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Building RWBY CYOA

Considering rebuilding the Gifts Section:

Gifts: Items or semi-exhaustible powers granted by the being that brought you to Remnant. May be somewhat meta or OCP.
Discipline: Something like a major skill package, or a character starter class.
Feats/Skills: Teachable/learnable abilities you have that aren't tied to your physical nature or RoB. May include weapon skills like Explosive Boost (Use recoil of weapon to leap or hit harder)
Complications: Flaws to take.

Fair enough.
It's a plot point that she has an aura though?
Too me it wasn't really touched on enough before the incident. Other than wondering how they would monitor her for the Tourney I don't think the series would have changed if Penny didn't have an aura.
Eh, I'd rather if OCP stuff weren't in.
Part of the fun of these sorts of things is creating a character you can see existing naturally in context of the setting, in their entirety.
Too me it wasn't really touched on enough before the incident. Other than wondering how they would monitor her for the Tourney I don't think the series would have changed if Penny didn't have an aura.

*giant flash as though a forcefield was struck and an effect we saw once before with Ren as she stop a truck*
"The first synthetic person to generate an aura."
"You have a soul, I can feel it."
Eh, I'd rather if OCP stuff weren't in.
Part of the fun of these sorts of things is creating a character you can see existing naturally in context of the setting, in their entirety.
Possible gifts:
Nekomimi modo: Removable cat (or other fluffy animal) ears and tail that you can wear to gain faunus like powers. Be careful not to show them off to your faunus buddies though, some consider it what you humans call a "dick move".
Silver Eyes: Now you too have special eyes that can act as deus ex machina when you write yourself into a corner! Careful, you got maybe 3 uses before it gets played out.
Henshin!: You have some innocuous object that stores all your hunter gear away and be used to summon it back. Comes with optional stock footage of your softcore stripte- er, transformation sequence.
Meganeko: just a pair of glasses, makes you look even sexier or more moe. Also something about being hard to recognize, but the fanservice is what's important.
PANTSU!: You have a drawer full of panties (non-optional) with some minor effect. Lucky Blue ones, bear print to seem more innocent, black strings for sex appeal, stripes to energize, spats for speed, and red lace to help clean up the blood of unfortunate (late) rivals for senpai.
Eeeeh. The issue I have is that they don't really make sense in the setting... but I guess someone doesn't have to include any gifts if they don't want to have any outright inconsistencies with the way the setting normally goes.

Okay, I guess it's fine for them to be in there, for when folks want 'em.
Would Enchantment allow for something like storing extra aura inside items that people can drain to recharge?
I planned for Enchantment to fit a theme, narrow but not too narrow. So, Enchantment: Store Aura. Maybe get it back, maybe explode, maybe make it harder to break...

Enchantment: Store aura in dust, with the amount of aura added greatly enhancing the power of the dust...and the stability. It won't go off without your say-so.
Would someone with a combo of enchantment and helping hand be able to create "magic items" of a sort that boost people's stats?

How much can someone with helping hand boost something? How notable is it?
Back, and added some stuff to Droid section, added stuff to Gifts, and did some minor edits about the place. Edited Alchemy semblances a bit. Added some teammates.
I hope the blessings on your character themself are a good alternative to the items (For In-Context Problemery!), and you still have the opportunity to handicap yourself for points in that section...
Can healing be modified to become the denial of entropy? Because that sounds like a pretty bitchin' power. That said, it wouldn't be perfect, you probably couldn't use it to create a perpetual motion device or anything like that; but repairing damaged items or making people younger? That you could do.
Can healing be modified to become the denial of entropy? Because that sounds like a pretty bitchin' power. That said, it wouldn't be perfect, you probably couldn't use it to create a perpetual motion device or anything like that; but repairing damaged items or making people younger? That you could do.
Same as with the others, Hidden Depths Perk.
Same as with the others, Hidden Depths Perk.
Cool, cool, you can create some pretty awesome Semblances that way. About the Teammates, I've noticed a lack of different body types. I mean, there's only one busty character (whom I doubt anybody without a mind-affecting Semblance could tolerate being around for more than five minutes at a time), and pretty much no bottom heavy characters. Guys seem to be limited to being either short or tall, but it would be interesting to see a guy built like that one sumo guy from HGDK, or maybe a really small effeminate guy that can really kick ass (who totally wouldn't be a rip-off of Richard, one of my favorite characters from Suidoken, no siree). I guess what I'm trying to say is don't be afraid to make your characters unique and distinctive. That's half the fun in the first place!

