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  • Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. You do not get to abandon an account and create a new one. You do not get to pass an account to someone else and create a new one. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets.
  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.


  1. 13Star

    Looking for a Snippet thread

    I've just remembered a snippet thread with one of the snips being about a girl with save and reload powers that was in the DC universe; and I'd like to reread it but I'm having trouble finding it again. So, to go into as much details as I can remember. The title of that snippet chapter was...
  2. Cube-Chan

    Help with finding this Fic?

    I am looking for this fic where this guy gets reincarnated into this world where everyone/some people have special items that are the manifestation of their soul or something. People like that attend special schools that also train them to use their items and also fight people. The MC's item is...
  3. Akuma-Heika

    Help: Alerts on the new system (Xenforo 2)

    How do I get it to show things accurately? The number of alerts isn't correct (it keeps including alerts that I had previously opened [and before I check, I reload the page to make sure the number is accurate {at least that is how it worked with the previous site format}]). I have looked at...
  4. Weird Existence

    Help with font style

    Had to delete and reinstall Chrome, so when I logged back in, everything is in Andale Mono font, which makes my eyes bleed. How can I put it back to Arial Black? Sorry if it's a stupid question.
  5. Font change help

    Please make there be a way to increase the font of the book you’re reading. My eyes are pretty bad, so I have to put it right up close to my face. If yes, thanks a lot If no, still thanks, the site is still fun, i will still use it a lot
  6. SexAndSavagery

    How do I change my information tag?

    If I go to my profile page, there is an information tab. I would like to add links to that page but I can't figure out how to edit it. I know I'm probably stupid but would someone please be a dear and point me to the button?
  7. Nerd help

    someone help me that I get questionable question error when viewing a post from any forum
  8. The Radiance's Follower

    Rss not working

    I am trying to suscribe to a NSFW feed using jet brain omega reader 2.2, but It doesn't want to work giving me "The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send."
  9. DepthOfHeart

    QQ Removing Underlines

    Don't know if this is the right place for this to get posted, but I figured I'd ask - does anyone know how to paste stuff into the post box without it removing the underlines? (And before anyone says 'just go back through and add all the underlines, that's what I've been doing so far - without...
  10. Idkusername

    I’m looking to get into Magneto

    I’m looking to get into Magneto and I’d like some recommendations for quintessential stories about him. I’ve looked up a couple lists online, but I generally don’t trust those lists too much. I’m looking for storylines that will help me get a good feel for the character, not something that is...
  11. Monarchist Guy

    Requesting help.

    Okay then, on the site AltHistory.com, their is a user/admin named CalBear. He's a cunt. I tried writing a book on a topic I liked and for no reason at all, he banned me. Apparently he thought I was a puppet. (Which I wasn't. Haven't been on the site before). Obviously I was in the middle of...
  12. LuxBoi

    Signature Not Apearing?

    So I'm a bit new here, so sorry if this sounds stupid. But does anyone know why my signature won't change?
  13. HatoYin

    I forgot the anime Name

    The anime is about Alien invasion / emergence of strange creatures. The emergence / invasion points will spread an environment that can cause sever mental problems(super creepy) The MCs are people chosen by governments to drive Gundam like robots to explore and do tasks in those areas (...
  14. Idkusername

    Having problems with quoting

    So, I'm using quoting to simulate a document in my fic, but the title aways appears as a seperate quote, no matter what I do. I've tried fiddling with font sizes, deleting and adding the quote tags, deleting and adding the title again. Just about the only thing I haven't done that occurs to me...
  15. Akuma-Heika

    Setting up votes, and taking them down.

    Trying to get help for an author here. How do you take polls down, so you can set up a new one. I know it is possible, but I have no clue how.
  16. Askolei

    [Introduction] Where am I?

    Good evening everyone. I got here by chance from r/rational, because of Groon's little manga chapter. It was fine so I figured I'd read The Erogamer from the beginning. Holy cows was I not prepared. I loved The Gamer manhwa which made me discover tons of good stories via WebToon and I'm a...
  17. CelestialDragon

    How do you remove the self critic, and how do you write what you want to write.

    Hello everyone, sorry to be a bother but I am looking for everyone and anyone comments on how they write, and how they manage to avoid or overcome the self-critic. I am someone who aspires to write, to put my stories, onto paper but inevitable they will all fall to self-critic. Since the...
  18. local_cryptid

    Anime/Manga Search Thread

    I've recently had trouble finding both some manga I vaguely remember and a decent place to ask for help in looking for it. To rectify that issue, I've decided to start this thread in hopes of helping us all find the names of those elusive anime/manga which we've seen once and then forgotten...
  19. sunandshadow

    Learning to QM?

    So, if you are currently running a quest or have done so in the past, how did you learn how to do so? What types of experience or theory were the most useful? Did you have a mentor for this or for some other relevant type of GMing or interactive storytelling? If you've tried to run a quest...
  20. Akuma-Heika


    It used to be that a thread had its tags linked at the top of the page, but they disappeared with one of the updates. Where can we find them now? I am having a lot of trouble finding threads with only the popular tags list and guessing. PS: Is this the right forum to put this?