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[RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

Which android should be added to the story?

  • 9S

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • 2B

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • A2

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If the DDLC crew wins, it'll have to be in succession order, so Sayori first, then Yuri, then finally Natsuki (for Yuri and Natsuki I'm going by the order that Monika eliminates them in DDLC). As funny as it would be to immediately have Natsuki asking why we named a wolf after her, I think that this order would make the most sense.

If the other AIs option wins I hope to every god that GLaDOS is one of them, her sass would be a fantastic addition to the quest.
If the other AIs option wins I hope to every god that GLaDOS is one of them, her sass would be a fantastic addition to the quest.

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If the other AIs option wins I hope to every god that GLaDOS is one of them, her sass would be a fantastic addition to the quest.
At least minecraft's probably better than being in a potato lol.

[X] Southeast Scavenging & Studying Spiders
-[X][Other] Build something (Write-in, refer to status threadmark)
--[X][Wall] Fix (1 hour, repeatable, repairs 20%) x2
-[X][Resources] Scavenge (2 hours)
--[X][Scavenge -> Search] South (Plains and mountains, DC 8)
--[X][Scavenge -> Search] East (River and forest, DC 8) x2
-[X][Resources] Hunt (1 hour, repeatable)
--[X][Hunt] Animals (DC 6, evening DC 10) x2
--[X][Hunt] Mobs (DC 8, only in the evening)
---[X][Hunt -> Mobs] Spider (DC 12) X2

So, fix the wall, then spend some time scouting around to see if there's anything of note in the area, might be able to find some interesting structures. Who knows what's around given there's mods in this minecraft world. And hey, might be a good way for her to relax, go for a nice stroll around the place. Then, finally, I want to work on filling our kill count for animals and mobs, I want to see what comes up for origin when we hit 25. Even if it's just the reveal that spiders spawn in dark places, that's information Monika doesn't have in character. Spider's our highest mob kill count so far, and string is always nice to have.
If GLaDOS gets in, I think that she should just have a slightly higher than normal intelligence stat, as I believe that the 'every character in the Portal series is a moron' theory is mostly true. Caroline, GLaDOS' human state, was just Cave Johnson's secretary, not one of his genius scientists, so while she may be the smartest character in Portal, that only equates to 'slightly higher than average' lined up with the total morons that make up the rest of the cast.

Also so that GLaDOS isn't super broken.
If GLaDOS gets in, I think that she should just have a slightly higher than normal intelligence stat, as I believe that the 'every character in the Portal series is a moron' theory is mostly true. Caroline, GLaDOS' human state, was just Cave Johnson's secretary, not one of his genius scientists, so while she may be the smartest character in Portal, that only equates to 'slightly higher than average' lined up with the total morons that make up the rest of the cast.

Also so that GLaDOS isn't super broken.
There is no "intelligence stat" here, but I see your point.

Regardless, the poll closes on friday.
[X] Southeast Scavenging & Studying Spiders

Seems like a good plan. Not sure about leaving the traps broken though.
[X] Southeast Scavenging & Studying Spiders
Ok people, voting time is closed both for the update and the poll. While we're waiting for the next update though, feel free to suggest some AIs you'd like to see added! I'll be putting up a new poll with the next update, so you can pick who gets added!

Okay, let's see. The obvious would be Skynet(Terminator), SHODAN(System Shock), Durandal(Marathon), GLaDOS(Portal), Cortana(Halo), and Dragon(Worm).
Most of those would do... interesting things given that all of them are both used to having industrial scales to work with... And are quite good at making said industry. They are all also full infomorphs, so them getting a body would be... Well, Cortana would know what to do with one. The rest however.... Only Dragon would really like said human body.

As for Humanoid robots? Megaman, Astro Boy, Alita, Data(Star Trek), Rosie(The Jetsons) or Baymax all come to mind. Less heroic would be HK-47.
They all already have roughly human shaped and sized bodies. Baymax is intentionally as fluffy as he can possibly be, which would probably make him the designated therapy hug bot. Monika deserves all the hugs.

And for the less human shaped AI... The Iron Giant, Wall E, R2D2, Most of the Fallout bots, K.I.T.T. (Knight Rider) and basically any Transformer you can name.

