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Inner Demon
A gentle breeze glazed over Touma's face and the smell of ocean water entered his nostrils, causing him to open his eyes slowly.

'It seems like I was transported from my toilet to a beach.' Touma concluded as he got up and dusted off the sand.

The beach was filled with people having fun with their families and friends, everyone was spending their time leisurely.

Touma took out his phone but was immediately disappointed by the fact that he didn't have any signal there. So, he walked to the nearest passerby to gather information as it was the only possible and feasible choice.

"Excuse me."

"Yes?" The man said in Japanese and turned around. As soon he met Touma's glowing eyes, his vision turned hazy and his posture became more relaxed.

'It seems like I am still in Japan.' Thought Touma and proceeded to ask the hypnotized civilian. "I only want to ask a simple question, where are we?"

"We are in Odaiba Beach, in Tokyo."

"I see. And do you know where they sell prepaid SIM cards?"

"Yea, if you follow this way…"

The man proceeded to give instructions and Touma memorized them easily.

"Ok, thank you for the help. Now you'll forget what happened in the past 5 minutes." Touma said and dispelled the hypnosis.

"Huh? What was I doing?" The man asked himself confusedly before shrugging his shoulders and walking away.

Meanwhile, Touma had already left the scene and arrived at the metropolitan area of Tokyo.

Touma bought a SIM card without any problem as the currency was the same and the cashier wouldn't be able to distinguish that it was from another world.
"Now what should I do?" Touma felt a sense of freedom as he was going abroad alone for the first time.

'If I remember correctly, there is only one Heretic God here who is keeping others of his kind from descending in Japan, but he isn't that interesting. And I don't want to start a manhunt when I just arrived here, so…"

"Let's explore the city a little bit, it's been years since I have been in Tokyo."

Later that day, Touma booked a nice hotel room with the help of minor hypnosis. The room was very spacious for only one person, but he wasn't lacking money.

'England and Norway huh?' While thinking about what Rias said, a coin appeared in between Touma's fingers. "If it ends with head I will go to England and to Norway if it lands on tails."

Touma flicked the coin with his thumb, tossing it high into the air before it fell back on his hand.

"Tails." Touma muttered as he returned the coin to the [Inventory]. "Guess I will go to Norway tomorrow. But since I technically don't exist here, it would be a pain in the ass to mass hypnotize the whole crew as I don't have any valid identification documents on me, not to mention it would be quite boring as well…"

"Should I just fly over to Norway or try my luck in gacha?" Touma pondered. "You know what? I will just do both. If I don't get anything from Gacha, I will just fly."

Touma opened the HUD and opened the gacha window.

" Let's go with a 10 roll with Campione rate-up…which I doubt is real, unlike One Piece."

10 white spheres formed a circle and spun at incredible speed before slowing down and forming a straight line.

[Mumen Rider (OPM)]

[Heretical Ticket Bonus: Campione Special Edition (One-time use)]

[Power Boost Card]

[Essence of Blank (CYOA)]

[Kazuma Sato (Konosuba)]

[Gorgoneion (Campione)]

[Bartolomeo (OP)]

[Shisui Uchiha (Naruto)]

[Status Recovery (SL) (One-time use)]

[Power Boost Card]

"Holy cow, I just got an Essence!" Touma cried in excitement. For him, it was like getting a meta SSR.

'Furthermore, it is the Essence of Blank! It can remove the limits of my being and learn magics, skills or knowledge that I was unable to, which is perfect for someone like me!' Then without any hesitation, Touma claimed the Essence.

Touma didn't feel anything nor there were visible changes, but he didn't mind it. After cooling down a little bit, Touma looked at the rest of what he got.

[Heretical Ticket Bonus: Campione Special Edition]

[Allows you to usurp every Authority possessed by the Heretic God that you have slain. One-time use only.]

'This would be appreciated.' Touma thought as he looked at the characters he got. "Mumen Rider is a good guy, maybe I should summon him once my Garden is finished. Shisui basically gives perfect mind control. but with a long cooldown, Bartolomeo would be helpful in oncoming battles with his barriers and Kazuma…is Kazuma."

Opening his status tab, Touma put Shisui, Bartolomeo and Kazuma on [Character Assimilation], Masayuki was already completely assimilated while Julius was at 70%. Then he used [Weakness Removal Card] to get rid of Sea weakness and later he looked at the [Inventory], where there were several [Power Boost Cards] waiting to be used.

'I was gathering them for later use, but I shouldn't underestimate a god, even if they aren't at their full power.'

