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Act 2: Chapter 20
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"I believe that we can do that, Lee. Can I get that list one more time to confirm I have everything correct?"

With one hand occupied by his cell phone, Lee has to flick his wrist to reopen the notebook held in his other hand. "Yeah. I need six copies of Protect, two copies of Solar Beam, two copies of Energy Ball, two copies of Focus Energy, one Dig, one Iron Tail, one Synthesis, one Thunder Wave, one Thunderbolt, one Psychic, one Swords Dance, one Payback, one Roost, one Light Screen, and one Hyper Beam. I'm willing to pay a premium if they come from quality donors."

On the other end of the phone line, Aarons is quiet for a moment. "Quite an impressive order. Why the sudden interest, if you don't mind me asking?"

Lee clicks his tongue. Aarons doesn't need to know. "I'm just closing gaps in my team's coverage. I am a career competitor, after all."

"Hmm…" Aarons hums on the other side of the line. "We can get the TMs to you within the week, though there is the matter of cost. I'm sure I can talk the boys upstairs down quite a bit since your TMs were quite a hit, but even my conservative estimates are putting the bill at nearly a hundred-and-twenty-thousand credits. Your second TM run will cover a fair amount of it, but…" The Silph Co rep sighs melodramatically. "Goodness, the remainder might hurt."

"I'll send you an email authorizing another run of Seed Sniper and Seed Blast when we're done talking," Lee interjects, trying to hold back his cringe at the expected but still painful number. "Just get the TMs to me when you can."

"That would certainly help out…" Aarons, being the asshat that he is, pauses dramatically. "But consumer projections of Grass TMs aren't as favorable as they were now that we're approaching the middle of the league year. The major players have theirs now, and a second run is never as exciting as the first. The Finance department might consider your 'tab' to be a debt if the new run doesn't sell as quickly, and they are rather aggressive when trying to collect an outstanding balance."

A scowl mars Lee's face. "That almost sounds like a threat."

"No no! Not a threat!" the businessman backpedals. "They would never! Silph Co values the relationship it shares with the fine pokemon trainers of the world, and that is why so many trainers look to us to support their journeys and endeavors. Why, we –"

"I'll fly back out to Mauville and let you copy something new," Lee interrupts, already exhausted from the conversation. "Give me two-three weeks."

"–will have your TMs in the mail by the end of the day!" Aarons is all radiant positivity, but he can't quite hide the greed-tinged eagerness in his voice. "Where should we ship them?"


"The Fallarbor Pokemart. I'll be there in a week," Lee supplies, reaching up to massage his brow. "Oh, and Aarons? When I show up for the TM copying, skip all the posturing and pleasantries. My Ninetales' temper is much shorter than it was back when she was a Vulpix. Have a good one."

Without waiting for an answer, Lee ends the call and leans back on the rickety park bench, relaxing. The dull throb of his migraine is slowly siphoned off, and he looks down to find out why.

Standing at his feet is Ninetales, who is breathing in deeply with a slight shake to her limbs. The tuft of chest fur on her breast is shaved short, and if one looks at her at the proper angle, they'll see pink scar tissue on her chest, nearly touching her heart.

It's been a week since Lee, Brendan, Zinnia, and their pokemon left Lavaridge, making north towards the distant town of Fallarbor, all the way on the other side of Mount Chimney. It's also been a week since Ninetales was finally released from the Lavaridge Pokemon Center…

… But not without complications.

The Pokemon Center's surgeons worked some absolute magic to save Ninetales' life, and even ensured that any lasting damage would be minimal, but that was only the silver lining of a dark cloud. A portion of Ninetales' left lung was destroyed, and although only a small fraction of her lung tissue was twisted and burned beyond repair, the loss compounded with the rest of the damage was enough to cause physical setbacks.

Until everything recovers, Lee's dear fox is going to be short of breath and easily fatigued. She's hissed and grumbled her discontent the entire way north so far with only Lee to hear her thoughts, as she's spent the long days of walking off of her paws and cooped up in her ball. Only now that they've reached a small border town west of Mount Chimney has she been allowed to begin exercising again, much to her frustration.

'Done with your laps, love?' Lee sends, patting the bench next to him, which Ninetales hops up onto. The fox lays her front half across Lee's lap, and Lee silently pours a bit of his stamina into her. His limbs grow a bit heavier, but the vixen's tremors fade.

'Seven laps around a park at trotting speed and I'm already exhausted?' Ninetales gnashes her teeth and tries to calm her rapid breaths. 'I hate this. I hate this feeling of weakness.'

Lee watches the various pokemon and people in the park as he thinks of a reply. His eyes roam to Zinnia, who is in a distant corner, letting her Tyrunt brutalize a challenging trainer's poor Pancham, to Brendan and Electrike, who are impressing a group of similarly-aged children with Brendan's four badges.

On the surface, everything seems normal. If Lee didn't know his friends well enough, he would have missed the lingering uncertainty, the guarded look in the eyes of his fellow trainers.

Everyone is still recovering.

'Don't let it bother you, Nine,' Lee silently soothes, combing his fingers through her silky pelt. 'Your trotting speed is a dead sprint for most other pokemon. You'll come out of this stronger than before. We all will. It's just a temporary setback.'

Ninetales sets her jaw like she's going to argue, but sighs and melts into his lap when Lee heads her off with a hug, one gentle enough to not squeeze her ribs. 'Very well. I suppose now is not the time or the place. How did your call with the slimeball go? I was not paying attention.'

'I gave him the list, and he estimated a hundred-and-twenty grand. I had to promise a new TM to get him to shut up. I also told him not to mess around when we show up, lest he annoy you too much. I didn't get a reply from him before I hung up, but I imagine he's pissing himself a little.'

Ninetales lets out a raspy, vulpine chortle. 'As he should!'

While Lee would have loved to take the time to teach all of his pokemon new moves from scratch to better aid their long-term mastery and further his own understanding in the process, the incident upon the volcano left the zoologist with a painful idea of what sort of gaps his team possesses, and expedited the need to close them.

TMs are not a perfect solution, not by a long shot. As miraculous as the disks are, they only impart the fundamentals needed to use a move and little else, like inserting a new line of code into a program. Any tricks, quirks, and hangups will have to be discovered manually through use and training, meaning true mastery takes time. Only TMs from truly exceptional donors have the donor's honed, instinctual understanding of the move woven within.

Still, though, TMs provide an accelerated starting point, eliminating the initial hurdles of learning a new move. Time is money, which means TMs are expensive. To Lee, though, the cost is worth it.

The first one Lee looked at when considering TMs was Octillery. He and the octopus have been slowly getting better at working together, but it's obvious that they lack synergy; their effectiveness simply isn't up to par, at least not compared to the rest of the team. Lee is simply too used to having pokemon with superior mobility, and the transition to a slower-paced fighting style has been a difficult one.

The answer for that? Simply make Octillery the faster pokemon in the match. Until Lee's skill as a trainer catches up with Octillery's full capabilities, this is the most straightforward solution. Easier said than done, but some new moves might make all the difference in the world, which is why Octillery is getting Thunder Wave, Psychic, Focus Energy, and Payback.

Thunder Wave's near-guaranteed paralysis will slow down speedier opponents and give Octillery ample time to use Lock-On and Focus Energy.

Psychic is going to be a bit trickier, as Lee wants Octillery to learn telekinesis not for attacking, but for mobility. Pokemon without an innate predisposition to levitation often have trouble moving themselves with telekinesis, as Lee and Ninetales found out shortly after Nine's evolution, but if any pokemon can spare the brainpower to psychically levitate themself, it's Octillery. Telekinesis also opens a lot of interesting doors for the cephalopod.

Finally, Payback is to make other pokemon think twice about getting too close. Octillery's Wrap is crushing, and his Headbutt is painful, but he simply isn't a physical attacker at his core. Payback, which increases the user's physical strength after taking a hit, will even the odds for a close-range engagement.

Grovyle's greatest weakness is his fragility, which unfortunately is difficult to solve. The Sceptile line is not well predisposed for defensive moves in general. Lee is certain that, given enough time, he can work out something viable for Grovyle, but for now, it seems more prudent to go with what's tried and true. Synthesis should aid the wood gecko in his battle longevity as the two of them continue to develop the still unnamed 'drain blade' technique, but in an ideal scenario, the battle wouldn't drag on long enough for Grovyle to get that banged up.

For that reason, Lee decided Swords Dance is a must-have. It's difficult to master, and borderline dangerous for the user if they can't control their own strength, but once the user has some expertise with it, the boost to the pokemon's physical attributes is immense. Lee isn't terribly concerned about that, as Grovyle is nothing if not a master of his own body. He researched the move, and was shocked with how huge a difference it makes. Grovyle is also getting a copy of Focus Energy, because why not? The techniques pair well together.

On the projectile side, Grovyle is also getting Energy Ball and Solar Beam, just in case he faces a foe more susceptible to energy attacks than physical ones. Solar Beam also synergizes quite well with Ninetales' Drought, because as the name implies, Solar Beam is empowered by the sun's rays. In situations where Solar Beam isn't the best choice—say, a cloudy day or at night—Energy Ball will make for an excellent backup.

Corvi might be the best balanced of Lee's team. The great raven has no outstanding weaknesses other than a susceptibility to Fire and Electric-type. Nevertheless, Lee picked out TMs for him too.

Roost was an obvious one. How do you make a flying tank even worse to fight? You give that tank the ability to heal itself. Roost also has some properties that might make for interesting research later. How does the pokemon use Flying TE for healing?

Given how many Fire and Electric-type moves are energy-based attacks, Light Screen was another gimmie. With Light Screen cutting the potency of energy attacks, Corvi should be able to shrug off most projectiles and reduce the potency of his only two type disadvantages.

Lee would have liked to get an offensive Ground move for Corvi to defeat his sole pair of weaknesses, but most experts say that Ground TE is beyond the Corviknight line, meaning that that is going to have to be an independent project on his part.

Thunderbolt is for Shinx once she grows a bit more. It should serve as an accelerated stepping stone once she masters Thundershock. Once the kitten has a few battles under her belt, Lee can more effectively build a movepool for her. If Lee is being honest with himself, Shinx is probably ready to begin battling. She's fully transitioned to solid food, is finally in the healthy weight range for her species, and watches the rest of the team train with growing restlessness.

And for Ninetales? His ace is getting Solar Beam, Energy Ball, Iron Tail, Hyper Beam, and Dig.

Solar Beam was the most obvious choice for her. It hits hard, synergizing with the harsh sunlight brought by her Drought, and is super effective against her three main weaknesses—those being Ground, Rock, and Water. Like with Grovyle, Energy Ball is a backup for when Solar Beam isn't viable.

Iron Tail is a move Lee tried to teach Nine himself, but something about the Steel TE has been eluding her. They can get the fur of her tails to stiffen and shine, but they've always been too rigid to maneuver, sticking out like an awkward fan behind her. The fox is no slouch in melee, and turning her namesake tails into weapons would make her a terror at close range. But this pales to what Lee has in mind for long-range.

Hyper Beam is a ferocious technique spoken of in hushed whispers. Few pokemon have what it takes to use the move in the first place, let alone master it. Even novices can reshape the landscape with it, and Ninetales could make fantastic use of a powerful, Normal-typed beam attack. The poorly understood components within Hyper Beam that allow a pokemon to unleash such unearthly amounts of energy at once will arguably be more useful to Ninetales later, though. If she and Lee can reverse engineer that…

Finally, Dig is almost exclusively to introduce Nine to Ground TE. The move will be useful on its own merits, but the end goal of learning it is to use it as a stepping stone to other Ground techniques. With Ground at her disposal, Nine will be able to effectively counter other Fire-types with unfavorable secondary types, such as Fire-Ground, or Fire-Dark.

