Interlude 12B – Faith in Family
Flinger of Spaghetti, Recorder of Results.
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***POV Faith***
---Sunnydale High Classroom : Monday 3rd Period---
I take my seat in Ms. Tenghast's reading class.
Usually it's one of my favorite classes. A super easy class, just like X-man said, we just read a bunch of books and sometimes have to talk about them.
Today... it means sitting next to X-man while he grumbles angrily about Jack.
"Seriously? Could ya not fuckin talk about my brotheh like that? "
"It's not your brother! It's a demon wearing your brother as a suit!" He hisses back at me.
"He is my-"
Ms. Tenghast's voice interrupts me from behind. "Hi, Faith." I look over as she walks into the room. Glancing back, X has his back to me now.
"Morning, Ms. T."
"You wouldn't happen to know if your brother has ever considered teaching, would you?"
"Oh. Uh... I dunno." I shrug. "We've nevah talked about it. He seems to enjoy his work at the hospital though, why?"
"I just watched him teach Mr. Bardunn's class. It looked like he had a fair bit of practice. Certainly one of the more entertaining math classes I've ever had."
"Oh, yeah. He does that a lot. He and Ames- Amy Madison- are always explaining stuff like that for me. Jack says he's just copyin a chemistry teacher he had once back home. 'Parently he was pretty good 'spite being a soulless monstah."
"Soulless monster?" Ms. T asks me while Xander suddenly sounds like he's choking next to me.
"Yeah, Jack says the guy was a Yankees Fan. Eurgch!" I only need to half fake the retching noise that accompanies such a bad thought.
Ms. T doesn't seem to appreciate just how awful the idea is though because she laughs.
"I gather you're a Red Sox fan then?"
"Damn strai- err- Sorry. Yeah, I am."
The bell rings and Ms. T smiles. "Well, let your brother know I enjoyed his class. I should start my own now though." I nod as she heads up to the front of the room.
"It's not your brother!"
"He is too! And don't give me that shit about him just thinkin he's the same guy that died. Jack knows he ain't-"
"Good morning, class!"
"Good morning, Ms. T."
"Today we're going to start the book, 'Dracula,' by Bram Stoker."
Beside me, X grumbles "Oh, great... more vampires."
"E-fuckin-nough already." This is the guy Dawn is so obsessed with? Christ-
"Xander? Faith? Is everything all right?"
"Just talkin 'bout vampires. X here thinks they all HAVE to be evil soulless monsters."
"And you disagree? I didn't realize you were an Anne Rice fan."
What's rice got to do with... anything? "Yeah... Sure... rice is okay." Except when Jack insists on mixing white rice with peanut butter. That shit ain't okay.
---Sunnydale High Hallways : Monday After 4th Period---
B grabs my arm as I'm walking to the cafeteria and pulls me into the bathroom.
"Shit, B. Let go of me."
Instead of her letting go I get pulled into a hug. "Ya know, B, this is how those rumors got started." I grin.
"You're okay?"
"Ya... Course I am." I tell the blonde hair that's still in my face. "Why wouldn't I be?"
Buffy pulls back a bit, hands on my shoulders. She stares at me with this cute wide eyed- "You- why? Spike's dangerous."
I roll my eyes. "The doofus that spent all Sunday on the couch drinking and arguing with Jack about history is dangerous. Pull the other one, B."
"They're vampires!"
"And Angel is what, exactly? I've lived with Jack for months and I'm fine... And if they're so 'dangerous' why did you let me leave with them?" Let me guess, too busy lookin after gramps?
"Angel needed-"
"Yeah. That's what I thought." I pull away and open the bathroom door. "Oh, by the way, just a heads up... That history I said they were arguing about? Was how many of us Slayers have been murdered by the watchers. You sure it's me that's in danger?"
---Sunnydale High Cafeteria : Monday Lunchtime---
I can hear Ames and Harm talking as I finally make it to our usual spot. "...Cordelia was trying to convince me that he's obviously evil and can't be trusted."
"Yeah. Willow tried to sell me the same crap after math today." Ames rolls her eyes. She spots me headed their way and waves.
I grab the open seat across from Ames and put my lunch down. "You guys getting the third degree too?"
"Oh Goddess, yes. Willow is convinced Jack has some sort of nefarious scheme involving that rail gun you two built." Ames pauses and looks at me funny. "You guy's can't actually destroy the school with it can you?"