Other thoughts... I'd like to see a bit more about Dust, as that's a really interesting mechanic of Remnant as well as one that I don't believe has been very thoroughly explored in fiction.
Okay finally got started on the weapons section. Pretty bare bones right now, but it needs to be done and I'm getting the frame work down.

You aren't buying a prebuilt package or static weapon, you're purchasing the parts to make your own weapon. Again, left vague-ish to make it so I don't have to elaborate on every little piece, but the general effect they'd have. I separated the Features from the Extras, namely main part from the little modifies that assist it. Similarly made a system to make your own vehicle. Added some Extras for equipment. Those with experience with Mutants and Masterminds 3e will probably see the resemblance.

I'm unsure if it's too complicated for a CYOA, if so I can just put a price on some generic-ish parts (Blade, Shaft, Gun, Rifle, rocket, etc) to build with.
Alright, I've got an idea for how to structure that if you're interested.
Start with three "Function" categories, which are Melee, Ranged, and Miscellaneous. Within these categories you have different weapon types, like in Melee you have swords and axes and so on, Ranged is guns and bows and such.

Miscellaneous is a bit trickier, but to start we'll say dust reserves, carry mode, and transportation mode like that one woman who had a hoverboard. (Neon Katt, I think) You could probably figure out more, like shields or grappling hooks or what-have-you.

By default, you get two choices from any combination of these categories, even two in the same if that's your thing. But you can buy more Function choices for a reasonable sum, or sell one for the same cost if you're fine with a normal weapon.

From there, you can make things a bit more complex by implementing sizes. These would apply to Ranged and Melee, but probably not Misc. The sizes are small, medium, and large, and the rules are that your Ranged option must be of equal or lesser size to your Melee, and if you take two in one category they have to be within one size of each other. So you can't have a cannon that turns into a dagger. A battle-axe, on the other hand, is fine.

And then you have extras, like making a choice count as a size larger or smaller than normal, or perhaps a scope or something.
Let's map out some canon weapons with this:
Ember Celica:
Melee: Cestus (small)
Ranged: Shotgun (medium)
Extra: Snub-nose (A Ranged option counts as one size smaller)

Melee: Sword (medium)
Misc.: Dust reserves

Crocea Mors:
Melee: Sword (medium)
Misc.: Shield
+Misc.: Carry mode (is one size smaller when not in use)
Extra: Separation

Milo and Akuo:
Melee: Spear (medium)
+Melee: Sword (medium)
Ranged: Rifle (medium)
Misc.: Shield
Extra: Separation

Coco's Doombag:
Ranged: Machine-gun
Misc.: Carry mode (is one size smaller when not in use)
Extra: Reinforced (can be used as a clumsy bludgeon, in a pinch)

The idea being that "Sword" could be a longsword or a gladius or a rapier or even a katana. It's more of a size classification than a type one.
Last edited:
Alright, I've got an idea for how to structure that if you're interested.
Start with three "Function" categories, which are Melee, Ranged, and Miscellaneous. Within these categories you have different weapon types, like in Melee you have swords and axes and so on, Ranged is guns and bows and such.

Miscellaneous is a bit trickier, but to start we'll say dust reserves, carry mode, and transportation mode like that one woman who had a hoverboard. (Neon Katt, I think) You could probably figure out more, like shields or grappling hooks or what-have-you.

By default, you get two choices from any combination of these categories, even two in the same if that's your thing. But you can buy more Function choices for a reasonable sum, or sell one for the same cost if you're fine with a normal weapon.