Heretic Gods can't descend with their full powers, so they had to manifest while focusing on certain aspects of their myths. Like how Athena had to descend focusing on her aspect as goddess of wisdom and death along with the Medusa aspect.

'Speaking for Athena, I just got her grimoire as they are called. I wonder if it is a copy or if I 'stole' it?' The answer came right away and Touma had indeed 'stolen' from the original owner. 'And I just made myself the target of a goddess.'

Now finally grabbing his [Power Boost Cards], Touma immediately upgraded the Julius card without hesitation.

'Earlier I was skeptical over upgrading Percival or Julius as they are my 'mains', but Time magic was just too versatile and powerful to let it slide, so the answer was obvious.'
As Touma consumed all his [Power Boost Cards] on Julius. Then he summoned his grimoire in its miniature form and a coverless book with countless pages started flipping on its own.

"There are no visual changes, but I am getting a different feeling about it, almost as if it was calling me." Touma muttered, but his instincts were warning him against something. Then a white humanoid figure appeared floating behind him with its arms above Touma's shoulders.

"Laplace, increase my odds of surviving and being victorious!" Touma commanded and his stand did as it was ordered. The young man raised his hand and touched the coverless grimoire. Then his consciousness immediately slipped away as he was brought to a different domain.

When Touma came to his senses, he was floating in a black pitch dimension that made it impossible to see anything.

As Touma was assessing his surroundings, a man appeared a few meters away from Touma.

'That is…!' Touma frowned as the man's figure became clearer and clearer as time lapsed.

"Julius Novachrono?" Touma muttered in astonishment.

"No, I am not exactly the man you label as Wizard King." The man replied and Touma finally noticed.

Instead of the blond hair that Julius had, this man had black hair accompanied by a pair of menacing red eyes like a demon and a dark-colored sun tattoo on the right side of his forehead.

Touma's expression hardened and opened his hand, ready to summon his holy spear.

"Who are you?"

"You may refer to me as Lucius Zogratis or Astaroth, at this point there is no difference between us, but regardless, my goal remains the same." Lucius wore a sinister smile as he raised his arm and pointed his index finger at Touma.

"I will take over your body and make humanity reach its 'true' form with me as their sole ruler."


If you want, you can support me on p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/aheartless (without dots), which gives you access to one chapter ahead! <3
"You may refer to me as Lucius Zogratis or Astaroth, at this point there is no difference between us, but regardless, my goal remains the same." Lucius wore a sinister smile as he raised his arm and pointed his index finger at Touma.

"I will take over your body and make humanity reach its 'true' form with me as their sole ruler."
Whoa major spoilers I just looked up the guy's name and learned about his history.
I'm still mad as hell that this story dont get that much engagement when its better than a lot of it's counterparts. There has GOT to be something fishy going on here!

Anyways, I really enjoyed the chapter. Hope this whole demon situation dont fuck with his chance of securing that Campione bag. Also, PLEASE tell me he's gonna assurp a bad ass god like Odin or something and not some lame ass obscure god with little no power cos that'd be SUCH a shame.
I'm still mad as hell that this story dont get that much engagement when its better than a lot of it's counterparts.

I am sorry ;-; My writing skills aren't that good and I am still improving my English and such.

Anyways, I really enjoyed the chapter. Hope this whole demon situation dont fuck with his chance of securing that Campione bag. Also, PLEASE tell me he's gonna assurp a bad ass god like Odin or something and not some lame ass obscure god with little no power cos that'd be SUCH a shame.

*Very panicked cough*
I am sorry ;-; My writing skills aren't that good and I am still improving my English and such.

Why are you apologizing? I was merely upset that this wonderful, well-written story doesn't seem to have that many followers. Maybe it's the 'dxd au' tag? I mean, when most people are looking for a dxd fic, they wouldn't be looking for an au, but the actual dxd world or as close to one as possible and they definitely wouldn't be looking for "dxd au" in the tag cloud.

I think you shoulda definitely included the following tags to get yourself more readers:

"High School DxD"
"Highschool DxD"
"Self insert"
"Reincarnation "

That way, when people are looking for those specific tags, they'd easily find your story there.
Why are you apologizing? I was merely upset that this wonderful, well-written story doesn't seem to have that many followers. Maybe it's the 'dxd au' tag? I mean, when most people are looking for a dxd fic, they wouldn't be looking for an au, but the actual dxd world or as close to one as possible and they definitely wouldn't be looking for "dxd au" in the tag cloud.

I think you shoulda definitely included the following tags to get yourself more readers:

"High School DxD"
"Highschool DxD"
"Self insert"
"Reincarnation "

That way, when people are looking for those specific tags, they'd easily find your story there.

