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Gender bender gun? Where/when did he get it?
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In a certain vacation house in Kuoh, Azazel took a sip of his favourite beverage as he watched a projection displaying Rias' Rating Game through his contacts.

Usually, Azazel didn't bother watching those as they were just a bunch of arrogant man-children beating each other or political schemes, but when he learned that Touma was participating in the whole engagement fiasco, it got his interest.

'It is starting.' He thought after hearing Grayfia's announcement. To this day it's still a mystery to him how she was single when she was Satan's Queen, but if it meant that he had a slim chance, he wouldn't bother questioning it.

Then Azazel rubbed his goatee as he saw how Touma effortlessly defeated Riser's peerage and came out unscathed.

'Time magic. A magic that controls the flow of time. While it wasn't unheard of, seeing a human, and a young one at that, displaying this level of mastery is very impressive.'

Azazel could understand why Rias was confident of winning with someone like Touma by her side. It was practically a guaranteed victory. But of course, this show of force would attract a number of unwanted attention, whether it be good or bad. He wouldn't doubt that the Khaos Brigade was watching at that moment.

'Speaking of the Rating Game, the Gremory girl and the group were better than what my intel told me, that redheaded siscon must be proud of his sister.' He smirked at the thought and could imagine the scene.

But his smile gradually disappeared and was replaced by a frown. Without knowing it, Azazel leaned forward and just sat on the edge of the couch. The reason was that on the screen in front of him, Touma pulled a strangely familiar gun out of nowhere, which made Azazel spit his expensive alcohol out of his mouth.

"HOW DOES HE HAVE THAT!?" Azazel shouted at the top of his lungs.

The gender bender gun was a secret project that Azazel carried alone without anyone's help, fearing that one day its power would fall into the wrong hands, like certain devils and gods. For that reason, the fallen angel made sure that only he knew of its existence.

'Did he stop time and steal the gun when he visited me last time? No, it's impossible. There were many traps and boundaries and none were triggered, not to mention I am quite resistant to time-stopping magic…'

While Azazel was fumbling over the possibilities, the young man in question was quite busy thinking about how he would scam–ask Phenex for his favors.


After the last announcement, they were teleported to the Underworld, the dimension that housed the majority of the devil population and other species.

Everyone looked at each other without speaking a single word, creating a momentary silence that was quickly broken by a collective shout.

"WE DID IT!" Rias and her peerage screamed in unison and Touma couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

As Rias was next to Touma, she jumped on him and hugged him tightly, stuffing his face in her bosom.

"Thank you so much, Touma!"

"You're welcome, Rias." That's what he wanted to say, but only muffles came out, causing some vibrations in her clothes which made her blush a little. Then she leaned her head forward next to his ear.

"I will 'thank' you later." Rias whispered, making Touma's ear twitch and redden, but before he could say anything, Rias separated from him with her head turned away, refusing to let him see her massive blush.


Rias and Touma turned their heads and found themselves being stared at by everyone with amused expressions.




Touma smiled wryly and Rias covered her face in embarrassment.

*Knock* *Knock*

Their attention shifted to the entrance.

The handle twisted and the door opened. A crimson-haired man with green eyes like Rias entered the room.

'Sirzechs Lucifer.' Touma thought and squinted his eyes as he analyzed the man and reached a single conclusion.

'He is strong.'

As Touma progressed with Julius' card assimilation, he became more sensitive to mana, as such he could clearly see how much of a monster Sirzechs was from his demonic power alone.

"Brother!" Rias called him in surprise.

"Congratulations on your first victory, Rias and everyone." Sirzechs said as he looked at everyone and his eyes landed on Touma. "... And you must be Kamiya Touma. My name is Sirzechs Lucifer, one of the current Satans and as Rias' brother I thank you for lending a hand to my sister."

"It's nothing much, Lord Lucifer. I was just helping a friend." Touma said politely.

"Hahaha. No need to be polite when we are in private, just call me Sirzechs." The redhead said and extended his hand, which Touma shook. "If you ever need help, you can count on my help as long as it is within my capabilities."

Touma widened his eyes in surprise from an outside perspective, but he was happy and had somewhat expected it since what type of siscon brother wouldn't reward the person for helping his sister?

Not to mention that getting a favor from one of the Satans was something huge and not something you got every day. Touma could use this favor to get his backing or something similar.

"Thank you."

Sirzechs nodded in approval and turned towards Rias, but everyone in the room felt a pressure coming from the outside of the room which was quickly approaching them.

A knock on the door was heard before it was opened and a familiar maid entered with the accompaniment of a few furious individuals.

