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Fanfic Search Thread

Sooo i was searching for a fic where there was some edgy Percy jackson, where he was able to recruit Campe because of some fuckery with Nyx(?) being involved in his birth.

Also i was looking for one how to train your dragon fic where dragons went extinct and humanity lived in submarines in a post apocalyptic ice age, where hippo was a "geneticist" or training to something similar in case you know of it
This is the 'I once (read/heard about) a fic where X happens, but now I can't (remember the name/find a surviving copy); can anyone help me out?' thread, not the 'I like X and I'm looking for recommendations' thread.
This is the 'I once (read/heard about) a fic where X happens, but now I can't (remember the name/find a surviving copy); can anyone help me out?' thread, not the 'I like X and I'm looking for recommendations' thread.
Yeah? Thats why im asking here? I read the httyd fic like a decade ago but can't remember the name nor find it out, same with the percy jackson one, i am not looking for recommendations, rather two specific fics. Unless im understanding this wrong?
Looking for a mha snippet that was posted a few days ago, the MC has a magical transformation like a magical boy or something and there's also someone who looks like mordred from fate.
Yeah? Thats why im asking here? I read the httyd fic like a decade ago but can't remember the name nor find it out, same with the percy jackson one, i am not looking for recommendations, rather two specific fics. Unless im understanding this wrong?
Sorry. Misread your post and thought you were looking for generic 'Percy is edgy and takes over the camp' fic recs.
Sorry. Misread your post and thought you were looking for generic 'Percy is edgy and takes over the camp' fic recs.
Don't worry, its an easy mistake to make, as camp (the place) vs campe (the monster) are similar enough that its just asking for that to happen. Anyone could have made that mistake, so no hard feelings.
Anyone know what happened to Hexenkreig? I remember reading it about a year ago, but the thread seems to have vanished. Did it get taken down? Also, if it helps identification, link here.
So, I know fanfics get lost all the time. Since I found an archive of old fanfics that I am darn sure is mostly not mirrored anywhere else I will share it.
I came by it because I was looking for the Magical Mystery Hibiki Tour.
Its there but its in a linux archive, each text file a different archive, because back in the day of early newsgroups every single bit counted.

So, if anyone wants to try to convert things into a more readable format or wants to check good old fanfics that probably cant be grabbed anywhere else anymore...

Have at thee! https://archives.eyrie.org/
There was a pretty old Naruto with rpg Gamer elements that had home building or growing a giant tree in the village, I think he got Wood Release somehow as well but not sure. Likely at least 10+ years old.

Harry Potter
It is a pretty old hp fic and all I remember is Moody trying to kill Harry and Hermione while they are trying to escape on a motorcycle. They might have been in another country.

It was a dungeon core story not sure if it was a fan fic or a kindle book but in it the dungeon core could summon people to teach and had an idea or them and adventures sharing knowledge and building up a library. Also a part about a section where they could spend mana to grow a resource.

There was a Game of Thrones fic with a female other seducing someone? That's all I really remember.

It was Star Trek Enterprise featured a competent star fleet military and I think think a tucker/t'pol relationship but not sure on that last part.

I think it might have been a jumpchain story but some part of it had Raven of the teen Titians after Trigon was killed inheriting his army and all the places he conquered. She had to start ruling in his place so the demons wouldn't get up to mischief.
I remember a multicross fanfic where the MC was with scathach and Azula from Avatar. They are approached by Morgan from fate and train her to pull caliburn (she fails). They continue to live together and pull Morgan from being the villain. Eventually they end up in Marvel? (I'm not sure) and there is a scene where in a school the MC established, some high ranking staff was corrupt in some way and when the MC confronted them about it, they threatened to blackmail the MC with proof of extramarital affairs. Didn't work seeing as it was a harem and everyone was aware.
I'm suddenly reminded of a story I read long ago. I can't recall if it was set in a Dungeons and Dragons world, another setting with dragons, or an original work.
In it a dragon that could take on human form set up a home relatively close to a village. He wanted to be alone for some kind of research and picked a remote place.
The dragon did not make any threats or do anything to terrorize the village, but the villagers were terrified by simply seeing the dragon flying around in the area.
For some reason they got the idea they needed to sacrifice a young maiden to keep the dragon from destroying the village.
So somehow a young maiden was selected to be the sacrifice and left tied up outside the dragon's lair.
The dragon did not harm the girl, but spoke asked her what was going on and was appalled since he hadn't been making threats, but just wanted to be left alone.
I don't recall the exact sequence of events, but the girl got to go home, but kept coming back to get lessons from the dragon and the two became friends and eventually lovers. I think they got married.
Oh, a couple things, I'm pretty sure the dragon flew the girl home on dragonback to explain things to the village, hoping the girl being alive could convince them to talk.
The other thing I recall was a humorous misunderstanding when the dragon was talking to the girl, when the girl said she was a virgin sacrifice and that he could eat her that the dragon thought "eat her" meant cunnilingus. . I think there was something about her saying "So you don't eat girls?" and the dragon saying of course he did, it was fun before and it was a bit before he finally asked something to the effect of "Wait a minute, when you say eat you, you aren't using that as a euphemism for oral sex are you?"