Lee can thank some poor guy in his Battlenet megathread for this decision, as the poster proudly announced that he acquired a Houndoom with Flash Fire, an ability that completely negates fire moves, to counter Ninetales. A Fire-Dark pokemon that's immune to both fire and psychic type attacks might be the worst matchup Nine can face.

Lee replied with the word "Dig" and muted the thread for a few days, much to Ninetales' amusement.

Then, almost as an afterthought, Lee decided that everyone, eventual sixth pokemon included, will be getting Protect. Damn near every pokemon can learn it, and it's too useful to not have. In the pokemon games, Protect negates all incoming damage outside of a few rare circumstances, and it works much the same here. Only an attack of truly monstrous power can break Protect's barrier.

According to Zinnia, the Draconid stronghold outside of Fallarbor would provide an excellent place for some private training, meaning Lee will be free to teach his pokemon one TM at a time and help them master each move before moving on to the next. By the time they're back on the road, every one of them should have a greatly expanded repertoire.

'Seems sound to me.' Ninetales nods, following Lee's thoughts. Inside the fox is a twinge of excitement at the prospect of a handful of new moves, with Dig being the only exception. Already she can imagine her fur covered in filth…

'Even with a bit of dirt on you, you'd still be the most beautiful pokemon in Hoenn,' Lee insists. He presses a hand to Nine's chest, just to the side of her scar, and measures her heart rate. 'Your heart is calming down plenty fast, and your breathing is settling. You'll be back to one-hundred percent in no time.'

The fox huffs, a smidgen of her foul mood returning. 'It cannot come soon enough.'

The pair remain there on the bench for a time, their silent chatter turning inconsequential, which Lee can't help but find to be a pleasant change of pace.

'I finished my last book last night,' Ninetales begins, her troubles fading from the forefront of her mind. 'The Cerulean Account is a fascinating read to be certain, though I can't help but feel as if the author glossed over a number of important details. There was never a stated reason as to how Cinnabar Island and the Pallet Outpost began to poach seaborne merchant traffic from the Cerulean ports located on Route twenty-four. One can certainly assume that they lowered their tariffs as low as Kanto would allow, but that does not explain why even ships coming from the north, like from the growing Hisui, would be willing to circumvent Kanto's entire eastern flank and add weeks to their trip…'

Oh Arceus, she's talking about geopolitical history again. If he couldn't lift the knowledge directly from Ninetales' mind, Lee would be so lost. Even if he finds the subject dull, Lee listens dutifully.

The topic drifts here and there, from books and history…

'I would like to take up calligraphy, if funds will allow it.' Nine gives Lee a hopeful look. 'Other Eyes mentioned that it was used as a meditative art form during the days of the shogunate, and I found myself intrigued by the concept. Learning Old Kantonese along the way may also be useful later.'

Lee smiles and holds the fox a little tighter. 'Remind me, and we'll order a starter kit tonight.'

Ninetales nuzzles her face into the crook of Lee's neck, purring softly in her throat.

…To Lee's research…

'– why I believe that the Cinnabar laboratory might be onto something. Ancestral memory may be recorded within the DNA of pokemon according to their research, and I can certainly see that being true. The amount of genetic variance between differing pokemon species outside of key sequences is odd, and all that data burned in the DNA may be what is causing such an unusual amount of genetic drift,' Lee finishes, taking a breath even though he relayed everything with telepathy. 'And considering the 'level up' method of learning moves, perhaps IE concentration within the body is what is responsible for activating these dormant genes? A typical learn set wouldn't account for all of the uncategorized 'junk' DNA, though. For all we know, it might be possible for any Pokémon to learn every move. If not that, then the unused genes must be for something.'

Nine seems a little dizzy from the dump of information and theory, and Lee can feel her mind prodding his to get a replay of what he just said. '…Indeed, Beloved. I agree?'

…To things much more inconsequential, like happenings online…

"Oh my god, they actually did it…" Lee murmurs aloud, turning his phone to show Ninetales the screen.

Junesoft, the gacha game makers who contacted Lee to see if they could use his likeness in their game, Pocket Masters Epoch, weren't messing around and actually added him and Ninetales as attainable characters. They added Lee and Ninetales as a four-star 'Epic' drop, and Lee and Grovyle as a three-star 'rare' drop. Junesoft sent him an email earlier this morning letting him know when to expect royalty deposits and informing him that they awarded his account with both characters.

Lee has always felt that gacha games are a waste, but Brendan introduced him to this one, and so far it's a decent enough time waster. Naturally, the game is about collecting famous trainers and their signature pokemon, then battling NPCs and other players with them, making it a vague mirror of another pokemon mobile game that existed back on Lee's earth. Never did he imagine that he would be in one of these games, though.

'Four out of five stars!?' Ninetales is affronted. She frowns heavily. 'They should have made us a five!'

'Five might be the 'official' highest, but there are ones who are six, seven, and some other hidden rank I'm forgetting. Brendan was bouncing off the walls when he got a six-star from Sinnoh's battle frontier. Palmer, I think it was.' Lee blinks at his phone and rotates the virtual models of him and Ninetales. He clicks his tongue at the exaggerated scars and scowl on his character's face. He opens his browser and logs into Battlenet, navigating over to the video game section.

Surprise, surprise, the newest patch to Pocket Masters Epoch and the release of new characters has kicked the hornet's nest. No one seems to be complaining about Lee and Ninetales, so they must be fairly balanced in the game, but there is a thread complaining about Tobias, the Sinnoh trainer who recently captured a Latios, being added as a five-star and upsetting the metagame. Apparently, Tobias and Latios have the highest initiative of any five-star and a stellar attack rating, meaning the lucky few who have them can sweep anyone without an all-star lineup.

…No, wait, there is one post in the changelog mega-thread complaining that Lee and Nine are over-tuned. Apparently, Junesoft made Lee's unique perk, Unsung Stratagem, synergize way too well with Nine's unique perk, I Will Not Be Denied! According to the poster, anybody who uses Lee and Ninetales is definitely a 'sweaty tryhard too poor to roll a real frontliner.'

Lee then looks at the various chat groups he's in, realizing he hasn't checked them in weeks.

Fox Friday has the usual chatter. Lee debates bombing them with a photo of Ninetales draped across his lap, and then decides against it.

Fire Masters is quieter. The latest post is from Flint in Sinnoh's Elite Four. He included a picture of his goofy, smiling face with a dour blonde man beside him. Behind the pair are a boardwalk and the open ocean.

9TT is a ghost town as usual, with only Lokoko online as she always is.

Finally, there are the myriad of other chat groups Lee is in, but doesn't really interact with. One for amateur academics, one for rare pokémon hunters, one for rumors and gossip, and a number of others, none of which are of any real consequence. After a moment of indecisiveness, he taps on the one for the rare pokémon hunters and skims through the recent conversations.

'Thinking on our sixth member, Beloved?' Ninetales asks, already knowing the answer.

'Yeah, I am.' Lee continues scrolling. 'Now that I can fly on Corvi, we can realistically get anywhere in the region within just a few days. Hell, if we feel like it, we could probably go to a different region altogether. With that kind of freedom available, I'm wondering what sort of pokemon might be a good fit for our sixth slot. Outside of Octi's Ice Beam, we don't have a good answer for Dragons, so an Ice-type or a Fairy-type would be nice.'

'Or a Dragon-type on our side,' Nine supplies. 'Surely Meteor Falls and the Draconid tribal land have no shortage of them.'

'True, that would save a lot of logistical headaches. Besides Corvi, we're also lacking a bulky fighter. A Dragon could fit both…'

Nine can sense his doubts, however. 'But you don't wish to deal with a typical Dragon's mentality.'

'I don't.' Lee frowns. 'Zinnia's crash course in Dragon etiquette makes me a bit leery of them. I have no problems with the song and dance of dominance displays, but I don't like using physical force when it comes to solving issues with inter-team relations. I didn't like it as a zookeeper, and I don't like it now.'

The golden fox yawns, putting her pearly whites on display for a moment. 'You still want an Eevee, I take it?'

Finding little of interest in the chat group, Lee scrolls a bit further. 'A little. I still want a Vaporeon because I think their hydro-kinetic bodies are fascinating, but at the same time, doubling up on types doesn't seem wise when Octi is already great at what he does. An Umbreon might be nice. They're outrageously tough and scrappy for their size, so one could be a welcome addition as a tanky fighter. Ice was an underwhelming type in the games, but looking around on Battlenet has shown me that a little creativity goes a long way with Ice, so a Glaceon would also be a welcome addition.'

Ninetales nods along. 'You were considering others as well, correct? I recall Audino, Miltank, and Chansey were high on your list for their restorative abilities.'

'A dedicated healer would be fantastic,' Lee thinks with a sigh. 'In an ideal world, there would be a pokemon that can heal, no-sell Dragons, fight, not overlap with our other types, and still be attainable.' His thoughts go to Gardevoir and Galarian Rapidash, who fill all of the criteria except for the 'attainable' part. No one finds a Ralts, as the timid pokemon use their empathetic powers to pick out trainers on their own, and promptly teleport away when threatened. As for Rapidash's colorful cousin, not only are they difficult to find in the wild, the small number of ranches with the expertise to breed them are all the way in Galar and demand adoption fees that approach six figures. For that amount of money, he would prefer an Eevee. 'I suppose I'll just have to make a choice and settle.'

Ninetales, apparently tired of sitting, shuffles off of Lee's legs and stands, giving herself a full body shake as she does. The shake aggravates some of her lingering aches, which Lee acutely feels in his own body, but it passes in only a second. 'I'm feeling rested. Let's go for a walk.'

Lee stands as well, giving both of his legs a shake to get his blood moving. 'Lead the way,' he sends back, locking and pocketing his phone.

The town that the group stopped at along Route 109 is small. It's almost more of a village, really, considering the main street holds roughly 90% of everything there is to see. From what little Lee has gathered from looking around, it seems as though many of the residents sustain themselves by being a resting place for trainers going to and from Lavaridge, as evidenced by the many inns, bed-and-breakfasts, restaurants, and a disproportionately large Poke Mart. The other major industry in town is a large mining operation that set up shop in Mount Forina, an ore-rich mountain along the western side of the town. The valley town reminds Lee of beautiful Appalachia, deep in West Virginia, where he spent more than one youthful summer with his grandparents.

The sight of Ninetales strolling down the street doesn't draw as many eyes as it did in Lavaridge. More than one person slows down to watch them pass, but it's not the pointing and grabbing for cell phone cameras that it was in the previous town. It's surprisingly refreshing.

'It still gets me how damn near everything in this world is so pleasant,' Lee smiles to himself, looking around. Idly, he casts his mind to Ninetales, telepathically feeling up and down her body, taking stock of it with the same ease he would his own. The trainer finds himself pleased that the sedate pace they've set isn't aggravating any of her lingering aches and pains.

'I'm hardly an invalid,' Nine snaps, irritation coloring her voice. 'If walking after weeks of bedrest tired me out, then I would hardly be fit to be your Ace.'

'I know, I know. I just worry sometimes.'

