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  • Hey Troy, would you consider putting all the stuff you've made in your CYOA thread into an index/threadmark category so it could all be viewed at once with reader mode? Would be neat.
    • Like
    Reactions: willk and TroyX
    Hence my suggestion is putting them in the "Index" category rather than the main "Threadmarks" category if you do want to try that out. Not sure about the random ordering, though I'm sure there's a way to organize threadmarks. But reader mode is definitely the most useful feature by putting them altogether - even if new entries are inserted at random.
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    Reactions: willk
    Hmmmmmmm. I'll consider it. I've got a thousand and one other things to do, but I'll keep it in mind. Maybe poke me in a month or two if I've not gotten around to it by then?
    Never mind, I vastly underestimated myself. I set aside some time and did it just now :)
    Well, I'm back with a new question. In the Sanguinarch CYOA, Essence can't be used to create permanent effects, only single use ones. But, what if a Sanhuinarch uses Essence to create an object that grants powers, like creating a super soldier serum? Is the effect of the serum permanent or temporary?
    • Like
    Reactions: TroyX
    Temporary. A "workaround" goes against the spirit of how Essence works, and so doesn't work.
    Ah, I see. Well, there goes that exploit.
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    Reactions: TroyX
    I have a few questions regarding the Body Redesign perk in the NSFW Head Start Meta. What exactly does 'within normal human limits' mean? Will I be able to simply give myself a fictional superhero physique? If so, will there be side effects if I do it? Since it is mentioned that giving yourself a huge rack will not give you back support or perkiness.
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    Reactions: TroyX
    Also, will the Drawback-B-Gone be able to remove the 'within normal human limits' condition of the Body Redesign perk? Sorry if I'm asking a little bit late, I'm new to this CYOA stuffs and this is my first time discovering the NSFW Head Start Meta.
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    Reactions: TroyX
    You can give yourself a superhero physique in appearance, yeah, but you can't get beyond human in ability. Drawback-B-Gone can apply to it, yes, lol.
    Quick question, what sort of rituals are involved in creating a Dominion in Sanguinarch Ascension CYOA?
    How is your work on ROB Pantheon Council CYOA?
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    Reactions: TroyX
    Slowly, I'm distracted by other things. I am making sure I do at least something on it every day, right now it's picking out an image for at least one option every day.
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    Reactions: Xald
    liked ur work troy especially living god cyoa that cosort pic is way too hot! and the essence cyoa too hope ur r releasing a version 2.3 soon as the number of essences is exploding thanx to northsouthgorem and the pics should depict the following essence vial and how they look like just like above the first page that is some quality work there!
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    Reactions: TroyX
    Thank you, glad you like my stuff :) I didn't make Living God though, that was made by MythicLegendary. I did make CYOAs like Cosmic God Ascension and Omnipotent Throne though. I'm not doing any more Essence, because the number of them explodes exponentially all the time, it'd be a neverending rat race, lol.
    celestial being
    celestial being
    then hats off to mythic legendary but ur in a leage of ur own considering u made anael! hehe hoo boi!
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    Reactions: TroyX
    Since there're an Ascendant CYOA does that mean there will be an Chaosbringer CYOA as well?
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    Reactions: TroyX
    No, but they're getting a section in ROB Pantheon Council v2 :)
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    Reactions: Xald
    What will happen if you supercharge an X tier Greater Megapowers in Cosmic God Ascension CYOA?
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    Reactions: TroyX
    You can increase the magnitude still more. Rank X tends to be universe-scale. So supercharging it lets you affect multiple universes at once in that case.
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    Reactions: Xald
    Heya, just wanna know if you had any plans to continue/revive prince of nothing. Probably one of the hottest quests I've come across on this forum. Probably helps I got a breeding kink...
    Ai greentex:
    >Be me, the Archdeity of Eternity.

    >Decide to take a break from godly duties.

    >Suddenly, hear a knock on my ethereal door.

    >Open it and see a lost pizza delivery guy.

    >He stammers, "I think I delivered to the wrong dimension."