"Sorry for disturbing you, but Lord Phenex has requested an urgent meeting." Grayfia said emotionlessly, but deep inside one could see annoyance. She stepped aside and a blond man walked forward and was also the source of the beacon of demonic power.

'Here he comes.' Touma thought as he looked at him blankly, albeit trying hard to not laugh, because he knew why exactly this man was here.

He looked around the room until he spotted Touma, gritting his teeth in fury as he stomped in his direction.

"You puny human…!" The blond man muttered and unleashed his pressure on Touma. "I will kill you for what you did to my son!"

Lord Phenex raised his fist engulfed in the yellow flames of Phenex and prepared to jump at Touma, however, the black-haired young man remained unmoved, because he knew the attack would never reach him. Why? Because he knew there was a certain siscon here.

Immediately, another pressure befell everyone in the room and made Lord Phenex stop in his tracks, as he began sweating unconsciously.

"Lord Phenex, just what do you think you are doing in my presence?" Sirzechs said coldly as his pressure alone made Lord Phenex's heart sink. He began sweating nervously and was forced to halt.

"M-My apologies for m-my abrupt actions, Lord Lucifer. But this human has done something unforgivable to my son." Lord Phenex said with his voice trembling as he pointed his finger at Touma.

"Me?" Touma asked innocently as he pointed at himself. "I just knocked him out. I don't see what is wrong with that."

"Don't joke with me." Lord Phenex hissed as he glared daggers at him. "You just turned him into a…" He hesitated to finish the sentence as he looked around.

"A what?" Touma asked and with great willpower, he controlled his facial muscles to not laugh.

"You turned Riser into… a woman." Lord Phenex gritted his teeth as he said the last part of the sentence with anger and embarrassment.

"WHAT!?" Everyone in the room exclaimed in surprise, except for one young man.


Touma couldn't hold it anymore and started laughing hysterically while the others were confused about the situation.

Lord Phenex clenched his fist in anger and wanted to scorch the human in front of him, but looking at the Sirzechs he decided to hold his anger

"Sorry sorry, I just couldn't hold it anymore." Touma said as he wiped the tear from his eye. "Yes, I did it. But so what? It's not like he is crippled or anything."

"I demand you to change him back or else you will suffer the wrath of Phenex!"

"Are you threatening me?" Touma questioned with a raised eyebrow. He inspected the blond devil, but his instincts didn't tell him he was a threat. He was stronger than Riser, but Touma could still beat him. 'Which means he will use his influence as the richest family to kill me.'

"Threatening? No, I am making a promise. If you don't change my son back, you will wish that I killed you." Lord Phenex said and the pressure befell on Touma.

Sirzechs looked at Touma and was ready to intervene, but when he saw the confident look on the young man's face, he stopped and watched the scene unfold, even if Rias was stealing some glances at him to help her friend.

'Are they only friends though?' The redhead thought and decided to ask Rias later.

"Is that so?" Touma asked. "Then go ahead and try."

Lord Phenex was about to retorque but widened his eyes in horror when he found himself unable to move.

'Don't… tell… me.'

"You know, I uphold the principle of equivalent exchange." Touma said as he approached the frozen Phenex. "So let me ask you, Lord Phenex, what will you offer in return for your son's manhood?"

Touma stared into the Phenex's yellow eyes, which were trembling in anger and fear. Touma snapped his finger and released him from the time-stop spell.

"... What do you want?" Lord Phenex asked after a brief pause. "Money? Women? Power? I will give you everything you want!"

"Don't be ridiculous Lord Phenex, so you think your son is only worth that much? Just a few million or a few women? Is that what you think, Lord Phenex?" Touma asked mockingly.

"Then what–" Lord Phenex was about to ask, but was interrupted by a voice in the corridor.

"Father!" Ravel shouted as she entered the room.

"Ravel! What are you doing here?" Lord Phenex asked with widened eyes.

"I offer myself in exchange for my brother's m-manhood." Ravel said with conviction but got embarrassed at the end. Then she looked at Touma and asked. "Is that fine?"
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You refer to Grayfia as "he" toward the start of the latest chapter. Also, you have Azazel state she's single, is this an AU where she isn't in love with Sirzechs? Does their son Millicas not exist?
A/N: This isn't smut or anything like that (I can't and don't know how to write them), but there is slight NSFW at the end of the chapter, so I don't know if I am breaking some rules or not :p

After Ravel's proposal, the room was filled with shock and surprise.

Ravel was blushing deeply while looking expectantly into Touma's eyes, waiting for his response.

Lord Phenex woke up from the shock and quickly shook his daughter's shoulder.

"R-Ravel, what in Satan's name are you saying!?" Lord Phenex asked in panic as sweat poured down on his forehead. "How can you say this to the one who humiliated our Phenex clan!? Not to mention he is just a mere human!" He said the last part with venom in his voice.

