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War of the Seven Kings (Super Robot Wars with Code Geass, Muv Luv Alternative and more)

Ohhhhh, I am excited to see what you're cooking up.
Especially with the introduction of new LORE!

Yeah, just need to adapt it into the chapter then expand it.

And if one is interested in more lore from Muv Luv and about Yui's past I do recommend the Muv Luv Total Eclipse the Imperial Capital Burns VN from Steam, if you don't mind reading for a total of nine and a half hours XD.
Yeah, just need to adapt it into the chapter then expand it.

And if one is interested in more lore from Muv Luv and about Yui's past I do recommend the Muv Luv Total Eclipse the Imperial Capital Burns VN from Steam, if you don't mind reading for a total of nine and a half hours XD.
Thanks for the recommendation!
I personally do not mind the LORE dumping.
It's always entertaining for me to see the world-building really.
An author's flex of their creativity and imagination, that I love to read.
Thanks for the recommendation!
I personally do not mind the LORE dumping.
It's always entertaining for me to see the world-building really.
An author's flex of their creativity and imagination, that I love to read.

No prob.

Well as long as it flows smoothly with the rest of the chapter of course.

Thanks again I'll keep that in mind.

Yeah especially since there are fill in the blanks I need to take care of.
Thank you for the story.

Seeing as Claude has been providing the Muv-Luv Earth frankly absurd amounts of aid contingent on allying with Lelouch's faction in the upcoming 7 Kings' War, if the trend of "recruiting doomed timelines" continues this could be shaping up to be a rather dramatic Bokurano-esque showdown.

Each King commanding an entire Earth's worth of fully motivated military, with the full knowledge that defeat in the War results in the death of their planet/civilisation after Claude ceases her aid.
No prob, I am glad people are enjoying it.

Yeah and there are some kings and foes who don't need such generous donations either.

Yup or if the one who wins could doom everyone.
Was there something that prevented just folding enemy forces into your own after victory or even by diplomacy (which counts as victory anyway)?
Because that would still make them count as "winning side".
Of course there would be ones who wouldn't be agreeable anyway, but it would prevent Bokurano situation with any sensible group.
Was there something that prevented just folding enemy forces into your own after victory or even by diplomacy (which counts as victory anyway)?
Because that would still make them count as "winning side".
Of course there would be ones who wouldn't be agreeable anyway, but it would prevent Bokurano situation with any sensible group.

No there isn't and that could happen, but for Lelouch there are opportunities for him to gain more forces, I won't say too much on the matter to avoid spoilers, but he will have make sure he has the logistics and resources to support his own growing forces, which he'll have some good options for addressing for the short term that will be discussed in chapter sixteen and beyond.

Yeah there are going to be some who won't be agreeable or unwilling to join for one reason for another, like they don't want to be away from home and from a bunch of other reasons I could list out depending where these new forces Lelouch may incorporate into his own in the coming future.
Hmmmm the next chapter will be out this Thursday as planned, but something has been troubling me, my plans for Schwarzesmarken involvement in the story, which while I got a plan on how it begins and how it ends, but everything in the middle has a lot of question marks and given the unique challenges and limitations Lelouch will be forced to work under I was wondering if there was anyone familiar with the visual novel Schwarzesmarken, not the anime since a lot got cut out from it and Code Geass, that I could ask a few questions on to catch any potential issues in advance and etc. Or who Lelouch might need to aid him through it.
Unfortunately I only saw the anime so I can't help you, but just having the best girl Beatrix appear and instead of having to look at ugh Irisdina (bleegh) is fine :)

In that case, what would be an alternative past line that has no consequences with the present line in which Lelouch is currently?
Unfortunately I only saw the anime so I can't help you, but just having the best girl Beatrix appear and instead of having to look at ugh Irisdina (bleegh) is fine :)

That's a bummer, but it's fine. The VN does a lot more for Beatrix's character where the anime kinda butchered her character, enough for me to consider her for Lelouch's harem, but the question is would she be open to a second love with a man who has more than one romantic partner XD. It was one of many questions and ideas I had wanted to bounce off and explore the possibilities to see if it could work and be worth the effort?

In that case, what would be an alternative past line that has no consequences with the present line in which Lelouch is currently?

On paper it would mean Lelouch and company must restrict themselves to using TSFs common at the time (but under the hood they would be tuned up and given some stealth capabilities to help them move about as one idea if it's viable) hence why Lelouch learning to pilot machines outside of his Gundam would be important.

