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Video Games General

Any modular mech-games where you shoot weapons and sub-systems off opponents and use them for yourself? Bonus if there's good open world sandbox elements even if it's just an overworld map.
Not a mech game but spaceships, Captain Forever is like a top down open world sandbox version of the Gummi Ship stages from Kingdom Hearts, blow ships up, some parts survive, drag and drop on your ship as you like. If you have or can get flash the game's still online and free.
Got a game called "Cookie Cutter" in the same bundle as Axiom Verge 2, also a Metroidvania. Combat's a bit mashy so far, but I've encountered a total of two enemy types at the beginning of the game, so.

I see a few obvious 'you need a specific item to get here' points already, so we'll see what I find.

But what I have to comment most on in the story.

The setting is really unique- everything is Void except what I would term a 'White Hole' with matter leaking from it 'like a cancer' and forming what they call 'The Megastructure.'

Lots of people tried to get to the center, but only one guy managed it, came back promising transhumanist immortality, but the robot bodies (called 'Denzels' for some reason) are slaves to his corporation. There's a rebellion, but the guy has a practically endless army so it's not making any progress.

Enter Shinji- she decided the only way to beat him is to find the center and the same secrets he has, and has constructed a special Denzel to help- Cherry. Unlike the mass-produced ones, Cherry was a work of artistic creation, and has her own personality... well, the intro seems to imply the artist and the art fell in love.

And then the assholes decided to come fuck it up, kidnapping Shinji and tearing Cherry to bits. Now, repaired by some guy hiding in an abandoned part of the Megastructure, Cherry seeks to retrieve her mother/lover... and literally rip apart anyone and anything that gets in her way.

It's kinda like Lollipop Chainsaw by way of DOOM and Mad World, with a Terminator as the playable character.

Also, for QQ's interest, Cherry wears a skirt and you can indeed see her panties pretty much every time she jumps. Though her name perhaps should've been Pear, but that's alright with me.

holy shit the first X video I've seen in the wild.
Only X videos I've seen on youtube are an ancient review of X2 I saw a link for and some music tracks I've looked up.
Free Stars: Children of Infinity is getting very close to reaching its voiced dialogue stretch goal on kickstarter, I just hope this doesn't end up biting the devs in the ass if they happen to need to change lines and can't get the specific VA to come back to re-record or something.
Are they removing that Abby from Last of Us 2, sex scene?

Question, anyone here have Steamdecks?

I keep having trouble using my controller, both for PC and Steamdeck

Like, it keeps NOT working, sometimes for weeks. Then it suddenly starts connecting again.

I prefer playing on the big screen
nothing you said is even pertinent to what i posted
Sony: "Games are for children, pornography has no place on our platform."

I think the hentai games are censored on nintendo e-shop but they are there. Kinda mad they are basically spammed on the shop 2. Because they get in the way of looking for actual games then shit that looks like it was made in like 5 minutes.
Yeah, the one Jomasten linked? It's by a group named (according to the eShop) "RedDeer.Games", and their system is (as far as I can tell) put out a game. Put out some minor DLC a month later. Keep doing this, but every couple months put out a new bundled version of the game so it reappears in the recent releases section. After a year or so, put out a new version that builds in all the DLC, and start the process over. All the while, you're also putting out new games (or "games", might be more accurate) every couple of months... which you're also doing this to.

Let's put it this way, the game Joma linked? I pulled it up on the eShop and am looking at its info as I type. It released in late February '23... and since then it has had (in order from older to newest) releases of the Deluxe Edition, Ultimate Edition, Extended Edition, Special Edition, Premium Edition, Definitive Edition, Complete Edition, Legendary Edition, Platinum Edition, Director's Cut, GOTY Edition, Happy Edition, Amazing Edition, and Magnificent Edition. That last one came out on the 11th, BTW. Yeah, a base game and 14 different bundles (all at the same price!) over the course of about as many months.

Is it any wonder I have a low opinion of those people?

You want actual proof that Nintendo is less restrictive, look up Labyrinth Life on the PlayStation... then look up Omega Labyrinth Life on the Switch. Or heck, the Mary Skelter games, or the Moero games (if you want a bunch of games from the same devs/publisher).
Managed to beat The Forgotten King on my first try in ChronoArk since I got really lucky with my build. It was close but I managed to pull it off all the same. ...I probably won't be able to achieve it a second time quite so easily.
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I have that god damn game. I didn't even know it had boobies in it. I was on a rouge lite phase. I don't regret it because it's kinda cute.
I'm impressed at that statement, as boobs are kinda the whole point behind the Omega Labyrinth games; lore is that the "Omega Energy" that's found in a few spots has an interesting effect on girls/women who've gone through puberty: gather enough, and you go up a cup size... and that can go on quite a while (Omega Labyrinth Life went up to M cups before the next growth would skip straight to Z cups and stop there). This also had gameplay effects, bigger boobs meant better base stats, and characters who start with bigger boobs also start with better stats (although smaller characters would easily catch up). Shame that your party members revert to normal when they leave the dungeons...

The series is actually kinda cursed. Life was the 3rd entry in the series, and the first to get an international release. If you watch the OP, you'll notice that it's also labeled as "Omega Labyrinth Season 2". "Season 1" would be the first two games, both on the Vita and never officially available outside Japan. The sequel, Z, did get an attempt made at an official localization and release, but that ended up being one of the first casualties in Sony's (not so) new policy of prudishness.

Incidentally, Labyrinth Life (the PlayStation version of the third entry) is technically superior to the Switch version... but that's only in the technical stats: faster loads, better graphics, you know, that kind of thing. However, the Switch version is generally considered superior... as the PlayStation version is censored to hell and back, whereas the Switch version wasn't. And surprise surprise, for a game who's main selling points are boobs and BE, not getting those was kinda a downside.

Kingdom Hearts coming to Steam.

Honestly interested in this one.

Never really got to play KH3 on my PS4 since the whole Sony debacle happened back then.

Kingdom Hearts coming to Steam.

Honestly interested in this one.

Never really got to play KH3 on my PS4 since the whole Sony debacle happened back then.
What's funny is there was that guy who made a post where he declared that he bought the trilogy on EPIC Games. Less than four days later, Steam announced this.
Looks like people are now playing Wuthering Waves.Too bad I dont play Action Live Service games anymore because I cant take the daily grind.
Found a game that nails the aesthetic. Zet Zillions. It's even decent as a game, especially at 10 dollars. Played better, but the look and feel reminds me of Disgea.

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