Aaron Fox
That Crazy/Not-Crazy Guy
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So, I'll explain the coming snippets before starting on the shindig. Back in the distant year of 2015, I made my first (embarrassingly bad) worldbuilding thread on SB for a sort of CnC Tiberium cored chimera. The idea was a bust, as I went far too crazy and ruined it. The basic idea didn't leave me, so it stayed in the back of my mind for the last five years.
Now it is back and a lot less crazy. The core of the idea is still CnC Generals and CnC Tiberium, and it uses many of the ideas that came up on the worldbuilding thread.
So, to give you an idea of what's happening here: Nod is GDI's 'friemey'/tsundre girlfriend/whatever-Kane-wants-Nod-to-be-that-moment; Kane is plotting something, and only he and LEGION knows what it is; GDI accidentally created something similar to GOLAN from the Earth 21X0 series (who wants to be a helpful boy) and has been allowing it and its children to be part of the GDI military; Russia is an enemy that lasts a while; China doesn't want to be subservient, so it becomes an enemy for a while; the GLA freaking exists (and everyone tends to go 'raise the red flag' with them); and a bunch of corporate crazies decides to create their faction. Yeah, it's a barrel of fun, as it were.
These snippets take place in a period before the equivalent of the 2nd Tiberium War, where a GATE-like construct opens up between Remant and Earth (away from Tib-fields, thankfully enough). The GATE appearing leads the Grimm in Vale to stop responding to Salem entirely (her 'at a distance' control is more akin to prodding than directing) and pour through the GATE. GDI's response to the Grimm hordes is as brutal as it was quick. It also didn't help that the city defenses they tried to overrun had numerous layers (and a ludicrous amount of crossfire) to them. Then again, given some of the Tib-mutant shit that requires anti-tank weaponry to kill, it is to be expected.
The fic's name comes from the Sabaton piece Light in the Black, a song about the UN Peacekeepers. It is fitting, given that GDI's theme song would probably be Sabaton's Light in the Black if Frank Klepacki's repertoire doesn't have one. It also fits for how GDI has always fought to save people.
The one thing you'll notice is that GDI in this fic is using natural gas-fueled ICE engines instead of fusion. The reasoning is that they're currently a transitional design as newer, fusion-powered variants start to roll out. Why natural gas? The lack of oil products, funnily enough. You can, surprisingly enough, manufacture propane ala biofuels. Something that the factions without access to stable oil supplies utilize.
Now, for the Remnant/RWBY side, I had to modify things a bit. Canonically, the further you get from the Big 4 cities, the less technology is available. The dropoff is rather drastic, which is odd given the circumstances. So I modified it to the dropoff anchored to older cities. These older cities (the Big 4 being the oldest surviving examples) would have the most advanced technology and petters out the further you get. So you get the situation where, in older townships/counties, you've got small bastions of technological civilization across massive tracks of Grimm-infested land. I mean, they have a train line, so this idea is plausible.
Our first snippet happens sometime after GDI gives the Grimm a rather nasty kick in the teeth and has moved into Remnant in GDI's characteristic immensely overwhelming force. GDI had sent combat recon units onto Remnant, leading to first contact with the locals.
The funny thing about these sorts of missions is that they can be depressing. With Tiberium, you could get a situation where you couldn't save a town because it got destroyed before you even knew what was happening. From what we've seen, it's a similar story here, just with paranormal abominations that disregard everything we know about the universe, without Tiberium mucking things up.
I quickly took out my binoculars and saw the village in the distance. It is well fortified, a decent wall with effective battlements and towers.
"3rd Platoon this is 3-4, sighted a local village. We'll be making a turn to the northeast in a moment. Heads on a swivel and keep an eye out for the abominations," I stated, "Once there, we'll be initiating contact with the locals."
"Rodger 3-4," Richards replied, "We're moving out. Just stay alive."
"Understood 3-4," came the robotic voice of the leading LAUGFSV, "En-route."
The thing is, the automatons have been saviors since their rollout. GOLAN and its legions of AGIs and terminator knockoffs have been instrumental so far. They've saved countless towns, villages, and GDI formations against Tiberium abominations back on Earth. They've ensured that the abominations of this world didn't overrun the beachhead. If anything, they've been trying their damnedest to prove themselves, even if they had to deploy in units that aren't as effective as they should be. That and be held back before they wrecked themselves.
"They'll be here in a few minutes," my driver chuckled, "If I were a betting man, the automatons are already redlining themselves to get here."
"Now that's a sucker's bet," I deadpanned, "So far, we've only encountered a few pockets of abominations, and that's been worrying." My driver frowned at the statement. "The abominations are attracted to anything human, and yet this town looks intact. Something isn't right here, given the fact that some of the abominations are fucking tough to kill."
"Probably they've got someone helping them purging the abominations," my driver half-answered, "I mean, we go out and cleanse out nests of Tib-monsters." I nodded. "Though, with some of the pockets we've been encountering so far, it makes you wonder just how good the external help is."
"Likely overtaxed if this is any indication," I commented, "To be honest, we would have similar problems if it wasn't for nano-fabbers." Nano-fabbers -or more accurately what is termed 'Creation Engines'- are a wonder of technology. You can use dirt and scrap (or, more commonly, processed Tiberium) as feedstock to produce pretty much everything. You could assemble a Mammoth super-heavy within three minutes when given the appropriate feedstock. Some combat cleanup systems can even make enough armaments to outfit regiments. If deployed on major battlefields, that is. "I mean, we would be having our supply lines constantly cut off without in-situ production."
"... that's scarily true, Lieutenant," my driver muttered, "Looks like the 'toon is here." The other RAPCs and our escorts soon got into visual.
"Right, what's the plan?" Richards asked as he poked his head out of his APC's commander's hatch.
"We'll have to be as obvious as possible," I answered, "they'll be jumpy given how those abominations play ball." My driver nodded at the statement.
"How about we use one of those bombastic songs you Americans love so much?" Maksymilian Paszkowski suggested in a half-serious/half-mocking manner, "Or the unofficial GDI Anthem, at the very least."
"Given that quite a few of them are fear-inducing when heard, I would suggest the unofficial anthem," Richards commented, "Let's be honest with ourselves. A lot of our music would probably get us shot."
"Do we even have a choice at this point?" I asked, "Given that our gear is designed in a sensor-heavy battlefield first and foremost, we could simply sneak up on the locals without even trying."
"Good point," Paszkowski complained, "Our sound baffling combined with our fuel cells make it practically impossible to hear our vehicles, at least without enhancement."
"Right," I stated, "we'll have to turn off as many of our stealth features as possible." Everyone shuddered as that was against training. "We've got air support, so if things go sideways, we can call on that."
"No artillery?" the third officer -a woman named Samantha Carter- asked.
"We're barely in range of RA-shells as it is," I answered, "and most of them are tasked numerous fire-missions across the northern perimeter." Everyone groaned. "The only artillery support we'll ever get is the rocket artillery, and they'll take a while to get to us anyway. I mean, are those abominations going to sit still for some 60 seconds?" Everyone rolled their eyes at that rhetorical question.
"I wish we got a cav-rec setup instead of an extend-rec," my driver complained, "we would have gotten mortars with us." I had to admit that the mortars would be perfect in the long run. If a significant concentration of abominations came, we would be hard-pressed to kill them fast enough. With the mortars, at least we can get a good portion of them before they get in our line of sight.
"The tanks -even if they're cav-tanks- would be nice too," Samantha agreed, "those 120mm guns are potent against the nastier abominations." That's something that I can't argue. A CT Mk1's 120mm HESF rounds are fantastic against hordes of anything up to mid-sized; the APFSDS and HEDP rounds are perfect against the more massive abominations.
"StratoSats detected inhabited towns and villages in this sector," I quipped, "and that means showing up with enough firepower to raze them to the ground sends the wrong kind of message." Everyone complained about that little tidbit. With the abominations out there, they thought having as much firepower as possible would be perfect.
"I know you don't like it, but that's what INOPS psych-analysts came up after compiling the logs from all those slaughterhouses," I stomped. Apparently, I'm the only one that read the INOPS analyst report before the mission. That or they skimmed it and missed that part of the report. INOPS did a damn thorough analysis on the psych profile of the locals and how it relates to the Abominations' hunting profile. From observation and the various logs, fear and anger are the negative emotions that draw them like magnets. "We'll be playing Light in the Black as we move up. Richards, you take point, standard recon march formation. Keep that music blaring on approach, and by whomever you worship, don't think about opening fire. We're in a first contact situation, and you treat it as such."
Everyone shivered at that statement. GDI didn't take first contact situations lightly, and the punishments for screwing up were just as severe.
With those orders, we moved out.
"Who in the name of Ommus and Yeus are these guys?" Archibald asked as he and his compatriot watched in bewilderment, "Are they insane or something?" Archibald's exclamation was something that everyone at the watchtower was asking, even if it was only mentally.
"Though, to be honest, if it weren't for the fact that they are blaring that music, we wouldn't even know that they are coming until they came to the gates," I answered. Any vehicle worth its salt is rather loud when it comes to movement. Even the Skyships have a distinct (if distant-sounding) buzzing noise when using their gravity dust emitters. Due to the Grimm's preferred hunting tactics, humanity and fanus equate silence with death, giving an almost instinctual need to have something heard. Add the fact that dust engines tend to be noisy things in of themselves, and you get very loud equipment.
Yet these guys are dead silent and radical to everything devised so far. Even Atlas's military didn't have anything like what they were seeing.
For one thing, they used wheels and treads for locomotion, which is unusual as those have consistently been useless in the environments that Grimm favored. Legs have more maneuverability options in the rough or constrained terrain that the Grimm prefer. Their weapons arrays were the second thing that made them stand out. Even Atlas focused on two weapon systems at most, but from my vantage point, they have four. The majority of the vehicles had two different sets of turrets. The first set consisted mainly of heavy machine guns and high-caliber missile launchers. There are low-caliber cannons and lots of high-caliber missiles on two machines, though, given their angle, they're designed to take out flying targets. The second set intrigued me, consisting of tiny Gatling guns and missile launchers. For what purpose they serve, I don't know, but their design indicates that they're not what they use for combat.
The vehicles swiftly approached the south gate and stopped, cutting off the music as they did so.
"This is the south gate: the unknown vehicles have stopped."
"South gate, what's your situation?" I asked.
"The unknown vehicles have stopped and turned off their music systems. One of the vehicles' hatches is opening up. It looks like one of the crewmembers is coming out."
"Are they doing anything else?" I commanded.
"No... hold a moment; I'm getting a wireless signal."
"Well, don't just stand there and gawk, patch it through," I ordered.
"This is 1st Lieutenant Jacob Smalls of the Global Defense Initiative's 22nd Extended Recon Company, 3rd Platoon. Our mission is to confirm what our Stratospheric Satellites detected and contact the inhabitants in this sector. GDI is sorry for causing such a commotion some 322 kilometers north; the abominations have been trying to overrun our positions for the last few days."