"Not unless you can magic the school into somethin watermelon sized first. Maybe the next one we're planning? It should at least be able to put a hole in one of the walls."
"Next one?"
"Why do you need to build more than one?"
"Because the school year goes until June? Because our current one is a pain in the ass to aim? Because... it's fun?"
"This is going to be like crossbow practice all over again isn't it?"
"Hey! I said I was sorry for that!"
Harms interrupts us both, waving her hand between our faces. "Crossbow practice?"
---Sunnydale High Classroom : Monday Last Period---
"Ah, Faith. Might I have a moment?"
"Is it about how Jack can't possibly be my brother, or has to be evil because he's a vamp?"
"Well, yes. I-"
I hold up my hand. "Then fuck off. I'm sick of hearin it. Christ, you people just don't fuckin get it do you? We're family. That actually means something to some of us, ya know?" I turn around and start walking towards the shop classes. "Besides, even if Jack went crazy, Ames would just set him on fire. She's gettin real good at that pyromancy shit."
I hear Giles stutter out one last, "Oh good Lord!" Then I'm around the corner and into the crowd.
I must still look annoyed when I walk into class a moment later because Jack's eyebrow goes up immediately, and he asks me; "Something wrong?"
"No... Yes-" I spot Willow walking through the door. Fuckin shit. Really? She's not even in this class. "I'll tell you later. Let's just make some watermelons go boom, okay?"
---Winter's Residence : Tuesday Afternoon---
I take a slow step back from the railing and walk back into my room.
Wow. Red and X-man? What the shit?
Taking out my phone and flopping down onto the bed I call Dawn. She'd want to hear about this, and it'll give me an excuse to check up on B.
"Hey, Momma S."
"Oh. Hello, Faith. How are you doing?
"I'm good. Is The Dawnsteh around?"
"She should be. Hold on a moment." I can hear her calling Dawn's name in the background for a moment before Dawn picks up.
"Hi, Faith!"
"Hey, Dawnsteh."
We both pause and wait for the click of Mrs. S. hanging up before going any further.
"I got some bad news. 'Membah how I said your crush was actin like a toolshed at school?"
"...Yes." Comes the grumbled response over the phone.
"Oz just showed up at the house. I guess he walked in on Red and X-man having some kind of screaming match and one of them let slip that they've been messing around on the side."
"WHAT!? Oh my gawd. No! I don't- Xander wouldn't. Are you serious right now?"
I blink a few times. "Yeah. Sorry, I know you like him and all, but-"
"Have you told Harmony?" Oh shit. Yeah, she's gonna flip when she finds out she was right. I put Dawn on speakerphone and start typing a text to Harms. "...Oh gawd, does Cordelia know..?"
Pausing my typing, I sigh. Dawnsteh sounds all hopeful and shit. "Dawn-"
"Don't. I know. You can save the boys suck speech."
"It's not a fuckin speech." I laugh. "But okay. Besides, usually the problem is that they want us to-"
While Dawn has her little freakazoid moment, I tap send.
TO HARM: 'Guess who's at the house'
"Are you done being gross?"
"It's not gross if you do it right."
FROM HARM: 'Leonardo Dicaprio'
... Why would Leo-
"Faith! Eww! I think I almost like it better when you're staring at my sister."
Aha! "How is B? We kinda had a fight yesterday and I haven't heard from her since."
"Oh Gawd. Buffy is being such a- Eurgh!" I finish my next text to Harms while Dawn takes a moment to calm down.
TO HARM: 'No Oz he broke up with w cause she cheated with x'
FROM HARM: 'Amy wants to know if you did your hw'
Seriously!? That's- Ames is such a dork.
FROM HARM: 'what'
FROM HARM: 'omg'
FROM HARM: 'cordy know'
FROM HARM: 'Im call c'
"Way seriously! She had a hissy fit cause I borrowed this shirt of hers. Apparently the little bit of milk I spilled on it was some kind of tragedy. Nevermind how often she's come home covered in blood, or that I helped her keep mom from noticing."
"Pfft. You think blood's bad? You shoulda seen this demon snot monstah thing I ran into in Iowa, right? Got this green goopy shit on everythin. I had to kill that outfit with fuckin fire. My favorite pair'ah pants too. I loved those pants, made my ass look-"
---Sunnydale High Cafeteria : Thursday Lunchtime---
"Math test today?"
"Tomorrow." Ames looks up from her text book. "And you have one in your Reading class next period don't you?"
