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  • Is there any way to set the alert notifications so I'm only notified when something is threadmarked instead of getting alerts with every little thing in a watched thread?
    Any plans to pick back up temporal toolbox or is that dropped?
    It's dropped. I might rewrite it at some point, but I'm generally unsatisfied with how it developed and I don't have much specific plans for the future of the story, just general ideas that are hard to put into writing.
    If I post another story (which I might not), it'll either be a rewrite of Temporal Toolbox or something else within the lore I've got for my hypothetical collective of stories. I have a few snippets already, but they're more just collections of opening scenes, not stories.
    My issues with my first attempt are these: Tim's CT was too complicated and powerful, I didn't understand CE as a whole as much as I do now, and as I previously mentioned, my plans for the future arcs in the story were vague and hard to realize.
    Spotify wrapped says I've listened for 120,000 minutes this year.
    6 hr per day , damn that's a lot.
    BioGeek More like 5.5 but yeah that won't really make a difference in court
    Got 5 different games for the Black Friday sale and have played none of them because I'm too busy my 1000th calamity mod playthrough
    Poll deleted, but if you could, in the future, just 'report' the first page of your thread and ask us to remove the poll that way, it would be better, as it has the most likely to be caught by a random moderator.
    Next chapter is going very slowly and I'm starting to get very busy. Your patience is much appreciated.
    Your JJK fanfic is by far my favorite JJK fanfic. Also, do you have a Patreon?
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    Reactions: Orcinus
    I'm flattered, but no. I may in the future to keep me motivated, but only once I'm far more confident in my writing craft and consistency. Thanks!
    I write on the notes app on my phone because when I try anywhere else my creativity dies.
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