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Well, after this I don't think the MC will be as forgiving to lost Kanmusu. She sure as hell won't be letting them wander off with valuable intel. Sad thing about war, it doesn't matter if you don't want to fight as long as the other guy does.

Though it does make me wonder... Did the Kanmusu come with the intention of parlay, but while also carrying a big stick. Then Hydra, being themself, immediately started firing? Or was this an execution order from the beginning?
No Monopoly, though. We do not need an Abyssal civil war.

To me, this is the thing that drives home just how hard the Abyss mind-whammied the MC

You can either using Abyssal Eldritch property or use disposable aluminum wire with steel tip to direct said stored lighting down on surface target.

Look up electrolasers, we've had the tech since the 80's (the SDI program was nuts), the problem has always been power generation, but if you just happen to have a very convenient storm available to provide power nearly on-demand and a half decent high-discharge power storage solution (like those used in the Manhattan Project for their uranium refinement magnetrons) it's potentially devastating, even the targeting laser would flast-fry a human.
Well, after this I don't think the MC will be as forgiving to lost Kanmusu. She sure as hell won't be letting them wander off with valuable intel. Sad thing about war, it doesn't matter if you don't want to fight as long as the other guy does.

Though it does make me wonder... Did the Kanmusu come with the intention of parlay, but while also carrying a big stick. Then Hydra, being themself, immediately started firing? Or was this an execution order from the beginning?
Probably they come to kill her , if they come to parley as diplomats,they would live as fast as they could when things go bad , but they chose to finish her , and storm her base-bunker ,thinking she is down there. Not to mention they destroyed drones and was ready to shoot unarmed civilian abyssals (war crimes, just saying)
Now is the time for tripling down on sneaky shit, no?
She's planing to turn her base in to a massive fortress and supply the princesses around her with resources so they come to her defense. Considering what the rest of humanity has that will probably work well.
12. Creating a King New
Day 119

Is this an efficient use of resources? No.

Is it a good idea? Probably also no.

Will it send a message? Absolutely.

It has been two days since the attack; I have trouble putting into words just how Hydra's absence feels, but it is definitely felt. My girls seem to feel similar; Jeanne and Sapphire were more subdued, spending quite a bit of time with Ariel and Orion in the baths. Mostly to keep them company, at least until Ariel asked them to give her some space.

Outside of that, I set up Orion's ascension to Demon yesterday. I sold Frostbite as much tech as she can afford to fund my next big project, so I had enough resources to spare. The shipgirl wrecks were broken down and converted into an additional influx of materials.

The new stasis fields work decently well, too; Frostbite got a few samples to make sure she can catch the lizards I want and keep them fresh. I also tested them on Sapphire with her permission, but anything with a heavier metaphysical weight than some tiny animal is able to resist. So no flash-freezing any attackers, at least not on this level of the technology; maybe one of the expensive upgrades will allow that, but I have other priorities right now.

In addition to the other preparations, I had my drones dig a deeper spawn pool beneath the sea. The ones I use for my shipgirls are a few metres in diameter, this one is more like fifty metres.

I also spent time with my girls; having only three of them present gave me a bit of an idea. So myself, Jeanne, and Sapphire spent a decent amount of time in the kitchen. My synthetic food continues to improve, so we looked up a few recipes and went to work. Jeanne was in charge of the cooking, Sapphire took care of the desert, and I helped each of them where they needed me. That includes cleaning up and measuring ingredients so they could do the fun parts. I do not mind the busywork, and I like my kitchen clean.

Then we surprised Ariel with a meal fit for a queen. A battleship she may be, but she earned it after going above and beyond to protect Haven. I also started to look into waterproofing a computer somehow, so that she can go online from the bath.

Even still, there was this air of trepidation around us.

Day 120

Today was the day Ionia finished her metamorphosis. I am not sure I should use that word again because it reminded me of reading Kafka in school. Then again, I did not hate the book. Ionia is prettier than any sort of insect, too.

We welcomed her back together, Jeanne even propped up Ariel and led her over. They were just in time for an even chubbier Ionia to break through the churning darkness.

"Container Ship Demon, at your command," is what she greeted me with. Her smile was genuine, although it did not last beyond spotting Ariel. "Did something happen while I was out?"

I guess we were waiting for these words, or at least something like them. Sapphire got teary-eyed and I had trouble actually saying it; Jeanne was the one to fill Ionia in, still steadying Ariel. She probably blew her twin's not-quite last stand out of proportion, but I maintain that she deserves all the praise we heap on her. Ionia seemed to agree, considering that she thanked her as well. Word of Hydra's death did not affect her as much as the rest of us, excepting maybe Orion. Or she just kept it to herself.

After that, it was my turn to explain our next steps; come to think of it, that may have been the first time I actually spelled out the plan. Only Frostbite heard some of the broad strokes.

Suffice it to say, the girls seemed happy that we are hitting back. They were also confused about my unorthodox method to do so.

"This is not about destroying them," was how I explained it to them there. "This is about sending a message what happens if they mess with me. I have no idea how well it will work, but if the rest of the Abyss couldn't roll over them with superior firepower, we may as well try something new."

Honestly, it was a much better reasoning than I thought at the time. It is true, too; the Abyssals are still losing ground across the globe. The main stalemate stems from one side being landbound while the other is at home in the deep sea. If there was not this violent conflict going on, we might even be able to coexist well enough. Abyssals live where humans can not, humans live where Abyssals do not want to dwell.

Alas, we are at war and at least one side will not stop until the other is dead.

Funny how now should be the moment I realise I could try for forcing coexistence; unify the Abyssals under my banner and see about ending the war peacefully. Maybe I even have a shot, considering the Abyss itself is in my corner. Mind, it does not like the concept of peace with humanity at all. I like it more than war, but going out and finding all the Abyssal nests feels like too much work. I rather stay here and take care of my own business.

Not to mention I already tried being nice. Now Hydra is dead and Ariel out of commission for almost three months. Frostbite lost a pair of escorts in the defense of Haven, too.

So I sent Ionia out to get back to work; she is still bringing back resources from the various autonomous bases Orion set up. This week-long pause made the stuff pile up there. Sapphire escorts her everywhere, forcing a miniature storm to obscure their movements whenever they leave my zone of influence.

Speaking of, I need to invest into upgrading weather control. Keeping Haven and the surrounding waters obscured is a boon, but it could be bigger.

