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  • Hey, I'm not sure if this is the right place to do it, but is "Dawn is just a heartbeat away" dead? The story is very interesting, and even if the sequel the author's note implied never happens, do you plan on finishing the pre canon storyline?
    I do plan on finishing the last two chapters of the pre-canon, at the very least. Might do more than that, even if the story hasn't had much in the way of following thus far. I love FFXIV enough to carry the day ahaha.
    But yeah, I'm working on the next pre-canon chapter currently.
    As someone who has been enjoying the free trial gor the last few months (I haven't finished HW yet, I refuse to continue until I can use the haurchefaunt family shield, and I need to level PAL to do it) this was really fun! Sad to see that the following is small, but for what it is worth, should you continue it you will have my attention.

    Thank you for your prompt response!
    Hey, Glad to see Crown of Slaves is updating again, any chance we can get new links to the art? The ones from the earlier chapters arent working anymore.
    I reposted those under Extras! If you go to the extras threadmark, there is a character sheet section or two for you! It's still a bit thin, I need to do more with it, but it is up there!
    Well I have put 3 more of your most recent stories on my watch list tonight. Glad to see you having more stories on your roster now! Looking forward to more!
    • Like
    Reactions: HistoricalHijinks
    Thanks! I'm glad that you enjoyed them! It's an encouraging and meaningful thing to me to hear, so I always really appreciate posts like this on my wall, or comments on stories.
    When said comments aren't necroes, obviously XD
    So are the other waifu catalog stories dropped in favor of the skyrim one, or do the chaps need to be commissioned?
    Primal Instincts' next chapter is about halfway done, I'm actually working on it right now, and I do plan on updating Sowing the SEEDs as well after that. If any of them get dropped, it would probably be Primal Instincts, just because I'm not having as much fun with Toga as I am with Thor. Though that won't happen until after Claymore is finished, just so that that story line is wrapped up.
    Though I of course would never turn down commission work lmao
    I know someone asked a year or two ago, but I was just wondering if you were planning on ever continuing Herald? I need myself more of that 40k space elf goodness.
    Hello just wondering if Herald will be updating soon? It is my favorite of your stories even though I love all of them
    Hey just asking but you will stop the Moral decay that Sylvanas underwent right? She isn't that bad as her pre undead self. Also your thoughts on Shal'dorei? Will be suing characters revealed in legion as well? You are ge auhor of Vincit and you are free to shape the conflicts of the world. Sure the lore has gone haywire by consider it a gift here is clay free to mold to your design. Do not be so quick to anger.
    just wondering is Nothing Is True continuing here? i realy loved the original and Im just wondering if it is worth it to wait the rewrite?
    Reader interaction and likes here were nonexistant, so I stopped posting it here, figuring it probably wasn't the sort of thing people here are interested in.
    It is up to chapter four on AO3 and FF.net, however, and will continue being updated there
    Will Seraphim get any updates or is that story dead? It's one of my top favs for worm fics.
    I'm working on an update for it, and Herald as well. I was just in the mood for smut fics, thus the waifu-catalogue stuff
    Lord Derp
    Lord Derp
    Okay great to know... Would not call them smut fics really, the writing is way too good to be mere smut fics. Love your fics!
    I will admit to some frustration, where I see people who write pretty much the same sex scenes (if you want to call them that) chapter after chapter and fandom after fandom, complete with the same lines, and make thousands of dollars a month on Patreon. Meanwhile, I try to write something unique and having some semblance of plot beyond 'rape all the hot chicks' and I get nowhere XD
    I'm sure the likebombing was a hint, but I've really enjoyed CoP, despite being based on yet another samegame run-n-gun I've never heard of. Got any more in the tank for that or has the muse gotten distracted by some other shiny thing, as she does?
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