There is a lot of choices. I am honestly leaning towards one of the Infomorphs.
A neat feature (for late game at least) would be special abilities for each character, Monika gets 'limited MONItor Kernel Access' (the dev-box she has in DDLC, it's mentioned in DDLC+) as limited reality-warping/messing with the Gamer mechanics, Dragon could summon one of her suits, Skynet can temporarily call in a squad of T-800s (the lead T-800 being an Arnold Schwarzenegger lookalike for laughs), GLaDOS gets a portal gun/neurotoxin grenades(I think she'd like these given her seeming obsession with the stuff), Baymax gets his super-suit, something that relates to the character.
[X] Southeast Scavenging & Studying Spiders
-[X][Other] Build something (Write-in, refer to status threadmark)
--[X][Wall] Fix (1 hour, repeatable, repairs 20%) x2
-[X][Resources] Scavenge (2 hours)
--[X][Scavenge -> Search] South (Plains and mountains, DC 8)
--[X][Scavenge -> Search] East (River and forest, DC 8) x2
-[X][Resources] Hunt (1 hour, repeatable)
--[X][Hunt] Animals (DC 6, evening DC 10) x2
--[X][Hunt] Mobs (DC 8, only in the evening)
---[X][Hunt -> Mobs] Spider (DC 12) X2

Discovered this neat series a bit late.
But hoping it didn't just die the moment I read it all to the last post.
Hope you the best.

I personally like the idea of GIF.fany
Because of the fun fact that Monika would be staring at a near parody version of themselves.

There's other options as well, maybe more heroic versions for Monika's mental state, lol
Discovered this neat series a bit late.
But hoping it didn't just die the moment I read it all to the last post.
Hope you the best.
I've had to stop updating for a while because reasons. Mainly uni-related.

I should be starting to update again in the near future, but I need to figure myself out a little since with my lessons starting again I want to dedicate more time to studying...

I'll probably be updating only one quest a week instead of both every week.
I've had to stop updating for a while because reasons. Mainly uni-related.

I should be starting to update again in the near future, but I need to figure myself out a little since with my lessons starting again I want to dedicate more time to studying...

I'll probably be updating only one quest a week instead of both every week.
Entirely fair.
Just wanted to let you know your work was fun and interesting to follow, hope the best for your schooling.
Ok everyone, sorry for this not being an update, but it's kinda important.

Lessons have started up yet again, and with that I don't think I'll have the chance to be writing all that often. Therefore, a change of schedule is needed if I want to keep providing updates in an even slightly reasonable manner.

I will be working on a week-by-week basis, in this order:
-Week one, Mine.chr
-Week two, Yet Another Isekai'd Gamer
-Week three, By Hylia's Grace
-Week four will be a free week for whatever I may need.

This saturday the update for Mine.chr will come, followed by the cycle above and returning next month. I apologize if this seems like a long time to wait for some... relatively short updates, but there is a decent amount of math involved in the first two fics that requires me to set aside a few hours just for planning the updates.

Thanks for your patience, and I hope you'll still be here to see where we can take these stories.
Poll for who are the next characters added is finally out. You get 4 picks on who we have up there, and the top three will be added in order of popularity.

Poll will last until the 22nd, just to get as many votes as possible.
I tried to balance my desire to see Monika have to deal with difficult/evil personalities (Gif.fany and GlaDOS) and some cute and helpful bots to assist her in mining or mental health (Baymax and WALL.E)
I went full meme. And Baymax, because Baymax is basically a giant hugbot. And Monika deserves hugs.
Day 14
[X] Southeast Scavenging & Studying Spiders
-[X][Other] Build something (Write-in, refer to status threadmark)
--[X][Wall] Fix (1 hour, repeatable, repairs 20%) x2
-[X][Resources] Scavenge (2 hours)
--[X][Scavenge -> Search] South (Plains and mountains, DC 8)
--[X][Scavenge -> Search] East (River and forest, DC 8) x2
-[X][Resources] Hunt (1 hour, repeatable)
--[X][Hunt] Animals (DC 6, evening DC 10) x2
--[X][Hunt] Mobs (DC 8, only in the evening)
---[X][Hunt -> Mobs] Spider (DC 12) X2

[08:00] - [10:00] Wall fixing
-Event roll: 17
-Event roll: 19

Monika met the new day with renewed strength. While she wasn't clear on what the 'help' was going to be, she welcomed any small spark of hope to keep going. Even with Natsuki and all the other animals around, it was getting a bit lonely. Hopefully she would get somebody new around.