Ninetales' annoyance melts away in an instant, replaced with regret. 'I apologize, beloved. It wasn't my intention to be snippy. I just can't stop dwelling on my failure on the volcano… I should have been able to do more,' she says, one of her tails lashing in frustration.

'Do more?' Lee shakes his head, incredulous. He stares down at Ninetales, who refuses to meet his eyes. 'Nine, you saved my life, nearly at the expense of your own! I'm the one at fault here! I'm the one who let us go up on that volcano without adequate backup, and look what happened! You nearly died, we all nearly died!'

'Your failures are my failures, too,' she replies, her lips pulling back into a silent snarl. She quickly schools her expression and takes a calming breath, finally raising her ruby eyes to lock with his blues. 'I am not only your Ace pokemon, but your partner from now until grim death calls for us, and I would have it no other way. I arrogantly believed that nothing could hope to stand up to us, and did not catch the mistake either, so do not take all the blame for yourself. We are both equally at fault no matter what you think. Remember Mabel's words, and do not put yourself down over everything.'

Lee quickly formulates a reply, but stops himself short when Ninetales silently hushes him, wrapping her mind around his own in a hug of untold intimacy.

'You still don't agree with me, do you?' The fox asks quietly.

Lee's silence is all the answer she needs.

Nine physically sighs, and a twinge of regret jabs Lee for how he is exhausting her. 'Let us agree to disagree for now then, and promise that we will both do better for each other. After that, there is no point in dwelling on the past. Doing so is clearly taxing for us both.'

'I can do that,' Lee finally sends back, reaching a hand down to rub the heart mark on her ear. 'I love you, Nine.'

The vixen leans into him, smiling faintly. 'And I, you.'

'We'll do better,' Lee silently promises himself. 'I'll do better. For you, and everyone else.'

"That's such crap!" Brendan cries, clawing at his hat in frustration. In his hand, his PokeGear branded phone flashes with a mocking 'DEFEAT' screen. "Gah! I hate pay-to-win wailords!"

Beside him, Marshtomp chortles.

The afternoon finds Lee, Zinnia, Brendan, and their pokemon back in the park. The inn where the trio is staying the night is rather cramped, as all three were forced into a cramped two-bed room with little more furnishings than a pullout couch, making anything other than sleeping in there unpleasant at best, and impossible at worst.

Forget trying to let all of their pokemon out. Rather than dealing with the squabbling that will surely result from dinner in such tight quarters, they had left and claimed a corner of the public park with an aged picnic table and a slightly crooked, rectangular charcoal grill jutting from the ground.

Thoroughly tired of oppressive thoughts and the lingering malaise hovering around himself and his friends, Lee decided one final splurge was in order and hit up the town supermarket to get everything needed for a cookout. He had cleared out the small meat section of their steak and ground beef, grabbed a bag of potatoes, some whole ears of corn, several packages of buns, all the condiments and fixings he didn't have on hand, and a bag of charcoal.

Before he left, Lee made another round and picked out some appropriate replacement ingredients for the herbivores like Grovyle and Breloom, and the ones not too fond of red meat, like Octillery and Marshtomp.

Brendan, Zinnia, and their teams were equal parts surprised and elated when Lee and Ninetales returned trailing a train of telekinetically cradled bags.

"Damn thing…" Lee grunts, looking down at the unevenly burning coals in the grill. due to the supporting pole having probably been bent by a large pokemon or an especially fat human tripping over it. "Nine?"

At his side, Ninetales sticks her muzzle between the grill grate and coalbed, breathing a stream of flames into the coals. The uneven side glows red, warming back up to match the tilted side. Above the coals and on the grate, four burgers and a steak sizzle with more intensity.

"Thank you," Lee smiles, getting one in turn from his fox as she pulls back.

At the picnic table, Zinnia and her pokemon are tearing into their food with all the manners of… well, dragons. Zinnia is halfway through a rare, borderline raw steak, her corn cob is bare, and two of the three burgers she took are gone. How she can eat like she does and still maintain a slim figure is beyond Lee.

At her feet, Tyrunt mirrors his trainer to a disturbing degree. Huge bites of his meal disappear in his maw with little in the way of chewing. The little dino also took a baked potato… And didn't bother extracting it from the foil it was wrapped in, instead crunching down on the aluminum as if he didn't even notice. All that is left is a few scraps of foil.

Swablu and Goomy are a bit more clean. The bird opted for just grilled corn and somehow didn't cover herself in butter despite tearing it down to the cob in record time. Goomy, meanwhile, swallowed his burger in a single bite and let it dissolve in his acidic mouth.

Shelgon had a single bite of Zinnia's steak and called it quits, still in the middle of his evolutionary fast.

Even knowing that a Shelgon's lack of appetite is normal, Lee still cringes a bit when he looks at Shelgon. All of the healed-over cracks in his shell would fade faster if the orb-like Dragon would eat a bit more.

At Lee's feet, Electrike, Mawile, and Shinx all sit patiently and wait for the next round of food to be done.

'Some are more patient with others, though…' Lee thinks to himself, watching Mawile's crocodile-like jaws drool in the grass. He lets his gaze wander.

Corvi is over beneath a tree, resting along with Octillery as they wait to be called for food. Neither wants to be in the sun, one because he'll overheat in his armor, and the other because he'll dry out. It's good to see the corvid and cephalopod chattering quietly, as they didn't seem too fond of each other before Corvi's evolution.

Grovyle, meanwhile, is lying in the grass along with Breloom. The Grass-types leisurely sun themselves, but Lee cringes when he lays eyes upon Grovyle.

So many of his scales, especially on his chest, are deformed or pale from his burn scars, but it looks like a nightly application of Rawst-infused cream, the same stuff that Lee uses to keep his own scars pliant, is helping minimize everything.

It obviously chafes Grovyle, who is so used to training daily, that his body refuses to move how he wishes. The wood gecko has few tells that slip through his aloof attitude, but Lee can see the annoyed bounce of his chewing twig whenever Grovyle is reminded of his injuries. Every day, he's able to push his limbs a little farther, pulling at his scarred skin, but not as far as he could at the height of his health. It's going to be some time before he gets everything back, and it's heartening to Lee that Grovyle finally seems to be accepting that he can't work himself to the bone.

For now, at least.

Lee touches his spatula to one of the steaks on the grill, and judging it to be right at the halfway point between rare and medium rare, he scoops it up, plates it, and hands it down to Mawile.

The fairy looks at the slab of meat with glee, her eyes starry and both of her mouths watering. Her croc-jaws begin to rise and drape over her shoulder, ready to snap up the meal in one bite.

A canine whine interrupts her.

Looking to the side, Mawile is treated to the sight of both Electrike and Shinx looking at her with large, despondent eyes. Shinx waivers slightly, letting her gaze fall to the steak for a moment before fixing her eyes forward again.

Mawile grimaces, her shoulders tensing as if she were just stabbed. She looks between the steaming meat on her plate and the pair of younglings giving her big Growlithe eyes, indecision coloring every movement. Then with a pained hiss, she shakily holds the plate out to Electrike, trying, and mostly failing, to put a sincere smile on her face.

Stubby tail wagging so fast that it's practically a blur, Brendan's giant, electric puppy takes the steak right off the plate and trots over to a shady spot, Shinx bounding along with him. He tears the meat in half… Then promptly cedes the larger half to a loudly purring Shinx without a fuss.

Mawile drops to her hands and knees dramatically, a mournful moan leaving her.

"Oh, don't be like that," Lee rolls his eyes and bends over, picking up the discarded plate. Taking a patty off the grill, he assembles a regular burger from the spread of ingredients laid out on the folding camp table next to him and hands it to Mawile.

The fairy is back on her feet in an instant and shoves the sandwich into her rearward-facing jaws, shredding it between her teeth like a wild animal.

'Jeez…' Lee smiles awkwardly at the sight. He takes two more patties off the grill and puts more on to cook. With the two he took off, he makes a double burger, leaving out the onions, and holds it at hip height.

'What are you –' Ninetales begins to question before her stomach growls. The inside of her ears turn pink in a blush, and as nonchalantly as she can, she bites into the offered sandwich.

The taste of the burger and Ninetales' satisfaction both wash over Lee, and he smiles as both are equally pleasant.

Looking over his shoulder, Lee finally focuses on Brendan.

The boy is still occupied by his cellphone, seemingly disinterested in any of the food being prepared. Considering his appetite as a growing boy, it's unusual, to say the least. His usually smiling face, is instead neutral as though troubled. It seems as if the young trainer has been smiling less and less over the last week.

Something must be troubling him.

"Brendan?" Lee calls to the younger trainer. "You alright? You look kind of down."

Brendan jumps, apparently not expecting to be addressed. He puts his phone down and plasters a thin smile on his face. "Yeah! I'm fine! Just a bit bummed about a losing streak," he says, lifting his phone and giving it a shake.

Beside the young Birch, Zinnia's eyes sharpen, and she slows her eating. For a brief moment, Zinnia and Lee lock eyes.

She's noticed, too.

"Okay…" Lee lets the word hang. When Brendan doesn't spill, he continues. "If something was wrong, you'd say something, right?"

Brendan nods, though it looks rather unconvincing to Lee.

Clicking his tongue, Lee returns his attention to cooking. 'What's eating you, Brendan?'

"You're certain that this is needed?" Courtney weakly asks, looking at her new quarters within the Magma hideout.

It's spartan, even by her own pragmatic standards. A bed, a filled bookshelf, a desk with pens and stationary, a dresser with a mirror atop it, and a small door leading to an even smaller lavatory. Air circulates from somewhere, but Courtney can't see from where.

"Leader Maxie's orders, ma'am," the lieutenant escorting her says. Courtney can't tell who the lieutenant is on account of the bulky, psychic-dampening helmet they wear, but they sound like a man beneath the polarized visor. "Standard quarantine post-contact with hostile telepaths is four weeks. Your decontamination will start at o-seven-hundred hours tomorrow."

If it is Leader Maxie who ordered it, then Courtney is in no place to argue…

Stepping inside the rehabilitation quarters, Courtney looks around and realizes that she's never seen them from the inside. She's seen the schematics countless times in her dogmatic pursuits to ensure that everything within Magma is up to par, but being inside one is completely different.

There is a slam and a click, and the Magma Admin whirls around, seeing that the heavy steel door behind her has been shut and locked. Her first instinct is to reach for the pokeballs on her belt, only to stop.

Her pokémon were separated from her. 'Safety concerns,' said the medical officer who evaluated her. 'We don't want your pokemon to be endangered by unwilling orders from you in the event you were implanted with time delay or conditional compulsions. We'll take care of them.'

With an anxious sigh, Courtney slowly trudges over to the bed and sits, staring down at her hands.

Everything seemed to be going well enough when Leader Maxie rescued everyone, using Claydol to teleport them safely to a hidden clearing on the eastern part of Mount Chimney's flank. As per standard protocol, all of the members scattered and made their way back to the hideout at random times to throw off pursuers. Courtney was one of the last ones to arrive. She immediately made herself useful and began gathering the various lieutenants and low-ranking members of the volcano operation. She received reports and debriefs from each one, then forwarded everything to Leader Maxie in a secure email. Things would play out calmly for some time afterward, and Courtney was thankful for the return to normality. Leader Maxie was scarce, likely dealing with the fallout of the botched operation.

Courtney began to shift her priorities, starkly remembering the words of Lee Henson on top of the volcano.

