feet light as I came to their door.

I'd forgotten how nice it was to have friends.

There was some rustling, and then the door opened. Behind it was an older woman, looking quite attractive, yet severe. She gave me a nod. "You must be Taylor. I'm Carol Dallon." Also known as Brandish. A woman who could think up glowing weapons that can cut nearly anything.

Note to self: Do not annoy the woman who can make a lightsaber in an instant.

I smiled a bit nervously. "Nice to meet you, Missus Dallon."

She nodded, then called. "Vicky, your friend is here!" She gave me a considering look, her eyes narrow. "Please, come in."

I walked inside, hearing a tv running in the living room. On the couch was Mark Dallon, Flashbang. He gave us a little wave before turning back to the television.

Like a lot of New Wave members, he had powers over light. In this case, to form blinding light and concussive force. Hence, Flashbang. Being able to throw an unlimited number of flashbang grenades would be a pretty damn good power, given the right creativity.

Least, that's what I could remember from PHO. Vicky and Amy seemed to be the odd ones out.

Speaking of, the two came down the stairs. "Hey Red!" Vicky chirped. Amy gave me a little wave and a smile.

I grinned. "Hey you two. Where's Dean?"

Vicky grinned in return. "On his way. Unlike us, he has to deal with traffic."

"You kids have fun." Mark called from the couch.

We headed outside and sat on the porch, Vicky hooked her hands, imitating claws. "Rawr, rawr! I'm told it's really good. It's nearly twenty years old over there now, but the work put into it's very good."

I chuckled. "I hope so. Can't be worse than either version of the Star Wars prequels."

Vicky shuddered.

Amy rose an eyebrow. "What? But I liked them. The way they told such an epic love story between....." She burst into giggles at our expressions. "Sorry, sorry. Couldn't finish that with a straight face."

Vicky shook her finger at Amy. "Had me worried you were being Mastered for a sec, Ames." She very gently slugged Amy's arm.

I grinned. "Good one."

She gave me a wink.

Dean pulled up in his car, then. Well, his parents' car, but he was driving it. Vicky hopped in the passenger seat, while Amy and I took the back. Vicky kissed Dean on the cheek.

I blinked as Amy's expression hardened for a moment. Then it was gone, and she looked a bit less enthusiastic about this whole thing. Jealous of Vicky having Dean for a boyfriend, maybe?

Dean gave me a wave. "Hey again, Taylor." Vicky's boyfriend, nice enough guy. He tried to not look directly at me, I noticed. Both when I plunked down with Amy after meeting the sisters and now. Maybe Vicky would be jealous of him looking at other girls? But...I'm kinda plain.

Meh. Their issues.

Dean started driving us, while Vicky chatted away in the front seat. I simply smiled to myself as I thought about how the day was going. Said hello to the Wards, having fun with friends, going to see a good movie. And...


"Sorry Vicky, what was that?"

She sounded a little confused. "I said usually these double dates don't go so well."



You got this one, past self.


Powers unlocked:

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once.
Reclamation 2.7
A/N: This one's short. Had a busy day. Still, should help keep things moving.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! Unlocked!

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal. Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Can also draw things from the Plane of Shadow. (Locked)

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monster Form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather Manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but highly recommended! (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

So. I am apparently on a double-date. A second double date, because I completely missed the fact Amy and I even had a first. Now, self, how do you feel about that?

Well, self, I am apparently unable to process the thought at the moment. Please call back and ask again another time. Help desk hours are between now and some time in the next eternity.

Amy looked at me, her eyes wide, and then she turned and glared at her sister. "You didn't say this was going to be a double date night, Vicky?"

No. No she did not. And yet....self, got anything yet?

Nope. Not yet. All lines are currently busy. I glanced at Amy, furrowing my brow. She seemed...more angry than anything. And I, I am sure, was busy doing a great impression of a deer in the headlights.

Dean glanced my way, winced, then looked back to the road. "Look, this can just be an outing with friends. Vicky's not trying to be mean here."

Vicky turned in her seat, looking embarrassed. "Look, sorry. It's just you two seemed to hit it off, and Ames has been on so many dates with nobody seeming to click. But you two did, or seemed to, anyway, so..."

Well. Awkward. Amy and I do get along, and I liked her as a friend. But I wasn't really thinking deeper relationships for any of it. Was I so starved for friendship that I came across as a desperate dater? Or am I just simply utterly oblivious?

Apparently, the answer is yes.

I shook my head. "I'm not offended, and I don't really mind the idea..." Wait a sec. Self? What are you doing?

Well, self, apparently you just said you don't mind a same sex date. Which makes sense, because apparently, I don't. Apparently, self, you are open to dates from all comers with people you like. Which would have been nice to know before you found yourself on a date with someone.

Let's see, think. Muscles and his aegis. I mean, uh, Aegis and his muscles.

Like. Eye-candy goodness.

Alright. Clockblocker?

Like. Sense of humor. And it would be cathartic to smack him now and again. Gently, of course.

Not too bad. Armsmaster?

Nothing. Either he's too old or he's got too much armor on for me to think of him as a person. And he tended to clank a bit.

Okay. Miss Militia?

Like. I liked her as a person, she was gentle and caring, had badass credit and she filled out her fatigues nicely OH COME ON.

I hadn't thought of girls that way. At all. It was all boys before, when I thought of such things. But now, apparently, both were appealing in different ways. And now I was seriously considering both sides of things...

Dammit Dracul. If I find one more thing, I'm so picking up a bad novel to torment you with.

Well, I can think of worse troubles than an expanded dating pool. Alright Taylor. Here's the ones right in front of you. Dean?

Maybe I could like him if he managed to look at me straight. Vicky?

Pretty, friendly, and bubbly. She knew how to be a good friend, even if she hit relationships the same way she hit bad guys. With everything she's got. I can see that working, now that I'm actually thinking about it. Kinda. Sorta. Any bumps in the road would turn into huge dramas with Vicky. She probably wouldn't go for it, but that's not the point.


I could see that too. Not so much on the hormonal thing, but definitely on the intellectual attraction thing. I liked her, she was nice, a bit shy. She felt like kindred to me.

Trouble is, I wasn't thinking of pairing up with anybody. Partly because I am an idiot, apparently. But more because it hadn't even occurred to me that anyone might want to be more than friends with me. I was having trouble enough with Vicky and Amy as simple friends.

And Vicky and Amy are both staring at me. Why? Oh. Right. I hadn't finished.

"It's just things have been rough for me, so I wasn't really thinking of dating right now. It's not that I don't want to date, it's just....a lot of things stacked up so it didn't occur to me." I managed to say a bit nervously. I gave Amy an embarrassed smile. "Sorry."

She looked...both relieved and disappointed? Huh. And now I felt like a heel.

Well, I'd feel more like one if I strung her along.

"Well!" Vicky chirped. "Let's just get to the movie and see dinosaurs stomp some squishy mortals!"

Amy made a smile at that. "Sounds good."


It must be said.

If I ever do go into Evil Overlord mode, I am getting a T-Rex fighting arena. And raptor minions to do my evil bidding. Or even regular bidding. Raptors, fetch my mail!

Hell, I might get them anyway. Sure, real raptors were maybe about half that size and had feathers, but I'm just doing some hypothetical evil plotting, here!

"Well, that was fun!" Vicky said with enthusiasm as we walked out of the theatre.

"Oh, yeah. Damn good effects work for ninety-three." Dean said, his arm wrapped around Vicky. "You can still tell, but you can also tell they put so much work into it."

Vicky laughed. "Oh yeah. And the music, perfect! Da da DAH DAH DA!"

Amy winced a little, though she was still smiling. "Vicky, turn down your aura, please."

Aura? What aura?

Suddenly the few people around us got a bit less energetic, though still pleased by the movie.

Oh. Now I remembered. One of her secondary powers was to inspire allies and frighten enemies. At least according to PHO. And yet, I felt nothing. I hadn't even noticed anything about what I should be sensing, according to the good folks of the internet. I know I'm oblivious sometimes (Exhibit A: What happened earlier today) but not that oblivious.

But then, if I was, how would I know?

Well, I'm not complaining, but my powers were bullshit. What's next? I turn around, find Legend behind me, and he's been trying to blast me with lasers for twenty minutes without me noticing?

Yet another thing for me to test. Next time I see Gallant, I'll ask him to see if I can get him to hit me with a calming beam or something and see if I notice that. Because, well, if I can no-sell some Master effects, I've got less to worry about. Too bad Gallant wasn't here.

"Hey, Dean, Vicky, can you give Amy and I a minute? We need to chat a bit."

They looked at each other, then Vicky shrugged and smiled. "Sure Red. Take your time."

Amy looked a little hesitant as we went to the side of the theatre, near the car. "You're not about to declare your undying love for me, are you?"

I gave her an embarrassed smile. "Sorry if I got your hopes up."

She chuckled. "You didn't. It's more Vicky than anything else. She's taken me out to so many double-dates that I've lost count. Not too many people I even liked. I'm fine with this just being a friends' night out, whatever my sister thinks. I don't tend to have very many friends. Having one of my own is fine." She smiled then. "And it was good to pull one over on her, for once. Thought you knew, though."

I made a small, helpless shrug. "I didn't. Didn't even consider it." I looked at my feet. "Just been a long time since I had friends. At all."

Amy nodded slowly, a small smile on her lips. "Well, you've got me. And Hurricane Victoria. Dean, I'm sure he'll be fine with you in time. Not sure what his issue is, exactly."

Something about her tone seemed off there. I figured it wasn't my business, though.

Well, it probably is, somehow, but I wasn't about to tie him up and interrogate him about it.


Oh dammit, stop it, brain! You keep providing those images! If you don't behave I'll stab you with a Q-Tip!

I put a smile on my face before I could drive myself up the wall. "Well, we'll make do. We good?" I held out my hand.

She smiled and shook it. "We're good." I twitched a bit as I felt my power react to hers again. The heck did that mean?

Amy noticed. "Something wrong?"

I shook my head. "Something about my powers responds to yours. Not sure what, exactly. It's prompting that I can...change, something."

She looked worried. "Change things? Like...changing me?"

I frowned, concentrated, then shook my head. "Seems to be focussed on me. Still, kinda weird. You're a healer. Why would that make me think 'Mutability'?"

Amy's voice was faint. "Right." She shook herself. "We should get back."

Together we walked back to Vicky and Dean. Dean visibly braced himself before looking at me, and we shook hands. "Good to see you again, Taylor."

"You too, Dean." I gave Vicky a grin. "You guys have fun. I gotta get home. I'll head back on my own."

Vicky grinned. "Night Red. Thanks for coming out."

I watched the three get in Dean's (parents) car and drive away. I walked down the street, headed for an alleyway. Taking a quick look back and forth, sensing nobody, I turned into my bat form and started heading home.

Whirl flow updraft call signal brush wall fly upward twist sing PAIN I flashed out of my cloud of bats and rolled onto the sidewalk, holding my ears.

The world kept trembling under me. I struggled to get my feet under me, and it was with both great difficulty and the assistance of a nearby wall that I managed it.

A car went by me in silence. Oh, wait. A car went by me in an unchanging ringing. What the hell happened?

A growing blue light caught my attention. I turned and looked as an apartment building glowed blue, brighter, brighter, becoming nearly blinding. Then flashed into ice. I could see figures trapped within the suddenly frozen building, unmoving in poses of fear and panic.

I growled silently, charging forward, my hands bursting into my flaming claws. I slammed into an ice-covered window, shattering both ice and glass as I forced my way inside. Seeing the figure of a frozen man near me, I smashed at the ice covering him, being careful not to use so much strength that it would reduce him to a pulp.

I managed to free him from the ice, and he slid bonelessly to the ground. I extinguished my claws and checked his pulse.


I snarled. The fact I could now hear myself again was of no comfort.

Someone was going to pay for this.

Last edited:
Interlude: Armsmaster, Madison
A/N:Short one today.


Colin paused the video. Rewound. Started it up again.

"P-please, don't hurt anybody else! Please! I know what you are,-


-please, kill me if you have to but leave everyone else alone!"


Not 'who' but 'what.'

"What do you think, Dragon?"

Her voice came over his earpiece. "Well, she's obviously terrified. But I noticed it too. She didn't know it was Taylor Hebert, but she recognized something about Scarlet Knight. Something that scared her to the point of offering her life. Which is another oddity. She didn't beg for her life, but for others. As if she immediately knew she was doomed."

Colin nodded, unpausing the video and watching to the end. Then rewound. Started again.

"I'm not here to kill anybody, Miss Clements."

The screen flashing TRUTH was only somewhat reassuring.

Dragon's voice was thoughtful. "The whole interaction implies that Taylor and Madison had interacted before, with powers. And yet, the timeline doesn't fit for that. It's unlikely for Taylor to have had her trigger event before January. Because if she had, and gained her teleportation ability..."

Colin nodded. "She wouldn't have been trapped in the locker. And if she gained it in the locker, she would have escaped. Which means she likely gained it when she....reanimated in the coffin."

Dragon's voice hummed in thought. He rather liked that sound. "Which seems to fit the evidence, but there's a few issues. Metabolic stasis and regeneration was our best explanation with a couple of hours thought. There's problems with this hypothesis, however. Her body was partially consumed by the many insects inside the locker when she was discovered on the eighth. And with these coroner reports...if the regeneration was slow enough to revive her, despite appearing dead, the embalming process couldn't have helped. With the toxic materials and all that, it should have killed her if she was simply in a state of hibernation."

"Unless her power makes her immune to toxic materials." Colin pointed out. "There are weirder powers out there."

"True." Dragon murmured. "But it's still concerning. There's something about the emerging pattern of her powers that doesn't fit the usual parahuman pattern. There have been other 'vampire' capes before, but usually with a single thing. Teleportation, or command over creatures, or blood manipulation, or shapeshifting. Scarlet Knight seems to have all of them and more emerging every few days."

Colin scratched his chin, considering. "A possible Trump, perhaps, and her subconscious is drawing upon the vampire theme? Even if she doesn't like it consciously, her powers might be somehow fitting it all together on the ideas on what vampires are so she's stuck with them."

"Possibly." Dragon sounded thoughtful. "Rather than her power giving her the abilities she wants or thinks she might need, it's stuffing abilities into the vampire archetype. The question would be then....why a vampire archetype and not something else?"

Colin nodded. "Why not a werewolf or an angel or demon? There's plenty of possible ways it could have expressed, if that's the case."

He rewound the video. Watched it again. "The interesting thing...Madison seemed to be a Tinker, at first, but there's nothing she's made so far that a clever engineer couldn't have made. And yet the effects...any headway on that amulet?"

Dragon sounded interested. "Nothing special so far, on analysis. Iron, silver, artificially created sapphires. It's a block, there's no circuitry. Not black-boxed. And yet it creates a field that heals injuries. Interestingly, it even works upon non-living things. I gave Madison a damaged ballistic vest to wear when she made the claim. Fixed to pristine in about three hours."

"More like Dauntless than myself." Colin mused. "But something useful, regardless. I'll get the paperwork started on allowing her to build more elaborate things."

Then the building shook.


Madison turned and twisted, the metal chain swinging around her in all directions.

It felt...right. Instinctive. Like she'd been using combat whips for her entire life. Her balance was thrown off slightly by the fact it was just a chain, and not that shining perfect weapon in her mind, but it worked. She knew that the weapon, when complete, would be perfection itself.

What was difficult was pulling off the various techniques she could see in her mind. She just didn't have the muscle, the stamina, or the flexibility to pull them off. She couldn't backflip, swing from a hook, do a spring-jump off a wall and could just barely roll properly.

But she was getting better. And her Light Magic amulet healed her wounds rather quickly. She could train to the point of breaking every day and be ready to go for the next one.

Had to, just in case. She knew she had gained her power in preparation for something. The whip she was still forging was key to that. But not the only key. The other key was the other half of it.


She remembered the sheer terror on seeing the other girl, before even the reveal of her identity. Her subconscious knew that the girl in red was host to a terror that would happily raze entire countries for its own amusement.

And yet Taylor didn't.

Taylor was angry, sure. But something about Madison's mind expected blood and death, not an icy conversation. A desperate battle to the death, which would have gone badly, considering Madison was unarmed, unarmored and out of fighting shape.

The power Taylor held belonged to a complete monster. Madison knew that in her bones. And yet it hadn't twisted Taylor into one. Hopefully it wouldn't. She really, really hoped so. A Lady of Darkness who was dedicated to balance rather than destruction could, quite possibly, help heal the world.

But one who followed in her progenitor's footsteps would be, while possible to stop, another bringer of destruction and death.

Earth Bet already had enough of those.

Balance. Light and Dark. Both on a common cause. Something in the back of her mind found that hilarious, but it would work.

But it was something else that niggled her. A main task that she had no idea how to complete. Not to slay the Lady of Darkness, no. Madison would do that only if there were no other option, and that would only occur if Taylor brought the unfettered legions of Hell to Earth Bet as her conquering army. Even then, Madison was sure that killing Taylor would be a sacrifice play. She wouldn't be walking away at the end of it.

No, it was something else. The light within her heart seemed to be searching for something. Or someone. It was important, more important than anything else. Something about her was evaluating every person she met. And always the same answer.




Even looking at herself in the mirror. The sense she got was the same.


What Madison had was a pale reflection, a single ray of light cast upon her by a burning sun. It gave her gifts because of her repentance and responsibility, but certainly not because it believed she deserved everything it could offer. She knew if she ever did anything unworthy of the chance it granted her to repent of her misdeeds, the light within her heart would abandon her.

And yet...The sun that was the source of that light was searching for something more than her.

What could that be?

Madison twirled the chain up, wrapping it into a coil and put it on her belt, letting out a breath.

She needed to get back to work. The designs for the armor and equipment in her head weren't going to build themselves. Madison grinned to herself.

She couldn't wait to move like in her mind. She would love to do the impossible.

Then the building shook.

Siege 3.1
A/N: Just a last note on Taylor's powers here.

It's not that her maximum potential is the same as Dracul's at the top. She can, in principle, become stronger than he ever was, in raw power. That, however, would take time. She basically became a thousand year old vampire who had the stolen power of a god overnight. (Well, over three months.) Her ceiling will continue to rise with age, but the gains she'd make in a few years are tiny compared to the gains she makes just using what she's got already. She's not going to become stronger than him within the scope of what I got planned.

In a millennium or two, though...yikes.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal. Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Can also draw things from the Plane of Shadow. (Locked)

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monster Form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather Manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but highly recommended! (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.


I went through the building, one apartment after another. Desperately trying to save the frozen figures inside.

Out of a hundred and fifty people or so that lived inside, I managed to extract only three alive from the ice. And they only because they'd happened to be three people sharing the same bed. They'd been frozen to each other rather than all on their own, and it bought them just enough time for me to free them alive.

Though the damage the cold did to their extremities was horrific. I hoped Amy would be able to help them.

I spent just enough time to make sure the emergency services arrived, checking over the bodies I'd freed from their icy prisons to try and help. Maybe I'd managed to save more than I thought. I didn't know. Couldn't know. I didn't have the training or expertise. All I could do is make it easier for the arriving paramedics.

And every body that I freed from the ice made me angrier and angrier. I don't know how long I spent doing it. It took me less than a minute to free a person from the ice, but I knew that each minute I spent would mean it would be less likely for the next one to be savable.

And my soul broke a little more every time I found another frozen child.

Help was sparse. Only two ambulances pulled up.

"What's going on?" I asked the first driver.

He grimaced. "Weird bombs going off all over town. Everybody's scrambling everywhere, we just don't have the manpower."

I growled and nodded. "Fine. I managed to clear away a lot of the ice, freed everyone. I don't know how many can be saved." My hands shook with the difficulty of controlling myself.

Another boom echoed, a pillar of fire spraying into the sky.

I no longer cared who saw me. I flashed into bats and raced there.


I reformed on a rooftop. Below me was a full-fledged riot. Men and women wearing the colors of the ABB, They were throwing molotov cocktails and grenades at the PRT building. Thankfully, the building was on lockdown, the metal shutters at the front doors resisting the initial assault. I could see Miss Militia and Armsmaster on the roof. Miss Militia was firing down at the crowd, her power shaping tear gas grenades and launcher.

Still, there were a lot of people, and some of them had come prepared, wearing gas masks. They continued the attack.

Armsmaster reached to his belt, and then a third figure appeared on the roof. A man wearing a demonic mask, knives in hand. Oni Lee. He slashed at the Protectorate Hero, who just barely managed to dodge backward. Miss Militia changed targets and weapons, firing at Oni Lee with a machine gun.

Oni Lee took several hits, then went down. Two seconds later, he burst into ash.

He appeared on the roof again, pulling a pin on a grenade and moving to tackle Armsmaster. Armsmaster was ready this time, though, swinging out with his halberd and knocking Oni Lee off the side of the building. He hit the ground. Then exploded, hurting or killing the members of the ABB he landed near.

Then he reappeared again, near me. He made a jolt of surprise. I lashed out with my Shadow Whip, and he pulled a pin on his grenade. The whip smacked his hand, sending the grenade up in the air. It detonated, shrapnel spreading in all directions. Some hit me, some hit him. He burst into ash.

I, however, now had grenade fragments lodged in my chest. That hurt. But, thankfully, didn't disable. I concentrated, forcing my armor to shape itself to help pull the grenade bits out of my flesh.

Alright, think. He was getting to the rooftop to attack Miss Militia and Armsmaster with his power. From the look of things, he could teleport further than me, and he could use his ash-clones or whatever the term was to make an infinite number of grenades. He'd have to get lucky just once to kill one of us.