I will do just that
Conquering the Inner Demon
Hearing the proclamation, Touma squinted his eyes and only thought of one thing.

'This guy is nuts.'

From the way Lucius portrayed himself and the aura that surrounded him, Touma could tell that Lucius was a lunatic and would make use of any sort of insane and incomprehensible means at his disposal to reach his goal, like sacrificing humanity to save humanity.

"Then how do you plan to achieve that?"

"Originally, I intended to wage a holy war against all of humanity and become the Great Magic Emperor, and I also had the desire to remake all humans over the world into perfect beings by using the powers of devils and the magic of my brethren." Lucius said without skipping a beat. "But then suddenly, we were brought to an unknown world and Julius was absorbed by you."

"Thanks to you, I've discovered a whole new world! A new humanity! waiting to be saved! Not only that, you granted me more power than even I could imagine to achieve my goal, so I have to thank you for that, Kamiya Touma!" He revealed a burst of devilish laughter.

'No, something isn't right.' Touma frowned but said nothing as he prepared himself for the incoming battle. 'He is definitely hiding something.'

"As a token of appreciation, after I take over your body, I will spare your life and let you witness the birth of new humanity."

"I will pass on that offer." Said Touma as the Spear of Longinus appeared in his hand. "I have no plans to lose to 'anyone'."

"So you are against Judgment Day? Well, not that it will change anything." Lucius held out his hand and a black magic circle appeared. "I will crush you right here then."

"[Gravity Magic: Presence of Demon King]."

The area around Lucius immediately had an exponential surge in gravitational pull, including where Touma was standing.

Without wasting time, Touma activated the [Crest of Stars] and jumped away while swiftly creating an arc with the holy spear mid-air, sending beams of pure Holy Power at Lucius.

Seeing the incoming attack, Lucius accelerated his own time and successfully evaded all the beams, but he felt a sense of discomfort just by being near them.

'What is that spear? My instincts are screaming to me, Flee!' Lucius thought as he prepared his next spells. 'Maybe he is like that anti-magic boy, a flaw and a nuisance that shall be exterminated.'

"[Blood Magic: Pack of Red Beasts]!"

A pool of blood formed under Lucius' feet which took the shape of wolves before they all launched on Touma.

Seeing the beasts coming for him, Touma didn't even falter an inch and launched in the pack's direction.

"[Mana Zone: Chronostasis Grigora]!"

In an instant, all the blood beasts were trapped in a blue sphere where time was at halt.

But Touma didn't stop there, he kept feeding his noble phantasm with mana, allowing him to partially release it without having to reveal its true name furthermore he deployed his Time magic to accelerate all his attacks and his movements.

Normally, Lucius would be able to easily dodge them using Time magic, but...

Normally that is…

"Guhaah!" Lucius was shocked as he coughed blood after receiving the full force of the attack. 'How is that possible!? I am sure I dodged it, then why am I still injured!'

Lucius was bleeding from the wound in his chest and further to his shock, the usage of time magic did heal the wound but the stinging and excruciating pain was still there.

Unknown to that devil, the cause of Lucius's injuries was none other than Touma, or to be more precise, Touma's stand, 'Laplace'. By altering the probabilities themselves, Lucius'
reaction speed was reduced by an entire second, which was long enough for the attack to land on the devil.
'By his expression of pain and shock, it seems holy weapons are still effective against him, even if they don't exist in his world.' Touma thought and twirled his fist. "What happened, oh Messiah of Humanity? Out of energy already? And here I thought you would be more than that."

Touma's provocation worked as a vein popped in Lucius' forehead, as he lost the menacing smile from earlier.

"Don't think your provocation will make me lose composure, Kamiya Touma." Said Lucius, who raised his hand and his grimoire started flipping its pages on its own. "I, who already achieved the true state of humans, won't be defeated by a mere human who didn't even enter adulthood."

"[Union Magic: Eternal Fangs of Evil God]!"

Using a combination of Time, Gravity and Bone magic, Lucius summoned several enormous fangs, each having an increased gravitational field around them, which increased their weight and their time was accelerated, making them a deadly spell against regular foes.

However, Touma was 'built different'.

Touma crossed his fingers and a transparent green barrier appeared around Touma.


The fangs exploded upon impact with the barrier, causing it to tremble but there were no visible signs of breaking.

Lucius frowned as he looked at Touma who wasn't taking any real damage.

'As long as he has that spear, I will be in a disadvantageous position.' Lucius thought and with a wave of his arm, the devil used a combination of Body, Blood and Bone magic to create several clones who surrounded Touma.

'All I need to do is to touch him only once and make him lose that spear for this to be over!'