Avoiding battle with the BETA might be best in this case to prevent the BETA from adapting to their tactics too quickly which could be bad for the defenders.

Oh course this means they need to be careful of who they kill since their death could affect the future in either a good way or a bad way.

But this means too anyone meant to die, but surviving could complicate the future, meaning Lelouch might have to kill them, let history play out, or he takes them with him like Beatrix for example and maybe others.

The rest I am trying to work out and fine tune, but from what I've mentioned you guys can see the troubles and questions I am facing. I mean ideally they don't want to alter the past too much which can be dangerous even with good intentions so it's something Lelouch and co will need to be mindful of if they want to avoid any butterfly effects and the like.
War of the Seven Kings Ch9 New
A/N: Special thanks to Jameyofthemegacosmos, Icysnowsage, Darklord331, Silkdreamweaver (chief beta reader and editor) and our Gundam consultant and designer Redrat8. Greatkingrat88, and Seerking have also contributed to the development of this story. I had begun in-between projects since early last year.

Also I want to thank the game "The Imperial Capital Burns - Muv-Luv Alternative Total Eclipse" for providing a LOT of fanfic fuel for this chapter and beyond, which you can get on Steam and I highly recommend the game if you plan on using Yui and her friends in any of your own Muv Luv stories. It just took me over nine hours to finish it. Its only sad the game didn't come out last year when I did these chapters, it didn't release until months later. (sulks in a corner at the missed opportunities, especially at the thought I could've done SO MUCH more for the early chapters).

Anyway (bounces back from being depressed), still I was able to make use of interesting bits from the game to enhance this chapter and add more to it than before. Especially with Yui comparing some things from Lelouch's world and hers, which before this chapter released I did check again and again if any thing knew on the exact status of stuff like the entertainment industry, and other things in Yui's world might've been updated in anyway since the chapter was made.

I do want to give thanks to Jameyofthemegacosmos for helping me ensure I got Yui right in this chapter, for reasons I don't want to spoil, but I think it also shows how Yui differs from Kallen, a fellow tsundere.

Enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 9

A Holiday Within a Day

Lelouch and Yui were both exasperated with Claude's antics, but at the same time Yui was undoubtedly curious about seeing Lelouch's world. She was less than thrilled about how that opportunity came about, especially when there was no warning.

"I can't believe Claude would pull a stunt like this," Yui grumbled.

"Does it surprise you?" Lelouch asked.

Yui needed only a second to consider her answer, "You're right, it doesn't surprise me. At least she didn't leave us in the same bed."

"Don't give her ideas," Lelouch warned.

"Right," Yui said, dreading that Claude might've heard that. "So what now?"

"It seems Claude left a package," Lelouch said, noticing a pink paper bag in the corner of his eye sitting atop his dresser.

"What did she leave me," Yui said in dreadful registration.

"There is a letter." Lelouch found a letter in a pink envelope on top of some folded clothes within the bag along with a watch-like device.

Opening the letter, Lelouch began reading its contents to Yui.

"Dear Lelouch and Yui, by now you are probably surprised to see Yui on Earth. Don't worry as long as she returns to the room by the end of the day to go to sleep, you'll both wake up back in your rooms on the base as normal. I just thought after everything you two had been through you deserve a little holiday and some time to spend together. From yours truly, Claude. P.S. enclosed are some clothes for Yui and a special advance watch to help mask her Japanese features to appear Britannian with a fake ID to avoid trouble," Lelouch said, finishing reading the letter.

"Would you hold it against me if I said I am actually worried about what Claude picked out," Yui asked, nervous.

"All things considered I can't blame you," Lelouch said, sighing. "You probably should change, if nothing else, if what Claude gave you isn't tasteful maybe I might have something that could fit instead."

"Right, thanks," Yui said, grateful for Lelouch's understanding.

"I'll leave and make sure Sayoko and Nunnally won't notice you are in my room, I would rather not have any misunderstandings," Lelouch said.

"I completely understand. I would rather not explain how I ended up in your room, let alone dealing with any misunderstandings from people discovering me in your room could cause," Yui said. A girl being found in a boy's room would raise a lot of questions, questions Yui would rather avoid answering.

"Thank you. If anyone is awake, I'll keep them in the kitchen and dining room."

"Right, so how do we explain this then," Yui suggested.

"I haven't told anyone else about my trips to your world, so we'll need a cover story," Lelouch said as he and Yui went to work developing a believable story.

