Glimpses Into Another Time: Liaris Freese
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Cross-Posting this from the Spacebattles thread
Glimpses Into Another Time: Liaris Freese
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The Continent of Anima. 1 Year After The Fall of Beacon.
Clang, Clang.
Clang .
In the outskirts of Fushiguro Village, a song of swords rang out in the cold night. Pyrrha Nikos, the Invincible Girl, was training with her team leader and... boyfriend Jaune Arc.
Even after all this time, after all the suffering they have been through, calling Jauen her 'boyfriend' still lit her soul aflame.
Which is why it pained her to see him pushing himself as hard as he currently was.
"RRRAGH!!" Jaune roared, throwing the full weight of his new sword towards her. Pyrrha blocked with Akouo and softened the blow with Polarity. He was getting better. His use of Aura Sensing was getting far more precise every time they sparred. His sight may have been gone, but Jaune still proved he had what it takes to be a hero. How far he was willing to go to help anyone who needed it.
Jaune's sword then began to glow, releasing a blast of lightning dust, sending Pyrrha back. His new sword (Which he still had yet to name) was a very interesting element to their sessions. Ruby called it her second-best masterpiece: a railgun/bastard sword with a cycling Dust chamber in the crossguard. It could also mechshift into a spear, a design choice Jaune had apparently insisted upon. Pyrrha knew why he chose it. It was an homage to her: his champion, his mentor, his beloved.
She still felt guilty that his old sword, Crocea Mors, had been destroyed in the first place. During their fight with Cinder, she had disintegrated the ancestral blade, the flames hot enough to permanently blind Jaune. If it hadn't been for Ruby and her uncle, they might have been killed.
They had recovered in Jaune's hometown of Radian. His father and uncle had taught him what he needed to know about Aura Sensing and Aura Sight, much to Isabel's dismay. Jaune said he needed to prepare if he were to continue being a Hunter. Ruby and Yang had decided that they were going to cross Anima to go to Mistral in the off chance that Cinder might attack Haven Academy.
Jaune's sword had shifted into its spear form and he began a series of thrusts. He was aiming for her legs! Pyrrha began to weave between each thrust, blocking any stray strike. What didn't help was his Semblance. Aura Amp was amplifying his speed, make it far more difficult her to keep up. She felt her mouth shift into a smile. The only person to ever put her on the back foot was Arslan Altan, but Jaune might actually be the first person to defeat her.
Pyrrha still remembered the fight they had about joining Ruby and Yang on their journey to Haven Academy. She was prepared to leave with Ren and Nora until they had caught him sneaking out before them.
"Jaune, I'm sorry but you're not going with us. It's too-"
"No. Don't tell me it's 'too dangerous'. Tell me what you're really thinking, Pyrrha!," Jaune snapped. "It's because I'm blind. I told you, I can pull my weight just like the rest of you!"
"Jaune, please. You're not fully recovered," Pyrrha pleaded, "You can meet up with us at Haven once you've fully recovered! I don't want you getting hurt!"
"DON'T TAKE THAT TONE WITH ME, JAUNE!!," Pyrrha roared back, tears welling in her eyes, "I ALMOST LOST YOU AT BEACON AND I REFUSE TO LOOSE YOU AGAIN!!"
They had shared a few more harsh words, and eventually, Jaune did end up joining the group. They didn't talk to each other the first two weeks until Yang had dragged the two of them away from camp to let them sort things out. Tears were shed that night. So were words the two desperately needed to share.
"I... I don't regret it for a second," Jaune said "If it meant saving you, to be with for the rest of my life, I'd loose my sight all over again."
Pyrrha snuggled closer, resting her head against his chest. Her cheeks began to redden.
"Promise me, Jaune. Promise me you'll never make me cry like that ever again." Pyrrha whispered.
"I give you my word, Pyrrha. And an Arc never goes back on their word." Jaune replied.
Jaune switched his spear back into its sword form and unleashed another arc of lightning dust towards Pyrrha. She successfully dodges, but the moment she lands, her foot had been caught in ice. She looks to see Jaune had thrust his sword into the ground. He must have done that the moment she recognized the lightning attack! That was rather sneaky of him.