Half of the clones charged forward while the other half stayed behind and fired spells at Touma.

In response to the assault, Touma raised the holy spear upwards.

"Longinus." Having called the name of his weapon, a burst of Holy Power came out from the spear and killed the nearby clones. Then Touma opened [Inventory] and took out a short sword that almost looked like a dagger.

"Sacred treasure activate." Touma activated the power of Lostvayne and five clones of himself appeared behind him, each holding the Longinus' spear in one hand and Lostvayne in the other.

Each Touma pointed his spear in a random direction and used Laplace to raise the probability to hit the original Lucius.

Lucius sensed something wrong and poured all his mana into a single spell.

"""""[Gravity Magic: Gravity Singularity]!"""""

Each Lucius clone along with the original created a small black hole and fired it at Touma.

Meanwhile, each Longinus spear was already glowing intensively and seemed to illuminate the dark realm with golden light. Touma remained unfazed, looking at the imminent deadly spells and muttered.

""""""Sacred Spear, releasing two layered restraints. Countdown…""""""

""""""[Longinus Count Zero].""""""

Touma unleashed the complete power of the sacred spear without holding back, shooting rays of Holy Power that collided with miniature black holes.

*Cough* *Cough*

Lucius spit out the blood from his throat and his body was full of deadly injuries that could kill any normal person.

'I am out of mana.' Lucius thought as he coughed again. "Recovery is impossible and injuries are too severe…Is this the way I am going to die?'

The devil heard footsteps and tilted his head to see Touma approaching him who had his clothes soaked with blood but had no visible injuries.

"Why did you not try to take my body earlier? I am sure you had opportunities earlier." Touma finally asked the question that had been puzzling him since earlier.

"It's not that I didn't, but I couldn't. You had some kind of protection that prevented me from taking your body, but then whatever method you used to strengthen the grimoire allowed me to have the power to breach that defense." Lucius explained and let out a dry chuckle.

'Protection? Is it because of the [Protection of the Holy Grail] skill from Percival's card?' This was the only thing Touma could think of at the spot.

Then without uttering a word, Touma pointed Longinus Spear at Lucius and his injuries started closing up and healing.

Seeing this, Lucius widened his eyes in shock.

'After all of this, why is he healing me? I feel no pity in his eyes nor remorse, then why…?' Lucius thought before bursting out laughing.

"Hahahaha! Don't tell me, are you the type of person who refuses to kill the enemy?" Lucius mocked and coughed amidst laughing.

"Don't misunderstand." Said Touma who frowned as he retrieved the spear. "I'm not healing you out of guilt or any lame excuse, it's just that you are too useful to die yet."
Then Lucius saw Touma's eyes changing from silver to red color with a black four-point pinwheel.

"Kotoamatsukami." Touma casted the special genjutsu of his Mangekyō Sharingan on Lucius, who was unable to resist or counter.

Lucius' eyes turned emotionless and chains sprouted from the ground and pinned him down by the neck.

"Now submit and obey me, Lucius Zogratis." Touma commanded and Lucius nodded without saying a word.

The chains disappeared but left a mark of obedience on Lucius' neck.

Then without any warning, the dark realm started breaking down and was replaced by the scenery of his hotel room, but this time Touma wasn't alone.

In the room, there were several people, who have high levels of mana compared to normal civilians, looking at Touma with widened eyes and were armed with magic swords and guns, ready for battle.

"Halt this instant, Mage!" One of them shouted. "What do you plan to do by using that grimoire in the middle of the city!?"

And this was the first meeting between Touma and the History Compilation Committee.


If you support my work, please consider subbing to my patreon :D It will give you access to a chapter ahead of the current one in my discord server.

In the room, there were several people, who have high levels of mana compared to normal civilians, looking at Touma with widened eyes and were armed with magic swords and guns, ready for battle.

"Halt this instant, Mage!" One of them shouted. "What do you plan to do by using that grimoire in the middle of the city!?"

And this was the first meeting between Touma and the History Compilation Committee.

I don't even feel sorry for these clowns. I just hope that Tōma shows them the error of their ways in the most humiliating manner. Cos, as our cultivator friends like to say, "They had eyes, but failed to see Mount Tai."
Magic Police
Amidst the tense atmosphere, Touma looked at the agents with a calm gaze and then at his grimoire, which the latter made him raise an eyebrow.

'It changed.'

The grimoire that was floating there wasn't coverless anymore, it had a blue cover with a clock in the middle and instead of clock hands, it was a dark five-leaf clover.

'Not only that, now I can feel a deeper connection and much more, but I will need to test it later.'