Minutes later after Lelouch and Yui worked out a cover story, Lelouch took a change of clothes to freshen up and change into before making his way to the kitchen. Knowing by now Sayoko Shinozaki, their maid and caretaker, would likely be making breakfast, while Yui would wait twenty minutes before exiting Lelouch's room to knock on the door, ostensibly to meet up with Lelouch as a friend visiting.

It was a bit of a stretch, but it would be played up as Lelouch meeting a friend who was new to Tokyo he had met while gambling, which was technically true, to show them around the city who expressed curiosity about the school.

As agreed Lelouch emerged from the bathroom, having showered, and changed, where he proceeded to the kitchen.

"Good morning master Lelouch," a young Japanese woman of twenty-one spoke with short brown hair and matching eyes. She wore the traditional western maid attire consisting of a white apron, a matching hat, a black dress, black tights, shoes and a buttoned top.

"Good morning, Sayoko. Is Nunnally awake?"

"Yes she is. She awoke quite early so she is waiting for you in the dining room. Breakfast will be ready shortly," Sayoko said, kindly.

"Thank you. If you need help you can let me know."

"It won't be necessary, but thank you sir."

Leaving Sayoko to complete cooking breakfast, Lelouch made his way to the dining room where Nunnally was seated in her wheelchair at the head of the table. The thirteen-year-old girl, who looked notably different from her brother such that people could mistake them for being unrelated, possessed long sandy brown hair. Her eyes were a beautiful violet, but due to physical and psychological trauma she endured in the past, her eyes were closed and hidden away from the world. Wearing a yellow dress with long white poofy sleeves, Nunnally seemed unaware of Lelouch's presence yet a smile on her face suggested otherwise.

"Good morning brother," Nunnally said, greeting her brother.

"Morning Nunnally, did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I did, and I hope you did as well."

"I did, my time asleep was well spent I promise," Lelouch said, seemingly as a joke only known to him.

Meanwhile, Yui was waiting patiently for the time Lelouch suggested for her to come out and was looking out the window at the academy grounds. At a glance it seemed no different from the academy she and her friends attended, but the obvious difference was there was no sign of a training zone for TSFs or any flying in the nearby area.

A world without BETA, so this is what such a world feels like, Yui thought.

Aside from gazing out the window, Yui had mentally gone over the cover story the pair concocted together, using the false identity Claude had provided. She is Crystal Simmons, the story would be that Lelouch and she had met after Lelouch won a round of gambling via chess. She had challenged Lelouch, and unlike his previous foes Yui had put up a far better fight until Lelouch bested her. As it would turn out the girl had just arrived from the Britannian Homeland and like Lelouch sought challenges in games of chess leading to the pair meeting, finding a worthy opponent in the other. He offered to show her around Area 11, and Ashford Academy, under the pretense of considering her own enrollment Lelouch offered to show her around the campus.

I don't mind the opportunity to get a closer look at Lelouch's world, but why did Claude do this? She could've just asked, and I would've said yes, Yui said, as her eyebrow twitched with irritation.

"I have a feeling that are thinking, why did I allow you a chance to check out his world? Is that right?"

Yui spun around to see Claude sitting on Lelouch's bed smiling mischievously.

"What are you up to," Yui snapped, pointing an accusing finger at the pink haired woman.

"Nothing, other than giving you and Lelouch some alone time together and maybe a chance to finally meet his sister."

"Uh huh," Yui said, eyeing Claude suspiciously.

"Why must you be so on guard around me," Claude said with a dramatic sigh.

"Do you really want me to list why?" Yui replied with a deadpan expression.

"Oh ok, be like that," Claude said, waving her right hand dismissively. "But I do hope you'll take advantage of this opportunity to get closer to Lelouch, because I really think you two make a cute couple."

Yui said nothing, but her suspicions of Claude ran high.

"Especially since you don't want any other girls getting Lelouch right?" Claude asked with a sly smile.

"And why are you so concerned about his love life?"

"Well I am curious to see who he ends up with, mostly because it will be something fun to see unfold," Claude replied, but when she saw Yui about to lash in anger she threw a verbal hand grenade at her. "Besides, did you know polygamy is legal in Britannia?"

"Huh!" Yui asked, face flushing pink, as the subject's sudden change caught her off guard.