Day 125

The last few days were calm despite my constant storms. Orion returned as a Drone Commander Demon, good as new if not even better. She grew taller just like Sapphire, yet stayed as stocky as before. That should mean she has even more muscle packed away in her body.

The first thing she did upon emerging was to take back control of the drones; I had them clean up the upper layer of our home and started on building a citadel to get a new roof. And I will bling it out even more, just out of spite. Every lightning strike will have its shine refracted by ten thousand specks of gold, silver and various crystals. Spikes of obsidian will reach into the sky.

What is more, I steadily converted some of my unused materials into Uranium and other radioactive things. There was already a decent stockpile, but now I have a lot of it. I also went into researching biological weapons; that is, natural weapons. Not viruses. My labs focus on breath attacks, for hopefully obvious reasons.

Frostbite sent in a number of caught lizards as well, some of them alive. I am waiting for a second load that should come in tomorrow, then we will begin Operation Kingmaker. I felt something of such gravitas should have a proper name; this one is fitting enough, quite literal, and does not actually give away its purpose unless one already knows.

Business mostly returned to normal by now. It still hurts to think of Hydra, especially with her body yet remaining in stasis. I decided to make her remains the base of this new chimera as a final tribute.

Day 126

Orion approached me today. It was a bit of a surprise when she asked me to mount guns on her and her drones. Being caught off-guard like she did apparently annoyed her, or so she said. Now she wants to have an emergency measure to protect herself, she even went to draw up blueprints herself in one of the external labs.

Outside of that, well, Kingmaker is go. I placed first Hydra's body into the large spawn pool, then dumped several tons of uranium, a large number of dead and living-but-drowned lizards, and ungodly amounts of steel on top. This was followed by tungsten, once again out of spite. Even just a single ton of that stuff was brutally expensive to produce, but I gladly do it for the miniscule chance that my new creation's scales will be similarly durable.

Frostbite is still skeptical, especially because I am now more or less broke. So is she, though. She did not have to buy so much tech to deplete all her stockpiles, but did it anyway. Her support was invaluable to get this done. I also have some of her girls dropping by every once in a while. Some come to play games, others just want to poke the gestating king or throw more lizards into the pool.

On that note, there is a complementary creation growing as I write this. Well, not to the nascent king, but to my ships. The other reason I am pretty much broke is the Destroyer Demon currently gestating. I set her up right after finishing with the king. Throwing a kaiju at idiots is one thing, but Sapphire is not a dedicated escort. Ionia needs protection, as do Jeanne and Ariel in the field. Perhaps I should have made more than one, but I ran out of resources.

That aside, I also feel that I do not want to make too many ships. Upkeep aside, I want to know them, and I want them to know me; there will be too little time to interact with everyone if I make them in bulk. Maybe my stance will change later, but right now I do not want to risk becoming callous with the lives I create. I will not even consider sacrificing them as long as I know them well.

I just hope this new Demon will get along with the others.

Day 130

All is going as I hoped. Well, almost all; the king needs a while to gestate, which I probably should have expected. If that particular song is to be believed, Bismarck displaces around 50,000 tons of steel. I dumped many times that into my pet project.

Food for thought: ships are always treated as female due to superstition. Abyssals are also all female, physically. No, the body dysmorphia has not faded. I just got better at ignoring it. But I digress; if Kingmaker follows Abyssal conventions, would I get not a king but a queen?

I may be too bored if that is what goes through my mind at times like these. My Destroyer Demon will arrive in three days' time, far before whatever monster comes out of the other pool.

Day 133

She is here and I named her Hannah. No particular reason, the name just came to mind.

As became the habit recently, everyone stopped by to welcome her to our fleet. She came out with a little smile, slim and with squishy cheeks. It is a little odd how she looks the softest out of all my combat ships, but I guess someone had to take that honour off of Ariel.

Either way, there is little else of note happening. Hannah is more on the soft-spoken side, but seems to like being around one of the capital ships the most. Meaning myself, Ariel, or Jeanne. She kept our battleship company in the baths for a while, then appointed herself assistant to whatever we were doing. It was kind of cute how attentively she watched us.

Day 136

Hannah continues to be a sweetheart. She started carrying food and small amounts of sweets to Frostbite's base, to share with the girls there. She is also big on cuddles and goes for them whenever she can.

That makes my first physically affectionate ship. The others give or take a headpat or a hug on occasion, but Hannah is different. She does not like sleeping alone and rotates around to wherever someone else is, nestling into them. Tonight I have her here with me while writing this. It takes some getting used to.

Frostbite tells me this is more or less normal for destroyers, just like their penchant to being around capital ships. Hannah spends less time with Sapphire, though the two of them do not seem to hate each other or anything.

Despite that different behaviour, Hannah is a professional in the field. I sent her out escorting Ionia twice so far, but her conduct was exemplary. Ionia notes she feels perfectly safe with Hannah around. Good thing too, now Sapphire can go back to patrolling my territory.

Day 138

We had another raid today, but it went far different than the first. I was around to notice the scanners pinging me, for one. Sapphire also spotted the fleet coming our way half an hour out to sea. More than enough time to alert Frostbite and bring her entire fleet into my harbour. We welcomed them with overwhelming firepower while Jeanne and my storm won the battle for air superiority. The few bombers that made it through her fighter screen were shot down by Hannah and the other escort Demons.

They turned tail and fled the moment I had Sapphire backstab them again. And I let them go without further harassment; perhaps I am hoping in vain that they will eventually understand I only defend my home from attack.

Either way, our superior force sunk a few of their ships. Frostbite and I split them evenly between us for resources. They never spotted the spawn pool beneath their feet.

Now I just need to figure out what to do if they send more ships. This fleet was smaller than the last one. What if they join forces with the Americans? The Abyss does not have stationary gun emplacements, so all I can do is hope Frostbite's forces are enough of a deterrent. They do not know we can teleport between our bases, which is an effective trump card. It will be less effective if they get the idea to lay siege to both of us simultaneously.

Day 142

Nothing new on the front, at least not really. I talked a bit with Hannah, which taught me something curious. When I asked her why she keeps mingling with Frostbite's fleet, she told me this: "They're our allies by your will, Princess. So I want to get along with them. Not to mention that it is harder to betray someone you like."

My cute Destroyer Demon may be more devious than I gave her credit for.

Tabling that thought, I also decided that if I am already at war with humanity, I may as well pirate some movies. Not like I have money to buy them. I guess I could make some, but counterfeiting is a worse offense than piracy. I am also a being of the sea, so a pirate fits better; not to mention that merely existing is probably a greater crime under human law than either of the others. For an Abyssal, I mean.