'That's some racism right there.' Touma thought and raised an eyebrow, but he decided not to say anything to watch the scene unfold and hear Ravel's response.

"Father, please." Ravel pleaded as she held her father's hand firmly. "If the knowledge of my brother becoming a girl spreads to the public, our reputation will be tarnished even more! So I think it's the best course of action!"

"And I know this sounds bad when we have lost, but if he is on friendly terms with the Gremory, I am sure he is at least a decent man!"

What Ravel said had some reasoning, the Gremory clan was one of the few remaining pillars that were friendly towards their servants, reincarnated devils and other races in general.

Ravel looked at Rias and the redhead understood her intent, so she nodded and stepped forward.

"I can vouch for him, despite him acting strange sometimes–" "Hey!" "–I assure you as Gremory that he is a good and gentle person." Rias said with seriousness, but deep inside she was amused and side glanced at Touma.

Lord Phenex hearing that only made him grit his teeth in anger at the humiliation he was receiving. The situation demanded either he loses his daughter to get his son back to normal or their clan's reputation will go to the ground and become the mocking figure for the devils.

He eventually calmed down and thought about it deeply. Either way, his reputation will suffer, but the latter will be more severe than the first one.

'There is no other way…' Lord Phenex thought and shot a glare at the young man in question, who was just smiling at them, which made him have a bad feeling about this whole ordeal.

Following him, everyone turned their eyes to Touma, waiting for his response.

The young man grinned and opened his mouth.

"Do you really think you are worth the same?" Touma questioned which made everyone in the room freeze.

'What are you saying, Touma!?' Rias thought as she started sweating buckets. She tried to help get Ravel under Touma, as she could at least feel no malice intents from the blond girl and she even held some admiration and maybe affection for him in the short time they met, which she found strange but didn't question it as most of the devils had some… special tastes.

"W-What?" Ravel stuttered in confusion and panic.

"Ravel, right?" Touma asked rhetorically, as he already knew her name. "Certainly, you are beautiful and cute and surely will grow into a charming woman in the future." Touma paused and looked into her eyes. "But do you think your appearance is enough? Or do you think your noble status is enough to make you worth turning Riser back for?"

Ravel bit her lower lip in frustration and said. "I am experienced in working as a tactician and manager and I am also knowledgeable of Magic."

"That's what I wanted to hear. Alright, I accept your deal." Touma nodded in agreement. 'A tactician and a manager are important roles for an organization and Ravel is a good candidate for both positions, she only lacks experience in real battles and not Rating Games.'

His words made Ravel sigh in relief, but for some reason, she felt like she was being interviewed.

'It must be my imagination.' She thought and shook her head. "When will you turn brother back?"

"Hmm, only tomorrow. The gun has a cooldown of one day, so I will only be able to turn him back tomorrow night." Touma lied with a straight face. There was no such thing as a cooldown, but it would be no fun if Riser didn't experience it at least once right?

Touma was aware that he might be acting like a scumbag right now, but he didn't care.

'Well, if anything I can just say "It's a prank bro" and settle with it.' Touma thought.

"Very well then I will excuse myself and take my leave." Ravel said and bowed slightly to Sirzechs and glanced at Touma for a second before walking away and followed by Lord Phenex.

"Well…now that's settled how about we have a commemoration party?" Sirzechs suggested, but then he noticed their state and added. "Of course, only after a shower and rest."

Everyone nodded in agreement and Sirzechs transported them back to the Human World.

When they returned, the sky had already started darkening and then after a brief discussion, they decided to celebrate Rias' first victory in Touma's house.

They brought food from Gremory mansion and thanks to Azazel's house renovation, Touma's house was big enough to have everyone inside without much trouble.

Touma messaged his parents, who weren't at home yet, that he would be bringing his friends over for a party. They didn't have a problem with it and said they will try to return home as early as possible.

And currently…

"Kamiya-sama, please leave the kitchen duty to me as the head maid of the Gremory household. You can enjoy yourself with others." Grayfia said while trying to kick Touma out of the kitchen.

"I refuse." Touma didn't bulge and started washing the ingredients while ignoring her glare. "My house, my rules, lady."

"..." Grayfia frowned, but she couldn't find a way to refute him. In the end, she sighed in defeat and went to help him. "By you will, Kamiya-sama."

He had the experience of his past and current lives, while also having the cooking skills of Percival, not to mention Julius had eaten many luxurious meals that Touma could recreate if he wanted to.

Besides, Touma has Cheonmujiche, a trait that made him skilled in everything he did with his body, cooking included. Centuries of experience can be reduced to only a few days!