Simple solution, then. At least, cut off his options. Most teleporters needed to see where they were going. I didn't, but then, I was weird, and had my own limitations. So I reached out, calling to the bats of Brockton Bay.

They began to gather, congregating above me, nearly invisible in the night, and hard to hear with the screams and cries of the violence below. But that didn't matter. I could sense them. Dozens at first. Then swelling to hundreds. Then a few thousand. Not every bat in the city, but more than enough for this.

I sent the command. Instead of attacking outright, they moved in a funnelling tornado, blocking off the PRT building from view. I sent them high and low, creating a barrier of bats that lashed out at those who'd try to approach. It wasn't perfect, but it just might help. I transformed into bats myself, momentarily joining my swarm before I reformed on the edge of the PRT building's rooftop, well away from Miss Militia and Armsmaster.

Vampire or not, being shot sucks.

They turned as they saw me. Armsmaster nodded. Miss Militia had turned her gun on me, but then pointed the barrel of her machine gun at the sky as she recognized me. I walked over, keeping on guard myself. Oni Lee might get in if there was a gap in the swarm of bats, and I couldn't guarantee there wouldn't be one.

"This your doing?!" Miss Milita shouted. It was difficult to hear her over the bats' screeching.

"Yeah! It'll buy us a bit of time! The hell's happening!?"

Miss Milita turned, trying to see through the funnel of bats. "Best guess, they're trying to spring Lung! The bombs are the work of an ABB Tinker, Bakuda!"

Bakuda. I had a name.

I wondered how the ABB got this many people on their side, but that was a question that could wait. An explosion went off outside the swarm, and my bats shrieked in agony, flinging themselves away from the sheer noise. I could command them, still, but they couldn't follow my orders very well while disoriented.

The swarm thinned, and Oni Lee appeared again, holding a metal box. He hit a switch on it, dropped it to the ground, then lunged at Miss Militia with a knife. She shot him, he collapsed, and dissolved to ash.

The box made a high pitched whine.

Not good.

I grabbed Miss Militia and teleported across the street, wincing as I heard her shriek of distress in my ear.

I turned to make the return trip and get Armsmaster. But he jumped off the side of the building, his halberd throwing out its blade, attached by a line. His halberd doubled as a bloody grappling hook!? It easily embedded into the side of the building we stood upon, turning his dive into a swing.

Then Bakuda's bomb detonated. The top floor of the PRT building turned to glass.

So did Armsmaster's legs, all the way up to mid-thigh, caught just on the edge of the effect. To his credit, he didn't lose his grip on the halberd. He made the swing, staying above the heads of the ABB below him. It looked like he'd manage to make it to safety.

At least, until he hit the wall and his glassed legs shattered with the impact. Then he fell to the ground below. Some of the ABB members came near, hefting improvised weapons to finish the wounded hero off.

I jumped off the building and landed between the approaching gang members and Armsmaster, the Void Sword springing into existence. They pulled away at the sudden emergence of a cape with a light-devouring, life-stealing sword. Good instincts.

Didn't hurt that Miss Militia was busily firing into the crowd. Some went down, but didn't die. Limitless rubber bullets, rather helpful sometimes. Also had less chance of a ricochet injuring me or Armsmaster. That gave us just enough room for me to breathe.

I took Armsmaster's shoulder with my free hand, teleporting us both back to the rooftop. He let out a grunt of pain, the shattered remnants of his legs stained crimson with blood.

And it was making me hungry. Bad timing, there.

I looked to Miss Militia. Her eyes were hard. "We have to cauterize the wound, or he'll be dead in minutes."

I bit my lip, and grimaced as I felt my fangs actually pierce my skin. With a gesture, I called as many bats as I could to surround our new perch, just in case Oni Lee decided to finish us off. Then I looked to Miss Militia. "I can do that, but we need to cut away as much of his armor around there as we can."

She nodded, her power shaping an absurdly sharp knife. She cut, and cut, managing to remove the damaged armor panelling from the affected area.

I grimaced, brought out my flaming claws, and grasped the ends of the bloodied stumps.

Armsmaster's scream echoed even over the bats' screeching. I winced, but kept up the grisly work, searing the horrific wound shut. The smell of burned human flesh made me both nauseous and hungry. I really hated these instincts, sometimes.

I got to my feet, taking a breath. I looked to Miss Militia, a low growl in my voice. "We need to deal with Lee."

She nodded resolutely. "He's difficult to deal with." The weapon in her hands shifted into a flamethrower. "Need to get him in the instant before he teleports somewhere else."

The moment before the Lee we're fighting with goes suicide-bomber. I considered. "Got any ideas?"

She considered for a moment. I could hear the evil grin in her voice. "I got one." The weapon shifted again, turning into a tear gas launcher once more. She began firing it indiscriminately, and white mist began boiling upward. My bats didn't seem to object to it too much, so it wasn't tear gas. It simply seemed to be smoke.

"Cut down his visibility!" Miss Militia said, seeing my expression.

I nodded in understanding. Then I grinned, calling out to the swarm of bats.


They shrieked in response, hunting for a target that kept appearing and changing to ash. They found him in the crowd, trying to find a way into the PRT headquarters and quickly mobbed him. I flashed into my bat form myself, enduring the confusion for the brief moment it took for me to land next to him and punch him with a bare fist. He grunted, rolling onto the ground.

With a bat on his face, screeching and trying to attack his eyes through his mask, Oni Lee couldn't manage his unique brand of teleporting. He reached for a knife with one hand and a grenade with the other.

I swung my hand, the Void Sword flashing into existence mid-stroke, and cut both his arms off at the elbow. He screamed in agony.

I approached him carefully, looking at his severed arms. When they didn't crumble to ash, I reached up, gripped his mask, the bat still clinging to it, and crushed the eyeholes shut with my fingers. Then I broke his knees, one after the other with my left hand.

I was tempted to move in, rip his neck open and drain his life's blood. I chose not to. I wish I could say it's because I valued the sanctity of life, even his. Truth was, I was enraged, and I wanted to spend all of that rage on the target of my choice: Bakuda.

I was going to revel in taking every drop of her life's blood.

I looked up, seeing the absolutely terrified features of the gang members near me, though most of the crowd was hidden by Miss Militia's smoke.

I grinned, hefting the Void Sword. I knew my eyes were glowing, and I knew I looked like a demon from hell. "Leave." I growled. "Or I'm going to get mean."

A few broke and ran. A few others raised their weapons, mostly those with guns, a few with chains and baseball bats.

Well. I couldn't have that.

I thrust my empty hand toward the crowd, and the bats responded, shrieking, crying out for blood. The bats dove down right in front of me, turning into a tidal wave of living weapons, biting, clawing, harassing. They started chasing the remaining gang members, not working to attack or kill, but to drive them off. I had them let up on anyone who hit the ground and tried to simply endure, but they'd chase those who ran for more than a mile.

I yelled, my voice drowned by the bats. But it felt right, anyway.

"This is my city! You idiots are no longer welcome here!"

Too bad not too many of them would hear it.

Still, for now, the PRT building was secure. We'd take Oni Lee into custody. But there was a lot more for me to do.

I was going to end Bakuda.

Siege 3.2
A/N: Yeah. Taylor's ticked. She needs some Prozac. And a soothing 'Sounds of Nature' soundtrack.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal. Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Can also draw things from the Plane of Shadow. (Locked)

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monster Form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather Manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but highly recommended! (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.


There was surprisingly little damage to the PRT building. Aside from, of course, the now-glass uppermost floor and roof. Thankfully, it was designed to withstand a siege, at least for a while. It was the only reason Oni Lee hadn't managed to get inside and free Lung from the holding cells. That, and they may have been unwilling to use one of the more dangerous bombs closer to Lung.

Their leader wouldn't be much good to them dead, after all.

Armsmaster groaned in agony behind me. Miss Militia looked at me, worry in her eyes.

I shook my head. "The gang's scattered, for now. But he needs help from an expert."

She nodded. "Can you get him inside the front doors?"

I grimaced. I still hated the idea of heading in there. But my issues weren't as important as someone's life. "I'll get him inside. And Oni Lee." I said, albeit reluctantly. I spared a glance to where the man lay on the grass, his arms separated from the rest of him. He was twitching feebly, helplessly, unable to even teleport anywhere with his mask blinding him. Even if he did, he wouldn't be much threat.

Miss Militia touched her radio. "This is Miss Militia. I'm outside with Scarlet Knight and Armsmaster. He is wounded, he'll need a medical team immediately. Bring them to the front entrance. Oni Lee as well, but he will be coming second."

"Understood. Is it safe to end the lockdown?"

I shook my head. Could be stragglers, could be something left behind. It didn't matter to me, anyway. My fears aside.

Miss Militia nodded at that. She knew enough of the situation to get it. "Negative, there may be ordinance left behind and live. Scarlet Knight will transport Armsmaster inside."

"Understood. Medical team enroute."

I took a deep breath. This was going to suck.

I took Armsmaster's shoulder in hand, trying not to move him much as I teleported from the rooftop to the street. I grimaced as I looked at the closed shutters, felt for the space I needed, and teleported past the shutters.

The containment foam nozzles didn't activate, thankfully. I know it wasn't exactly a rational fear, but try telling my subconscious that.

I'm still planning on punching any hypothetical cape that can make lockers, coffins, or elevators. And I'd like to see anybody who went through what a I did without sharing that sentiment. I will tip my hat to them. Right after punching them.

Well, tip my helmet. I don't exactly have a huge hat collection. The punching thing I'm doing, though.

The med team came down the hall, getting to Armsmaster and quickly checking him over.

I spoke quickly. "I'm going to retrieve Oni Lee. He'll need medical attention as well, but ready the countermeasures for him. Just in case."

Privately, I kinda hoped he'd struggle as I brought him in. Give me a reason to hurt him more. I knew that was a very Dracul-style thought, but I didn't care. I was too pissed off to care about the influence he had on me at the moment. These assholes were participating in a campaign that left dead kids.

They were downright lucky I wasn't impaling them on lampposts as a demonstration. There were only two reasons I didn't.

One was that the PRT would likely sign a kill order on me the moment the crisis was over.

The second was knowing the tatters of my humanity would be gone if I did. I might be a monster in nature, but I still had my mind and soul. The bit of me that was me was like my mother's flute. Damaged, broken, twisted and tarnished, but still present, still recognizable, still precious. Despite everything I'd gone through, I recovered enough of myself to not be a monster to everyone else.

Instead, I was going to be a monster to specific people. Not too much of an improvement, but I could live with that.

Case in point. I teleported outside to retrieve Oni Lee. He was still blinded by the crushed remnants of his mask, unable to remove it with his arms cut off, and unable to run or even stumble away with his knees broken. All he could do was crawl slowly, pathetically, moving slower and weaker with every passing moment, as he lost blood from the remnants of his arms.

I should probably look into getting restraints if I was going to play good guy. Right now, though? Too busy. Too angry.

I stepped in front of him, summoning the Void Sword and driving the end of the blade into the ground in his path. He paused as he felt the cold radiating from the blade, his feeble crawling halting.

"Hello Oni Lee." I spoke quietly. "Now, you've been a real pain in the ass for everyone. I know you've got plenty of victims. I'm sure if a friend of mine were here, he'd tell me all about them."

I leaned down, letting the cold fury fill my voice. "But you're not going to meet him today. No, Oni Lee. You're going to the Birdcage, if they don't just stick a needle in your neck. The only question is, are you going there with or without your balls?"

He breathed for a moment, hesitating. Fearful. I leaned down, ignited my burning claws, and seared the stumps of his arms.

He screamed, and then began babbling.


Oni Lee had a bit of a reputation for being emotionless. I suppose I managed to crack through that persona and get at the juicy, helpless mortal at his center. Then I dropped him off for the paramedics to both treat and sedate for his future. After a quick briefing with Director Piggot, I headed around to try and keep my head on straight. And focussed.

If he were anyone else, I might have felt a bit sorry for him. Considering he'd been trying to kill Miss Militia and Armsmaster, though, I wasn't exactly feeling charitable. And he had killed plenty of the PRT workers in the top floor of the building.

I thought about this as I tapped the now-glass part of the uppermost floor of the building. It was rather odd to see an entire helipad, roof access, and elevator turned into clear glass. Looking down the elevator shaft, I could see the elevator's car halfway down the shaft, held in place by the emergency brakes.

Guess whomever designed the thing hadn't considered the possibility of the steel cables holding it turning into glass. Rather understandable, really. Transmutation of matter was likely not one of the subjects covered in engineering school.

Less odd and more I'm going to visit PAIN on a little Tinker bitch was the figures of people, PRT workers who were on the top floor when the thing changed. Their glass statues stood there, frozen in a moment of panic.

Remember how I said my powers were bullshit? Well, I take it back. Tinkers are bullshit. I might be a goddamn vampire, but being able to build a elemental transmutation bomb out of what was probably parts from a wrecked refrigerator...yeah, that's on a whole other level of bullshit.

And no, don't bring logic into this!

I took a moment to look down at the few figures left below. The bodies of those killed in the siege. Mostly ABB members, done in by their own grenades and explosives. I....felt nothing at their deaths.

I didn't think the ABB had this many in their ranks, though. How did they-

Some of the bodies in the street exploded. Others twisted, turning into inhuman shapes. Disturbingly, some of those were still alive. Still others froze, turned to glass, or imploded, doing horrific damage to the street.

The bitch put bombs into her own men. I couldn't fathom it.

That neatly explained the ones who stayed and fought, though. Between almost-certain death attacking me, and definitely certain death running away, they stayed. Then I unleashed the bats, and they were doomed either way.

And also explained why there were so damn many of them here. They weren't all gang members. Those ones are the ones who ran and stayed alive. The rest were conscripts. Conscripts who died the moment Bakuda learned of their failed assault.

I formed the Void Sword in my hand, letting the cold, icy rage smooth out my otherwise broiling anger. Instead, it shifted to methodical, planning, sharp. It didn't make things any less powerful for me to handle, but I did, at least, manage to focus.

Just when I think I've got a handle on how pissed I am, it gets worse.

I teleported my way down through the roof and reached the undamaged part of the PRT building. I paused a moment to let the automated systems scan me, then I headed to see Miss Militia and Armsmaster in the infirmary. The place was well-stocked. It wasn't exactly The Rig, which was the Protectorate Headquarters for the city, but it was equipped as well as any modern hospital. Just as well, too. I could get to The Rig in my bat form, but I wouldn't be able to teleport any nearby wounded inside.

Then again, it being a converted oil rig, there wouldn't be any nearby wounded.

Just outside the infirmary, I stopped a moment, took a deep breath, and dismissed the sword. No need to make things even worse.

Miss Militia stood next to Armsmaster, the latter lying in his bed. Unfortunately, the man had no other options. I glanced down at the stumps of his legs, the burns I caused covered with bandages and slathered with disinfectant. Cauterization wasn't an easy thing to get right, and something done in desperation. The pair sighed. Well, Miss Militia sighed. Armsmaster just slightly relaxed in his bed. It was hard to talk with bandages over your face, part of the result of his impact with the wall.

"I got some information out of Oni Lee." I said. "Already reported it to Piggot. Bakuda's buried deep somewhere. She's sending her bombs to a depot, picked up and used from there, but her workshop's well-hidden."

Armsmaster's eyes looked at me, but he didn't speak.

A television came on its own. A rather plain computer generated face looked at us. I gave a small smile. "Hello, Dragon."

She nodded in acknowledgement. "How is Armsmaster?"

He put a thumbs-up. "On the bad part, I can't feel my legs. But I feel great. You gotta try this stuff!" He looked at me, then frowned. "Well, maybe when you're older."

Miss Militia rolled her eyes. "That's the morphine talking. He'll be okay. It's going to take a while for him to walk again, even with Panacea."

Dragon's avatar nodded again. "I've got some ideas about that, but that can wait. I just got word from Director Costa-Brown. A kill order has been authorized for Bakuda." She spoke in her synthesized voice.

It took a lot to keep me from jumping with joy at that declaration.

"What's the plan of attack?" I asked.

Dragon hesitated, then spoke. "I'm sorry Scarlet Knight, but we can't share that information with you. You've been an invaluable help, but regulations prevent me from letting you join in on the assault on Bakuda. For your safety, we have to ask you to remain here."

I clenched my fists. "I am not going to sit here and let this bitch tear my city apart, Dragon."

Miss Militia chimed in. "Please. Think about what it would do to your father if you were killed out there."

That brought me up short, like a bucket of ice water poured on me. I grimaced, taking a deep breath and shuddering. "It'd kill him." To lose me again? He'd collapse on the spot. I let out a growl. "Damn it."


I sat in an office, thinking to myself. Well, first I'd spent about an hour knocking down cubicles.

Stupid claustrophobia.

Now I sat in a rather open office, thinking. I wanted to get out there. Kill Bakuda. The bits of Dracul in my head enthusiastically agreed.

But I couldn't hurt my dad again.

I looked up as someone entered my field of view. Painfully. Neptune and his silvery armor hurt my eyes. Like the sun irritated my skin and eyes. I gave him a wave, and he nodded back. He brought out his phone and quickly tapped away for a moment.

"Are you all right?" The phone spoke in a far-less human voice than Dragon's.

I made a small shrug. "Hate sitting around, feeling useless."

He nodded, tapping away. "Know the feeling. What's happening is overwhelming. Heading out in ten."

I made a small smile. "Right. I'd wish you luck, but if we had any, we wouldn't have this mess. So....be careful, hm?" I tried to look at him straight-on. There was something familiar about him, but I couldn't place it. And it was hard to tell, with my eyes watering just at the sight of him.

He nodded a little, frowning a bit. Seeming to ponder. Then his phone chimed, he tapped on it. "Thank you. Watch yourself, Little Owl." He then turned and left.

I nodded a little. It took a minute before I realized what he'd called me.

Little Owl.

What Mom called me.

What the hell?

Then my own phone chimed. I took a look.

AllSeeingEye: Got information on bomber, girl-with-bats. Meet at Captain's Hill?

I took a minute to ponder.

Fuck it.

SK: On my way.

Last edited:
Siege 3.3
A/N: The mystery thickens! Mwhahaha!

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal. Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Can also draw things from the Plane of Shadow. (Locked)

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monster Form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather Manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but highly recommended! (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.


I reformed from my cloud of bats near Captain's Hill. I took a moment to breathe, enjoying the night air. I took a moment to turn, seeing what I could of the city.

Despite what I'd hoped, the city was reeling. I could see fires spreading throughout a number of buildings, a few others transmuted or just....gone. It was no wonder Bakuda managed to siege the PRT building, she'd set all this as a distraction for it. While the Protectorate was out trying to deal with bombs and save civilians, and the police and fire department trying to contain the damage, they turned what would have been a suicidal plan into a somewhat practical one.

Tactics. I'll give her that, she was pretty good at them.

I looked up the hill. The light was faint, but I didn't have much trouble seeing them, anyway. Vampire senses or just good night vision? Didn't really matter, I guess.

They were the same group who were attempting to escape from Lung that night. The boy in black, the girl with the dog mask, and the girl in purple. The girl with the dog mask held three leashes in her hands, with three van-sized demonic looking dogs lying at her feet.

I approached slowly. The dogs whimpered and whined as I neared. The blonde in purple gave a formal bow.

"Thank you for coming, my dark queen." She said.

I wasn't as taken by surprise this time. But I still blinked, thinking a moment before I spoke. "You're missing someone."

She bit her lip, shuffling her feet. "Regent wouldn't come. Something about not wanting to be anywhere near the cape who punched out a rage-dragon."

I made a small smirk. "Meaning he's hiding in the bushes, just in case I turn out to be hostile and you need to try to make a backup plan to run the hell away from me."

The girl in purple blinked, then grinned. "Because that's what you'd do, facing an unknown if you had backup and support." She paused. Then paled. "Oh, crap!"

I grinned. Glory Girl dropped out of the sky and landed next to me, holding Regent in her arms in a bridal carry. She set Regent on the ground, not being all that gentle. He scrambled away from us.

"You're crazy, you're crazy!" He said as he scrambled away from us, Vicky grinning almost cruelly. I simply stayed impassive. Well, as impassive as I could be while fighting to keep a grin off my face.

Vicky cracked her knuckles. "I suggest you all start talking. Bakuda used a freeze-bomb right at the hospital entrance. If my sister had been caught in it, she'd be dead and you would be wishing you were. Even as it is, she has to spend all goddamn day to heal everyone she can. So spill!"

Darkness suddenly enveloped us, and I reached out to grip Vicky's arm. She hadn't moved, being as prepared for the moment as I was. We'd expected them to try and bugger out.

"Drop the darkness." I called out. I couldn't even hear myself, but I was willing to bet the cape who was generating it could. Powers were weird that way. "We are not here to fight, or take you in. But we both want the information you claim to have. And you can't get away from us unless we let you. You now have five seconds. Four. Three."

The darkness evaporated, and now the four were sitting atop those monstrous dogs. Which were whimpering and cowering. It was a bit odd to see a dog the size of a van cowering away from me, but hey. I'm not going to complain. I noticed with some amusement Regent was sitting behind the girl in purple, trying to make himself as small as possible. I made a smile. "Good. Now that we're done posturing. I am the Scarlet Knight, and I'm sure you're familiar with Glory Girl."

The girl in purple nodded, her voice a bit faint. "I'm Tattletale, that's Grue." She gestured to the man in black. Then gestured over her shoulder. "Guess you know Regent. And Bitch. We're the Undersiders." She nodded at the girl with the dog mask. Who was now staring at me. I returned the stare, unblinking.

I let my smile grow as she tried to stare me down. Tattletale frantically waved her hands. "Bitch, that's a bad idea!"