Long story short, I watched some Godzilla movies with my fleet. We set up a little cinema room, except I can control the volume; all the upsides, none of the downsides like noisy randos or hurting ears. I also got across what I am hoping to spawn much better with this; some of the 'newest' movies do not exist, maybe not yet, but the franchise is older than the first Abyssals.

This had an unintentional side effect as well: I created a lot more interest in human commodities and pop culture. Especially Jeanne and Hannah were intrigued by the concept and wanted to watch more. So I got them into Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. Another joy of being in this alternate timeline is that only six Star Wars movies exist. And that we are unlikely to ever see more.

Science Fiction seems to garner a lot of interest, too. I heard quiet discussion whether Abyssals could go to space; they asked me as well, but I could only shrug. A number of high-end techs are still hidden from me on the tech tree. Not that it stopped the discussion. Even Ariel joined in from the little bath container I installed for her; I thought she might like watching remote more, but this seems easier on her social battery.

I am not only filling their heads with information here, but I also make them accept that not all human things are bad. Which reminds me that seeing humans on the screen does not trigger the aggression like seeing them in person does. Silver linings and all that.

Maybe I should feel a little concerned that they cheered every time Darth Vader and the Nazgul came on screen, though.

Either way, I have a rabbit hole to drag my fleet into.

Day 169

Nothing of real note happened recently, but the funny number is back.

Kingmaker still bubbles along merrily and there were no further attacks. I spent the last few weeks putting on movie after movie, then switching to anime as well for visual media. Then I went back to books for the girls who would rather read.

Somehow, word spread to Frostbite as well; she was less enthused by the reruns for her fleet, but saying she was not interested at all would be a lie. Her girls loved the spectacle as much as mine did.

At least none of them called me out for trying to make something that exists in human media. Maybe it never occurred to them, or they were too distracted by the new experience.

Come to think of it, there was that one conversation I had with Ionia; her being the only one beside me who knew Akatsuki was here, she asked me if sparing the girl was worth it. I did not like how I had no good answer to that. It was not worth it, but I would probably do the exact same thing again. I just do not have it in me to be cruel when the person is in front of me. Hence Godzilla.

Now here is to hoping the king will hatch soon.

Day 180

Long live the king!

Today was hectic, I will get to the details in tomorrow's entry.
Devious Destroyer Brat that like to snuggle, cute.

Day 180

Long live the king!

Today was hectic, I will get to the details in tomorrow's entry
AHHHHHHHHHH. Not a bloody cliffhanger. I wanna see the King(?)(Queen?)

My imagination:
Instead of a ship, the Abyss might pop out something like an upgrade so Dagon can evolve into a Queen(King?), and it's gonna have like a sad name like Hydra's Love / Last Wish or something that will stab at our heart. Like Hydra's Last Wish to always be by her princess side to protect her.
Hoh, so you still not design a hover carrier like the Galsien from Desert of Kharak eh? The only weakness of that class is it can't repair allies, but can manufacturing other class of vessel and can deliver serious punch out with the "cruise missiles" (it's more like guided MOAB, and not a nuke) and in exchange, all terrain capability and self-repair if taking damage until full HP. It's a hover carrier, the best of both. No fear of torpedoes or sea mine when you can just glide dozens feets above sea water.

Foid for thought, just in case you need Eldritch engineering inspiration.
I think if she sends Godzilla straight to japan it will gather all abyssal on the way ,like not only the thing will huge concentration of spooky abyssal magic, it will absolutely massive, all princesses would show up and try to tame it , and when fail just follow him(her?) to battle (just out of morbid curiosity lol). Sure thing americans and japs will call back all forces to face him , what will bring more attention. She should expect visitors who will survive the attack and spread the word among abyssals.
How was it not worth it?
Didn't they sink several ship girls for a low but not negligible cost?
All of Dagon's girls, especially Dagon herself, value each others life and wellbeing much more than sinking the enemy.

Even if they sunk all of the invading ships and ship girls, it would still be a question for them if it's worth losing one of their own. Especially considering that now they'll be in the cross hair of the ship girls.
I feel it was fairly clear that Ionia did not mean the cost-benefit analysis of resources gained versus lost there.
The more ship girls they sink today, the less they must face tomorrow.

It is war, so taking losses is expected, even inevitable. Whether it is worth it or not is an objective matter of how many of your comrades lives will be saved in sequential engagements by damaging the enemies capacity to mount effective offensives.
The implication that it wasn't worth it is disrespectful and a shortsighted attitude that disparages her subordinates sacrifice and the disregards the lives of the rest of the fleet.

Softhearted and soft-brained thoughts suited for peace time are of no benefit in war time and are unsuited for an officer's mentality.
By the time her 10th subordinate dies she would become numbed to the grinding attrition of war and suffer a realization of her folly.
The thoughts she's espousing are essentially just uselessly sapping her own wits and morale.
Rather she should be grateful that they had time to bury the dead.

(If you disagree, come at me with valor. )
The more ship girls they sink today, the less they must face tomorrow.

It is war, so taking losses is expected, even inevitable. Whether it is worth it or not is an objective matter of how many of your comrades lives will be saved in sequential engagements by damaging the enemies capacity to mount effective offensives.
The implication that it wasn't worth it is disrespectful and a shortsighted attitude that disparages her subordinates sacrifice and the disregards the lives of the rest of the fleet.

Softhearted and soft-brained thoughts suited for peace time are of no benefit in war time and are unsuited for an officer's mentality.
By the time her 10th subordinate dies she would become numbed to the grinding attrition of war and suffer a realization of her folly.
The thoughts she's espousing are essentially just uselessly sapping her own wits and morale.
Rather she should be grateful that they had time to bury the dead.

(If you disagree, come at me with valor. )
It is not about killing more of them , it is about we had our little island base they didn't know of ,but after an act of kindness they know we are here and they are coming to kill us.

She pointed out that idialy she spread out tech while humanity didn't know about her existance. Now they will have to fight kill and die , when they could play waiting game if she executed that shipgirl
13. Plans and Expansion New
Day 181

Now that I spent some time with the beast, I can write a proper log entry. To start off with, it is not quite Godzilla. Although I got pretty close.