What. The. Fuck. Even though our CCT transmissions can be intermittent -thanks to the Grimm- at worst, something like the 'Global Defense Initiative' would make headlines across Remnant.
"This is Samuel Grey, head of the Langenzona Town Guard," I stated, "what is your intentions with our town?" There was a short, sharp silence as the 'Leftenant' pondered an answer.
"As stated, our mission is to confirm what our stratospheric satellites detected and make contact with the inhabitants. Before your discovery, we only found ruins and carnage. We've tried to bury the dead, but without knowing your burial rites..."
"Understood," I interrupted, "You've done more than the Huntsmen could have done at this point. Alright, I'll be getting the mayor and meeting you at the South Gate; is this acceptable to you?"
"Perfectly. We'll wait for your arrival. We'll also relay any information from our StratoSats if needed."
"Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes," I said before turning to Archibald, "Tell the mayor to meet me at the south gate, we've got newcomers to greet."
Now, additional notes. First, I gave the Brother Gods names, largely because simply calling them light and dark god constantly is suboptimal from a sentence structure standpoint. So I use a god name generator and gave them names. Second, this is just something to give an idea of two of the sides here, in this case, a GDI motorized recon infantry platoon and a village in a Valian County south of Vale itself.
Now it is back and a lot less crazy. The core of the idea is still CnC Generals and CnC Tiberium, and it uses many of the ideas that came up on the worldbuilding thread.
So, to give you an idea of what's happening here: Nod is GDI's 'friemey'/tsundre girlfriend/whatever-Kane-wants-Nod-to-be-that-moment; Kane is plotting something, and only he and LEGION knows what it is; GDI accidentally created something similar to GOLAN from the Earth 21X0 series (who wants to be a helpful boy) and has been allowing it and its children to be part of the GDI military; Russia is an enemy that lasts a while; China doesn't want to be subservient, so it becomes an enemy for a while; the GLA freaking exists (and everyone tends to go 'raise the red flag' with them); and a bunch of corporate crazies decides to create their faction. Yeah, it's a barrel of fun, as it were.
These snippets take place in a period before the equivalent of the 2nd Tiberium War, where a GATE-like construct opens up between Remant and Earth (away from Tib-fields, thankfully enough). The GATE appearing leads the Grimm in Vale to stop responding to Salem entirely (her 'at a distance' control is more akin to prodding than directing) and pour through the GATE. GDI's response to the Grimm hordes is as brutal as it was quick. It also didn't help that the city defenses they tried to overrun had numerous layers (and a ludicrous amount of crossfire) to them. Then again, given some of the Tib-mutant shit that requires anti-tank weaponry to kill, it is to be expected.
The fic's name comes from the Sabaton piece Light in the Black, a song about the UN Peacekeepers. It is fitting, given that GDI's theme song would probably be Sabaton's Light in the Black if Frank Klepacki's repertoire doesn't have one. It also fits for how GDI has always fought to save people.
The one thing you'll notice is that GDI in this fic is using natural gas-fueled ICE engines instead of fusion. The reasoning is that they're currently a transitional design as newer, fusion-powered variants start to roll out. Why natural gas? The lack of oil products, funnily enough. You can, surprisingly enough, manufacture propane ala biofuels. Something that the factions without access to stable oil supplies utilize.
Now, for the Remnant/RWBY side, I had to modify things a bit. Canonically, the further you get from the Big 4 cities, the less technology is available. The dropoff is rather drastic, which is odd given the circumstances. So I modified it to the dropoff anchored to older cities. These older cities (the Big 4 being the oldest surviving examples) would have the most advanced technology and petters out the further you get. So you get the situation where, in older townships/counties, you've got small bastions of technological civilization across massive tracks of Grimm-infested land. I mean, they have a train line, so this idea is plausible.
Our first snippet happens sometime after GDI gives the Grimm a rather nasty kick in the teeth and has moved into Remnant in GDI's characteristic immensely overwhelming force. GDI had sent combat recon units onto Remnant, leading to first contact with the locals.
Unknown Planet, Alpine Region - near some village; October 22nd, 2056 AD
Unknown Planet, Alpine Region - near some village; October 22nd, 2056 AD
The funny thing about these sorts of missions is that they can be depressing. With Tiberium, you could get a situation where you couldn't save a town because it got destroyed before you even knew what was happening. From what we've seen, it's a similar story here, just with paranormal abominations that disregard everything we know about the universe, without Tiberium mucking things up.
I quickly took out my binoculars and saw the village in the distance. It is well fortified, a decent wall with effective battlements and towers.
"3rd Platoon this is 3-4, sighted a local village. We'll be making a turn to the northeast in a moment. Heads on a swivel and keep an eye out for the abominations," I stated, "Once there, we'll be initiating contact with the locals."
"Rodger 3-4," Richards replied, "We're moving out. Just stay alive."
"Understood 3-4," came the robotic voice of the leading LAUGFSV, "En-route."
The thing is, the automatons have been saviors since their rollout. GOLAN and its legions of AGIs and terminator knockoffs have been instrumental so far. They've saved countless towns, villages, and GDI formations against Tiberium abominations back on Earth. They've ensured that the abominations of this world didn't overrun the beachhead. If anything, they've been trying their damnedest to prove themselves, even if they had to deploy in units that aren't as effective as they should be. That and be held back before they wrecked themselves.
"They'll be here in a few minutes," my driver chuckled, "If I were a betting man, the automatons are already redlining themselves to get here."
"Now that's a sucker's bet," I deadpanned, "So far, we've only encountered a few pockets of abominations, and that's been worrying." My driver frowned at the statement. "The abominations are attracted to anything human, and yet this town looks intact. Something isn't right here, given the fact that some of the abominations are fucking tough to kill."
"Probably they've got someone helping them purging the abominations," my driver half-answered, "I mean, we go out and cleanse out nests of Tib-monsters." I nodded. "Though, with some of the pockets we've been encountering so far, it makes you wonder just how good the external help is."
"Likely overtaxed if this is any indication," I commented, "To be honest, we would have similar problems if it wasn't for nano-fabbers." Nano-fabbers -or more accurately what is termed 'Creation Engines'- are a wonder of technology. You can use dirt and scrap (or, more commonly, processed Tiberium) as feedstock to produce pretty much everything. You could assemble a Mammoth super-heavy within three minutes when given the appropriate feedstock. Some combat cleanup systems can even make enough armaments to outfit regiments. If deployed on major battlefields, that is. "I mean, we would be having our supply lines constantly cut off without in-situ production."
"... that's scarily true, Lieutenant," my driver muttered, "Looks like the 'toon is here." The other RAPCs and our escorts soon got into visual.
"Right, what's the plan?" Richards asked as he poked his head out of his APC's commander's hatch.
"We'll have to be as obvious as possible," I answered, "they'll be jumpy given how those abominations play ball." My driver nodded at the statement.
"How about we use one of those bombastic songs you Americans love so much?" Maksymilian Paszkowski suggested in a half-serious/half-mocking manner, "Or the unofficial GDI Anthem, at the very least."
"Given that quite a few of them are fear-inducing when heard, I would suggest the unofficial anthem," Richards commented, "Let's be honest with ourselves. A lot of our music would probably get us shot."
"Do we even have a choice at this point?" I asked, "Given that our gear is designed in a sensor-heavy battlefield first and foremost, we could simply sneak up on the locals without even trying."
"Good point," Paszkowski complained, "Our sound baffling combined with our fuel cells make it practically impossible to hear our vehicles, at least without enhancement."
"Right," I stated, "we'll have to turn off as many of our stealth features as possible." Everyone shuddered as that was against training. "We've got air support, so if things go sideways, we can call on that."
"No artillery?" the third officer -a woman named Samantha Carter- asked.
"We're barely in range of RA-shells as it is," I answered, "and most of them are tasked numerous fire-missions across the northern perimeter." Everyone groaned. "The only artillery support we'll ever get is the rocket artillery, and they'll take a while to get to us anyway. I mean, are those abominations going to sit still for some 60 seconds?" Everyone rolled their eyes at that rhetorical question.
"I wish we got a cav-rec setup instead of an extend-rec," my driver complained, "we would have gotten mortars with us." I had to admit that the mortars would be perfect in the long run. If a significant concentration of abominations came, we would be hard-pressed to kill them fast enough. With the mortars, at least we can get a good portion of them before they get in our line of sight.
"The tanks -even if they're cav-tanks- would be nice too," Samantha agreed, "those 120mm guns are potent against the nastier abominations." That's something that I can't argue. A CT Mk1's 120mm HESF rounds are fantastic against hordes of anything up to mid-sized; the APFSDS and HEDP rounds are perfect against the more massive abominations.
"StratoSats detected inhabited towns and villages in this sector," I quipped, "and that means showing up with enough firepower to raze them to the ground sends the wrong kind of message." Everyone complained about that little tidbit. With the abominations out there, they thought having as much firepower as possible would be perfect.
"I know you don't like it, but that's what INOPS psych-analysts came up after compiling the logs from all those slaughterhouses," I stomped. Apparently, I'm the only one that read the INOPS analyst report before the mission. That or they skimmed it and missed that part of the report. INOPS did a damn thorough analysis on the psych profile of the locals and how it relates to the Abominations' hunting profile. From observation and the various logs, fear and anger are the negative emotions that draw them like magnets. "We'll be playing Light in the Black as we move up. Richards, you take point, standard recon march formation. Keep that music blaring on approach, and by whomever you worship, don't think about opening fire. We're in a first contact situation, and you treat it as such."
Everyone shivered at that statement. GDI didn't take first contact situations lightly, and the punishments for screwing up were just as severe.
With those orders, we moved out.
Langenzona, Valian Grimmlands; Brumaire 22nd, 80 AGW
"Who in the name of Ommus and Yeus are these guys?" Archibald asked as he and his compatriot watched in bewilderment, "Are they insane or something?" Archibald's exclamation was something that everyone at the watchtower was asking, even if it was only mentally.
"Though, to be honest, if it weren't for the fact that they are blaring that music, we wouldn't even know that they are coming until they came to the gates," I answered. Any vehicle worth its salt is rather loud when it comes to movement. Even the Skyships have a distinct (if distant-sounding) buzzing noise when using their gravity dust emitters. Due to the Grimm's preferred hunting tactics, humanity and fanus equate silence with death, giving an almost instinctual need to have something heard. Add the fact that dust engines tend to be noisy things in of themselves, and you get very loud equipment.
Yet these guys are dead silent and radical to everything devised so far. Even Atlas's military didn't have anything like what they were seeing.
