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Video Games General

Anybody here play Tamer Vale?
Nice little deck builder from a company that focuses on consensual monster fucking. Finished each character's route once, then stopped playing when I saw what it would take to 100% the game. Too much RNG grinding to do more then what is obliviously the superior routes for each character.
Right, checked both demos for Metal Slug Tactics and Tactical Breach Wizards

Sad to say it, but MST feels really underwhelming to me. I suppose it could be just me being spoiled rotten by the Bakery game, but I had no fun with MST at all.

TBW, on the other hand, has the feel of a fun little tactical indie game. Really enjoyed that demo, and finished it unlike MST. Will probably buy it on day one once it launches.

Of course, none of them are as great as Bakery, but then again nothing is.
I thought Metal Slug Tactics was alright. I just tried the Breach Wizards demo and it's pretty great. Fun to play and it was pretty funny.
Started playing SunnySide. Was marketed as Stardew by way of Persona, and it's doing that decently so far as Day 3, at least. I've only just met Sparky, which seems to be the intro to the supernatural/sci-fi part- and he's broken for the next few days so we'll get to that later.

Captures the small-town feel pretty well so far, farming sim bits are... maybe a little too modern with those shipping costs and delivery times on seeds, damn.

Hunger's a real threat early on (assuming it does much? I haven't let it run down yet.) since you have no way to get food except your dwindling supply of cash. Been buying fruit sandwiches from the grocery store.

Tomorrow I can start trying to build a place to sleep, since the property didn't even come with a shack and I've been sleeping in a tent. Beta-testing an architectural planning drone from the nerd in town, but I've gotta wait until the next day for the town blacksmith to finish my axe so I can get wood to build it.

Definitely a slow start to a slow game. My only big complaint so far is walking speed. You're pretty slow and things are placed pretty far apart. I know I'm gonna get a bicycle eventually and it's going to feel like Chuck Norris descending from the heavens when it arrives.

Character creator is decently complex without overdoing it, and I think I made a pretty cute girl. Though you don't pick 'gender' so much as 'gender expression' on a sliding scale, and I think the text avoids pronouns altogether, fair enough for a customizable protagonist.
Started playing SunnySide. Was marketed as Stardew by way of Persona, and it's doing that decently so far as Day 3, at least. I've only just met Sparky, which seems to be the intro to the supernatural/sci-fi part- and he's broken for the next few days so we'll get to that later.

Captures the small-town feel pretty well so far, farming sim bits are... maybe a little too modern with those shipping costs and delivery times on seeds, damn.

Hunger's a real threat early on (assuming it does much? I haven't let it run down yet.) since you have no way to get food except your dwindling supply of cash. Been buying fruit sandwiches from the grocery store.

Tomorrow I can start trying to build a place to sleep, since the property didn't even come with a shack and I've been sleeping in a tent. Beta-testing an architectural planning drone from the nerd in town, but I've gotta wait until the next day for the town blacksmith to finish my axe so I can get wood to build it.

Definitely a slow start to a slow game. My only big complaint so far is walking speed. You're pretty slow and things are placed pretty far apart. I know I'm gonna get a bicycle eventually and it's going to feel like Chuck Norris descending from the heavens when it arrives.

Character creator is decently complex without overdoing it, and I think I made a pretty cute girl. Though you don't pick 'gender' so much as 'gender expression' on a sliding scale, and I think the text avoids pronouns altogether, fair enough for a customizable protagonist.
Make sure to keep us updated, especially before it goes off sale. That sounds like it has a lot of potential.
Make sure to keep us updated, especially before it goes off sale. That sounds like it has a lot of potential.

Well, if you look at the reviews, the main complaints besides Optimization (I have a 3080 in a full PC and it runs kinda warm- not hot, Control was way worse) are the combat cards and other things being RNG and the cooking system being too realistic and overcomplicated.

They supposedly optimized it some before I started playing a day or two after launch, so it seems like they're working things out some.

Also mind that it is a Kickstarter game (I missed it though,) and they already axed the marriage mechanic they'd intended, so it may wind up underwhelming.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_z8TJO5sSw&ab_channel=SkyglowSoftworks

Its "macro" RTS focused on base building and unit production. You'll able to give your units path to fallow, but that's it, you're not gonna control every single unit. Each faction is diffrent in terms of ships, buildings and this will make you play them diffrently.

It also has Demo on Steam.

Even in demo battles in space can get big which are always nice to look at.
They give you the bike for free on Day 4.

...After making you take the longest fucking walk to and from the bus stop so you appreciate it.

But once you get it, we zoomin. There's apparently a moped you can get later too, but the bicycle's nice enough.

Also: I'm an idiot. You can pick berries and the bushes are everywhere, for food. I was also scared to go into the areas marked out funny on the map because I thought there might be enemies or something, but they seem to just be woods? And selling wood is a pretty good way to make some money so I'm no longer broke.