Size-wise, we are looking at something between forty and fifty metres in length. Eight metres in height. She is quadrupedal, more like the lizards I made her from than the inspiration. The spikes on her back are thinner and a little prehensile. I did not test her armour belt because I hate shooting at my own fleet, but it looks suitably thick. Dark, metallic scales cover her entire body.

The only weapon she came with was a breath attack, not atomic breath but some odd mixture of fire and lightning. The radioactive materials all went into a fission reactor powering the entire monster. I am currently building a dozen super cannons, the same type I originally made for Hydra. They will slot in neatly underneath some of this one's scales and spikes.

Thinking about it, it feels kind of lazy to keep calling her 'Godzilla' in my head. She visibly is not, despite the similarities. I have half a mind to name her that anyway, but no. Especially because she is female; I thankfully only had to ask, she is as intelligent as the rest of us. The form of her mouth makes speaking any human tongue basically impossible, but she can communicate via morse code. Which is apparently a cypher I can instinctively comprehend.

I think I will call her Reaper, for that is her purpose. At least I did not get punished for my hubris by creating something that will not listen to orders; Reaper is as loyal as the rest, if with a sense of superiority over anyone not me. Well, she is the fifty metres long doom lizard; a little pride is expected.

Everyone else was excited about meeting the new girl, too. Ariel came out of the baths to say hello, Hannah brought some morsels to feed Reaper, even Frostbite made an appearance to study the fruits of my labour. She seemed impressed, if less so by the clear lack of reverence on Reaper's part.

We had a bit of an impromptu celebration yesterday, today we went to work; I mentioned the cannons before, but she needs more than that. Frostbite and I workshopped whatever Reaper will need to be self-sufficient; she definitely has the space and we need to make sure it works. She will be on her own once I send her out. Anti-Air guns were an important consideration, same as some excavator drones and a workshop to make new ammunition or fuel. Frostbite also convinced me to add a repair bath. I am not sure how that can repair Reaper from the inside, but my Abyss-nudges tell me it just works.

What is this, Skyrim?

Well, at least the weirdness works in my favour here. Reaper can keep herself sustained, repair herself, and protect herself from any threat at sea and in the air. Except I forgot submarines. Only to remember those are less relevant right after writing this. Reaper's main purpose is to fight on land, where there are no submarines. Even at sea she can dive on her own.

But I think I will still add some mines and depth charges to be safe. My stockpiles are good again, so I do not mind spending some more. I can also use the time it takes to equip Reaper to improve comms; holding up a connection from here to Japan is still a far-off dream, but at least I can keep in contact with her for longer. Theoretically, I could let Ionia and Orion ride with her to install relays on the ocean floor. That is too much of a risk right now, though; I have no idea what is going on outside of my and Frostbite's territory.

In a perfect world, I would expand my sphere of influence by installing a teleporter at every relay station and forward base. That way I could immediately react to any threat anywhere. Practically, teleporters are damn expensive and I can not afford making that many. Ignore how many resources I am still pouring into my doom lizard, I am well aware of the hypocrisy there.

Anyway, it will be a while until Reaper is fully equipped and stocked up. I will not send her out without completely filled loading bays.

Day 184

Having Reaper around Haven continues to be a little odd. She mostly just lazes around in the sun, though her massive form attracts escorts like moths to flame. The odd image of destroyers and cruisers cuddling up to the doom lizard aside, I also learned that she is not just a chimera; she is classified as a Colossus Demon. The Abyss works quick on this, though I agree it is aptly chosen.

I also found where her tentacles are. Can not have an Abyssal beast without some, right? At first I figured it would be her spikes, but no, Reaper has them in the roof of her mouth. I found out when she opened wide to eat a rock, just because she could. The pseudopods shot out and dragged it into her maw. Nasty way to go, that.

Another thing I am pretty happy about is that she does not guzzle fuel like my own engines do. Her fission reactor takes most of that off the regular engines. Maybe I should look into getting one for myself, but I am hesitant on that. Two reasons for it, really: first is that I do not like the risk of it melting down from damage if I ever get under fire. Second is that if I do not have the ability to go out without sacrificing tons of fuel, I am not tempted to do so. I like staying at home anyway, so it works out.

Rereading that last sentence gives me a weird feeling. When did I start to think of Haven as home?

It is true that I do not have any other place anymore, but it still managed to transition from a shelter I needed to a place I like to be. It has been over half a year since I woke up on this beach. Maybe it is the girls living here with me, or that I managed to make it homely over time.

Day 186

It occurred to me that I actually need directions for Reaper. That is a bit of a problem because I still have no clear idea where I am. Frostbite was no real help when I asked her about it, though she agreed to send out some scouting parties.

Speaking of her, my fellow Princess is done establishing herself. She built up her forces again and trained them, put stockpiles for sunny days together, and bartered for more tech from me to improve her fleet. She told me she plans to expand now, find if there are other Princesses in the area. Her plan is to establish outposts across the Pacific, assuming no other has yet claimed a given area. Specifically, she had the same idea as I about the teleporter connection and comms relays.

We shared a little laugh when I told her that. Great minds do think alike. Though I could only wince after tallying up the costs for the teleporters alone. That will be a project for several years. I do not dislike the idea, though. Need to think about it some more.

Day 187

Today may have seen another mistake, but I can not say for sure just yet.

I mentioned our talks about expanding Frostbite's domain yesterday. We returned to them today, but that is not the potential mistake. No, it is that Frostbite caught onto me getting extra resources from somewhere. She said she ran some numbers and wondered why I said nothing about expanding my own territory; all the deposits will eventually run dry after all.

When she asked me point blank to buy whatever technology allows me to stretch my resources like I am clearly doing, I just put my cards on the table. Meaning, I told her about the resource generation ability. To say she was surprised would be an understatement. That single gasped "What?!" was probably the least composed I have ever seen her. I guess it makes sense, too.

Either way, I told her quite clearly that nobody else knows. We have known each other for a while now, long enough that I would tentatively call her my friend. I trust her with this, though I would never have brought it up on my own. Same reason my fleet does not know. Maybe Ionia or Orion put two and two together, but neither of them said anything. Frostbite was pretty cool about it and agreed not to say a word to anyone else. We both know how unprecedented and important my ability is.

At the same time we reaffirmed our relationship as partners. She is perfectly happy running security for me while I focus on driving forward technological development. Trading tech with her will give me some extra resources to work with, even once my mines run dry. I do not really want to expand further, my current territory is big enough; not to mention that I prepared it well enough.

