Mr Zoat
Dedicated ragequitter
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24th January
20:40 GMT
Let's… Start with the parts I do understand. With all of these positrons being thrown around, I'm not surprised that primary power appears to be a matter-antimatter reactor. Secondary power provided by a model of bleed torsion generator I don't immediately recognise, but whose functionality is completely familiar. The source for the anti-matter… A minor planar portal, taking trace amounts of matter from the anti-matter universe. Bit of a risk -and it lowers the odds against this being a Qwardian facility somewhat- but not stupid-dangerous. In theory I could scuttle the place by widening the portal a little, but the design looks like it's only supposed to open at the atomic scale and I don't think it can be made bigger. If that's all whoever made this place had, then they haven't been shipping material back and forth.
Alert! Gravity distortions detected!
The generators are arranged around the edge of the central space. Main power is a heavily armoured unit in the centre of the floor, though the actual generator extends downward a way. The level I'm standing on is about a third of the way up the central space. A little above me… Ah. Gravity works a little differently up there. The robot armature globe in the upper portion of the space… Molecular fabricators flicker as parts redesign themselves mid… Whatever they're doing. Attempting to scan…
Error? What do you mean, 'error'?
Ring, explain the sorts of thing that could result in you reporting 'error' rather than giving a helpful answer?
Energy forms which defy analysis. Alterations in space-time which affect the systems this ring uses to detect anything. Artefacts which this ring's programming specifically instructs it to report as 'error'.
That better not be-.
Nonsensical results.
If I asked you which this was, you'd say 'error', wouldn't you?
That is the most likely result.
Not seeing any avarice. How about those gravity distortions? Is someone pointing a singularity weapon at me?
No singularity weapon found.
I take another look around. This looks like somewhere that has been left to its own devices for some time. Tiny amounts of dust have escaped the scrubbers and have built up in crevices or places where the limited airflow generated by the atmosphere processors deposit it. Atmosphere means that someone comes here on a regular basis. Or.. did. Because if it was supposed to be purely automatic there wouldn't be a nasty abrasive atmosphere in here, and if it was occupied infrequently they wouldn't bother having an atmosphere in all sections.
But… No, the station that was here was destroyed. This was built since. Why?
Alert! Gravity distortions detected!
Ring, you're not 'erroring' from the gravity distortions, are you?
No. Gravity anomalies are simple to detect and measure. It is possible that this ring reached an error state by attempting to analyse the source of the gravity anomaly.
Because if you could tell what it was then it wouldn't be an anomaly.
Correct. Alert was sounded because the source error.
Fair enough. Any idea what those robot arms are up to?
Armatures are engaged in dangerous materials analysis. Object error.
You can't make sense of what they're analysing.
Conclusion is compatible with observed data. However, confirmation is error.
They're analysing something that is making itself the centre of local gravity… But I didn't notice anything on the outside and… Gravity is more or less normal where I'm standing?
Ring, contact Lantern Stewart.
Unable to comply.
Can't FTL out, can't scan properly, can't talk to-.
I trigger my armour's fracture-pulse receiver. "Illustres to Lantern Stewart and Lantern Xor. Please respond."
"Illustres to Controller Hinon. Please respond."
Now, if this were a horror film, this would be the time to turn smartly around and leave. Thing is, I don't have anything more dangerous to bring to bear than me. So extra layer of construct armour, gravity stabilisation field, various other 'weird stuff suppression' constructs… What else?
Mm. Might be worthwhile.
Orange light blazes out across the room and… That was a bit stronger than I thought it was going to be. Ring power… I have the rings display their charge as a dial and as I watch it visibly goes down. Not super-fast, but this isn't something I'm going to want to leave on. Should feed on just about anything… The metal around me is tarnishing. Nothing magic, nothing exotic enough to feed it.
I use my armour's flight systems to get closer to the robotic assemblage. Arms are still moving, none of them are pointed at me, none of them are purely weapons.
