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Eccentric Emperor Prologue
(AN: tags: HP, Self-Insert, OP MC, Generic Power Fantasy etc. etc.)

Eccentric Emperor
Waking up in a field in the middle of nowhere is quite the novel experience, waking up in the body of a kid even more so, waking up being able to see a generic game interface even more.

I saw my Status and I could say that I was so stupidly powerful even as a child that I could probably kill a squad of Special Forces without even having to use my immortality.

I had a lot of different things, between powers and objects, apparently my trashy OP build was given to me with the body of a kid in the middle of nowhere, the only direct limitation being that the Omniscience in my build was limited until level 1000, quite a lot but is Omniscience so fair enough.

'Middle of nowhere with OP powers, I only lack the Meta Essence of the Minecrafter for this to be my idea for a story of creating a giant Workshop while eating planets and the like'

Even while being in the middle of nowhere I wasn't afraid, the most direct OP thing that this build had was the Meta Essence of the Master Magician since I read it I saw that it game the knowledge of a specific Mage if I wanted… so I decided to go all in and say all the knowledge of Sotha Sil from Elder Scrolls, a mortal that managed to reach the power of gods… by using the power of a dead god but that is beside the point, Infinite Potential Power Well gave ANY kind of energy so I should be able to get divine power from it and reach BS power levels.

I decided to test the Magic, with a thought and my will, my energy condensed into a flaming spear, my understanding of physics regarding heat and combustion being exponentially expanded by the Meta Essences of 'The Ultimate Intellect' and 'Inspired Inventor'. I willed my spear forward and an explosion of half a ton of TNT appeared in front of me.


'That is a lot of explosion for just 1% of my MP... and I have infinite' I formed two clones through the Meta Essence of the Mirror and sent them towards the Akashic Library to learn a shit ton more of magic. There is too little left of useful magic to learn through since I have the magic knowledge of a freaking god.

I remembered correctly in one episode/book/something of Doctor Who he ends up in an alternative universe in which the Time Lords didn't exist and another race took their place, the important part of that race was that they used magic runes to do all that the Time Lords used machines for.

Before I could start reading the books in a twist of light an old man appeared, he looked at least in his 80s with wrinkles all over his face. He pointed a stick towards me?

"Who are you?" I asked tilting my head in confusion.

"I live close by, I sensed powerful magic being used outside of my wards and come to investigate" He responded while lowering the stick from pointing at me.

"Cool but still who are you?" I said in a small annoyance.

"I am Nicolas Flamel now who are you?" He said with a small smile while looking at the destruction that my spell wrought.

"William, I just woke up under that tree behind me and I don't know where I am"

"And that magic?"

"Look I just woke up in what I assumed was the middle of nowhere, I felt magic and as the question of the Dragon I used it immediately"

"Question of the Dragon?"

"Always be yourself, unless you can be a Dragon then always be a Dragon" I responded without a thought.

"haha, though Dragons aren't sentient I can see how people will think that"

The Old man laughed for a moment before asking me to come with him to his home. Quite sketchy but I could always teleport away.

And that is the way I was adopted by Nicolas Flamel.


*14 Years Later*

"… And this fourth of April of 1945, this day shall be remembered as the end of the Grand Wizarding War, for the freedom of the people, for the justice to the deaths and destruction that Grindelwald's acolytes brought, I William Flamel Leader of the Resistance can only say that we are free!!!"

The people cheered, they cheered for the peace that was brought by the sacrifice of their fellows, they cheered for the end of a conflict and terrorism that had plagued them for more than a decade and they cheered for the party that was going to be created.
Peace on Europe, who would have thought?

"And if anyone is wondering what I am going to do personally? I am going to get piss ass drunk and sleep for a week, I was going to be a Magic Researcher not a bloody Resistance Leader in the biggest war recorder, god dammit" I said to the microphones before waving my hand and multiple fireworks exploded above, they were carefully created so only magical were able to see them, we don't want the Nazis or the Allies to start bombarding us, World War 2 hasn't finished yet.

"so about that William" said my friend and brother in anything but blood, Christophe Lyon. 'Please tell me this isn't a generic betrayal plot "because I am too powerful" or some shit like that' I thought while turning towards him.