'Don't underestimate me, woman. Just because you are a few centuries older doesn't mean you are better than me!'

"Grayfia." Touma called the silver-haired maid. "Let's bet."

"Bet?" The maid asked without stopping.

"Whoever makes the tastiest meal will win and the loser will have to listen to the winner." Touma challenged her with a smirk of his own.

Grayfia raised an eyebrow and contemplated for a second and nodded with a competitive look in her eyes. "Very well, I will show you what Gremory's head maid is capable of. Don't come complaining if you lose."

Touma scoffed at her.

'Don't regret this later.'

Meanwhile, Rias and Sirzechs looked at the pair with amused expressions.

"Touma and Grayfia, what an odd pair." Sirzechs commented from the side.

"Agree, but I guess Grayfia's diligence in her maid duties and Touma's love for cooking created this situation." Rias said and chuckled at the scene.

Exactly half an hour later, Tomua's parents arrived and were surprised to see so many people there.

"Oh my! I knew Touma said that he will be bringing friends here, but I didn't expect so many!" Rika exclaimed in surprise.

"It's so lively here." Tendou commented from the side as they changed to slippers.

"Pardon our intrusion, I am Sirzechs Lucifer and Rias' elder brother. Nice to meet you." Sirzechs introduced himself and was followed by others.

They talked for a bit before they heard Touma's voice from the kitchen.

"The food is ready!" Touma said and brought trails of food and put them on the table.

There were several different dishes and Tendou and Rika could easily spot the ones which weren't cooked by their son.

"They are competing, Kamiya-san. Touma challenged our maid to a cooking competition." Rias commented with a warm smile, which wasn't unnoticed by the parents.

'First name basis huh…' Tendou and Rika looked at each other and nodded.

"I can't wait to try them." Rika commented as she took a seat.

Soon, everyone was at the table and the ambient turned cheery and lively and once they finished eating, the winner was decided.

"How… How is this possible?" Grayfia muttered in shock and turned towards the young man in question. Touma got the majority of the votes, which was impossible in normal circumstances. "How did you do it?"

At her question, Touma smirked and moved his fingers in a heart shape.

"It's simple. I made it with love." Touma replied which made her eyebrow twitch. He smiled and moved his head beside her ear. "Don't forget our bet. I will reclaim my rewards later."

And before Grayfia said anything, Touma had already moved his head away. "It's true, my love can be spicy sometimes, want to taste it?"

Touma's parents' faces darkened when they heard him while Grayfia frowned, but she was ultimately curious and nodded.

"I will be back." Touma said with the biggest smile on his face.

"I… I will go stargazing." Tendou said with his voice trembling and turned around and left.

"I-I will catch some fresh air." Rika said and followed him behind.

Grayfia raised an eyebrow in wonder but didn't say anything. Touma returned a few seconds later with a plate in his hand.

"Sorry to make you wait, here you go."

Grayfia looked at the dish and with her centuries' worth of knowledge she immediately recognised the dish.

"Mapo tofu?" She asked, but for some reason, her instincts were screaming at her to run away. 'Strange, there are no foreign ingredients either, so why?'

Grayfia quickly scanned with magic but didn't find any weird substance, which made her even more curious.

She scooped with a spoon and brought a mouthful size inside her mouth.

Grayfia widened her eyes almost immediately and before she knew it, she broke her stoic persona and was already screaming at the top of her lungs.

'This is so painful, but at the same time, it's so delicious that I can't stop eating it.' Grayfia thought as tears flowed down her cheeks.

(Later at night)

The party had ended and everyone decided to sleep over, except Sirzechs and Grayfia who returned to Underworld. There were a lot of free rooms, so there were no problems.

In his bedroom, Touma sat on his bed with Gacha window open.

'I've been waiting for this.' Touma couldn't stop his excitement and rolled.

→[Lostvayne (NNT)]

→[Exorcist Robe (DxD)]

→[Weakness Removal Card]

→[Item Fusion Card]

→[Dull Blade (GI)]

→[Kuoh Academy Male Uniform (DxD)]

→[Power Boost Card]

→[3 Holy Water of Life (SL)]

→[Body Revival Technique (Naruto)]

→[Power Boost Card]

Aside from the usual rolls, there were three items that picked Touma's attention.

The first one was Meliodas' Sacred Treasure, a sword that had the ability to make copies of the wielder in exchange for the original power being distributed equally depending on the number of copies, which was 5 in total. But Touma couldn't use Full Counter like Meliodas, so he couldn't use it like was originally supposed to.

'But that is what makes it fun. I will just have to use it differently.' Touma thought and decided to do a few experiments in the future.