"Hey! Are you listening?" Screamed an agent after noticing that Touma was ignoring them. "Stop whatever you are doing or else we are going to use force!"

'Or I can test it now, I think I've gathered enough mana to do it.'

Touma looked unfazed by the threat of the agent, instead, the grimoire hovered in front of him.

Alerted by the sudden movement, the agents immediately entered in action. Those with swords charged forward while the ones who stayed behind pressed the trigger and fired at Touma.

Unfortunately for them, it was all useless against the power of time.

The bullets were suspended mid-air while the agents were stuck in the same position, unaware of their own situation.

"This feels more natural, if it even makes sense." Touma muttered to himself. For him, if casting spells was like entering a stance in a martial art before, now it feels like just moving your arm, a completely instinctive action. 'So this is the power of [Power Boost Card] huh.'

Touma inspected his grimoire, choosing to ignore the agents for now.

"Aside from Time magic, there is the addition of Gravity, Soul, Body, Bone and Blood magics. Everything that Lucius used in the battle is now mine too." Touma concluded and felt a connection to Lucius' soul inside the grimoire. "And there is also [Unite] or [Devil Assimilation], if the information is right, then it can be very powerful if I play my cards right."

"Now, let's see who these belong to." Said Touma as he walked towards who he presumed to be the leader.

First Touma removed any weapon the agent might have, then he checked the man's wallet.

"Ryu Asuhi, was born in October 1984 and has 2 kids. Also quite rich too, I mean, who carries 100k yen in his pockets?" Needless to say, Touma took the money and tripped the man to the ground before proceeding to rob all their money.

When he was about to unfreeze the man, Touma suddenly remembered the state he was in, wearing torn dirty clothes soaked in blood.

'This can't do.'

In an instant inside the frozen time, the clothes were reverted to the original look, clean of any blood or holes.

Touma nodded to himself and sat on the chair before unfreezing the man.

"Huh?" The man muttered in confusion before planting his face on the floor.

"No matter what your fetish is, there is a place and time for those kinds of activities, old man. I may be stepping outside my boundaries, but making out with the floor in front of a high schooler is inappropriate." Touma mocked him.

Hearing a voice in front of him, the man immediately got up and jumped back, instinctively reaching for his side to grab the sword, but he felt nothing.

"'Missing something, Asahi Ryu?" Touma asked as he waved Ryu's sword.

"Bastard, how do you know my name?" Ryu asked as he turned around. "What are you guys doing, restrain him—!"

The agent widened his eyes when he saw them motionless and the bullets stuck in the air.

"Don't worry, if you answer all my questions with no falsehoods, nothing will happen and everybody will go home." Said Touma as he gave a few swings with the sword. "And forget reaching to your sleeve or ankle, I already took your assassin toys."

Ryu panickaly patted his arms and legs and it was as Touma had said, he felt nothing there. Sweat poured down his forehead as he raised his hands.

"Alright, I will answer your questions, but before that may I know your name sir?" Asked Ryu politely to avoid angering the youth while also trying to assess the situation and how to come out alive.

"I don't remember giving you permission to ask though." Touma said with a 'smile', making Ryu swallow his saliva in nervousness, but as he was about to apologize, Touma cut him off.

"I'm just kidding, it would be awkward if we didn't know each other's name." Touma laughed, which irritated Ryu a little, but he quickly calmed himself and didn't let it show in his face.

'This brat…!'

"My name is Kamiya Touma, make sure to remember it."

'Kamiya Touma, I never heard of someone with that name nor a notorious Kamiya family, so the chance of him being an offspring from one of the branches of the four ancient families is rather low. And of course, there is a chance it isn't even his real name.'

"T-Then Kamiya-dono, what do you wish to ask?"

"For starters, which organisation do you belong to?"

"We belong to the History Compilation Committee, Kamiya-dono."

"Is it like a magical police or something?" Touma asked genuinely, beside god slaying humans and heretic gods, he didn't remember much about this world.
"Y-Yeah, you could say so…" Ryu had his eyebrows twitching in annoyance as he controlled himself from doing anything harsh.

"Then what I want to ask next is why did you come here?"

"We spotted an unusual amount of mana gathered in this room, so we were tasked to investigate the cause and stop it if possible."

'It must be when I was brought to Lucius' dimension, the grimoire was still here and was the source of mana.'

"Jeez, that explains why you guys were so tense. You need to relax more or you will go bald without even knowing." Touma's nonchalant response made Ryu even more annoyed as he gritted his teeth.

'It is because of you bastard! Who wouldn't when a guy shows up out of nowhere in front of them soaked in blood!?'

"Then my last question, where is the direction to Norway?"

