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Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

I do note that Shining cannot be considered a reliable data point because he had The Master in his head the whole time we were "leashing" him.
For one it's bad form to dismiss a piece of evidence just because it detracts from your point, for another Rarity also spent time under the leash where we used it to make her do something she otherwise wouldn't do. The Leash functions as advertised and that's it. No need to fear monger to get people to vote the way you want.

Mind you I'm not supporting Conscription, I'm just pointing out the…flaws.

[X] Compromise.
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[X] Conscription.
[x] Status Quo.

Either go for an extra action, very valuable. Or don't bother Fluttershy is much more useful then Comet since we have the Edge Name.
Ah yes, Fluttershy. Known for being extremely useful for...


Basically nothing?
But when we need the Elements she will be(Daybreaker and Stains, maybe Discord if he escapes), there is also the Stare, her "assertiveness" when she manages to use it, possible contact with the remaining Elements(Rainbow Dash in particular since they are childhood friends), the fact she managed to turn away a shadow of the Colonel meaning the Elements can do things we just can't.

I still think getting to know them all would unlock something in the narrative, they are very special ponies and expanding our influence(especially towards Harmony) could provide unexpected benefits.
But when we need the Elements she will be(Daybreaker and Stains, maybe Discord if he escapes), there is also the Stare, her "assertiveness" when she manages to use it, possible contact with the remaining Elements(Rainbow Dash in particular since they are childhood friends), the fact she managed to turn away a shadow of the Colonel meaning the Elements can do things we just can't.

I still think getting to know them all would unlock something in the narrative, they are very special ponies and expanding our influence(especially towards Harmony) could provide unexpected benefits.
Having one or two possible niche uses does not qualify a Confidant as extremely useful, imo. It doesn't even get you "occasionally useful". Especially since Earth-Destroyer was talking about Fluttershy specifically in comparison to Comet Feet, rather than as the current setup (i.e. Comet & Fluttershy essentially sharing a Confidant slot).

Or, to put it another way: Fluttershy as a separate Confidant from Comet Feet does not actually provide any notable or unique benefits for us compared to our other Confidants. Maybe her realization would be something useful, but imo we're better off using the social slot to actually socialize once Rarity's trained up to Grail 4. A Secret Histories aligned Confidant would be pretty handy for finding new expeditions, just saying :V

Edit: Also, obviously, if the Compromise option is picked (it's such a close race after all :V) the question of whether or not to use the free social to level Fluttershy up becomes null. But this was originally in the context of Earth-Destroyer advocating for either Conscription or Status Quo, so.
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... Huh.
A question, as I can't quite remember if it was revealed or was made yet.

Comet has an Edge affinity. Do we know what his other base affinity is?
[X] Compromise.

Don't love the idea of conscription, even with the added clause, if only because my heart can't take the stress of having another potential bomb near us if things were to somehow go incredibly wrong.
Ode to the Baldomare

When destiny came a-calling
The Baldomare wasn't there.
It wasn't for a failing,
It wasn't out of fear.
Yes she'd seen it coming,
Yes she'd marked the day,
She felt the histories humming
And sent them on their way.

She who shines so brightly
A Mare who plucks at strands
She held to one too tightly
Twere bound like iron bands
She loved him in her climbing,
Though not enough to stop.
Now she knew the histories' timing
But she would not let him drop.

Her love was cold and quiet
Her love did not speak at all.
And yet she denied it
The act that harked the fall.
The light cries navigation,
The light burns mercy clean,
But here she chose negation
A choice so rarely seen.

The pilgrims marched in order
The SUN their clarion call.
Could be they ignored her —
Though she surely knew them all.
It was an act awaited,
The histories narrowed to a point,
So they continued unabated,
To turn the world ajoint.

She had fought and killed and struggled,
And succeeded in her climb.
But now she felt untroubled
As she sat sipping at her wine.
The Sun could wait its turning,
The rites could wait their flame.
For in the quiet they were sharing,
She knew a softer claim.

A different take on the Baldomare to my previous apocrypha (hypocrite indeed!) The opening quartet of lines came to me a while back, but it took a while to flesh it out.

Also I don't think I've ever written an actual poem before, outside of 10th Grade English, so I would definitely appreciate feedback!
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[X] Compromise.

