Interlude I: Early Spring 4711
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Interlude I: Early Spring 4711
He thought back to the winter months, and the conversations and work that had been done over it. From, the month of, Rova on. It was spring now.The planting season was in full spring, no pun intended, as the peasants continued to sow seeds in their communal common fields across smaller villages, as well as at Olegton and Tatzlwyrm. The baronial seat had with the help of heavy draft horses, horse collars, and plow designs of steel from c. 19th century America along with seed drills and other tools had finished planting, of all but new fruit trees. The real business of the barony was elsewhere until there were actual results from this years harvest, and possibly not even then, most peasant farmer would dismiss or even deride the baronial estate's efforts. With a steward, or at least exchequer of the treasury the council was he expected sufficient for all day to day matters. The task of agricultural labor, and maintaining and repairing their possessions would dominate spring.
It was in this that Eire had to contend with the distinction between village and town. Perhaps the simplest was that a village was the organized peasant labor in the common enterprise of agriculture... a permanent community for agricultural production. Shrikewall, Olegton, and Tatzlford all represented a more specialized creation. They had agricultural production, they needed peasants to tend farms after all, but there was greater emphasis on economic specialization. Rather than those specialist professions being largely incidental they were the purpose.
He traced the greenbelt plains laying west of the Thorn river, and the forests of the northern narlmarches on table's map. Unfortunately there were no ideal natural boundaries or defensive positions that they could fortify in the north. The best in the short term they could do was a watch post to run messengers back to Oleg's, or Akiros's fief, or the Temple of the Elk. The central lands west of Tazlford were forest until it buttressed into Hooktongue Slough and the ground became swamp and fen. That was in itself something of a better natural barrier
That left the south to contend with. "I'm going to leave for Candlemere in the morning," To the east of the lizardfolk village were the ruins of candlemere, and they had put off purging the isle over the winter, but that needed to be done, and in the west was the 'stone kingdom' the injured boggard had spoken of... a fortress that they would reclaim. Candlemere would allow much more effective control of the lake region, and with control would prevent any repeat of the Count Shimmerglow incident with tig. The lizard folk seemed to be settling in for permanence which had been debated among them. Kagor remaining was a benefit to be sure, and also placed to him the feudal obligation to visit the village.
Jaethal nodded, "From what's been described the western castle is elven." Which was an oddity given the origins of other fortifications, "I'll deal with the evil fey there as needed," Perlivash had warned them about the 'Dancing Lady', and her blood sucking habit," preying, "on passing travellers. "What do you plan to do there?"
"I suspect the castle," Candlemere, "Is probably either situated on, or somewhere on the island is a portal to the First World. Dispel Chaos should cleanse the land, and that can be followed up by other efforts in repairing the site." Candlemere would once cleansed, and rebuilt would form their southern border for the foreseeable future. Technically the legal border were the joining of the Shrike and Little Sellen, with the little Sellen flowing from the Tors of Levenies. It was unfortunate that Mivon's northern border was not so neat stretching across a wide western expanse until it reached the southern part of the slough and continued until it struck up upon Pitax's borders. The southern swordlords might or might not be a matter of contention.... and the truth was while Candlemere was ideally placed he needed something to anchor the center of the border with Mivon just as a precaution... and they had yet to find any suitable ruins south of the Murque, but some of that delay had been winter, and the lack of their knowledge about the land. Just Oleg's to Shrikewall was a straight seventy miles... or would have been if they had a perfectly straight wonderful north south road, which they didn't. "Is there anything else?"
"There is always the tree."
Right, the Old Scyamore, that had slipped his mind admittedly. The mites and the kobolds remained at peace with one another. At the same time though Shaoyu's hatching distinctly encouraged the sootscales to be more active. It gave them more reason to participate in events beyond their little subterranean kingdom, and that did mean trade. "Do you think that's going to be a problem?" He knew Jaethal was as dismissive of the Koblds, and mites as most of his court, but that wasn't what he was asking, not really.
What he was really asking was drawing on the fact that Jaethal had centuries of experience to draw from, and that he wanted her to do so now.
Regongar was glad winter was over. It wasn't that he didn't like the cold... not that Amiri had really considered winter to be all that cold, but it had been that there was little to do over the winter months. It had been boring in other words with no one to really fight. Winter had let go, and brought with it a frenzy of other activity... that the half orc had no trouble admitting he had no interest in.
The Technic League hadn't shown back up... there had been no subsequent confrontation even as the settlement grew around them. Of course that was a matter of origin. There were some people who had come from Numeria, but most of the initial settlers were all from Brevoy it seemed like... rushing to get away from the conflict between north and south or whatever. Then from up the river boats of people arrived from Eire's church. Most were tall fair skinned humans with dark hair, but there were others to, but the story was the same, departing conflicts in the south for a new chance.
So he'd been left to stew by the fire as winter sat in, but, "We're going to do something?"
The elf glanced at them, "Well unless you'd prefer to continue wearing a tread into the floor." was the biting rejoinder, "Two days of riding, maybe three,"
"We go to vanquish bad, fae bigginses," The grig remarked springing from the door way onto the table. The faerie dragon zipped along after. and agreed. Along one side a knit work pouch held a recovered wizard's spellbook.
Regongar glanced around, gestured to Octavia, "Is anyone else coming with us?"
"Valerie and our sour head guard, and our equally dour dwarf will be remaining here. Since Tristian isn't back yet we'll leave without him I think," She declared tapping her chin. Jaethal knew that they could have waited a few more days, but, "Eire is planning to depart with Linzi and Amiri tomorrow, if Tristian is back by then he might be a bit more useful for clearing out Candlemere, assuming of course he doesn't just draconiform the whole misbegotten spec in the middle of the lake." They'd already discussed the willowisp isle with the others and there were probably dozens of the little bastards for as frequently as the witch lights could be seen, "We're riding westwards towards the eleven castle, and clear it out." Not only was it situated in the high hills that the Murque's source ran from it was about twenty miles from their border in the west. It was near to ideal to anchoring defenses against any threat that came at their middle from the slough.
Notes: This is well not extra material but basically part of a chapter I wrote that occurs before I had actually planned to resume, the next chronological main chapter is Desnus 4711 roughly a year after the Stag Lord's demise. It should be three or four parts alternating between Jaethal's expedition, and the Candlemere wandering depending on how things go, but we will be sticking to a usual monday update. (I will be posting my planned scheduled updates for this month probably later today in the misc thread.)