I actually offered Frostbite to use my setup of factories for mass production, provided she brings her own resources to fuel them. I may have gotten a little carried away when I gave the order to Orion, but I do have facilities made for the majority of Abyssal ship types. Nothing has happened yet because Frostbite's fleet is still at capacity for her territory, but she agreed to make use of my dormant facilities once the time comes. I considered taking a little tax for using them, but decided against it. No sense gouging a friend.

Day 190

Reaper is fully equipped. I also managed to figure out where we are thanks to Frostbite. Turns out my ally made her base on a place called Wake Island; never heard about it before then, but the Internet told me where it is. Haven lies a decent bit away, but that did not stop me from charting Reaper's route to Japan. We are roughly halfway between them and Hawaii.

I gave them the chance to leave me alone and they did not. As they say, 'fuck around and find out'.

On a related note, these ten days of preparation were probably for the best. Else I may have actually painted a big, red 'Fuck You' on Reaper's flank to tell the Japanese exactly what I think of their recent stunt. It sounded funny at first, but in the end is a bit too childish for what is going to happen.

There is something ironic about the fact Reaper's maiden voyage carries her further than all of my other girls taken together. She took the fact with grace, though; it is difficult to gauge how a doom lizard feels, but her communications were always succinct and to the point. When it was time for her to head out, she simply sent "Your will be done, my Princess" and sallied forth.

It felt odd watching her go. A part of me worries that I will never see her again; with how persistent and imaginative I know humans are, chances are incredibly high that they will find a way to defeat Reaper. Alas, she will probably not be happy to be called back now; retribution was the purpose of her birth. Abyssals find that a lot more important than humans would.

At the same time, I have the feeling that she will be content even if she falls.

I do not feel like writing any more today.

Day 192

Frostbite started her expansion program, but that is not why I am writing a log today. Reaper got her first taste of combat. And I may have slightly misjudged her specs. Slightly. Very slightly.

She is still in comms range, which is why I even heard about her meeting a subjugation fleet coming the other way. We are talking about the full array of ships; half a dozen battleships and aircraft carriers, making a full dozen together, with at least five escorts per ship. Submarines as well.

Reaper sunk half of the battleships and carriers alongside their escorts before that fleet began to run. She reported minor damage to her armour belt, easily repaired with resources gained from gobbling up the wrecks of her enemies.

So yeah. Not only did she stop a fleet headed my way from ever arriving, she is also an absolute unit in terms of combat power. I apparently created more of a monster than anticipated. Once again I am glad that she follows orders.

Then again, if I could make such a creature, then someone else may be able to do the same. But worrying over that will not help me at all; the frankly ridiculous resource costs to make Reaper should at least serve to detract anyone who can not create material ex nihilo. Hopefully.

Moving on, I also realised that I should be able to keep track of Reaper once she makes landfall. As much as any government may try to censor her arrival, I doubt they will be able to keep quiet about a kaiju rampaging across Japan.

That train of thought brought me onto some silly ideas I may as well share for posterity: theoretically, if I so wished, I could start to report on Abyssal matters over the internet. Start a blog or set up livestreams. Silly nonsense, 'Ask an Abyssal', that sort. Maybe even get one of my girls into streaming, not like anyone would believe her to be an actual Abyssal. It was fun to muse how the entire human species would lose their spaghetti about it, but I decided against all of that. It just does not feel right. Not to mention that it is effort.

On top of that, I also dislike pressuring any of my girls into doing something they do not want. They would do it if I asked, regardless of their own wishes. And lastly, I can live without constantly having to prove that I am telling the truth. My stance is that this war could be avoided, yet nobody but me believes it.

Well, maybe there are some humans here and there. I imagine they are collectively seen as nutjobs.

So no, I am doing what I have done so far. No dreaming of empire, no stupid grasp for glory I do not even want. Some people may want to be some sort of ruling figure, I do not. Sometimes I imagine what I would do if in charge, but I feel we all do that. Things we would do differently, solutions we would provide. Sometimes I even feel I would do something to improve the world. But at the same time, I do not want to believe that everyone in power is a greedy asshole. That way lies a sort of depression I was thankfully never affected by. I rather believe that there are other reasons why the powers that be have trouble making things better.

And by that logic, me being in power would see the same roadblocks in front of me. Which brings us back to effort. I just keep doing what I can and am comfortable with. Who is going to criticise me? Humans?

Is that racist? I think not, we are at war and they attacked me first. My not being happy with them right now is perfectly justified.

And now I reminded myself of Hydra. Good night.

Day 199

Reaper reached the Japanese coast. I know because the Internet is full of reports about her; she made landfall in Chiba Prefecture. From what I read earlier, the JSDF went out in force to stop her. The pictures show only craters, not even wrecks. Like I thought, not a chance that could be kept quiet. There were even a few clips taken from phones that show Reaper bulldozing through a tank formation and eating them one by one. My girl is as resourceful as I hoped she would be.

Shipgirls failed to stop her and are now playing catch-up. The media calls it 'unprecedented', which makes sense. I intentionally did not look at the death toll; I know I will feel bad the moment I check.

The fighting grew less fierce and more frantic once Reaper made landfall because they are still reluctant to bomb their own cities. My girl seems to rampage less for now, she just looks around in interest. There is still a lot of collateral damage, but I asked her not to attack unprovoked for now. I am not being nice there, by the way. I figured it would be easier to keep them on the backfoot if they have to juggle tens of thousands of refugees. Evacuating civilians takes a lot more time and effort for them, not to mention that their deaths would only make the defenders more determined.

No, Reaper's goal is not to do as much damage as possible. My goal is Tokyo Bay, Yokohama in particular. I faintly recalled the IJN shipgirls are stationed there and confirmed this before sending her out. They came after my home base, it is only fair I return the favour.

Although I did not give Reaper orders beyond leveling Yokohama as a whole and to keep casualties down. She was not exactly happy, but accepted my logic when I explained. Going by the reports I read, it worked out for the most part. The defenders are more concerned getting civilians out than the threat contained. Reaper just keeps roaming the countryside toward her goal.

Now if only someone would realise that she can use their own GPS satellites to orient herself. I am not exactly laughing as they get theirs, but I do feel vindicated.
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Well, that certainly ilustrates what happends when you fuck around with somone that can make sure you Will find out.

You attack here home after she lived peacfully and saved a shipgirl she then let go?