From there, you can make things a bit more complex by implementing sizes. These would apply to Ranged and Melee, but probably not Misc. The sizes are small, medium, and large, and the rules are that your Ranged option must be of equal or lesser size to your Melee, and if you take two in one category they have to be within one size of each other. So you can't have a cannon that turns into a dagger. A battle-axe, on the other hand, is fine.

And then you have extras, like making a choice count as a size larger or smaller than normal, or perhaps a scope or something.
Let's map out some canon weapons with this:
Ember Celica:
Melee: Cestus (small)
Ranged: Shotgun (medium)
Extra: Snub-nose (A Ranged option counts as one size smaller)

Melee: Rapier (medium)
Misc.: Dust reserves

Crocea Mors:
Melee: Sword (medium)
Misc.: Kite shield
+Misc.: Carry mode (is one size smaller when not in use)
Extra: Separation

Milo and Akuo:
Melee: Spear (medium)
+Melee: Sword (medium)
Ranged: Rifle (medium)
Misc.: Shield
Extra: Separation

Coco's Doombag:
Ranged: Minigun
Misc.: Carry mode (is one size smaller when not in use)
Extra: Reinforced (can be used as a clumsy bludgeon, in a pinch)
Seems a bit to similar to the original system and I didn't really like it in the first one CYOA. Weapons are actually more of a thing in RWBY than semblances, everyone has something very different when a few Semblances are pretty similar such as the 3 different cloning powers.

If I had to redo it it'd be something along the lines of:

Pay 1000 Lein for a hunk of metal that's basically either a staff or a club or other simple thing.
200 to add bladed edge. +200 to make blade bigger
200 to add heavy weight, +200 to make weight heavier
200 to add gun +200 for distance
200 to make it larger.

200 for misc things like chains and such.
Features increase weapons price by percentages of the weapon's whole cost.
Seems a bit to similar to the original system and I didn't really like it in the first one CYOA. Weapons are actually more of a thing in RWBY than semblances, everyone has something very different when a few Semblances are pretty similar such as the 3 different cloning powers.

If I had to redo it it'd be something along the lines of:

Pay 1000 Lein for a hunk of metal that's basically either a staff or a club or other simple thing.
200 to add bladed edge. +200 to make blade bigger
200 to add heavy weight, +200 to make weight heavier
200 to add gun +200 for distance
200 to make it larger.

200 for misc things like chains and such.
Features increase weapons price by percentages of the weapon's whole cost.
I feel like that penalizes people for trying to make a cool, unique weapon. In RWBY.
I guess the main test would be "can you make all of the Canon weapons with this system?"
I feel like that penalizes people for trying to make a cool, unique weapon. In RWBY.
I guess the main test would be "can you make all of the Canon weapons with this system?"
I want it to be vague but not so vague that it renders distinction impossible or pointless. In RWBY every weapon is pretty much gonna be Melee and ranged by default and likely dust boosted. Everything outside of that is just going to be in the Unique category. I want something where you put thought into not only what you weapon looks like but how it works mechanically and how to use it. Given how much love and effort goes into making the weapon both in and out of the universe I wanted something that show it. Given how unique each weapon is it should a system just as, if not more, customisable than the Semblance section.
I want it to be vague but not so vague that it renders distinction impossible or pointless. In RWBY every weapon is pretty much gonna be Melee and ranged by default and likely dust boosted. Everything outside of that is just going to be in the Unique category. I want something where you put thought into not only what you weapon looks like but how it works mechanically and how to use it. Given how much love and effort goes into making the weapon both in and out of the universe I wanted something that show it. Given how unique each weapon is it should a system just as, if not more, customisable than the Semblance section.
I did mean for the categories to be very broad. I'm actually going to go change some things to be less specific.
Maybe I'm worried because I don't know how much lien someone will have to play with on the weapon section and the +200s seem to add up quick with that system.
This would probably be the section for the "Useless at hand-to-hand" disadvantage, now that I think of it. Help mitigate the cost of a really complex weapon by making it a crutch. Fits with Ruby's deal, at least.
I did mean for the categories to be very broad. I'm actually going to go change some things to be less specific.
Maybe I'm worried because I don't know how much lien someone will have to play with on the weapon section and the +200s seem to add up quick with that system.
This would probably be the section for the "Useless at hand-to-hand" disadvantage, now that I think of it. Help mitigate the cost of a really complex weapon by making it a crutch. Fits with Ruby's deal, at least.
The points are up in the air for now, the costs of things in the weapons section may change and so too may the starting points depending on how the practice builds turn out. If it seems to tight I'll increase the starter points, if some sections seem like they become very expensive for little I might reduce the prices of things. The weapons section lets you exchange points for more Lien at about 5000 per point though I might change that given the price of weapons is actually fairly small, or at least remove the starter funds there since it begins at 10000 which should be enough that you might not have to spend a single point in the section unless you're going for something really expensive. I'll play around with the price tags a bit.
Seems a bit to similar to the original system and I didn't really like it in the first one CYOA. Weapons are actually more of a thing in RWBY than semblances, everyone has something very different when a few Semblances are pretty similar such as the 3 different cloning powers.

