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Questionable Questing

No one out here is trying to turn the most archaic form of art, literature, into an NFT afaik
I think 'people who can read' might be a little too high on the IQ scale to be the target audience for NFTs anyway.
Daniel K. English
Daniel K. English
NFT? wassat?
I barely know enough to wrap my head around it let alone explain it but basically people are paying cryptocurrency for the "exclusive rights" to digital artwork? And that's layer one of the fucking shitshow
Daniel K. English
Daniel K. English
aah so internet groups being scummy. what else is new?
The reason is because literature is too easy to copy and make similar/derivative works of, not like other kinds of art that can at some level take on a sense of uniqueness. You can't hype up or trade the ownership of literature the same way you can a painting, or even a baseball card.
If anything, these small players currently dipping in NFT will never have the capital or weight to monopolize in the fashion that the concept of NFT requires. It would take a larger entity, such as a British corporation that is capable of trademarking individual words or letters, to do something like that. For this to happen, corporations in general need grow more powerful.