"Maybe I should be adding another bedroom?" She mused, glancing over to the wooden box that was her 'house'.

She wasn't exactly the most artistically inclined person out there, definitely, but… she could probably do much better than a box with windows. And it might actually help liven up the mood around the base a little.

Abandoning her musings for the time being, she made her way to the walls as it was habitual at that point. The traps had to be checked over, drops needed to be collected, and the wall might've needed some fixing.

Indeed, the stone barrier was severely cracked and chipped. The mobs seemed to be getting just a little bit smarter, wailing only on certain spots rather than all over, trying to breach rather than shatter everything.

At least, the traps were doing a good job of warding them off for the most part.

A dull gleam caught Monika's eye from amidst the piles of loot. Digging through the gunpowder, string, bones and whatnot, she dug out an unknown item.

It was a pearl, a dark green on the edges as it grew darker near the core. There was something… mystical about the marble, barely larger than an inch in diameter. A thought at the back of her mind insisted that she'd seen something like it before.

Carefully placing it in the inventory, Monika went back to fixing the walls.

Pages flashed before Monika's eyes as she searched for any hint of the mysterious marble among the pages of the wizard's tome. She was certain she'd spotted an illustration of one while rummaging through it at some point.

Her search came to an end as her eyes met the surprisingly accurate drawing of the marble in her inventory.

All sorts of fearsome creatures have been roaming the lands around our village lately, but among them the most terrifying might be the 'void-dwellers'. Their inhuman nature is easy to witness, both by their elongated, dark form, and by the aura of wrongness that emanates from them.

Their strength is much higher than any human, being able to rip a person in half with their bare hands alone. They can appear anywhere they wish, although my studies have shown that their range, while high, is limited. Their renses are just as enhanced, able to pinpoint their quarry even without seeing them, and dodge even the most silent throw.

When approaching – or being approached – by one of their ilk, one should attempt to appeal to their vanity and curiosity. Do not dare cross gazes with them, as they will take such action as an offense. Appear demure and referential, keep any weapon out of sight, and slowly back off without showing your back.

In some cases I've found that presenting them with gifts such as refined materials or plantlife will garner their interest far more than people. They seem to hold a deep fascination for these things… perhaps their place of origin holds no such thing?

That part of the text was refined and methodical in its writing, the author having taken their time to plan out what they wanted to say. What came ofter though, seemed written in a hurry.

Galien managed to kill one. He is wounded, but the corpse answered a lot of questions. These beings have no heart: in its place are a few pearls. They're very delicate, but after throwing them one will be teleported to the spot where they landed.

I will need to study them more.

Monika blinked, reading over the paragraph again.

"A one-use-teleport? …Whoa. How did my traps even kill one of them if they can teleport…" she shook her head. "Whatever. It looks like I just got a 'get out of jail free' card... or pearl, I suppose."

She eyed the inventory again, where the pearl safely resided. "Better keep it with me," she muttered.

Out of curiosity, she decided to read through the book some more, trying to see if there were any more details that she should've probably known.

She found a sketch of a… gateway, of some kind. It was made of dark rock – maybe obsidian, but she couldn't be sure. The page said:

In order to further my research, I will have to make my way into the lower plane, also called Nether. Natural gates are hard to come by, but I've narrowed down a few requirements to make a gate of my own.

First, the gate must have a connection to both the Nether and the Overworld. Obsidian seems the best choice: a good magical conductor, and made from a base of burning rock subsequently cooled down.

Secondly, the gate must be in a place already well-attuned to magical forces. I believe I have a good place in mind close enough to the village. Hopefully it is far enough that nobody will stumble upon it.

And thirdly, the gate requires some sort of 'trigger' to be opened. I have enchanted a set of tools for the job, so that point is dealt with.

Now, I must prepare for a foray in that accursed place.

A light frown appeared over her face as she took into consideration the wizard's writings. He'd probably already constructed the portal. Whether it was still open, though, was another issue. If it were, that would solve the need to gather obsidian – which she still hadn't gotten around to, she chastised herself – and let her start enchanting things sooner… hopefully.

For now though, she would just try to find the portal.