If I had to redo it it'd be something along the lines of:

Pay 1000 Lein for a hunk of metal that's basically either a staff or a club or other simple thing.
200 to add bladed edge. +200 to make blade bigger
200 to add heavy weight, +200 to make weight heavier
200 to add gun +200 for distance
200 to make it larger.

200 for misc things like chains and such.
Features increase weapons price by percentages of the weapon's whole cost.
So, you've been scrimping and saving for a nice "Build Your Own Weapon" kit from weapon magazine, or maybe you just found a sack of cards Lien lying in a gutter that wasn't stolen no sir! Maybe a sack of Lien magically fell from the sky because reasons. In the end you wind up with 2500 Lien and are going to treat yourself to something nice to brutally assault grimm or people you don't like. For every extra point you spend on Equipment you earn an additional 2500 Lien. What ever is left over you multiply by 10 and get to keep when going out in the world. FYI Lien to Dollar conversion is roughly 5 to one

You pay 1000 Lien for just the most basic of all weapons, a really big stick. Like, it's about half as big as you. It doesn't have to really be a stick, maybe it's a club. Or a reinforced object around a similar size and weight. But in the end it's not much more than a blunt instrument so you don't have to touch the other guy not lending too much of an upgrade in damage against opponents who you couldn't already smash. But the improved reach, and the ability both parry and block things is quite useful. For 750, you get a smaller stick about a third to half your size. Not as much reach or blocking but it's light weight and small size is great for the dexterous and agile. For 500, well... it's not the size that matters it's how you use it. You can still trick it out at least, not like you can install guns and swords in your own hands like those dang androids.

As for the rest of the cool bits... That's what the addons are for! You pay a bit of a mark up but hey it's for a good cause.

200 to add bladed edge. +200 to add more blade because you can't have enough blade. Best used against grimm whom lack armor and unarmored targets.
200 to add heavy weight, +200 to make weight heavier SMASH SMASH SMASH! Best against armored and large targets and groups.
200 to add gun +200 to increase range (Close, Moderate, Long, Extreme). Because if your target is close enough to even think of hitting you you're doing something wrong.
200 to add reach. +200 to increase reach, each rank doubles the extended size of the weapon. Summon Bigger Stick!
200 to add Coverage. +200 to increase the size of the cover (Small, Medium, Full, Group). Dodging's for chumps, a real Hunter needs to be able to take a hit.
SemTech: Mimic a basic semblance through Technology. Costs 5000 Lien. It's not magic it's SCIENCE! Expensive SCIENCE!