'Magma is up here on this volcano for one purpose: they intend to awaken Groudon and try to leash it like a rabid dog.'

How? How did he know? Who leaked the information to him? Magma must have some sort of information leak, and for ruining their plans so thoroughly, Courtney found herself determined to plug the leak permanently. She began sorting through all the member dossiers, trying to find who in the world would dare interfere with Leader Maxie's vision.

Then everything began to change all at once.

Countless Magma assets were recalled, filling the hideout to capacity and then some. Some were dismissed, and new blood was brought in to replace them. What struck Courtney as strange is that… She wasn't consulted on any of those changes. She reached out to both Tabitha and Leader Maxie, only to get no reply…

Then out of the blue, Tabitha and a host of lieutenants barged into her office, with Tabitha declaring that Courtney had been compromised. She stood up and argued her case, only to be silenced when Tabitha spoke those damning words.

"The order comes from Leader Maxie."

She wanted to ask why, but she set her jaw and allowed herself to be led off. Leader Maxie must have a reason.

In the medical wing, a psychic specialist saw to her and declared her a risk within thirty seconds. Her pokeballs were seized before her pokemon could do anything rash, then she was led to this room.

'Was I… Really compromised?' Courtney's breath hitches in her throat, her usually placid face screwing itself up into horror. 'Did that Ninetales slip past my blocks? No, that's impossible… But how did Henson know?'

Her hands grip her head, and the room seems to spin. Was someone actually in her head without her knowing? What other secrets did they acquire? What else do they know? All of Magma, all the time, effort, and ambition might be in danger now! Henson might have everything!

For all the damage she may have caused, though, something else hurts just as much now that the botched mission won't leave her mind.

"Should anybody have power like that? Are people even able to handle power like that? I don't know, and the more I think about it, the more fishy the plan to awaken Groudon becomes. If I'm being truthful, Courtney, then I didn't want to join Magma for their goals, anyway…"

"I wanted to join to be around you."

Brendan could have been an Admin like her; he could have helped them change the world.

Then at the last moment, he turned on Magma.

Should anybody have power like that?

Are people even able to handle power like that?

She wants to say it. She wants to say that Leader Maxie is the one, that he alone can lead them into a new era, a shining era, one where man is no longer subject to the whims of the world beneath their feet.

But she hesitates.

She hesitates.

Courtney's eyes shoot wide open, and for the first time since her childhood, she wants to scream.

She has been compromised.

She's betrayed Magma without even meaning to.

Below are the names of some patrons who got to view this chapter early and felt like signing it. A huge thanks to them and everyone else who supports this story and everything else I write.

Spice_King, SleepyKamo, TheGreatPapyroo, Omakehell, ncskeeter56, demonmonkey89, OmegaEntertainment, Aegi!, Dead Bloodchief, Cynicals, Planetace, MikeNP, Ash Kitsune, Fabhar, Arcaryx, Javidom, Appl, TheTankiesTrain, Straven, Berusella, Emeraldleafeon, Rémi C, Dingus, Ottstop, MrPerson0, rizen, Hazel Kings, Superbuchi, Nithalys, Tezral, JustALurker, Moonlit Chaser, Emilowish, UmbraBree, Tyric Gaias, Vinohr, Paper Crane, Kammight, Purple Floof, RaptorusMaximus, Strongraider101, Gavinfoxx, TitaniumPhoenix, Dicloniuslord, Moxie, MidnightJayguar, xxcoder, Sulphurcat, Spencer S., Derpydude9001, puppy0cam, ShaRose, RGBDRAGON, Zany Old Coot, DarkReader-14, Maestro, D. Gregoor, Majora, Kayaba, Tzeneth, Ranger, LoverofPi, Nickerdoodle, SteiferSchniedel, Marthdovah, GreenPhoenix, speedyzman13, WiseKitsune, KaurisAzurai, Scott H, Moonnikill, Gabriel M., BrokenOlive, Maladictus, Grey, towerator, King Eevee, Faolen, JHudson, Raiger, PixelGMS, Green0Photon, KingDeDeDe11, Edeltia, DNGDutchie
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"The Fallarbor Pokemart. I'll be there in a week," Lee supplies, reaching up to massage his brow. "Oh, and Aarons? When I show up for the TM copying, skip all the posturing and pleasantries. My Ninetales' temper is much shorter than it was back when she was a Vulpix. Have a good one."
Good tell that twat off you have been through enough shit to have to deal with shitty used car salesman bullshit.
'Seven laps around a park at trotting speed and I'm already exhausted?' Ninetales gnashes her teeth and tries to calm her rapid breaths. 'I hate this. I hate this feeling of weakness.'
I enjoy this a lot of stories tend to gloss over recovery sure they touch on the emotional impact but quite a few never even consider that pokemon might be seriously fucked up to the point of actual lasting symptoms.

…No, wait, there is one post in the changelog mega-thread complaining that Lee and Nine are over-tuned. Apparently, Junesoft made Lee's unique perk, Unsung Stratagem, synergize way too well with Nine's unique perk, I Will Not Be Denied! According to the poster, anybody who uses Lee and Ninetales is definitely a 'sweaty tryhard too poor to roll a real frontliner.'
Hahaha is they are this salty on cheese tactics with a gacha game wonder what the pokemon equivalent to dark souls fans would think of things.
No one finds a Ralts, as the timid pokemon use their empathetic powers to pick out trainers on their own,
Yeah Ralts dont like bad emotions and are not gonna show up unless they want to or you get one via egg.
But she hesitates.

She hesitates.

Courtney's eyes shoot wide open, and for the first time since her childhood, she wants to scream.

She has been compromised.

She's betrayed Magma without even meaning to.
Good lord, poor girl she was so indoctrinated that she thinks that questioning the logic of her sociopath of leader control a literal god is betrayal.
Good lord, poor girl she was so indoctrinated that she thinks that questioning the logic of her sociopath of leader control a literal god is betrayal.
Considering what we saw here from Maxie? Girl was probably gaslit to oblivion, he seems like the most toxic person you could ever have in your life, especially with the mistreatment of pokemon going on, that has to be the biggest redflag in pokemon because not even that asshole Cyrus does that.
Considering what we saw here from Maxie? Girl was probably gaslit to oblivion, he seems like the most toxic person you could ever have in your life, especially with the mistreatment of pokemon going on, that has to be the biggest redflag in pokemon because not even that asshole Cyrus does that.
yeah cyrus has a crobat, but yeah even the guy trying to delete the universe does not seem as bad as this raging twat.
Great chapter, looking forward to seeing what Pokémon is chosen for Lee's sixth spot.
Love it when severe injuries arnt just glossed over when they happen. Still cant wait to see them back in fighting shape. And kek the salt from the gacha players is hilarious. And Goddamn Courtney is gaslit hard. Also for a dragon how about an Axew? Them and their evolutions are generally considered calm dragons as long as you dont touch their tusks. Plus it will let a less used dragon type to be used in a team.
Considering what we saw here from Maxie? Girl was probably gaslit to oblivion, he seems like the most toxic person you could ever have in your life, especially with the mistreatment of pokemon going on, that has to be the biggest redflag in pokemon because not even that asshole Cyrus does that.

Plus he has a powerful psychic type and no morals.

Girl's brain is so twisted up IIRC even her Pokemon know shits going on, from an earlier interlude with them.

But like, on one hand I feel bad for her, on the other hand she is the one that trusted someone with a psychic type going "Oh yes I need to have my psychic type go into your brain but you can trust me lmao just ignore that camerupt".
He's heading toFallarbor/Meteor Falls, you know what I find interesting? We're probably in a ORAS timeline, aside from the Bagon and Lunatone/Solrock which seem like great picks for him, there's Deino listed as an encounter there. Hydreigon aside from being dark and a huge counter to Maxie's Claydol, seems like the kind of pokemon Lee would totally try to tame and/or exploit.
I'm expecting the capture to be there, because it gives him the most time to actually work and train up the sixth team member, so there's really some interesting possibilities there.
Too bad Sylveon doesn't heal, would fit all his wants then
Don't heal in the games, outside of self-healing with draining kiss. But Dark type swift isn't a thing there either, and Moonlight was changed to a fairy type move from the old normal - it's even something umbreons learn... even if Sylveons don't for some strange reason. But if it's fairy type energy now, a TM for it should work on a sylveon, and then work for something that could be used as a starting point for healing others possibly.

If nothing else, self heal with moonlight, and invert draining kiss to transfer the healing to someone else. So more work than some other options for the healing part, but healing isn't a hard no for a sylveon, and very much covers all the other desired traits.
Damn. So Courtney's gonna get mind wiped isn't she? That's explain what happens at the end of canon anyway.
Wow, this story absorbed me so quickly

I really like it
Act 2: Chapter 21
Life really got in the way of this one. First the new covid strain, then my PC dying, then needing to redo my state taxes because my tax guy can't read. Sorry for how long it took, but it's here.

You could have read this early! See below.

I'm reader-funded, and need your help to keep writing indefinitely. Check out https://www.patreon.com/fuggmann if you'd like to help out. Patrons get to see updates early, suggest edits to the final draft before it goes live, and participate in polls to choose what gets updated next during my moments of indecisiveness.

If you want to keep up-to-date on releases, see https://discord.gg/hive-of-degeneracy and opt in to the fic-updates role for a ping.

As always, thank you for reading.

Fallarbor isn't exactly what Lee expected it to be.

In the pokemon games, Fallarbor is a small, barren town on account of the volcanic ash from Mount Chimney. Much of central Hoenn is subject to a north-blowing jetstream, so once Mount Chimney's ashes are free of the volcano's updraft, they should be blown onto Fallarbor. That wouldn't make for a sustainable settlement in real life, though, constantly living in a downpour of soot.

In the anime, Fallarbor is just another town surrounded by lush green forests on all sides, as geography was never really accounted for. Why would it be? The mostly-child audience wouldn't care one way or another.

The reality is quite a bit more interesting.

As Lee, Brendan, and Zinnia begin their final approach into town, Lee looks up, finding the sky clear and blue. High, high above, wisps of gray and black soot flit in the air, only to stop as though hitting a wall around Fallarbor's southern perimeter. More ash builds up along the invisible wall, persisting against the unseen barrier for fifteen minutes at a time, before it's suddenly pulled down to a distant place on the ground, hidden from view by the forestry. It's as if a giant vacuum cleaner has sucked all of the ash up.

"The Grumpig Glassmakers on the southern side of town are the ones keeping the place clean," Zinnia says, answering the unspoken question on Lee's face. "Whenever the volcano acts up, they use a big psychic net to catch all the ash that would fall into the town. Then they compress it, melt it, and make all sorts of stuff out of it. The place is regionally famous for its glass wind instruments."

Ninetales perks up, though with her being in her ball, only Lee notices. 'Truly?' she asks. 'That sounds as if it might make an interesting stop.'

'We'll have to swing by, then,' Lee sends back.

"How far away is your tribe's land, Zinnia?" Brendan asks, giving the Dragon Tamer a sidelong glance.

Zinnia looks up at the wispy soot above. "Not far. The main village is situated outside of Meteor Falls to the west of town, and it's a three-hour walk. With a pokemon mount, it's way shorter."

"The main village?" Lee questions. "You mentioned a while back that we were actually going to a 'stronghold'. I take it that the stronghold is within Meteor Falls itself?"