But Pyrrha was still the Invincible Girl. She hurled Akouo towards Jaune, who anticipated this, smacked the shield out of his way. Until his sword was yanked out of his hands by Pyrrha's Polarity, landing right into the ice covering her leg. Before he could lunge to reclaim his weapon, Akouo was pulled back, striking Jaune in the back of the head. As he landed on his back, Pyrrha freed herself from her leg from its icy prison with the Fire Dust in Jaune's sword. Charging towards her opponent, she shifted Milo into its rifle form and aimed it straight at Jaune. A smug smirk ghosted her face.
"Yield." She said. Jaune groans in defeat. He then began to pick himself up off the ground.
"You cheated," Jaune whined "You can't just snatch my sword out my hand like that! I thought we fighting by tournament rules!"
"I decided to mix it up tonight," Pyrrha says coyly "Besides, Yang fights dirty too, but you never complain when you spar with her."
"That's because I know she's going fight dirty." Jaune says dryly.
"Still, you were so close this time. The last time I was on the defensive was back in Sanctum. You should be proud of the progress we've made!" Pyrrha states proudly. She wasn't going to let him downplay his progress, especially now. Jaune's growth as a Huntsman was always impressive but now it was even more monstrous. His brain was like a sponge, any information or knowledge that was given to him, his brain would soak it in. "Plus, your handling of Aura Sensing and Aura Sight is improving. In fact, I think you might actually become an expert in both in a few years. Maybe even less."
Jaune began to rub the back of his head (It's so cute when he does that!) "Well, geez. When you put it like that, I guess I can't be that bad. But I still need to catch up to the rest of you."
He retrieved his sword and gave it a once over. He wasn't exactly a weapons expert like Ruby, but even he could tell this thing was impressive.
"So, how is it?" Pyrrha asks.
"I still need to get used to its weight. And the spear form. Everything else is fine," Jaune says, staring at it longingly "But... I still miss it. Crocea Mors. I still can't believe it got destroyed. Man, Mom was pissed."
That was a severe understatement. She had told him that if he weren't in a such critical state, she would've killed him. Even his Dad was disappointed. Until he found out that his new weapon was going to be a railgun sword.
"Have you decided on a name?" Pyrrha asks.
"Actually, I have," Jaune replies with a smile "I... I thought of you when I came up with it."
"Oh? How romantic." Pyrrha laughs
"I'm not calling it 'Pyrrha 2' if that's what you're thinking," Jaune turns to face Pyrrha, "When we weren't talking to each other at the beginning of our trip, I felt... I felt like a part of me was gone. Even if we were only a few feet away from each other. It felt as if you were out of reach."
Pyrrha felt a twinge of sadness. She didn't like being reminded of those first two weeks. She had fallen back into her old "apologize for everything" habit after they made up.
"I think that's when I realized that... I want to be by your side," Jaune continued. His eyes, even though his vision was gone, had a fire in them that only Pyrrha could see. "I never want to be away from you if I can't help it."
"Jaune, we're to young to get married." Pyrrha giggled.
Jaune's face began to turn red. "That's not what I-- Wait, you want...," Jaune then cleared his throat, mentally putting a pin on that conversation, "A-anyway, what I meant to say is: Yes, I finally have a name for my sword. I think it's pretty cool."
"Well, don't keep me waiting. What is it?" Pyrrha prys.
"Liaris Freese," Jaune states. "I figured I'd give it a symbolic name, y'know. It means 'Wholehearted Longing'. Because that's how I feel with you." Jaune's face began to blush. So did Pyrrha's.
She stared at him. She knew she could be easily swooned by Jaune's actions, but this was certainly one of her favorite ones so far!
"I-I know. It's pretty cheesy but--" Jaune didn't even get to finish his sentence. Pyrrha stopped him with a deep, passionate kiss. Putting all of her love into it. Jaune leaned into it, returning the amount of affection she was giving.
When they broke the kiss, Pyrrha pressed her forehead against his. "I love you, Jaune Arc. I'll never stop loving you. Nikos' word."
"Now you're stealing my 'Name Sworn Promises' thing?," Jaune asks, "Besides, shouldn't I be the one who says that?"
"Not today," Pyrrha says, taking his hand in hers, "Now let's go. We still have a long journey ahead of us."
"You want to go one more round? I'm not tired yet." Jaune asks. His drive to improve was rising up once again.
"Fine," Pyrrha sighs, getting into her fighting stance, "But you have to cook breakfast tomorrow. As much as I enjoy cookies and pancakes, I don't want to get to the point of craving them 24/7."
"You got it." Jaune says. He gets into his stance and waits. Pyrrha then makes the first move, changing shield first.
