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Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

[X] Blessing of Lesser Good fortune: Slightly raises the likelihood of receiving treasure from dungeons and wandering foes. 75 Gilder
[X] A Mining Town has recently come under attack, the creature is not believed to be highly dangerous given it's propensity to flee from attackers, but the true danger is not completely known. Pay 850 gilder, minimum group of five. D rank

Well, it isn't a dungeon so there isn't a danger of a bonus encounter. I think we can pull this off pretty well.
[X] Shopping List: 2 Ether
- [X] Suggest the party to have at least 2 Panacea, 1 on Shimah, and 1 on Maya
- [X] Suggest Maya carry 2 Lightning grenades, to round up starter Elements
- [X] Surprise Maya by buying her an Escape Orb (bill split fourways)

[X] Jula
-[X] Blessing of Lesser Good fortune: Slightly raises the likelihood of receiving treasure from dungeons and wandering foes. 75 Gilder

[X] A Mining Town has recently come under attack, the creature is not believed to be highly dangerous given it's propensity to flee from attackers, but the true danger is not completely known. Pay 850 gilder, minimum group of five. D rank

I kinda want to do the D rank mystery one. Its the most interesting. And a good way to sink our teeth into something as a group. Besides everything is for groups of 3 or less.
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[X] Blessing of Lesser Good fortune: Slightly raises the likelihood of receiving treasure from dungeons and wandering foes. 75 Gilder
[X] A Mining Town has recently come under attack, the creature is not believed to be highly dangerous given it's propensity to flee from attackers, but the true danger is not completely known. Pay 850 gilder, minimum group of five. D rank

Well, it isn't a dungeon so there isn't a danger of a bonus encounter. I think we can pull this off pretty well.
There's ALWAYS a chance for bonus encounters... Always.
[X] A Mining Town has recently come under attack, the creature is not believed to be highly dangerous given it's propensity to flee from attackers, but the true danger is not completely known. Pay 850 gilder, minimum group of five. D rank
For someone who likes guys Alice spends a lot of time looking at breasts. hopes in vain.
Well, it isn't a dungeon so there isn't a danger of a bonus encounter. I think we can pull this off pretty well.
There's ALWAYS a chance for bonus encounters... Always.
Yrsillar said:
Missions can be all sorts of things, from retrieving certain rare reagents from outside the city, to escorting a non branded through dangerous territory, or even investigating monster infestations in the 'real world.' Missions rarely drop the sort of treasure dungeons do unless you happen to encounter a rare monster. However as they are often coming from individuals of means, or even the city itself, they often pay quite well in Gilder, and can have some unique rewards that cannot be found in dungeons. Early on, missions are also a good way to discover things that may be hidden around the city, the Branded Sector has many little places not well known outside of their clientele that may be interesting to the new branded.
The risk of Missions though, is the risk of the job giver being wrong. it is always possible that the infestation of dire rats in ones basement is actually a ferocious earth drake tunneling up from a subterranean dungeon. Be wary when taking missions, especially as the ranks rise. To take a Mission simply take the notice from the board and your Mystic senses will guide you to the mission giver, who will usually provide more detailed information.
The 'true danger is not completely known' means there is a higher danger this is mislabelled, basically.

People who want to do this mission... Keep in mind that Ogre's Den is a starter dungeon (1-4) for 2 people, and that it at rank D was very dangerous for us with a 4-man party. This will be, by far, our most risky adventure yet.
I love Shimah's outfit.

The Wargs got me curious. Are monster mounts a thing?
Oh damnit, we didn't buy any ethers or amiritas. We need to stock up before we leave town and face a rank D.
[X] Blessing of Lesser Good fortune: Slightly raises the likelihood of receiving treasure from dungeons and wandering foes. 75 Gilder
[X] A farming village has been having troubles with Wargs raiding their livestock. The City of Altkhot is offering 450 Gilder to anyone who slays the warg pack. Minimum group of the three. This one is D rank
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Oh damnit, we didn't buy any ethers or amiritas. We need to stock up before we leave town and face a rank D.
Yeah, if we do take that one we'll probably all need to buy at least 2 potions each, Shimah/Al/Sera 2 Amritas, and Maya a escape orb.

In fact, we should all pinch in for Maya's escape orb.
Need to sell otherwise we won't have the inventory for much.
Each casters has to have at least 1 Ether or more. They already have enough SP to use them, I think.
We can lower the need for Potions, now that Shimah is with us. Still, Anshelm have to buy Hi-Potions.
Also, buy a couple of Panaceas.

@yrsillar : Does Shimah's passive with recovery items works only with herself, or can she administer them for greater effect?

Drop unneeded stuff at shops or personal Storage.

Alice and Maya will have to scout and question the miners thoroughly about this monster first. Well, Maya to question, Alice to look around. :D
I wonder if Shimah has the Charisma? ;)
Shimah's passive applies to any item she uses, all the consumables you have are self only right now though.

Edit: If you want to buy some consumables just list out what you want for Alice. Everyone else will buy their own stuff,
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Alice currently have 3 Potions, 1 Amrita, and an Escape Orb.
She needs to sell the Robe, and put the Belt in Storage.