For one thing, they used wheels and treads for locomotion, which is unusual as those have consistently been useless in the environments that Grimm favored. Legs have more maneuverability options in the rough or constrained terrain that the Grimm prefer. Their weapons arrays were the second thing that made them stand out. Even Atlas focused on two weapon systems at most, but from my vantage point, they have four. The majority of the vehicles had two different sets of turrets. The first set consisted mainly of heavy machine guns and high-caliber missile launchers. There are low-caliber cannons and lots of high-caliber missiles on two machines, though, given their angle, they're designed to take out flying targets. The second set intrigued me, consisting of tiny Gatling guns and missile launchers. For what purpose they serve, I don't know, but their design indicates that they're not what they use for combat.
The vehicles swiftly approached the south gate and stopped, cutting off the music as they did so.
"This is the south gate: the unknown vehicles have stopped."
"South gate, what's your situation?" I asked.
"The unknown vehicles have stopped and turned off their music systems. One of the vehicles' hatches is opening up. It looks like one of the crewmembers is coming out."
"Are they doing anything else?" I commanded.
"No... hold a moment; I'm getting a wireless signal."
"Well, don't just stand there and gawk, patch it through," I ordered.
"This is 1st Lieutenant Jacob Smalls of the Global Defense Initiative's 22nd Extended Recon Company, 3rd Platoon. Our mission is to confirm what our Stratospheric Satellites detected and contact the inhabitants in this sector. GDI is sorry for causing such a commotion some 322 kilometers north; the abominations have been trying to overrun our positions for the last few days."
What. The. Fuck. Even though our CCT transmissions can be intermittent -thanks to the Grimm- at worst, something like the 'Global Defense Initiative' would make headlines across Remnant.
"This is Samuel Grey, head of the Langenzona Town Guard," I stated, "what is your intentions with our town?" There was a short, sharp silence as the 'Leftenant' pondered an answer.
"As stated, our mission is to confirm what our stratospheric satellites detected and make contact with the inhabitants. Before your discovery, we only found ruins and carnage. We've tried to bury the dead, but without knowing your burial rites..."
"Understood," I interrupted, "You've done more than the Huntsmen could have done at this point. Alright, I'll be getting the mayor and meeting you at the South Gate; is this acceptable to you?"
"Perfectly. We'll wait for your arrival. We'll also relay any information from our StratoSats if needed."
"Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes," I said before turning to Archibald, "Tell the mayor to meet me at the south gate, we've got newcomers to greet."
Some things to note before we start: these vehicles are what is available at the time of the fic, mostly due to the fact that GDI has commitments all across the solar system with all that it entails. Fusion-powered vehicles are currently being deployed but due to the sheer number of commitments (we're not just talking about Earth here, we're talking about the entire solar system), the forces sent to Remnant are disposable (for a certain degree of 'disposable') older variants. The reason that the weapons are firing largely AP ammo is due to the fact that they have to deal with things like Visseroids and Tiberium Fiends, both of which require AP rounds to take out with any effectiveness. 'Synthetic' LNG is used due to its ease of manufacture and the lack of oil supplies. Remember, Tib loves nomming/being odd with carbon).
In addition, all GDI ground vehicles are able to do river crossings unaided. This is really prudent due to the fact that thanks to Tiberium, a lot of infrastructure the world over got destroyed so there aren't many bridges around, especially so with the heavier equipment like Mammoth Tanks (all ~180 metric tons of them) as there is no conceivable bridge to allow them to cross rivers.
In addition, all GDI ground vehicles are able to do river crossings unaided. This is really prudent due to the fact that thanks to Tiberium, a lot of infrastructure the world over got destroyed so there aren't many bridges around, especially so with the heavier equipment like Mammoth Tanks (all ~180 metric tons of them) as there is no conceivable bridge to allow them to cross rivers.
TL9 GDI CAPC Mk1 (Robert)
Crew: 4 total. 4 crew stations covering vehicle maneuvering system, 7 communicators, 5 navigation aids, 15 sensors, 2 targeting systems, 6 countermeasures. 6 additional passengers.
Subassemblies: Vehicle +6, Body +5, 2xADS Turret [Body:T] +0, RWS Turret [Body:T] +2, 2xSensor Turret [Body:T] +1, Wheels +5.
P&P: 1,800-kW GDI APC Hydrocarbon Fuel Cell Mk1 (LNG/Propane, no access space), two 250-kW GDI Ultra-Light Hydrojet Mk1s (no access space), 600-kW GDI All Terrain Electric Wheel Drivetrain Mk1 (all wheel drive; no access space).
Fuel: 2,823 liter LNG (fire 13), four 653 liter self-sealing light Fuel Tanks (fire modifier -2).
Occ: cramped APC Drive Station (airbag, crashweb), cramped APC Gunnery Station (airbag, crashweb), normal CAPC Platoon CO Station (airbag, crashweb), cramped CAPC RTO Station (airbag, crashweb), six cramped PA Compatable Passenger Seats (crashweb, folding seat), 10-man APC Enviromental Control System, 10-man NBCT Kit Cargo: two 1-m^3 Fieldworks Equipment Bay 10-lbs/cf, 0.75-m^3 Autogun Ammunition Bay 10-lbs/cf, 0.188-m^3 Autogun Bay 60.7-lbs/cf, two 0.75-m^3 Infantry Armament Bay 10-lbs/cf
Armor F RL B T U
Body 5/270 5/270 4/180 4/180 4/90
ADS Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
RWS Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
Sensor Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
Weaponry Malf Type Damage SS Acc 1/2D m Max m RoF TL
40mm GDI ADS Mk1 - Cr 0d 14 0 0 0 1/1 9
2mm GDI EMAMS Mk1 Ver. Cr 2d+1 11 12 192 1,737 50 9
127mm GDI ULAML Mk1 - Cr 0d 20 0 0 0 1/3 9
20mm GDI HMG1 Ver. Cr 6dx6 20 18 1,783 7,681 8 9
2mm AP GDI 2EMAMSAP Mk1 - Cr 2d+1(2) - 12 192 1,737 - 9
20mm AP GDI 20AP Mk1 - Cr 6dx6(2) - 18 1,829 7,681 - 9
20mm APEX GDI 20APHE Mk1 - Cr 6dx6(2) - 18 1,829 7,681 - 9
20mm API GDI 20API Mk1 - Cr 6dx6(2) - 18 1,829 7,681 - 9
GDI ADSM Mk1 Crit Exp 18d[4d] - - 0 4,800 - 9
GDI Ultra Light Fuel Air Missile Mk1 Crit Exp 4dx1925[10d] - - 0 5,900 - 9
GDI Ultra Light Multi-Role Missile Mk1 Crit Exp 6dx50(5)[10d] - - 0 5,900 - 9
Body: two short range GDI Short-Range LaserComm Mk1s (200-mile range; sensitive, scrambler); medium range GDI Medium-Range Wide Band Radio Set Mk1 (1,000-mile range; very sensitive, cellular, VLF, scrambler, direction finder); two medium range GDI Medium-Range LaserComm Mk1s (2,000-mile range; sensitive, cellular, scrambler); short range GDI Short-Range Wide Band Radio Set Mk1 (100-mile range; very sensitive, cellular, VLF, scrambler, direction finder); long range GDI Long-Range Wide Band Radio Set Mk1 (10,000-mile range; sensitive, cellular, VLF, scrambler, direction finder); mainframe Vehicle Data Analysis Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Electronic Warfare Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Encryption Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Main Computer (complexity 7; genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Navigation Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Sensors Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); macroframe Vehicle Fire Control Co-Processor (complexity 8; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe EVA Computer (complexity 7; genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, sentient, supercompact); 2,000-gig Computer Harddrive (hardened); six 1,000-gig Database Harddrives (hardened); 1,500-gig EVA Harddrive (hardened); Computer Navigation Program (C2); +7 Damage Control Assistance Program (C7); two Data Recovery Programs (C2); Electronic Warfare Database; Encrpytion Database; full EVA Personality Program (C5); GDI Data Encryption Program (C14); Navigation Database; Recon Data Storage; Routine Vehicle Piloting Program (piloting-17, C7); Sensors Database; Warbook Database; two GDI ADS Gunnery Programs-16 (C8); +9 RWS Fire Control Program (C8); 15 GDI DataWarrior Mk1s (C1); two IR Jammers (1.5-mile range, jammer rating 4); four advanced Sensor Detection Systems; two Sound Systems; two military GPSs; two IFFs; Inertial Navigation System; Adaptive Camouflage (-2 spotting modifier); modest Emission Stealth (-2 spotting modifier); modest IR Stealth (-2 spotting modifier); Mimetic Camouflage (-6 spotting modifier); NBCT Sealing; NBCT-Grade Self-Sealing Hull; Psi Shielding (8 psi strength); Radiation Shielding (1,000 PF); modest Sensor Stealth (-2 spotting modifier); basic Sound Baffling (-5 hearing modifier); Spall Liner; Waterproofing. ADS Turret (T): 5,000 rounds 2mm AP GDI 2EMAMSAP Mk1; 20 40mm GDI ADSM Mk1s (modest HEPF warhead; stealthy, self destruct, Skill-100 IIRH); ADS Universal Mount (concealed); ADSM/EMAMS Link; EMAMS Full Stabilizer; two 40mm slow autoloader GDI ADS Mk1s (F, concealed); 2mm 3-barrel GDI EMAMS Mk1 (F, extremely short barrel; concealed, very fine (accurate)). RWS Turret (T): 5,000 rounds 20mm AP GDI 20AP Mk1; 2,500 rounds 20mm APEX GDI 20APHE Mk1; 2,500 rounds 20mm API GDI 20API Mk1; six 127mm GDI Ultra Light Fuel Air Missile Mk1s (normal warhead; stealthy, self destruct, mid-course update Skill-100 IIRH, mid-course update Skill-100 ARH, mid-course update Skill-100 ALH); six 127mm GDI Ultra Light Multi-Role Missile Mk1s (normal HEDP warhead; stealthy, self destruct, mid-course update Skill-100 IIRH, mid-course update Skill-100 ARH, mid-course update Skill-100 ALH); HMG Universal Mount; RWS (HMG Variant) Full Stabilizer; two 127mm slow autoloader GDI ULAML Mk1s (F); 20mm GDI HMG1 (F, long barrel; very fine (accurate), caseless ammo, electrothermal ammo); HMG IR Searchlight (F, 4.81-mile range); HMG Searchlight (F, 4.81-mile range); HMG AESA (F, scan 15, 4.81-mile range; LPI); HMG LIDAR (F, scan 15, 4.81-mile range; multimode, LPI); ULMRM AESA (F, scan 14, 3.69-mile range; LPI); two Short-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x5); two HMG Thermographs (F, scan 16, 9.63-mile range); HMG PESA (T, scan 16, 9.63-mile range); HUDWAC (pupil scanner, near miss indicator); Laser Designator Tracker; Laser Designator (5-mile range). Sensor Turret (T): Search AESA (T, scan 19, 25-mile range; non-targeting, LPI); Search LIDAR (F, scan 19, 25-mile range; multimode, LPI); two Medium-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x25); two Search Thermographs (F, scan 21, 50-mile range); two Short-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x5); Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD) (scan 21, 50-mile range); Multiscanner (scan 21, 50-mile range); ranging Sound Ranging System (sound level 18); surveillance Sound Surveillance System (sound level 18); Search PESA (T, scan 21, 50-mile range).