Spear: Large Base, Single Bladed. 1200 L
Scythe: Large Base, Double Bladed (Larger Blade), 1400 L
Greatsword: Large Base, Bladed (Larger Blade), Heavy Weight 1400 L
Great War Hammer: Large Base, Extra Heavy Weight 1400 L
Katana: Medium Base, Bladed 950 L
Kusarigama: Small Base, Bladed, Extended Reach 900 L
Naginata: Large Base, Double Bladed (Twin Blades), 1400 L
Parma: Small Base: Coverage 700 L
Tower Shield: Small Base, Heavy Weigh Full coverage 1100 L
Ultra Great Axe: Large Base, Bladed, Coverage 1400 L

Pendulum Brace: Small shield attached to wire. (Small Base, Bladed, Extended Reach, Coverage 900 L)
Rock Biter: Giant Extending Jack Hammer Fists (Small Base, Uber Heavy Weight, Extended Reach, Moderate Coverage 1400 L)
Graveryl Tasla: Chain Shooting Crossbow (Small Base, Moderate Range Gun, 3x Extended Reach 1600 L
The points are up in the air for now, the costs of things in the weapons section may change and so too may the starting points depending on how the practice builds turn out. If it seems to tight I'll increase the starter points, if some sections seem like they become very expensive for little I might reduce the prices of things. The weapons section lets you exchange points for more Lien at about 5000 per point though I might change that given the price of weapons is actually fairly small, or at least remove the starter funds there since it begins at 10000 which should be enough that you might not have to spend a single point in the section unless you're going for something really expensive. I'll play around with the price tags a bit.

So, you've been scrimping and saving for a nice "Build Your Own Weapon" kit from weapon magazine, or maybe you just found a sack of cards Lien lying in a gutter that wasn't stolen no sir! Maybe a sack of Lien magically fell from the sky because reasons. In the end you wind up with 2500 Lien and are going to treat yourself to something nice to brutally assault grimm or people you don't like. For every extra point you spend on Equipment you earn an additional 2500 Lien. What ever is left over you multiply by 10 and get to keep when going out in the world. FYI Lien to Dollar conversion is roughly 5 to one

You pay 1000 Lien for just the most basic of all weapons, a really big stick. Like, it's about half as big as you. It doesn't have to really be a stick, maybe it's a club. Or a reinforced object around a similar size and weight. But in the end it's not much more than a blunt instrument so you don't have to touch the other guy not lending too much of an upgrade in damage against opponents who you couldn't already smash. But the improved reach, and the ability both parry and block things is quite useful. For 750, you get a smaller stick about a third to half your size. Not as much reach or blocking but it's light weight and small size is great for the dexterous and agile. For 500, well... it's not the size that matters it's how you use it. You can still trick it out at least, not like you can install guns and swords in your own hands like those dang androids.

As for the rest of the cool bits... That's what the addons are for! You pay a bit of a mark up but hey it's for a good cause.

200 to add bladed edge. +200 to add more blade because you can't have enough blade. Best used against grimm whom lack armor and unarmored targets.
200 to add heavy weight, +200 to make weight heavier SMASH SMASH SMASH! Best against armored and large targets and groups.
200 to add gun +200 to increase range (Close, Moderate, Long, Extreme). Because if your target is close enough to even think of hitting you you're doing something wrong.
200 to add reach. +200 to increase reach, each rank doubles the extended size of the weapon. Summon Bigger Stick!
200 to add Coverage. +200 to increase the size of the cover (Small, Medium, Full, Group). Dodging's for chumps, a real Hunter needs to be able to take a hit.
SemTech: Mimic a basic semblance through Technology. Costs 5000 Lien. It's not magic it's SCIENCE! Expensive SCIENCE!

Interesting. Crescent Rose would be between 18-24 hundred depending on how you judge the range, and that's one of the more complex weapons we see, rivaled mainly by Milo+Akuo and Neptune's trident. (I'm going off of the most complex weapons in canon because theoretically you shouldn't need disadvantages to make ends meet until that level and above, average should be easily obtainable with baseline resources.)
Rifle/sword/spear would be... huh.
How does this account for transforming tech?
Interesting. Crescent Rose would be between 18-24 hundred depending on how you judge the range, and that's one of the more complex weapons we see, rivaled mainly by Milo+Akuo and Neptune's trident. (I'm going off of the most complex weapons in canon because theoretically you shouldn't need disadvantages to make ends meet until that level and above, average should be easily obtainable with baseline resources.)
Rifle/sword/spear would be... huh.
How does this account for transforming tech?
Well, most weapons in RWBY are capable of some amount of "Transforming". I'd make it so that having distinct modes that can't both be active at once or switched between quickly as a Pseudo disadvantage. Similar to the advantage on the doc right now, you buy the most expensive form and the other forms only cost 50% or so of normal with a 100 L down charge.