Then he put on top of my head something and turned towards the microphones "By unanimous decision by all the Ministries of Magic in Europe, a new unified nation in all of Europe will be created like the ancient Roman Empire and William Flamel to be its first Emperor" he said making the crowd go wild.
'I am pretty sure if he said that Grindelwald was right he would still be cheered' I thought.

Then I felt magic, a ton of magic gathering around me and then I felt a pulse.

Pain, I felt my whole body convulsing, I felt as if I was bleeding from my whole body, I fell to my knees barely being able to held conscious, even after years of gaining more levels and my energy/mana pool I was still less than a tenth of the whole energy attacking me, I tried to form a pure energy resistance yet the mana assault continued without stopping.

"among us state" I whispered the 70 years too early meme before losing consciousness. Hearing cries of horror in the distance.


"What in magic's name happened? Christophe!" Shouted the Spanish Minister Sonia Navarro.

"I don't know Sonia, we had everything prepared, the golden laurels were verified to not had been poisoned and all cooks swore oaths" said the French Minister Christophe Lyon.

"Doesn't matter he declared Among us state, we all know what it means" said Polish Minister of Magic Piotr Musiał.

"Indeed, We need oath-sworn Inquisitors to verify everyone in the building, no one enters or leaves" said the Italian Minister Duilio Ferrara.

Erik Brune the interim German Minister "We haven't been able to organize our Ministry".

"Had you been able to capture all of the acolytes?" asked Christophe.

"Yes as of the last report they had been captured, as you know William was elected as the Kaiser von Magie 3 months ago and he declared a no-quarters policy" Erik

They would be Judged(killed), and those killed will be thrown in a random hole while 95% of all their possessions would be expropriated to pay the damages "Truly a nasty piece of policy" said Duilio.

"Everyone here has implemented it in their own country" said Piotr.

"Well as he said, 'If they want to kill they should be prepared to bleed and die in a nameless grave'"

A moment of silence entered the room, making everyone remember the battles they participated in with their new 'Emperor', until the last one where he judged Grindelwald, calling lighting from a clear sky instantly turning Grindelwald into ashes.

"if I knew this going to happen I wouldn't have made that proposal" Piotr said while pounding the table.

"We needed the alliance, more so you with your current war against the Soviet's Wizards"

"Bah! Their soldiers barely know third-year spells and are sending them in more as suicidal attacks than as an actual army, the Polish Wizarding Army is still strong to hold them for the next decade"

"Piotr everyone here knows that even while that is true by end of that decade only veterans would be alive at that point and besides we need the union, the war left Europe in ruins and I need more help to remove my own dictator" said Sonia.

"Indeed, even though we didn't have any enemy, the muggle colonialism of the last four centuries didn't leave us in any good light even though we aren't the ones to push for it and the war destroyed our economies and infrastructure, if the Romanians with their Vampires and the Greeks were to ally to attack us it would be difficult to win that war" said Christophe.

"We need Flamel, as the only widely known hero of Europe he would be the only one accepted to take the mantle of the leader of the union"

"I have been running counter-espionage against the greeks since last year and my sources tell me that you had done the same to the Romanians right Piotr" said Duilio.

"Indeed, after we kicked the ass of Grindelwald's army some vampires started to come too close for my taste so I started sending some Inquisitors to the south to search for any funny business, my spies in Kyiv have informed me that more Vampires have started appearing and the Soviet wizards had to focus dealing with them"

A Woman with Silver hair hastily enters the room "Cristina?" asked Christophe while looking at her.

"William is awake"


"Ow!!!" fuck it hurt, it hurt more than the time I destroyed myself atomically while testing space magic.

"How did that happen?" I rose from the hospital bed I found myself in. A healer quickly came to stop me yet I waved my hand saying that death fears me too much to get me.

I summoned the Akashic Grimoire and asked the simple question of what the fuck happened. The answer it gave me left me more dumbfounded.

I felt my energy connected to the land beyond anything I could describe, the bombardments that continued around me, the excavations done in France to start the reconstruction. The removal of rubble around the cities of Italy that got torn in the war.

I felt connected to everything until I felt someone's sight upon myself and I being completely done with everything turned towards it and said "Get out of my lawn!" before sending all the energy I had directly towards it removing it from the connection to the land.