Size: [LxWxH] 8 m x4 m x3.5 m Payload: 7,815 kg Lwt.: 24,687 kg
Volume: 112 m^3 Maint.: 0.514 hours (187 mh/day) Price: $1,516,185,527
HT: 12 HP: 3,000 [Body], 62 each [2xADS Turret (T)], 200 [RWS Turret (T)], 180 each [2xSensor Turret (T)], 1,000 each [6xWheels].
Amphibious Performance: Drag 1,436, Top Speed 40.2 kph, wAccel 6.44 kph/s, wMR 0.75, wSR 7, wDecel (powered) 16.1 kph/s, ( 11.8 mph/s), Draft 0.732 m, Flotation 108,513 lbs.
Wheel Ground Performance: Speed Factor 18, Top Speed 137 kph, gAccel 6.44 kph/s, gDecel 32.2 kph/s, gMR 1.75, gSR 5, Ground Pressure 1,796 lbs./sf, Off Road Speed 64.4 kph.
Design Notes:
TL10 responsive heavy frame advanced materials [Body].
TL10 responsive heavy frame advanced materials [Wheels].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [2xADS Turret].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [RWS Turret].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [2xSensor Turret].
T TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate, U TL10 DR 90 advanced laminate, L TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate, R TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate, F TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate, B TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [Body].
Operating Duration: 10 H.
Payload Cost: $2,405,565
Vehicle Features: computerized controls, no streamlining.
Body: flotation hull, 30° Front Slope, 30° Left Slope, 30° Right Slope.
Wheels: quantity 6, non-standard sizex6, off-road, all wheel drive, improved suspension, improved brakes, all wheel steering, smart, puncture resistant.
RWS Turret: full rotation.
ADS Turret: full rotation.
Sensor Turret: full rotation.
Volume: 49.2 m^3 [Body], 0.173 m^3 [2xADS Turret (T)], 1.81 m^3 [RWS Turret (T)], 0.743 m^3 [2xSensor Turret (T)], 59 m^3 [Wheels].
Area: 92.9 m^2 [Body], 1.95 m^2 [2xADS Turret (T)], 9.29 m^2 [RWS Turret (T)], 5.57 m^2 [2xSensor Turret (T)], 92.9 m^2 [Wheels].
Wheel Ground Performance:;
TL9 GDI RAPC Mk1 (Jaeger)
Periscope Stats:
1x Periscope PESA (T, scan 23, 100-mile range), 90.7 kg
1x Digital Recon Camera (infrared, low-light), 0.567 kg
2x Long-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x125), 28.3 kg
2x Light Amplification Sensors
2x Periscope Thermographs (F, scan 23, 100-mile range), 90.7 kg
1x Periscope Multiscanner (scan 23, 100-mile range), 454 kg
Crew: 3 total. 3 crew stations covering vehicle maneuvering system, 6 communicators, 5 navigation aids, 15 sensors, 2 targeting systems, 6 countermeasures. 10 additional passengers.
Subassemblies: Vehicle +6, Body +5, 2xADS Turret [Body:T] +0, RWS Turret [Body:T] +2, 2xSensor Turret [Body:T] +1, Wheels +5.
P&P: 1,600-kW GDI APC Hydrocarbon Fuel Cell Mk1 (LNG/Propane, no access space), 500-kW GDI All Terrain Electric Wheel Drivetrain Mk1 (all wheel drive; no access space), two 250-kW GDI Ultra-Light Hydrojet Mk1s (no access space).
Fuel: four 580 liter self-sealing ultralight Fuel Tanks (fire modifier -1), 2,322 liter LNG (fire 13).
Occ: cramped APC Drive Station (airbag, crashweb), cramped APC Gunnery Station (airbag, crashweb), cramped APC Recon Station (airbag, crashweb), ten cramped PA Compatable Passenger Seats (crashweb, folding seat), 13-man NBCT Kit, 13-man APC Enviromental Control System Cargo: two 0.75-m^3 Infantry Armament Bay 10-lbs/cf
Armor F RL B T U
Body 5/270 5/270 4/180 4/180 4/90
ADS Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
RWS Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
Sensor Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
Weaponry Malf Type Damage SS Acc 1/2D m Max m RoF TL
40mm GDI ADS Mk1 - Cr 0d 14 0 0 0 1/1 9
2mm GDI EMAMS Mk1 Ver. Cr 2d+1 11 12 192 1,737 50 9
127mm GDI ULAML Mk1 - Cr 0d 20 0 0 0 1/3 9
20mm GDI HMG1 Ver. Cr 6dx6 20 18 1,783 7,681 8 9
2mm AP GDI 2EMAMSAP Mk1 - Cr 2d+1(2) - 12 192 1,737 - 9
20mm AP GDI 20AP Mk1 - Cr 6dx6(2) - 18 1,829 7,681 - 9
20mm APEX GDI 20APHE Mk1 - Cr 6dx6(2) - 18 1,829 7,681 - 9
20mm API GDI 20API Mk1 - Cr 6dx6(2) - 18 1,829 7,681 - 9
GDI ADSM Mk1 Crit Exp 18d[4d] - - 0 4,800 - 9
GDI Ultra Light Fuel Air Missile Mk1 Crit Exp 4dx1925[10d] - - 0 5,900 - 9
GDI Ultra Light Multi-Role Missile Mk1 Crit Exp 6dx50(5)[10d] - - 0 5,900 - 9
Body: two medium range GDI Medium-Range LaserComm Mk1s (2,000-mile range; sensitive, scrambler); medium range GDI Medium-Range Wide Band Radio Set Mk1 (1,000-mile range; very sensitive, VLF, scrambler, direction finder); two short range GDI Short-Range LaserComm Mk1s (200-mile range; sensitive, scrambler); short range GDI Short-Range Wide Band Radio Set Mk1 (100-mile range; very sensitive, VLF, scrambler, direction finder); mainframe EVA Computer (complexity 7; genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, sentient, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Data Analysis Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Electronic Warfare Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Encryption Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Main Computer (complexity 7; genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Navigation Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Sensors Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); macroframe Vehicle Fire Control Co-Processor (complexity 8; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); 2,000-gig Computer Harddrive (hardened); six 1,000-gig Database Harddrives (hardened); 1,500-gig EVA Harddrive (hardened); Computer Navigation Program (C2); +7 Damage Control Assistance Program (C7); two Data Recovery Programs (C2); Electronic Warfare Database; Encrpytion Database; full EVA Personality Program (C5); GDI Data Encryption Program (C14); five GDI DataWarrior Mk1s (C1); Navigation Database; Recon Data Storage; Routine Vehicle Piloting Program (piloting-17, C7); Sensors Database; Warbook Database; two GDI ADS Gunnery Programs-16 (C8); +9 RWS Fire Control Program (C8); two IR Jammers (1.5-mile range, jammer rating 4); four advanced Sensor Detection Systems; two Sound Systems; two military GPSs; two IFFs; Inertial Navigation System; nine foot Sensor Periscope; Adaptive Camouflage (-2 spotting modifier); modest Emission Stealth (-2 spotting modifier); modest IR Stealth (-2 spotting modifier); Mimetic Camouflage (-6 spotting modifier); NBCT Sealing; NBCT-Grade Self-Sealing Hull; Psi Shielding (8 psi strength); Radiation Shielding (1,000 PF); modest Sensor Stealth (-2 spotting modifier); basic Sound Baffling (-5 hearing modifier); Spall Liner; Waterproofing. ADS Turret (T): 5,000 rounds 2mm AP GDI 2EMAMSAP Mk1; 20 40mm GDI ADSM Mk1s (modest HEPF warhead; stealthy, self destruct, Skill-100 IIRH); ADS Universal Mount (concealed); ADSM/EMAMS Link; EMAMS Full Stabilizer; two 40mm slow autoloader GDI ADS Mk1s (F, concealed); 2mm 3-barrel GDI EMAMS Mk1 (F, extremely short barrel; concealed, very fine (accurate)). RWS Turret (T): 5,000 rounds 20mm AP GDI 20AP Mk1; 2,500 rounds 20mm APEX GDI 20APHE Mk1; 2,500 rounds 20mm API GDI 20API Mk1; six 127mm GDI Ultra Light Fuel Air Missile Mk1s (normal warhead; stealthy, self destruct, mid-course update Skill-100 IIRH, mid-course update Skill-100 ARH, mid-course update Skill-100 ALH); six 127mm GDI Ultra Light Multi-Role Missile Mk1s (normal HEDP warhead; stealthy, self destruct, mid-course update Skill-100 IIRH, mid-course update Skill-100 ARH, mid-course update Skill-100 ALH); HMG Universal Mount; RWS (HMG Variant) Full Stabilizer; two 127mm slow autoloader GDI ULAML Mk1s (F); 20mm GDI HMG1 (F, long barrel; very fine (accurate), caseless ammo, electrothermal ammo); HMG IR Searchlight (F, 4.81-mile range); HMG Searchlight (F, 4.81-mile range); HMG AESA (F, scan 15, 4.81-mile range; LPI); HMG LIDAR (F, scan 15, 4.81-mile range; multimode, LPI); ULMRM AESA (F, scan 14, 3.69-mile range; LPI); two Short-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x5); two HMG Thermographs (F, scan 16, 9.63-mile range); HMG PESA (T, scan 16, 9.63-mile range); HUDWAC (pupil scanner, near miss indicator); Laser Designator Tracker; Laser Designator (5-mile range). Sensor Turret (T): Search AESA (T, scan 19, 25-mile range; non-targeting, LPI); Search LIDAR (F, scan 19, 25-mile range; multimode, LPI); two Medium-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x25); two Search Thermographs (F, scan 21, 50-mile range); two Short-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x5); Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD) (scan 21, 50-mile range); Multiscanner (scan 21, 50-mile range); ranging Sound Ranging System (sound level 18); surveillance Sound Surveillance System (sound level 18); Search PESA (T, scan 21, 50-mile range).
Size: [LxWxH] 8 m x4 m x3.25 m Payload: 7,756 kg Lwt.: 23,882 kg
Volume: 104 m^3 Maint.: 0.513 hours (187 mh/day) Price: $1,517,512,399
HT: 12 HP: 3,000 [Body], 62 each [2xADS Turret (T)], 200 [RWS Turret (T)], 180 each [2xSensor Turret (T)], 1,000 each [6xWheels].