"What? Is there something on my face?"

"Leader, are you alright? What happened here?" One of the agents asked, seeing Ryu looking outside the broken glass of the hotel room with a solemn expression.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." Ryu replied and then gazed in the corner of his eyes at the chair where Touma was sitting previously.


Hearing their leader calling for her, she turned her head towards him.

"We have to report to the higher-ups, there is a monster heading towards Norway."

'And that bastard took all my money! No matter how, I will make him pay one day!' Ryu thought as a vein popped out of his forehead.

"Leader, my money suddenly disappeared!"

"Mine too!"

"Same here!"

"…Shit." Ryu cursed that youth again.

Meanwhile, Touma was flying high in the sky at high speed, he could've gone with even higher speed, but he decided to enjoy the scenery.

"Acting like a bad guy is quite fun in its own way." Touma chuckled as he recalled the time when he was bullying Riser.

'I am sure he already reported to his superiors about me and it would be a problem if other organizations started looking for me in their free time.'

Then his body glowed for a second and revealed Touma with a totally different appearance.

Touma looked like an average teenager, with brown hair and green eyes.

That's right, Touma was now using Kazuma's appearance as a temporary disguise.

'Next destination: Norway!'

At some mountain peaks in Norway, the tourists and locals were enjoying their day skiing or skateboarding on the snow, before the ground started suddenly shaking, making " people fall on the snow and causing avalanches.

In their panic, they didn't notice a hole in the clouds and a tray of a rainbow beams slowly disappearing into nothingness.

A few mountains away from them, a single figure walked through the snow without difficulty and a pair of ravens flying near him.

It was an old man wearing fancy clothing with gold armaments and an eye-catching eyepatch covering his right eye.

In his hand was the old man's most trustable weapon, a 'simple' wooden cane,

"I shall wait for you here, you who holds the knowledge of the unknown."


Sorry for late update, working 11h per day isn't easy for me ;-;

Anyway, there is one chapter ahead on my patreon

Sorry for late update, working 11h per day isn't easy for me ;-;

Wtf do you mean "11h per day"? Who is making you work THIS many hours and why ain't you sue they ass yet? Cos doing to you should be illegal, no?

Also, Tōma is a baddass and I'm glad that he's gonna square up with Odin and some basic bitch ass minor god.

I'm really excited to see this upcoming showdown.
Who? Princess?
Italy, Rome

The sun has risen and a new day has begun.

Above the clouds, there was a lone mage flying through the sky at a speed faster than a commercial plane.

*Beep!* *Beep!* *Beep!*

The phone in his pocket vibrated as it let out a continuous yet annoying noise.

"Oh, it's break time." Touma took it out to close the timer for a second before he halted in the air and rapidly descended to the ground.

He used a simple illusion spell to turn himself invisible from ordinary people and rapidly decreased altitude until a city came into his view.

Touma landed on the ground and looked at the signs and the language the pedestrians were speaking.

'It seems I am in Italy or Rome to be exact.' Touma thought as he walked in a random direction, deciding to take a stroll while recuperating mana.

He stopped at a coffee shop for a simple breakfast, but then his ears perked up from the news on TV.

"...At 2:34 pm in Oslo, an unexpected earthquake hit the mountains, causing casualties on both tourists and locals alike…"
Touma raised an eyebrow at the TV as he grabbed his food and took a seat.

'Coincidence? A disaster struck the place I was about to visit.' Thought Touma, then he created an illusion barrier around himself so as not to be disturbed, and called up his Grimoire. 'A little peek into the future shouldn't hurt anyone.'

But just as he was about to cast a spell, he felt mana gather in front of him and slowly the figure of a young woman appeared on the seat opposite Touma.

"Good morning, mister mage." She greeted him cheerfully. "I am Alice Louise, a Hime-Miko from Witenagemot and I would need your help in one matter."

'It doesn't look like she has any ill intentions towards me, but I can tell she's someone important, maybe because she's a Hime-Miko? At times like I hate the lack of information!' Touma clicked his tongue as he looked into her green eyes before resuming his meal.

Alice obviously noticed it, but chose to ignore it and proceeded to talk.

"I am really surprised, you know? I am known as the strongest witch in the heavens, but I have never seen anyone with so much magical power who isn't a Campione! Wait, maybe you actually are one and have a concealment authority?" Alice asked jokingly.
"No, I am not (yet). I am just a mage without any affiliation." Said Touma as he finished the last bite. "Besides, what does the strongest witch need my help for?"

"This." Alice pointed her finger at the TV, which showed pictures of the disaster in Oslo. "That was the result of a Heretic God descending into our realm."