[X] Blessing of Lesser Good fortune: Slightly raises the likelihood of receiving treasure from dungeons and wandering foes. 75 Gilder
[] A Mining Town has recently come under attack, the creature is not believed to be highly dangerous given it's propensity to flee from attackers, but the true danger is not completely known. Pay 850 gilder, minimum group of five. D rank

[X] Sell Common Robe, store Ogre's Belt
- [] Suggest Sera to pick up the Earthspeaker's Boots since we are heading to a Mine

[X] Shopping List: 1 Ether, 1 Amrita
- [] Suggest the party to have at least 2 Panacea, 1 on Shimah, and 1 on Maya
- [] Suggest Maya carry 2 Lightning grenades, to round up starter Elements

- [X] Surprise Maya by buying her an Escape Orb (bill split fourways)
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I'd prefer to have 2 ether, we have enough SP\money to warrant it. Amirita's don't quite cover our SP.

Can we get an 'item' tab on the front page, detailing what the items we have encountered do? I can't remember how much SP an ether restores.
On a tangential note, pyro-yan Sera get!
Sera's heart works fast. It was only one day, right?
Man, maybe that asshole-din was there to keep other Branded safe, and not the other way around...

Regarding number of Amrita bought, currently Alice has 9 slots available. She uses 3 for Potions, 1 for Amrita, 1 for Escape Orb, and there are 2 more used for Spare Equips, which we plan to set aside or sell.

Technically, that means Alice has 4 spaces free.

EDIT: If Anshelm is willing to carry them until we can verify whether the monster have some status effect, instead Shimah and Maya taking 1 Panacea each (costs 100 Gilder each), how about picking up 2 of each types of Status Recovery items?

Cheaper in the long run (45 per set):
- [Antidote] Cures the user of poison or toxic. Value 10
- [Burn Salve] Cures the user of Burn. value 15
- [Paralysis Salve] Cures the User of paralysis. Value 20(15)
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I suggest we stuff Anshelm full of spare potions and amritas. Take advantage of his huge amount of item slots. We can withdraw them when we start to run low.
Since there was a mention of Anshelm sharing his items in Ogre's Den last time, I think that is a plausible option. Nonetheless, being taken for granted as a packmule is going to be irritating fast.

Unless his battle harem is willing to stroke his ego-
+Sera lights up a fireball on one hand and stares at Toad+
SP: No Alice.
GT: Umm, I meant-
SP: No Alice.
GT: Kay, yes, Ma'am! pleasedon'tburnme
GT... if you haven't noticed It was Alice who had his interest the whole time... or rather AL... heh
Nah, he just wants a rival in the masculine aspects since they are both not so masculine. Not every characters in QQ has to be bisexual, Xic! :D

[JK] Assure Anshelm you are still willing to be his rival, even if you are a woman
-[JK] Be politely rejected (Because you haven't got a dick!!!!), and be comforted by Sera

Just joking.
The implication is that Anshelm is gay, not that he's bisexual.
The implication is that Anshelm is gay, not that he's bisexual.

Poor Maya.

Hey I know! The harem could be for Al instead of Anshelm! I mean she is adrogyness to appeal to everyone! Not actually serious.

...Though i do like Maya. And Sera is growing on me. And Al's fascination with Shimah's breasts is amusing. And Anshelm is kinda endearing.
Considering the minutes that Anshelm had spent staring at boobs~ :D
Granted most of them were eye-level to Anshelm, but let's not bring up his height, poor guy.

( :D )
Charisma is probably an instant attention getter. And since the goddesses are perverts a woman's breasts is where she keeps all her charisma.
[X]Silver Blessing: Slightly increases the Gilder from dungeons as well as wandering foes

[X] A farming village has been having troubles with Wargs raiding their livestock. The City of Altkhot is offering 450 Gilder to anyone who slays the warg pack. Minimum group of the three. This one is D rank

[X] Sell your Common Robe; Store your Giant Belt
-[X] Buy amritas to fill in your empty slots
-[X] See if Anshelm would be amiable to holding extra supplies for the group.
--[X] if yes purchase 3 extra amritas.

I think the Warg mission would be better for us. We're still only level 2, even if we do have a decent amount of people.

Also, WERGZ!
Ok, sorry, folk, but mining town is too dangerous as of yet: not only have we never done a dungeon requiring 5 people (Crystal lake only needs 4), but this is a D-rank. PEople should remmeber that our only try for D-rank yet was Ogre's den, which is a starting dungeon and only recced for 2 people. That's an absurd jump on difficulty. And we are getting a wealth blessing on top of this? Yeah, suicidal.

[X] Blessing of Lesser Good fortune: Slightly raises the likelihood of receiving treasure from dungeons and wandering foes. 75 Gilder
[X] A farming village has been having troubles with Wargs raiding their livestock. The City of Altkhot is offering 450 Gilder to anyone who slays the warg pack. Minimum group of the three. This one is D rank

-[X]Sell our common robe.
-[X] Buy [2]Amrita and [1]Ether.

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