    >Laugh and invite him in for some celestial pizza.
    Is it possible for Cosmic God to shapeshift beyond the 10 time bigger and smaller limit?
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    Reactions: TroyX
    Yeah, that's just the default powers you get. With all the other stuff you pick in your build, it should be easy to finagle other forms of shifting beyond those size limits.
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    Reactions: Xald
    If i purchased the perk Offence with Strength rank X will it get a power boost or will it stay the same?
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    Reactions: TroyX
    From the War domain in Cosmic God Ascension? You don't get any further power boost if you've already got rank X, but you are more effective at using it, and anything else really, offensively.
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    Reactions: Xald
    Not sure what initially motivated you to make you imaged versions of the Essence META CYOA, but I was wondering, if there is any chance of you making a new one, with some of the more recent Essences added to it. (I like your imaged version more than just reading out of Google Docs)
    Nope, fraid not, I'm done with that. Especially since there way too many Essences now, with more coming in all the time.
    Where do you get all of your images? I really like the art style and would like to put some of the images up for the pictures of characters in fanfics that I am writing.
    I must have missed this comment before, sorry about that. Not sure what art style you mean, there are a ton of different artists and art styles I use. If you have something specific in mind, or want a more comprehensive answer about all the places I find art from, ask on my thread please (no word limit there) :)
    CK2 or CK3?
    Well, CK3 isn't that new anymore, and there's alot of grating limits in CK2.

    Have you played Free Cities before? Spent a few days in a fugue trying to breed a lineage of cute-faced bombshell bodied daughters, but the 1 week per turn mechanic made the game a bit of a grind after main storyline was done.
    Nope, heard of it though. Breeding a lineage does sound up my alley though XD Also, what limits does 2 have that are lifted in 3?
    Visualized body changes (so with the correct mods ofc) one can have amazonian musclegirls or petite k-pop idols.

    IIRC the base code is more optimized for multithreading and chokes less on long games.
    How does Beyond (Living Hyperion), work in-universe? I figure there are two possibilities.
    The first is that Beyond manifests itself differently in every Hyperion, and the player's Beyond just happens to be related to CYOA's somehow, reality shift?
    The second is that Beyond only exists within the CYOA, and so there isn't an explanation for what the ability is.
    It's the more likely option, but I wanted your opinion.
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    Reactions: TroyX
    Honestly it could be either/or, it's a pretty open option for a reason :)
    Pretty sure i already know the answer to this, but if one was to use more sparks on a power (From Last of the Omega Lords), would it actually get better by an order of magnitude? Like 4,6, or 8 sparks powering Meta Mind? Lore wise it's already been explained that some single spark Omega Lords had abilities like those on the list, but weaker, so the opposite should be true.
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    Reactions: TroyX
    That's not intended, but there's nothing stopping you from fanwanking that :)
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    Reactions: Xald
    Troy, a question regarding the supreme blessings cyoa. Say I chose gemini to double the points I get and then I pick the ascencion cyoa and go for manifold ascension and chose several other cyoa's. Say a demon vampire dragon.

    Do these cyoa's benefit too from the Gemini bonus or only in the asencion cyoa I can get double points? Same if I am an archdemon and go for the apotheosis route to unlock eternal throne
    Yo' Troy, a quick question regarding the multiversal teleportation powers of Ascended beings like Archdemons, Cosmic Gods, etc...

    Are you able to enter fictional universes (anime, tvseries, videogames,etc) at will like you can do by buying the portal omegatech from the Last of the Omega Lords?
    So real quick question. I'm doing an Archdemon Build and I've gone through and gotten all of the Demons I want for it. But I still have Fear leftover.

    A lot left over.

    Is there anything I can do with it that I missed in the CYOA or am I just gonna have to have it sitting on the bottom of my character sheet, mocking me?
    • Like
    Reactions: TroyX
    I'm sad you don't want all my demons. For the sorrow you've inflicted on me, you're cursed with the leftovers to mock you for eternity! Seriously tho, sorry. There's nothing else to do with them, I figured converting point types would make it too easy to break. But you're not the first to tell me they wish there were others things to do with it. Guess you can convert 20 Fear to 10 Temptation or 1 Power though.
    Hey TroyX, how are you doing? Have you been playing any new games like Elden Ring? Any news on the Ascensions lately? Also I enjoyed your updated Last of the Omega Lords cyoa, keep up the great work!
    • Like
    Reactions: TroyX
    Thanks! Doing well. I have been playing Elden Ring, and it's been keeping me busy, which is why I've not been doing any more work on CYOAs lately :O
    Hey Troy, found your stuff awhile ago and I've loved it ever since. I've submitted a few stories to Literotica, and your CYOAs are great inspiration. I was thinking of doing a series chronicling the life of a character I made and I wanted to let you know before I went through with it because even though this isn't copywritten or anything I want to give credit where its due and let you know how you've inspired me.
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