[10:00] - [12:00] Scavenge: south
-Scavenge, DC 8: 10

The south area held no secrets for Monika: simply a large plains-filled area, with some mountains in the distance. She didn't bother going all the way to the mountain: it would've taken far too long for her liking, and she had a feeling that it was also way too far from the village.

At least she did find some nice stuff: a few more clay blocks, though she had no idea what to use them for, and some new sets of seeds. Namely, vanilla flowers and tomatoes. The latter brought an excited smile to her face: it'd been far too long since she'd had a good tomato soup.

[12:00] - [16:00] Scavenge: east
-Scavenge, DC 8: 20
-Scavenge, DC 8: 7

The eastern forest was a place she'd explored… some amount. Mostly she'd stuck to the edge ever since she had a run-in with that lone skeleton in her early days, but now it was time to face her fears.

Natsuki had been left at home, the wolf still unused to the armor and weapons, thus clanging around whenever she walked. Monika preferred to avoid any unwanted attention for the time being.

Soon, the smell of acrid smoke met her nose. For a moment she thought that some part of the forest had caught on fire, and her head swiveled around to locate the source. The unmistakable crackling of fire came soon after, and she hurried to find it. Hopefully, she could douse the source, or at least wall it in so that it didn't spread too far.

An eerie chill crawled up her spine, in spite of the heat wafting off the… she wasn't sure what she was looking at. But it was burning.

The ground gave way to a dark-red stone, some patches of it burning without any sign of stopping. The fires weren't spreading, remaining static as if frozen in time. Between the blocks of vermilion stone were small pits of lava, the rock around them seemingly on the point of melting too.

But it was all eclipsed by the structure in the middle of the small hellscape. A gate twice her height sat among the fire and rock, the cool blacks and purples of the obsidian blocks contrasting with the muted reds and grey. But it was… incomplete.

A corner of the gate was gone, and some of the blocks were chipped and cracked. The rubble was nowhere to be seen.

Monika decided to take a closer look, hopping over the pools of liquid, fiery, death and weaving between the fire.

"These are… claw marks," she realized as her fingertips brushed over the surprisingly-cool stone. The marks covered every bit of the portal, except the interior.

Making her way up to the missing corner, she immediately realized what had happened to the portal. Somebody had blown it to smithereens, the jagged marks similar enough to the result of a creeper's explosion for her to recognize.

"This must be the portal that the mage mentioned…" she muttered, still keeping a wary eye around. "I guess I have to repair it, but where could the tool he mentioned be?"

As much as she searched, though, she could not find any sort of secret hidey-hole or anything like that.

Making a mental note of the spot, she made her way back to her house.

"...Maybe he left it in that basement."

[16:00] - [20:00] Hunting
-Hunting animals, DC 6: 8
-Hunting animals, DC 6: 9
-Hunting Spiders, DC 12: 5
-Hunting Spiders, DC 12: 5

Spending the night hunting had been… a mistake, to say the least.

Sure, she wasn't too hurt, and nothing of value was lost. But it didn't change the fact that it had been an utter failure, resulting in her and Natsuki – whom she'd hoped was used enough to her new equipment by now – to be chased by a small horde of zombies, skeletons, the occasional creeper, and even a surprisingly angry sheep.

The growls, clatters, and hisses were all drown out by the furious bleating coming from the other side of the wall.

"Ok, note to self. Do not try to lure lambs away from their mothers again."

1d20 (+5, Medium wall) (+2, Simple traps)
14+5+2 = 21 (0% damage)
Wall integrity: 100/100

Trap integrity: 1d4 = 4 (Intact)

Honestly I'm not fully alright with this update, but it's already monday and I want to get something out. It has about all that I wanted to include, so it's not that big of a loss. Vote options coming in the next post, gimme a bit.
-[ ][Resources] Mining (1 hour, repeatable)
--[ ][Mining -> Search] Diamond (DC 15)
--[ ][Mining -> Search] Redstone (DC 12)
--[ ][Mining -> Search] Lapis (DC 13)
--[ ][Mining -> Search] Write-in (DC whatever I think is appropriate)

-[ ][Resources] Forest (1 hour, repeatable)
--[ ][Woodlands -> Gather] Seeds (assorted)(DC 5)
--[ ][Woodlands -> Gather] Seeds (specific type)(DC 10)
--[ ][Woodlands -> Search] Write-in (DC: see the other Write-in)

