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  • *pokes with a stick*

    Still waiting on that full Custos Anima update so I can post lewd Mamis to the thread. Hell, I've even made a mod for Corrupted Saviors that lets you rape the meguca.

    No more procrastinating, TBD!
    They're action scenes - like fighting - but without the dynamism of a fight usually.

    Since it's been yet another couple months, let me be frank: perfect is the enemy of Good. If you're struggling, get an AI to write you a skeleton. GPT if you jailbreak it, or this one: https://perchance.org/ai-story-outline
    What really matters is that you just do it. Mediocre is better than nothing, and can be compensated for by the horniness of the reader. I recommend breaking the scene into 3 parts - foreplay, sex, and climax - genning a skeleton for each, and then making sure each section is at least five to ten paragraphs long.
    FYI, I am about to head to bed tonight. When I wake up in the morning, I'll shoot you a PM, because I would like to discuss this in more detail.
    Custos Anima still alive?
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    Reactions: IncognitoTBD
    Yep, it is! I had just been busy with life in general; it is kinda hard to find the time to write when you have a full-time job and family. Nothing aggravates me more than finally catching my muse and sitting down to write, only to get pulled away by my Mom to do chores. It is just so... Urgh!
    You still working on custos animus?
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    Reactions: IncognitoTBD
    Yep, I am. I am just a lazy SOB with limited free time and who is easily distracted. Right now I am being distracted by post-story plot ideas based on everyone is saved and Hari is now facing the consequences of his (morally dubious) actions -- both from outsiders and from himself.

    Pretty useful for me, as it is helping me nail down Hari's character arc.
    This excerpt summarizes what Hari is going through post-story:

    "All I ever wanted..." Harry said softly, his eyes staring down at his feet. "Was to finally make my father proud."

    "Is he?"

    Harry refused to meet her eyes, as he fidgeted with the gold band studded with different colored gemstones. "I think..." He said slowly, "He would be ashamed."
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