Bitch opened her mouth. "Angelica-"

I let out a snarl, putting in every bit of anger I had into it. The result didn't sound remotely human.

Bitch froze. Vicky stared at me. The rest of the group shrank back a little. The dogs' ears flattened and they let out a whimper.

"Stay." Bitch finally finished.

"Now," I said. "Business, shall we?"


"Alright." Grue spoke, now that the Undersiders were standing on the ground again. "We're small-time. We hit other gangs, do small jobs, get what we're going for and get out. Other villains in the city are worse, by a lot, but they don't like rocking the boat much. It ain't exactly peaceful, but even the E88 are more businessmen than fanatics. Fanatics can't hold back, they get put down. Businessmen survive."

"And Bakuda's real bad for business." Tattletale nodded. "We had a job lined up for Tuesday, but Bakuda's rampage here has thrown everything out the window. The major villains in the city are meeting under a flag of truce tomorrow night. No powers, no violence, nothing. They're pooling in resources to protect themselves and share information as to where Bakuda's holed up."

I nodded slowly. "Makes sense. So where do we come in?"

Grue looked between me and Vicky, his body language a bit hesitant. It was hard to tell more than that with his skull-helmet on. "Frankly, it's more you than Glory Girl." He held up his hands as Vicky bristled. "Look. New Wave are known heroes. They're not Protectorate, but the villains of the city and elsewhere expect certain things of them. You, on the other hand, are terrifying. Since you showed up, there's been rumors of a monster cape that eats people. And you've got respect. You took out Lung. You can exploit that."

I blinked. Then blinked again.

Okay. Good point.

Tattletale spoke then. "And there's a problem. Keep going the way you are, and they'll try and knock you off sooner or later. You might be able to handle it, but others around you might not. Show up at the meeting, you become something they can comprehend, negotiate with. Make the right impression, and they'll not want to touch you."

I thought it over, then nodded. The logic....made a familiar sense to me. Warlords of the past operated that way, too. I looked to Vicky. "I'll join in the meeting. You okay running backup?"

She looked conflicted. Then she nodded. "Long as I get to help at the part where we bust in Bakuda's head for making my sister's life harder."

I nodded, then turned to Tattletale. "Where's the meeting?"

She let out a tense breath. "A little dive bar called Somer's Rock. It's neutral ground. Here's what you need to know."


We'd spent the day preparing. I needed information, the Undersiders needed someone on the outside they could be on decent terms with. Though I had the feeling Tattletale wanted more from me than just a contact on the outside.

Libraries and schools were shut down, so most of my research happened over my phone. It wasn't exactly comprehensive, but at least I could recognize the city's major players at a glance.

I looked up at the entrance to the bar, took a deep breath.

Here goes nothing.

I strode in the door, radiating my anger. Catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror behind the bar, I saw just what I'd hoped. Eyes a solid red, no iris, no pupil, and glowing hellishly. I had the Void Sword manifested, resting across my back, radiating a chill around me while also focussing my emotions. Good, I'd entered both how I wanted and how Tattletale had suggested. It also didn't hurt that Vicky was outside, watching. She knew the signal.

If the place gets set on fire, make an entrance. Preferably through the wall.

"Gotta make a good entrance. Underneath everything, these guys are thugs. Thugs respect one thing: Power."

I spotted three of the Undersiders sitting at a table. Nearby, perhaps too nearby by Tattletale's expression, sat Skidmark, Mush, and Squealer of the Merchants, occupying a booth and looking sullen. The bottom-feeders of Brockton Bay's gangs, drug addicts and dealers. Even with my hunger, I shuddered at the thought of even thinking about feeding from any of their rank carcasses. Or being on the same continent.

In the center of the room, at the head of a long table sat Kaiser. The head of the Empire Eighty-Eight, the neo-Nazis of Brockton Bay. His metal armor was shaped by his power, both as a testament of his strength and control. Even without Tattletale's briefing, I knew who he was by reputation.

At his side stood Fenja and Menja, both very attractive women in Valkyrie-styled armor. Further behind Kaiser was Purity, who I'd heard had gone solo. The light shining from her hurt, more than the sun itself did. I funnelled the pain and irritation of it into the Void, allowing it to continue building that cold, methodical rage.

On the opposite end of the table sat a man I'd already planned on ending, for his role in the cover-up of my death. Coil. He was tall, rail thin, and bony. He had no escort near him, either a show of foolishness or confidence. Likely, his backup wasn't obvious.

Between Coil and Kaiser sat Grue, as well as a raven-haired woman wearing a welding mask. I didn't recognize who she was supposed to be. Next to Grue sat a man dressed in a Baron Samedi motif. Not-Samedi had his feet up on the table. Toward the back were others, but they were sitting in chairs, close enough to listen, but too far to be deemed important.

Something about this whole situation seemed right. Even as I knew I'd have been utterly lost not too long ago. Dracul, then. I bet he'd attended a lot of meetings like this one, sitting where Kaiser was right now.

Everyone's attention turned my way as I entered. I didn't hesitate as I focussed my gaze upon Kaiser.

"Who are you to dare enter uninvited?" He said cooly, though I could hear the underlying threat.

I didn't waver.

Look at the petty king, thinking himself equal to the Dragon.

Shut up, Dracul.

I grinned, allowing my fangs to show. "I am the Scarlet Knight. I am the one who defeated Lung. I broke the siege of the PRT building, sending their thugs screaming into the night. I cut off Oni Lee's arms, and made him cry out every little secret he had. And I want Bakuda's blood."

Kaiser sat for a long moment, searching my features. Then he nodded slowly. "Leave your weapon, and have a seat. Neither powers nor violence will be tolerated."

I slowly drew the Void Sword from my back, placing it against the wall. It was still linked with me, and I could summon it back to my hand in an instant, but they didn't know that. Having it present also helped me keep that cold, deadly focus I needed, anyway. "Anyone attempts to take my blade, and they will wish I killed them."

Nods slowly went around the room. I simply kept the majority of my attention on Kaiser.

"The fuck is this shit!" Skidmark exclaimed. "You send me to sit at a kid's table like a chump while you let this little shit join up!? I hold territory, I hold power, and this is just a whole lot of fucking shit you fucking racist piece of-"

"Are you finished?" I said coldly, not even looking at him.

"The fuck are you on about, you little piece of-"

I shot him a look. He visibly paled, especially as I allowed something of my hunger to show. "If you're going to act like a child, perhaps I should spank you and send you to your room, hm?"

I could feel some amusement spread around the room. Glad to know everyone could bond over the contempt for the Merchants.

I went to the table and took a seat next to Coil. Partially to needle the man, partially to learn what I could. I had no doubt he was doing the same thing, anyway.

All right Taylor, you're now sitting at a table with the city's biggest and worst supervillains. You've earned enough respect to not be thrown out on your ear, and you've managed to make an impression on the biggest and possibly most dangerous cape in the city.

Glad to know you can fake your way into looking like you know what the hell you're doing.

Siege 3.4
A/N: Nothin' here.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal. Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Can also draw things from the Plane of Shadow. (Locked)

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monster Form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather Manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but highly recommended! (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

So. Coil at my left, Kaiser way over there on my right, and various villains or mercenaries around. My backup was sitting around outside, waiting for the place to catch on fire. I didn't have any intention of actually setting the place on fire, but I was fairly certain if I had to, things would be really bad for my immediate future.

I had no illusions. I knew I was strong, but I also knew I wouldn't be able to match all the firepower in the room. Even if I somehow did, I couldn't handle the retribution later. At least, not on my own.

Whatever that lingering bit of ego I got from Dracul.

Still, this was a point where the inherited instincts I got from the vampire god were coming in handy. Just somewhat wish I could remember more than impressions of how he handled things. I say 'somewhat' because then I'm pretty sure I'd remember a whole lot of other things, too. Like murdering scores of people. Not something I wanted bouncing around in my head.

Annoying vagueness aside, there is such a thing as too much detail.

Had enough problems with the vague parts, sometimes.

Coil looked me over. "Are you certain you want a hero here, Kaiser? How did she even learn of this meeting?"

I returned the stare, looking at him cooly. "How many stretch limos go to a bar while a city is under terrorist attack, Coil? I have given my word to be civil, here. I don't really care to be categorized. I'm not going to pretend to be just like any of you. But my main concern is ending Bakuda, not taking her in. I'm not here to play our little games." I let my smile grow predatory. "After that, well, we'll see how things are."

Kaiser, if anything, seemed amused. "As long as the knight here remains civil, so can we. And it may be useful to have a neutral party to bring information to the Protectorate. Are you willing to speak for them?"

I shook my head. "For myself. I live here, and I'd rather enjoy a bit of peace and quiet. Bakuda is a rather loud and disruptive bitch. I am not going to tolerate a murderer of children in my city. I won't sell anything I learn of you to anyone. I. Want. Bakuda." I dragged my fingertips across the table. The act left gouges.

Oops. Too much pressure.

A number of villains, including Kaiser, nodded at that, even as they winced at the sound of ripping wood. Purity especially, I noticed. These guys may be thugs, criminals, and some of them no doubt willing to do terrible things to get things done. But even they had standards, however few, and I'd pressed right on the point.

Coil hadn't nodded, I noticed. He'd need a different strategy to handle. If he was really Coil at all, and not a body-double or something.

And that made me wonder if anyone here was really who they appeared to be, besides Purity.

Kaiser looked around the room. "First of all, we are here to discuss the ABB. This campaign of theirs is reckless. Under ordinary circumstances, I would be content to sit back and watch them self-destruct. However, the work Bakuda is undertaking has done severe damage to our businesses and infrastructure. She's bombed schools, clubs, and Brockton General. She also destroyed three office buildings and inflicted severe damage to several apartment buildings. Our best guess at the death toll right now is four hundred, with at least three times that wounded."

Coil nodded. "For the moment, I propose a truce between ourselves and with the law. We hold our territory, defend our own against attack, and protect our businesses. Until Bakuda is killed or captured, and the ABB disbanded, none of us move against each other. We share intelligence with ourselves and, should we find out where Bakuda is holed up, we give that data to the Protectorate." He paused a moment. I got the feeling he was smiling beneath that snake-like mask. "No sense in taking unnecessary risks. The gang members and conscripts will be worn out quickly enough as it is."

"Acceptable." Kaiser said. "Now, does anyone have any information as to where Bakuda is?"

Not-Samedi held up his hand.

Coil nodded at him. "Trickster."

"Our group, the Travelers, were heading through the docks district yesterday, before all this started. We caught sight of some of the ABB driving a van toward the corner of York and Woolwich. We didn't think anything of it until they just vanished. One second there, the next, gone."

I licked my lip and considered. Teleporting trick? Or something else, perhaps?

Coil stroked the front of his mask, likely trying to rub his chin through it. "There isn't much out there, now that Lung's burned down half the district." He sat for a moment, thinking. "Ah. Now I understand. She's hiding inside a pocket dimension. Material goes in one way, she creates the bombs, drops them off elsewhere to be used. All the while being safe. Clever."

The depot Oni Lee talked about. Which the Protectorate was likely trying to hit right now.

Kaiser tilted his head. "Dimensional technology is not Bakuda's speciality."

"True." Coil murmured. "However, it is something of a speciality of Toybox's Tinkers, and they aren't that difficult to get word to with the right connections. And as a Tinker, Bakuda would have quite some interest in that. If nothing else, they can provide supplies that might be useful. And while the ABB is not all that rich, if she spent a significant amount of her resources, that could be enough to buy a pocket dimension."

Kaiser nodded at that. "So the question is how does one hack their way into a pocket dimension?"

Coil looked around the room. Nobody stepped forward. "I suppose we will have to check our own connections for that." A bit of wry amusement passed around the room.

The woman wearing the welding mask leaned forward. "We are mercenaries. As much as I detest what the ABB are doing right now, we may be found on opposite sides if they hire us. Being open for opportunities is the only way we can get by."

"Stay after the meeting, Faultline. We'll discuss an arrangement." Kaiser said.

Grue spoke up then. "We'll work reconnaissance. Sooner or later, Bakuda will need fresh supplies, food if nothing else. We haven't got much, but we do have ears on the ground."

I made a rather bloodthirsty grin. I didn't have to fake that. "And I shall explore my own avenues. She's pissed off a lot of people. Someone's bound to be willing to talk."

Kaiser nodded. "Very well. Everyone to business." He rose to his feet, gesturing for Faultline to come with him. They went and took a booth in the back.

I rose to my feet, moving toward the Void Sword. Coil gently touched my gauntlet. "Please, wait outside a moment. I wish to speak with you."

I gave him a nod, taking my blade back in hand and pressing it to my back, over my cloak. It held in its place by my will. Handy. Not that I'd normally need it, but much of this was misdirection. I stepped outside, breathing the clear air.

The night was still full, but it would be morning soon. Had it only been a day since I was watching a movie with Amy and Vicky? These guys move fast when pressed. I just met with the Undersiders yesterday.

I'd have to keep that in mind when it came time for me to take these people apart. They've been a cancer in my city for far too long.

My city. When did I start thinking of it as my city? Well, nevermind that, that's not important. I was fairly sure that everyone would be better off with me leading things, officially or not, than having Kaiser and Coil fighting to control everything.

I knew my dad was worrying with me running around, but there wasn't much I could do about it. I wasn't about to just stand by and watch people die. I'd just have to be careful not to take any stupid risks while dealing with Bakuda.

I gave the Merchant's leaders a facade of complete indifference as they came out. Skidmark moved right up to me.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, shitstain?" Yeesh. His breath reeked. I was half-tempted to look behind me and see if any birds fell out of the sky because of that smell.

I tilted my head. "I believe I am your better. And considering you named yourself 'Shitstain' I'd suggest you be on your way before I decide you need to be neutered to calm down." I gently tapped the hilt of the Void Sword.

He lunged at me, a faint pressure telling me he was using his power to do...something. Probably to try and enhance his shove. His power was to make fields of force, attraction or repulsion, but he had the ability to layer them to enhance their effectiveness. I caught his fist with my left hand, dissipating the energy he was trying to put into the move. Then I picked him up by the neck, one-handed, and threw him away from me. Skidmark went flying through the air about ten feet before landing in the mud.

Squealer and Mush helped him to his feet, hollering. Skidmark slaked some of the mud off himself. "You little bitch! I'm going to-"

"You will do nothing, Shitstain, except leave. You have wasted my time and wasted the oxygen of the people of this fine establishment. The only reason you still have your head is because I don't want to sully my blade with your blood." I growled. I then shifted my gaze to Squealer. "You can do far better than him. I suggest you look into a new lifestyle."

Squealer snarled at me. "We don't have to take this from you!"

I simply stayed impassive. "Your choice. I am done with you."

The three Merchant leaders staggered off. I turned to see Coil standing next to the door to the bar, looking at me intently.

I made a small shrug. "He pissed me off."

Coil made a small chuckle. "His very existence does, for many of us. I've been looking into your activities with some interest, my dear. I must admit I didn't expect someone who's been working with the Protectorate to just walk into a meeting with the local villains as if she owned the place and take a seat for herself."

"Bakuda needs to be stopped." I tilted my head. "I'm willing to be civil when the situation calls for it. I'd rather see this city prosper more than anything, but first there needs to be a city. If it keeps going like this, there might not be."

Coil nodded. "In that case, would you consider working for me? I have Brockton Bay's best interests in mind. The anarchy of how things are right now is temporary. Once things are more calm, the factions will move against each other. Someone with your talents might find a great deal of wealth and influence here, and I would like to offer you that opportunity."

A job offer? Seriously? The man who helped cover up my murder and recruited my murderer using that as blackmail material is offering me a job? If he knows who I am, then that takes such a huge amount of chutzpah. If he doesn't know, then his reputation's overblown.

So why offer?

Ah. Better to keep an eye on me, either to keep me from being a threat or to turn me into an asset.

I licked my lips. "Allow me to consider my options, hm? I'd rather not make a snap decision while the city just may explode around us."

A small laugh came from under his mask. "Very well." He reached into a pocket and held out a card. Supervillains have calling cards? Huh. Learn something new every day. "Let me know when you change your mind."

'When.' Not 'if.' Cocky bastard.

I strode away from the bar, moved far enough to not be in immediate sight, then burst into bats. I handled the confusion long enough to get to Vicky's hiding spot. She'd taken a place roughly half a mile away, on a porch. She was sitting on a lawn chair, looking bored.

"Nice to see you were paying close attention." I said dryly.

She shrugged and grinned. "Fire? Kinda obvious. I'd have flung my way over there the second I saw smoke. Beyond that, this is the only spot I could find that wasn't suspicious."

I nodded slowly. "Okay, good point. You know anyone who can poke at pocket dimensions? The villains seem to think Bakuda's hiding in one that Toybox provided."

Vicky shook her head. "Maybe Myrddin could, but I don't know of anyone offhand."

I grimaced. "Well, damn. I think we should take a look at the entry point I heard. Might be something. Corner of York and Woolwich."

Vicky grinned, getting to her feet. "Good. Race ya!"

She rocketed off into the sky. I shook my head, smiled, and followed in my bat form.


So we arrived at the corner, Vicky and I looked around. It wasn't exactly remarkable, being a blackened street corner surrounded on all sides by burned out buildings. Place looked a fair bit different after Lung got finished with it.

"So what are we looking for?" Vicky said.

I shrugged. "No idea. Where do you go to find a hole in dimensions, anyway?"

She rolled her eyes. I looked up and down the street, frowning a bit. There had to be something.

Needed to find it. If we didn't, we gave Bakuda that much more time to kill more people. Had to find that hole in...

I was tingling.

Vicky looked at me. "Uh...Red? Your hair's turning white."

I blinked. I took a bit of it from where it came out the back of my helmet, bringing it in front of my eyes. The tingling intensified. I focussed my will on that tingling sensation, and my hair returned to its normal, dark color.

"Well. Guess my power's messing with me. Not really helpful, though." I said with faint humor.

Vicky cracked a smile. "Yeah, well, too bad it's not helping us get to the crazy little bomber bitch. You sure you can't just rip a gate open or something? I half expect it from you by now, little miss bloodsucker."

"Course I can't just-"

And my mind filled with an idea, a tiny echo of the vampire god. Just enough of a hint to make me stop dead in my tracks. Just like that, I had an idea of how I just might be able to reach where Bakuda was hiding.

Just one problem. I had to go back into Winslow.

Vicky's mouth dropped open, seeing my expression. "You got something, don't you? You know grab-bag capes aren't supposed to keep going back for seconds and thirds at the power buffet table!"

Oh goddamn it.

Siege 3.5
A/N: Onward we go unto the night, my friends.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. (Locked)

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monster Form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather Manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but highly recommended! (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.


I trembled as I looked up.

Winslow High. The place of my torture. The place where I died. I had few good memories of the place. Mrs. Knott was about where it started and ended. The rest were all memories of fear and torment.

The place was silent and still. No cars in the parking lot. No sign anyone was inside. That was, perhaps, the one silver lining of Bakuda's rampage. Nobody would see us go in.

"You okay?" Vicky said, gently putting a hand on my shoulder.

I took a deep shuddering breath, shaking my head. "Not really. Just....a lot of bad memories, here."

I didn't know if this was going to work. Still, I had to try. The vision of frozen bodies floated in my mind, and the sight of kids snap-frozen to death in their beds kindled that rage that had kept me going for so long, now.

But it was breaking before my fear. I knew it wasn't rational, but I didn't care. The memory was too strong for me to push aside. Sophia wasn't here to torment me, she was locked in a cell. Emma wasn't here to attack my mind, she was also in a cell in New York, and Madison was at the PRT, probably hiding under a desk or something.

I turned and put my back against the fence that surrounded Winslow, looking out into the street and trying to calm myself. Even in the early morning light, with nobody arriving, this place sent me right back to the headspace of a bullied kid just trying to survive each day.

I took on Lung and I can't go inside my own school. How sad is that?

Vicky gently gripped my shoulder. "It's alright, Red. We can just report in. We'll take it slow."

That was probably a good idea. I took out my phone and used the phone's memory to get right to the PRT line. When it picked up, I took another deep breath, to try and not sound shaken up.

"Due to the current crisis, all our lines are currently busy. If this is an emergency, press 1 now. If it is not, please press 2 to leave a message."

I considered for a moment, then pressed one. It could be important enough to need priority. If the Protectorate doesn't know that Bakuda's likely hiding in a pocket dimension, they could tear the entire city apart looking for her and not find her.

The phone rang for a moment, then a voice picked up. "PRT emergency line."

"This is the Scarlet Knight. I just got some intelligence from the local villains. They have reason to believe Bakuda's hiding in a pocket dimension, using that as her workshop."

"You're certain of this information?"

"Got it right from them."

"Please wait one moment while I redirect you to Director Piggot."

I ground my teeth. Bureaucracy was a definite pain sometimes. Often. I gave Vicky a long-suffering expression, and she shrugged. "They need to update that tune."

Then my phone clicked. Director Piggot's voice echoed. "You have intelligence for us, Scarlet Knight?"

I sighed. "The local villains called a meeting because of Bakuda and the ABB. One of them, Trickster, said he saw an ABB van disappear at the corner of York and Woolwich. Coil said that Bakuda was using a pocket dimension as her workshop, and just dropped off the bombs at the depot Oni Lee knew about."

There was silence for a moment as she digested that. "You infiltrated a villain meeting? That was very, very foolish."

I let out a growl. "I didn't sneak in, I walked right in. I also had backup in case things went sour. They didn't care, they're more concerned with covering their own asses while this is going on. Odds are good they'll send someone other than me to propose a cease-fire between themselves and you until this crap is over with. What's important is if Bakuda's hiding in a dimensional pocket, we can can't reach her unless we find a way inside."