Yeah, no, I'm... Really not okay with that line of thought, especially after all the care we've invested in helping her achieve a better outlook on life.

Honestly that Grail sacrament is skeevy as all hell no matter how it's justified, the unhealthy manifestation of Velvet's neuroses incarnate. I'm definitely with @Pittauro in hoping that dealing with the wound leads Velvet to a healthier perspective on Grail.

As I said multiple times, our grail sacrament options ALL suck.

I really REALLY hope we get to change the personal one, but I'm just not comfortable with seriously considering the implied permanent brainwashing.

...even though, now that we're on QQ, I'm kinda curious about how Bird would describe the ACT. 😅

I'm prepared to give up on grail sacrament... BUt if we end up having to pick one, I'd still much prefer cannibalism over permanent brainwashing of our most trusted not family ponies.

Even as I dislike that one too, for fairly obvious reasons.

Bird doesn't lie about the immediate effects of vore choices
I think you meant Our, unless you're somehow talking of Mareinette's sacrament which INDEED seems to include vore :V

Look. Not many people are voting for Assassination, and I don't want to give the people that this information will interest more ammo. But I'll say it all the same.
Assassination costs us nothing. But it will wound Fluttershy in a way most terrible. And I don't know if she will break quietly or loudly... but I know neither of that would happen.
Because there are others in the town already on the prowl, hunting for the type of Agony that she would feel. That are far too familiar with that kind of mourning. Because regardless of how the body and the deed would be hidden...
The Wolves would see their Mother offering them someone new. Something fresh to work their teeth into.
Assassination is not an option.
I didn't even consider fluttershybhoinh to the wolf cult, but you're definitely right!
Errr, you do realize that Compromise is directly recruiting him as an edge adept for us you know. A tool, a weapon, a piece on the board that is bound to Velvet's will.

The difference between Compromise and Conscription is that Velvet also gets Fluttershy in Conscription.

Maybe mechanically, but that's not the point.

Narratively, compromise is just that: we talk, and we reach a compromise that leaves everyone MOSTLY satisfied, or at least satisfied enough.

Conscription is, on the other end, explicitly FORCING him. It's in the name, conscription is NEVER voluntary.

It's us laying down the low, and him obeying until such a time, if it ever comes, that it becomes possible for him to defy us.

It's taking a potential enemy, and making him a slave that WILL turn into an enemy if he ever can afford it.

Admittedly we likely will never give him the chance, but here's the thing: we'll never be able to fully trust him, because if he had a safe chance to kill us, he'd likely take it.

Even ignoring the risks, I just don't want their relationship to become that. Compromise gives me most of what I want, and Comet is in the end not asking for that much.

He's asking us, effectively, to not put the girl he loves in danger. Velvet would understand and respect that, and she's not even giving up that much for what she's gaining.
[X] Conscription.

Narratively, compromise is just that: we talk, and we reach a compromise that leaves everyone MOSTLY satisfied, or at least satisfied enough.

Conscription is, on the other end, explicitly FORCING him. It's in the name, conscription is NEVER voluntary.

I knew Compromise would be super popular the moment I read available options.:cool:

Still сompromise is not very Edge option. It is almost opposite of it in fact. And it makes sense, Comet stopped his Mansus climbing, he barely Dreams anymore, his Edge grows duller. He is still sufficiently aligned with Edge to predict confrontation with Velvet, but if he let's go of this rivality he would become softer still. And safe Fluttershy will give him peace of mind, perhaps tranquility even, Winter subverts Edge after all.

Would Comet remain effective fighter then? Would he take Edge Sacrament if offered, or would he not want Fluttershy to get worried about him being beaten within inch of his life? Would he train as much? When in fight to the death would he think "Even if I die Velvet will take care of Fluttershy," instead of "If I die who will save Fluttershy from Velvet's clutches?"

I think it is not only Winter Fluttershy we get with Conscription, but more Edgy Comet too. Otherwise he likely would be our weakest Edge companion, beside Axe I think. And she can't really die in combat.

Or, well, perhaps I just find SithMaster Velvet interesting. I still remember the vote to make Soft our Edge apprentice.

