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PbP Game Interest Check Thread

Good then, two interested at the moment... I need to sleep now and I might have some things to do tomorrow, but I'll see if I can start a thread after that. And give a bit more details about the different classes, and helping people with creating their characters. If there are more people interested, you can come then too. (or post about your interest here before I create the thread).
Been an idea rolling around in my head recently. Not really a simple way to summarize it, but think.... 'like X-com, only really not entirely'.

Finally mostly settled on, rather than running this idea as a base-manager quest or just tossing it in the bin until it stays there, the idea of just running an exceptionally simplified system with it.

Understandably, the whole idea is really bare bones, but I figured I'd at this point throw it out there and see if there was any interest.

I'll just drop an example of building a character, as I see it at the moment.


Recruit (Raw Human)

Base Human HP: 10
Roll 1d20 modifier. [1-5]=-2, [6-9]=-1 [10-13]=0, [14-17]=+1, [18-20]=+2
Final HP = base + modifier.
Base accuracy: 2.
Roll 1d20 modifier. [1-5]=-2, [6-9]=-1 [10-13]=0, [14-17]=+1, [18-20]=+2
Final accuracy = base + modifier.
Base Move: Up to 10 tiles.
Base visibility: 20 tiles, half at night, cut by visibility blockers.

One talent.

Example talents:

[Track Star] +2 movement.
[Eagle Eye] +4 base vision.
[Weapon specialty: 'X'] +2 familiarity bonus to accuracy with specific weapons.


Yes, it's possible to start with zero accuracy. This is actually not as crippling as it looks, because it just means you don't have any natural or trained bonuses to your aim roll. But even with good starting accuracy, you uh... will probably want to be careful about where you're aiming the business end of things.

There's some variance in individual HP. This might save your life, or it might be completely irrelevant as a solid hit could possibly chew through triple your max health or more. Use cover wisely, and it's probably smart to get armor of any sort asap, for the bonus hp that enemy weapons have to chew through before touching your own.

.... Yes, PC's will likely be dropping like flies. You should probably be ready to roll new recruits.

Let's see if this gains any sort of interest.
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Wouldn't not being a base manager and PCs dropping like flies turn this into little more than a series of horribly deadly combat encounters?
Although I suppose, if this is more supposed to be something short and fun, I can see it work.
Teaser details. Weapons! You like weapons, right?

Note: I haven't locked down exact costs for things yet.



Bare Hands.
Damage: 1.
Effective Range: up to 1 tile.
Critical: x4 damage.

Standard Sidearm (Handgun)
Damage: 1d4
Clip Size: 12.
Effective range: Up to 6 tiles.
Critical: x3 damage.

Automatic Assault Rifle
Damage: 1d6
Clip Size: 24
Effective Range: Up to 10 tiles.
Critical: x3 damage.

Single-Shot rifle
Damage: 1d8
Clip Size: 8
Effective range: between 6 and 24 tiles away.
Critical: x3 damage.

Heavy Auto-gun (545-HA model.)
Damage: 1d12
Clip Size: 24
Effective range: 6-16 tiles.
Critical: x3

Rocket Launcher
Damage: 2d20
Clip Size: 1
Effective range 5-20 tiles.
4 tile blast radius.

Frag Grenade
Damage: 4d4 within one tile of grenade. 2d4 to next tile outwards.
Clip Size: 1
Effective range: Up to 10 tiles.

Smoke grenade
Damage: 0
Clip Size: 1
Effective range: Up to 10 tiles.
Does not deal damage. Instead deploys temporary partial cover in a 4 tile radius.

Comparatively, you have the crazy-expensive or hard-to-get hardware, like:

Beam Pistol (Works off of energy-rich rare byproducts of nuclear reactions. Don't fiddle with the charge-clip too much.)
Damage: 4d4
Clip Size: 100
Effective range: Up to 12 tiles.
Critical: x2

Alien Goo-tech Pistol
Damage: 8d4
Clip Size: 40
Effective range: Up to 10 tiles.
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Got a few ideas for a classic RP.

1- UBERVALD! In a land of darkness, monsters, and mad science, a group that could change the fate of the world now gathers! In a bar, to get drunk. But they gather!