And so, the song of swords continued to sing in the night.
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Glimpses Into Another Time: Liaris Freese
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The Continent of Anima. 1 Year After The Fall of Beacon.
Clang, Clang.
Clang .
In the outskirts of Fushiguro Village, a song of swords rang out in the cold night. Pyrrha Nikos, the Invincible Girl, was training with her team leader and... boyfriend Jaune Arc.
Even after all this time, after all the suffering they have been through, calling Jauen her 'boyfriend' still lit her soul aflame.
Which is why it pained her to see him pushing himself as hard as he currently was.
"RRRAGH!!" Jaune roared, throwing the full weight of his new sword towards her. Pyrrha blocked with Akouo and softened the blow with Polarity. He was getting better. His use of Aura Sensing was getting far more precise every time they sparred. His sight may have been gone, but Jaune still proved he had what it takes to be a hero. How far he was willing to go to help anyone who needed it.
Jaune's sword then began to glow, releasing a blast of lightning dust, sending Pyrrha back. His new sword (Which he still had yet to name) was a very interesting element to their sessions. Ruby called it her second-best masterpiece: a railgun/bastard sword with a cycling Dust chamber in the crossguard. It could also mechshift into a spear, a design choice Jaune had apparently insisted upon. Pyrrha knew why he chose it. It was an homage to her: his champion, his mentor, his beloved.
She still felt guilty that his old sword, Crocea Mors, had been destroyed in the first place. During their fight with Cinder, she had disintegrated the ancestral blade, the flames hot enough to permanently blind Jaune. If it hadn't been for Ruby and her uncle, they might have been killed.
They had recovered in Jaune's hometown of Radian. His father and uncle had taught him what he needed to know about Aura Sensing and Aura Sight, much to Isabel's dismay. Jaune said he needed to prepare if he were to continue being a Hunter. Ruby and Yang had decided that they were going to cross Anima to go to Mistral in the off chance that Cinder might attack Haven Academy.
Jaune's sword had shifted into its spear form and he began a series of thrusts. He was aiming for her legs! Pyrrha began to weave between each thrust, blocking any stray strike. What didn't help was his Semblance. Aura Amp was amplifying his speed, make it far more difficult her to keep up. She felt her mouth shift into a smile. The only person to ever put her on the back foot was Arslan Altan, but Jaune might actually be the first person to defeat her.
Pyrrha still remembered the fight they had about joining Ruby and Yang on their journey to Haven Academy. She was prepared to leave with Ren and Nora until they had caught him sneaking out before them.
"Jaune, I'm sorry but you're not going with us. It's too-"
"No. Don't tell me it's 'too dangerous'. Tell me what you're really thinking, Pyrrha!," Jaune snapped. "It's because I'm blind. I told you, I can pull my weight just like the rest of you!"
"Jaune, please. You're not fully recovered," Pyrrha pleaded, "You can meet up with us at Haven once you've fully recovered! I don't want you getting hurt!"
"DON'T TAKE THAT TONE WITH ME, JAUNE!!," Pyrrha roared back, tears welling in her eyes, "I ALMOST LOST YOU AT BEACON AND I REFUSE TO LOOSE YOU AGAIN!!"
They had shared a few more harsh words, and eventually, Jaune did end up joining the group. They didn't talk to each other the first two weeks until Yang had dragged the two of them away from camp to let them sort things out. Tears were shed that night. So were words the two desperately needed to share.
"I... I don't regret it for a second," Jaune said "If it meant saving you, to be with for the rest of my life, I'd loose my sight all over again."
Pyrrha snuggled closer, resting her head against his chest. Her cheeks began to redden.
"Promise me, Jaune. Promise me you'll never make me cry like that ever again." Pyrrha whispered.
"I give you my word, Pyrrha. And an Arc never goes back on their word." Jaune replied.
Jaune switched his spear back into its sword form and unleashed another arc of lightning dust towards Pyrrha. She successfully dodges, but the moment she lands, her foot had been caught in ice. She looks to see Jaune had thrust his sword into the ground. He must have done that the moment she recognized the lightning attack! That was rather sneaky of him.
But Pyrrha was still the Invincible Girl. She hurled Akouo towards Jaune, who anticipated this, smacked the shield out of his way. Until his sword was yanked out of his hands by Pyrrha's Polarity, landing right into the ice covering her leg. Before he could lunge to reclaim his weapon, Akouo was pulled back, striking Jaune in the back of the head. As he landed on his back, Pyrrha freed herself from her leg from its icy prison with the Fire Dust in Jaune's sword. Charging towards her opponent, she shifted Milo into its rifle form and aimed it straight at Jaune. A smug smirk ghosted her face.