On another note I need ideas for tech to add to sink a bit of money into that aren't useless but also aren't overly powerful. Something that isn't too out of place.

Some ideas:
Scroll: Works as a phone, gets internet, take pictures. - 100 L
Smartscroll: Better internet, Pictures, Plus so many little features. Also capable of interfacing with nearly any device. - 500 L
iScroll: Same as Smart Scroll but more popular and grants a feeling of undeserved superiority over Smartscroll users. Jailbroken so it can actually interface with other Technology. - 1000L

Transportation: Build your own Ride, comfortably fits one with some leg room.
Terrain Type: Land 1000 lien, Aquatic 500 lien, Sub-Aquatic 500 lien, Flight, 2000
Armor: None, Light 500 Lien, Moderate 1000 Lien, Heavy 2000 Lien
Handling: None, Low 500 Lien, Moderate 1000 Lien, Precise 2000 Lien
Top Speed: Slow, Adequate 500 Lien, Fast 1000 Lien, Very Fast 2000 Lien
Weapons: None, Light 500 Lien, Heavy 1000 Lien, Artillery 2000 Lien
Stealth: Quiet 500, Silent 2000, Chamo 500, Cloaking 2000, Sonar Refracting 500, Heat Dispersing 500
Accessories: Sonar 500, Infrared 500, Storage Space 200, Extra Room +200 each, Oil Slick/Caltrops 200

Bumblebee: Land, Unarmored, Moderate Handling, Fast Speed, 3000 Lien
Shuttle: Flight, Moderate Armor, No Handling, Adequate Speed, Light Weapons, Extra Room x4, Storage Space 5200 Lien
VTOL: Flight, Moderate Armor, Moderate Handling, Adequate Speed, Heavy Weapons, Infrared, Extra Room x4 Storage Space. 7200 Lien
TaChiKoMa: Land, Heavy Armor, Precise Handling, Slow, Light Weapons, Cloaking, Quiet, Sonar Refracting, Heat Dispersing. 9000 Lien
Hover Board: Land, Unarmored, Precise Handling, Slow Speed, Weaponless, Quiet. 3500 Lien
The points are up in the air for now, the costs of things in the weapons section may change and so too may the starting points depending on how the practice builds turn out. If it seems to tight I'll increase the starter points, if some sections seem like they become very expensive for little I might reduce the prices of things. The weapons section lets you exchange points for more Lien at about 5000 per point though I might change that given the price of weapons is actually fairly small, or at least remove the starter funds there since it begins at 10000 which should be enough that you might not have to spend a single point in the section unless you're going for something really expensive. I'll play around with the price tags a bit.

So, you've been scrimping and saving for a nice "Build Your Own Weapon" kit from weapon magazine, or maybe you just found a sack of cards Lien lying in a gutter that wasn't stolen no sir! Maybe a sack of Lien magically fell from the sky because reasons. In the end you wind up with 2500 Lien and are going to treat yourself to something nice to brutally assault grimm or people you don't like. For every extra point you spend on Equipment you earn an additional 2500 Lien. What ever is left over you multiply by 10 and get to keep when going out in the world. FYI Lien to Dollar conversion is roughly 5 to one

You pay 1000 Lien for just the most basic of all weapons, a really big stick. Like, it's about half as big as you. It doesn't have to really be a stick, maybe it's a club. Or a reinforced object around a similar size and weight. But in the end it's not much more than a blunt instrument so you don't have to touch the other guy not lending too much of an upgrade in damage against opponents who you couldn't already smash. But the improved reach, and the ability both parry and block things is quite useful. For 750, you get a smaller stick about a third to half your size. Not as much reach or blocking but it's light weight and small size is great for the dexterous and agile. For 500, well... it's not the size that matters it's how you use it. You can still trick it out at least, not like you can install guns and swords in your own hands like those dang androids.