Amphibious Performance: Drag 1,405, Top Speed 40.2 kph, wAccel 6.44 kph/s, wMR 0.75, wSR 7, wDecel (powered) 16.1 kph/s, ( 11.9 mph/s), Draft 0.732 m, Flotation 108,460 lbs.
Wheel Ground Performance: Speed Factor 18, Top Speed 129 kph, gAccel 4.83 kph/s, gDecel 32.2 kph/s, gMR 1.75, gSR 5, Ground Pressure 1,737 lbs./sf, Off Road Speed 64.4 kph.
Design Notes:
TL10 responsive heavy frame advanced materials [Body].
TL10 responsive heavy frame advanced materials [Wheels].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [2xADS Turret].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [RWS Turret].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [2xSensor Turret].
T TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate, U TL10 DR 90 advanced laminate, L TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate, R TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate, F TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate, B TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [Body].
Operating Duration: 10 H.
Payload Cost: $2,405,499
Vehicle Features: computerized controls, no streamlining.
Body: flotation hull, 30° Front Slope, 30° Left Slope, 30° Right Slope.
Wheels: quantity 6, non-standard sizex5.25, off-road, all wheel drive, improved suspension, improved brakes, all wheel steering, smart, puncture resistant.
RWS Turret: full rotation.
ADS Turret: full rotation.
Sensor Turret: full rotation.
Volume: 49.1 m^3 [Body], 0.173 m^3 [2xADS Turret (T)], 1.81 m^3 [RWS Turret (T)], 0.743 m^3 [2xSensor Turret (T)], 51.6 m^3 [Wheels].
Area: 92.9 m^2 [Body], 1.95 m^2 [2xADS Turret (T)], 9.29 m^2 [RWS Turret (T)], 5.57 m^2 [2xSensor Turret (T)], 92.9 m^2 [Wheels].
Wheel Ground Performance:;
Crew: 0 total. 0 crew stations covering vehicle maneuvering system, 6 communicators, 5 navigation aids, 25 sensors, 5 targeting systems, 6 countermeasures.
Subassemblies: Vehicle +5, 4xLeg (U) +4, Wheels [4xLeg] +4, Body +4, 2xSensor Turret [Body:T] +1, 4xADS Turret [Body:T] +1, Main Turret [Body:T] +2, RWS Turret [Main Turret:T] +0, Armament Sensor Turret [Main Turret:T] -1.
P&P: 2,300-kW GDI AUGV HP Ceramic Engine (turbo/super charger, propane fuel, short term access), 350-kW Wheel Booster Electric Drivetrain (all wheel drive, waterborne; short term access) [4xLeg], two 250-kW GDI Light Electro Hydrojets (no access space), 1,200-kW Leg Locomotors (no access space).
Fuel: four 1,306 liter self-sealing light Fuel Tanks (fire modifier -2), 5,224 liter LNG (fire 13).
Occ: Cargo:
Armor F RL B T U
Leg (U) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180
Wheels 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180
Body 5/270 5/270 4/180 4/180 0/0
Survival Core 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
Sensor Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
ADS Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
Main Turret (T) 5/270 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
RWS Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
Armament Sensor Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
Weaponry Malf Type Damage SS Acc 1/2D m Max m RoF TL
40mm GDI ADS Mk1 - Cr 0d 14 0 0 0 1/1 9
2mm GDI EMAMS Mk1 Ver. Cr 2d+1 11 12 192 1,737 50 9
6.8mm GDI LMG1 Ver. Cr 9d+2 12 16 672 4,298 20 9
30mm GDI LAC Mk1 Ver. (Crit.) Cr 6dx14 20 18 1,372 6,584 2 9
152mm GDI LAML Mk1 - Cr 0d 20 0 0 0 1/3 9
2mm AP GDI 2EMAMSAP Mk1 - Cr 2d+1(2) - 12 192 1,737 - 9
30mm APFSDS GDI 30APFSDS Mk1 - Cr 8dx19(2) - 19 2,103 10,058 - 9
30mm APEX GDI 30APHE Mk1 - Cr 6dx14(2) - 18 1,372 6,584 - 9
30mm HE GDI 30HE Mk1 - Exp 7d+2 [2d] - 18 1,372 6,584 - 9
30mm HEPF GDI 30HESF Mk1 - Exp 7d+2 [2d] - 18 1,372 6,584 - 9
6.8mm AP GDI 6.8AP Mk1 - Cr 9d+2(2) - 16 677 4,298 - 9
6.8mm API GDI 6.8API Mk1 - Cr 9d+2(2) - 16 677 4,298 - 9
GDI ADSM Mk1 Crit Exp 18d[4d] - - 0 4,800 - 9
GDI Light Multi-Role Missile Mk1 Crit Exp 6dx60(5)[10d] - - 0 11,000 - 9
GDI Light Fuel-Air Missile Mk1 Crit Exp 4dx3250[10d] - - 0 11,000 - 9
GDI Light Anti-Tank Missile Mk1 Crit Exp 6dx60(10)[10d] - - 0 11,000 - 9
Body: mainframe Vehicle Data Analysis Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Electronic Warfare Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Encryption Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Navigation Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Sensors Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); macroframe AI Core (complexity 8; genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, robot brain, sentient, supercompact); two macroframe Vehicle Fire Control Co-Processors (complexity 8; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); Computer Navigation Program (C2); +7 Damage Control Assistance Program (C7); two Data Recovery Programs (C2); Electronic Warfare Database; Encrpytion Database; full EVA Personality Program (C5); GDI Data Encryption Program (C14); five GDI DataWarrior Mk1s (C1); Navigation Database; Recon Data Storage; Routine Vehicle Piloting Program (piloting-17, C7); Sensors Database; Warbook Database; +9 RWS Fire Control Program (C8); four GDI ADS Gunnery Programs-16 (C8); +9 Main Armament Fire Control Program (C8); GDI RWS Gunnery Program-16 (C8); 2,000-gig Computer Harddrive (hardened); six 1,000-gig Database Harddrives (hardened); 2,500-gig AI Survival Center (hardened); two medium range GDI Medium-Range LaserComm Mk1s (2,000-mile range; sensitive, scrambler); medium range GDI Medium-Range Wide Band Radio Set Mk1 (1,000-mile range; very sensitive, VLF, scrambler, direction finder); two short range GDI Short-Range LaserComm Mk1s (200-mile range; sensitive, scrambler); short range GDI Short-Range Wide Band Radio Set Mk1 (100-mile range; very sensitive, VLF, scrambler, direction finder); two IR Jammers (1.5-mile range, jammer rating 4); four advanced Sensor Detection Systems; two Sound Systems; two military GPSs; two IFFs; Inertial Navigation System; 12 foot Sensor Periscope; Adaptive Camouflage (-2 spotting modifier); Mimetic Camouflage (-6 spotting modifier); NBCT Sealing; NBCT-Grade Self-Sealing Hull; Psi Shielding (8 psi strength); Radiation Shielding (1,000 PF); Spall Liner; Waterproofing; modest IR Stealth (-2 spotting modifier); basic Emission Stealth (-5 spotting modifier); basic Sensor Stealth (-5 spotting modifier); basic Sound Baffling (-5 hearing modifier). Sensor Turret (T): Search AESA (T, scan 19, 25-mile range; non-targeting, LPI); Search LIDAR (F, scan 19, 25-mile range; multimode, LPI); two Medium-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x25); two Search Thermographs (F, scan 21, 50-mile range); two Short-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x5); Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD) (scan 21, 50-mile range); Multiscanner (scan 21, 50-mile range); ranging Sound Ranging System (sound level 18); surveillance Sound Surveillance System (sound level 18); Search PESA (T, scan 21, 50-mile range). ADS Turret (T): 10,000 rounds 2mm AP GDI 2EMAMSAP Mk1; 40 40mm GDI ADSM Mk1s (modest HEPF warhead; stealthy, self destruct, Skill-100 IIRH); ADS Universal Mount (concealed); ADSM/EMAMS Link; EMAMS Full Stabilizer; two 40mm slow autoloader GDI ADS Mk1s (F, concealed); 2mm 3-barrel GDI EMAMS Mk1 (F, extremely short barrel; concealed, very fine (accurate)). Main Turret (T): 50 rounds 30mm APFSDS GDI 30APFSDS Mk1; 150 rounds 30mm APEX GDI 30APHE Mk1; 150 rounds 30mm HE GDI 30HE Mk1; 150 rounds 30mm HEPF GDI 30HESF Mk1; 20 152mm GDI Light Multi-Role Missile Mk1s (normal HEDP warhead; stealthy, self destruct, brilliant mid-course update Skill-100 IIRH, mid-course update Skill-100 ARH, mid-course update Skill-100 ALH); ten 152mm GDI Light Fuel-Air Missile Mk1s (normal warhead; stealthy, self destruct, brilliant mid-course update Skill-100 IIRH, mid-course update Skill-100 ARH, mid-course update Skill-100 ALH); 12 152mm GDI Light Anti-Tank Missile Mk1s (normal HEAT warhead; stealthy, self destruct, brilliant mid-course update Skill-100 IIRH, mid-course update Skill-100 ARH, mid-course update Skill-100 ALH); Main Armament Full Stabilizer; LAC Universal Mount; 30mm GDI LAC Mk1 (F, medium barrel; very fine (accurate), caseless ammo, electrothermal ammo); two 152mm fast autoloader GDI LAML Mk1s (F, concealed); Main Gun AESA (F, scan 15, 5.25-mile range; LPI); Main Gun LIDAR (F, scan 15, 5.25-mile range; multimode, LPI); four Main Gun Thermographs (F, scan 17, 10.5-mile range); Main PESA (F, scan 17, 13.8-mile range); Backup Laser Rangefinder (5.25-mile range); HUDWAC (pupil scanner, near miss indicator); Laser Designator Tracker. RWS Turret (T): 10,000 rounds 6.8mm AP GDI 6.8AP Mk1; 5,000 rounds 6.8mm API GDI 6.8API Mk1; LMG Universal Mount; RWS (LMG Variant) Full Stabilizer; 6.8mm GDI LMG1 (F, medium barrel; very fine (accurate), caseless ammo, electrothermal ammo, heavy auto); LMG IR Searchlight (F, 2.69-mile range); LMG Searchlight (F, 2.69-mile range); LMG AESA (F, scan 13, 2.69-mile range; LPI); LMG LIDAR (F, scan 13, 2.69-mile range; multimode, LPI); ULMRM AESA (F, scan 14, 3.69-mile range; LPI); two LMG Thermographs (F, scan 15, 5.38-mile range); two Short-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x5); LMG PESA (T, scan 15, 5.38-mile range); HUDWAC (pupil scanner, near miss indicator); Laser Designator Tracker; Laser Designator (5-mile range). Armament Sensor Turret (T): two Commander's Thermographs (F, scan 18, 15-mile range); two Medium-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x25); two Short-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x5); Commander's PESA (T, scan 18, 15-mile range); Laser Designator (7.5-mile range).