"Yes, Mother." I grin at Ames's glare. "I read the book while watching Oz for Jack last night."
"Okay, just making sure."
"Yeah yeah, I know, you think I'm gunna go to college and- Hey, there's Oz." Oz walks into the cafeteria, and gets halfway to his usual table before he stops.
"Of course you're going to college. Why wouldn't you? And don't give me any more of that dying young bullshit."
"Yo! Oz! Ovah here!" I call out to him. He nods and starts heading this way. "It's not that. I just... don't like school. Why would I want more of it?"
"But college sounds like so much fun!" Harms says from behind me before sitting down on my right. "There's parties and sororities and you can live in- Hey... that's kind of what you guys do now isn't it?"
"Yeah! See... I already get the best parts of college. Why would I wanna deal with the fuss of classes?"
"You could major in music." Oz sits down next to Ames.
"Guys! Seriously. I don't wanna go to college."
"Then don't go." Jack adds as he sits on my left.
"She can't just not go to college! And how can you of all people say that, Mr. School-Is-Important?" Ames sounds so betrayed... I'm just gonna stay out of it. If Jack's willing to take Ames on over me not doing more school that's fine by me.
Jack shrugs. "Faith not graduating high school looks bad and gives the idiots in England leverage to undo her emancipation. Faith not going to college is her own decision. Plenty of people do alright for themselves without a college degree, and it's not like she needs a degree to work with us, unless... Okay, I suppose getting a black belt or sniper certified would be like going to college for Faith. We could always look into that."
That I can agree to. "That don't sound too bad. Kinda fun actually."
"Huh..." Jack looks over at Oz as though surprised to see him at our table.
"Oh. Hey, Oz. I talked to Mrs. Mendoza in the biology department, she was fine with me borrowing one of their microscopes. If you're still good for it we can go ahead with taking a look at some blood samples during a full moon."
---Sunnydale Roadways : Thursday Afternoon---
"I liked how things were before, you know?" Before B chose Angel instead of me.
Jack doesn't answer. After a few seconds of silence he groans and rubs his face as he stares at the intersection we stopped at silently.
The light turns green. Jack doesn't go. Something's wrong.
He turns to me and sighs, staring at me for another moment. Did I do something bad? "You do realize that Buffy probably doesn't swing that way right?"
"What the shit?"
"When you two get done sparring, she doesn't smell aroused. Well, not like you do anyway."
That's... kinda... Whatever, It's just skin. "Really? Damn."
"Yeah, don't get me wrong. She definitely enjoys rolling around on the mat with you, but I think she feels the same way about any good slaying."
"Well that sucks."
"Sure. Granted, If any girl has a shot at getting into Buffy's pants it's you." And now he sounds annoyed. I thought Ames was being ridiculous when she said Jack had a thing for me... but after listening to Spike mope for hours about his break up with their mother... "Or maybe Willow."
Oh. That makes more sense, of course he sounds annoyed when thinking about her. Jack and Red annoy each other by existing. "Red? Really? You think the girl that was fooling around with two boys at once is gay?"
"No, I know she's bi, but that's hardly important. I guess I'm trying to say I'd have your back... even if you tried to date Buffy." Jack scratches the back of his head. Ames says that means the next thing he says will probably be 'extra ridiculous' and only true if you squint at it really hard. "I just don't see... I mean, why Buffy of all people?"
Only true if you... oh. I snort. Jack likes B too? This could be fun.
"I dunno Jack, you tellin me you don't think she's hot? You don't just wanna bend her-"
Jack shudders theatrically and then starts laughing. "The joys of hate-fucking aside, it's more... plenty of the chicks in the psych ward are hot, but that doesn't mean I'd date them."
"B ain't crazy. She's just got this... I don't know."
"Yeah. She's a Slayer, you're a Slayer, I get it." And now he sounds annoyed again.
"... Would you be upset if I got with B?"
"Nah. I would however reserve the right to grouse with Joyce about the 'kiddos' getting together." He sticks his tongue out at me as he air quotes kiddos with one hand. "But I'd support you. Just... I'd stockpile chocolate for when things blew up in your faces. Buffy's track record with relationships is... colorful?"
"You think Mrs. S would be upset?"
"No idea. Maybe at first? I think she still wants grandkids. But I imagine she'd come around. It's part of that whole unconditionally stuff that comes with being family."
