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Search results for query: *

  1. John_Oakman

    favorite quotes or quotes you created yourself

    "If you pass on this opportunity, you will regret it for the rest of your life, and at the end of your days you'll be telling yourself: 'I could have been somebody, I could have accomplished something'. But you didn't. You will never know. You probably couldn't have done it. Otherwise you would...
  2. John_Oakman

    For those who fell in the name of democracy (Helldivers 2)

    Fair enough, Sony seemed to pussy out of their stunning and brave decision. At least now they have a better idea where the line in the sand is and where to push the next time around.
  3. John_Oakman

    For those who fell in the name of democracy (Helldivers 2)

    Sony is probably playing the long game: whatever bad publicity they are receiving currently will probably blow over in a couple of months, while the fundamentals they put in place will pay dividends across future projects. ... Which is to say it's probably a good time to buy their stocks in a...
  4. John_Oakman

    Firearms for little species

    Crew service weapons, with certain parts (wheels, tripods, etc. depending on the weapon system) scaled down for them to handle. This will deal with the problem on the military force scale. Think of a group of them operating a 5.56 machinegun with a carriage system the same way that WWII soldiers...
  5. John_Oakman

    Worst Isekai Settings To Be Tossed In?

  6. John_Oakman

    The Strongest Fiction army

    Any min maxxers with a waifu catalog.
  7. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    I believe this news is pertinent to the interest of this forum: Shoppers in disbelief as man does a naked 'cannonball' dive into Bass Pro Shop aquarium
  8. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    Omegle is dead.
  9. John_Oakman

    A modern person in an Isekai world, issues to keep in mind.

    Realistically: Best case scenario, Average case scenario, and Worst case scenario. But enough of the party pooping bullshit. Thing is most of the genre's problem lies in the lack of worldbuilding and fear on the part of authors to write any genuine risk, which is a byproduct of the social...
  10. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    Yep, the internet. Before the internet you have to find the fools. Now the fools will find you and throw their life savings at your harebrain scams.
  11. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    Because some tik tok influencer told them it's the best thing ever and surely they're not lying or talking out of their ass...
  12. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

    https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/currencies/nft-market-crypto-digital-assets-investors-messari-mainnet-currency-tokens-2023-9 NFTs are dead, press F and screenshot to pay respects.
  13. John_Oakman

    What are your most hated fanfic tropes

    A lot of it is probably just a band aid slapped on to deal with sites that are really strict on anything that's underaged by California standards (yeah I said it, age of consent under the UCMJ is 16, and also the DC area). It's not worth the damn effort to dignify these overly stringent rules...
  14. John_Oakman

    News and Headlines...

  15. John_Oakman

    The Music Thread

    Oddly cheerful beat, all things considered.
  16. John_Oakman

    The Music Thread

    A timeless classic, but for the grimmest of reasons...
  17. John_Oakman

    General chat thread

    What fiction promised military tech will be like in the 2020s: all sorts of cool shit. Meanwhile in the actual 2020s: I threw a dollar at a robot dog doing a stripper routine.
  18. John_Oakman

    The Music Thread

    For those who felt blueballed by recent events, here's a random song that has nothing to do with any of that:
  19. John_Oakman

    Video Games General

    So today I learned there's a company called "The NFT Gaming Company" and more importantly they are a publicly traded company. Anyone else excited at this glorious new era of gaming?
  20. John_Oakman

    Should I abandon my ideals?

    Give it a trial run. Either to get it out of your system or it works and you're better off.