"Surprising isn't it, but I guess you can partly thank the sorry state the British Empire was in when its remnants fled to their American Colonies after losing the British Islands to Napoleon," Claude mused. "As long as you got the finances to afford having more than one wife and the kids that would come from that, you could marry as many wives as you want."

"But we're sixteen!?"

"I know. I wasn't expecting you and Lelouch to get hitched now. But it's something to keep in mind since as someone who can move forward and backwards in time I've seen all of the possible ways Lelouch's journey could go. I know he does cause some girls to fall for him, so you'll have competition in the future," Claude replied with a grin.

"Lelouch isn't some kind of playboy!?"

"No he isn't, but don't tell me you're not attracted to that brooding, devious and cunning audacity. His ice prince looks and that tragic backstory tugging at the heartstrings," Claude explained as she clasped her hands together dramatically.

Yui's cheeks took on a bright shade of pink before reddening in anger, which only caused Claude's grin to grow bigger.

"If you think about it, Lelouch is a chick magnet without even trying, which is scary in a way. The more he plays up the ice prince, the more people become curious and some girls become infatuated with him."


"Why I think he's already hooked a few without knowing it, and trust me it's just the beginning," Claude said grinning deviously.

And you Miss Takamura got Shimako who is full on lesbian for you, Claude thought, deviously.

Yui reached her limit and attempted to punch Claude, but only hit a human-sized, inflatable dummy of Claude with a cartoonish grin, which recoiled at the punch before launching forward to smack Yui in the face and knock her back.

"Did someone forget I control time, so I can easily freeze it and replace myself with a dummy?"

Claude vanished, but her fading laughter at Yui only caused the girl to seethe in anger.

"One day I'll make you sorry for all the times you mocked me," Yui said, trying to restrain her anger.

Sometime later, Lelouch had just finished helping Sayoko set up for breakfast. Lelouch had warned Sayoko he had helped out someone and to have extra in case they arrived. Sayoko acknowledged this, but said nothing further, seemingly content to allow things to unfold.

"Breakfast is ready," Sayoko said to Nunnally as she and Lelouch finished setting the table.

"What is for breakfast today?" Nunnally inquired.

"I thought we would do something easy and simple for today, Pancakes, sausages and scrambled eggs," Sayoko replied.

"That's wonderful," Nunnally said, in a good mood.

Lelouch made himself a serving of food while Sayoko made Nunnally's plate. A short time after the trio began eating, a knock came at the door, prompting Sayoko to answer it. As planned Yui was waiting on the other side.

"Hello, is there a Lelouch Lamperouge living here?" Yui asked, politely. For her disguise she was now wearing a pink high collar coat with black buttons, a black shirt underneath and blue jeans with white sneakers.

"Why yes and you are?"

"Crystal Simmons, I was told I could find him here," Yui said, using the fake name, as the holographic disguise masked her Japanese features.

Sayoko was silent for a moment before replying, "Yes I'll inform him that you are here."

Yui sighed internally, relieved that the maid didn't challenge the hastily fabricated story. She tried to mask it well, but she was nervous. Part of it was that she didn't like the deception as a whole, but she acknowledged it was necessary given the circumstances.

Moments later, Sayoko returned with Lelouch who greeted the "new arrival" warmly.

"Oh I wasn't expecting you this early," Lelouch said, feigning surprise.

"I am terribly sorry, but I got here much sooner than I had expected. The directions you gave were perhaps too useful," Yui said, embarrassed by the charade they had to put up. She hated the act, which was much worse than the embarrassment she felt.

I am glad this seems to be working as Lelouch was hoping it would, Yui thought internally as she felt a hint of anger she was trying to keep tucked away, directed at a certain pink haired woman. I just know she is enjoying this somehow.

"I can come back later if that works better for you?" Yui offered.

"If Sayoko doesn't mind, you could join us for breakfast." Lelouch said.

"Not at all, since you informed me that we would have extra company." Sayoko said, overhearing the pair.

"Thank you Sayoko," Lelouch replied, grateful everything was going according to plan. "This is a perfect opportunity for you to meet my sister Nunnally."

"Brother who was it?"

"Just a new friend I made. Crystal, this is my sister Nunnally." Lelouch introduced the two girls to one another.

"It's nice to meet you Crystal, I am glad to see my brother making more friends," Nunnally replied.

"Thank you and it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Now that introductions are done, should we enjoy breakfast together?" Lelouch suggested.