She sends her Kajiu daughter to show you what she thinks about it.
Still kinda sad si looses his humanity bit by bit. Even if they come to him and killed her dog and destroy part of her home , her response will do harm to innocent people. Normies and misanthropes like her , who did not have a say in attack and did not know about her existence. Thouse who meters admirals and politics will shout for her blood now , while normies suffer :(
Still kinda sad si looses his humanity bit by bit. Even if they come to him and killed her dog and destroy part of her home , her response will do harm to innocent people. Normies and misanthropes like her , who did not have a say in attack and did not know about her existence. Thouse who meters admirals and politics will shout for her blood now , while normies suffer :(
You just described every war every.

Military higher ups or politicians decide to attack someone and then both sides fight while soldiers and civilians die in crossfire.

As for losing humanity, I disagree.

Her reaction is quintessentialy Human.

Someone invades my home unprovoked, turns it in a smoking crater, kills my beloved dog and almost kills my beloved daughter.

I would kill the one responsabile without remorse.

Revenge and Vengeance are Human notions.

So I argue that her retalating makes her even more human then she was.
You just described every war every.

Military higher ups or politicians decide to attack someone and then both sides fight while soldiers and civilians die in crossfire.

As for losing humanity, I disagree.

Her reaction is quintessentialy Human.

Someone invades my home unprovoked, turns it in a smoking crater, kills my beloved dog and almost kills my beloved daughter.

I would kill the one responsabile without remorse.

Revenge and Vengeance are Human notions.

So I argue that her retalating makes her even more human then she was.
Still wrong though. It base and pettie way of thinking. Like abbysals hit humanity indiscriminately as humans do the same in return ,and now so does she. She is like the sole member of entire abbysal faction who can reason (and that says someting) , you cant blame humanity for not believing that it is not some sort of trap or something. She should seek compromise, asking abbys what she deslikes about humans and show it there is good in humanity, some kindness. She is ex human after all , yet abbys respects her still.

Like in danmachi fic deep he dives , dungeon described quite good. Entity that dont know kindess, love or sadness .Dont have boody to enjoy food or laze around . SI has brain and some wisdom to understand that the war should end some how. Or is she is going to kill all the humans or drive them off waters for the rest of her natural ( unnatural ?) live?For the dogo?
even Frostbite made an appearance to study the fruits of my labour. She seemed impressed
Frostbite's thought's once she sees Reaper: "I want one."

I am not exactly laughing as they get theirs, but I do feel vindicated.
During this last bit I had a vague daydream of Dagon giving Reaper a parting gift for the Humans/Kanmusu. Once Reaper is finished laying waste to Yokosuka, she withdraws said gift from her hold and plants it in the middle of the rubble. A giant tablet of abyssal steel carved with words inlaid with gold. Explaining to them exactly where they fucked up. Then leaves.

So I argue that her retaliating makes her even more human then she was.
Truth. People like to believe that we are all so morally superior, that we are logical and ethical. But the truth is, when it comes down to it? Rage, Hate, and especially Spite rule our actions in the immediate. Reasoning, Platitudes, and Peace only come about after the aforementioned emotions have begun to burn themselves out.

Source? Every Soldier who has ever fought in a war while their politicians relax at home. So yeah, I'd say you are right about this being a VERY human response from the MC.

See above.
Thanks for the chapter, if discount Godzilla manages to wipe the naval base shes after out and make it back home it's going to change the situation drastically. Don't forget there are all abysals out there that were being kept suppressed by the shipgirls and navy. In the show they weren't able to take back the seas really because more abysals just spawned but neither were losing really more like winning.

This is going to freak alot of people out most of humanity's leadership probably thought this war was going to be mostly limited to the sea, and that they were winning it.

Thanks for the chapter. Good stuff.
She should announce it somehow so they know what they did.. But maybe say something like "You attack one of my outposts, I attack one of yours." so they think the threat is larger than it appears. I mean there were so few abyssals at the base that I doubt they thought it was the home base snyway.
14. Yokohama's Last Stand New
Day 200

Today was a bit of an odd day. All of us were at the fleet's communal computer, reading reports about Reaper's progress. Only Ariel was absent because she is still in the baths, but that should be over in a few days. Everyone else hung around me while I went through news reports. It felt kind of weird to do when I barely ever did the like before becoming Abyssal. Then again, this here concerned me personally.

I fully expected some sort of running commentary or jokes, or something at least. But my Abyssals are a bit less loose on this particular subject than a group of humans might be. Maybe apprehension added to it, too. Either way, it was mostly quiet beyond discussions of the pictures and headlines.

We get all of this somewhat delayed for obvious reasons, but it still gave us a decent idea what happened. Reaper followed my instructions, at least to the point that she did not swerve into Tokyo along the way. Going by how many the reports claimed could be 'saved' from the rampaging beast, she also allowed them to evacuate civilians en masse.

Hannah was still not convinced of that particular strategy, by the way; I think she feels the strongest due to being the youngest and thus having less other information in her head. Thankfully, Frostbite was around at the time to dissect the strategy better than I ever could: instead of just killing them all and making the defenders more stalwart, Reaper forces the JSDF to divert considerable resources into protecting civilians. That concept needed some explanation for Hannah, it never occurred to me Abyssals would find it alien.

The other nuance of this plan, which I told exactly no one, is that I am not comfortable with ordering a slaughter like that. It may be hypocritical after I remade Godzilla to let loose on the Japanese, but still. This feels like a separate line from sending my monster to destroy their main naval base. This way, if the refugees suffer further, that is on the human systems being unable to support them.

Admittedly, I am also curious if someone will clue in to that strategy and be callous enough to bomb their own civilians to get at Reaper.

From how the reports read, Japan is playing into my hands; shipgirls from across the various naval bases are withdrawn to the hub at Yokohama. They correctly predicted Reaper's path based on the lane of destruction she carves through rural Japan. A little sad for such a beautiful nation to get devastated, but they started it.

She is slower on land and further slowed down by occasional air raids, but the JSDF has trouble pinning her down. All the tanks they field only become reserves for her self-repairs. So does anything else made of steel or precious metals, mind. Her armour belt still holds just fine, so the tungsten alloy was definitely worth it.

She will reach Tokyo Bay tomorrow or the day after. I think I will keep Ariel on computer duty to tell us once something happens.

Day 201

Reaper's march through the Japanese countryside continues unabated. I noticed that Ariel is starting to grow restless in the bath, though I kind of get it; she has been in there for almost three months.