The Holy Water of Life was the potion that Sung Jin Woo from Solo Leveling crafted to cure his mother. It is certainly useful since it can cure any type of disease since neither Senzu beans nor Phoenix tears have the capability to do it.

Each had its own advantages and disadvantages.

And lastly, there is the [Body Revival Technique].

Touma frowned since he didn't remember seeing it from the anime, but according to its description, it's a technique that can repair and strengthen the user's body by destroying and repairing the muscles in a cycle. It also allows the user to survive a fatal wound or heal instantly from damage.

'It's useless for me though since I drank the [Fountain of Youth].'

Touma wanted to roll more, but he heard someone knocking on the door, which made him close the tab.


He heard Rias' voice from the other side.

"Come in."

The door opened and Rias entered his bedroom. Touma widened his eyes once he saw her attire, which consisted of only black lingerie.

"Rias?" Touma called her and he could feel the heat rising, along with his other thing.

"Touma." Rias bashfully called him, with her cheeks as red as her hair. "What do you think?"

"You look beautiful." Touma said honestly.

Rias smiled and closed the door behind her.

"I am glad." Rias smiled warmly and walked towards him and sat on his lap. "Once again, thank you for everything, Touma."

"I—" Touma stopped talking when the redhead put her finger on his lips.

"I know, but I just wanted to say this." Rias said and leaned forward. "If you hadn't come, I would probably still be engaged or worse, forced to marry that man."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"But it didn't happen. And the reason was you, Touma. You changed everyone in a positive way, including me. So even if there will be more girls around beside me, I want you to know that I love you."

Touma smiled wryly as he hugged her hip.

"You knew?"

"Of course, silly. I had already noticed how Akeno was looking at you. The only reason she didn't do anything was that I made her promise that I would be the first."

"That's cute for both of you." Touma said as he leaned forward, stealing Rias' cherry lips.

It was a simple peck that lasted for a few seconds before they separated.

"I love you." Touma said as he brought her closer to his body.

Rias moved her hand to her back and pulled a string, which made the lingerie loosen and fall on the ground, fully exposing her voluptuous breasts and thighs.

"I love you too." Rias said as she kissed him and both of them fell on the bed, with Ruas on top of him.

And then noises of pounding and other lewd noises echoed in the room throughout the entire night. But luckily for them, all rooms were soundproofed.
How lostvayne works is the sum of all the clones is half of the original. The original doesn't share a power level pool with the clone.
100 PL= 100 original and 50 one clone
100 PL= 100 original and 12.5 four clones.
The users power level stays the same no matter what. Only the clones change depending on how many clones you make
Touma frowned since he didn't remember seeing it from the anime, but according to its description, it's a technique that can repair and strengthen the user's body by destroying and repairing the muscles in a cycle. It also allows the user to survive a fatal wound or heal instantly from damage.

'It's useless for me though since I drank the [Fountain of Youth].'
Doesn't the fountain of youth only make this stronger? Regen would mean you could just do the faster and faster? Or am I misunderstanding something.
Nice Chapter.
How lostvayne works is the sum of all the clones is half of the original. The original doesn't share a power level pool with the clone.
100 PL= 100 original and 50 one clone
100 PL= 100 original and 12.5 four clones.
The users power level stays the same no matter what. Only the clones change depending on how many clones you make

Thanks, I will correct it in the next chapter
Aftermath (1)
The birds chirped as they welcomed the next day.

The sun rose from the horizon and rays of light illuminated the bedroom.

Touma woke up to the sight of crimson hair scattered on his chest while feeling the warmth and softness on his right arm. He turned his head and saw Rias sleeping peacefully while using his arm as a pillow, burying it between her bonkers.

He looked at the clock and saw that there were still a few hours remaining before breakfast, meaning he still had free time.

Touma looked back at Rias 'sleeping' on his arm as his lips curled up. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against her forehead.
Rias's body twitched slightly and a smile appeared on her lips.

Touma chuckled and then poked her nose causing Rias to giggle and open her eyes.

"Good morning, Rias."

"Good morning…" Rias greeted back as she rubbed her eyes. Then a yawn escaped from her mouth before she made herself comfortable again on his chest. "So we are officially a couple now?"

Touma raised his eyebrow and embraced her within his arms.

"Are you really asking that after everything?"

"What's wrong with me asking this? I dislike being vague about our relationship." Rias pouted and playfully poked his chest with her index finger.

"Sorry, sorry, I was just joking. I also think the same, leaving the relationship vague generally acts as a bad omen for both parties. And that's why, my answer to your question is…" Touma closed the distance between their faces and gave her a passionate kiss. "Yes."

They kissed again and stopped when Touma pointed his finger towards the shower.

