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  • I agree that Leaf did nothing wrong, but that God? It's shit. One might say, sussy.
    • Like
    Reactions: Santinius7
    She was just LARPING as Leaf tho...
    From what I've read in the Chaos Dungeon, she had a twin sister and supposedly killed her. That might just be background lore, but knowing Toro, I wonder if it might come up in the third game.
    Shhh, the Black Bars...
    But yeah definitely, it's cheknov gun just begging to be touched)
    I have to agree. No matter what Leaf or **** *** does I can't really bring myself to hate her. She is too adorable.

    Though it's been... a while since I played Black Souls so I honestly can't remember if Leaf and **** *** are the same person or if the latter is just taking on the former's form to lower Grimm's guard. I'm really rusty on that game.
    • Like
    Reactions: Santinius7
    Leaf is a fairy that help and guide us after we reach the fairy forest, she is recognized as the kindest fairy.
    Mary Sue is an Outher God who was interested in the writers of fairy tales, the original ones with very bad and grimm endings, so she made an undead with the souls of all those writers (Grimm) and has them be the protagonist of a fairytale she made herself. She has the power to control change and uses it to create the 'dreams'.
    Astel Aurion
    Astel Aurion
    Cool is it an rpg maker game. I love those
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