The closest begin to shudder as my rings eat their energy, the fabricators failing part way through their reconstruction. When their armatures lose power the devices don't fall down, they fall inwards and there's an audible clang and thump as they hit things on their way down. Or up or whatever. I point my hands at the mechanisms directly in front of me and the entropy effect intensifies, parts falling to pieces-
Which rather suggests that this isn't one of Devlos Ungol's facilities, as I haven't been shot by the internal defences yet.
-and crumpling inwards, giving me a clear view of…
A spherical force field containing a lump of blue metal with a cut segment of yellow cable sticking out of it. All told it would fit in a cube three metres along each side. The ends appear to have been.. fractured? Not cut or melted. Though the surface facing me is smooth. It doesn't appear to actively be doing anything.
Well, that was exciting. No Black Circle logos and no Mr van Wyck means that I've wasted my time. I mean… It's interesting that a chunk of… Machinery? Is doing that, but it's hardly something I needed to see now. And now I'm going to be late for John's attack. I shut down the ring's omnivore effect and drop back down to the gantry below, the robotic arms above me starting to work on repairing the missing parts as I go. I'll stick some monitoring devices in the area and see if anyone turns up. I should.. probably destroy the station as a hazard to shipping. Or at least spend some time destroying those guns so I can come back more easily. Or maybe if I find the central computer? Is it worth taking the time to-?
There's a flare of blue.. flame..? From my entry point and a powerfully built-. No, a humanoid figure in bulky white and red power armour strides through. Ring, sc-.
Oh good.
"Excuse me-."
The figure looks up, purple energy billowing-.
I'm already moving, construct thrusters appearing as his energy blast burns through the air next to me, scything through the machinery only to whiff on the force field protecting the fragment.
"A Lantern."
Room at the sides. I fly up and past the machinery fragment as whoever this is misses twice more.
"The wrong colour, but I'll take what I can get."
He lifts off the platform, slowly. The energy blasts… I can see space through the shot which missed the force field. I can't fly fast enough to get out of the interdiction area before he can get shots off. He doesn't appear to be a particularly good shot, so I might be able to evade his fire… Sub-optimal approach.
"Whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?"
"I am Devlos Ungol-"
I form singularity weapons and fire them.
20:40 GMT
Let's… Start with the parts I do understand. With all of these positrons being thrown around, I'm not surprised that primary power appears to be a matter-antimatter reactor. Secondary power provided by a model of bleed torsion generator I don't immediately recognise, but whose functionality is completely familiar. The source for the anti-matter… A minor planar portal, taking trace amounts of matter from the anti-matter universe. Bit of a risk -and it lowers the odds against this being a Qwardian facility somewhat- but not stupid-dangerous. In theory I could scuttle the place by widening the portal a little, but the design looks like it's only supposed to open at the atomic scale and I don't think it can be made bigger. If that's all whoever made this place had, then they haven't been shipping material back and forth.
Alert! Gravity distortions detected!
The generators are arranged around the edge of the central space. Main power is a heavily armoured unit in the centre of the floor, though the actual generator extends downward a way. The level I'm standing on is about a third of the way up the central space. A little above me… Ah. Gravity works a little differently up there. The robot armature globe in the upper portion of the space… Molecular fabricators flicker as parts redesign themselves mid… Whatever they're doing. Attempting to scan…
Error? What do you mean, 'error'?
Ring, explain the sorts of thing that could result in you reporting 'error' rather than giving a helpful answer?
Energy forms which defy analysis. Alterations in space-time which affect the systems this ring uses to detect anything. Artefacts which this ring's programming specifically instructs it to report as 'error'.
That better not be-.
Nonsensical results.
If I asked you which this was, you'd say 'error', wouldn't you?
That is the most likely result.
Not seeing any avarice. How about those gravity distortions? Is someone pointing a singularity weapon at me?
No singularity weapon found.
I take another look around. This looks like somewhere that has been left to its own devices for some time. Tiny amounts of dust have escaped the scrubbers and have built up in crevices or places where the limited airflow generated by the atmosphere processors deposit it. Atmosphere means that someone comes here on a regular basis. Or.. did. Because if it was supposed to be purely automatic there wouldn't be a nasty abrasive atmosphere in here, and if it was occupied infrequently they wouldn't bother having an atmosphere in all sections.