Zinnia nods, her usual smile absent. It's been absent for the last several days. "Yeah… It's only accessible by air. It'll be a good place for us to hang out and train in peace."

"And they'll be okay with outsiders like Brendan and I?" Lee continues.

A frown finds its way to Zinnia's face. "If they aren't, then I'll invoke my powers as Lorekeeper and declare you guys are necessary for the continued survival of the Draconids. I know I told Lee that I had some things to share– " she turns to Brendan, who stiffens under the intense stare "–and if you want to hear it Brendan, then you can too. Just be warned that, once you hear what I have to say about the Draconids and my mission as Lorekeeper, you're going to be involved in something big. Once we're safely in the stronghold, I'll tell you guys everything."

Oh shit. Lee nearly forgot. He said he would tell Zinnia about his origins. Now the exchange is actually upon them, maybe less than a day away. 'What do I even say? 'Hey, this sounds crazy, but I'm from a parallel universe where pokemon are just children's entertainment?' I'm sure that will go over well.'

'You have Grovyle, Corviknight, and I to vouch for you Beloved,' Ninetales silently soothes. 'If Brendan and Zinnia require proof, then I can give them whatever you wish me to.'

Ah. Right. Lee did forget that Ninetales can actually use telepathy with other people if she cares to. He sighs in relief. That makes things so much easier…

"It's good to see that the secret dump is still on," Lee weakly jokes. "I'm still thinking about the best way to explain my life before I became a pokemon trainer. Ninetales might need to join in with some telepathic assistance. A couple of the things I have to say might be hard to swallow," he says, looking between Brendan and Zinnia.

Zinnia accepts the warning with a cool nod, but Brendan looks away, his face twisting into guilt at the mention of a 'secret dump'. Neither Zinnia nor Lee miss it.

"Brendan?" Lee begins gently. "Something has been bothering you ever since we left Lavaridge. I know you said it was nothing, but now we're all starting to get worried. What's going on?"

The young trainer doesn't meet Lee's eyes. Biting his lip and nervously fingering his belt right next to his pokeballs, Brendan doesn't answer right away, forcing Lee to hold up a hand and forestall an interrogation from a disgruntled Zinnia. After a long minute, Brendan finally begins to speak.

"So, uh…" He gulps, still unable to look at Lee or Zinnia's faces. "Back up on the volcano, when I went with Courtney, you all remember that, right?"

"Duh," Zinnia answers, her face losing its annoyed edge in the wake of Brendan's uncertainty. "That was a slick move you pulled, getting in close to wreck that machine."

Brendan nods weakly. "Yeah… Uh, about that…" He finally looks up. "I wasn't going to double cross Magma."

'What?' Lee's eyes widen, wondering what in the world the kid is talking about. He shares a glance with Zinnia, but she seems equally clueless. 'Nine?'

'I haven't any idea what he's speaking of, either,' the vixen sends.

"You weren't going to double-cross them?" Lee questions, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

Brendan nods again, his voice growing weak. "I… I was going to join them for real. I was this close—" he raises a hand, his thumb and pointer finger a centimeter apart "—to actually doing it. I tried to get Courtney to say that she wasn't in on it, or that you were wrong, but…" He lowers his hand and trails off, distraught. "After all we've done together, I was about to throw it all away because I'm gullible, and it came down to a split-second decision! I can't keep it to myself anymore!" he cries. "I don't want to hear what either of you have to say, or whatever secrets you have! Someone might trick me into giving it all away!"

All at once, it strikes Lee just how critical a mistake it was not trying harder to discern Courtney's motives. It never occurred to him that Brendan might have been her ultimate goal all along.

'Stop. Don't pin all the blame upon yourself,' Ninetales is quick to jump in, her mental tone biting. 'I did not see it, either. We know better now. Magma and Aqua will not be allowed to work such schemes around us anymore,' she says, audibly bitter about the failure.

It takes a moment for Brendan's words to sink in for Zinnia. When they do, her face twists itself into fury, and her hands clench into white-knuckled fists. She marches forward towards the guilt-wracked boy, practically stomping on the ground.

Three of the four pokeballs on Brendan's belt wiggle in warning, a very clear message to the approaching Zinnia.

Zinnia cares none, and keeps walking forward to…

…pull a shocked Brendan into a hug.

"That bitch…" Zinnia's growl is downright animalistic, but her snarl is mostly hidden by Brendan's hat, thanks to how close she holds the boy. "That bitch! Kid, why are you apologizing when she is the one who manipulated you?" the Dragon Tamer demands, pulling her head back to stare at a speechless Brendan. "What? Why are you looking at me like that? Did you think I was going to be mad?"

Lee finally finds his own words and clears his throat. "I have to agree here, Brendan," he begins, drawing an incredulous look from the boy. Stepping closer, Lee puts a comforting hand on the young trainer's shoulder. "We're the adults here, and some of the blame is on us. We were the ones who let Courtney even get close enough to you to pull her stunts, and it was all just to try and get her to slip and reveal some of Magma's secrets."

"That cunt didn't lie about the part where we were on to her from the get-go," Zinnia mumbles into Brendan's scalp. "You're a real honest kid, Brendan, so Lee and I didn't want to let you in on everything and potentially have you slip up, spooking her into doing something unpredictable."

Brendan seems beyond stunned, at this point. He shakes his head slowly, as if he can't believe what he's hearing. "You guys aren't mad?" he asks, the words weak, fragile, and hopeful above all else.

'Am I mad that a twelve-year-old got manipulated by a high-ranking member of a cult who probably had infiltration training?'

Lee almost shakes his head.

"No." Lee's reply is as quick as it is firm. "It takes a big man to own up to his mistakes. You could have said nothing and we would have been none the wiser, so I think I can speak for both Zinnia and I when I say the sentiment is appreciated."

"Damn straight." Zinnia smiles and finally releases Brendan. "Just… don't be offended if Dolittle and I keep an eye on you for a while, okay?"

For the first time in weeks, the gloom around Brendan lifts, and his bright smile returns. He looks between Lee and Zinnia, as if seeing them in a new light. "Thank y –"

"Besides," Zinnia interrupts, a smirk forming on her lips. "I heard the verbal ass-whooping your old man gave you over the phone. Sheesh, I knew a broad-chested guy like that probably had some lungs on him, but I could practically hear the speakers on your phone blowing out. You don't need any from us."

Brendan visibly cringes, his cheerful smile straining to remain on his face. "T-Thanks…"

'Let it never be said that Zinnia does not have a talent for ruining a moment,' Ninetales dryly observes with only Lee to hear her.

'And what do you think, Love? About how Zinnia and I handled this?' Lee asks. He can already feel the vague disapproval in Ninetales' emotions, but he wants to hear her put them into words.

Ninetales is silent for a moment, long enough for Lee, Zinnia, and Brendan (who is now chattering away, making up for two weeks of silence) to get back on the road towards Fallarbor.

'I think…' Nine begins, the minor turmoil within her settling, 'that, given the circumstances, forgiveness is the correct course, even if part of me is frustrated to admit it.'

Even if part of me is frustrated to admit it. Is that the predisposition for grudges that Ninetales as a species seems to have, perhaps? It's heartening to see that Ninetales can work past such emotions. Hopefully, things will go the way Lokoko said they would, and Nine's control of her instincts will tighten.

"So, boys…" Zinnia crosses her arms behind her head as she walks. "Anything that needs to be done while we're in Fallarbor? The Draconid village outside of Meteor Falls has a general store and a clinic, but anything more specialized than that, and you'll have to come back to town."

'I'm going to have to come back regardless,' Lee muses. 'I've canceled on Mable far, far too much over the last month, and I need to meet the Psychic specialist Nigel wants for that study. Who knows, maybe the specialist will have some insight on the deeper parts of what is bothering Ninetales.'

Lee apparently didn't bother to keep his thoughts private, as Ninetales radiates a wave of displeasure as he thinks that. The displeasure dissipates as Lee wraps her in the telepathic equivalent of a hug.

"I'm going to visit the PokeMart for some supplies," Brendan answers Zinnia's question. "My Potion bottle is about empty, and I need to get a pokeball to replace the one I broke while catching Mawile."

"Another pokeball?" Zinnia seems surprised, then her surprise transforms into a grin. "Thinking about getting a Dragon in the falls?"

Brendan makes an undecided noise in his throat. "Maybe. I think Marshtomp is on the home stretch to evolution, and once he's there, I'm really gonna consider who I want for my fifth and sixth slots."

"Well, if you decide on getting a Dragon, Meteor Falls is the place to do it!" Zinnia smiles. "I can show you the little lagoon where I got Goomy. If the breeding cycles of the falls are still synced up, then there might even be Dratini there."

Damn. Dratini? The precursor to Dragonite? Lee silently feels his reservations about acquiring a Dragon-type begin to waver.

Zinnia turns to Lee. "What about you, Dolittle? Got anything to do in town? And since Little Hero here brought it up, any ideas on who your sixth pokemon will be?"

"I need to pick up a bunch of TMs I ordered from the PokeMart, and probably audit all of my current gear just to be safe," Lee muses aloud. "As for a sixth pokemon, that's still up in the air. I've been looking at various breeders while we've been on the road—"

Zinnia seems both amused and exasperated as Lee mentions breeders. Brendan simply nods along as if he was expecting the answer.

"—and I've got a few promising ones picked out that I want to visit," Lee continues. "If I can't get my hands on either a bulky fighter or a healer, then I might have to ask you to help me hunt a Dragon, Zinnia."

Zinnia grins in reply, and it's positively feral.

"What kinds of TMs did you get?" Brendan asks, looking at Lee with a raised eyebrow. "Since you know how to make moves, I figured you wouldn't need TMs."

Lee hesitates and looks to the side of the road, watching a Dustox flit and flutter in the shade of a distant tree. "After all the unpleasantries back on Mount Chimney, I decided that there were some gaps that need to be closed immediately in my team's repertoire. On a more long-term side, this also introduces them to new forms of TE, which makes learning more moves later on easier."

Brendan nods slowly. "Makes sense. Heck, I might see what TMs the Fallarbor Pokemart has on hand now that you mention it. So, what did you get?" When Lee recites the shopping list, Brendan's eyes are wide long before the last TM is named. "Jeez. How much did that run you?"

When Lee remains silent, Brendan's face twists into pity. "That bad, huh?"

"Arm and a fuckin' leg," Lee mutters. "I'm going to have to fly back to Mauville and give Silph another new move to cover the tab."

Before long, the trio enters Fallarbor proper, and the well-trodden dirt road transitions into asphalt and sidewalks. The town is on the smaller side, without much in the way of distinguishing features, so the trio hurry along down the main street, swiftly finding the PokeMart.

Upon entering the shop, everyone scatters to grab what they need. Lee himself sticks close to the front of the building and finds a wall to lean against. Pulling his backpack off and placing it on the ground, he unzips it and peers at the disorganized mess within with a critical eye.

Ninetales apparently takes the stop as her cue to release herself. On Lee's belt, her ball shakes, then pops open in a flash of light, depositing the fox at his side.

'Ah ah! I won't hear any protest!' Ninetales heads Lee off before he can turn his head towards her. 'The air is not filled with soot or anything that may bother my lungs, and I have spent most of the last week within my ball. Two weeks of recovery is enough.'

Lee grumbles. He sucks in a deep breath himself, and Nine, already knowing his intentions, synchronizes her breathing with his, letting him compare his own breath with hers. The disembodied feeling of Nine's sternum expanding and contracting is as easy as can be expected. She's not yet back to where she was before the volcano, but she's in a better place, certainly.