2- We're all crazy here~ Set in my Magic School Quest setting. [Redacted]

3- The Huntsmen. Totally not XCOM with the name filed off flung into the old World of Darkness setting... Really!

Anyone interested?
Vindictus said:
Got a few ideas for a classic RP.

1- UBERVALD! In a land of darkness, monsters, and mad science, a group that could change the fate of the world now gathers! In a bar, to get drunk. But they gather!

2- We're all crazy here~ Set in my Magic School Quest setting. [Redacted]

3- The Huntsmen. Totally not XCOM with the name filed off flung into the old World of Darkness setting... Really!

Anyone interested?
Only if you promise to follow though. :p
So, one interest note in QQ and one on SB... But no opinions on which of three for either?

Hmm. So that's 4 people interested, including the guy on SB.

I'd prefer to run the game here, personally, if only because of the [ roll ] function, but I figure I'll ask if you all are willing to move the game over to SB if the other guy isn't willing to play over here.
If you don't mind semI erratic posting I might join too. Either site is good.
So, is anyone interested in Rogue Trader? Personally it's always been my favourite of the 40k RPGs, especially in the possibility of building a campaign around the PCs building an empire, to turn the Koronus Expanse into the Koronus Sector.
Okay, noone's interested in Rogue Trader. Is anyone interested in Eclipse Phase? The new book is out, it it simplifies character creation dramatically.

Here is all the other rulebooks, save Rimward, which is here. It's all free to download and share, since it's Creative Commons.
I am interested in either setting but i am still a bit to ocupied to deal with it for the next few days.
Only just found this thread, and since this is an idea thread I'm preatty sure this is okay to post on. Also, I've never done a PbP so please be patiant with me

nick012000 said:
Anyways i would deffinintly be interested in this, though I'm not framilure with the mecanics so I'm new to that.

Jans said:

This would be something I'd be interested in, if your still going to do it.
So, I'm a little drunk, hyped up on Megalovania, and should be preparing for bed.

Common sense says that I shouldn't be gearing up for a big project. The rum says DO IT PRISSY NANCY-PANTS.


I have begun assembling plans for a Factions Game.

In simplest terms, I am planning a Faction in a Setting I'm making up from scratch is QQ.

Now, before I get started, I need a couple of things. One, is to know that I'm not just stroking my own ego here and thinking that this is a cool idea, but that other people would be interested in playing this. The second is, presuming there are enough people interested to warrant an actual thread dedicated to it, I'd like to have at least on sub-GM I can bounce ideas off of without revealing spoilers and other such things to the player base.

So, yay, nay, require more information?

Or am I just full of hot-air again?
@ shaderic

So a nation/faction builder rp? All players the same side? No?

Somewhat interested, pending more information of course.
Something like that.

Each player runs an individual member of the group, which is for various reasons, quite large and quite isolated from any outside society.

While theoretically one could leave it up to the NPCs of the faction to take care of the business of keeping everyone alive, gathering food, and figuring out where the hell you guys are, in practice, you guys doing those things earns you respect and trust in your faction. Which gets you followers, people willing to listen to you and do you favors, and other such things.

Essentially, the game starts almost like an ISOT, except instead of a patch of land and everyone on it, you just have a bunch of people from the 'real' world. From then on, it's a struggle to survive, gain power and influence, and then figure out what's going on as you make your civilization stand the test of time faction's steps into the world at large to become whatever the hell you people have made it out to be.
This sounds like it might be somewhat interesting. Do we get to know the setting or have to find out through random discovery...or is it a custom setting?
It is, in fact, a completely custom setting.

The reasons for this are two-fold. One, is that whatever happens, will be a surprise. Players will have no future knowledge of events to draw from, no setting background knowledge to try and power game with, and each and everything you learn will be a legitimate discovery that expands your factions knowledge of the world.

The second reason is that this way I have plenty of leeway to steer the story as I see fit without breaking the rules of anyone's canon. No constant arguments about Nasuverse physics, no 'lol Warp Corrupts You', no 'And then you were kidnapped by the CIA'. No plots to stick to.

Just the endless beautiful open possibilities of the endless sea.
I'd be interested in playing, but am far more so in helping you with ideas and plotting. I'll be off at six EST tonight to further reply.
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I'm going to have school starting up next week, and I'm going to be [very] busy the next few days. But...

Sure, why the fuck not?

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