But… No, the station that was here was destroyed. This was built since. Why?
Alert! Gravity distortions detected!
Ring, you're not 'erroring' from the gravity distortions, are you?
No. Gravity anomalies are simple to detect and measure. It is possible that this ring reached an error state by attempting to analyse the source of the gravity anomaly.
Because if you could tell what it was then it wouldn't be an anomaly.
Correct. Alert was sounded because the source error.
Fair enough. Any idea what those robot arms are up to?
Armatures are engaged in dangerous materials analysis. Object error.
You can't make sense of what they're analysing.
Conclusion is compatible with observed data. However, confirmation is error.
They're analysing something that is making itself the centre of local gravity… But I didn't notice anything on the outside and… Gravity is more or less normal where I'm standing?
Ring, contact Lantern Stewart.
Unable to comply.
Can't FTL out, can't scan properly, can't talk to-.
I trigger my armour's fracture-pulse receiver. "Illustres to Lantern Stewart and Lantern Xor. Please respond."
"Illustres to Controller Hinon. Please respond."
Now, if this were a horror film, this would be the time to turn smartly around and leave. Thing is, I don't have anything more dangerous to bring to bear than me. So extra layer of construct armour, gravity stabilisation field, various other 'weird stuff suppression' constructs… What else?
Mm. Might be worthwhile.
Orange light blazes out across the room and… That was a bit stronger than I thought it was going to be. Ring power… I have the rings display their charge as a dial and as I watch it visibly goes down. Not super-fast, but this isn't something I'm going to want to leave on. Should feed on just about anything… The metal around me is tarnishing. Nothing magic, nothing exotic enough to feed it.
I use my armour's flight systems to get closer to the robotic assemblage. Arms are still moving, none of them are pointed at me, none of them are purely weapons.
The closest begin to shudder as my rings eat their energy, the fabricators failing part way through their reconstruction. When their armatures lose power the devices don't fall down, they fall inwards and there's an audible clang and thump as they hit things on their way down. Or up or whatever. I point my hands at the mechanisms directly in front of me and the entropy effect intensifies, parts falling to pieces-
Which rather suggests that this isn't one of Devlos Ungol's facilities, as I haven't been shot by the internal defences yet.
-and crumpling inwards, giving me a clear view of…
A spherical force field containing a lump of blue metal with a cut segment of yellow cable sticking out of it. All told it would fit in a cube three metres along each side. The ends appear to have been.. fractured? Not cut or melted. Though the surface facing me is smooth. It doesn't appear to actively be doing anything.
Well, that was exciting. No Black Circle logos and no Mr van Wyck means that I've wasted my time. I mean… It's interesting that a chunk of… Machinery? Is doing that, but it's hardly something I needed to see now. And now I'm going to be late for John's attack. I shut down the ring's omnivore effect and drop back down to the gantry below, the robotic arms above me starting to work on repairing the missing parts as I go. I'll stick some monitoring devices in the area and see if anyone turns up. I should.. probably destroy the station as a hazard to shipping. Or at least spend some time destroying those guns so I can come back more easily. Or maybe if I find the central computer? Is it worth taking the time to-?
There's a flare of blue.. flame..? From my entry point and a powerfully built-. No, a humanoid figure in bulky white and red power armour strides through. Ring, sc-.
Oh good.
"Excuse me-."
The figure looks up, purple energy billowing-.
I'm already moving, construct thrusters appearing as his energy blast burns through the air next to me, scything through the machinery only to whiff on the force field protecting the fragment.
"A Lantern."
Room at the sides. I fly up and past the machinery fragment as whoever this is misses twice more.
"The wrong colour, but I'll take what I can get."
He lifts off the platform, slowly. The energy blasts… I can see space through the shot which missed the force field. I can't fly fast enough to get out of the interdiction area before he can get shots off. He doesn't appear to be a particularly good shot, so I might be able to evade his fire… Sub-optimal approach.
"Whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?"
"I am Devlos Ungol-"
I form singularity weapons and fire them.