Even with Jeanne visiting her sister on the regular, Ariel is getting antsy and wants to return to duty. We had a bit of a talk about that, too. I spent some resources into improvements mainly for battleships; both for selling to Frostbite and to make sure Ariel will not end up like this again. Better armour belts, reduced fuel consumption, redundancies in their electronics. Next I will definitely improve repair bath efficiency and speed, though. That stuff is hideously expensive, which is why I stayed away from it at first. Then I was building Reaper. I am still far short on what I need to get that project started, but this is the goal.

It was nice talking to Ariel one-on-one. I still appreciate how far she went to protect Haven, as well as Orion and Ionia. At the same time, I got to see my usually serene battleship almost vibrate with unspent energy. It took some convincing to make her stay the final two days, just to make absolutely sure she is fine. I do not want some small chink to cascade into another catastrophy.

In other news, Hannah has become something of an ambassador with how often she visits Frostbite's fleet. She is polite and friendly, but I sometimes spot the edge of cunning underneath. We had a little talk as well and she freely dropped the mask for me. I did not even need to ask. In her words: "My duty is to my Princess and my fleet. I do not mind being around others if that serves your plans, I will even tolerate humans if I must."

I am not sure if she is a full-on sociopath, has some such tendencies, or is just overly devoted to the concept of her fleet. Can Abyssals even have sociopaths by human definitions?

Day 202

It happened tonight. We read all about it by noon, which is a small miracle considering the disaster it was for Japan. Even if it is inspiring in what happened, the result could spell the country's end if other Abyssals find out.

First off, the admiralty ordered every available shipgirl to Yokohama. This included two squadrons visiting from America who were greenlit to support the IJN girls. It was a massive fleet, though none of the reports say how many exactly. I recognised some of the names that were spotted patrolling Tokyo Bay; among them were the carrier Akagi and the super battleship Yamato. I am really grateful that all this makes international news... and for the auto translate function being somewhat accurate.

Second, the JSDF marched up in force; they brought anti-ship cannons, mines, bombers, tanks, and heavy weaponry for every soldier along the fortifications. Just marching up to them would have been suicide for anyone not Reaper.

According to the various accounts we cross-referenced, she came barreling over a hill and was halfway to the bay before the defenders reacted. Her armour belt ate the artillery and by the time she reached the water, several dozen shipgirls in the bay opened fire at her. She weathered that, too. Then she dove, effectively avoiding any more shells.

Turns out underwater mines do not work so well when the enemy can walk on the ocean floor. Maybe Reaper triggered some, but nothing of that nature was mentioned. I have no idea if the shipgirls throwing depth charges hit her, either. What it did say is that she then reenacted Jaws. Well, not in those words. But a doom lizard coming up below a shipgirl and dragging her into the depths evokes that sort of mental image.

I am once again a little intimidated by how smart Reaper is. She knew she can take her time to chew through the defenders.

After losing three ships this way, Yokohama called them all back into the shallows where Reaper could not hide. She then proceeded to wait for several hours before following. We discussed it and figure she took some actual damage that had to be repaired, or at least patched up. The psychological effect on the defenders was massive, though. Being tense for hours, just waiting for the invincible monster to emerge. And in the middle of night no less.

Reaper's dramatic timing was impeccable, too. By all accounts she showed herself again at the crack of dawn. Rose from the depths and swam straight for Yokohama base's docks. Several people say that the earth shook from the return fire. It must have been excruciatingly loud, what with how many ships were guarding the port.

I admit I was more than a little worried when we got to that part. Reaper was designed to take a lot of punishment, but it would have only taken one lucky shot of some sort to hit a weak spot or chink the previous battles opened. Yet none did. She emerged from the explosions with pockmarked scales and a single notable crack; the girls agree that must have been Yamato.

And in the silence, Reaper answered with her own guns. A single, living fortress spewing shells into the air to down as many planes as she could for a prelude. Then the big guns let loose on the defenders, too. I do not want to say it was a kill per shell after she got their measure, but the damage was clearly massive. And I have to give props to the shipgirls, too; their line held despite all of this.

Unfortunately for them, determination alone does not win a battle. It did not last long, either. Reaper kept coming at them while firing volleys of death; not even Yamato and the other battleships could so much as slow her down. They managed to crack Reaper's shell by the end, at least from the pictures I saw. But at that point she passed knife-fighting range, reached their battleline, and chomped down on the flagship, once again Yamato.

Once more, props to the defenders. I am almost certain that at last should have broken their morale, but they kept firing till the last capital ship was sunk. The JSDF proved just as tenacious; if they did not throw every piece of explosives on the isle at Reaper in the following hours, it must still have been close on that amount. There is something to be said about being stupid and just charging in, but Reaper was and is near Tokyo. They can not afford to back down there.

Alas, my preparations were more thorough. By the time the JSDF was recalled, only a handful of shipgirls were confirmed to have escaped the slaughter. Reaper is still busy leveling all of Yokohama after turning the naval base to rubble, though most members of staff and civilians were apparently evacuated.

However, the local commander remained at base; not confirmed dead, although the fact his dwelling was entirely burned to the ground should be indicative.

Suffice it to say, the world is in an uproar. From what else I read, Japan was one of the first countries to figure out how to summon shipgirls; their navy was one of the largest in the world, not to mention the most concentrated due to the country's small size. They still failed to defeat Reaper. Now there is worry and often outright paranoia going around about what will happen if the beast attacks other countries; they understand my monster can fight on land just fine, with all the advantages an Abyssal has over common warmachines.

I did not actually mention this in here yet, did I? Aside from the mentions of soul voodoo, but this falls in the same category. Abyssals and shipgirls both have some sort of conceptual defense against conventional arms. It is not perfect and enough firepower can punch through, which is what they tried with Reaper there. The effectiveness is severely weakened, though. She could outright ignore most of the bombs dropped on her from above.

Either way, anti-Abyssal doctrines heavily feature shipgirls for a reason. Conventional aircraft has trouble piercing the storms any Princess can summon; Reaper could have done something like that too, but decided against it for some reason. Maybe a show of power?

But here comes the fun thing: I know how humans work. The moment Abyssals are no longer a concern, the major nations have combatants still capable of shrugging off any conventional weapons. I am absolutely certain that a new struggle for global dominance would follow; it only takes one idiot in charge for that to happen.

As it stands, Japan was kicked to the curb. They lost most of their shipgirls, the JSDF got the beating of a lifetime, and a kaiju is still present in the area. My girl made me proud.