"We still have time, so why don't we continue in the shower?" Rias nodded excitedly at his question. Then he carried Rias in bridal carry style, which made her giggle.

After the little session in the shower, they cleaned the bedroom and changed to new clothes.

"Rias." Touma called out his lover. "Today I am going to tell my parents about the supernatural."

"Why so suddenly?" Rias raised an eyebrow and asked curiously. "Don't misunderstand, I am not against it or anything like that, but why so suddenly?"

"I thought it would be easier for us to do our activities without being afraid of being discovered. And also the fact I don't feel comfortable using hypnosis on them when we can solve this with a simple talk."

Rias smiled fondly, feeling warmth in her chest as she saw her boyfriend's deep care for his family.

"I don't think they will react to it in an exaggerated manner, so rest assured." Rias said as she put her palm above his.

"Thank you." Touma said. "Now let's go down and have breakfast

Touma walked downstairs earlier than he usually did and decided to make breakfast for everyone.

Opening the fridge, he took out eggs, mushrooms, onions, ham, green onions and leftover rice.

That's right, he was going to make the iconic omurice.

Due to his inhuman cooking abilities, the fragrance of the food spread throughout the house, forcing those who were sleeping to wake up and those who were already awake to drool at the scent.

It didn't take too long for a series of footsteps to approach the kitchen. Several heads simultaneously popped up at the kitchen door, watching Touma attentively.

"The breakfast will soon be ready, so why don't you go prepare the table?"

In the corner of his eye, Touma saw Koneko speeding through the cabinets and putting the spoons in place before anyone did anything.

'Someone is hungry.' Touma chuckled silently but didn't say anything loud.

Soon, everyone gathered at the table waiting for food.

"Food is ready!" Touma said as he distributed the plates with omurice on them.

"They look amazing!" Asia praised and others nodded in agreement.

"For some reason, I am losing confidence as your mother in terms of cooking." Rika said with a fake cry as she ate the omurice.
Touma smiled and didn't say anything as he sat next to Rias. The atmosphere was lively which made their meals more enjoyable.

After the meal, Touma called his parents before they left.

"Mom, dad, I have something to tell you about."

"Yes?" They both looked at each other in confusion, while wondering what their son had to say.

"The truth is that…wait, showing you directly is a faster and easier way to explain than explaining in words." Touma said and grabbed a cup.

Under the curious gaze of his parents, Touma tossed the cup into the air. This action surprised them and out of human instinct, they jumped back and closed their eyes.

A second passed, two seconds passed and three seconds passed.

No matter how long they waited, the sound of glass breaking never reached their ears. Once they reopened their eyes, they saw the cup floating above what they could describe as a magic circle on the floor.

"Touma, this is…?"

"That's what I wanted to tell you." Touma caught the cup and dismissed the magic. "Magic is real and there is a supernatural side to the world. Dragons, gods, devils, angels and other mythical creatures are real and…"

Touma proceeded to explain the general knowledge of the supernatural world to his parents, giving more details about Japanese and Abrahamic pantheons, because they were more important at the moment.

"To think such beings walk among us…"

"Then…" Rika looked at Rias with a questioning gaze.

Rias obviously noticed the stare and smiled confidently.

"I am a high-class devil of Gremory pillar and they are part of my peerage." Rias said as she unfolded her devil wings and her peerage followed alongside her.

Her action took the parents by surprise and this sparked their curiosity as they started to ask even more questions.

"…But son, how did you discover all of this?" Rika asked curiously and concerned.

Almost immediately, everyone's attention was on him.

'Now that I think about it, Touma never said how he got to learn about the supernatural side of the world while coming from a normal background!' Rias thought as she listened attentively to his next words.

"It's hard for me to put it together into words, but if I had to describe it, it would be that…one day, I suddenly woke up with fragments of memories that weren't my own, knowledge that seemed foreign yet familiar to me."

"That could be…a Spirit Carrier if I am not mistaken." Rias said after a brief pause.

"What exactly is a Spirit Carrier? Is it harmful to my son?"

"There are some cases when the souls of ancient heroes are carried by beings and their influence on them usually manifests during their childhood, but that isn't an absolute fact."

"Basically reincarnation but not exactly that either." Akeno elaborated.

"Then which hero resides inside Touma?"

At that question, they looked at Touma, waiting for an answer.

Meanwhile, the young man in question was accelerating his thoughts to give an appropriate answer.

'Due to the gacha, I have to be careful with whose name I will say. And I already can foresee that feigning complete ignorance isn't the best choice here either, so I will…'

"Actually, I think there are two spirits possessing me." Touma said, which alerted them immediately. "The first one is Percival, one of the knights of the round table."