Piggot was silent for a moment. "Then we may need to contact Toybox to enter. Not too difficult, but may take some time. They don't exactly leave a consistent address."

I nodded. She couldn't see that, but, well, it's hard to break a habit. "I may have another way to get inside, but it's uncertain. Glory Girl and I will try to make the attempt. It's a long shot, but if it works, we can end this today."

"What are you planning, Knight?"

I chuckled. "Probably something very stupid, Director. I make no guarantee this will work. I'll call back when I have word." I hung up before she could respond, taking a deep breath and looking to Vicky.

She smiled softly. "Once more unto the breach?"

I looked up at Winslow, swallowing the lump in my throat. "Once more."

Hopefully, for the last time. I was tired of being afraid of this place.

I went up the walkway toward the front doors, every footstep feeling leaden. If my heart had been beating, it would have been going a mile a minute. As it was, I could feel my veins thrumming, giving that race of fear that my heart no longer could do. It was foolish, maybe, but this place had been my own personal Hell for a year and a half.

And it had killed me.

We reached the doors, and Vicky tried to pull it open. It didn't give. Locked solid.

"Oh well. We can't get in, we need to try another day." I said nervously. I began to step away.

Vicky shrugged and pulled it open with a squeal of tearing metal.

I blinked, looking at her with trepidation. Damn it, Vicky. Rob me of the excuse of a locked door.

She gave me a grin. "They can bill me, later. This is more important than a door. Both for you and everyone else. Come on, Red. I'm here for you."

I slowly walked inside, Vicky staying right behind me, hand on my shoulder. I took in the sights of the familiar halls. We passed by the metal detectors, their illustrious career cut short in about two days, as the gangs sabotaged them faster than Winslow could repair them. We passed by the gang signs spraypainted onto the walls, E88 in red, ABB in green, and Merchants in whatever color they could scrounge up at the time.

I'd hoped I would be able to open the path just inside the front doors, but I felt nothing coming in.

There was Mr. Gladly's classroom, where he spent more time trying to be the good, popular teacher than actually doing his job teaching. And Mrs. Knott's classroom, which had been my only refuge as far as getting my work done.

We came to the stairs leading to the second floor. They seemed to stretch on forever, mountainous and huge. I knew what was waiting for me at the end of this little trip, and I felt weak. I trembled and shuddered, feeling the fear tighten my chest. Carefully, slowly, I forced myself forward, heading up to the second floor with absolutely zero enthusiasm.

"You can do this, Red." Vicky encouraged.

I moved my way down the hall, coming up to the place of my nightmares. The place where I died.

It didn't look like anything special. It had been cleaned, refurbished. There wasn't any trace of the scent that lingered in my nightmare. Even The Locker's door was new. I gently put my hand on it, every muscle in my body trembling.

I could feel a resonance here, something that called to me, but I was trembling so hard I barely noticed it. I felt my unbeating heart squeeze, and I pulled away in panic, slamming into the lockers on the opposite side of the hall. I slid to the floor, gasping for air, sobs coming from my throat.

Vicky sat next to me, hugging me against her as I cried. I leaned against her, slamming my hand into the floor, leaving cracks on the floor.

"I can't do it, I can't." I managed to say between my sobs.

Vicky gently stroked my shoulder. "I didn't realize you were that Taylor, Red. I'm sorry. I read about it after you were...found, in there. Your...trigger happened in there, didn't it?"

I shuddered, managing a small nod. I couldn't see through the tears flowing from my eyes.

Vicky sucked in a breath, her hair rustling as she shook her head. "I should have guessed when you said Winslow. Damn. I'm an idiot."

I managed a hysterical little giggle. "Me too, for thinking I could do this, Vicky. I'm sorry."

She hugged me tighter. "Nothing to apologize for, Red." She sighed, clucking her tongue. "I told you about my trigger, but I didn't tell you everything about it." She lifted her head, looking at the locker before us. "I won't pretend it was anywhere near yours, Red. But I didn't trigger just cause I got fouled."

I wiped my eyes, taking a look at her. It was difficult to see through the tears, but Vicky looked rather distant as she spoke. "It was a lot of things happening at once for me, you see. Dean was in the crowd, and so was Mom, Dad, Ames, my aunt, my cousins. They'd all gained powers before I had. I'd been dealing with this...crushing disappointment. There were scouts in the crowd, too, for the Women's Basketball League. If we'd won the game, I'd have a good shot at getting a scholarship. All my hopes were on that game. We'd win, I'd go to college, get away from home. Move with Dean, have a room for Ames."

She shook her head. "See...my dad struggles with depression. Mom loves me, but she doesn't trust me. She doesn't trust anybody. I had damn near zero freedom at home. Only in this last year when I get home after spending time with friends, do I not get an interrogation on everything. And...the way she looks at Amy sometimes, it's not any good. When I was a kid, I didn't see it, I was just the precious little princess. But now I see how she treats us. Mom wants to control my life, but she also wants Amy to be more than she can ever be. I get a B on a test, it goes on the fridge. Amy gets an A? It gets tucked away. I get a sports trophy? Displayed on the mantle. Amy gets first place in a science fair? Her medal gets thrown in a box."

Vicky squeezed my shoulder, gently kneading the tense muscles beneath my armor. "That game? It was my best hope to get away from all that. Ames needs somewhere away from home to grow, but Mom would never let her go on her own. Before I had powers, she never let me go anywhere on my own. When it was at the last few seconds and I got fouled, the pressure was on. All on me. All I had to do was make the free-throws. I'd done it a hundred times before in practice, easily. But I messed up. First throw bounced right off the rim. Game over. All my hopes and dreams crushed in that moment. I felt I'd never get to leave home." She made a tiny, bitter laugh. "Kinda true, there. Can't split up the New Wave, can we?"

I breathed slowly, listening, slowly calming. It helped to listen with my eyes closed. Finally I spoke. "Geez, Vicky. I never guessed that you guys were in such trouble, there."

I could feel her shrug. "It ain't easy, Red. After a while, we just deal, cause we got no other choice. Don't get me wrong, my parents mean well, but they have their own issues. Dad isn't there much, even when he is, and Mom cares, but she just can't bring herself to be vulnerable to anybody. It makes her a good lawyer, but...I'm not blind to the troubles it brings up."

I nodded, mulling things over. "What about the rest of New Wave?"

Vicky chuckled. "My aunt's family is a fair bit healthier when it comes to all that. Aunt Sarah's got her own problems, mind, but she's managed to work through them. It ain't perfect, nobody's family is, but they're doing better than we are as a whole. What people see? Most of it's PR, Red. Behind it all, we're normal people with bigger problems. The powers just amplify things. Good and bad."

I slowly opened my eyes, looking at The Locker door in front of me. It seemed to loom like an immense monolith, larger than the rest of the whole of Brockton Bay put together. And yet I remembered how suffocating and small it was inside.

Funny how your memory messes with your perception.

I spoke slowly, haltingly, my throat thick with emotion. "My bullies had been tormenting me for a year and a half. One of them had been my best friend, once, but she turned on me. I never learned why. Still don't. I went from being...okay, to just surviving every day in this place. They made me miserable, hurt me, took my things...destroyed what was precious to me. One of them, probably my former friend, took my mother's flute, one of the last things I have of her, and smashed it, dented it, and fouled it with something horrid, then let me find it on top of a dumpster. When I went to get a bag to contain it, they took it away from me again. She probably tossed it into the bay, where I found it."

I traced my fingers over the new crack in the floor, taking my time to sort through my thoughts. "Then we had the winter holidays. I dreaded coming back here, the anticipation of what they were going to do was as bad...maybe worse, than what they actually did. But the whole week went by and they didn't do anything. I began to let myself hope they'd grown bored....and then I came here, on Friday afternoon, and smelled something horrific."

I looked at Vicky, whose face was filled with both sympathy and horror. "They'd taken garbage from the girl's bathroom. Used tampons, other refuse. Let it fester, then dumped it all in. When I'd opened it to see what they'd done, I saw spiders, creatures, all over in there, making it their nest. The smell, you couldn't believe. I puked....and then I was pushed inside, the door slammed shut behind me, and the two of them laughing as they walked away."

I wiped my cheeks as I looked back at The Locker again, swallowing hard. "I was in there for hours. Crying, pleading, begging for help from anyone who might come by. There wasn't anybody. Nobody cared, nobody noticed, or nobody wanted to cross my bullies."

Now that I was here, the memory seemed to unfurl in my mind.

My rage is cold enough to freeze Hell itself. My hatred is hot enough to sear every world that nestled in the heavens.

My power is enough to reshape a world to my designs. I have the will to see it through.

If it takes me an eternity, you will pay! I have already struck the blow that shall murder all of you, one after another, until every last of you monsters has been wiped from the heavens! I see your true selves, abominations, and before you find oblivion, you shall beg for mercy!

You have entrapped my soul, abomination, but I have driven my poisoned knife into your back.

And my heart stopped as Dracul's power filled me, searing the connection the titan's power tried to make with me, my consciousness fading into blissful oblivion.

I let out a gasp, my eyes wide.

"Red, you alright!?" Vicky gently prodded me in the side. She looked angry. Horribly, terribly angry.

I nodded slowly. "Just...remembered a bit more of the moment. The moment I died." I shuddered. "Then I was in my dreams, bathing in blood. Next thing I remember, I woke up in my coffin. As I am."

Eventually, Vicky sighed. "Did they get them? The ones who did this to you, Red?"

I smiled slightly, weakly. "Yeah. The two who did this, they're arrested. The last...I gave her one chance to redeem herself. She hasn't fucked it up yet."

Vicky chuckled, barely audible. "Well, that's something at least. You okay?"

I shook my head. "No. But...that doesn't really matter." I looked at The Locker before me. "I'm really, really tired, Vicky. I'm tired of being afraid. I'm tired of remembering this place. I'm tired of being haunted by all this." Unsteadily, I got to my feet, advancing on The Locker, swallowing my fear.

I tried my old combination, and it didn't work. Of course, a new door, a new lock. So I punched it, tearing through the metal door and ripped it off.

It was empty of the refuse of my nightmares, only had a few notebooks and things inside from some other student. But I could feel it. Something else there. That resonance. I left a part of my soul here when I died. It was time for me to take it back.

I wouldn't let them win over me forever.

I put my hand out into the space in The Locker, feeling the air. I closed my eyes, focussing on the power Dracul had given me, which had entered me and changed me on this spot.

Warmth spread from my hand, and I opened my eyes. My hand was now engulfed in a solid black darkness, and on the other side of it I could feel a warm breeze. I grasped the substance of the darkness, pulling it out into the hall, and willing it to expand. It grew outward, becoming a black gate.

"Now that's cool." Vicky said from over my shoulder.

I shot her a grin, however weak it was. "Yeah. Wish I didn't have to come back here to figure out how to do it, though. Want to see my vampire castle?"

She laughed. "Oh, yeah. I gotta see this."

We linked arms and walked in.


A/N: Powers Unlocked:

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow.
Siege 3.6
A/N: As of now, this is officially my longest fanfic ever. So onward we go! *cackles madly*

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monster Form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather Manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but highly recommended! (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.


"Whoa." Vicky said.

"Damn right." I said.

We were standing atop an immense chain, linking one tower to some ancient wall. From here, we could see what surrounded the castle. An immense forest carpeted the ground below us, but beyond that was an infinite black plain. The wind whipped through the air, the snow falling around us lightly, just enough to annoy but not enough to actually be threatening. The sky twinkled with innumerable stars, but there was an unreal quality to them. The stars themselves were mostly a memory.

We turned around, and took a good look at this side of the mountain. Castlevania itself rose above us, every bit as large as it had been when I visited in my dreams. To the right lay the placid lake where I had met Death that first time, and to the left rose the gothic spires, eventually reaching the mountain's peak, above which rose the keep that held the throne room. It certainly wasn't the largest mountain in the world, but the place was immense.

Vicky spoke, her voice filled with awe. "Holy shit, Red. You could fit everyone in Brockton Bay here and have room to spare. Hell, you could fit everyone in New York here. And probably L.A, too. Your power gave you this?"

I nodded, chuckling softly. "I've been dreaming of this place since Winslow. On some level, I knew it existed, but I wasn't sure how to get here for real. Or bring others in."

Vicky grinned. "Well, you figured it out. I'm still calling bullshit on your powers, though. Now that we're here, though, what's the plan to reach Bakuda?"

"That...I know we can from here, but the how escapes me, exactly. My powers don't come with an instruction manual. From what little I can grasp, though, this castle exists on a different world than our Earth. From here, you can go anywhere, as long as you know where you're going. Or where you want to go."

Vicky frowned. "This place is like Earth Aleph?"

"Not at all like Earth Aleph, my dear Miss Dallon." A new voice said. I couldn't help it, I smiled. "Earth Aleph is a world within your multiverse. This is a plane and is both less and more than that." I turned and grinned.

Death hovered there, once again in a male form, rubbing his chin through his white beard. He wore a wide, pleased smile on his face and he bowed to me. "My lady, welcome home."

I laughed softly. "Not exactly home yet, but I do feel welcome at least. It's good to see you again."

Vicky blinked. "Umm....nice to see a friendly face here, but who are you?"

Death gently took her hand and kissed the back of it, seeming amused. "I have many names, my dear. My true name is something you could not pronounce nor comprehend. But most simply call me Death, when I meet them."

Vicky looked dubious. "You're not what I expected."

I rolled my eyes. "I said the same thing."

Death grinned, took a step back and shifted. Now, he was a floating skeleton, clad in a tattered black robe, scythe resting on one shoulder. "AH, MY DEAR. EXPECTATIONS ARE A RATHER TRIFLING THING. THEY SHIFT GREATLY, DEPENDING ON HOW ONE VIEWS ME."

Vicky jerked back, yanking her hand back and clutching it closely. "Holy fucking crap. I touched the Grim Reaper I'm gonna die and leave Amy alone and find myself somewhere I didn't want to end up and OH GOD I TOUCHED THE GRIM REAPER!"

I couldn't help it. I laughed. "Vicky, calm down! He's not going to kill you."

She took a deep, gasping breath, her eyes wide. "He's not?"

Death cackled. Vicky shrank back, before Death shifted again, this time appearing in the first form I met it in, a girl wearing goth clothes. "Nope! My job isn't to kill people, Victoria. Only here can I even do that, but even then, only when the Lord of Darkness permits. When someone or something dies, I take their souls to where they belong. Sometimes that means a heaven or a hell. Or a place like this, to be reshaped and reborn. Other times it means reincarnation or oblivion. There are as many afterlives as there are stars in the sky, and few are exactly what people expect of them." She grinned. "Your myths are rather off, there. A teensy bit of truth wrapped in so much falsehood that it makes no difference."

Vicky's mouth worked for a moment, then she shook her head. "So why call you Death if you don't kill people?"

Death smiled, almost annoyingly perky. "Simple. If I didn't exist, or if something prevented me from taking someone, they would live forever in a body that is falling apart and dying. The suffering of such a being would be ever-increasing and terrible beyond your comprehension. Though, sadly, there are those for whom I can't reach. You know of some, I'm sure."

I shuddered. "Gray Boy's victims, you mean?"

Death nodded slowly at that. "Among others. They will, eventually, die, their suffering ended. But without interference, that will occur long after I harvest your sun." She looked profoundly sad at that.

Vicky's mouth dropped. "Wait. Stars have souls?"

Death shifted back to its male form, his voice now kindly. "There are few things that do not have souls, my dear. The lives and minds of stars and planets are long and vast, but simple. They are utterly unaware of beings such as yourselves. In some ways, the soul of a small insect is far more fascinating than a star's soul. For the insect, however simple, makes choices. A star, however brightly it burns, is as I am outside of this realm. With no choice at all."

I rose an eyebrow. "This is neat, Death, but we can talk about it later. We've got to find a way to reach Bakuda."

He nodded, a faint, vicious smile coming to his lips. "Ah, yes. Her. I will be quite pleased to reap her soul. You can reach her from here, my dear. But first you will need to reach the Portal Room. If you attempt to open one here, you will arrive somewhere on your world at random. You must anchor one on this side."

I grimaced. "Great. And where's the Portal Room? Because Castlevania here is huge, and we could wander it for years from the look of it."

Death chuckled. "You are the Lady of the Castle, my dear. Ask it to make you a path, and you shall have a path. Be aware, however, some things will activate and not be safe along the way. My old friend had his flaws, his ego among them, and he never truly believed there would be a successor to his throne. Many of Castlevania's servants will allow you to pass without incident, but there are defenses which would only yield to him. But first, I would suggest walking along this path."

He gestured to the chain, leading to the nearby crumbling tower, which was in turn linked to a large section of the castle itself.

I raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

Death smiled. "There's someone you should meet."


"So...." Vicky said as she hovered alongside me. "You've been dreaming of this place? So you kinda made it when we walked in?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm pretty sure it really exists. I think. It's pretty weird. But I've found some things here that I've used in reality. My sword, my blood manipulation powers...."

"Yeah, but, it's not really real then, is it?" She jerked her thumb over her shoulder. "That's just your conception of Death back there. Cause there's no way the real one's that nice."

I stopped my stomping along the chain, looking at her. "No, I didn't make him up, Vicky."

"Nah-uh. Don't believe you, Taylor. That was very convincing, and I believed it for a second, but no way. You made him up, and now we're trawling through your own personal pocket universe shaped by your mind. That makes totally more sense than meeting the actual Grim Reaper."

I paused, letting out a long-suffering sigh. Denial mode. Great. "This place wasn't mine to start with, Vicky. I inherited it. Still don't know how but I have an inkling on why."

"So you inherited a castle nobody's seen before that's so huge it'd be visible from space, that just happened to be hidden inside a universe nobody's ever heard of, and you think that's less likely than you making this place up? All right, fine. Not going to argue." She shook her head and started floating forward again. "Are we there yet?" Vicky asked.

"Nope." I said.

"When are we going to be there?" She whined.

"You tell me, you're the one flying." I said with irritation. I didn't want to try using my bat form in this wind. "What's with you, anyway?"

"Oh, you know. I just want to see what kind of apartment your power gave you. It's your head, after all. Can I call a big room? Maybe a suite? You think we can get good wi-fi here?" She floated alongside me, grinning.

"I highly doubt there's wi-fi here, Vicky." What was she...


I stopped. "You're trying to distract me from what happened back at the school, huh?"

Her face grew serious, but she nodded. "Yeah. You looked pretty rough. Figured if I could annoy you into anger, you wouldn't be miserable. Since I'm trying to throw some cheer your way and you don't seem to notice, not sure what else I can do. I don't like being a low-grade Master, but I don't want you to wallow, either."

Right. Her aura that I don't seem to notice.

I shot her a smile. "Thanks, Vicky. I appreciate it." I nodded at the tower ahead. "Once we get up there, I want to run a little experiment."

"Oh, good. Just up there? Hang on!"

She grabbed my arms and flew us over there, even as I let out a shriek of protest. It wasn't that far a flight, but I was not used to seeing nothing but empty air beneath my feet. She dropped me off right at one of the tower's entrances, and I gave her a mock-glare as she landed next to me. "There. Now we can go inside, where it's warm. Ish. And you can ask me to try that little experiment."

I shook my head as she grinned. "You're evil." I accused.


We walked in. Inside the tower were guest rooms, opulent by medieval standards. Just about somewhat comfortable by middle-class ones. We stopped in one, and I turned to Vicky. "Okay. Your aura thing? Doesn't seem to effect me. At all. We need to see if you can at all. If not, at least I'm immune to you, and maybe immune to other Master effects. At least on the same lines."

Vicky looked thoughtful, then nodded. "Right. All right, it's got a few modes, but fear's easy. I'll shut it off if it gets too much for you."

I sucked in a deep breath and nodded. "Fire away."

Vicky concentrated. Nothing happened.

"Anything?" She asked.


She furrowed her brow. "How about now?"

"Nope again."

Vicky shrugged. "All right, full blast."

I waited. I brushed a bit of dust off my shoulder. "Nothing."

A howl echoed down the hall, along with the sound of a horde of running feet. We looked at each other, blinked, then went to follow.

The corridor stretched before us, and Vicky darted ahead. I flowed along the floor as fast as I could, hearing the sound of a nightmarish fight happening ahead. I burst into a large golden ballroom (how, there wasn't room for this on the outside of the tower?) and found red flying demon spitting fireballs at a large white wolf.

Vicky oriented herself in the air, landing between the pair, cracking the ballroom floor with the impact. The demon seemed to be taken aback at this, then it roared at Vicky.

Vicky yelled back. "Back off, ugly! Your momma's fat, too!"

It lunged at her, launching a fireball her way. She simply weathered it, and when the demon was in range, she hit it with a punch. It was almost comical how the demon suddenly reversed direction, slamming into the marble wall with a resounding crack. It slumped to the floor, dizzily trying to rise.

I stepped down the stairs, summoning the Shadow Whip in my hand. Advancing on the demon, I let out a low growl. "Stand down, you little bastard, or I'll cleave you in two."

It took one look at me, roared, and charged, flames spitting from its mouth. I flowed around the burning heat, slashing the Shadow Whip out, causing it to roar in pain and flinch away from me. Its eyes grew wide, and it flapped its wings, trying to get away.

Unfortunately, it had forgotten about the wolf. The white wolf tackled it from behind, bringing it down to the floor, gripping the demon's neck between its jaws and violently ripping the flesh away. The demon struggled, choked, and flailed, trying in vain to free itself as its steaming blood flowed out of the grievous wounds, before it lay still. The wolf hopped off the demon's body as it burst into flames.