Jack pokes my shoulder just in case I missed what he meant about the two of us. A family that wants me. I... don't know how to do this part. Sex is just skin, but... feelings? "Aww..." I don't... what do I..? "Thanks, Mistah J."
I think he knows what I meant. Jack laughs happily like he always does whenever I go along with that batman nonsense he and Ames... love... to-
"Hold up! You can smell when a girl likes someone?"
"You just said-"
"I can smell when a girl is turned on. The rest is guesswork. But...If it happens whenever they look at or are with a certain someone it's not a very hard guess to make."
"So... You know Ames likes ya that way then?"
I punch my idiot brother in the shoulder as hard as I can. "Then. Why. The. Fuck! Haven't you done anythin about it!?"
Said idiot brother inhales sharply as my fist breaks bone. We glare at each other while the little popping and grinding noises of his shoulder putting itself back together fill the silence.
As the last bone fragment clicks back into place, Jack sighs and his expression turns thoughtful.. "Honestly? I think it might be because I compare myself to our older brother too much."
"Huh? You mean that doofus that crashed on the couch?"
"Err... Doofus? I don't-" He shakes his head. "Not important. Amy and I- Okay. Look, you know she feels the same way about fire as she does me, right?"
I can feel my eyes practically roll themselves at that idea. "That's retahded. Ames does not wanna have sex with fire. She wants to boink you, dumbass."
"No, I mean...sure, but watching things burn puts her in the mood." Jack taps his nose. "To about the same degree."
"So she's a bit of a py-" Jack raises an eyebrow. "Fine... She's a total pyromaniac. So what?"
"I don't want to be lit on fire!"
"Why the fuck would she light ya on fire?"
"William and Mother have been together for over a century." He holds up his hand to stop me before I can tell him that ain't got nothing to do with this. "He's loved Mother, in spite of her... quirks... for over a century. Been devoted to her. And yet they still have their spats, they fight, they break up, they get back together."
"Again. So what? What've they gotta do with you and Ames?"
"Their fights were usually over one or both of them cheating on the other. William was born from a poet obsessed with love." He snorts derisively. "If he can't manage the straight and narrow for Mother, what hope do I have?"
"So what!? Christ, It's just skin. You and Ames are fuckin drivin me nuts."
"Know thyself, Faith. Know thyself. Can you really see Amy taking it well if she came home and found me with some other girl?"
"Not that Sun Tzu stuff again. God, It's just sex- err..." Ames said she wanted the whole 'dating' crap or whatever didn't she? "Okay, I guess Ames doesn't see it that way does she?"
"Exactly! You and I? We could probably manage just fine getting each other off and not being upset if I walked in on you and Buffy going at it. But I think Amy might be a bit possessive for that."
"Right... Ames is totally the possessive one. Also, dude! I'm your sister!"
" what?"
"So what!? Fuckin vamp logic." I start banging my head against the truck window in frustration.
The sound of shattering glass fills the truck as my window breaks. Shit, not again. I turn back to Jack and shrug apologetically. "...Oops?"
Jack just laughs at me before smiling and mussing up my hair. "Don't worry about it. I'll get it replaced."
I like that this time I'm more important than some stupid car. Mom's loser boyfriends have never felt that way.
---Winters Residence – Atrium : Thursday Late Afternoon---
Racing down the stairs with Ames I turn towards the basement to head for the gun safe. Shit. So much for them waiting til the dead of night.
"What the actual fuck..." Jack mumbles, sounding confused. He stops closing the door and continues looking at whatever's out there. His hand is on the pistol he keeps holstered in his back but he's signaling stand down.
"What is- who's that? He looks familiar..." Ames stares out the door thoughtfully while Jack's head whips around to stare at her. "Wasn't he singing at Caritas last week?"
"Oh... Yeah... I think so." Jack starts to relax. His hand stays near his pistol as he looks back outside though. Something is clearly bothering him. "Hello! Can I help you?"
I hear a dudes voice answer as I start walking back towards the door. Oz looks as confused as I feel. "I hope so. My name is Lindsey McDonald, I'm an associate with Wolfram and Hart. I'm looking for a Jack Winters."
Jack waves the rest of us back. "... May I ask what about?"
The voice apparently belongs to some guy in a suit who stops just outside the doorway and smiles at Jack. "I have some news about his father."
What the shit? Oh. He must mean Jack's dad's dad? Maybe? Fuck, vampire family trees are confusing.
Oz tugs on my sleeve and gives me a look. Sniffing the air, he glances back at suit dude. "I think that guy is one of the ones that broke in and bugged the place last month."
