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Pornhub Content Purge

I stumbled across porn for the first time at age 11 and it's not fucked me over mentally any more than I already was.

It's not a bad influence in the same way that games or books aren't bad influences.
Ah yes, think of the children using your porn site.

Its pornhubs responsibility... what do you mean parents exist?
In the eternal words of Filthy Frank..."Where the fuck are your parents? Who are your parents?" I also think a lot of issues sometimes attributed to porn are either over generalized, exaggerated, or just do not have a causal link. More like mutual symptoms on an easy scapegoat at best.

Not to mention, well, the new restrictions don't do anything to prevent people from watching, they just make it so people have to jump through more hoops to upload.
I cannot prove it so feel free to dismiss the idea, but it really feels more like a targeted smear job. Not even a moral stances against porn itself, but PornHub specifically. I cannot tell exactly for what ends, but something definitely feels off about it. It certainly does not seem like it is meant to actually be effective in helping anyone, let alone children.

As for moralizing about "think of the children", not really a fan of the coercive power of the mob being wielded so lightly. Sort of cringe, not gonna lie. More broadly, I am generally pretty well to leave people be as long as they are not imposing themselves on others, so I appreciate if others hold off on proselytizing or evangelizing around me too. Especially if it means imposing changes based on their own values in places I also use.
Regret to inform, but that was a bot.

Bots have clearly gotten smarter over the years. I remember when they just threw out a spam link and a bunch of letters that could charitably be taken as somebody really drunk trying to say something and uncharitably as them hitting their head off the keyboard repeatedly.
This thread is quite old, but I just found out about the whole Pornhub content purge buzz, and gotta admit, it kind of passed me by. I'm not a regular visitor there, so the news caught me off guard. Anyway, doesn't seem like a big deal. There are plenty of other sites with adult content. Just discovered this gem, https://phima1.xyz/phim-18/. They've got a massive selection of hot videos. Why limit ourselves to one resource?
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This thread is quite old, but I just found out about the whole Pornhub content purge buzz, and gotta admit, it kind of passed me by. I'm not a regular visitor there, so the news caught me off guard. Anyway, doesn't seem like a big deal. There are plenty of other sites with adult content.

Meme's aside. I got one hindsight thought to joke about, given it's been what, three years since the last, un-necro'd post?
I am TERRIFIED for qq.

Pornhub alone was a blow, but if it's the start of dominoes falling?

I'm really fucking of who could get hit next. QQ? Nsfw twitter? The boorus?

Fuck this year.
Next Year (oh This Year) wise. We got the following;
  • QQ still holdin' on (like Newgrounds)
  • Booru's? (Dunno. But I recall 4chan being literally unusable as an anon poster.)
  • And Twitter-X, being on the verge of more private gate-walling, to a 'subscribe (bitch)' future.
And outside of that doom and gloom, some other Rule-8y thing about mass layoffs?

So yeah, that next year... I don't recall that much bad news, bar a certain Twitter-X going full "Blaze Your Glory". That, and kinda glad they have not, repeated the "Tumblr purge" ('least we get a meme from Elon, protecting pornography as a free speech issue/excuse, FAIK? Assuming, he ain't high on some "weed demon" idea...)
Thanks for info, missed it at the time.
Considering dominos effect - iirc, it was not the start.
But at some point at time (circa 2016-2020) I've heard that guys actually used pornhub for honest-to-Tzeench political discussions. Far away from prying eyes of moral entrepreneurs... Maybe this was the reason? ;)
Thanks for info, missed it at the time.
Considering dominos effect - iirc, it was not the start.
But at some point at time (circa 2016-2020) I've heard that guys actually used pornhub for honest-to-Tzeench political discussions. Far away from prying eyes of moral entrepreneurs... Maybe this was the reason? ;)
IIRC at that time Youtube was particularly swing happy with the strike/demonetisation hammer on certain topics so people were posting the videos on Pornhub instead.
IIRC at that time Youtube was particularly swing happy with the strike/demonetisation hammer on certain topics so people were posting the videos on Pornhub instead.
Yes, heard about that too, though a bit later iirc. Also could be a reason for the campaign.
Oh right that was a thing that happened. At the time I remember being pretty angry because it deleted a bunch of hentai games video that I haven't been able to find on other sites even since.

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