Plus gradually pushing toward more Villain Velvet could finally get some of our issues solved. Like bits. Largely unrelated to the current vote, but I think it is time to admit that we would not get enough bits the normal way. Lucky there is still plenty of unconventional ways. Like embracing the true evil – starting partnership with Flim&Flam. :V

I mean we likely don't have actions (and would not it be nice to have more AP) so it just funny ideas but...

We would need to find them first, but Velvet knows about Flim&Flam, and can scry or have Luna talk with them. Then we give them a spoonful of Candle Dust to mass produce and Jade's help to make sure it works. Then sell it to everyone in Equestria with really aggressive advertisement company, so that ponies even greet themselves by throwing Dust at each others. At least 50 percent of income should go into our coffers of course. Or Flim&Flam can start selling Amulets against being Blueblooded to nobles. Many will believe them to be a scam, but if few nobles most disdainful of Amulets effectiveness get by total happenstance inspected the same week...
Ode to the Baldomare
Beautiful. I, well, if my style of speech didn't say it, adore little poetics like this! Really makes me happy.

Feedback is fairly simple. While most all of it follows a standard ABCB, ABAC, or ABAB rhyming patterns, the first and the forth stanzas have both of the first two. The fourth uses it well because it uses ABCB followed by an ABAC, so there is less of an off beat in the rhythmic pace. It's mostly smoothed over in the first stanza because you were very crisp and deliberate with the measure of syllables, but generally, I would recommend avoiding using ABAC followed by ABCB as it can give that weird offbeat. If intended? Great! But, don't think it was here.

Other than that, you only have a few spots where the pace lurches from mis-matched syllable count. When working with explicitly a rhyming pattern that matches at the end of the stanza, making certain the "matched" lines have the same syllable count is good to help with a natural flow. Say... Stanza 2 Line 7. It has one too many, compared to line 5. Stanza 3 Line 3 is one short, Stanza 4 line 4 has one too many...

OH. BUT! Stanza 4 line 5-8 is soooo good. Intentional or no, you have matching syllable count, but on the inverse of the Rhyming Scheme! The.... AbaB like. Really, really cool.

In short? Loved it.
The poem's great.
Feedback: At some points, the number of syllables doesn't fit quite right.
Her love was cold and quiet
Her love It did not speak at all.
And yet she denied it And yet she did deny it
The act that harked the fall.

The pilgrims marched in order
The SUN their clarion call.
Could be that they ignored her — (or "It could be they ignored her" ?)
Though she surely knew them all.
The last line also doesn't have matching syllable count, but it sounds good?
I'd keep it that way.
It was an act awaited,
The histories narrowed to a point,
So they continued unabated,
To turn the world ajoint.
This one feels clumsy, the second line especially.
Maybe "Fate narrowed to a point" instead? Lacks the Histories though...
She had fought and killed and struggled,
And succeeded in her climb.
But now she felt untroubled
As she sat sipping at her wine.

The Sun could wait its turning,
The rites could wait their flame.
For in the quiet they were sharing,
She knew a softer claim.
That one's just great.
Frankly Comet is not valuable at all to use now that we have Biedde, and soon to be super easy access to Mares in the Light. Summoning requirements: LANTERN 80, KNOCK 60, EDGE 60.

Baldomare General bonus: +30, once we have the add the EDGE Level 3 (STUDIED we already have, and the Knock 6 Artifact. Baldomare +60 Lantern reroll + 60 Knock + 45 Edge. Add in even a minor Edge Reagent and she basically cannot fail.

And I want the next thing we go after to be the Edge 6 Furious Sliver. Both to prevent it being used against us, and it just the best possible weapon for a fight. Basically a requirement to get the Edge Sacrament.

Fluttershy is valuable both as someone can back us up socially, and just having a person around to be friends with.
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And I want the next thing we go after to be the Edge 6 Furious Sliver. Both to prevent it being used against us, and it just the best possible weapon for a fight. Basically a requirement to get the Edge Sacrament.
…that's not a weapon, it's high in Edge because it was the implement of an Hour and due to the incandescent rage that still inhabits it but it's not a weapon.
[X] Compromise.

What do we even want comet to do?

Im going to tell you right now having him attack Copper is a bad idea.

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