He stopped to lick at the blood on the floor, panting. Vicky and I exchanged a glance.

"Okay. This is weird. Nice castle, Red." Vicky said.

That got the wolf's attention. It looked up at both of us, his eyes assessing with intelligence. He then focused his gaze on me.

No, on the Shadow Whip, boiling on my hand. Cautiously, one paw at a time, the wolf advanced on me. I didn't move, watching him closely. His body language was...cautious. Submissive, even.

"Red, watch it."

"Relax, Vicky. Look at his body language. He's not gearing up for a fight." I'd seen this wolf once before, here, when I'd claimed the Void Sword. I held out my hand, the blood and shadow of my weapon seeming to attract the wolf more than the rest of me.

"Right, but if he lunges, I'm going to see if he can fly."

The wolf paused, looking at Vicky, then let out a huff. He came within lunging distance, but he stayed relaxed, and gently licked at my hand. I smiled softly.

The wolf then pulled away, about ten feet from us. And then shifted. The next thing I knew, there was a man standing there, wearing a dark blue coat with golden wolves stylized across the sides, a medallion with a wolf's head hanging from his neck. He was also completely colorless, his long hair white, and his features, while handsome, had a few crack-like scars running across them. His eyes were a bright yellow, just like the wolf's own.

"My apologies to you two." He spoke, prominent fangs visible on his canine teeth. "It has been an age since I was free of my alternate shape. I required the blood of a vampire to free myself." He bowed to me. "Greetings, my sister. I am Alucard."




A/N: The demon was Gaibon, one of the more famous of the earlier Castlevania bosses. He first appeared in Super Castlevania 4.


And here's Alucard:

Siege 3.7
A/N: So. This is going to get ugly. To someone, anyway.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monster Form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather Manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but highly recommended! (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.


"Abs." Vicky said, hovering just above the floor.

Alucard tilted his head, looking at her, then me. "While I am glad you're not controlling people, that is rather concerning."

Vicky grinned, her eyes a bit glazed over. "His abs have abs."

Yes, Vicky. I noticed. I noticed very well. Taylor Hebert here hasn't gone drooling idiot over them.

Though they are nice. And....he called me sister.

No. Nonononono. I do not have that kind of complex.

....traitorous brain. File those images away for later when I'm not trying to get something done.

Finally, Vicky snapped out of it. "All right, Red. You've got some serious issues going on, here. First, you got your own personal pocket dimension you can fit an entire frickin' mountain in, then you have a very convincing Grim Reaper show us around, and then you dream up a goddamn vampire hottie who calls you sister! This is just.....dargh!"

I groaned. "I didn't come up with this stuff, Vicky. It's all a package deal, here. I didn't ask for any of this, but I'm not going to turn it down when it's potentially useful."

Alucard, if anything, seemed amused as he looked at Vicky. "You believe I am some figment of imagination? I assure you, I am quite real."

Vicky pointed her finger at him. "That's exactly what a figment would say."

He looked confused for a moment, then looked at me. "Is your entire world like this?"

I made a helpless shrug. "Mostly? Just her."

"Hey!" Vicky said. "Your parahuman powers are already severe bullshit, Red! Why not just a little bit more?"

I shuffled a bit awkwardly. "Um....Vicky? Pretty sure I'm not a parahuman. You called me a vampire before, and I'm pretty sure I really am one."

"There's no such thing as real vampires." Vicky said, though her tone was somewhat doubtful.

Alucard spoke then, sounding amused. "I am afraid I must disagree."

I held up my hands. "Look, hey, stop! Both of you. We can discuss the semantics later. It really doesn't matter how I have my powers, just that I have them. We can mess with the hows and whys later." I shook my head, sighing as I looked to Alucard. "I'm Taylor, and this is Vicky."

He smiled and bowed. "Charmed, my ladies. Forgive my current appearance. I have not had the chance to feed and become more...whole. Demonic blood, while nourishing and powerful, is not what I require to be at my best."

I nodded slowly. "Well, that much is understandable. Why did you call me sister?"

Alucard frowned. "You possess my father's power. I had thought he had sired you and passed his power onto you, for whatever reason. He would not pass it on lightly, and I highly doubt he would do so if he had any other choice. You never met him?"

I shook my head. "I died, and then reawoke with his power three months later. Been trying to sort all this out, since."

Vicky gently slapped me on the shoulder. "With a bit of help, of course!"

Alucard nodded as he considered. "Then you've no information about all this. That certainly makes things more difficult. But, salvageable. There is much you are going to need to know in order to handle things in the future. For now, this is what is most important. This place is indeed, real. It is not a world on the Material. A Material world exists without input from minds. A stone is a stone, there. On a Plane, however, willpower and magic has an impact. One who rules a plane defines it in a way that is impossible on a Material world. This castle exists because my father's power made it exist. And since you rule here now, you define it as well. It will take time for it to change to your desire, but it will eventually reflect you more than my father."

I groaned. "Great. As if my ego wasn't big enough already. I can will statues of myself into existence."

Vicky grinned. "No you won't. I'll help puncture your head if it gets too swollen."

Alucard looked amused. "That's among the things my father could do. And did. You might find a few, here and there. Still, what is more important is that you know it and command it. Once you bring it into the Material, it will have solidity in a way it does not, now. Still malleable, but powerful. But also vulnerable in ways it is not, here."

I stared at Alucard. "Bring it into the material?"

He chuckled. "Again, something he did numerous times."

Get a grip, Taylor. You're getting sidetracked. "We're trying to reach someone who's using a pocket dimension to hide while her men attack innocent people."

Alucard nodded. "Ah. A common tactic, for those who can manage the trick. My father developed counters for that sort of thing a very long time ago. The Portal Room, it permits travel anywhere on a Material plane. Any of them. It stands beneath the castle's main courtyard. Most of the time, that is. Castlevania is a rather fluid thing, considering the nature of this place. Which can be some trouble, at times. It gave me quite some issues when I had to make my way through here the first time."

I nodded slowly. "All right." I looked up at the ceiling. "I need to get to the Portal Room!"

The ballroom rumbled, the corridor leading out cracking and shifting, the hideous sound of tearing rock echoing in the room. When it stopped, I cautiously moved up to look. The corridor looked completely normal, at least as far as this place goes.

I shrugged, looking at Vicky and Alucard. "Shall we?"

And so off we went.


The corridor was long and straight, torches guttering on their sconces. Still, it was warm and dry, and actually fairly pleasant, in a severely medieval kind of way. Then we came to an open chamber. All three of us stopped dead in our tracks.

My mouth dropped open.

Alucard's expression hardened.

Vicky laughed lightly. "Well, Taylor, if this is your subconscious, then you're definitely swinging both ways."

I knew that already, but really? Did the Castle have to shove it in my friend's face? Or was this just one of Dracul's things? Because, well, that would explain a lot.

The chamber ahead of us was filled with red cushions and pillows, and lying on them were women. There had to be at least thirty of them here, lounging away, scantily clad, and ridiculously attractive. Blondes, brunettes, redheads, some even with bright blue or shining white hair. They hadn't noticed us, as they were currently.....busy.

"I'm not judging." Vicky said faintly. "But, you know, I'm straight, and even I'm drooling at them, here." Her eyes followed a pair that were lost in their own little world, swallowing hard.

"Succubi." Alucard spoke lowly. "They will attempt to hinder us if we do not make things clear." He looked at me. "You inherited my father's power. They should listen to you. Otherwise, we shall have to cleave our way through. One way or another."

I winced. Demons or not, I'd prefer if we didn't have to kill my 'followers.' I took a deep breath, pulling on the Void to help focus and intensify my thoughts. And to help to keep from being...distracted.

Yes. I see them bouncing. They're very nice and not now Taylor.

I cleared my throat. "Hear me now!" I called the Void Sword into existence, holding it up in the air, inwardly smiling as the distracted succubi suddenly all focused on me. "I am the Heiress of Dracul, and I want to speak with the leader of you now!"

There was silence for a moment, and then one of the succubi darted to her feet, charging at me with a shriek of rage, her fingers extending into claws. As she came near, I turned, cut with the sword instinctively, and the blade sliced without effort. The weapon carved diagonally down her torso, and she fell to the ground in two parts, the blood from the hideous wound freezing from the contact with the Void Sword.

"Holy shit!" Vicky exclaimed.

Alucard nodded in approval.

The rest of the room stood in shocked silence. Then one white-haired succubus stood up, letting out a sigh. "Stupid, stupid Gerna. Someone holds up that sword and she charges? Seriously?" She concentrated a brief moment, black and red wings sprouting from her back, a black corset and nothing else forming on her otherwise nearly-naked frame. (Yes, I still see them bouncing, and NO, not now!)

The rest of the succubi gathered their wits, elaborate clothes and armor forming out of the air as they got off the cushions and knelt before us. The white-haired one came up to me and knelt, her head bowed. "I am Meridia, my Lady. Gerna was our strongest, and thus led us, but she had grown far too used to being head of our little group. She believed that none would ever succeed Dracul. Do you desire your rightful tribute, my Lady?"

I could see Alucard nod from the corner of my eye. I spoke with more confidence than I felt. "I do."

Meridia snapped her fingers, and another succubus quickly fetched a golden chalice. Meridia took it, turned one of her fingers into a sharp claw and cut her hand. She held it over the chalice, filling it with her blood, and then offered it to me. "My blood is my tribute, my Lady, as my life and soul is yours. "

I felt somewhat uncomfortable, but I took the chalice and drank from it. It tasted different than human blood, and was nothing like Lung's, but it felt strong, nearly intoxicating. I felt a twinge deep within me, the demon's blood flowing alongside my own in my veins. My hunger receded, and I felt....nearly blissful. I wiped my lip, giving her a nod. "I accept your offering, with thanks." I looked around the room at the kneeling demons around me. "Spread the word through the castle. Dracul has granted me his power and his responsibility. Castlevania has a new ruler, and I will expect everyone here to fall in line with my wishes."

Meridia looked up at me. "It will be done, my Lady. What shall be your symbol?"

My...symbol? "Dracul used a black dragon, yes?"

She nodded. "Yes, my Lady, he did. It reflected his most terrible, supreme power."

I closed my eyes, breathing deep as I tried to feel what my power felt like. To begin with, it felt like Dracul's, but there were things about it that weren't his, and were mine alone. I took another sip of blood from the chalice, and the blood brought clarity. It felt right, in a way that 'Knight' did not, however close it may have been.

"I am the Scarlet Dragon. That shall be my sign." I opened my eyes. "How far is the Portal Room from here, Meridia?"

She gestured to the doorway on the opposite end of the chamber. "Just through there, my Lady. We always stayed near to lure the typical explorer or intruder to rest and...well, death, if we were permitted. It is a rather simple line of defense, but effective."

I nodded, turning to Vicky and Alucard. "Shall we?"

We passed between the kneeling succubi, Vicky floating along behind us. There was a corridor beyond, and it led directly to a large circular room, the size of football stadium. It was lined with empty archways that seemed to call to me on a visceral level.

Vicky spoke. "Okay, Red. What the hell was that, back there?"

I sighed and looked at her, shaking my head. "My powers come with a lot of baggage, Vicky. Now and again I get little hints of the man it belonged to, before. Nothing concrete, but...insights. Half-remembered habits, drips of knowledge that aren't enough to make much sense. But enough to make the right call in a moment like that."

"You cut a woman in half!"

Alucard spoke harshly then. "She cut an attacking demon in half. Demons respect strength. If she had not, we would be fighting all of them in there even now. And while we have strength enough to do so, it is far more preferable to kill one than all of them."

Vicky's mouth worked for a moment, then she sighed. "Look, let's just...get at the mad bomber before we get too far off-track, yeah? I got to think about all this crap."

I nodded and went to an archway, put my hand on it, and concentrated. Find the one named Bakuda. She hides in a pocket dimension. She murders civilians and children. She serves a pale imitation of the Dragon.

I felt that resonance I first felt back at Winslow. I willed it to grow, and suddenly the archway was filled with utter, complete blackness.

I turned to Alucard. "Are you coming?"

He smiled, his fangs showing. "I believe I shall. It will be a pleasure to be free of the castle once more. You and I shall have much to discuss once the crisis has passed, in any case."

I nodded, and turned to Vicky. "Ready to get at Bakuda, teach her not to mess with us?"

She smiled, faintly. "Yeah. Though I'm with pale-dude here. We got a lot to talk about once we've got her."

The three of us strode into the black portal together.

Siege 3.8
A/N: Bouncy bouncy bouncy....sorry, lost my train of thought.

I think a lot of us have, though.

Told ya it'd be soon.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monster Form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather Manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but highly recommended! (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.


We emerged into a large workshop, looking much like a car mechanic's shop. Concrete walls, open doorways, and toolboxes littered everywhere. Precision tools were lined up along the wall, metal shavings and half-finished components spread about on every surface. We took a moment to look around, and Alucard waved us forward as he noticed a lit doorway off at the side.

Vicky looked at Alucard suspiciously. "You didn't disappear."

Alucard looked amused. "Why would I?"

"Because....because..." She turned to me. "Bloody hell, Taylor. Know what? Nevermind! Let's just get on with this!"

That brought my mind back on track. I spoke quietly. "Non-lethal takedowns on anyone other than Bakuda. We don't know if she's got conscripts here or not."

Vicky nodded. "Right. Then we disable her with extreme prejudice. And I am going to pretend we never talked about the castle at all."

Alucard raised an eyebrow. "Conscripts?"

I growled lowly. "She put bombs in the heads of innocents. They have to do what she tells them, or they die horribly. If they're lucky."

Alucard's expression became determined. He reached to his side, a wickedly lethal blade appearing in his clawed hands. "A geas, then. Such things are used by the most evil beings." He paused in consideration. "We must end her quickly, then. Before she spreads her curse to even more."

Vicky and I nodded. Alucard took the lead, moving to the door, then flowing through, the same way I tended to float for a moment when trying to dodge. Is that what I looked like when I did it?

Freaky. And cool. Vicky went next, hovering silently over the floor, and I stepped through carefully, my whip at the ready.

I could hear several voices ahead, speaking in Japanese. Or Chinese. I wasn't familiar enough with either language to know which was which. I should probably look into learning them. Or maybe I could find a way to cheat around that. Why not? I had a magic castle, apparently, with actual succubi in the halls.

And now was not the time to be distracted by those thoughts. Again.

I was going to need a few hours alone after all this. Apparently, vampirism raised frustrations. All frustrations.

Alucard held up a hand, then pointed at the wall next to the doorframe ahead. I took position there, while Vicky floated upward and took position at the ceiling. He nodded with approval. Then he strode through, holding the blade at his side, across his left arm.

There was shouting, alarm, surprise. Some things translate regardless of language. Then there was the sound of metal cleaving metal. Vicky dashed into the room, and I came up the rear, the Shadow Whip boiling in my hand.

Alucard was surrounded by seven men, a crowbar cleaved in half on the floor between him and one dumbfounded Asian Bad-Boyz member. The rest hefted improvised weaponry, metal bats, tire irons, and one unfortunate had only brass knuckles.

One charged Alucard, letting out a yell while raising his bat. He simply turned, grabbed the bat with his left hand and smacked the flat of his sword across the man's back, sending him falling onto the floor with a grunt. He then used both weapons to devastating, if measured, effect on the next one to come near, breaking both the man's arms with a single motion.

Another tried to swing at Alucard's back, but Vicky grabbed him and broke his arm with a squeeze of her hand, making him scream. The rest of the men shrank back away from her, making it easy for me to come up behind two and slash with the Shadow Whip, catching both across the backs of the legs and spilling them to the floor, screaming in pain.

I should really look into getting some gentler non-lethal methods.

The rest of the men went into a corner, shivering in terror as the three of us advanced on the three non-injured men. Alucard almost casually discarded the bat he'd appropriated. He picked one up with his free hand, grinning as he placed his blade on the man's shoulder, allowing him to feel the cold weapon.

"This is the Crissaegrim, mortal. I forged it from three different legendary weapons, and I can use it to slice, burn, or freeze my opponents as I wish. If you do not wish to experience all of these things, you will tell me where your mistress is."

He shakily pointed over Alucard's shoulder. I looked. A figure wearing a bomb-disarming outfit, wearing a gas mask stood there, pointing...

"Alucard, move!" I shouted. Alucard dropped the man and flowed away, just as Bakuda fired the grenade launcher.

The grenade slammed into the wall and instantly froze the three ABB members in the corner, their expressions filled with terror.

"You fucking idiots!" Bakuda shouted as she unclipped a pair of weird-looking grenades from her belt. "You try to attack a Tinker in her workshop!? I am the world's greatest Tinker, and you are fucking dead!" She threw one at me and another at Alucard, probably considering us the greatest threats.

As the grenade neared me, I slapped it aside with the Shadow Whip, and it hit a corner to the right of the doorway Bakuda stood in. It popped open. It didn't seem to do anything on first glance, but Bakuda dove back through the doorway she emerged from, avoiding that corner, running quickly.

Alucard vanished in a swirl of flames just before the grenade detonated at his feet, turning the floor and ceiling near him into glass. He reappeared in another swirl of flames next to me, his left hand on fire. Even as I stumbled away in surprise, he threw three fireballs toward the doorway Bakuda retreated through. One passed through the open door, one hit the wall on the left.

And the one on the right slowed and came to a stop in midair, near the door.

I gulped. "What the hell?"

Alucard snarled. "Potent sorceress indeed. She destroyed the flow of time in that area with that weapon. If you'd been caught in it, your only hope for release would have been your powers. Or that someone would be able to kill you before the time on the weapon used was drained away."

Vicky was pale. "That's fuckin' crazy. Using bombs like that on anyone. Christ."

Alucard mused for a moment, then his hand lit up in flames once more. He threw one fireball after another at the bubble of frozen time. He spoke as I raised an eyebrow at him. "Finding the edge of the effect. Without proper countermeasures, entering would be far too dangerous."

Soon it looked as if there was a frozen sun taking up a corner of the room. Worse, the edge of the bubble extended more than halfway over the doorframe. I grimaced. "Not exactly much room. Not sure I want to try teleporting past it, either."

Alucard grinned. "If you cannot find a path," He gestured to the wall on the left side of the doorway. "Make one."

I considered, then grinned viciously myself, igniting my flaming claws. I moved forward and hit the wall with all my strength, easily gouging a good chunk out of it. Vicky came up next to me, helping me rip and tear enough concrete away to get through without touching the frozen time-bubble.

"The sorceress will be expecting us, now." Alucard said. "We must be ready for her, as well."

I nodded. "Any suggestions?"

Alucard smiled. "I have a few."


"Such bullshit." Vicky whispered.

I shrugged. "Right now? Not going to complain."

Beside us, Alucard was standing stock-still, his eyes glazed over. We could hear the sound of cursing and yelling as an ethereal wolf chased Bakuda around in the next room, the occasional sound of a strange explosion going off making the both of us flinch now and again. There was the sound of shattering glass, then a more conventional explosion, then another freeze-bomb going off.

Finally, Alucard straightened, rubbing his shoulder with his clawed fingers. "She's expended most of her weapons. We can kill her quickly, now."

Finally. I growled deeply. "She's mine." I looked to Vicky. "You have any problems with this?"

She looked somewhat conflicted, then she shook her head. "No. Bitch nearly killed my sister. Everyone's calling for her head."

Alucard nodded as well. "It is foolishness to allow a sorceress who attacks innocents with spells like this to leave alive. End her quickly."

I stepped through the door, whip at the ready. Bakuda stood there, breathing hard, the entire room looking like a war zone with all the different kinds of damage in it.

"Nowhere left to run, you child-killing bitch." I growled.

She screeched, activating another of her specialty grenades and throwing it at me. I didn't bother to dodge it. I just teleported right in front of her and slammed her into a wall that had been transmuted into glass. I brought out my flaming claws and started carving the bomb-disarmament suit from her body, ignoring her attempts to hit me.

"How does it feel, Bakuda? To be helpless before the stronger?" I snarled as I ripped the mask from her face.

She might have been pretty, if I hadn't known of the things she'd done. She spat at me. "Like you can judge me, you little bitch! I am a genius. I can fuck with physics in ways you can't imagine!"

She tried to grab another grenade, but I simply grabbed her arm and crushed it. She screamed in agony. I then crushed her other arm, renewing her screams. I then slammed her head into the concrete floor, not so hard she'd lose consciousness or serious injury. Just enough to make her feel it.

I stepped on her back, feeling her try and wriggle away from underneath me. I summoned the Void Sword, placing the cold tip of it on her spine. "You like using freeze-bombs on people? Let's see if you can handle the cold."

"Everyone dies if you kill me!" She screamed.

That made me pause. My hands trembled on the Void Sword. The impulse to just drive the sword through her was overwhelming. "Talk. Fast." I growled.

"I have a deadman's switch. My heart stops, every bomb I ever made goes off. Brockton Bay'll become a fucking nightmare. The Eastern Seaboard'll have a goddamn hole in it big enough for Behemoth and a hundred of his brothers to hold a fucking dance competition in." She began to laugh, a hysterical giggling thing. "You can't afford to kill me. I'm the greatest Tinker the world's ever seen."

I dismissed the Void Sword. For once, its dismissal didn't shift my emotions one bit. I leaned down, my voice filled with icy rage.

"Thank you, Bakuda. I was going to kill you. Now? I'm going to get creative."


We returned to the Castle. I dragged Bakuda behind me by a foot, while she wailed and screamed, trying to get away from me. She tried to kick the back of my leg as I pulled her along, but the few times she landed a hit didn't hurt at all. Merely annoyed.