By the time I focused on the present the band of idiots ministers had entered the clinic and came towards me.

"Ok, remove the Among us state, I discovered what the fuck happened"

"What happened? Who did it?" my ever-loyal and highly suspected yandere Sonia asked.

"The fucking Romans"


"Here comes the history lesson: The Romans conquered Europe and in their conquest left the biggest magic ward to exist on the planet, all of you had interacted with it, its the reason magical contracts and oaths work in the first place, and they left the key to anyone named and recognized as the Emperor or better say the Imperator by the most Europeans, the declaration was transmitted pretty much to the whole wizarding world fulling the requirement"

"But that shouldn't create the reaction you had in the ceremony"

"There it comes the second part, the wards were also keyed to those that come from Caesar's linage, I wasn't so I had to support the collective weight of the ward that had been accumulated for the last 1700 years"


"Quite, I want anyone that decided that idea to be flushed and questioned to hell and back, whenever that be compulsions or anything, if it wasn't because I am a cheat I should be dead" I looking directly at their eyes.

"I was the one that gave the idea" said Piotr looking ashamed.

"and the rest of us approve it and went to our respective parliaments for secret approval which they did"

I grabbed the bridge of my nose and sighed "it will be a big problem to try to retain the parliament members so we will skip them, Well all of you know the procedure, I am sure the undersecretaries can take care of the ministries for the next two days while the Inquisitors do their job"

"""""Yes boss"""""

"Get to it or I am putting you all on basic training again!" I shouted while the five of them went running out of the hospital.

'I am not paid enough for this shit'

While thinking about the future and different uses of the ancient Roman Empire ward a Cristina came towards me. "William?"

"Yes, Cristina?"

"You need to send a message to the nations that you are alive"

"…. I hate Mondays"

"It's Thursday"

(AN: 130 Grave mistakes says Grammarly, I think)
Necromancy is fun - Prologue
It all starts with a haze.
Nothing makes sense.​
The image blur together.​
Reality wanes.​

Then it hits me, I made contact with existence and existence made contact with me

"Ugh…. Fuck!" I said with a grunt, waking up on a park bench with the sun hitting me directly in my eyes.

People were walking around ignoring me like all good citizens of corporate america, I wondered where I was yet everything seemed normal, in the trash bin beside the bench, and at its top was a newspaper, I grabbed it only to read the front page saying "Superwoman saves airplane" by Clara Kent.

"Really self reporting? Isn't there something about reporter integrity, now I know this is some kind of AU of DC" I thought before dropping the paper back on the bin and sitting on the bench.

"What do I do? In fact what can I do?" I wondered before a game notification appeared in front of my face.

[Congratulations, you gain the powers you wanted but you are blocked from returning to your original plane of existence.]
[In 10 years you will learn the coordinates of your plane but before that, you will not be able to reach it.]

"Ok, options? the powers are… a shit ton of them and a third of them are for long term but… why do I have this"

[Unique Skills:]
[Essence of Powerlisting(Active){1 use remaining}]

"That is so overpowered that it may make almost anything else I have close to useless… fuck it let's roll the gacha"

[Rolls(3 re-rolls remaining):]
[-Dimensional Object{Gain random Dimensional Object}]
[-Etherius Warping]
[-Fire Ball Projection]
[-Fenodyree Physiology]
[-Transcendent Lich Physiology]

"Motherfucker do I become whatever the Fenodyree is or give away my humanity completely?… Etherius Warping is far too powerful to give up"

"I mean in the end I should be able to change my physiology again in the future… Necromancy here I go"

My options selected and my fate was decided… along with the fate of the universe.


The universe exploded.





or well half of the universe was instantly eradicated by my uncontrolled energy while 90% of the remaining half was instantly killed by the necrotic energy I passively released.

For a second I wondered what happened, from sitting on a bench to being floating in an empty void yet an instant later I got the answer injected in my head. Transcendent Lich Physiology is divine level being, my Meta Essence of the Ultimate Body and Weapon instantly upgrade my species to ten times its peak. Magic species didn't have a specific peak so it reached the rational conclusion of going full idiot to a few levels below Omnipotence(or well probably Perpetua and not the actual Presence).