With a mental sigh, Lee gives in to Nine's demand. 'Okay. Tell me if you get winded, though, alright?'

'Beloved, you can tell when I am hungry before I do these days,' the vixen says with a roll of her eyes. 'But yes, if it makes you feel better, I promise to speak up.'

'That's all I ask.'

After spending a few minutes taking stock of his supplies, Lee, with Ninetales in tow, explores the PokeMart for a bit. After grabbing a Mart basket, Lee stops by the Flying aisle and grabs some goggles along with a face scarf, which will make flying on Corviknight that much better. After that, they move to the Electric aisle and get a new multimeter for Shinx, who has outgrown her current one. The little kitten is now pushing over fifty thousand volts at forty milliamps, enough that a multimeter rated for 'weak' Electric-types is topping out.

'My baby is growing too fast.' Lee gives the cartoonish Raichu on the multimeter packaging a bittersweet smile and drops it into the basket. 'Maybe I should see if I can find a battle for Shinx before we leave for the Draconid village.'

After gathering a few other things of a more mundane variety, Lee and Ninetales walk over to the front of the store, where all of the locked displays are. Behind the glass displays are the usual expensive things, like pokeballs, high-end medicine, a few middling-grade evolution stones, and a handful of the things that Lee is really interested in.

Held items.

The various Leagues around the world all have their own rules on special equipment that pokemon can take into battle with them, but many of the general guidelines are the same. Typically, a pokemon can only enter an official match with a single item, be it a berry, a tool, or a weapon. The rule is good to have, and was implemented after some goober gave his Bewear a whole sack of Sitrus berries in an official tournament back in the day, but the rule is less important than most think.

Many items that passively enhance the performance of pokemon, like Grovyle's Miracle Seed, do their mysterious work by radiating Type Energy in sync with their wielders. If two items are in too close proximity to each other, then the TE radiated by each item will conflict with the other, causing a greatly diminished effect. This isn't the case with all items, but it affects enough that most trainers don't see the point in experimenting.

Lee learned all that from a recent delve into the world of held items, and he also learned that a number of the more outlandish held items simply don't exist here.

Leftovers, something Lee abused rather egregiously in the video games, isn't a real item here much to his chagrin. Same with the Shell Bell. The Eject Button, Lucky Punch, Ring Target, Rocky Helmet, and a number of others also have no analogues.

Fallarbor's PokeMart doesn't really have much in the way of desirable held items. Some cellophane-wrapped Power Herbs, White Herbs, and Mental Herbs, a few Smoke Balls, and an empty display where there was apparently a Flame Orb.

'Looks like I'm going to have to suffer through online bidding wars if I want anything for my team.' Lee sighs. Making a mental note to start watching auctions, he makes his way over to the PokeMart checkout.

"Must be quite the order!" the elderly lady manning the cash register comments as she rings Lee's items up and produces a cardboard box labeled "Silph Co." from behind the counter. "The deliveryman had me sign for your package in triplicate."

Lee offers the grandmotherly woman a smile as he hands over his debit card. "Hah. Pokemon training supplies just seem to get more and more expensive, don't they?"

"For certain." The cashier clicks her tongue. As she finishes ringing Lee up, she reaches into a transparent tub of bone-shaped biscuits by her cash register. Taking one, she leans over the counter and offers one to Ninetales. "For you, dear."

The fox screws her face up into a mixed expression, like she's not sure if she should be offended at the pet-like treatment or impressed with the elderly woman's bravery. Regardless, Nine takes the offered treat so as to not appear rude. She croons a low, half-hearted thanks as she crunches into the morsel.

'That biscuit tastes better than I would've expected,' Lee thinks to himself, looking at the brand name on the tub before bidding the cashier farewell. 'Better than what the work dogs back at the zoo were trained with.'

'I still don't understand why you felt the need to try your animals' food, Lee.' Ninetales rolls her eyes and licks her lips, cleaning up any errant crumbs.

'I wouldn't feed anyone or anything in my care any food I wouldn't eat myself.'

Outside the Mart, both Zinnia and Brendan stand, having finished their shopping before Lee and Ninetales have. As the man and fox approach they pick up what the other two trainers are talking about.

"...It doesn't really matter to me." Brendan shrugs. "It would be nice to rest since we've been walking all day, but a few more hours won't kill me."

Zinnia withdraws her phone from her pocket, unlocks it, and opens up her browser. "Let's rest and finish off the trip tomorrow then. Hanging with the Draconids can be pretty exhausting for outsiders, and the last thing you want to do is appear vulnerable around a bunch of Dragons." She looks up, finally noticing Lee and Ninetales. "There you guys are! Little Hero and I were just discussing getting a hotel for the night. Like I was saying, you might want to be rested up. It will also give me some time to give you guys an idea of what to expect."

Lee nods easily. "Sure. I was hoping to try and scrounge up a battle or two for Shinx, anyway."

With Fallarbor being on the small side for a town and in a part of Hoenn without a Gym, the town isn't well-equipped for accommodating traveling trainers, forcing Lee, Zinnia, and Brendan into a two-bed room in an older inn. A grumbling Brendan loses the three-way rock-paper-scissors game for the beds, and is forced to take up residence on the pullout couch.

Once their things are situated in the room, they venture out to a nearby park with several packed dirt battlegrounds scattered around. Claiming a corner of the park to themselves, Lee, Zinnia, and Brendan release their pokemon for a late lunch. Once all the various food bowls are passed out, the trio of trainers all sit down at a nearby picnic table and dig into their own lunches. By the time they've sat down, Ninetales and Shelgon have both finished their food. Each pokemon returns to the side of their respective trainers to better listen in on the coming conversation.

"Alright, let me give you boys the rundown of how things work in the Draconid tribe!" Zinnia exclaims, twiddling the last bit of a sandwich between her fingers. After wolfing down the last bite, she continues. "First and foremost, don't take shit from anybody. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but I'll point out who to avoid as we encounter them."

"Don't take shit from anyone, huh?" Lee asks, raising an eyebrow. "Zinnia, if we're guests in the tribe, shouldn't we not rock the boat?" he asks, Brendan nodding along next to him. "Starting fights seems counterproductive."

Zinnia shakes her head, making her dark locks bounce. "No. That's where you're wrong. Most of my tribesmen won't bother you, but it'll reflect poorly on you if you don't rise to a challenge, or at least call them out. If someone wants to get in your face and be rude, challenge them to a pokemon battle, and don't pull your punches. Fuck their whole day up," she insists.

'Perhaps this visit will be more fun than expected if that is the first rule.' Ninetales' eyes shine.

Zinnia's voice then shifts, and it sounds as if she's chewing on rocks. "Go ma rok ja gan, taz tu ke ganzha. Yor skol, vaz belkan gan'hrus," she recites in a tongue that sounds as if a human mouth shouldn't be able to speak it. "Most everyone in the tribe speaks Galarian, but if they don't, or if they're being a jerk, hit 'em with that and they have to agree to a battle to save face. I'll write it down later, along with a couple of other phrases for you guys to practice."

"Your tribe's first language isn't Eng—Galarian?" Lee corrects his slip-up at the last second. He goes to reach for his notebook, but when he reaches into the backpack leaning against the picnic table, the cardboard box of TMs gets in the way. Already, the foreign words he's heard only once are a chore to recall, but he can feel Ninetales snatching up the info into her steel-trap of a mind for later.

Zinnia shrugs and makes a 'so-so' gesture with her hand. "Spoken Draconid has a ton of loanwords at this point, so it really depends on how you look at it. Back to the topic at hand, though, don't let anyone push you around, otherwise everyone will think they can push you around. A Draconid Tribesman can smack down a regular trainer without any issues, but you boys shouldn't have too worry about much. Like I said, I'll point out the exceptions when we come across them."

"What's the phrase you told us mean?" Brendan asks, leaning forward in open interest.

Zinnia thinks to herself for a moment. "If you're going literally, it means, By my right as a warrior, I challenge you to a duel. Raise your head, or be known as a coward!" she recites with a dramatic flair of her cloak. "Kinda lengthy and corny, but that's how the Draconids have told each other to nut-up or shut-up for generations."

A guffaw escapes Brendan's mouth, and Lee can't help the amused smile that plants itself on his face.

Nut-up or shut-up, bitch! Said a Dragon Tamer to another once upon a time. What a thought.

"Next up, if someone decides they have a problem with me, don't step in. Just let me handle it," Zinnia continues, a frown finding its way to her face. "I… It's the right of the Draconid Lorekeeper to pick their successor, but it really ruffled a lot of feathers that Aster picked me over anyone else, so it's entirely possible that someone might decide that they have a problem with me," she admits, rubbing a fray in her cloak with her fingers. She looks at the fray with eyes that are suddenly wistful, then returns her attention to Lee and Brendan. "Since the Lorekeeper is supposed to be the most resilient member of the tribe, it will look really bad if I have someone jump to my aid. No matter what gets said or what you want to do, let me handle it."

What? Lee furrows his brows. He shares a glance with Ninetales, then with a deeply frowning Brendan. He then sends a look to Shelgon, who stares back with narrow, serious eyes. 'I can understand the reasoning, but…'

"Are you suuure?" Brendan asks, dragging out his words as if Zinnia will reconsider.

"A hundred percent sure." Zinnia crosses her arms. "I'm a big girl, Brendan. I'm not going to get upset if someone says something mean to me. If they really get out of line, I'll trash them in a battle and they lose their right to complain."

Brendan looks none too happy, but doesn't complain further.

Once she receives no more protest, Zinnia clears her throat and continues on. "Okay, next on the list are our laws."

Zinnia leads Brendan and Lee through a number of other rules and things worth knowing, like how the tribal land has its own sovereignty and that many of Hoenn's laws don't apply, how fully-evolved Dragons should be verbally referred to as a superior regardless if they are around to hear it or not, how the handful of tribe elders should be addressed, some Spoken Draconid phrases, and a smattering of other things, all delivered with such enthusiasm that Brendan begins to nod off.

After Zinnia promises to give them a refresher before they leave in the morning, Brendan gets up and makes himself scarce, off to scrounge up a battle. Before Lee can rise and leave, however, Zinnia stops him.

"Hey, Lee?" Zinnia begins, slowly grinning. "How about a battle? Swablu needs just one more solid push to evolve, and I don't think any of the local trainers are going to cut it," she says, throwing a look over her shoulder.

Lee follows her gaze, taking in the sight of a young boy and his Makuhita, who are embroiled in a clumsy match against a teenager and his Zigzagoon. 'It's not really fair to compare one of Zinnia's pokemon to pokemon raised by casual trainers, but yeah, I get where she's coming from.'

"Swablu, huh?" Lee rubs his chin. 'I wanted to see if I could find a rookie to use as a first challenge for Shinx… Buuuut it has been quite a while since Zinnia and I had a battle.' He looks down at the box of TMs within his bag. 'It would also be a good excuse to get started with our new moves.'

After a moment of thought, Lee slowly nods. "Sure. I'm down."

Zinnia's reply is a feral grin. She turns on her heel and calls to her pokemon. "Swablu!"

The little cotton-winged bird looks up from her lunch bowl, which she is just polishing off.

"Get ready for a battle! We're evolving you today!"

Swablu's eyes light up, and she takes to the air, quickly finding her way to Zinnia's shoulder with an excited trill.