---Sunnydale High Classroom : Monday 3rd Period---
I take my seat in Ms. Tenghast's reading class.
Usually it's one of my favorite classes. A super easy class, just like X-man said, we just read a bunch of books and sometimes have to talk about them.
Today... it means sitting next to X-man while he grumbles angrily about Jack.
"Seriously? Could ya not fuckin talk about my brotheh like that? "
"It's not your brother! It's a demon wearing your brother as a suit!" He hisses back at me.
"He is my-"
Ms. Tenghast's voice interrupts me from behind. "Hi, Faith." I look over as she walks into the room. Glancing back, X has his back to me now.
"Morning, Ms. T."
"You wouldn't happen to know if your brother has ever considered teaching, would you?"
"Oh. Uh... I dunno." I shrug. "We've nevah talked about it. He seems to enjoy his work at the hospital though, why?"
"I just watched him teach Mr. Bardunn's class. It looked like he had a fair bit of practice. Certainly one of the more entertaining math classes I've ever had."
"Oh, yeah. He does that a lot. He and Ames- Amy Madison- are always explaining stuff like that for me. Jack says he's just copyin a chemistry teacher he had once back home. 'Parently he was pretty good 'spite being a soulless monstah."
"Soulless monster?" Ms. T asks me while Xander suddenly sounds like he's choking next to me.
"Yeah, Jack says the guy was a Yankees Fan. Eurgch!" I only need to half fake the retching noise that accompanies such a bad thought.
Ms. T doesn't seem to appreciate just how awful the idea is though because she laughs.
"I gather you're a Red Sox fan then?"
"Damn strai- err- Sorry. Yeah, I am."
The bell rings and Ms. T smiles. "Well, let your brother know I enjoyed his class. I should start my own now though." I nod as she heads up to the front of the room.
"It's not your brother!"
"He is too! And don't give me that shit about him just thinkin he's the same guy that died. Jack knows he ain't-"
"Good morning, class!"
"Good morning, Ms. T."
"Today we're going to start the book, 'Dracula,' by Bram Stoker."
Beside me, X grumbles "Oh, great... more vampires."
"E-fuckin-nough already." This is the guy Dawn is so obsessed with? Christ-
"Xander? Faith? Is everything all right?"
"Just talkin 'bout vampires. X here thinks they all HAVE to be evil soulless monsters."
"And you disagree? I didn't realize you were an Anne Rice fan."
What's rice got to do with... anything? "Yeah... Sure... rice is okay." Except when Jack insists on mixing white rice with peanut butter. That shit ain't okay.
---Sunnydale High Hallways : Monday After 4th Period---
B grabs my arm as I'm walking to the cafeteria and pulls me into the bathroom.
"Shit, B. Let go of me."
Instead of her letting go I get pulled into a hug. "Ya know, B, this is how those rumors got started." I grin.
"You're okay?"
"Ya... Course I am." I tell the blonde hair that's still in my face. "Why wouldn't I be?"
Buffy pulls back a bit, hands on my shoulders. She stares at me with this cute wide eyed- "You- why? Spike's dangerous."
I roll my eyes. "The doofus that spent all Sunday on the couch drinking and arguing with Jack about history is dangerous. Pull the other one, B."
"They're vampires!"
"And Angel is what, exactly? I've lived with Jack for months and I'm fine... And if they're so 'dangerous' why did you let me leave with them?" Let me guess, too busy lookin after gramps?
"Angel needed-"
"Yeah. That's what I thought." I pull away and open the bathroom door. "Oh, by the way, just a heads up... That history I said they were arguing about? Was how many of us Slayers have been murdered by the watchers. You sure it's me that's in danger?"
---Sunnydale High Cafeteria : Monday Lunchtime---
I can hear Ames and Harm talking as I finally make it to our usual spot. "...Cordelia was trying to convince me that he's obviously evil and can't be trusted."
"Yeah. Willow tried to sell me the same crap after math today." Ames rolls her eyes. She spots me headed their way and waves.
I grab the open seat across from Ames and put my lunch down. "You guys getting the third degree too?"
"Oh Goddess, yes. Willow is convinced Jack has some sort of nefarious scheme involving that rail gun you two built." Ames pauses and looks at me funny. "You guy's can't actually destroy the school with it can you?"
"Not unless you can magic the school into somethin watermelon sized first. Maybe the next one we're planning? It should at least be able to put a hole in one of the walls."