"Yield." She said. Jaune groans in defeat. He then began to pick himself up off the ground.
"You cheated," Jaune whined "You can't just snatch my sword out my hand like that! I thought we fighting by tournament rules!"
"I decided to mix it up tonight," Pyrrha says coyly "Besides, Yang fights dirty too, but you never complain when you spar with her."
"That's because I know she's going fight dirty." Jaune says dryly.
"Still, you were so close this time. The last time I was on the defensive was back in Sanctum. You should be proud of the progress we've made!" Pyrrha states proudly. She wasn't going to let him downplay his progress, especially now. Jaune's growth as a Huntsman was always impressive but now it was even more monstrous. His brain was like a sponge, any information or knowledge that was given to him, his brain would soak it in. "Plus, your handling of Aura Sensing and Aura Sight is improving. In fact, I think you might actually become an expert in both in a few years. Maybe even less."
Jaune began to rub the back of his head (It's so cute when he does that!) "Well, geez. When you put it like that, I guess I can't be that bad. But I still need to catch up to the rest of you."
He retrieved his sword and gave it a once over. He wasn't exactly a weapons expert like Ruby, but even he could tell this thing was impressive.
"So, how is it?" Pyrrha asks.
"I still need to get used to its weight. And the spear form. Everything else is fine," Jaune says, staring at it longingly "But... I still miss it. Crocea Mors. I still can't believe it got destroyed. Man, Mom was pissed."
That was a severe understatement. She had told him that if he weren't in a such critical state, she would've killed him. Even his Dad was disappointed. Until he found out that his new weapon was going to be a railgun sword.
"Have you decided on a name?" Pyrrha asks.
"Actually, I have," Jaune replies with a smile "I... I thought of you when I came up with it."
"Oh? How romantic." Pyrrha laughs
"I'm not calling it 'Pyrrha 2' if that's what you're thinking," Jaune turns to face Pyrrha, "When we weren't talking to each other at the beginning of our trip, I felt... I felt like a part of me was gone. Even if we were only a few feet away from each other. It felt as if you were out of reach."
Pyrrha felt a twinge of sadness. She didn't like being reminded of those first two weeks. She had fallen back into her old "apologize for everything" habit after they made up.
"I think that's when I realized that... I want to be by your side," Jaune continued. His eyes, even though his vision was gone, had a fire in them that only Pyrrha could see. "I never want to be away from you if I can't help it."
"Jaune, we're to young to get married." Pyrrha giggled.
Jaune's face began to turn red. "That's not what I-- Wait, you want...," Jaune then cleared his throat, mentally putting a pin on that conversation, "A-anyway, what I meant to say is: Yes, I finally have a name for my sword. I think it's pretty cool."
"Well, don't keep me waiting. What is it?" Pyrrha prys.
"Liaris Freese," Jaune states. "I figured I'd give it a symbolic name, y'know. It means 'Wholehearted Longing'. Because that's how I feel with you." Jaune's face began to blush. So did Pyrrha's.
She stared at him. She knew she could be easily swooned by Jaune's actions, but this was certainly one of her favorite ones so far!
"I-I know. It's pretty cheesy but--" Jaune didn't even get to finish his sentence. Pyrrha stopped him with a deep, passionate kiss. Putting all of her love into it. Jaune leaned into it, returning the amount of affection she was giving.
When they broke the kiss, Pyrrha pressed her forehead against his. "I love you, Jaune Arc. I'll never stop loving you. Nikos' word."
"Now you're stealing my 'Name Sworn Promises' thing?," Jaune asks, "Besides, shouldn't I be the one who says that?"
"Not today," Pyrrha says, taking his hand in hers, "Now let's go. We still have a long journey ahead of us."
"You want to go one more round? I'm not tired yet." Jaune asks. His drive to improve was rising up once again.
"Fine," Pyrrha sighs, getting into her fighting stance, "But you have to cook breakfast tomorrow. As much as I enjoy cookies and pancakes, I don't want to get to the point of craving them 24/7."
"You got it." Jaune says. He gets into his stance and waits. Pyrrha then makes the first move, changing shield first.
And so, the song of swords continued to sing in the night.
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