Day 203

Ariel came out of the bath today. She is finally back to full readiness. We had a little celebration with steak and cake. I can synthesize the ingredients well enough by now.

Today is probably the last time we all came together to read news of Reaper; she seems to be doing well enough. Though damaged, we know she has the capacities and resources to repair. What is more, she started weaving a storm over Yokohama to obscure her position. Tokyo Bay is completely cut off because Reaper patrols there, cutting off a profitable trade route.

Maybe I should feel a little bad about this after all? Up to Yokohama was fine with me, that was the plan. Now Reaper acts on her own ideas and seems intent to end Japan as a nation. Ariel just came in and told me her storm advances toward Tokyo proper. That madlass forces the Japanese to evacuate the most populated city in the world. Any attempt to deter her is swallowed by the storm and swiftly lost.

If I could establish contact, I would call her back.

I also wonder how valid an idea it would be to make landfall myself. With most shipgirls gone and the country in disarray, I may be able to slip through. Then again, I still do not speak Japanese. My engines also still guzzle fuel like nobody's business; the tech for switching to a fission reactor is some time away and expensive, not to mention problematic in case it blows up.

Day 205

I think I said something about an idiot in charge?

It took me all of yesterday to figure out why the internet suddenly died on me. Something went wrong with the cable, but I could set up something to keep getting data. Turns out that China went ahead and nuked Japan to take Reaper down.

Let me repeat this: they nuked Japan. Sent that bomb down almost in the center of Tokyo.

To say the world is freaking out would be the understatement to end all understatements. I have no idea if Reaper can survive a nuke and doubt it, too. But despite feeling a little numb about that, I am more dumbfounded by what in the world could make that lot decide on this course of action. The Chinese defend themselves at the moment, but whatever happened there will make some huge changes to the global scene.

Japan is reeling; I can not tell if they will collapse entirely, but this may have been the final nail in the coffin.

I went and asked Frostbite to expand in the other direction. As much as the Japanese deserved retaliation, this went out of control. As prudent as it would be to capitalise, I know what my ally would do to all the people there. So no, none of that.

At the same time, I am not sure how to feel about China. The assholes killed Reaper. I was never warm on them, but that is more the people in charge and not the Chinese population. And even if I wanted to retaliate, China is less accessible to Abyssal forces unless I build another Colossus. Which will probably lock me into a circle of wasting resources on a great beast that gets nuked by the next great power.

Alternately, I do nothing. From what I read, China made themselves incredibly unpopular with that move. Japan alone will hate them for at least a few generations, especially if the country collapses now. The bombing of Tokyo cost many times more lives than Reaper's march did, not to mention most of them were civilians. If I retaliate against China, they may ride a wave of sympathy and manage to get out of the hot seat. If I do nothing to them, it will be the rest of the world to judge them.

And I can still figure something out if they do make it out of this unscathed.

So to recap: Japan lost Yokohama and the majority of IJN shipgirls to my Colossus Demon; I then lost my Colossus Demon to a nuke. Japan also lost Tokyo to the same nuke. China lost Face with basically everyone, and everyone lost their minds over this entire affair.

I guess that is not too bad for my first foray into naval warfare?

For now I will hug my emotional support Hannah, though.

Day 206

Still moody, much like everyone else. I stood outside in the storm for most of the day. Ariel joined me for a while, as did Sapphire. They caught on well enough not to really talk to me, but I feel a little better now. Some people say rain and storms bring down their mood, but I appreciate them; the rain most of all. It just has something calming to me, watching the droplets fall and little waves ripple in puddles.

Outside of that, I had to explain what nuclear weapons are to Frostbite and the other Abyssals. I also made it very clear that I will not make any no matter what happens, which I only had to say because they asked me to make them; otherwise I would just not have said anything on the matter. I am not a good liar, so I generally just omit things I do not want people to know. A bit like a certain bunnycat.

The world as a whole is still reeling. Hannah took to reading a lot of online news, in her own words to learn more about how humans work.

This gave me an idea, though; it helped distract me, too. I never really made more sound systems so far. Now we have a bunch, and headphones, too. It was nice to put on some songs I heard in the past, they remind me of home. That is, the time before I became an Abyssal.

I got the girls interested, too. So we spent the rest of the day looking up various genres to see who liked what.
Well , that escalated quickly. I think things just couldn't be better for her. All death aside, china like second world power and has a huge world share of economy. And with that move she didn't just destroyed important military base , she outright destroyed a nation and knok out another by making them pariah. Hope she learns lesson about impulsive decisions made in moment of hate.

Another note "will work with humans if needed" spoilers ahead 😉?
Amazing chapter thank you avtor.
The best thing she can do now is to take control of Japan as her own territory.

The whole country is in shambles.

Their Kanmasu Fleet was decimated and military exterminated.

Their Capital was annihilated.

They are wounded, bleeding sheep surrounded by wolves.

If she send ultimatum of submission for safety and help(she can literaly print food) there are high chances the Japanise will agree from desperation for protection alone.

Especially since China is their nearest neighbour and who the fuck knows what will they pull next if left to their devices.

Plus she is quite clearly feeling guilty, the may have started this mess by attacking her but her retalation cused the rest.

And feelings don't care at all about logic.

So becaming a protectorate is better option then the other Abbysal Princessys just carving up the country in pices while slaughtering the whole populace wholesale.

Which is the only fate they can expect barring a miracle.

On other note, I expect Reaper to have survived.

I mean, a Kajiu Godzilla nuked?

That can only end with her being wounded but returning later even stronger there ever.
Since she went all-in on Reaper, giving her resource gathering and repair capabilities, on top of extremely good armor, she may have repaired herself enough to weather the blast and possibly restore herself in secret over the course of a few months. It might be a bit of a stretch, but not an impossibility.

Really I would say that it depends on how well they targeted Reaper with the nuke. And the storm that she conjured, obscuring her from satellite and targeting from too high up. Her armor is made of tungsten iirc, so weathering the blast and heat with that and abyssal voodoo is possible. If she was at ground zero she is definitely dead tho imo.

Thank you for the chapter, it was good! Teching up to become more mobile is good, but would it be possible to manually mount point defense, heavy weapons, AA, heavy armor, or an air wing onto her? Like how they gave Hydra a massive gun. As the Tech Administrator Princess, amd with the references to guzzling fuel, I feel like the MC is some kind of supermassive oil rig like ship. Probably bigger actually. So I'm not sure about how abyssal voodoo would treat that.

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