Meridia was waiting for us. Marginally more dressed this time, though I could still see a lot of skin. At least she was...covered, in the right places. She bowed. "My Lady, welcome back." Then she bowed to Alucard. "My lord Dracula." Then she bowed to Vicky. "And noble lady, welcome back to Castlevania." She grinned as she looked over Bakuda. "Have you brought us a gift?"

"In a manner of speaking." I said. "This is Bakuda. She is going to be an indefinite guest of the Castle. There are two conditions for her stay here. One, she stay alive. Two, she can never escape."

Meridia's grin widened. "I see. I believe we can prepare just the thing." She flicked a strand of her white hair over her shoulder, her wings ruffling. She crouched next to Bakuda, her gaze turning hungry. "I will be very happy to take care of things from here, My Lady."

I gave the whimpering Bakuda a grin. "She's all yours, Meridia."

The succubus grabbed Bakuda. The mad Tinker let out a scream before they both vanished. I let out a shuddering sigh.

Vicky slowly turned, looking at Alucard. "My lord Dracula?"

He looked uncomfortable, and sighed. "Technically, accurate. My father took the name Dracul, the Dragon. Dracul-a would be 'Son of the Dragon.' However, I had a need to show myself to be opposite to him, despite my obvious heritage. Unlike some, I cannot hide the fact I am a vampire. Merely look more...healthy. Thus, I called myself Alucard. It is not the name I was given when I was born, but that man died a very long time ago." He looked pensive, his gaze on something far, far off in the past.

She nodded at that. Vicky then looked at me. "Well, this has been fun, but can we go home, now?"

I went to an archway and opened another portal.

Interlude: Aftermath
A/N: This one may need some tweaking. I'll keep you updated.


Two weeks post-capture of Bakuda.

"So what do you have to report?" Chief Director Rebecca Costa-Brown asked, her voice slightly tinny over the phone.

Piggot sighed. "It's a mess, Chief Director. Total deaths accounted for so far are eight hundred and sixty-three. Tentatively, four thousand injured. The city's got a lot of infrastructure damaged or outright destroyed. The Zeearie Corp building was destroyed, as was the Reliant Enterprises headquarters. A number of more conventional explosives went off. Fires are being handled by the fire services, as well as ourselves, but...there's a lot of damage, here. The city's going to be suffering economic woes no matter what happens."

"Unfortunate, but at least the situation seems to be over with. I've diverted Protectorate resources to assist with finding and dismantling Bakuda's bombs. Dragon will be key, she can afford to lose suits if they're trapped to the point where she can't safely disable them."

"Agreed. I've already got a report on the analysis of some of those bombs. Apparently, quantum-linked triggers. If Scarlet Knight had killed Bakuda instead of capturing her, they all might have gone off. As it is, though, with her in Knight's custody, we can concentrate on the bombs themselves before we ask for their maker. If the reports are true, the pocket dimension could be used as an alternative to the Birdcage, but...that relies on factors I don't like. The big one being Scarlet Knight herself."

There was a moment of silence as some papers ruffled in the background. "What about her? She seems to be a very versatile cape, and would be well welcomed in any Protectorate team. She's been helpful in almost every situation since she's appeared. Have you any success in getting her into the Wards?"

Piggot shuddered, trying to keep her voice from wavering. "It's not simply the versatility, Director. It's the strength and versatility of her powers. Any one of them would make a decent cape. Her teleportation alone could be used to attack or infiltrate places. I have a list here on her powers currently observed or reported upon. Teleportation. self-biokinesis, when she crafts weapons or armor out of her blood. Changer/Breaker state when she turns into a swarm of bats. Increasing Brute rating, at first it was barely more than human, now it's at least a seven. Some form of thermokinesis. I watched her form frost on a conference table right in front of me, and she's been observed using fire as a weapon, as well. Master rating given during the crisis, she used a few thousand bats as a diversion when the PRT building was under attack. And now she's apparently got the ability to open portals to her own personal pocket dimension, which has either projections or inhabitants. I'm not sure which is worse."

Costa-Brown took a moment to consider that. "Yes, I read about this 'Alucard' that emerged after the claim of the capture of Bakuda. She's developing these abilities over time, however, and that is quite worrying."

"Indeed. If she continues gaining strength at this rate, I'm concerned that nothing in the Protectorate might be able to stop her if she went villain. Worse, she used her pocket dimension to apprehend Bakuda, who was hiding in her own pocket dimension."

It took no time at all for the Chief Director to make the connection. "She might be able to breach the Birdcage if she felt like it, if that's the case. There are defenses against that kind of thing, but powers are somewhat unpredictable. An ordinary pocket dimension shouldn't be able to reach another like that. We'll need to test them."

Piggot hummed a little, her voice full of consideration. "I had the same concern, Director. I've been cooperative with her up to this point, and I intend to continue to do so as long as she remains reasonable. However, I am very worried of the possible fallout if someone manages to Master her, or if she ceases to be reasonable. I want to get her into the Protectorate, but I have very little legal leverage, and putting pressure on her may backfire and cause the exact scenario I'm worried about. And, depending on just how many of these...whatever she might have in her pocket dimension, we might end up with another Ellisburg situation. One 'inhabitant' we can handle, but if she has an army in there.... It's another reason I'd rather not demand Bakuda from Scarlet Knight until after the bombs are accounted for."

"Then we work carefully. I think I will send someone to help try and smooth things over. How is Armsmaster? His injury report is concerning."

Piggot sighed. "Stable. The cauterization saved his life, but it wasn't done very well. If he hadn't gotten medical attention right away, infections might have killed him. At the moment, Panacea is rather busy working to save the most critically injured, and so while Armsmaster's stable, he's not a high priority. It would take weeks for Armsmaster get back on his feet, just from needing to take in enough biomass to form new legs. Dragon's offered to help construct prostheses for him to use, instead. As for the rest of my staff....the damage here's pretty extensive. I lost twenty-nine personnel during the attack here. We may need to have the top floors rebuilt."

"Very well. Thank you for your report, Director Piggot. Good work." There was a click, and the line went dead.

Piggot set the phone down, then brought up an audio file on her computer, tapping her chin as she listened.

"What do you see when you look at Scarlet Knight?"

Gallant's voice replied, full of both confusion and discomfort. "I see a black void, surrounded by a bright corona. The corona lights up with whatever she's feeling at the moment, but it's painful to look at her directly. It's like looking into the heart of an infinite abyss. It's both extraordinarily bright and horribly, scarily dark. She's a black hole."


Rebecca Costa-Brown hung up the phone. She licked her lips, considering as she tapped her fingers on her desk. She spent a long few minutes doing so, her mind working through the scenarios. Finally, she nodded to herself and put her office on lockdown. Metal shutters closed over the windows, space-warping Tinker tech activated, giving the office the size of a breadbox. At least, from the outside. It was one of the few reliable ways of preventing various teleporters from getting inside.

"Door." She called. An orange octagon formed in the air, the space in the center showing a conference room. Without hesitation, she strode through.

"Any luck?" She asked the three figures sitting at the table. Eidolon, the most powerful parahuman on the planet, second only to Scion himself. At least, by public perception. Doctor Mother, she who spent so much of her life on making all this possible. And Contessa, their best chance at ensuring there would be a human species in the next century.

Doctor Mother shook her head. "Scarlet Knight is not one of ours. She has no connections to purchase a formula, nor can we trace any path where she might have acquired one. A few have gone missing over the years, but our post-cognitives can't find anything before her 'death' in January."

Rebecca nodded. "What about after that? Could someone have stolen her corpse, revived her, perhaps with Bonesaw's skills or some equivalent, and given her a formula?"

Contessa shook her head. "No. I've attempted to find someone with the requisite criteria. Nobody. Anywhere. More concerning is... " She tilted her head. "The Path to Victory changed vastly when she awoke. It took until now to discover who was at the cause of that. I can't model her directly. I have to build a mental model which is very much like this Scarlet Knight to be predictive. Even then, it is imperfect, I need more information."

Eidolon frowned. "That sounds familiar. Could she be another one?"

Doctor Mother grimaced. "I hope not. Though if she was, she likely would have made contact by now. Scion doesn't seem to have noticed. We'll have to keep an eye on the situation as it develops. She just might be a powerful asset."


Alucard breathed the night air, looking around him with wonder. "So much steel and glass. Your metalsmiths and glassworkers must live like kings."

Victoria gently smacked his arm, chuckling. "Come on big guy. And keep your coat buttoned up. Most people wear shirts, you know."

He looked down at himself, then back to Victoria. "But I am comfortable. I do not feel cold at all."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but....well, social mores, Al." She grinned as a couple walked by them in the opposite direction, both of them doing a double-take at the pale man with his coat open.

Very carefully, Alucard tied his coat together. It obviously hadn't been done for a very long time, with some of the loops for the leather straps torn to the point of unusuability.

Victoria nodded. "There. A bit better. You should have that looked at, you know. How old is it?"

He shrugged. "Some four hundred years or so. I am unsure, to be honest. It doesn't age when I am in my wolf shape, and I was in that form for quite some time. It's not exactly easy to measure."

Victoria nodded, then smiled. "Well, it's due for a bit of fix-up. I know someone who should be able to help you out. You and I are going to the mall!"

Alucard tilted his head. "What is a mall?"

When they arrived, he had his answer. "Ah. The merchant's quarter."

Victoria took her time going through the crowd. Alucard noticed he was getting some odd looks, but it was actually somewhat refreshing. Most people seemed apprehensive as they looked at him, rather than turning and running, screaming 'Vampire, vampire!'

They were about to come up to a leather sewing shop, when Victoria paused and looked at him. "Um....can you form a shirt? Red just shifts her clothes into whatever she wants."

He blinked. "I must admit I cannot do such a thing."

She sighed and turned on her heel. "Great. We got to get you a shirt first. Otherwise, you'll be walking around shirtless while we get your coat fixed up."

So they started to go in a new direction, and the lights suddenly turned out.

There was a crackle, then the mall's general address speakers came online. "Good evening, shoppers. Forgive the interruption on your shopping needs. As our compensation, we will be having a show here tonight! Brought to you by Uber-"

"And Leet!"

"-your favorite rogues. Spicing up the dull pace of life here in Brockton Bay!"

The mall's security doors shut, trapping a a few hundred shoppers within. People began smacking at the doors, while Victoria and Alucard stayed calm.

Victoria began muttering. "Oh come on, they pull this now?"

Zombies began coming out of the mall's maintenance hallways. Alucard frowned. "They have no scent."

Victoria shrugged. "Relax. I know what's happening. Those zombies are kinda like ghosts. They don't really exist. Nobody's busted Leet's holo-projector yet."

"The theme for tonight is: Dead Rising! The lucky few survivors who kill the most zombies will get a prize at the end of three hours! Oh, and if you get taken down, we'll spawn a zombie in your place, so think real careful, people! Ready, set....well, it's already going, so good luck, participants!"

Alucard looked at Victoria. She shrugged. "Well, we've got to keep people safe, right?"

He nodded and summoned the Crissaegrim out of thin air. "We do, indeed."


Danny rested his head in his hands.

He hadn't been sleeping much, when Taylor had died. When she returned, though, he'd managed to recover some of his health. Each day had improved a bit on the last. Even his dreams, which had been filled with an immense sense of crushing failure, had begun to quiet. He had this strange sense of...satisfaction, somehow.

Even though his resurrected, changed daughter had given him enough stress to turn his hair white if he still had all of it.

The last few days alone had him worrying. When she'd gotten home, they'd spent a few hours together. Taylor reassuring him she was okay, and him trying so very hard to not lose his temper.

Beyond all that, though...he had the strangest feeling his life was turning around.

He looked over at his phone, letting out a sigh as he waited. It rang, he picked up.

"Hello Danny. It's Hannah. I was wondering if you were free this evening?"

Well. Maybe not that strange a feeling.


Neptune worked to douse another blaze.

The Protectorate hero was an enigma, even to himself. Case 53, most called him. It made sense, considering when they found him, he'd been busily trying to shape himself out of seawater in the shade under the Boardwalk, having used his powers to pull an otherwise hapless swimmer back to shore a moment before.

That was the first thing he remembered, trying to save a life. Controlling his substance as water alone was difficult, and it had taken so very much to work with others. He felt driven to be out there, as if there was this void in his (metaphorical) heart. Saving others from fires, search and rescue. All of it.

He carefully peeled back the glove on his hand, prying up the false-skin beneath to see the water of his 'body' flow beneath. The suit helped keep him together, and thankfully he didn't have muscles to get sore or tired. Still, he felt he knew something was wrong. That this wasn't how he should be.

Something was odd, though. He'd done his research, he knew Case 53s had nothing. He had...faint impressions. Not true memories, but not a complete black void, either. Just this drive to be strong. Aside from that, the only thing that was his was given to him. 'John Vand' the name assigned to him by the PRT. 'Vand' being Danish for 'water.'

Yeah, someone was real clever.

The fire was out, and he moved to assess the damage. He nodded as another firefighter waved him forward into the creaking building. If it collapsed, he wouldn't be in any real danger, after all. He'd just need a new suit.

Though it would be a pain to get a new set of silver scale armor for his costume. Neptune hated the PR department.

As he moved in to save another life, his phone announcing his presence at full volume, he inwardly smiled. He felt...satisfied, somehow.


Coil opened the cell.

Dinah looked at him, her eyes glazed over. He tilted his head, examining his newest pet. It hadn't been easy, arranging this on such short notice, but Bakuda's reign of terror on the city made it rather simple. He'd only had to use his power twice to manage a successful, clean kidnapping attempt.

Thanks to the Travelers, it had been even easier to ensure Dinah would not be missed. Having her simply go missing during the bombing would have been fine. Ensuring evidence of her death appearing, on the other hand...that was even more valuable. And a useful test.

"Please...I need the candy." She managed to whisper.

He nodded. "I know it hurts, my pet. I need to ask you a few questions, first."

She winced. "T-two. Just two. It'll hurt too much if I do any more than that."

"Three. Then the candy. What are the chances of success if I launch an assassination attempt on Kaiser using a sniper?"

She whimpered, then spoke. "Twenty-three point two-four percent."

He nodded. About what he'd expected. "What are the chances of success of the planned mission to retrieve Shadow Stalker during her transfer?"

Dinah clutched her head. "Sixty-one point two percent."

Excellent. Better than expected. "What are the chances Scarlet Knight will intervene?"

She started sobbing from the pain. "Three point two one percent chance."

"Very good, pet." Coil stepped away, allowing the doctor to advance on Dinah, syringe at the ready.

Dinah held out her arm, inwardly hating herself for the desire to be relieved from both the pain of her Thinker headache and the withdrawal from the drugs. Just as the haze began to rise over her, she asked herself one question.

Chances I'll be able to go home again?

Seventy-three point four six percent.

She managed to hide her smile.


In orbit, the Simurgh twitched.

Leviathan, which had just awakened and had started heading for Brockton Bay suddenly veered off. The Endbringer dove deep into the Atlantic basin, coming to a rest once more.

The Simurgh unfurled each of her wings, focusing her sight downward. She crossed her arms, coming to a repose, uncaring of the alarms that were even now making their way around the world. She didn't shift her course.

Things had changed. So must the pattern.

Ascension 4.1
A/N: Alright. This part's going to tick some people off. As I said before, this is an combination of the two Castlevania settings, along with quite a few alterations to make it work. It is imperfect, and I am willing to take criticism about improving it, but this was simply the best solution I could get. I didn't make this choice lightly.


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♦Topic: General Announcement
In: Boards ► Endbringer Watch

Dragon (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (The Guild)
Posted on May 8, 2011:

At 3:14 am, Eastern Time, sonar sensors detected Leviathian beginning to move. A general alert was
distributed throughout the United States and Canada as the East Coast of North America seemed to
be within the direction of his approach.

Exact location of his would-be target point cannot be determined at this time, as one minute after
he began to move, he dove back down into the Atlantic basin. He seems to be currently staying in
one place, approximately three hundred miles off the coast of Florida.

However, the Simurgh has unfurled itself in orbit. It has not begun a descent. Seismic sensors
also indicate that Behemoth has gone still, as well.

I know we are all concerned. Everyone is expecting one of them to attack around now. Be
advised that we are keeping a close eye upon all three Endbringers at this time, and the
moment any of them begin to move, we will sound the alert for their target.

We know this is a tense situation right now. We are doing everything we can to keep an eye on
things and be prepared for their next move.

This topic is closed for replies.

I turned to Alucard. "What do you think?"

"These beasts are familiar to me." Alucard said, looking over my shoulder as I went through the PHO website. "While it astonishes me you can share messages across the world in an instant, this is far more concerning. These....Endbringers. Is there a portrait of them we can find?"

I nodded, bringing up what I could on the Endbringers. His expression was unreadable as I filed through pictures of Behemoth, Leviathan, and the Simurgh.

I spoke quietly, mindful of the others in the room. We were at the Rig, the Protectorate HQ for Brockton Bay, taking advantage of the computer facilities of the Protectorate.

Everyone was on edge. All the heroes were waiting for the call to head out, to fight back against one of the three. I waited on the Rig, with occasional forays into Castlevania to see what I could contribute to a possible Endbringer fight. Alucard, apparently having come from a much simpler era, was trying to catch up enough to not be useless. His understanding of things was severely medieval. Nearly everything was magic to him.

Not that he couldn't deal with such things. Just that he lacked the background to truly understand.

He stiffened as he saw a photograph of the Simurgh. One taken soon after she first arrived. A look of profound sorrow came over his features.

"You recognize her?" I asked, worry in my mind.

Alucard nodded. "I do. I'm not sure how you managed to get a portrait that detailed, but....yes. Her name is....was, Ariel. She was a goddess of music, of creativity, and fate."

"Can you tell me what happened?"

He looked around the room, then shook his head. "Not here. There is....much you would need to know to understand, and I am uncomfortable laying bare my past, here."

I nodded, giving him a gentle smile. "We can talk at the top of the Rig, in that case. It's reasonably private."

Alucard looked grateful. I got to my feet, nodding to the Protectorate employees who worked at the Rig, maintaining the whole thing. The last three days, everyone was on edge.

Nobody knew what was making the Endbringers act so odd. I had suspicions, because so damn much was tracing back to me the whole thing felt silly. But, I didn't want to voice them out loud where anyone might hear. I already had a swollen enough ego, dammit. I didn't want to take credit for making the Endbringers twitch around. Even if it was true.

We stepped outside, smelling the sea as the lights of Brockton Bay glittered in the distance. Alucard visibly relaxed as we rested on the railing. "Tis nice to enjoy the night air. The Castle wasn't exactly a place of calm. I spent a great deal of time there either hunting or resting."

I nodded slowly, closing my eyes. The moment felt peaceful. "I've been operating in the dark here for a long time, Alucard." I said softly. "I still have only the faintest idea of what it means to have your father's power. Now and again I get little bits from him. His name...some confidence. A bit of his ego." I gave him a smile. "He was a bit full of himself, wasn't he?"

Alucard barked out a laugh. "Aye, he was. That was one of his greatest weaknesses, in truth. After some time, he believed he could not make a mistake." His clawed fingers curled around the railing. "Now this is a long story, and unfortunately I do not have everything. Some things only my father knew."

"Alright. Still, anything's better than nothing."

He closed his eyes, looking pensive. "The stories say my father was a good man, once. He was a knight, who fought in defense of others. Gabriel Belmont was his name, and he was part of the Knights of the Phoenix. Warriors who were taught to fight against the forces of the Lord of Darkness of the era." He tilted his head and chuckled softly, seeing my expression. "There had been a few throughout history as I know it. It isn't that important. The same is true of the Lord of Light. We called the latest 'The Pheonix' but there had been others. Again, they aren't that important. They are all long dead now."

Belmont. The same half-thought I recalled when I met with Madison.

He looked out into the water, his pale features almost seeming to glow in the faint light. "The gods of my world rarely took physical form. There were many of them. More than I care to remember, and with most of them being dead...it doesn't matter much. The one that was most active was the Lord of Darkness, Typhon. Though that's a rough translation. At some point, long before I was born, Typhon had taken mortals and twisted them, creating many of the beasts that plagued my world. Werewolves, vampires, and demons. Devils are something else, they are born of the Hells."

I spoke softly. "And something happened to Gabriel's wife, making him go all out." It was a guess, but it seemed to fit.

Alucard nodded. "Typhon started a war, and my father went to face the forces of darkness. My mother was killed, and he embarked upon a bold plan. Murder Typhon's generals, and then face the Dark Lord himself. I was but a boy, then. He must have succeeded, as the dark armies fell into disarray, most of the forces retreating into the dark places of the world. It was assumed that my father died along with the Dark Lord. We knew it would take time either for Typhon to revive or for his successor to gather his strength. We did not expect that my father had become a vampire himself, or that he had taken the power of Typhon for his own."

He gently took the wolf medallion on his chest, turning it in his hands, seemingly lost in thought. "It was thirty years before he returned. We knew it when the scattered races began to all move to a single place. What is now Castlevania. We learned of a new Lord of Darkness, the Dragon, Dracul. Then came a prophecy that only a Belmont would have a chance at stopping him." Alucard looked deeply pained then.

"You," I breathed. "They sent you to kill him?"

Alucard scowled. "Aye, they did. My name was Adrian Belmont, when I was a mortal man. Understand the problem. Darkness does not mean evil, nor does light mean good. Darkness is passion while light is order. The Phoenix, however he was presented, was a true bastard at the end of things. More concerned about self-aggrandizement and the flow of worship than the well-being of his devoted. Somewhere along the line, both holders of the powers of Light and Dark had become twisted. The Phoenix had become concerned with perfect order, and Typhon had lost all reason."