"Why did I knew that?" I asked myself before the answer was again injected into my brain. I put level requirements on some Meta Essences one being the Essence of the All Knowledge being 1000… killing over 95% of a stupidly powerful universe like DC Comics kinda made me... level 7365… way beyond that 1k and with the only level caps remaining being my stupid Meta Essence of Omnipotence at level 10000. I gained Supernatural Dominion of the Warp… making me even more stupidly powerful.

I looked around my new Absolute Vision power gained from the Absolute Condition of the Physiology and managed to find a pale Superwoman, her face was whiter than snow her cheeks contracted to clearly define her skull… she managed to survive the initial blast but the necrotic energy got her… I can almost feel how easy would it be to just order her as the undead she now is.

I teleported in front of her. She moved her hands putting herself into a combat position before saying "You were the one who destroyed everything" Every word that came from her mouth was made of pure steel and was without a doubt a string away from starting to attack me.

I lifted my hands showing the universal sign of peace/submission before saying.

"Yeah… look it was a mistake…. I didn't know that my passive energy release would kill 95% of life in the universe… I am kinda ashamed really, look I can repair it give me 15 minutes and I should-" and then I got punched in the head by an enraged Wonder Woman.

I flew beyond the distance of what would have been the earth, all the way to nonexistent!Mars in less than a second, by that point I manage to re-adjust to myself and stop my momentum with magic, I moved to the left dodging the next punch of Wonder Woman yet she used that movement so to bind me with her lasso and pull me towards her.

I felt the punch in my ribcage and decided to see into the future, allowing me to dodge her next attacks only for her eight-one to hit me on my right should completely infringing fucking time because of course, she can.

In my moment of surprise at her breaking time, she headbutts me and sends me back only to pull me forward punching me again in my ribcage breaking all of my ribs.

"Ok, now I justify self-defense" I said before focusing, time seemed to slow, her face still enraged, Superwoman who managed to reach us. A dozen mental threads went into instantly learning multiple Supernatural martial arts, another dozen went to learn different magics from different Verses, and another dozen combined everything into a complete combat style leaving me ready to face my opponent.

I calculated all possible actions she could take and all the ones I could…. Then I remember the most simple one.

"Enkidu" Golden portals formed around us and golden chains came instantly holding her in place.

"Ok, now can you let me explain?" I said.

"You monster you killed everyone"

"as I was saying before being interrupted I can undo everything just give 10-"

A new deep voice laughing interrupts me again, I felt the necrotic energy I felt gathering by an outside force.

"Good, good servant, now that the majority of the opposition is destroyed the dying of the universe can be completed" said the black-transparent skeleton forming his body from the necrotic energy I unleashed.

"Huh? Who do you think you are you overvalued rule? Both of us have the same boss and she runs a tight schedule on when everyone meets her, accelerating her job doesn't help her"

"I am Nekron the Lord of the Unliving and your lord"

"I am William Walker God of all Liches, Necromancers and undead and I serve no one" I responded before absorbing back the necrotic energy, I was a dam I gained a million Pacific oceans and I never closed the door and now I am bringing it back.

"No, No! NO!" he shouted, his body being disintegrated, while he could hold the energy he had already gathered the rest in the universe that he needed to survive was mine and he can't use it.

I formed a spell and destroyed him from this universe.

"Now if I don't get interrupted again I can actually start working on the magic to return everything to normal"

Wonder Woman had calmed down after seeing me destroy Nekron while Superwoman was already beside her. Some other Heroes had already gathered around, whenever being completely fine or turned into undead.

I waited for five seconds for anything to happen, Superwoman was confused by my actions but I ignored her while waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"Ok, I-" I received an energy being of pure life/anger to the face. "Fucking know it" I looked towards where the attack came and saw… the Life entity and instead of being passive like the comics showed, it was flying towards me with a clear red-anger aura.

I sent again Enkidu and started working on the spell.

A magic circle formed a top of me, larger than the sun, made a dozen of secondary and tertiary circles, of billions of runes and images. I wrote time, I wrote chaos, I wrote chance, change, magic, will.

I saw into the distant darkness, thanks to my explosion all of the light from the stars was removed, and chanted "Wish".