"Next one?"
"Why do you need to build more than one?"
"Because the school year goes until June? Because our current one is a pain in the ass to aim? Because... it's fun?"
"This is going to be like crossbow practice all over again isn't it?"
"Hey! I said I was sorry for that!"
Harms interrupts us both, waving her hand between our faces. "Crossbow practice?"
---Sunnydale High Classroom : Monday Last Period---
"Ah, Faith. Might I have a moment?"
"Is it about how Jack can't possibly be my brother, or has to be evil because he's a vamp?"
"Well, yes. I-"
I hold up my hand. "Then fuck off. I'm sick of hearin it. Christ, you people just don't fuckin get it do you? We're family. That actually means something to some of us, ya know?" I turn around and start walking towards the shop classes. "Besides, even if Jack went crazy, Ames would just set him on fire. She's gettin real good at that pyromancy shit."
I hear Giles stutter out one last, "Oh good Lord!" Then I'm around the corner and into the crowd.
I must still look annoyed when I walk into class a moment later because Jack's eyebrow goes up immediately, and he asks me; "Something wrong?"
"No... Yes-" I spot Willow walking through the door. Fuckin shit. Really? She's not even in this class. "I'll tell you later. Let's just make some watermelons go boom, okay?"
---Winter's Residence : Tuesday Afternoon---
I take a slow step back from the railing and walk back into my room.
Wow. Red and X-man? What the shit?
Taking out my phone and flopping down onto the bed I call Dawn. She'd want to hear about this, and it'll give me an excuse to check up on B.
"Hey, Momma S."
"Oh. Hello, Faith. How are you doing?
"I'm good. Is The Dawnsteh around?"
"She should be. Hold on a moment." I can hear her calling Dawn's name in the background for a moment before Dawn picks up.
"Hi, Faith!"
"Hey, Dawnsteh."
We both pause and wait for the click of Mrs. S. hanging up before going any further.
"I got some bad news. 'Membah how I said your crush was actin like a toolshed at school?"
"...Yes." Comes the grumbled response over the phone.
"Oz just showed up at the house. I guess he walked in on Red and X-man having some kind of screaming match and one of them let slip that they've been messing around on the side."
"WHAT!? Oh my gawd. No! I don't- Xander wouldn't. Are you serious right now?"
I blink a few times. "Yeah. Sorry, I know you like him and all, but-"
"Have you told Harmony?" Oh shit. Yeah, she's gonna flip when she finds out she was right. I put Dawn on speakerphone and start typing a text to Harms. "...Oh gawd, does Cordelia know..?"
Pausing my typing, I sigh. Dawnsteh sounds all hopeful and shit. "Dawn-"
"Don't. I know. You can save the boys suck speech."
"It's not a fuckin speech." I laugh. "But okay. Besides, usually the problem is that they want us to-"
While Dawn has her little freakazoid moment, I tap send.
TO HARM: 'Guess who's at the house'
"Are you done being gross?"
"It's not gross if you do it right."
FROM HARM: 'Leonardo Dicaprio'
... Why would Leo-
"Faith! Eww! I think I almost like it better when you're staring at my sister."
Aha! "How is B? We kinda had a fight yesterday and I haven't heard from her since."
"Oh Gawd. Buffy is being such a- Eurgh!" I finish my next text to Harms while Dawn takes a moment to calm down.
TO HARM: 'No Oz he broke up with w cause she cheated with x'
FROM HARM: 'Amy wants to know if you did your hw'
Seriously!? That's- Ames is such a dork.
FROM HARM: 'what'
FROM HARM: 'omg'
FROM HARM: 'cordy know'
FROM HARM: 'Im call c'
"Way seriously! She had a hissy fit cause I borrowed this shirt of hers. Apparently the little bit of milk I spilled on it was some kind of tragedy. Nevermind how often she's come home covered in blood, or that I helped her keep mom from noticing."
"Pfft. You think blood's bad? You shoulda seen this demon snot monstah thing I ran into in Iowa, right? Got this green goopy shit on everythin. I had to kill that outfit with fuckin fire. My favorite pair'ah pants too. I loved those pants, made my ass look-"
---Sunnydale High Cafeteria : Thursday Lunchtime---
"Math test today?"
"Tomorrow." Ames looks up from her text book. "And you have one in your Reading class next period don't you?"
"Yes, Mother." I grin at Ames's glare. "I read the book while watching Oz for Jack last night."