Did encounter the first enemy in the caves (and had to run away after a painfully long battle sequence in which you can do nothing but guard) and got the stuff to fight with, so that's on the menu. Along with loooots of ore, rock, and gemstones. Also the skill tree is available now, which is a literal tree, so that's nice. I think I'm gonna see about selling the gemstones and then go get a dog- I lost a strawberry plant and one of the two potatoes it starts you out with to a damn raccoon.
I've been playing SMTV: Vengeance and I love it as much as I typically love an SMT game on first playthrough. Being able to save anywhere is nice and it feels pretty well balanced so far. However, the new character in the Canon of Vengeance route, Yoko, is hilarious. The alignment representatives in SMT games are typically the extremes of their ideology but they usually start pretty reasonably before ramping up to the insane beliefs in the late game. Not Yoko though. I'm about 40% through the game and she's almost entirely defined by her hatred of Bethel and the angels. She's with you for most of the game so far and talks about your choices in certain subquests and she's so uncritical it's absurd at times. She can justify just about anything you do as long as you're not helping the angels. I don't hate her, but she's kind of dumb sometimes.
I've been playing SMTV: Vengeance and I love it as much as I typically love an SMT game on first playthrough. Being able to save anywhere is nice and it feels pretty well balanced so far. However, the new character in the Canon of Vengeance route, Yoko, is hilarious. The alignment representatives in SMT games are typically the extremes of their ideology but they usually start pretty reasonably before ramping up to the insane beliefs in the late game. Not Yoko though. I'm about 40% through the game and she's almost entirely defined by her hatred of Bethel and the angels. She's with you for most of the game so far and talks about your choices in certain subquests and she's so uncritical it's absurd at times. She can justify just about anything you do as long as you're not helping the angels. I don't hate her, but she's kind of dumb sometimes.
Atlas has found its magic formula of making law and chaos waifu picks to make people want to go with those routes. :V
How has the story been? That aspect was the weak point of the original game and I have heard that it is vastly improved, which considering the original… not really saying much.

No spoilers, just how you feel.
I didn't play the original since I didn't have a Switch so I can't really make a comparison but I can't complain so far. There's been some new bosses I know aren't in in the Creation route and the faction they're from is looking interesting. I'm liking the characters so far and even the stuff that's generally the same has had some developments I wasn't expecting. It's done a good job getting me invested in the events and wanting to play more and even if I think some of the human characters are a bit dumb at times, I don't actively dislike any of them yet.

Atlas has found its magic formula of making law and chaos waifu picks to make people want to go with those routes. :V
The first choice in the game is which route you pick and when you start Vengeance a voice says "That girl should not exist". Yoko sometimes says some things that make me go "maybe the voice was right" because "Cars are bad because they cause the deaths of thousands of people each year" was not something I was expecting to hear and she gets kinda pissy if you disagree.
I didn't play the original since I didn't have a Switch so I can't really make a comparison but I can't complain so far.
Fair enough. The first game/Creation started off fine, being thrust into the world was fine but the whole thing started falling of in the last section of the third area with the Meatball-Vagina.

And then came the last area.

Dear God. The only redeeming thing about the last area is that you can skip all but the first puzzle by fighting.
I just saw this one youtuber narrate his experience with Astlibra and the story is such a pageturner that if I weren't adverse to action platformers then I would have played it thoroughly. Its essentially one of those epic anime adventures with alot of twists but we have a determined protagonist whom is there to push things through.
I just saw this one youtuber narrate his experience with Astlibra and the story is such a pageturner that if I weren't adverse to action platformers then I would have played it thoroughly. Its essentially one of those epic anime adventures with alot of twists but we have a determined protagonist whom is there to push things through.
I've played Astlibra, and yeah, it does its story pretty well. The only major complaint I have with it is that its difficulty scaling near the end gets wonky, skewing much harder.
This year have been pretty good in terms of game announcements.
And a Phantom Brave sequel of all things. Who expected that?

Nintendo really cooked here.
Yeah I went in with low expectations and they really surprised me with an unexpectedly hot lineup. Prime 4's release date also kinda makes me wonder if it might be a cross-platform launch title for the Switch 2. They could be showing off only what the Switch version looks like.
New Zelda looks neat and finally Metroid Prime 4 is confirmed to exist.
Also, surprisingly, the Mario and Luigi series still exists. Or maybe it's technically a resurrection?

View: https://youtu.be/s5I3DcapElQ?si=K2y1VDu9Y7TughtV

By the look of it their keeping to series spirit atlest on surface level. Why cant they do that for paper series too? Its kind of comical they keep most platformer and rpg series to their oginal spirit while inovating but not paper series... Sigh.

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