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Search results for query: *

  • Order by date
  1. Echoes

    Would you bang the avatar above you?

    Cute anime girl, easy yes.
  2. Exaninja

    Would you bang the avatar above you?

    Not into horses.
  3. Biigoh

    Please stay, fellow Taoist.

    Please stay, fellow Taoist.
  4. Biigoh


  5. Ack

    Vote Thread for Ack's Omake Corner

    Have another chapter for A Darker Path.
  6. Andre Chaos

    Would you bang the avatar above you?

    I am not sure, who it is. But they do not spark any feelings in me. So nah.
  7. Ack

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]
    Threadmarks: Part Ninety: Progress, Albeit Rocky

    A Darker Path Part Ninety: Progress, Albeit Rocky [A/N 1: This chapter beta-read by Lady Columbine of Mystal.] [A/N 2: Trigger warning for graphic description of an injury, second paragraph.] Chevalier "He's just down this way." Michael led the way along an alley to where a section had been...
  8. Scygnus

    Video Games General

    Started playing SunnySide. Was marketed as Stardew by way of Persona, and it's doing that decently so far as Day 3, at least. I've only just met Sparky, which seems to be the intro to the supernatural/sci-fi part- and he's broken for the next few days so we'll get to that later. Captures the...
  9. Diefish Maggi

    Aightt no rush, hopefully it gets a few new chapters when your schedule clears up :>

    Aightt no rush, hopefully it gets a few new chapters when your schedule clears up :>
  10. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    two things, first isn't that the lifestyle of Vacuo? secondly there can be two different nomadic group style, one way could be using just animals to travel and set up tents and maybe herd some goats as well, you know like old desert tribes in real life did. the other way is to travel in a convoy...
  11. MyMumCallsMePig

    Reincarnated As Naruto With Sukuna's Powers
    Threadmarks: Chapter 9: Wreathed in Red

    ...anything having chakra in the surrounding. '2. 8. 40. 89. 448. 600. There are 600 people here. Judging by their chakra, they are all shinobi.' *Swish! *Swish! *Swish! 'They all appeared in front of me without wasting a single moment. As far as I've heard from my father, Kumo doesn't...
  12. DepthOfHeart

    At some point, hopefully. I am in a One Piece mood currently, the problem is...my quest has...

    At some point, hopefully. I am in a One Piece mood currently, the problem is...my quest has kinda been taking up all my attention. It's hard to focus on writing other stuff. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy what I'm doing currently, but that's part of the problem XD I can't really write lots...
  13. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Some Monday prompts to chase the blues away: -Nick Arc accidentally becomes a mob boss. Isabel: "..." Pinches the bridge of her nose "You're telling me... You killed a mob boss... And now all his lieutenants and soldiers swear allegiance to you?" Nick: "Well... I couldn't just leave them all by...
  14. ThedudeManBro

    The Fat Bastard did have a chance (Chris Griffin SI)

    Everybody: Chris "SI" Griffin:
  15. strongboar

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts
    Threadmarks: Lancaster: "The Realization"

    Today was one of the days of all time. A year at Beacon had gone and passed, and nothing had really changed for her. She thought they would go do more cool super secret spy missions like they did Mt. Glenn, but their second year started with same old Peter Port boring everyone to sleep. Maybe...
  16. Drak4806

    XF2 transition feedback

    Like SB the spell check function in the text box now randomly glitches or stops working. It never used to do it with the old versions and I always appreciated that when I made posts on QQ. Now it seems like I should do what I do with SB and just keep Word open to use for longish posts.
  17. d.fish

    So Ada Wong's nickname online is "Aunt Wang"

    So Ada Wong's nickname online is "Aunt Wang"
  18. OreoMcflurryEnjoyer

    Would you bang the avatar above you?

    Ken? Yeah, sure, Men are alright.
  19. Mr Zoat

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    You will. Not soon, but you will.
  20. Wheenesss

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    I hope we eventually get an explanation as to how Silver Age Kara ended up here. If it’s like what happened in the comics with Linda Danvers of New Earth meeting her, then Kara eventually needs to go back to Earth-One so she can die in Crisis On Infinite Earths.