I don't know if the story was NSFW or SFW, just that I read it a long time ago, the only really NSFW part I recall was the joke about eating a girl.

If it was NSFW, please state so and I'll repost this in the NSFW forum.
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I'm looking for a Fate Stay Night x Sword Art Online crossover fic.

I'm fairly certain it's not Fate Revelation Online, but was very similar to it.

A couple events I remember was that it had a minor Sekirei crossover, in that Chiho from Sekirei was there, and at some point Shirou ended up in an MBI hospital and Matsu and Uzume had a chat about their relationship. IIRC Shirou accidentally married Chiho and someone else by clicking overlapping "Accept" buttons from a marriage prompt.

EDIT: I think I remember Chiho kissed Shirou after a boss kill, but then it turned her "red" or marked as a Player Killer because he didn't react in time to authorize it or something.

I remember I was reading two FSNxSAO fanfics at the same time, and I'm almost positive the "other" fic was Fate Revelation Online, because I was comparing and constrasting the two of them.
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Does anyone know Regent(Worm) fics? SI or an "ambitious" Regent, who uses his power not so limited and creatively?
Does anyone know Regent(Worm) fics? SI or an "ambitious" Regent, who uses his power not so limited and creatively?
The thing is, in canon his actual power is limited , not his "creativity", so it will be an alt-power fic anyway. The Wormsverse is constructed so that shard lottery (and Plot Armor, of course ;) ) count for much more than "ambition". Taylor isn't ambitious, but she is The Chosen One, so ...
That said, I remember a fic some 10 years back or so where "Undersiders just choose to use their powers to make money... legally". Possibly by Ack?
There was a fic where Alec wasn't "ambitious", but he caught Lisa at one of her lies by stating " I see how your entire nervous system fires up from here" .
There's an "Alec goes to Winslow ", which is a good Alec fic iirc.
There were also a couple Alec/Amy fics, but they were too much about Amy-fix for my liking.
The thing is, in canon his actual power is limited , not his "creativity", so it will be an alt-power fic anyway. The Wormsverse is constructed so that shard lottery (and Plot Armor, of course ;) ) count for much more than "ambition". Taylor isn't ambitious, but she is The Chosen One, so ...
That said, I remember a fic some 10 years back or so where "Undersiders just choose to use their powers to make money... legally". Possibly by Ack?
There was a fic where Alec wasn't "ambitious", but he caught Lisa at one of her lies by stating " I see how your entire nervous system fires up from here" .
There's an "Alec goes to Winslow ", which is a good Alec fic iirc.
There were also a couple Alec/Amy fics, but they were too much about Amy-fix for my liking.

It could knock people out/cause permanent total pain or release endorfine/testosterone by "experience" how the nervous system affects the human body. Even artificially boosting human natural regeneration, etc. He really uses his power very "basically" in canon, and doesn't go into depth about what he can do with the influence on the nervous system.

It's not alt-power either, but rather what he could actually use in canon since it's within his powerset abilities.
It could knock people out/cause permanent total pain or release endorfine/testosterone by "experience" how the nervous system affects the human body. Even artificially boosting human natural regeneration, etc. He really uses his power very "basically" in canon, and doesn't go into depth about what he can do with the influence on the nervous system.

It's not alt-power either, but rather what he could actually use in canon since it's within his powerset abilities.
Release hormones, yes. Cause pain, etc., no. Remember, that while, say, causing emotions would be logical - and easier than affecting movement - in canon it's a whole other power, given to different members of the same family. Don't look for logic. ;)
Upd: when I earlier mentioned a fic where Alec noticed Lisa's lying, I meant this:
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looking for a self insert Worm fic where the mc turns emma into Mary-jane in apperance same with bakuda into Cindy Moon (Silk) I can't remember the name of the fic

I think you are talking about Predatory by sinereal on FF.net, but it does have an OC that changes Tattletale into Mary-Jane looks and Bakuda to Cindy Moon. It's very NSFW though so fair warning.
could someone help me find an ASOIAF fanfic? I don't remember the name but I do know that it was jon snow along with Alys Karstark, Meera Reed and one of the manderlys. The plot was that Jon was at a party in winterfell and he was able to sneak out to sleep with the girls due to Jon as a bastard being overlooked
could someone help me find an ASOIAF fanfic? I don't remember the name but I do know that it was jon snow along with Alys Karstark, Meera Reed and one of the manderlys. The plot was that Jon was at a party in winterfell and he was able to sneak out to sleep with the girls due to Jon as a bastard being overlooked
We have a thread about ASoIaF fanfics right here:


You should check there, too.
I mlooking for a fic I forgot the name of where the protagonist gets reincarnated in Worm, immediately goes "NOPE!" breaks a nearby glass bottle and gives himself impromptu open-throat surgery.

I think he gets reincarnated somewhere more pleasant after too.

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