-[ ][Resources] Wood (1 hour, repeatable) (no DC)

-[ ][Resources] Scavenge (2 hours)
--[ ][Scavenge -> Search] North (Dense oak and birch forest, DC 10)
--[ ][Scavenge -> Search] South (Plains and mountains, DC 8)
--[ ][Scavenge -> Search] East (River and forest, DC 8)
--[ ][Scavenge -> Search] West (The Village, DC 5, DC 15 at night)
--[ ][Scavenge -> Search] West (Beyond the abandoned village, +1 hour, DC 12)

-[ ][Resources] Hunt (1 hour, repeatable)
--[ ][Hunt] Animals (DC 6, evening DC 10)
--[ ][Hunt] Mobs (DC 8, only in the evening)
---[ ][Hunt -> Mobs] Spider (DC 12)
---[ ][Hunt -> Mobs] Zombie (DC 10)
---[ ][Hunt -> Mobs] Skeleton (DC 12)
---[ ][Hunt -> Mobs] Creeper (DC 14)
---[ ][Hunt -> Mobs] Write-in (DC we'll see)

-[ ][Training] (1 hour, repeatable)
--[ ][Training] Melee
--[ ][Training] Acrobatics
--[ ][Training] Archery
--[ ][Training] Magic
---[ ][Training] Learn a new component (refer to Status)
--[ ][Training] Farming
--[ ][Training] Red-Engineering
--[ ][Training] Attempt new skill (Write-in)

-[ ][Other] Build something (Write-in, refer to status threadmark)
--[ ][Wall] Fix (1 hour, repeatable, repairs 20%)
-[ ][Other] Something else entirely (Write-in)
Also, note that there is a new poll on top of the thread. Please vote on the characters you want to see appearing in this quest: the top 3 will be joining Monika.

Poll will be open until the 22nd of March.
Welp, the poll is closed and we now have the characters that will appear in this quest.

-9S/2B/A2 (I'm gonna put up another poll soon to figure out which one of them)
-Wall-E and Eve (best bots lets gooo)
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Guys you do realize that if you don't vote then I can't write an update, yes?

...Actually, this brings up a point. Should I start simplifying the votes, to make them more accessible? Like, maybe lower the number of 'time slots' and make choices more generic?

If you have any ideas feel free to pitch them, I'm all ears.
Guys you do realize that if you don't vote then I can't write an update, yes?

...Actually, this brings up a point. Should I start simplifying the votes, to make them more accessible? Like, maybe lower the number of 'time slots' and make choices more generic?

If you have any ideas feel free to pitch them, I'm all ears.
Oh wait we need to vote? I thought that was-
Oh shit

I didn't see, I didn't get an update from here dude.

I'll type up something now-uh, how many time slots do we have?
Oh wait we need to vote? I thought that was-
Oh shit

I didn't see, I didn't get an update from here dude.

I'll type up something now-uh, how many time slots do we have?
For this vote I'll keep things as they've always been: you got 12 hours to work with. Pick the options from this post
Or when the option chosen allows it, refer to the threadmarked Status post.

Also, if anything happens and we don't get votes by the allotted time I can just push this back one more week and update something else. It ain't the end of the world.

[X] Make a Plan Already
-[X][Resources] Mining (1 hour, repeatable)
--[X][Mining -> Search] Diamond (DC 15)
--[X][Mining -> Search] Lapis (DC 13) x2

-[X][Resources] Forest (1 hour, repeatable)
--[X][Woodlands -> Gather] Seeds (assorted)(DC 5)

-[X][Resources] Scavenge (2 hours)
--[X][Scavenge -> Search] West (The Village, DC 5, DC 15 at night)

-[X][Resources] Hunt (1 hour, repeatable)
--[X][Hunt] Mobs (DC 8, only in the evening)
---[X][Hunt -> Mobs] Creeper (DC 14)

-[X][Other] Build something (Write-in, refer to status threadmark)
--[X][Wall] Fix (1 hour, repeatable, repairs 20%)
--[X][Other] Second floor [4 hour, 45% Wood]
Pfff looks like I was worried for nothing. The grand majority seems to be voting to see the 2Booty added to the fic.

Y'all down bad lmao. I'm not gonna be writing smut for this, I'd like to remind you.

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