Size: [LxWxH] 4 m x4 m x4 m Payload: 5,104 kg Lwt.: 29,059 kg
Volume: 64 m^3 Maint.: 0.17 hours (563 mh/day) Price: $13,774,851,646
HT: 12 HP: 1,800 each [4xLeg (U)], 450 each [4xWheels], 3,000 [Body], 360 each [2xSensor Turret (T)], 180 each [4xADS Turret (T)], 752 [Main Turret (T)], 38 [RWS Turret (T)], 48 [Armament Sensor Turret (T)].
Leg Ground Performance: Speed Factor 13, Top Speed 64.4 kph, gAccel 16.1 kph/s, gDecel 32.2 kph/s, gMR 1.25, gSR 5, Ground Pressure 667 lbs./sf, Off Road Speed 64.4 kph.
Wheel Booster Ground Performance: Speed Factor 18, Top Speed 193 kph, gAccel 8.05 kph/s, gDecel 32.2 kph/s, gMR 1.75, gSR 5, Ground Pressure 7,047 lbs./sf, Off Road Speed 48.3 kph.
Amphibious Performance: Drag 1,601, Top Speed 40.2 kph, wAccel 6.44 kph/s, wMR 1, wSR 6, wDecel (powered) 16.1 kph/s, ( 12 mph/s), Draft 0.823 m, Flotation 45,499 lbs.
Design Notes:
TL10 robotic responsive extra heavy frame advanced materials [4xLeg].
TL10 robotic responsive heavy frame advanced materials [Wheels].
TL10 robotic responsive extra heavy frame advanced materials [Body].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [4xLeg].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [2xSensor Turret].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [4xADS Turret].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [RWS Turret].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [Armament Sensor Turret].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [Main Turret].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [Body].
Operating Duration: 10 H.
Payload Cost: $10,857,778
Vehicle Features: computerized controls, no streamlining.
Body: flotation hull, 30° Front Slope, 30° Left Slope, 30° Right Slope.
Leg: improved suspension.
Wheels: quantity 4, non-standard sizex2.16, off-road, all wheel drive, improved suspension, improved brakes, all wheel steering, smart, puncture resistant.
RWS Turret: full rotation.
Sensor Turret: full rotation.
ADS Turret: full rotation.
Main Turret: full rotation, 30° Front Slope.
Armament Sensor Turret: full rotation.
Volume: 9.53 m^3 [4xLeg (U)], 8.91 m^3 [Wheels], 20.6 m^3 [Body], 0.743 m^3 [2xSensor Turret (T)], 0.298 m^3 [4xADS Turret (T)], 2.37 m^3 [Main Turret (T)], 0.159 m^3 [RWS Turret (T)], 0.043 m^3 [Armament Sensor Turret (T)].
Area: 27.9 m^2 [4xLeg (U)], 27.9 m^2 [Wheels], 46.5 m^2 [Body], 5.57 m^2 [2xSensor Turret (T)], 2.79 m^2 [4xADS Turret (T)], 11.6 m^2 [Main Turret (T)], 1.77 m^2 [RWS Turret (T)], 0.743 m^2 [Armament Sensor Turret (T)].
Leg Ground Performance:;
Wheel Booster Ground Performance:;
TL9 GDI MTAML Mk1 (Ripple)
Crew: 2 total. 2 crew stations covering vehicle maneuvering system, 6 communicators, 5 navigation aids, 15 sensors, 2 targeting systems, 6 countermeasures.
Subassemblies: Vehicle +6, Body +5, 2xADS Turret [Body:T] +1, RWS Turret [Body:T] +2, 2xSensor Turret [Body:T] +1, Wheels +5.
P&P: 1,895-kW GDI APC Hydrocarbon Fuel Cell Mk1 (LNG/Propane, no access space), 750-kW GDI All Terrain Electric Wheel Drivetrain Mk1 (all wheel drive; no access space), two 250-kW GDI Ultra-Light Hydrojet Mk1s (no access space).
Fuel: four 687 liter self-sealing ultralight Fuel Tanks (fire modifier -1), 2,750 liter LNG (fire 13).
Occ: roomy MTAML Drive Station (airbag, crashweb), roomy MTAML Gunnery Station (airbag, crashweb), 2-man MTAML Enviromental Control System, 2-man NBCT Kit Cargo:
Armor F RL B T U
Body 5/270 5/270 4/180 4/180 4/90
ADS Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
RWS Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
Sensor Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
Weaponry Malf Type Damage SS Acc 1/2D m Max m RoF TL
40mm GDI ADS Mk1 - Cr 0d 14 0 0 0 1/1 9
2mm GDI EMAMS Mk1 Ver. Cr 2d+1 11 12 192 1,737 50 9
20mm GDI HMG1 Ver. Cr 6dx6 20 18 1,783 7,681 8 9
180mm GDI MAML Mk1 - Cr 0d 20 0 0 0 1/3 9
2mm AP GDI 2EMAMSAP Mk1 - Cr 2d+1(2) - 12 192 1,737 - 9
20mm AP GDI 20AP Mk1 - Cr 6dx6(2) - 18 1,829 7,681 - 9
20mm APEX GDI 20APHE Mk1 - Cr 6dx6(2) - 18 1,829 7,681 - 9
20mm API GDI 20API Mk1 - Cr 6dx6(2) - 18 1,829 7,681 - 9
GDI Medium Anti-Tank Missile Mk1 Crit Exp 5dx86(10)[12d] - - 0 22,000 - 9
GDI Medium Fuel Air Missile Mk1 Crit Exp 4dx5500[12d] - - 0 22,000 - 9
GDI Medium Multi-Role Missile Mk1 Crit Exp 5dx86(5)[12d] - - 0 22,000 - 9
GDI Medium Surface to Air Missile Mk1 Crit Exp 4dx400[12d] - - 0 25,000 - 9
GDI ADSM Mk1 Crit Exp 18d[4d] - - 0 4,800 - 9
Body: 18 180mm GDI Medium Anti-Tank Missile Mk1s (normal HEAT warhead; stealthy, self destruct, brilliant mid-course update Skill-102 IIRH, brilliant mid-course update Skill-102 ARH, brilliant mid-course update Skill-102 ALH, mid-course update Skill-102 OH); 12 180mm GDI Medium Fuel Air Missile Mk1s (normal warhead; stealthy, self destruct, brilliant mid-course update Skill-102 IIRH, brilliant mid-course update Skill-102 ARH, brilliant mid-course update Skill-102 ALH, mid-course update Skill-102 OH); 24 180mm GDI Medium Multi-Role Missile Mk1s (normal HEDP warhead; stealthy, self destruct, brilliant mid-course update Skill-102 IIRH, brilliant mid-course update Skill-102 ARH, brilliant mid-course update Skill-102 ALH, mid-course update Skill-102 OH); 18 180mm GDI Medium Surface to Air Missile Mk1s (modest HEPF warhead; stealthy, self destruct, brilliant mid-course update Skill-102 IIRH, brilliant mid-course update Skill-102 ARH, brilliant mid-course update Skill-103 ALH, brilliant mid-course update Skill-100 PEH, brilliant mid-course update Skill-100 PRH); two medium range GDI Medium-Range LaserComm Mk1s (2,000-mile range; sensitive, scrambler); medium range GDI Medium-Range Wide Band Radio Set Mk1 (1,000-mile range; very sensitive, VLF, scrambler, direction finder); two short range GDI Short-Range LaserComm Mk1s (200-mile range; sensitive, scrambler); short range GDI Short-Range Wide Band Radio Set Mk1 (100-mile range; very sensitive, VLF, scrambler, direction finder); mainframe EVA Computer (complexity 7; genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, sentient, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Data Analysis Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Electronic Warfare Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Encryption Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); macroframe Vehicle Fire Control Co-Processor (complexity 8; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Main Computer (complexity 7; genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Navigation Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Sensors Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); 2,000-gig Computer Harddrive (hardened); six 1,000-gig Database Harddrives (hardened); 1,500-gig EVA Harddrive (hardened); Computer Navigation Program (C2); +7 Damage Control Assistance Program (C7); two Data Recovery Programs (C2); Electronic Warfare Database; Encrpytion Database; full EVA Personality Program (C5); two GDI ADS Gunnery Programs-16 (C8); GDI Data Encryption Program (C14); five GDI DataWarrior Mk1s (C1); Navigation Database; Recon Data Storage; Routine Vehicle Piloting Program (piloting-17, C7); +9 RWS Fire Control Program (C8); Sensors Database; Warbook Database; two IR Jammers (1.5-mile range, jammer rating 4); four advanced Sensor Detection Systems; two Sound Systems; two military GPSs; two IFFs; Inertial Navigation System; Adaptive Camouflage (-2 spotting modifier); modest Emission Stealth (-2 spotting modifier); modest IR Stealth (-2 spotting modifier); Mimetic Camouflage (-6 spotting modifier); NBCT Sealing; NBCT-Grade Self-Sealing Hull; Psi Shielding (8 psi strength); Radiation Shielding (1,000 PF); modest Sensor Stealth (-2 spotting modifier); basic Sound Baffling (-5 hearing modifier); Spall Liner; Waterproofing. ADS Turret (T): 100,000 rounds 2mm AP GDI 2EMAMSAP Mk1; 60 40mm GDI ADSM Mk1s (modest HEPF warhead; stealthy, self destruct, Skill-100 IIRH); ADS Universal Mount (concealed); ADSM/EMAMS Link; EMAMS Full Stabilizer; two 40mm slow autoloader GDI ADS Mk1s (F, concealed); 2mm 3-barrel GDI EMAMS Mk1 (F, extremely short barrel; concealed, very fine (accurate)). RWS Turret (T): 5,000 rounds 20mm AP GDI 20AP Mk1; 2,500 rounds 20mm APEX GDI 20APHE Mk1; 2,500 rounds 20mm API GDI 20API Mk1; HMG Universal Mount; RWS (HMG Variant) Full Stabilizer; 20mm GDI HMG1 (F, long barrel; very fine (accurate), caseless ammo, electrothermal ammo); six 180mm fast autoloader GDI MAML Mk1s (F); HMG IR Searchlight (F, 4.81-mile range); HMG Searchlight (F, 4.81-mile range); HMG AESA (F, scan 15, 4.81-mile range; LPI); HMG LIDAR (F, scan 15, 4.81-mile range; multimode, LPI); MMRM AESA (F, scan 17, 13.8-mile range; LPI); two Short-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x5); two HMG Thermographs (F, scan 16, 9.63-mile range); HMG PESA (T, scan 16, 9.63-mile range); HUDWAC (pupil scanner, near miss indicator); Laser Designator Tracker; Laser Designator (5-mile range). Sensor Turret (T): Search AESA (T, scan 19, 25-mile range; non-targeting, LPI); Search LIDAR (F, scan 19, 25-mile range; multimode, LPI); two Medium-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x25); two Search Thermographs (F, scan 21, 50-mile range); two Short-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x5); Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD) (scan 21, 50-mile range); Multiscanner (scan 21, 50-mile range); ranging Sound Ranging System (sound level 18); surveillance Sound Surveillance System (sound level 18); Search PESA (T, scan 21, 50-mile range).
