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Search results for query: *

  • Users: Spiny
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  1. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]
    Threadmarks: Part XVI

    When Danny came downstairs, Taylor had just finished cooking breakfast. Excitement and adrenaline had buoyed her home from the park, sneakers bouncing off the pallid slabs of sidewalk—but she could only run on fumes for so long. Pancakes and bacon sizzled in their respective pans, the sight and...
  2. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]
    Threadmarks: Part XV

    XV. Sunday began at 5:30 AM, with the piercing shrill of Taylor's alarm. It rang for three long wails before finally tugging her up out of bed, messy-haired and groggy and stumbling. She felt fuzzy, but also vaguely grateful—saved from a Mobius loop of uneasy dreams, splinters of shining bone...
  3. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    Yeah, it was a minor detail I decided to change to make things flow a bit smoother. There's actually a mention of her having a phone much earlier in the fic, right before her first encounter with Lisa in the Docks. I hope I haven't crushed your suspension of disbelief too badly :V If it helps, I...
  4. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    Explanation for the mini-chapter, pasted from SB:
  5. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]
    Threadmarks: Part XIV

    XIV. Coming home felt strange. Whiplash, Taylor thought, staring down at the scarred wood of the table. From insanity to normalcy. Lisa's apartment still seemed more real than her house, than the stale-quiet dining room, than her dad sitting across from her, hands clasped together. A plate...
  6. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    Oh gosh, wow, okay. I promise I will find time to more thoroughly respond to this later, but for now, I just want to make it clear that I'm really happy you like the story, and I'm very, very grateful you took the time to write this up.
  7. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]
    Threadmarks: Part XIII (End of Arc I)

    XIII. Taylor's lens shattered. Something was yanking on her entire headspace at once, pulling it outwards, going—down? in? deeper, Lisa's words surrounding her, falling away, pirouetting glitter-fractures in a slow-motion mosaic. The Web dimmed, strands flashing out like sunbursts, gunshots...
  8. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]
    Threadmarks: Part XII

    XII. "You realize I might not even be able to fix this," Taylor said, leaning back against the headboard. "It could be something that my power can't reach. I don't even know what's wrong, specifically." Or that I even want to help you. She shoved the thought out of her mind. Just get it done...
  9. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]
    Threadmarks: Part XI

    XI. "You're— you're kidding," Taylor said, at a loss for anything else. Even now, Lisa was still playing the upper hand. Still trying to take control. She felt the anger flare in her gut, melting away the faint pain of the headache and replacing it with prickling heat. "No. I don't care. I— I...
  10. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    X. Taylor was falling through a sky made of fire. Bloody red and lightning yellow and sunburnt orange whizzed past, the passage of the air itself charring her skin—she knew that, somehow, knew it was burning, knew it more than felt it—and her half-gasp-half-choke breaths barely made it out of...
  11. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    IX. Taylor stalked off the bus, every step slow and deliberate, keeping her eyes fixed on the back of Lisa's neck. She was so deep in her focus, she barely noticed the bus had dropped them off in one of the swankier parts of downtown, all glass and steel and chic boutiques that catered to...
  12. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Funnily enough, I actually wrote a little snip about that.
  13. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    VIII. Taylor froze, her hand still clutching the stabilizing pole. Lisa looked up at her, eyes glinting and predatory, and beckoned her to sit over at the very back back of the bus, where there would be at least four or five empty rows between them and the nearest person. She didn't move. A...
  14. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    VII. Taylor drummed her fingers absently against the glossy fake-wood of the desk, looking slowly around the room and trying to focus. It wasn't easy, with the thousands of twines of words, questions, and other assorted anxieties spinning in her mind, but she needed something to occupy...
  15. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    Oops, fixed.
  16. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    Interlude: Lisa How. It didn't feel like a question at this point—more like an imperative. That made no sense, Lisa realized, doing a neat heel-turn on the carpet for what was easily the twentieth time that hour, but not a lot made sense right now. It fit, at least. She'd most of the day...
  17. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    VI. The busride back from the Docks passed in skips and starts of disjointed thought. Taylor's mind bounced from Lisa to Emma to the memory of her swapping nodes and back and forth and back... she could almost feel another headache coming on. Just a regular headache, not the kind that felt like...
  18. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    Not a regional thing, a 'I finished editing this at 3am' thing. Thanks for the corrections and the praise.
  19. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    V. Taylor opened her mouth, then closed it, completely at a loss for what to say. Hi, I'm Taylor, I've been stalking you for the past forty-five minutes because the inside of your brain looks weird? That would go over well. The blonde, Lisa, walked closer, her smile slowly curling into a...
  20. Spiny

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    IV. World Studies was going surprisingly well. The unit on trade was pretty lecture-heavy, which meant Taylor spent most of her time at her desk, picking through Mr. Gladly's head as he tried his very best to make economic sanctions interesting. Madison was there, her usual smirking self, but...