Touma's eyes widened in surprise, but then he raised an eyebrow at Alice.

"So you are asking me to kill the Heretic God?"

"No, no. You misunderstand me." Alice quickly denied it while raising both hands. "I would never ask anyone to take on a suicidal task, it would damage my reputation as the strongest witch! My only request is that you help us keep the casualties to a minimum."

"And what about the Heretic God?"

"We will…buy time until one of the Campiones arrives." Alice clenched the tip of her dress in frustration. "Even with my power, it is close to impossible against their authorities."

The atmosphere changed as her previous cheeriness was replaced by serious and frustrated expressions.

"...Close to impossible you say?" Touma chuckled as certain memories flashed in his mind.


"Listen, even if the chances are close to zero, it will never be zero! So there is always a probability of winning!"

'I can assure you as a veteran gacha player that I am speaking the truth!'

His statement took Alice aback and didn't know how to respond for a few seconds.

"But that's–"

"Straight-up suicide? You're goddamn right!" Touma laughed as he spread his arms open. "But isn't this how they become Campione? Whether by their skills or pure luck, those foolish humans gambled their lives and challenged the Heretic Gods just to emerge victorious in the end!"

At this moment, Touma's Unique Skill [Chosen One] had activated automatically, and with his charisma and luck boosted, Alice had her attention focused completely on him and was listening closely without even noticing.

"That's so…foolish." Alice said after a brief pause.

"I am aware."

"Now I don't know whether you are cheering me up or telling me to kill a Heretic God." Alice sighed, but there was a smile on her face.

"Anyway, I will do it. I will help you out, but I will expect a payment for that."

"I know, I will make sure that you will be rewarded according to your efforts."

"Good." Touma nodded and got up from his seat. "So when do we start?"

Alice smiled.

"Right now."

"So what is your name?" Alice asked as they both walked down streets side by side.

"I'm Kami–Sato Kazuma." Touma lied with a straight face, but with Alice's incredible observation skills, it didn't go unnoticed.

"Did you just correct yourself in the middle of a sentence?"

"Then is Sato Kazuma your real name?"

"No, it isn't."

"Riiight…" Alice rolled her eyes. "But what can you do? I know you are powerful, but I want to know what you're capable of."

"I don't want to say too much, but I am quite confident in my skills whether in battle or support roles, but I would prefer the first scenario."

"And what makes you so confident?"

"You will see it soon." Touma said mysteriously to annoy her, which Alice knew and pouted. "By the way, where are we going?"

"To the meeting place between Copper-Black Cross and Bronze-Black Cross organizations. They are responsible for the magical side of the world so they will discuss how to handle the situation." Alice explained.

"Like the History Compilation Committee?" Asked Touma as he recalled an earlier encounter.

"Yes, they operate similarly but they are fundamentally different." Alice said and halted her steps. "Here, we arrived."

They stopped at the entrance of a luxurious five-star hotel, with many people circulating in and out.

The duo entered the main building and Touma was about to head to the receptionist, but he was stopped by Alice.

"There is no need to do that, we can just head directly to the meeting room. They wouldn't notify the civilians about their super secret meeting." Alice laughed as she guided Touma to the room.

They passed through guests and staff members until they reached a room at the end of the corridor.

"Now push mana into the doorknob and tilt it to the left." Alice instructed while pointing her finger at it.

Then Touma reached his hand to the doorknob and pushed mana into it before tilting it as he was instructed to do.

Suddenly, the door started moving upwards on its own and revealed a secret passage that led to the underground.

"Well, that's interesting." Touma commented and entered with Alice following behind.

The secret passage walls weren't made of cobblestone or illuminated by torches like they were portrayed in movies. It had an expensive red carpet on the floor, and paintings hanging on marble walls among other luxurious decorations.

The duo silently walked in the hallway until they met the security guards who were guarding the door.

They entered a fighting stance once they saw Touma, but stopped themselves upon recognizing Alice.

"Good morning, Princess Alice and her guest. They are inside." The guard said as he opened the doors for them.

'Wait, Alice is a princess?' Touma looked at her in surprise, but Alice stuck her tongue out. 'This little…'

They walked past the doors and saw a massive room with two long tables facing each other on opposite sides, indicating the two rival Mage organizations.

When the duo came into view, the assembly paused and turned their attention to them.

"Good morning, Princess Alice." An old man suddenly rose from his seat and walked towards them before bowing slightly. "Your Excellency has arrived at just the right moment, we were just about to discuss our plans on how to deal with the Heretic God."

Only when the old man finished speaking, did he notice that there was a young man next to Alice, looking at them with a neutral expression.