As Zinnia and Swablu go to secure a battleground, Lee looks over his pokemon, who are all either finishing their food or are already done.

"Humor me and get another few days of rest before you return to battling, okay Nine?" Lee says aloud, stroking Ninetales behind her ear. "For me?"

The fox huffs, visibly displeased even as she leans into Lee's touch. 'Very well…'

Lee looks over Corviknight, and the giant crow stares back without bothering to step forward, likely already knowing Lee's decision. 'Yeah, Corvi is a really bad matchup for Swablu. That wouldn't be a very fair match.'

Grovyle pretends to not care as Lee's eyes skip over him, but the downward turn of his lips is obvious to anyone who looks. 'Sorry, Grovyle. I really want you to recover a little more, and walking into a match with a type disadvantage like that is counterintuitive to that goal.'

Shinx, who is sleepily basking in the sun after her meal, is also discounted. 'She might have a type advantage, but Swablu is simply too experienced. That just leaves…'

Octillery slithers forward on his tentacles, standing ready.

"Already figured it out, huh?" The zoologist gives Octillery a smile. "Swablu is going to be a pretty harsh fight, but if anyone can figure out a new move on the fly, it would be you, wouldn't it, bud?"

Octillery's eyes widen as Lee reaches into his backpack and withdraws the Silph Co box.

While all of Lee's pokemon were excited by the news of new moves on the horizon, Octillery was by far the most fascinated. The very concept of TMs seemed to amaze him, and he's been the most impatient of them all, waiting for the group to finally make it to Fallarbor.

All at once, Octillery's carefree self is replaced with a laser-focused machine, one locked on to the box of TMs. He breaks his staring contest with the cardboard to give Lee an irritated glare, as if asking what he's waiting for.

"Geez, I can feel the daggers coming out of your eyes," Lee jokes, holding the box out and letting Ninetales hook a claw into the tape sealing the cardboard shut. Once the top pops open, he stares down at the neatly packaged disks within, each one devoid of its cringy outer box and secured in labeled plastic cases.

"Let's see…" Lee leafs through the TMs with his fingers, stopping on a case of translucent purple. Picking it up, the label reads 'Psychic.' "Here we are! Okay, let's get this show on the road," he says, taking Octillery's pokeball from his belt and pointing it at the narrow-eyed octopus. "Return!"

In a flash, Octillery is sucked back into his ball.

Opening the TM case, Lee slots the center hole of the disk on the pokeball button, gives the button a tap, and holds his hand clear as the disk spins up on a thin cushion of TE. After a few seconds, the disk whines, then cracks and crumbles away, turning to dust before it hits the ground. Some of the dust finds its way onto Ninetales' head tuft, and the vixen shakes herself vigorously to be rid of the filth.

A grin rising to his face, Lee brushes the TM dust off his shirt, opens the pokeball, and lets Octillery back out in the grass. When the light of the pokeball fades, the octopus' eyes are as wide and disbelieving as can be. He looks down at his primary pair of tentacles, as if seeing them for the first time.

"…?" Octillery lets out a mystified breath and shakes his head.

'Do you feel any different?' Ninetales questions aloud, her words coming out as a foxy croon. 'If you do not, envision Psychic as a limb you cannot see.'

Octillery blinks, then focuses on the empty TM case lying on the picnic table. With a hesitant gurgle, he raises a tentacle.

The case lifts up in a corona of violet and floats into his grasp without so much as a dip.

Lee can feel his wallet suddenly hurt, as Octillery's eyes take on a positively voracious light.

"Ready?" Zinnia calls from the other side of the battleground.

Around the battleground are a handful of spectators, no more than five excluding Brendan. The locals took a single look at Zinnia and backed off, unwilling to act as the referee which left Brendan with the duty.

On Zinnia's side of the field, Swablu is already hovering and lets out an eager trill.

"Ready!" Lee calls back staring at Octillery's back. In a quieter voice he says, "Remember, bud. If you can't manage to use telekinetic locomotion safely, then save it for some calmer training."

Octillery waves him off with a tentacle. 'Great. Didn't listen to a word I said…'

Looking between Lee and Zinnia, Brendan grins and raises a hand. "If both battlers are ready…" He chops his hand down. "Begin!"

"Octazooka!" Lee immediately starts on the offensive. 'Octillery's ink is heavy and stains like a motherfucker. If we soak her wings with it, Swablu will be a sitting duck for a follow-up… Or a sitting Farfetch'd? Sitting Ducklett? Agh!'

"Mist!" Zinnia orders a split second later.

Octillery sucks in a breath, puckers his lips, and then, with a sonic crack, fires a screaming bolt of ink at Swablu.

The blue bird tweets in alarm and ducks out of the way with inches to spare. At the same time, she rapidly flaps her wings, which produce a thick, white mist. In no time at all, a dense cloud begins to overtake Zinnia's side of the field.

'No, you don't!' Lee narrows his eyes, already knowing how effective this particular strategy is. "Lock-On!"

Octillery goes still, his eyes shining a bright blue. If one were to look close enough, they would see red rings in the blue glow that rapidly flit across Octillery's field of vision.

"Take Down!" Octillery's sudden lack of movement isn't lost on Zinnia, who grins and orders a rush down.

Swablu bursts out of the mist with a snapping cloak of white energy enveloping her. Like a vengeful meteor, she shoots down towards Octillery, intent on hitting him with the force of a cannon shot.

'Please let this work!' Lee says a prayer in hopes Octillery is as much a genius as he seems. "Strafe right!"

Octillery's entire body suddenly shoots to the right, as if the ground beneath him has turned to slick ice, letting Swablu's Take Down miss by a mile. At least, that's how it would look to an outside observer.

No one but Lee and Octillery know about the cushion of telekinesis that the octopus is sitting on, letting him maneuver with a magnitude of freedom his tentacles alone would never afford him.

"What the fuck?" Zinnia's grin falters, and Swablu aborts her failed Take Down to stare at Octillery in befuddlement.

Octillery, meanwhile, drags a pair of tentacles along the packed dirt of the arena, slowing his rapid slide to a stop. The look he gives Swablu is almost diabolically smug.

'Definitely have some work we need to put into it.' Lee looks at the skidmarks left behind by Octillery's tentacles. 'Particularly the stopping part. But I'll be damned if that wasn't an amazing first attempt.' He shakes his thoughts away and gets his head back in the battle. "Octazooka!"

Another bolt of supersonic ink blasts from Octillery's maw, aimed squarely at the wide-eyed Swablu.

"Cotton Guard!" Zinnia doesn't bother ordering a dodge after Octillery's Lock-On.

Swablu crosses her wings in front of herself as they puff up to twice their size providing a downy layer of armor. When Octazooka smashes into her, drenching her wings as Lee planned, Swablu is thrown spinning through the air with a pained cry. She spreads her wings and struggles to right herself, but even flapping as hard as she can, it's all she can do to maintain altitude with her sullied wings.

"Back into the Mist, then use Refresh!" Zinnia is leaning forward now, her face hardening into focus.

'Refresh? That heals status conditions like poisoning, burns, and whatnot. Can it clear off contaminants like ink as well?'

"Charge Beam, don't let her go!" Lee pushes the offensive.

"Dragon Pulse, counter!"

Octillery narrows his eyes and, with minimal flourish, throws his head forward, shooting a crackling stream of electricity as thick as a man's arm at the retreating bird.

Flying backwards as best she can with her ruined wings, Swablu opens her beak and, with a furious screech, expels a whirling beam of blue.

Charge Beam and Dragon Pulse meet at the halfway point in the field, pushing against each other for only a moment before both destabilize and explode with a bone-rattling Bang! In the wake of the explosion is a rain of sparks and hissing wisps of Dragon TE, obscuring Swablu from sight. When the aftermath fades away, Swablu is nowhere to be seen.

Lee's eyes shoot to Octillery, and he's pleased to see that the Water-type is already re-casting Lock-On.

Octillery looks over his shoulder towards Lee, waiting for a signal.

'Zinnia has to realize that Octillery is Locked-On again, so she's going to counter with another attack, likely Dragon Pulse, and probably try to close the distance. Ice Beam would beat Dragon Pulse in a stalemate, but is Octillery's slowest beam attack, so with that in mind…'

"Aurora Beam!" Lee orders.

"Swablu, Dragon Pulse!"

Octillery's eyes track something in the dense mist that Lee cannot see and, fast as can be, the octopus spits a flashing beam of rainbow-colored light into the wall of white.

A raging Dragon Pulse flies out to meet Octillery's attack, but unlike with Charge Beam, Aurora Beam plows through the Dragon-type attack, dissipating it with some difficulty to lance through the mist.


Aurora Beam hits home, and Swablu's shrill shrieks draw winces from both Lee and Zinnia.

The Mist rapidly clears without Swablu consciously holding it together. As it does, it reveals Zinnia's little bird panting harshly, barely able to stay aloft. Refresh cleaned off Swablu's wings but she now sports several spots of cracked, frostbitten skin from Aurora Beam.

Swablu looks down at Octillery, who stares back up dismissively.

A furious trill building in her throat, Swablu spreads her wings and shrieks in anger. Just as she does so, however, a bright light begins to envelop her.

'This is it!' Lee smiles and pulls out his Pokedex to record everything.

Swablu's downy cloudlike wings grow, expanding across her body until she practically has a full-body covering; her egg-like body morphs, her neck lengthening into something long and graceful, and her tail feathers lengthening with new feathers forming a regal-looking fan.

As the light fades, Swablu is no more, and in her place is a glowering Altaria. The newly evolved Altaria puffs up her chest and releases a nails-on-chalkboard screech.

Lee cringes at the sound. Ugh! She's not even using an attack, and the sound is deafening.

"Yes!" Zinnia's feral grin is back in full force. "Altaria, baby, I knew you could do it! Let's rock!"

Altaria, fresh once more, trills in agreement. Unlike her prior form, the trill is practically musical in nature, as though the sky blue bird might break out into song at any moment. She turns her beady black eyes to Octillery, and within those eyes is an aggression that Swablu never had.

"Take Down!" Zinnia orders, her manic grin growing ever wider.

Where Swablu was fast, Altaria is fast. The bird-shaped Dragon closes the distance between herself and Octillery in a split second, and Octillery can do nothing before he's struck and thrown end over end.

'Shit!' Lee grimaces. "Octillery, back on your feet! She's swooping again!"

Altaria's cloud wings flare out, slowing her damn-near instantly and allowing her to turn towards Octillery, who is shaking the stars from his vision. With a borderline sadistic hiss, she shoots forward like a missile.


Octillery tries to strafe on his telekinetic cushion, but is slammed with another Take Down. This time, he grips the ground with his tentacles and remains upright as Altaria surges past. Octillery lets out a watery groan, his side already beginning to turn into a giant bruise.

'C'mon man, think!' Lee frowns, watching Altaria take to the sky again. 'How do we…' He pauses, eyes drawn to the most vulnerable part of Altaria's anatomy.

Her long neck.

In both his studies and in nature, Lee has seen what happens to long-necked avians who let something get at their most defining characteristic, and it's never good.

I feel a little bit scummy gunning for the obvious weakness, but I owe it to Octillery to try and win this.' Lee grunts. He's yet to net a substantial win with the red cephalopod, though not for a lack of trying. As Altaria again stops on a dime and turns to re-engage, Lee puts his plan in motion. "Octillery! Wait until she gets close, then grapple her! Her neck is her weak point!"