The world stopped, everything became grey and reality halted. In front of me a white light humanoid, a table and …. a 20-faced dice appeared.

Looking at this set up I could only ask "Really?"

"You used one of my own, you know the rules" it responded.

I grabbed the dice and dropped it on the table. The dice tumbled before laying showing at its top a 20.

"Really? Probability manipulation?"

"Hey the Meta Essence of Favoured Probability is valid" I responded.

"I hate how I can't say you are wrong" it responded before light gathered around and in an explosion of light I found myself back sitting on the park bench now as a Lich.

The people ignored me thanks one of my powers that gives normalcy as long no one is searching for me specifically.

I teleported instantly to the outsides of New York City, with a thought reality shifted and a generic necromancer castle formed in front of me, with a second thought it was enchanted to resist the end of the Multiverse itself, with a third one I summoned Beast 1 Goetia and him that he was a my guard dog and to not let anyone in since I am going to sleep.

I entered the castle and what would be the throne room I created a portal to my realm that I ruled thanks to the Supernatural Dominion of the Warp.

The Warp was formless since I haven't giving it form, with another thought the Chaos Gods were formed, and ordered to not go outside of the Warp, respond to anything from the outside and to only attack anything that invades it.

"Two thoughts and I can go to sleep" I said to myself before thinking once again, a new thought made a giant citadel larger and even more complex than the Imperial Palace from Terra.

I teleported to the throne room, as big as multiple football fields and tall as the empire state yet empty for I didn't trust for something not to bypass all defences I formed so I summoned the Workshop from the Meta Essence of the Arcanist. I reached my bedroom and went to sleep for a week.
The not so old man on the hill - Prologue
(AN: tags: HP/DxD, Self-Insert, Castlevania Dark Lord, OP MC, Generic Power Fantasy etc. etc.)
AN2: this an incomplete start of a story that I forgot I had, it needs polish and some rewrites... like it dislike it whatever.

The not so old man on the hillPrologue

Waking up in a place I didn't recognize is really weird.
Feeling the connection to things I should lack the words to explain yet I knew them by heart and will is even weirder.

I felt/saw/knew/tasted/comprehended/… a lot of information in less than a plank second and decided that I am not dealing with this shit.

Looking at the door of the cupboard under the stairs I felt an anger that I am pretty sure wasn't originally mine but at the moment I didn't care and punched the door, making it fly as if was hit by a cannon.

The whale of a man exclaimed in surprise, the woman shouted something that I didn't care to hear.

I forced my presence into reality, stopping them by the second and making them pale the next moment as their body let them feel the most fear possible, they didn't know how or what yet they knew that they were in the most dangerous place in the world.

I looked at the eyes of my so-called aunt, looking at her whole existence, past, present, and future from the moment she was conceived to this exact moment.

"You disgust me and the only reason you are alive is that I have the most basic of standards"

I turned towards the entrance of this shack and opened the door, Death already in attention waiting outside... in a butler outfit? I will have to talk to him in the future about it.

The three of them were still unmoving in fear from my presence and only when I teleported through the Chaos realm they managed to move, Vernon falling in the ground after having a heart attack.


Though I was going to leave and not touch the Wizarding World I wasn't a complete asshole to leave my godfather-in-name to rot in prison, I needed to punish the so-called Dark Lord and I am pretty sure my subordinate has words to speak with him.

Teleporting to a field in Ottery St Catchpole at the side of a red-headed kid who jumped at my teleportation and started running away, he tried to carry the rat with him yet with a mere thought of telekinesis the rat flew towards Death's hand.

The kid was fearful of me the pale red-eyed kid... and probably of the skeleton butler.


"Nah, bye" I said with a smirk while the darkness of Chaos engulfed me and Death before appearing in one of the infinite number of rooms in Castlevania.

Death threw the rat into a wooden chair before turning back into a human, my mere presence freezing him on the spot.

"So, why don't you start talking Peter, I am sure the Wizarding World is going to love hearing what you have to say" I said to the frozen man that was on the border of fainting of fear.


I wrote a simple letter, saying that I was a reincarnator, that it took me 10 years to regain my memories, and that using my magic I managed to understand what was going on in the wizardly world before deciding that I was leaving and not dealing with this. The only reason that I was writing this letter and not just disappearing was that I wasn't enough of an asshole to let an innocent man to rot on the closest artificial hell on earth(for humans).