"And who might this gentleman be?"

"This is a mage I personally recruited for this operation, his name is Sato–"

"My name is Honjou Masayuki, it is a pleasure to meet you all, mages of the Copper- Black Cross and Bronze- Black Cross." Touma cut in and introduced himself while bowing slightly, hiding the grin that threatened to erupt into hysterical laughter.


Sorry for late update, got accepted in university and is currently hunting for a place to spend the nights :c

Anyway, there is one chapter ahead on my patreon

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Touma landed on the ground and looked at the signs and the language the pedestrians were talking.


"I am really surprised, you know? I am known as the strongest witch in the heavens, but I have never seen anyone with so much magical power who isn't a Campione! Wait, maybe you actually are one and have a concealment authority?" Alice asked jokingly.
"No, I am not (yet). I am just a mage without any affiliation." Said Touma as he finished the last bite. "Besides, what does the strongest witch need my help for?"

Tōma's response should be a whole other paragraph.

'Wait, Alice is a princess?' Touma looked at her in surprise, but Alice stuck her tongue out. 'This little…'

It should be: "Wait. Alice is an actual princess?' Since Alice already referred to herself as one during their conversation.

TFTC. Can't wait for the next one!

Tōma's response should be a whole other paragraph.

It should be: "Wait. Alice is an actual princess?' Since Alice already referred to herself as one during their conversation.

TFTC. Can't wait for the next one!
I aint gonna lie, I forgor that I'd put that Alice was a princess before lol
So I will come t on the first parts I read before going to sleep since QQ sometimes eats my quotes.

Remember when the narrator said there were no bizarre occurrences? Yes, it was also a fucking lie.
You should be very careful when you break the 4th wall. Something might sound funny in your head or in authors notes. But doing it inside the story will more often then not break reader immersion. It can be harrying to read.

Also you shift a bit too much in focusing on narration, currently what is happening and character thoughts/dialogue.

I would recommend sticking to first person perspective or third person perspective till you shift to another PoV. First person perspective might be better given for you given what I read so far. It will also help you balance who knows what.

(Naginatajutsu = Japanese martial arts of wielding Naginata, a polearm weapon.)
(E/D: I am thinking the cliche will happen and Touma will be the one to kill it while the others watch like idiots.)
(E/D: The entire Sona POV was written in 3rd person like the words Sona and herself were used. Today, I was reminded why I exist and for what reason, I continue to edit these FFs.)
You should keep all author notes till the end of the chapter. Unless it is absolutely necessary just write it all in the author notes at the end of the chapter. People can google what they don't know.

This holds even more true when you staying your opinion on something or your writing.
Although Touma wanted to split it and give it to his parents, just remembering that they almost fainted when they saw the new house, he decided to hold it in for a while until given the opportunity.
how did he manage to exlain the change in the house or did he brainwash them? as that would be a dick move for someone who suposedly cared.

"Thanks for telling me, Himejima-senpai." Touma said with a smile.

"Y-You…don't feel disgusted at me?" Akeno asked, with her voice trembling slightly.

"Of course not, you aren't at fault for how you were born. Neither me nor everyone else will treat you differently just because you are the daughter of a fallen angel, so don't worry and don't hide yourself." Touma comforted her.

Akeno saw the genuine expression and couldn't hold herself anymore. She jumped forward and hugged Touma.

"Thank you…Thank you so much for being here with me…" Akeno muttered.
it going to fast, would have been acceptable i it was him who brought the fact that she is a fallen, even in og it took issei fighting riser, kokabiel and spite because of the presence of her father for her to open herself to him, here rather than a traumatised girl she more like an attention starved girl who latches at the first person who show a little bit of care

"My magic allows me to control the flow of time. Currently, time has stopped for all of your friends. In fact, they don't even have any clue what happened to them." Touma said and looked straight into Ravel's eyes.
why is he explaining his power like a retard in a place where all the supernatural can hear him, with the magical batmen running around, he'll get his ass kicked in no time if he continue like this
I appreciate the creativity in developing the characters and the unique magical world they inhabit. The interaction between Touma and Alice is captivating, and I'm curious to see how their partnership unfolds as they face the challenges ahead. As someone who enjoys gambling and games related to them, I find the story's element of chance and risk quite engaging. Speaking of gambling, for those of you interested in starting your journey in online casinos, the resource aussiebestcasinos.com could be a valuable guide. It offers reviews of the best 200 free spins no deposit bonus online casinos in Australia in 2023, which could be an ideal start for beginners. Happy gaming!
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How long until the Kleptomaniac Campione sees Touma's stuff and goes "Gime!"?

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