"Okay, just making sure."
"Yeah yeah, I know, you think I'm gunna go to college and- Hey, there's Oz." Oz walks into the cafeteria, and gets halfway to his usual table before he stops.
"Of course you're going to college. Why wouldn't you? And don't give me any more of that dying young bullshit."
"Yo! Oz! Ovah here!" I call out to him. He nods and starts heading this way. "It's not that. I just... don't like school. Why would I want more of it?"
"But college sounds like so much fun!" Harms says from behind me before sitting down on my right. "There's parties and sororities and you can live in- Hey... that's kind of what you guys do now isn't it?"
"Yeah! See... I already get the best parts of college. Why would I wanna deal with the fuss of classes?"
"You could major in music." Oz sits down next to Ames.
"Guys! Seriously. I don't wanna go to college."
"Then don't go." Jack adds as he sits on my left.
"She can't just not go to college! And how can you of all people say that, Mr. School-Is-Important?" Ames sounds so betrayed... I'm just gonna stay out of it. If Jack's willing to take Ames on over me not doing more school that's fine by me.
Jack shrugs. "Faith not graduating high school looks bad and gives the idiots in England leverage to undo her emancipation. Faith not going to college is her own decision. Plenty of people do alright for themselves without a college degree, and it's not like she needs a degree to work with us, unless... Okay, I suppose getting a black belt or sniper certified would be like going to college for Faith. We could always look into that."
That I can agree to. "That don't sound too bad. Kinda fun actually."
"Huh..." Jack looks over at Oz as though surprised to see him at our table.
"Oh. Hey, Oz. I talked to Mrs. Mendoza in the biology department, she was fine with me borrowing one of their microscopes. If you're still good for it we can go ahead with taking a look at some blood samples during a full moon."
---Sunnydale Roadways : Thursday Afternoon---
"I liked how things were before, you know?" Before B chose Angel instead of me.
Jack doesn't answer. After a few seconds of silence he groans and rubs his face as he stares at the intersection we stopped at silently.
The light turns green. Jack doesn't go. Something's wrong.
He turns to me and sighs, staring at me for another moment. Did I do something bad? "You do realize that Buffy probably doesn't swing that way right?"
"What the shit?"
"When you two get done sparring, she doesn't smell aroused. Well, not like you do anyway."
That's... kinda... Whatever, It's just skin. "Really? Damn."
"Yeah, don't get me wrong. She definitely enjoys rolling around on the mat with you, but I think she feels the same way about any good slaying."
"Well that sucks."
"Sure. Granted, If any girl has a shot at getting into Buffy's pants it's you." And now he sounds annoyed. I thought Ames was being ridiculous when she said Jack had a thing for me... but after listening to Spike mope for hours about his break up with their mother... "Or maybe Willow."
Oh. That makes more sense, of course he sounds annoyed when thinking about her. Jack and Red annoy each other by existing. "Red? Really? You think the girl that was fooling around with two boys at once is gay?"
"No, I know she's bi, but that's hardly important. I guess I'm trying to say I'd have your back... even if you tried to date Buffy." Jack scratches the back of his head. Ames says that means the next thing he says will probably be 'extra ridiculous' and only true if you squint at it really hard. "I just don't see... I mean, why Buffy of all people?"
Only true if you... oh. I snort. Jack likes B too? This could be fun.
"I dunno Jack, you tellin me you don't think she's hot? You don't just wanna bend her-"
Jack shudders theatrically and then starts laughing. "The joys of hate-fucking aside, it's more... plenty of the chicks in the psych ward are hot, but that doesn't mean I'd date them."
"B ain't crazy. She's just got this... I don't know."
"Yeah. She's a Slayer, you're a Slayer, I get it." And now he sounds annoyed again.
"... Would you be upset if I got with B?"
"Nah. I would however reserve the right to grouse with Joyce about the 'kiddos' getting together." He sticks his tongue out at me as he air quotes kiddos with one hand. "But I'd support you. Just... I'd stockpile chocolate for when things blew up in your faces. Buffy's track record with relationships is... colorful?"
"You think Mrs. S would be upset?"
"No idea. Maybe at first? I think she still wants grandkids. But I imagine she'd come around. It's part of that whole unconditionally stuff that comes with being family."
Jack pokes my shoulder just in case I missed what he meant about the two of us. A family that wants me. I... don't know how to do this part. Sex is just skin, but... feelings? "Aww..." I don't... what do I..? "Thanks, Mistah J."