Size: [LxWxH] 8 m x4 m x3 m Payload: 8,590 kg Lwt.: 24,665 kg
Volume: 96 m^3 Maint.: 0.519 hours (185 mh/day) Price: $1,484,627,635
HT: 12 HP: 2,400 [Body], 120 each [2xADS Turret (T)], 250 [RWS Turret (T)], 180 each [2xSensor Turret (T)], 1,000 each [6xWheels].
Amphibious Performance: Drag 1,435, Top Speed 40.2 kph, wAccel 6.44 kph/s, wMR 0.75, wSR 7, wDecel (powered) 16.1 kph/s, ( 11.8 mph/s), Draft 0.732 m, Flotation 72,569 lbs.
Wheel Ground Performance: Speed Factor 18, Top Speed 153 kph, gAccel 6.44 kph/s, gDecel 32.2 kph/s, gMR 1.75, gSR 5, Ground Pressure 1,794 lbs./sf, Off Road Speed 72.4 kph.
Design Notes:
TL10 responsive heavy frame advanced materials [Body].
TL10 responsive heavy frame advanced materials [Wheels].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [2xADS Turret].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [RWS Turret].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [2xSensor Turret].
T TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate, U TL10 DR 90 advanced laminate, L TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate, R TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate, F TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate, B TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [Body].
Operating Duration: 10 H.
Payload Cost: $64,569,203
Vehicle Features: computerized controls, no streamlining.
Body: flotation hull, 30° Front Slope, 30° Left Slope, 30° Right Slope.
Wheels: quantity 6, non-standard sizex8.83, off-road, all wheel drive, improved suspension, improved brakes, all wheel steering, smart, puncture resistant.
RWS Turret: full rotation.
ADS Turret: full rotation.
Sensor Turret: full rotation.
Volume: 32.9 m^3 [Body], 0.43 m^3 [2xADS Turret (T)], 2.7 m^3 [RWS Turret (T)], 0.743 m^3 [2xSensor Turret (T)], 58.1 m^3 [Wheels].
Area: 74.3 m^2 [Body], 3.72 m^2 [2xADS Turret (T)], 11.6 m^2 [RWS Turret (T)], 5.57 m^2 [2xSensor Turret (T)], 92.9 m^2 [Wheels].
Wheel Ground Performance:;
TL9 GDI SHORAD Mk1 (Manticore)
Crew: 3 total. 3 crew stations covering vehicle maneuvering system, 6 communicators, 5 navigation aids, 20 sensors, targeting system, 6 countermeasures.
Subassemblies: Vehicle +6, Body +5, 2xADS Turret [Body:T] +0, Main Turret [Body:T] +3, Commander's Sensor Turret [Main Turret:T] -1, 2xSensor Turret [Body:T] +1, Tracks +5.
P&P: 6,344-kW GDI SHORAD Hydrocarbon Fuel Cell Mk1 (LNG/Propane, no access space), two 500-kW GDI Light Hydrojet Mk1s (no access space), 750-kW GDI Track Electric Drivetrain Mk1 (no access space).
Fuel: four 2,301 liter self-sealing ultralight Fuel Tanks (fire modifier -1), 9,206 liter LNG (fire 13).
Occ: roomy CT Commander Station (airbag, crashweb), normal CT Drive Station (airbag, crashweb), normal CT Gunnery Station (airbag, crashweb), 3-man SHORAD Enviromental Control System, 3-man NBCT Kit Cargo:
Armor F RL B T U
Body 5/660 5/660 4/440 4/440 4/220
ADS Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
Main Turret (T) 5/660 4/440 4/440 4/440 0/0
Commander's Sensor Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
Sensor Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
Weaponry Malf Type Damage SS Acc 1/2D m Max m RoF TL
40mm GDI ADS Mk1 - Cr 0d 14 0 0 0 1/1 9
2mm GDI EMAMS Mk1 Ver. Cr 2d+1 11 12 192 1,737 50 9
200mm GDI ALLSAML Mk1 - Cr 0d 25 0 0 0 1/3 9
30mm GDI LAAC Mk1 Ver. (Crit.) Cr 5dx13 20 19 2,057 8,413 5 9
2mm AP GDI 2EMAMSAP Mk1 - Cr 2d+1(2) - 12 192 1,737 - 9
30mm HEPF GDI 30HESF Mk1 - Exp 7d+2 [2d] - 19 2,103 8,413 - 9
30mm HE GDI 30HE Mk1 - Exp 7d+2 [2d] - 19 2,103 8,413 - 9
30mm APEX GDI 30APHE Mk1 - Cr 5dx13(2) - 19 2,103 8,413 - 9
GDI ADSM Mk1 Crit Exp 18d[4d] - - 0 4,800 - 9
GDI ADATS Mk1 Crit Exp 6dx50(5)[12d] - - 0 42,000 - 9
Body: two medium range GDI Medium-Range LaserComm Mk1s (2,000-mile range; sensitive, scrambler); medium range GDI Medium-Range Wide Band Radio Set Mk1 (1,000-mile range; very sensitive, VLF, scrambler, direction finder); two short range GDI Short-Range LaserComm Mk1s (200-mile range; sensitive, scrambler); short range GDI Short-Range Wide Band Radio Set Mk1 (100-mile range; very sensitive, VLF, scrambler, direction finder); mainframe EVA Computer (complexity 7; genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, sentient, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Data Analysis Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Electronic Warfare Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Encryption Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); four mainframe Vehicle Fire Control Co-Processors (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Main Computer (complexity 7; genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Navigation Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Sensors Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); 2,000-gig Computer Harddrive (hardened); six 1,000-gig Database Harddrives (hardened); 1,500-gig EVA Harddrive (hardened); Computer Navigation Program (C2); +7 Damage Control Assistance Program (C7); two Data Recovery Programs (C2); Electronic Warfare Database; Encrpytion Database; full EVA Personality Program (C5); GDI Data Encryption Program (C14); five GDI DataWarrior Mk1s (C1); Navigation Database; Recon Data Storage; Routine Vehicle Piloting Program (piloting-17, C7); Sensors Database; Warbook Database; +9 RWS Fire Control Program (C8); GDI RWS Gunnery Program-16 (C8); +9 Main Gun Fire Control Program (C8); two GDI ADS Gunnery Programs-16 (C8); two IR Jammers (1.5-mile range, jammer rating 4); four advanced Sensor Detection Systems; two Sound Systems; two military GPSs; two IFFs; Inertial Navigation System; Adaptive Camouflage (-2 spotting modifier); modest Emission Stealth (-2 spotting modifier); modest IR Stealth (-2 spotting modifier); Mimetic Camouflage (-6 spotting modifier); NBCT Sealing; NBCT-Grade Self-Sealing Hull; Psi Shielding (8 psi strength); Radiation Shielding (1,000 PF); modest Sensor Stealth (-2 spotting modifier); basic Sound Baffling (-5 hearing modifier); Spall Liner; Waterproofing. ADS Turret (T): 5,000 rounds 2mm AP GDI 2EMAMSAP Mk1; 20 40mm GDI ADSM Mk1s (modest HEPF warhead; stealthy, self destruct, Skill-100 IIRH); ADS Universal Mount (concealed); ADSM/EMAMS Link; EMAMS Full Stabilizer; two 40mm slow autoloader GDI ADS Mk1s (F, concealed); 2mm 3-barrel GDI EMAMS Mk1 (F, extremely short barrel; concealed, very fine (accurate)). Main Turret (T): 12 200mm GDI ADATS Mk1s (three small HEDP warheads; stealthy, self destruct, mid-course update Skill-100 IIRH, mid-course update Skill-100 ARH, mid-course update Skill-100 ALH); 500 rounds 30mm HEPF GDI 30HESF Mk1; 500 rounds 30mm HE GDI 30HE Mk1; 250 rounds 30mm APEX GDI 30APHE Mk1; Main Armament Universal Mount; Main Armament Full Stabilizer; four 200mm fast autoloader GDI ALLSAML Mk1s (F); 30mm GDI LAAC Mk1 (F, long barrel; very fine (accurate), caseless ammo, electrothermal ammo); Main Gun AESA (F, scan 15, 5.25-mile range; LPI); SAM AESA (F, scan 19, 26.3-mile range; air search, LPI); Main Gun LIDAR (F, scan 15, 5.25-mile range; low-res imaging, high-res imaging, multimode, LPI); four Medium-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x25); four Short-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x5); four Main Gun Thermographs (F, scan 15, 5.25-mile range); Main PESA (F, scan 21, 52.5-mile range); HUDWAC (pupil scanner, near miss indicator). Commander's Sensor Turret (T): two Medium-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x25); two Short-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x5); two Commander's Thermographs (F, scan 17, 10.5-mile range); Commander's PESA (T, scan 19, 26.3-mile range); Laser Designator (7.5-mile range). Sensor Turret (T): Search AESA (T, scan 19, 25-mile range; non-targeting, LPI); Search LIDAR (F, scan 19, 25-mile range; multimode, LPI); two Medium-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x25); two Search Thermographs (F, scan 21, 50-mile range); two Short-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x5); Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD) (scan 21, 50-mile range); Multiscanner (scan 21, 50-mile range); ranging Sound Ranging System (sound level 18); surveillance Sound Surveillance System (sound level 18); Search PESA (T, scan 21, 50-mile range).
Size: [LxWxH] 8.5 m x4 m x3 m Payload: 7,671 kg Lwt.: 41,601 kg
Volume: 102 m^3 Maint.: 0.668 hours (144 mh/day) Price: $895,112,535
HT: 12 HP: 3,000 [Body], 62 each [2xADS Turret (T)], 600 [Main Turret (T)], 28 [Commander's Sensor Turret (T)], 180 each [2xSensor Turret (T)], 1,200 each [2xTracks].
Amphibious Performance: Drag 2,034, Top Speed 40.2 kph, wAccel 6.44 kph/s, wMR 0.75, wSR 7, wDecel (powered) 16.1 kph/s, ( 12.2 mph/s), Draft 0.914 m, Flotation 130,693 lbs.
Tread Ground Performance: Speed Factor 13, Top Speed 88.5 kph, gAccel 4.83 kph/s, gDecel 32.2 kph/s, gMR 1.25, gSR 7, Ground Pressure 573 lbs./sf, Off Road Speed 64.4 kph.