I made copies of the letter and the memories before sending them to all heads of the magical police and all the newspapers through Europe while leaving the rat on the head office of the Internation Confederation of Wizards with the words that the British Ministry couldn't be trusted to keep the rat alive.

My job done I turned towards Death asking "Are those deathly Hallows useful in any way?"

"Foy you master they aren't, in fact if you tried to use the wand it would explode in your hands by your magical power"

"Then we can just leave them where they are since they are useless" I said before grabbing the shard of a soul that was on the scar of my forehead and throwing it towards Death "Your new task kill the idiot that thinks can take my title"

Even if the skull couldn't display expressions I could almost feel the radiating of happiness from him "of course master, he has trying to skip me for far too long and I lacked a proper vessel to carry the deed, originally I put the prophecy on the ether so the kid Harry Potter could kill him but with a proper incarnation I can do it without a problem" He said and with a swing of his hand he killed the distance between him and the magics holding the Voldemort soul pieces to this world.

Truly BS powers… that I can do the same.


A week has been since I left Peter to the warm care of the International Confederation of Wizards, using Ultimate Vision to look through the grand framework that makes the fate of this world I saw the chaos formed in Europe by the injustice of Sirius's fate, I saw Dumbledore trying to use his magic to find me yet they failed the moment they touched the currents of Chaos.

"Well I need a house now that I think about it" I said sitting on my throne looking through a window of the tower towards the city-size castle floating in the infinite rainbow-kool-aid-looking realm of chaos.

"A House master? Wouldn't bringing Castlevania outside be better?"

"If I wanted war and conquer the world probably but I don't need to do that, a simple manor… an invitation to the ignorants of the outside not knowing the infinite that awaits them inside" I said laughter at the tip of my tongue thinking at the torture and eternal suffering of the futures guests of the castle… 'I am truly not human anymore huh, whatever'

Now where do I place the manor, good ol' Wallachia is occupied by inferior Vampires, and in front of the Greeks which I could kill with an attack… America?… it's better than nothing I guess.

I want a small isolated town with a colder climate, closer to the west coast and to the north… Idaho? Good enough I guess. Gold Valley town, a simple town that was founded when a medium size gold deposit was found in the early 19 century. Small supernatural presence in the form of small clans of druids, shamans, and being primarily controlled by a werewolf pack.

-----(AN:lack of transitions)

Werewolf John Carman POV

red eyes and pale skin, smell of blood. 'Vampire' Formal clothing, black cloak with red lining. 'How generic he can be'

"So I want the Hill over there, I will construct a generic gothic mansion and I want you to give me false identity on the mundane world, the deeds of the land and change the records to show that "my family" always owned the land, obviously I am going to pay you so here" he said producing a red bottle in his hand.

"This potion can heal anything, I am going to give you one every week for the next year so what do you say?"

"haha and what is stopping me from just take the potions from you?" I said thinking of him as a simple heir for one of the big wigs on the vampiric factions.

The feeling of the room changed, the shadows of the room darkened, and the pressure of a stronger being pushed everyone to their knees... the smile of the kid twisted in amusement while his red eyes shined with a color of blood.

"HAHAHA! Look here insect, the only reason that you are alive is because I don't want you dead, the only reason your small town is alive its because I haven't the desire to destroy it; but don't confuse desire for capabilities because they are far too different" The kid said.

I couldn't move, I couldn't respond, not even if the whole supernatural side of the town where to fight him we wouldn't win, not even if a great pack leader where to fight him would be able to scratch him.

"So do you understand?" he now in front of me asked.

I barely managed to mutter a yes before the pressure banished and the room returned as how it was originally.

"Good, keep the potion as a downpayment" the kid said before walking out of the room.

The room was silent for more than a minute after he... that left it until one of my pack managed to say "What was that boss?"

the question broke of my fear "Shit, shit, shit"

"some time ago I had the pleasure to see a pure-blood devil from the Pillar families, a High Class from what I heard, seeing her obviously I am far too below them for them to even thought about meeting me, and the power that she displayed wouldn't be better than a baby against him" I told them until I looked at everyone and said "He has to be at the very least an Ultimate I think"

All of their faces twisted while palling.