"The Holy Knight of the Dove?" Rias asked, to which Touma nodded. "That is…unusual I have to say. The previous Spirit Carriers had some relation with their hero, like nationality or a Sacred Gear, but you aren't British nor a Sacred Gear user."

"Maybe it's due to the second hero?" Akeno asked while tilting her head, but Touma shook his head.

"Unfortunately, I haven't digested enough information to decipher his identity, but I can confirm that that person was a famous wizard when he was alive."

'I could get away with Percival, but Julius isn't a historical figure that exists here, so I had to resort to this.' Touma thought.

"Maybe Merlin?" Akeno asked from the side, which made Touma sweatdrop as he was reminded of Merlin from the nasuverse, but thankfully it went unnoticed by everyone.

"That would explain the origin of his powerful time-magic!" Rias said excitedly.

"…Maybe." In the end, Touma didn't deny or agree with her.

Then Touma revealed his relationship with Rias to everyone, which wasn't really a surprise to everyone except for his parents, still everyone congratulated them.


In ORC's room, an orange magic circle appeared on the floor and a blond girl with twin-tails appeared within it.

"Good morning miss Gremory and her peerage." Ravel greeted them politely and then turned towards the only human in the room. "Also good morning to you, lord Touma. My elder brother is…ready to receive you."
A/N: Hello, long time no see :D
Aftermath (2) -- End Arc 1
In the Underworld, at the entrance of a luxurious mansion, flames surged from the ground and formed into a bright magic circle with Phoenix's crest in its center.

In an instant, two people appeared on top of the magic circle before it slowly faded away.

"Welcome to Phoenix Pillar's main building, lord Touma." Ravel said and opened the door of the mansion. "Now please have this before entering, it will allow you to pass through the barrier without any problems."

Touma looked at the token, it seemed to be made up of gold and precious ruby stones with Phoenix's crest engraved in the middle.

'I can literally hear the clan head screaming "I AM RICH!" from this object alone.' Touma thought and he couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Ravel." The young man called her while he slid the token inside his pocket. "You can just call me Touma, quit the formalities. Isn't it very tiring for you to speak formally all the time?"

Ravel paused briefly, thinking of a proper answer.

"…As the daughter of Phoenix, I am required to maintain this level of etiquette and formality while talking with my peers." Ravel said and walked towards the door. "But if you insist, I will call you just Touma when we are alone then."

"Please do so." Touma smiled, meanwhile, Ravel pushed the door open and both of them entered together.

As soon as he stepped in, Touma felt he just passed through a barrier.

'It isn't just one, there are several barriers activated simultaneously, probably with each having a different function.' Touma concluded after analyzing briefly.

The interior of the mansion and everything screamed ostentation. Paintings, ceramics and other fancy decorations were present in this mansion.

There were even sculptures of the clan heads made out of pure gold!

'Can't wait to milk his wallet dry.'

Ravel looked at him and could swear she just saw the most devilish smirk she had ever seen for a split second before his expression turned neutral.

'I must be imagining things.' Ravel thought and decided to ignore it.

"Here we arrived, my elder brother is waiting for you in this room." Ravel said and a maid who was stationed in front of the door opened it for them.

Upon entering the room, Touma saw a lone blond woman sitting on the couch.

'He' looked like a grown-up version of Ravel, with some areas more developed than hers.

"So Riser, how does it feel to be a woman?" Touma tried to provoke a reaction from 'him' as he sat across 'him'.

But contrary to his expectations, the once proud Phoenix clenched 'his' fists and 'his' arms were visibly shaking.

'Ah, did I perhaps hit the nail "too hard"? Not that I regret it though.'

"Please…just turn me back…" Riser pleaded, with 'his' voice trembling as 'he' looked directly at Touma.

Touma raised his eyebrows and saw dark circles under 'his' eyes and clear signs of stress and tiredness on the Phoenix.

"No." Riser tensed at his response.

"But you promised that you would turn back our king to normal!?" Shouted Riser as 'he panicked.

"Indeed, I did promise you that I would turn you back, BUT before I do that, don't you remember that you still owe me favors? In case you don't remember, I shall quote your words,

"If Rias wins, the Phoenix clan will grant you two requests as long as it doesn't put the clan in danger or tarnish our reputation", that sums up what you said when you visited the
Human World last time." Touma said as he looked directly into Riser's eyes. "Until you fulfil those requests, my end of the deal won't be fulfilled."

Needless to say that Phoenix's complexion hardened and 'his' body shivered at the thought. Riser gulped audibly and felt a severe headache.

"Then…what are your requests?" Riser asked with a sense of dread, intensified by the smirk on Touma's face.