Octillery's eyes narrow, and he holds his main tentacles ready.

Zinnia, however, is having none of that. "Altaria, pull back!" the Dragon Tamer barks.

Altaria doesn't seem to hear Zinnia and keeps charging forward, eyes burning with the desire to harm. She slams into Octillery with another brutal Take Down, rocking the Water-type with a painful impact.

Narrowing his eyes vindictively, Octillery doesn't give Altaria any chance to escape and wraps two of his tentacles around her windpipe, squeezing as hard as he can.

Altaria immediately gags and chokes, desperately flailing to free herself.

"Altaria! Listen to me, dammit!" Zinnia bellows at max volume, frustration plain in her voice. "Fury Attack! Free yourself!"

Altaria continues to struggle, heedless of the words of her trainer.

'What in the world is with this sudden aggression?' Lee wonders. 'Something with her evolution?' Then it hits him. 'Oh shit. Altaria gained Dragon typing with her evolution. Did it mess something up in her head?'

Off to the side of the arena, Ninetales subtly flinches.

Altaria hisses as best she can and snaps her beak almost mindlessly at Octillery, who is visibly straining to keep her from overpowering him.

'Let's not drag this out.' Lee looks away for a moment. "Ice Beam, point blank!"

Octillery takes a deep breath, and then from his nozzle-like mouth comes a beam of pale blue cryo-energy that strikes Altaria directly in the face. Frost crawls over the body of the bird-dragon, who screams and thrashes harder in Octillery's grip. Since she's both Flying and Dragon-type, and both types are weak to Ice, Ice Beam is hitting her four times harder than usual.

The newly-evolved Dragon wavers in Octillery's hold, shivering like a leaf in a windstorm from the brutal cold. Finally, she goes limp and Octillery cuts off Ice Beam, dropping the frostbitten and unconscious Altaria to the ground.

Brendan, still playing the part of the referee, raises a hand and makes the call after a long five seconds. "Altaria is unable to battle! Lee and Octillery are the winners!"

Zinnia sighs and raises her pokeball. "Looks like this is my loss… Altaria, return," she mutters recalling her nearly-frozen pokemon in a flash of light.

"Excellent work, Octillery," Lee praises his pokemon, rubbing a hand on an unbruised bit of Octillery's head. "Damn fine job with your telekinesis. You've only had it for twenty minutes and it's already combat-viable. We'll work on fine-tuning it later."

Octillery nods tiredly, raising a tentacle to lay over Lee's hand.

"Get some rest, bud." Lee smiles, raising Octillery's ball and getting a grateful look in return. "Return."

Like Altaria, Octillery vanishes in a flash. His pokemon secured, Lee walks over to Zinnia, who is staring down at Altaria's ball with a frown. As he walks, Ninetales retakes her usual place at his side.

"Great battle, guys!" Brendan interjects, skidding to a stop before Lee and Zinnia. The boy conspicuously looks at Altaria's ball, but doesn't comment on the blatant disobedience he saw.

"I'm going to guess suddenly becoming a Dragon… did something to Altaria?" Lee gently asks, slipping his hands into his pockets.

Zinnia nods and shrinks the pokeball into its travel form, clipping it to her belt. "Yeah. I knew that she was going to be really testy after evolving but I didn't expect her Dragon aspect to be that strong." Zinnia's smile returns. "Sucks that we lost, but evolving and immediately getting knocked off her high-Horsea probably did Altaria a lot of good in the long run, so thanks for not throwing the match or something because you wanted to spare her feelings," Zinnia smirks. "Knowing you, you probably considered it, didn't you?"

"I didn't, actually," Lee admits, getting a surprised look from the tanned woman beside him. "I thought surrendering or sandbagging would upset you, and I hadn't had a solid win with Octillery yet, so I pulled out all the stops."

"Well, I hope one of you is up for another battle!" Brendan interjects with a wide grin. "Breloom and I managed to get a battle in before you guys started, but it was against a rookie that we had to take it easy on. After watching Octillery and Altaria duke it out, we're all raring for a good one!"

Marshtomp's ball suddenly snaps open on Brendan's belt, materializing the mudfish next to his trainer. As if to punctuate Brendan's statement, Marshtomp lets out a rumbling croak and punches a fist in the air.

'This is what I signed up for when I agreed to travel with battle junkies, I guess.' Lee rolls his eyes and shares a glance with a rather amused Ninetales. "Sure, sure. Do you want to pick your poison, or should it be a surprise?"

Brendan and Marshtomp's identical smiles only grow when Corviknight's ball rumbles, then pops open of its own accord.

They would all later be chased out of the park by a groundskeeper, furious about one of the battlegrounds being rendered unusable.

Below are the names of some patrons who got to view this chapter early and felt like signing it. A huge thanks to them and everyone else who supports this story and everything else I write.

Planetace, UmbraBree, TheGreatPapyroo, Spice_King, SenrabMJam, Alb410, speedyzman13, RGBDRAGON, Moxie, Ash The Kitsune, OpN, Maladictus, Javidom, AMeek, Sulphercat, Emeraldleafeon, Ottstop, Appl, ncskeeter56, xxcoder, Cynicals, KaurisAzurai, rizen, Arcaryx, Bunny Waffles, Gavinfoxx, MikeNP, Thelon, Phoenix Bugg, Kurt S., Fabhar, Green0Photon, Rikky_Roll, BrokenOlive, Berusella, Ranger, PixelGMS, Nickerdoodle, bleachorange, Paper Crane, Zany Old Coot, Marthdovah, SparkzVultrix, OmegaEntertainment, Derpydude9001, Vinohr, Pgarhwal, Tzeneth, Nithalys, Diana, IchHabNeLatte, SleepyKamo, IAmYourKingAndMaster, Gabriel M., demonmonkey89, GreenPhoenix, ShaRose, Dicloniuslord, Maestro, Dusks_Lantern, TheTankiestTrain, Moonlit Chaser, Cat, Tyric Gaias, JustALurker, Emilowish, Rakkis157, WiseKitsune, Strongraider101, RayNexusblade152, MidnightJayguar, MrPerson0, Spencer S., VietDom, Grey, Dingus, Hazel Kings, Calvire00, Auroz, King Eevee, Straven, NobleDragonDuck, Adean23,
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Honestly I do hope Lee gets a dragon but one of the rarely used ones like Druddigon or Axew though a Dreepy could be fun. And the secret dump is gonna be a fun chapter to see. Especially if he accidentally shows how he died. Also looks like Altaria is gonna be a problem child for a bit. Though getting her teeth kicked in by Octillery probably helped a bunch.
Oh shit. Lee nearly forgot. He said he would tell Zinnia about his origins. Now the exchange is actually upon them, maybe less than a day away. 'What do I even say? 'Hey, this sounds crazy, but I'm from a parallel universe where pokemon are just children's entertainment?' I'm sure that will go over well.'
to be fair droppers and parallel universes are a thing in the pokemon world.
Damn. Dratini? The precursor to Dragonite? Lee silently feels his reservations about acquiring a Dragon-type begin to waver.
Yup Dragonite is a huge temptation as they are some of the tamest dragon types personality wise but also living tanks.
Couldn't he use Ninetales psychic proficiency to show them his last day on earth?
Pretty sure neither of them want to relive that.
Why on Earth would you want to scar people like that? They're his friends...
Last resort in-case they take things badly, either at the reveals themselves or with the idea that he's still not telling them everything. It'd add more context while assuring them that he's not holding anything else back.
Let's not give a 12-year-old horrific PTSD of dying in a nuclear hell storm. That just sounds like a terrible idea.
Why would he get PTSD? At most he's getting some images of some horrible shit, nothing you wouldn't see in a horror movie. At most it would give him some minor nightmares.
Frankly if someone told me that they were from another dimension ruined by nuclear war I would instantly call bullshit and ask for proof. Sure you could censor the images accordingly to the viewers age but I still view it s a necessity as it would go a long way as proof.
To be fair I might have a different perspective than you, the internet and tv has desensitized me to gore/porn from a young age so I don't think I have that shock factor that allows me to relate to Brendan.
Why would he get PTSD? At most he's getting some images of some horrible shit, nothing you wouldn't see in a horror movie. At most it would give him some minor nightmares.
Frankly if someone told me that they were from another dimension ruined by nuclear war I would instantly call bullshit and ask for proof. Sure you could censor the images accordingly to the viewers age but I still view it s a necessity as it would go a long way as proof.
To be fair I might have a different perspective than you, the internet and tv has desensitized me to gore/porn from a young age so I don't think I have that shock factor that allows me to relate to Brendan.
I interpreted the psychic communication as putting the other two into the body/experiencing everything that the MC did. Being trapped in your own body is screwy enough being trapped in someone else's and feeling yourself boil, and burn, and die will not do good things to you at all. Unless you're mentally tough enough to deal with horrific situations. Most kids are not and to be frank, as whiny as the MC gets I can understand his view. He was a zoo worker that had few real challenges and/or hardships in his life so he broke when things were hopeless. A12 year old that's is even less tough mentally tough, to feel, to experience dieing while also experiencing someone else mentally break will mess him up while he is also dealing with his own issues, almost becoming a traitor, and finding that it's hard to look himself in the mirror, all add up.

Zania will be ok, she is mentally tough due to living through hardships and having to see life in all of its brutal glory. The MC and Brandon really having none of these experiences
, the MC has been getting better but he is too used to his Pokémon being crutches and not having anyone that went through hell with him / not yet meeting people in the Pokémon universe that have been through hell and come through unbroken. He will fit in well with veterans of the poke wars and groups like that, if he can find someone to actually confide in and a group to belong to. His current group of tamers are ok friends, but a 12 year old, and some Pokémon are nice friends but not able to really relate and/or kick him in the ass to grow through the pain and not just to compartmentalization it. His therapist is good but strikes me as too sympathetic and not strong/harsh when she needs to be?

though I will say that everyone just forgiving, Branden is really not going to help him grow and I think it's kind of a copout. That was a major character establishing moment, and I really don't think that it has been given the gravity it should have been. This might just be my view on things, but the MC just not actually doing anything other than being worried about Ninetails, and not having the revelation that he's actually responsible for the safety and security of not just himself but his Pokémon and his adopted family really makes that whole chapter and struggle feel hollow, same thing with everyone just forgiving this kid. He's a kid yes but there are a lot of things that are just straight not forgivable in life, and being willing to turn traitor is kind of at the top of that list. Not to mention the poker world seems to hold a younger age of majority so there should be a lot more consequences than have been seen/soon.

Now, this is just all my thoughts so take all this with a grain of salt. We will have to see what the next couple chapters have in store. Also, I kind of want to know what the authors thoughts on this or even though I know he's written in the next couple chapters already.
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I'd assume they'd both be appalled and terrified of the sheer destruction Earth humans are capable of.
I'd assume they'd both be appalled and terrified of the sheer destruction Earth humans are capable of.
Let's be honest, that would be pretty stupid considering they constantly use sapient and maybe sentient beings as the basis for their economic system with probably some brainwashing thrown in via the pokeball tech because I don't see something that has its own agency being "happy" to be a gladiator (not the original term I was gonna use) to 10 year olds. Not to mention that while the Pokémon League is giving off serious authoritarian vibes with the suppression of information the deem "not fit for public consumption" along with the rampant use of mind reading and mind altering groups it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest for the curtain to get drawn back a little in another 10 or so chapters.

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