"Shit, What do we do now?"

"Now? Now we complete the job and hope that he doesn't erase us from existence"

--------------(AN:lack of transitions)

"Well I need to level up" I said and from a wall of Castlevania a door formed, exactly my size without any kind of markings and only a knob to open it.

"To the Purgatory to train I go" I said and went inside the room.

An empty place, It had simple green pastures like the ones you would see in any stock photo, in its center stood a man if he could be called as such.

Golden armour, a flaming sword in his right hand and a golden claw for his left hand, more than three and a half meters tall, long black hair supernaturally perfectly kept, a light brown for skin colour, and a sharp jaw silently looking at me while a golden aura surrounded his being.

I laughed for a minute just looking at him.

"...Because of course You are going to be the first enemy for a level one Dracula…" I said between laughs trying to control myself.

"What was the quote… Ah yes:" A dark substance started surrounding me as a cloak.

"Come Human! Lets see If you have the skill and power to kill the Monster!" I shouted opening my arms while the infinite of the Realm of Chaos and the Shadowlands came upon this pocket realm.

And from behind him the infinite of the Warp came too and crashed upon mine's burning the darkness.


"My Lord?" asked in confusion a giant in golden armour as his master stopped moving for five seconds.

For 9.37 seconds he didn't speak before replying.

"I had a dream Constantine, a dream not connected to the Warp, in a fight against a monster in human form, a fight in which I lost" the man said while looking at nothing as if he looked to something beyond mortal sight.

"I need to talk with my sons, truths that I had kept secret for too long"


"Fucker if it wasn't for the Immortality Essences he would have killed me, fucking Emperor, at least he didn't attack me while I regenerated and cursed his stupidity"

-------(AN:lack of transitions)

*One Year Later*

"Are you sure Master?"

"It's necessary Grimm, I am not anyone's slave and it should be known"

I descended Castlevania, from the regular gothic stone interiors changing to... more gothic stone but different, the stone would be warped, with a changed colour, looping in what should be itself yet not, changing from smooth stone to cracked stone in random spots.

I continued to descend until I found it, the edge of reality, the line where the most basic form of order broke and the pure Realm of Chaos started, the lines in the stone twisted upon themselves until going backward and forwards at the same time.

"Here I come Chaos!" I shouted before jumping into it.

From it strange visions and beings formed before disappearing less than a moment later.

The whole Realm twisted until it formed a being if it could be called as such, a giant wheel of stone, from my energy I didn't know I had started leaving me until forming into 3 stone statues holding 3 orbs.

"If Soma Cruz can do it then I can too!"


The dark sun had been reduced to the size of a tennis ball, any attack of mine would destroy it yet I didn't want to destroy Chaos, with my right hand I grabbed the ball and then declared and willed with the Meta Essence of the Binder "YOU ARE MINE, I AM NOT PAWN OF ANYONE, I AM NOW THE LORD OF CHAOS, King of Darkness!!!"

The Chaos Realm twisted in recoil, as if a pulse from where I was standing formed the whole realm changing to another chaotic realm that pretty much no one would understand.

I turned and walked back to my castle, the ball now holding a mark on its perfect black surface, a red dragon.

AN: that sounds so much like a fucking edgelord that I cringed into myself writing this.


"Grimm I am back! I beat the shit of Chaos and I am now the Lord of Chaos" I said with a twist of my black cloak sticking to myself as ink.

The throne room had three people held in black chains with two of the axe knights at their sides and Death at the side of my throne.

"Ah master perfect, this miscreants decided to come in hot demanding that we submit, the rest of your subjects laughed almost to the point of death, two axe knights defeat them and brought them here waiting for your judgement"

"Oh? Very interesting" I said my presence instilling fear upon the world. I walked forward the tip of my finger merely touching the one to my right causing him to shout in pain before falling down dead, a redish black substance leaving his body forming into a flaming sphere.

I sat on my throne before eating the sphere, tasting it and saying "It tastes bad, ugh karma and sin has rotten the soul but I suppose that doesn't matters to the two of you right?" I said with a smile and my red eyes shining with power.

AN: Unfinished chapter... criticize it or not... its your life.

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