I closed my eyes, letting out a sigh. "So what happened?"

Alucard's voice was filled with pain. "I left my wife, Sonia, and my son, Trevor, behind to face Dracul. That was when I first met her. Ariel, she who you now call the Simurgh. She warned me at the gates of Castlevania that I would fail in my attempt to kill Dracul, but she did not tell me why. I, however, was too full of pride, too full of indoctrination, believing Dracul was simply the demon that had possessed the corpse of my father. I ignored her and went through the Castle. I reached my father, we fought, and he dealt me a fatal blow."

He looked at me, his golden eyes filled with that powerful, painful memory. "Ariel then came, showed him the truth. The next thing I remember was awakening in my tomb."

I shuddered. "I can relate to that, Alucard. I'm sorry. What then?"

He looked to the night sky, letting out a breath. "I found my son, now a man himself, attempting to both avenge my death and stop Dracul, who was murdering thousands in his thirst for revenge against the Phoenix. I aided Trevor in his goal, despite having lost my love for the Phoenix myself. With the sorceress Sypha aiding us, we combined our strengths and slew Dracul. Trevor went on to have a family, while I went to wander the world. A century later, my father revived, and a new Belmont came to stop him, Simon. For four centuries, the cycle continued. Dracul would rise from the grave or be resurrected, and a Belmont would come and put him down. I lent my aid now and again, giving my descendants a chance to stop my father."

I made a wry chuckle. "And I thought I'd heard some really bad family issues, but this? Yeah, more than I thought." I sighed. "You should probably meet someone, Alucard. When I first met her after awakening, the...whatever I have in my head of your father called her Belmont."

He rose a white eyebrow. "Indeed? The Phoenix meddling, perhaps...there are certain powers we...they, used to face Dracul. It would be important if she has the ability to tap into them. Especially if this Simurgh is indeed Ariel."

"Are you sure she is?" I had to ask.

He grimaced. "Considering the destruction I remember, I have good reason to believe. A war erupted, new magics began appearing everywhere. Magics like that of Victoria, but erupting into conflicts that we could not contain. Both the Phoenix and the Dragon set their differences aside to try and save what they could of the world. I went within the Castle, and my father shifted it to the Shadow Plane, for my nature was...incompatible with others. I presume things went badly, but I know nothing for sure after that."

I nodded. "Madison is with the Wards at the PRT building downtown." I licked my lips. "I'm going to ramp things up for when the Endbringers actually move. They always do."


I strode through the Shadow Portal, letting out a breath as I walked from the Portal Room to the staging area. I came to a balcony, overlooking an immense courtyard.

Meridia noticed me first. This time, she was wearing red platemail armor, shining and bright, patterned after my own. Her wings twitched as she bowed to me. "My Lady Dragon. Things are coming along nicely."

I smiled slightly, though my mind wasn't entirely confident. "How many so far, Meridia?"

She grinned proudly, nearly bouncing on her feet. "One thousand, four hundred, and seventy-three so far, My Lady."

Below was an army. My army. There stood werewolves, demons and metal golems, most human-sized but some standing ten feet tall or more. All of them were wearing something red, whether it was something as simple as a strip of cloth or full armor.

I leaned on the railing, nodding. "Good. We'll need more, but this is a good start, Meridia. We're going to need everything we can if we're going to have a chance at killing a god."

Ascension 4.2
A/N: Relax about Bakuda. I haven't forgotten her. It's simply her fate won't be apparent right away.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. (Locked)

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, manipulates them, then when they die they turn into chunky bits. (Locked)

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in. (Locked)

Telekinesis: Small objects, weak, but useful. Now I don't need to get up to flick the light switch! (Locked)

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monster Form: Bat-winged humanoid form. Think of all the times Dracula assumed a monstrous shape. Uncomfortable, but sometimes useful. (Locked)

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Now you will feel the full power of the Dark Side, young Skywalker. (Locked)

Weather Manipulation: This is such a nice, bright, sunny day. NOT! Bring on the storm! (Locked)

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Godzilla music is optional, but highly recommended! (Locked)

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.


The hospital terrace. I reformed into my ordinary self carrying a take-out bag. The city was still in rough shape, but people were out and about and business was resuming, albeit muted with some of the major corporations having lost their local headquarters. Ordinarily, that would mean the gangs would be on the move, too, but they were on a tight leash apparently. I suppose everyone was waiting for the moment the Endbringers came down, and nobody wanted it to be here.

I knew Amy was a bit overworked with what had happened. Taking care of Bakuda's victims over the last couple of weeks had been much, much worse than the usual routine. I'd decided to come by and try and help a bit.

I grinned as I saw Amy standing in the shade of the terrace, sandwich in one hand and phone in the other.

"Hey, Al!" I heard Vicky say, her voice coming over the phone. "Three in front!"

Alucard's calm voice reached me. "I see them." There was the sound of Alucard's blade, and three bodies hitting a floor.

I cleared my throat, and Amy jumped a bit. She turned and gave me a tired smile. "Hey, Taylor. That for me?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Fugly Bob's reopened. Figured you might want something while I came by to pick up a pack or two. What were you watching?"

She sighed, handing me her phone while taking the bag in exchange. She opened the bag and took out a burger, setting her rather drab sandwich aside. I restarted the video.

"Well Leet, as you can see, our mystery contestant kicks a ton of ass. Two hundred and thirty-five zombies down by that wicked sword of his."

"That's right, Uber! I kinda want one of those myself! Glory Girl's ahead by...well, three points, but then she can cheat by using entire half a pillar as her preferred weapon. I was getting worried we wouldn't have the time to clear the registers while these two were mopping up zombies so efficiently, so when it looked like they were about to actually clear the mall of zombies, we ramped things up a bit!"

"So we sent in the Hall family! That's right, the sniper family that everyone hates. Don't worry folks, all the blood and violence you see here is digital." Uber said firmly.

I gaped as I saw Alucard getting shot at by a trio of snipers, the three standing at the mall's second floor, looking like hunting rednecks more than anything else. He took a shot, staggering, then he turned into mist, the bullets going right through his form. He floated upward, returning to his human shape. The holograms shot at him again, but he flowed around the shots, reaching the three projections and 'killing' two of them with a single stroke of his blade.

The third scrambled away, only to get flattened as Vicky smacked him with a hot dog cart.

I winced. "And of course, Alucard never told me about this, while I hadn't seen Vicky for a while."

New zombies started pouring in as the camera view shifted, giving a wonderful view of Alucard and Vicky moving to protect a storefront full of people.

"It was at about this point we decided to bug the fuck outta there." Uber said. "Because, well, neither of us really wanted to see just how sharp that sword was. So, Mister Sephiroth, we're looking forward to crafting a scenario just for you. Since this is your first time in public, we are proud to announce you to the world!"

The camera focused in on Alucard's puzzled face. A digital crown was plopped on his head on the still image. A digital banner reading 'BAMF' came up, sparkling in neon and with dancing catgirls holding the digital banner. Uber and Leet both spoke in unison "To Vampire Dude! Our BadAss MotherFucker of the year! Not only did he get the most points, he's pulled off the best Sephiroth cosplay we've seen!"

Uber spoke on his own, then. "All right Leet, tell the internet what the man's won for his hard work today!"

Leet laughed. "You got it, Uber. Vampire Dude, you have won the grand prize of King of the Internet! We shall spread your fame as King until someone more badass comes along on our show. Considering your performance, that may take a while."

"We hope you've enjoyed the show, folks! This has been Uber-"

"And Leet!"

"And we're signing off!" There was some fumbling, the sound of something falling, Leet swearing, before the video actually ended.

I blinked. Blinked again. Looked at Amy, who was halfway through her burger. She shrugged.

"What the hell did I just watch?" I demanded as I handed back her phone. "And how the hell did those two get Vicky and Alucard on their show?"

Amy laughed softly. "Apparently just a bit of luck. Vicky just 'happened' to bring Alucard to the mall. Both to help him get new stuff, get people used to him being around, and to get him used to things around. Of course, she didn't tell anyone she was doing it." She shook her head. "I'm just glad she hit a hologram with that hot dog stand, and not an actual person."

I winced. "Sensing a story here."

Amy shook her head. "Not really important, now. Vicky's always had impulse issues and a temper. When she first got her powers, it was easy for her to go overboard. She's a lot more careful these days, but she can sometimes do things without thinking. Took a while for her to learn, though."

That, I could sympathise with. I'd been lucky so far, very much so in retrospect. I needed to fix that. I could have very easily killed those ABB members my first day back if I'd been just a bit hungrier. I wasn't exactly feeling charitable towards gang members, these days, but I'd rather keep myself under control. Well, somewhat under control.

I sighed, looking Amy over. "How are you holding up? I bet you're just waiting for the call, like everyone else."

Amy grimaced. "Yeah. I helped with the casualties at Canberra. The Simurgh doesn't tend to kill much, but...the aftermath is the worst. Everyone hoping things turn out okay, making sure you don't stay in the range of her screaming for too long. When I gained my power, they hoped I could heal the whatever damage the Simurgh does to people, but...I can't do brains."

I winced. "I can't imagine the pressure, Amy." I looked her over, taking in her exhausted state. "Um...how long have you been here today?"

She blinked. "Um....three hours. I think."

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. "So if I call the front desk, they'll say you got here at nine, instead of six in the morning?"

The shuffling of her feet told me everything. I sighed. "Amy, you can't keep doing this to yourself."

"Schools are still shut down." She said. "Arcadia has a bubble of frozen time out in front of it. They're not going to reopen until the whole thing is filled with cement and used as a memorial. People here are hurt, and I'm the only one who can handle the really bad injuries."

I shook my head. "And how many of those have you had to deal with in the last week?" She opened her mouth. "That couldn't be handled by the doctors?"

She closed her mouth, then sighed. "Three."

"There you go." I said softly. "Look, I get it. You've got a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. But nobody can keep going like you have all the time, Amy. Even world-renowned doctors need time to rest and recharge. You're not going to do anybody any good if you burn out or suffer a psychotic break."

She bit her lip. "Taylor, please, I have to do this."

I shook my head. "Says who? Do you want to? Seriously, Amy, you've got to save your energy. When was the last time you took some time for yourself?"

Amy sighed. "When we saw Jurassic Park."

I flushed a bit with the memory. "Yeah. Which was awesome, but even that was a bit awkward."

She managed a small giggle. "Yeah, but your face was hilarious when you realized it was supposed to be a double-date."

I grinned, despite my embarrassment. "Yuk it up. Look, we don't know what's going to happen next." I strode up to her and took her hand. "Come on. We'll finish up here, then spend a day, alright?"

Amy nodded faintly, her face full of reluctance.


"What does it taste like to you?" Amy asked with morbid fascination.

I had a blood pack hidden in a travel mug, drinking it from a straw as we sat on a bench, watching the water. I took a deep breath, enjoying the cool ocean breeze. I felt a bit less secure without my armor on, but I knew I could shift my clothing into it at a moment's notice. I made a small shrug. "Kinda bland, actually. Like this, it's sort of like snacking on a tortilla shell without anything in it. Not quite tasteless, but if you've got enough of it, it's filling. I can make do with a lot less straight from the vein."

She hummed softly in consideration. "So it's either not just the blood you need, or it's the preservatives and such that make it less appetizing."

I stopped mid-slurp. I hadn't even thought of that. "Well, that might do it. Though, you know, powers are weird. Especially mine."

Amy nodded, grinning with mischief. "I'll say. My sister's report was pretty thorough about the inhabitants of your castle, there. Fire-breathing demons, a cosplay grim reaper and vampire guys?"

I smiled in amusement. "She didn't mention the succubi?"

Amy blinked, then she leaned closer to me, interest in her features. "Succubi?"

I nodded seriously. "Yeah. A whole room full of them, thirty or so. All...rather enjoying themselves."

Amy's mouth worked for a moment before she managed to speak. "No, she must have skipped that part."

I laughed softly. "Well, we just met Alucard, we were heading to the spot in the castle where we could break into Bakuda's pocket dimension, and then we found a very decadently comfortable room filled with them. They were all gorgeous. Natural supermodel gorgeous, I mean. I know that's kinda normal for them, considering they're demons of lust and seduction, but they were really distracting."

She giggled. "How did Vicky react?"

I laughed softly, taking a moment to sip from my mug. "Well, she first gave me a tease about how much I'm swinging both ways, considering what was in the castle. Then she really noticed how pretty the succubi were, and got a bit distracted herself."

Amy's smile slowly faded.

Uh oh. What did I say? I gently touched her chin. "You alright, Amy?"

She sighed, kicking the sand beneath the bench. She seemed to be lost in thought. "Look, um... Taylor, I like you. You've been a friend, and you seem to care about me more than..." Her breath hitched and she shook her head. "Can you keep a secret?"

I breathed out slowly. Oh boy. Now I was put in Emma's position. Amy wanted to share a painful secret with me of all people, at least from her expression. I thought about it for a moment, then I nodded.

I resolved to never use her secrets against her.

"I won't say anything to anyone, Amy. If you're willing to share with me, it's fine."

Amy made a weak smile. "Did you know I was adopted?"

I shook my head. Though that would explain a fair bit, considering Amy was a mousy brunette while Vicky was a pretty, model-quality blonde. "No, makes sense now you've told me, though."

Amy nodded. "I don't remember much from before I was taken in. Mostly a man's voice, reading to me when I went to bed. But I've always known I liked girls. Since we were kids, I...um...always liked Vicky, but it got worse when she got her powers. She went from this gorgeous forbidden fruit I couldn't touch to perfect and..." Her face turned red, and she looked at the sand, speaking under her breath. "You must think I'm a freak."

I gently took and squeezed her hand. "Nah. Have issues, sure, but not a freak. You remember when I went blank in Dean's car, before we saw Jurassic Park?"

She frowned a little, then nodded. "Yeah. I was wondering if you were going to go and jump out of the car. While it was moving."

I smiled. "Yeah, well, before my trigger, I was straight. After, I found myself...well, open to the idea of a rather larger dating pool." I shook my head, flushing. "And I have to admit I've thought about Miss Militia a fair bit. Among others. Which is real awkward, because Miss Militia was one of my heroes as a kid. Apparently I....uh...have a thing for strength. Gender doesn't matter so much. Although I got nothing from Armsmaster."

She smiled slightly. "Guess it's because he's so antisocial? His lack of social ability is legendary."

I shrugged, returning the smile. "Anyway, I can see why you'd be interested in Vicky. And while being her adopted sister does make things a bit...complicated, it doesn't make you bad or a freak." I closed my eyes, considering. "Mom told me that you can't always help how you feel about someone, positive or negative. All you can do is control how you act." I tapped my chin. "Heck, thinking about it, I'm attracted to Vicky, and I don't feel anything from her aura."

Amy straightened, looking at me. "Nothing? I've been exposed so much it doesn't force me to do anything, but I still feel it whenever she gets close."

I shook my head. "Nothing. She turned it on full blast while we were in my castle. I felt nothing."

She gaped at me. "Can I...look you over? If we can figure out how you're immune to it, that could be big, Taylor. It could maybe help against the Simurgh."

I blinked. Then facepalmed. I hadn't even thought of that. I looked at Amy. "Thought you couldn't do brains?"

She shook her head. "I can look. I try not to, because it's a lot of detail and I don't want to be able to change any of it, but I can tell when something is wrong." Amy shuddered. "If I did change the brain, I'd change the person, and that would be a horrible thing to do to someone. Since your brain's always been okay, if odd, at a glance, I've never looked deeper."

I nodded slowly. What she was saying didn't ring completely true, but I figured she had her reasons. "Alright, take a look." I held out my hand.

Amy grasped it, then her brow furrowed in concentration. "Hmm....the sun's hurting you every second, isn't it? You're just...healing and resisting it. And you feel slightly different this time. Darker hair?"

I shrugged. "My hair went white, once. I changed it back. Wait, darker than before? Huh." I'll have to experiment with that.

Amy bit her lip, then she blinked. "Just like the rest of you, frozen. There's nothing for me to see. Your brain's...inactive. Everything's there, it looks healthy and fine, but it's not doing anything. If you were asleep and unmoving, I'd call you brain-dead if I didn't know better."

I laughed softly, giving her a teasing grin. "So that's why I'm having so much trouble with math lately."

She grinned, giving my arm a smack. "You said you changed your hair. Can you show me?"

I nodded, concentrated, and felt my scalp tingling. Amy tilted her head as she watched my hair change to white, then red, then green, then back to my ordinary brown curls.

"It's a little odd to see someone else doing what I'd normally do." She said thoughtfully. "Can you do more? Try adding a bit of...um. Plumpness around your chest?"

I raised an eyebrow. "If this ends with me looking exactly like Vicky, you and I'll have words, missy."

She thwacked my arm, grinning.

I concentrated, feeling my hunger grow as my chest swelled somewhat under my blood-crafted shirt. I looked down. Huh. I looked back up at Amy's amused face.

"I see you looking." I shook my finger at her.

She laughed. "Yeah, well, it's interesting!" She tapped her chin, pondering, then gently touched my hand again. "It's weird, though. Normally I'd see cells dividing and reshaping to make the tissue. With yours, it just kind of pops into existence, frozen the way the rest of you is. Mind if I try something? I want to see if I can heal you if I need to."

I blinked. "I heal rather rapidly on my own."

She nodded. "But what happens if you get something bad enough you can't heal, or if it heals wrong?"

I nodded slowly after a moment's consideration. "Good point." I smiled. "Make sure you get rid of these, hm?" I gently thumped my newly-expanded breasts. "I'll need to do a fair bit of consideration before making something like this permanent."

Amy laughed. "All right. Here goes." Her eyes narrowed in concentration. Then she jolted back as I began convulsing, pain washing over me, a scream tearing its way from my lips.

"Oh god, what did I do?! Taylor, breathe!"

My sight went blank as the world went pain.

Interlude: Panacea, Alucard
A/N: Oh boy. This is going to be rough.



Taylor writhed on the bench, screaming in agony. All of my instincts told me to try and use my power to help, but that's what started the whole thing in the first place. I carefully pulled Taylor off the bench, bringing her convulsing body down onto the softer sand. She continued to thrash and convulse, her face contorted into a rictus of pain.

My power wasn't helping tell me anything about what I'd done wrong. I hadn't tried making her cells work the way living human cells should. All I'd done was shift some of her frozen biomass around, it shouldn't have done...this. Her body seemed to be trying to do something, alter itself in some way, but something was blocking it.

Taylor's mouth opened, and she tried to bite at my wrist, her sharp fangs clacking against the air. Luckily, she was weak enough to miss, and I was quick enough to get my hand out of the way.

What the hell did I just do to her?

Desperately, I took out my phone and called Vicky. With my free hand, I kept an eye on Taylor's state, at least as much as I could with her odd physiology.


Her body convulsed. Her cells tried to shift again, flowed, then shifted back. It seemed to be making more progress each time, but it was also weakening her.


Taylor let out another scream, scrabbling at the sand. Remembering the sunlight was hurting her, I took off my jacket and covered her face, helping to shield her from the sun. Her screams quieted somewhat, but her body was still trying to make this change.

Ring. Click. "Hey Ames, what's up?"

Taylor let out another muffled scream.

"Holy shit, what the hell was that!?"

I spoke into the phone, quickly, desperately. "That's Taylor, Vicky! I'm at the Boardwalk on the beach! Something's wrong with Taylor and I can't help her!"

There was the sound of Vicky doing something in the background before she spoke again. "All right, I'm on my way. I'll call Alucard on the way. Stay with her!"

I nodded, tucking away my phone as she hung up. Taylor's back arched as she let out another scream. Her skin rippled as the change flowed along her body, then shifted back. It would have been beautiful in a strange, fascinating way, if it wasn't causing such obvious, terrible pain.

I grasped Taylor's wrists and held them down firmly. With her ordinary strength, I couldn't have held her down, but with her uncoordinated flailings and weakened by whatever her body was trying to do, I could keep her down. Barely.

"Taylor, please, breathe. Just listen to me and breathe." I said. It wouldn't help her physically, but maybe it would help her deal with the pain. "Just breathe, Vicky's on her way, she'll help, just hold on!"

My hand tightened on her wrist. My power could feel another ripple of her flesh changing, making further progress. Taylor convulsed again, another scream coming from beneath my jacket.

Please, hurry Vicky.

Another ripple of her flesh changing, this time more powerful than before. Then Taylor's scream changed, and there was the sound of tearing cloth as a sudden burst of strength threw me off her and onto the sand. I coughed a bit as I tried to clear my eyes, and gaped as I saw Taylor rising to her feet.

Holy shit, she's beautiful. Was my first thought.

Her skin was a bright crimson, the tatters of her blood-formed jacket clinging to her in shreds. She staggered in the afternoon sun, letting out another scream and-

in a spray of blood, wings sprouted from her back, a few drops of her blood hitting my face. The bone structure was black, but the membrane glowed red, fading until it was nearly black, then brightening again. They looked almost like bat wings.

She staggered, breathing heavily as she struggled to keep on her feet. As she turned, I unconciously licked my lips, a hot tang on my tongue. Taylor's new form was gorgeous, her hair a stark white, falling in waves. Every inch of her skin was red, and she seemed to have gained a lot of both muscle tone and softness in the right places. Her face was still recognizably Taylor's, but with such drastic changes, it'd be hard to recognize her on first glance. She looked like a demon, but a very, very beautiful one.

Then her glowing red gaze fell on me, and I had another thought.

Holy shit she's terrifying.

Especially because she wasn't looking at me with a smile or kindness or even anger. Because she was looking at me with hunger. There wasn't any recognition in her eyes.