I think he knows what I meant. Jack laughs happily like he always does whenever I go along with that batman nonsense he and Ames... love... to-
"Hold up! You can smell when a girl likes someone?"
"You just said-"
"I can smell when a girl is turned on. The rest is guesswork. But...If it happens whenever they look at or are with a certain someone it's not a very hard guess to make."
"So... You know Ames likes ya that way then?"
I punch my idiot brother in the shoulder as hard as I can. "Then. Why. The. Fuck! Haven't you done anythin about it!?"
Said idiot brother inhales sharply as my fist breaks bone. We glare at each other while the little popping and grinding noises of his shoulder putting itself back together fill the silence.
As the last bone fragment clicks back into place, Jack sighs and his expression turns thoughtful.. "Honestly? I think it might be because I compare myself to our older brother too much."
"Huh? You mean that doofus that crashed on the couch?"
"Err... Doofus? I don't-" He shakes his head. "Not important. Amy and I- Okay. Look, you know she feels the same way about fire as she does me, right?"
I can feel my eyes practically roll themselves at that idea. "That's retahded. Ames does not wanna have sex with fire. She wants to boink you, dumbass."
"No, I mean...sure, but watching things burn puts her in the mood." Jack taps his nose. "To about the same degree."
"So she's a bit of a py-" Jack raises an eyebrow. "Fine... She's a total pyromaniac. So what?"
"I don't want to be lit on fire!"
"Why the fuck would she light ya on fire?"
"William and Mother have been together for over a century." He holds up his hand to stop me before I can tell him that ain't got nothing to do with this. "He's loved Mother, in spite of her... quirks... for over a century. Been devoted to her. And yet they still have their spats, they fight, they break up, they get back together."
"Again. So what? What've they gotta do with you and Ames?"
"Their fights were usually over one or both of them cheating on the other. William was born from a poet obsessed with love." He snorts derisively. "If he can't manage the straight and narrow for Mother, what hope do I have?"
"So what!? Christ, It's just skin. You and Ames are fuckin drivin me nuts."
"Know thyself, Faith. Know thyself. Can you really see Amy taking it well if she came home and found me with some other girl?"
"Not that Sun Tzu stuff again. God, It's just sex- err..." Ames said she wanted the whole 'dating' crap or whatever didn't she? "Okay, I guess Ames doesn't see it that way does she?"
"Exactly! You and I? We could probably manage just fine getting each other off and not being upset if I walked in on you and Buffy going at it. But I think Amy might be a bit possessive for that."
"Right... Ames is totally the possessive one. Also, dude! I'm your sister!"
" what?"
"So what!? Fuckin vamp logic." I start banging my head against the truck window in frustration.
The sound of shattering glass fills the truck as my window breaks. Shit, not again. I turn back to Jack and shrug apologetically. "...Oops?"
Jack just laughs at me before smiling and mussing up my hair. "Don't worry about it. I'll get it replaced."
I like that this time I'm more important than some stupid car. Mom's loser boyfriends have never felt that way.
---Winters Residence – Atrium : Thursday Late Afternoon---
Racing down the stairs with Ames I turn towards the basement to head for the gun safe. Shit. So much for them waiting til the dead of night.
"What the actual fuck..." Jack mumbles, sounding confused. He stops closing the door and continues looking at whatever's out there. His hand is on the pistol he keeps holstered in his back but he's signaling stand down.
"What is- who's that? He looks familiar..." Ames stares out the door thoughtfully while Jack's head whips around to stare at her. "Wasn't he singing at Caritas last week?"
"Oh... Yeah... I think so." Jack starts to relax. His hand stays near his pistol as he looks back outside though. Something is clearly bothering him. "Hello! Can I help you?"
I hear a dudes voice answer as I start walking back towards the door. Oz looks as confused as I feel. "I hope so. My name is Lindsey McDonald, I'm an associate with Wolfram and Hart. I'm looking for a Jack Winters."
Jack waves the rest of us back. "... May I ask what about?"
The voice apparently belongs to some guy in a suit who stops just outside the doorway and smiles at Jack. "I have some news about his father."
What the shit? Oh. He must mean Jack's dad's dad? Maybe? Fuck, vampire family trees are confusing.
Oz tugs on my sleeve and gives me a look. Sniffing the air, he glances back at suit dude. "I think that guy is one of the ones that broke in and bugged the place last month."