As for the rest of the cool bits... That's what the addons are for! You pay a bit of a mark up but hey it's for a good cause.

200 to add bladed edge. +200 to add more blade because you can't have enough blade. Best used against grimm whom lack armor and unarmored targets.
200 to add heavy weight, +200 to make weight heavier SMASH SMASH SMASH! Best against armored and large targets and groups.
200 to add gun +200 to increase range (Close, Moderate, Long, Extreme). Because if your target is close enough to even think of hitting you you're doing something wrong.
200 to add temporarily increase your reach. +200 to allow the weapon to extend further, (Mid Range, Long Range, Extreme Range). Summon Bigger Stick!
200 to add Coverage. +200 to increase the size of the cover (Small, Medium, Full, Group). Dodging's for chumps, a real Hunter needs to be able to take a hit.
SemTech: Mimic a basic semblance through Technology. Costs 5000 Lien. It's not magic it's SCIENCE! Expensive SCIENCE!

Spear: Large Base, Single Bladed. 1200 L
Scythe: Large Base, Double Bladed (Larger Blade), 1400 L
Greatsword: Large Base, Bladed (Larger Blade), Heavy Weight 1400 L
Great War Hammer: Large Base, Extra Heavy Weight 1400 L
Katana: Medium Base, Bladed 950 L
Kusarigama: Small Base, Bladed, Extended Reach 900 L
Naginata: Large Base, Double Bladed (Twin Blades), 1400 L
Parma: Small Base: Coverage 700 L
Tower Shield: Small Base, Heavy Weigh Full coverage 1100 L
Ultra Great Axe: Large Base, Bladed, Coverage 1400 L

Pendulum Brace: Small shield attached to wire. (Small Base, Bladed, Extended Reach, Coverage 900 L)
Rock Biter: Giant Extending Jack Hammer Fists (Small Base, Uber Heavy Weight, Extended Reach, Moderate Coverage 1400 L)
Graveryl Tasla: Chain Shooting Crossbow (Small Base, Moderate Range Gun, 3x Extended Reach 1600 L
Binding: Your weapon has the ability to wrap around or otherwise grab targets, with enough skill it can even evade obstacles.
Dual Wield: Your Weapon is actual 2 weapons that can be counted as one.
Full Auto: Able to launch a flurry of attacks that don't require much effort to sustain.
Dust Mod: All guns are capable of using dust based bullets, rather this allows you to add new uses to your weapon based on dust crystals.
Recoil Booster: A niche attachment that allows one to fire a full magazine or explosive round in order to increase the power of a swing or to launch one into the air.
Transforming Weapon: The ability to have several modes in your weapon with distinct functions. Each form is distinct and can't rapidly be switched. Purchase most expensive form, +100 Lien for each additional form.

Artillery Rounds: Heavy Munitions that increase the damage of your guns greatly, +50% guns price.
Dust Rounds: All guns are able to fire dust bullets but some weapons are able to use them in new ways.
Fire: Explosions and flash bangs. May also be able to create fire.​
Wind: Increasing speed or knockback or used for non-lethal rounds.​
Ice: Encasing the target into ice, may also be able to create an ice slick.​
Lightning: A shocking round, a large are of effect. Able to make flashes.​
Earth: Heavy rounds, may cause seismic disruptions or completely penetrate most physical obstacles.​
Semtech Ammo: Ammo that is capable of channeling your semblance to use it at a distance.
Semtech ammo + Brothers Grimm = Making a unique pattern of bullet impacts on the grimm's face to control it :p
If this is the base that everything else builds off of, and everyone necessarily buys it, why charge for it at all?

On the other hand, what do I do if I want to recreate Ember Celica, or Mercury's boots?
Buy the small stick. The stick is the frame you build off of, the spine or core of the weapon. Only Droids can bypass them by building them into their own body.

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