Design Notes:
TL10 responsive heavy frame advanced materials [Body].
TL10 responsive heavy frame advanced materials [Tracks].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [2xADS Turret].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [Commander's Sensor Turret].
TL10 DR 440 advanced laminate [Main Turret].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [2xSensor Turret].
T TL10 DR 440 advanced laminate, U TL10 DR 220 advanced laminate, L TL10 DR 440 advanced laminate, R TL10 DR 440 advanced laminate, F TL10 DR 440 advanced laminate, B TL10 DR 440 advanced laminate [Body].
Operating Duration: 10 H.
Payload Cost: $6,504,008
Vehicle Features: computerized controls, no streamlining.
Body: flotation hull, 30° Front Slope, 30° Left Slope, 30° Right Slope.
Tracks: quantity 2, non-standard sizex1.01, improved suspension, smart tracks.
ADS Turret: full rotation.
Main Turret: full rotation, 30° Front Slope.
Commander's Sensor Turret: full rotation.
Sensor Turret: full rotation.
Volume: 59.2 m^3 [Body], 0.173 m^3 [2xADS Turret (T)], 4.84 m^3 [Main Turret (T)], 0.051 m^3 [Commander's Sensor Turret (T)], 0.743 m^3 [2xSensor Turret (T)], 35.9 m^3 [Tracks].
Area: 92.9 m^2 [Body], 1.95 m^2 [2xADS Turret (T)], 18.6 m^2 [Main Turret (T)], 0.836 m^2 [Commander's Sensor Turret (T)], 5.57 m^2 [2xSensor Turret (T)], 74.3 m^2 [Tracks].
Tread Ground Performance:;
TL9 GDI MAPC Mk1 (Nurse)
Crew: 6 total. 2 crew stations covering vehicle maneuvering system, 6 communicators, 5 navigation aids, 14 sensors, 2 targeting systems, 6 countermeasures. 4 medics, 4 additional passengers.
Subassemblies: Vehicle +6, Body +5, 2xADS Turret [Body:T] +0, RWS Turret [Body:T] +2, 2xSensor Turret [Body:T] +1, Wheels +5.
P&P: 1,599-kW GDI APC Hydrocarbon Fuel Cell Mk1 (LNG/Propane, no access space), 500-kW GDI All Terrain Electric Wheel Drivetrain Mk1 (all wheel drive; no access space), two 250-kW GDI Ultra-Light Hydrojet Mk1s (no access space).
Fuel: four 580 liter self-sealing light Fuel Tanks (fire modifier -2), 2,320 liter LNG (fire 13).
Occ: cramped APC Drive Station (airbag, crashweb), cramped APC Gunnery Station (airbag, crashweb), four cramped PA Compatable Passenger Seats (folding seat), 10-man APC Enviromental Control System, 10-man NBCT Kit Cargo: four 1-m^3 Medical Equipment Bay 5-lbs/cf
Armor F RL B T U
Body 5/390 5/390 4/260 4/260 4/90
ADS Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
RWS Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
Sensor Turret (T) 4/180 4/180 4/180 4/180 0/0
Weaponry Malf Type Damage SS Acc 1/2D m Max m RoF TL
40mm GDI ADS Mk1 - Cr 0d 14 0 0 0 1/1 9
2mm GDI EMAMS Mk1 Ver. Cr 2d+1 11 12 192 1,737 50 9
20mm GDI HMG1 Ver. Cr 6dx6 20 18 1,783 7,681 8 9
2mm AP GDI 2EMAMSAP Mk1 - Cr 2d+1(2) - 12 192 1,737 - 9
20mm AP GDI 20AP Mk1 - Cr 6dx6(2) - 18 1,829 7,681 - 9
20mm APEX GDI 20APHE Mk1 - Cr 6dx6(2) - 18 1,829 7,681 - 9
20mm API GDI 20API Mk1 - Cr 6dx6(2) - 18 1,829 7,681 - 9
GDI ADSM Mk1 Crit Exp 18d[4d] - - 0 4,800 - 9
Body: four Stretcher Pallets; four Emergency Support Units; two medium range GDI Medium-Range LaserComm Mk1s (2,000-mile range; sensitive, scrambler); medium range GDI Medium-Range Wide Band Radio Set Mk1 (1,000-mile range; very sensitive, VLF, scrambler, direction finder); two short range GDI Short-Range LaserComm Mk1s (200-mile range; sensitive, scrambler); short range GDI Short-Range Wide Band Radio Set Mk1 (100-mile range; very sensitive, VLF, scrambler, direction finder); mainframe EVA Computer (complexity 7; genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, sentient, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Data Analysis Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Electronic Warfare Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Encryption Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Main Computer (complexity 7; genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Navigation Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); mainframe Vehicle Sensors Co-Processor (complexity 7; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); macroframe Vehicle Fire Control Co-Processor (complexity 8; dedicated, genius, hardened, very high capacity, neural net, supercompact); 2,000-gig Computer Harddrive (hardened); six 1,000-gig Database Harddrives (hardened); 1,500-gig EVA Harddrive (hardened); Computer Navigation Program (C2); +7 Damage Control Assistance Program (C7); two Data Recovery Programs (C2); Electronic Warfare Database; Encrpytion Database; full EVA Personality Program (C5); GDI Data Encryption Program (C14); five GDI DataWarrior Mk1s (C1); Navigation Database; Recon Data Storage; Routine Vehicle Piloting Program (piloting-17, C7); Sensors Database; Warbook Database; two GDI ADS Gunnery Programs-16 (C8); +9 RWS Fire Control Program (C8); two IR Jammers (1.5-mile range, jammer rating 4); four advanced Sensor Detection Systems; two Sound Systems; two military GPSs; two IFFs; Inertial Navigation System; Adaptive Camouflage (-2 spotting modifier); modest Emission Stealth (-2 spotting modifier); modest IR Stealth (-2 spotting modifier); Mimetic Camouflage (-6 spotting modifier); NBCT Sealing; NBCT-Grade Self-Sealing Hull; Psi Shielding (8 psi strength); Radiation Shielding (1,000 PF); modest Sensor Stealth (-2 spotting modifier); basic Sound Baffling (-5 hearing modifier); Spall Liner; Waterproofing; Hitch. ADS Turret (T): 5,000 rounds 2mm AP GDI 2EMAMSAP Mk1; 20 40mm GDI ADSM Mk1s (modest HEPF warhead; stealthy, self destruct, Skill-100 IIRH); ADS Universal Mount (concealed); ADSM/EMAMS Link; EMAMS Full Stabilizer; two 40mm slow autoloader GDI ADS Mk1s (F, concealed); 2mm 3-barrel GDI EMAMS Mk1 (F, extremely short barrel; concealed, very fine (accurate)). RWS Turret (T): 10,000 rounds 20mm AP GDI 20AP Mk1; 5,000 rounds 20mm APEX GDI 20APHE Mk1; 5,000 rounds 20mm API GDI 20API Mk1; HMG Universal Mount; RWS (HMG Variant) Full Stabilizer; 20mm GDI HMG1 (F, long barrel; very fine (accurate), caseless ammo, electrothermal ammo); HMG IR Searchlight (F, 4.81-mile range); HMG Searchlight (F, 4.81-mile range); HMG AESA (F, scan 15, 4.81-mile range; LPI); HMG LIDAR (F, scan 15, 4.81-mile range; multimode, LPI); two Short-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x5); two HMG Thermographs (F, scan 16, 9.63-mile range); HMG PESA (T, scan 16, 9.63-mile range); HUDWAC (pupil scanner, near miss indicator); Laser Designator Tracker; Laser Designator (5-mile range). Sensor Turret (T): Search AESA (T, scan 19, 25-mile range; non-targeting, LPI); Search LIDAR (F, scan 19, 25-mile range; multimode, LPI); two Medium-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x25); two Search Thermographs (F, scan 21, 50-mile range); two Short-Range LLTVs (F, magnification x5); Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD) (scan 21, 50-mile range); Multiscanner (scan 21, 50-mile range); ranging Sound Ranging System (sound level 18); surveillance Sound Surveillance System (sound level 18); Search PESA (T, scan 21, 50-mile range).
Size: [LxWxH] 8 m x4 m x3 m Payload: 8,176 kg Lwt.: 23,945 kg
Volume: 96 m^3 Maint.: 0.514 hours (187 mh/day) Price: $1,516,525,263
HT: 12 HP: 2,400 [Body], 62 each [2xADS Turret (T)], 250 [RWS Turret (T)], 180 each [2xSensor Turret (T)], 1,000 each [6xWheels].
Amphibious Performance: Drag 1,407, Top Speed 40.2 kph, wAccel 6.44 kph/s, wMR 0.75, wSR 7, wDecel (powered) 16.1 kph/s, ( 11.9 mph/s), Draft 0.732 m, Flotation 92,311 lbs.
Wheel Ground Performance: Speed Factor 18, Top Speed 129 kph, gAccel 4.83 kph/s, gDecel 32.2 kph/s, gMR 1.75, gSR 5, Ground Pressure 1,742 lbs./sf, Off Road Speed 64.4 kph.
Design Notes:
TL10 responsive heavy frame advanced materials [Body].
TL10 responsive heavy frame advanced materials [Wheels].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [2xADS Turret].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [RWS Turret].
TL10 DR 180 advanced laminate [2xSensor Turret].
T TL10 DR 260 advanced laminate, U TL10 DR 90 advanced laminate, L TL10 DR 260 advanced laminate, R TL10 DR 260 advanced laminate, F TL10 DR 260 advanced laminate, B TL10 DR 260 advanced laminate [Body].
Operating Duration: 10 H.
Payload Cost: $930,498
Vehicle Features: computerized controls, no streamlining.
Body: flotation hull, 30° Front Slope, 30° Left Slope, 30° Right Slope.
Wheels: quantity 6, non-standard sizex5.95, off-road, all wheel drive, improved suspension, improved brakes, all wheel steering, smart, puncture resistant.
RWS Turret: full rotation.
ADS Turret: full rotation.
Sensor Turret: full rotation.
Volume: 41.8 m^3 [Body], 0.173 m^3 [2xADS Turret (T)], 2.6 m^3 [RWS Turret (T)], 0.743 m^3 [2xSensor Turret (T)], 49.8 m^3 [Wheels].
Area: 74.3 m^2 [Body], 1.95 m^2 [2xADS Turret (T)], 11.6 m^2 [RWS Turret (T)], 5.57 m^2 [2xSensor Turret (T)], 92.9 m^2 [Wheels].
Wheel Ground Performance:;
Now, additional notes. First, I gave the Brother Gods names, largely because simply calling them light and dark god constantly is suboptimal from a sentence structure standpoint. So I use a god name generator and gave them names. Second, this is just something to give an idea of two of the sides here, in this case, a GDI motorized recon infantry platoon and a village in a Valian County south of Vale itself.
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