The human raised his hand and a long list appeared within it. He put it on the table and pushed it towards Riser.

"This is the list of specific materials that I need for a certain project of mine. They need to be specifically from the mentioned region or else it won't cut it." Riser picked up the list as Touma explained.

'...tons of soil, stones, minerals, plants, water, …, from the ruins in the vicinity of Baghdad and Iraq…'

'This will cost around 30M-50M$ or even a bit more, but it won't cause much trouble for the Phoenix clan in the long run.' Riser thought and nodded. "Very well, it will be done."

"And of course, any disclosure of information related to our little…let's say exchange is forbidden. Or else don't expect me at your doorsteps, and it won't end with just a gender change."

Sweat poured down 'his' forehead, but he still nodded nonetheless.

"Finally, I would ask for an ancient artifact that once belonged to a hero in the past." Touma said, which confused most of them. "Your clan must have them, right? Given the longevity of your race, your ancestors must have lived alongside them and acquired some of their belongings."

"You're right, we have a collection of those items, whether they were acquired by ourselves or through purchases, but…why would you need them?" Asked Riser with some hesitation.

"You don't need to know." Touma said with an 'innocent' smile.

In the end, Riser agreed to his requests and finalized their deal with a written contract.

Only after that, Touma turned Riser back to a man and needless to say, the Phoenix let out tears of joy.

Then Touma was escorted by a maid to Phoenix's private collection to choose an artifact of his choice. Each item was displayed in golden glass cases with each having a protective barrier inside. Luckily, each item was properly identifiable and organized by Pantheons.

The young man strolled through the collection until a particular object caught his attention.

It was a shard from the handle of a sword if the description was correct. It had Greek origin but the owner was still unknown.

"Can I see this?"

"Yes." The maid said and used some type of magic key to open the container. Then she carefully removed the shard and put it in Touma's hand.

'This has a scaly texture…almost like a snake. Not only that, I can still feel the residue of mana!'

"I will be taking this." Said Touma as he handed it to her.

"Very well, I will inform Lord Riser." The maid wrapped it in white cloth and put it inside a container and gave it to Touma, who threw it inside his [Inventory].

'If my assumption is correct, then I might know to whom it once belonged to.'

Without making a fuss, Touma walked out of the mansion and teleported back to the Human world.

Once he was back at home, Touma put his hand in his pocket and felt something there.

'Ah, I might have forgotten to return it.'

A few days passed and there were some things that changed in their daily life, for example, Ravel's enrollment at Kuoh Academy and how she started to live in Touma's house.

Of course, Touma didn't just let her just live in his house without precaution even if she had given herself to him, so he made her sign a contract with him beforehand.

Rias didn't turn a blind eye and also moved into his house, with Akeno, Asia and Koneko (who went for the food) tagging alongside her.

And currently…

"Rias." Touma called his girlfriend, who hummed on his lap. "Which country in Europe do you think it's best to visit?"

"If I had to say, it would be England and Norway. I went there once and it was fun." Rias said and turned her head towards Touma. "Why do you ask?"

"Nothing, just asking out of curiosity." He said before kissing Rias on her lips.

Then Touma got up, which made Rias pout.

'Cute.' Touma thought. "Sorry, just going to the toilet."

"Want me to accompany you?"

"I wouldn't recommend so." He joked and Rias just made a "shoo shoo" gesture with her hand.

Inside the bathroom, Touma stood there and opened the HUD.

"Use world ticket, world destination: Campione."

(End Arc 1)
Just want to say I made a p.a.t.r.e.o.n, but there is nothing there yet so I won't send the link until I write everything.

Peace :D
So... when exactly did you change your username? Cos I coulda sworn it "Hug" or something similar...

some weeks ago :p

when I created this account I just randomly typed "Hug" as I was too lazy to think a name and didn't think I was going to use this site much, buuuut I seemed to be wrong.

so to stay consistent I changed to "MrHeartless" because my nickname in discord is "Heartless" :p
some weeks ago :p

when I created this account I just randomly typed "Hug" as I was too lazy to think a name and didn't think I was going to use this site much, buuuut I seemed to be wrong.

so to stay consistent I changed to "MrHeartless" because my nickname in discord is "Heartless" :p

Good to know. So, what exactly is Tōma planning to do with all them symbolically powerful reagents? He's not tryna summon a Heroic spirit, is he?

I will use my right as author to stay silent.

Oh, so he's definitely summoning a Heroic Spirit. Hopefully not GGilgamesh! Cus bringing that monster into a mana-rich environment like Draconis Deus is every bit as terrifying as bringing a Kryptonian psychopath into a world with a yellow sun. It'll be a blood bath at best! :eek:

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