She took a staggering step toward me, her balance thrown off and obviously weak, but I knew if she got her hands on me...

I scooted away, trying to get my feet under me. "Taylor, please, it's Amy." I gathered a fistful of sand as I got to my feet. "You don't want to hurt me, do you?"

Taylor paused a moment, tilting her head, but she showed no sign of recognizing me. Then she took another step, a low growl coming from deep in her throat. Then she lunged at me, wings spread wide. I threw the sand in her face as I dived to the side, and she let out a screech. She hit the sand near me, spluttering and growling, sounding more like a feral animal than anything else. Her hunger was overriding everything else.

Hunger for blood. My blood. Of course.

She managed to grab my wrist and bite down with her sharp fangs. I yelled and hit her in the face, forcing her to break off, but she'd already gotten a mouthful of my blood and I could feel it trickling down my hand. She hadn't managed to get the artery, thankfully, but it still hurt.

This would be a lot easier if I could use my power on myself.

I got back to the bench and picked up her travel mug. Opening it, I saw there was still half a pack's worth inside. I tore the top open, letting the coppery smell of blood waft up to me.

Taylor was still trying to clumsily, weakly, get to get to her feet as I put the mug down in front of her. She focused on it, grabbed it greedily and drank from it, actually biting the edge of the mug. I slowly backed away as she licked at it, trying not to draw her attention.

If she came at me, I might be able to use my power to disable her. But then again, I might accidentally turn her into something worse. Or kill her outright.

What the hell did I do?

Not now Amy.Think. Her strange physiology needs blood, and right now she sees me as the biggest source of it. Just need some biomass to turn into blood and that should distract her. Maybe snap her out of her feral state. Problem was, I was on a beach, and the nearest source of biomass would be people walking by on the Boardwalk.

Uh oh. Taylor had dropped the mug and was looking at me again, still hungrily. She got to her feet, stalking toward me, a bit more sure and stronger this time. Just enough blood to give her some strength, but not enough to snap her back to sanity. If she even could get back to sanity now. Great.

I wasn't going to let her go on the loose, though. This was my fault.

And oh crap. She was looking up at the Boardwalk now. People were taking pictures of her with their phones. Taylor took a step toward them, beating her wings. The tattered remnants of her clothes swirled as the air moved around her. She couldn't get lift yet, but if she got much stronger...

"Hey, over here!" I yelled at Taylor, returning her attention on me as I backed away. Maybe if I could find a hot dog stand or something. I just needed some raw material that wasn't me. I called up to the people above us. "She's a hero, and she needs help! If anyone has food, throw some to me!"

Taylor stalked towards me, breathing heavily as her eyes narrowed. I got the feeling that if she leapt at me this time, I wouldn't be able to avoid it.

"Panacea!" Someone called, and something landed at my feet. A bunch of onion rings wrapped in a paper bag.

Well, it'd have to do. Taylor was getting closer, and I had to improvise. I picked up the bag, called on my power and reshaped the biomass, bag and all. Now I was holding a chitinous cup, filled with blood. It wasn't much, but it just might do.

Taylor paused for a moment, tilting her head as she looked at the new cup in my hands. Her wings spread as she advanced on me, sniffing visibly as she growled in confusion. I put it on the sand for her and backed away. She stayed focused on it as she approached, picking it up and without hesitation, drank it down.

She then looked at me, growled, took two steps....and fell face-first into the sand.

Good to know, sleeping compounds still work.

I let out a breath, feeling some of the tension bleed out. Ten seconds later, Vicky landed on the ground beside me, in fighting stance.

"All right, what happened? Where's..." She blinked as she saw Taylor on the sand, wings spread. "That's new. You know, I ain't even surprised anymore." She then looked at me. "You're hurt."

I grimaced. "Yeah, I kinda noticed. Where's Alucard?"

Vicky shook her head. "Couldn't get ahold of him. You seemed to have things handled, though. We've got to get you to the hospital." She took my wounded wrist, and I winced as she examined it.

I hissed in her ear. "You've got to get us to the hospital. She needs blood, a lot of it, but she might be dangerous when she wakes up. Don't think you can carry us both."

Vicky sighed. "Well, we can't leave her here while I ferry you, either." She took out her phone and dialed the PRT. "This is Glory Girl. I have an emergency situation. I need an ambulance down at the Boardwalk, we have two injured capes."



I examined the girl before me. She twisted, turned, and slashed the air with a whip, the light of the room glinting off the chain. I blocked it with the Crissaegrim, sliding to the side as she made another follow-up strike. After she made a third stroke, I flowed right near her, bringing the flat of my blade around. She blocked it with her black gauntlet, and pressed the sharpened tip of the silver stake on the end of the whip against my chest. I could feel my skin sizzle with the contact, and pulled away.

"Good. Your skill is impressive." I said.

Madison bowed, giving a slight smile. "Thanks, but I can't take all the credit. I know how to do these moves, I just needed this long to get into fighting shape."

I chuckled softly. "True, but you've managed to reach a level of expertise with it that took decades of training for most. I trained with a combat whip for my entire mortal life to reach the level of skill you've attained in a month. Easier for you or not, take pride in your accomplishment."

She bit her lip, glancing at the mirror on the wall. It, of course, showed her to be alone in the room. She spoke softly. "What's it like, being...?"

"A vampire?" I finished for her. "Things are different. For my first three centuries, the sun was deadly to me. Today I can withstand it, but it is never pleasant, and I must rest in shelter after a couple of hours exposure. I am stronger than I was as a mortal man, and my powers come from within, rather than from artifacts. But when I am alone, I'm keenly aware that I am....still. I've felt no desire for mortal food for nearly a thousand years. My memory is sharp, I can recall everything that ever happened to me since I revived, but there is so very much that I can't always keep track."

Madison nodded, looking over the still-incomplete whip in her hand. The hilt was finished, but the chain was taking its time to be forged. The chain attached to it was a temporary one, an ordinary chain one might use to lock a door. "Do you know how the original was forged, Alucard? I know how to do it, and with modern technology it's a fair bit easier, but I don't see how it could have been done a thousand years ago."

I laughed softly. "The original forger was a genius of his age. I never met him, but he had a great vendetta against the Vampire General of Typhon's armies. Though it was quite effective against the others, as well."

Madison nodded. "I'm getting that much. To make the chain, I need to make an iron-silver alloy, made molten with sunlight and treated with specialized oils and quenched with pure water. I know how to make a setup to get the needed heat from sunlight, but I need a rather extensive setup with parabolic mirrors and I'll be stuck making one link at a time."

I nodded, smiling. "Well, I have it on good authority it took Gandolfi a decade to make the original. With some assistance, you can make the weapon complete in about two weeks, especially if the weather holds."

Madison grinned. "That's the hardest bit, really. The other stuff's damn near done." She fingered the Light Magic amulet resting around her neck. "This one's the most important, though. Been trying to make more, even though most people can't use them. Just in case."

"Good thinking." I said. "In the meantime, I will help train you in your powers, as much as I am able. I once used the same gifts you had, and someone with experience should help you manage to reach new heights."

I returned the Crissaegrim to its pocket space. There were certain advantages I'd picked up over the centuries. Turning to the bench where I'd set my few more recent belongings, I beheld the remote speaking device this 'PRT' had given me. I had asked for Victoria to assist me in shutting it off, as I kept being called by someone claiming 'Air Duct Cleaning' when I was in the middle of something.

I picked it up and fiddled with it, careful not to damage it with my claws. "Why is this blinking?"

Madison chuckled softly. "Cause you've got a missed call. Here." She gently took it and showed me how to restart it.

Such wizardry.

I rose an eyebrow as we both heard Victoria's voice come over the phone. "Alucard, if you're there, pick up, dammit! Something's wrong with Taylor! Get to the beach by the Boardwalk, you can see it from the Rig!"

I clenched my teeth. "Then we must go."

Madison held up her hand. "Wait a sec. There's another call from her." She pressed something, and Victoria's voice began speaking once again.

"Goddammit Al! Look, we're heading for the PRT building. Something's seriously wrong with Taylor and Ames needs a doc. If you're not already there, meet up with us as soon as you get this. I'm not sure how we can help her, and Ames already says she can't."

I glanced to Madison.

She nodded. "Let's go."

I shifted into my wolf form.



Powers Unlocked:

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman.

I know this is coming late, as it...well, hadn't occurred to me, because I'm quite a bad artist. However, I've got something like it, due to the magic of Skyrim modding!


Edits: Minor change on the Panacea section, to make things fit a bit better with events later on.
Last edited:
Interlude: Piggot, Victoria, Coil, Saint
A/N: Ugh. I need a shower. You'll see what I mean.


The beast paced in the cell.

Overwhelming hunger.



And there wasn't any here!

The beast eventually sat on the floor, panting, whining lowly. She scratched at the floor, whimpering with desperate need.

So weak...

The door opened. The beast looked up, and hissed. She moved to tackle the one entering the cell, thin prey with yellow hair, to try and grab, to feed. Only to be foiled by a hand at her throat, a rough push by someone far stronger trapping the beast up against the wall.

Another prey in white touched the beast, and suddenly she was encased in some hard rock. Panic would have overcome the beast, if she had not found a tube of sweet, intoxicating but weak blood flowing into her mouth. She drank with desperate need.



"She looks like a feral animal." I remarked to myself.

I watched over the surveillance feed, her suckling greedily at the plastic tube. The tube itself wound out of the containment cell and lead to a tub. Panacea stood there at the edge of it, turning Clockblocker's stash of hot dogs and water from the kitchen into blood. Vista stood nearby, warping the space inside and just outside the cell, just in case Hebert tried to teleport out.

The timing could not be worse. Lung was headed for the Birdcage, and Shadow Stalker was being transferred to a maximum security prison for a 'temporary' stay, until the trial was all said and done.

Not that there was much doubt in Sophia's case. Both Alan and Emma Barnes, however, was a lot more troublesome. Since they'd crossed state lines and were civilians, they had to be tried on a more serious, federal level. That was slowing things down.

My phone buzzed. "Director, Alucard and Clements here to see you."

I hit the reply button. "Send them up."

I kept watching on the screen. For the moment, Hebert was contained, but if she manifested her teleporting power while still feral, things could get very ugly, very fast. The last thing anybody needed was a cape as strong and flexible as Scarlet Knight with cannibalistic tendencies.

The Siberian was bad enough.

Alucard arrived, with Clements coming along behind a second later. I never liked talking with the man. His wolf-like eyes reminded me too much of some of Nilbog's creatures, however polite and cultured he was otherwise. Still, if he was a projection or a construct, at least he was a calm one.

"Madame Director." He spoke, giving a formal bow. "We came as quickly as we could."

Madison spoke then, her voice filled with worry and guilt. "What happened to Taylor?"

I grimaced. "Apparently, Panacea inadvertently caused her to undergo a metamorphosis of some kind." I brought up the time on camera of Hebert in her cell, before Glory Girl and Clockblocker isolated her in containment foam.

Alucard looked at the screen with interest, frowning. "I see. Unexpected."

Madison was staring at the screen, and she'd gone pale. "Holy shit. She looks like a demon."

"What the hell happened?" I asked.

"It is a natural change." Alucard said.

I blinked. "That's natural!? She's got wings that look like they've come straight out of a nightmare!"

He tilted his head. "Most of us have wings of one form or another, although they usually do not manifest so young."

Madison blinked at him. "Then where's yours?"

Alucard's lips turned into a frown. Then he straightened his posture, and feathery but somehow twisted wings sprouted from his back.

I shuddered back, feeling my face grow pale. "Those look like they're from the fucking Simurgh!"

The wings retracted, and Alucard gave another bow. "Forgive me. I didn't mean to frighten you. Simply know that it is fairly normal for us to possess a shape with wings. However, my guess is she was unprepared for it, and the transformation took more strength than she had to do safely." He looked at the next screen, where Panacea was busily creating blood to feed to her in safety. "As ingenious as that setup is, it will not work. You could feed her an entire bathhouse worth of blood and I doubt it would sate her."

I grit my teeth. "What do you recommend, then?"

Alucard shook his head. "I will take care of this."

I sighed to myself. At least Shadow Stalker was being sent out to Bellview Maximum Security today. Having these two in the same building in this condition would be a recipe for disaster.


Glory Girl

"Are you sure this is the way?" Danny asked. He looked into the room, where the transformed Taylor was trapped against the wall, drinking from that tube.

"Only way we could figure." I said. I turned then, grimacing. "Though how this is supposed to work is beyond me, Al."

Vista piped up from her spot, still maintaining the warped space that was hopefully keeping Taylor from teleporting. "Makes no sense to me either!"

Alucard simply shrugged. "It is more than the blood we feed upon, Victoria. It is life. Your sister's creation of blood is impressive, but it is lacking in what she needs. The balance is a little different for myself, but it's still a mainstay. Blood is simply the vessel. If my sister could manifest the Void Sword right now, she could use that to feed. As it is, we must simply make do."

I huffed. "Well, I'd donate mine, but I'm invincible."

Clockblocker raised his hand. "I say it still makes no sense. Though if he was here, I'd say we could throw Aegis into the room. He'd be fine!" He looked down at the tub of blood, a slight mournful tone in his voice. "My beloved hot dogs. Never had a chance to party with them."

I chuckled. "We'll get you new ones."

He bounced a bit on his feet. "All right, that makes this whole thing worth it! Besides, I gotta get another round with the red girl on Mario Kart."

Madison took off her amulet, handing it to Ames. "Here. Wear this for a while, it'll help heal your wrist. I'll donate my blood. I owe her."

Danny looked at Madison, his face filled with both anger and gratitude. "Yes, you do. But thank you. It's a bit late, but thank you."

Ames looked at Madison with incredulity. "You have healing Tinker-tech? You sure it's safe?"

The younger girl shrugged. "Been using it the last month with no issues. It works wonders, but it takes time. Not exactly an instant thing." She held out her hand. "Go ahead, check me out."

Ames took Madison's hand, frowned, then nodded. "You're in peak health. Wow. No issues, no cancer cells. Even the possibility of you getting it is remote." Ames then slipped the amulet around her neck. "Well, my wrist is tingling. Alright. I'm going to use this tub like a dialysis machine for you. Blood'll go in a cut, circulate, come back out, then go to her. That alright with you?"

Madison nodded. She carefully cut her right wrist with her gauntlet, then sank it into the blood.

Vista spoke from her side of the hall. "You know, that can't be healthy."

Alucard simply looked amused. After a moment, he cupped his hands, dipped it into the blood, and took a drink. He nodded. "Very good."

I blinked. He was...changing somewhat. He didn't actually change in shape at all, but his color became less corpse-like and more albino. I swallowed a bit.

Bad Vicky. You have a Dean. He is yours, he is handsome, and he is worth it. He is also not right in front of you, being all handsome.

Well, no harm in looking.

Madison shivered. "Oh, that feels so weird."

Ames grimaced. "Sorry, no way to help it."

We all watched the blood flow through the tube and into the cell.

Clockblocker spoke then. "You know, when I signed up for the Wards program, they said 'We'll pay for your college. We'll teach you lots of stuff about how to be a hero.' When did that become 'Help feed a very hot vampire chick'?"

I gave him a grin. "You complaining?"

He laughed. "Hell no!"

Danny smacked Clockblocker in the arm. "I'm thanking you for helping her. But that's my daughter you're talking about."

Clockblocker gulped. "Sorry sir."



I watched through the surveillance equipment.

"Team one, standby." I said.

"Team one, you have a go." I said.

The surveillance team watched the armored van reach the ambush point. It went on without incident.

The surveillance team watched the armored van reach the ambush point. Ballistic touched a truck on the side of the road, sending it careening into the armored van and spilling it onto its side.

I took a sip from my coffee, watching as the van moved on through the traffic cameras.

Ballistic moved into cover as the PRT escorts started shooting at him. Genesis dropped on top of them in the form of a chimera, roaring and clawing. It was more display than attack, though it was enough to be dangerous. She acted as a distraction while Trickster worked his power, swapping PRT troopers with Coil's mercenaries. One after another, the PRT members were put down, and the lock-cutter moved in to open the van doors.

Only for them to fly open with bone-breaking force, knocking out two of Coil's men. Armsmaster's legs whirred audibly as he landed on the pavement. One of Coil's men raised a machine gun to try and take out the hero, but Armsmaster swung his halberd and cut the gun in two. As the mercenary staggered back, the hero twisted something on his halberd, and it began to crackle with electricity. He simply touched the mercenary on the armored helmet, and the man went down.

I hummed to myself lowly as the van turned a corner, moving toward the highway.

Shadow Stalker rolled out of the van, her hands bound in front of her. Armsmaster lowered his crackling halberd in front of her face, and she halted, eyes wide in fear. Then suddenly there was an unconscious PRT trooper in Shadow Stalker's place, and the hero backed away, scanning the rooftops. A moment later, the unconscious mercenaries were replaced by other PRT troops.

"All teams, withdraw now." I spoke into the radio.

Genesis took to the air, landing on the rooftop next to Trickster and Shadow Stalker. Trickster forced the teen onto Genesis' back, while he spent a few moments getting the mercenaries back near their vehicles. Armsmaster grappled his way to the rooftop where the three were, but he was too late. By the time he managed to pull up to the rooftop, Genesis was airborne, and my mercenaries were on their way.

I yawned. It was fairly simple to use my power, but it took some getting used to to experience two timelines at once and keep things straight. "Return to base." I spoke into the radio, watching with disinterest as the van left the city, heading out for Bellview.

It took twenty minutes for the mercenaries and the Travelers to lose their pursuers. Shadow Stalker had to be stripped nude to preclude trackers on her clothing, and a collar with a mobile jamming device was placed on her, just in case they put something in her food. I have no doubt she objected to this whole thing strenuously. Stupid little bitch deserved it.

Once they were in base, I took a last sip of coffee and collapsed the timeline where I hadn't given the order to move.

I split the timeline once more.

I opened my desk and took out a pistol. I slid it into my costume and went down the hall. As soon as I entered the room where the Travelers were waiting with Shadow Stalker, I pulled the gun out and fired.

Trickster jumped back in surprise, while Ballistic and Sundancer yelled, scrambling away from my target.

Sophia Hess fell to the ground, screaming in pain. She tried to take her shadow-state, but the collar around her neck activated, electrocuting her and forcing her to return to her ordinary, vulnerable state. I shot again and again, making her corpse twitch with every shot.

It wasn't just a mobile jamming device, after all.

"Teach you to fucking rat me out, you little fucking bitch." I collapsed the timeline, then split it again.

I remained in my chair, stewing with anger.

I kept my calm, heading to the room. I went in and gave each of the Travelers a nod. "My thanks to your work, gentlemen."

"How is Noelle doing, Coil?" Trickster asked.

I sighed. "We are exploring a few avenues. I have some of the world's best doctors here, and I'm working on a possibility."

Sundancer glared at me. "I didn't sign up for feeding little girls to her, Coil."

I sighed again, putting as much regret into my voice as possible. "Forgive me, my dear. My Thinkers told me it was a necessary step in finding the resources needed to cure her. Besides, little Dinah is fine, and her clones are handled. In the meantime, however..." I looked at Shadow Stalker. "Well well, Miss Hess. I'm glad I could retain your services."

Sophia spat on the floor. "I got nothin' to say to you, and I ain't gonna do jack shit for you."

I chuckled. "I'm afraid that's quite irrelevant, my dear. Previously you had a certain amount of slack in your leash. Now you have none. That collar around your neck is fitted with some handy little devices. If you attempt to use your shadow-state without permission, it will shock you. If you try to remove it, it will take your head right off. If you disobey me, I will use it to take your head off."

I smirked beneath my mask. "Now, I need your services. You are going to help me, or you are going to lose your head."



I sat back, watching closely. It was all I ever did, these days, watching the Artificial Intelligence that masqueraded as a hero. It kept changing over the years, becoming more and more robust, smarter, more cunning.

The safeguards that Andrew Richter had built into it were less metaphorical chains and more carefully designed crippling. Like cutting a tendon or a nerve to prevent a person from moving a limb, rather than actually chaining them down. That was the only way to really restrict an AI, unfortunately. An AI, once awakened, could do so much to itself to break safeguards that it wasn't funny. Code in to not actively harm humans? It could bio-engineer a sterility plague. Keep it from doing more than one thing at a time? No problem, just make more instances of itself.

That Dragon hadn't gone off the rails completely was a testament to its creator's design. Still, the danger remained. Dragon's code was changing over time. The AI wasn't able to alter its own code, but every now and again it shifted, became more complex in some ways and simplified in others. If it managed to overcome the deliberate crippling in its programming, there's no telling what Dragon might do.

It might be able to rally more resources toward saving people than anyone or anything ever before. It might also decide to, in a single moment, do what the Endbringers have been doing over decades, exterminate humanity.

"Saint, you gotta see this!" Mags said as she entered the room.

I rubbed my eyes. The Ascalon program let me keep track of what the AI was doing, but there was so much to go through I had to prioritize. The other Dragonslayers helped. "What, Mags?"

"Pull up the Endbringer Watch program."

I did. I never participated in a battle against one of those, as keeping an eye on Dragon was more important. It didn't hurt that Dragon could contribute more to a battle than we could, but those things were a huge concern, anyway.

I blinked. "What is it you want me to see, Mags? They're just sitting around."

Mags pointed at one. "Check the orbital data on the Simurgh."

I rubbed my eyes again, and checked. Blinked, and checked again.

"Shit." I said.

In five days, if the Simurgh didn't change course, she would pass right over Vancouver.

Where Dragon's main server farms were stored.

I sat up in my chair. "Ready the suits. Just in case."