Following a hearty breakfast, Lelouch and Sayoko cleaned up the plates and dishes while Nunnally and Yui chatted together in the living room. Once Lelouch and Sayoko were done, the four planned to go their separate ways for the day.

"I am sorry that I can't tag along," Nunnally said, regretfully.

"It can't be helped, you have a doctor's appointment to attend," Lelouch replied as he looked at Sayako.

"I'll make sure Nunnally makes it back safely once she is done. I am sure you two might have another chance to talk more later." Sayoko noticed how Nunnally and Yui had been getting on impressively well in such a short time.

"I could come by later. I would just need to check on a few things," Yui said, reassuringly.

"Ok. I'll see you both later," Nunnally said, waving farewell as Lelouch and Yui left, leaving Sayoko to prepare Nunnally to take her to her doctor's appointment.

Once Yui and Lelouch were certain they were out of earshot, Yui broke the silence.

"Was this how everyday is for you? Lying about who you are and masking yourself?"

"Yes," Lelouch admitted without hesitation. "There are things I can't share with Nunnally."

"About your future goals?"

"Correct and especially now with what I am doing? Even if she believed me, I can't imagine she would accept it," Lelouch acknowledged. "I don't enjoy it, but at least now it feels like I am actually living my life."

"What do you mean?"

"You've only had a taste of what I had to endure daily, but for me, I've had to do it for six years. Lying to everyone about who I am, and keeping secrets from the only family I have wasn't all. It's like living a life that is more akin to a cage. One without any walls, but the chains were real. The chains of having to conform to survive.. It would've been a slow death." Lelouch explained. Yui said nothing, allowing Lelouch to elaborate further. "I wanted to bring down Britannia, avenge what was done to my sister and my mother, and create a world where Nunnally could find happinesses, but…"

"How would you even accomplish that? Is that the question you kept asking?"

"Exactly," Lelouch said before adding, as the pair walked down the stairs. "There were many questions I had to address before I could make such moves. After much research on the essentials I would need for my goals I did develop plans, but they would need time to make them happen. So until then I had to wait and endure living a lie. Something that was only possible because the Ashford Family sheltered us, but the potential threat of being sold out to rivals seeking the throne always hung over our heads."

"Thankfully that never happened," Yui commented.

"No it hasn't, which I think it's mostly because we have no value to anyone after we were declared dead. We are useful as liability insurance if things didn't go well for the Ashford Family. They had to relocate to Japan after losing almost everything to a chain of unfortunate events that befell them."

"I recall you telling me part of it was your mother's death as the Ashford Family supported her as Empress?"

"That is correct, and the other was their Knightmare Frame production efforts flattering following both their inability to further develop their only successful prototype, the Ganymede, and excessive spending by the head of the family at the time, bankrupting them. Losing their titles of nobility was almost the final blow, but Rubern Ashford did have his fair share of useful connections that allowed him to build this academy and offer education services as a new business to survive. They regained a fair amount of wealth, but nowhere near what they had at their height," Lelouch explained.

"Sounds like it was quite the fall from grace, but did they only save the children of the one they backed just to save their own skins?" Yui said, sickened by the reasons behind the Ashford Family's motivations for helping Lelouch and Nunnally.

"Ruben, I think, had some less selfish desires in taking us in, but control of the family has fallen to his son and his wife who represent everything I despise about the nobility. If it would suit them I am sure they would sell me and Nunnally out, just as I've heard they are trying to marry off their daughter to a wealthy member of nobility."

"No wonder you were willing to accept Claude's proposal, despite your obvious reservations," Yui said, trying to grasp how living under such conditions was like for Lelouch.

"I still don't trust her, but what she is offering would advance my plans and goals by years. I have no idea if the Ashford Family will sell us out or if our true identities could one day be discovered, putting Nunnally and I at great risk…"

"You had to take the chance."

"Yes, despite, as you said, my reservations about her offer. It was too good to ignore, but it's all the more reason I think we should both exercise caution around her."

"I completely agree with you, but if I may ask, how is the daughter of the current leader of the Ashford Family? Milly, if I'm remembering correctly. I think you mentioned a few times that she is different from her parents."

Lelouch could only sigh, "Yes, she is very different from them. So much so that I even question if she is even their daughter. She is obviously very free spirited and hates all of the arranged marriages they kept setting up and she is not even seventeen yet. But…she is…how do I say this…eccentric?"

"Eccentric?" Yui said, tittling her head to one side in confusion.

"Long story short, let's just say she has some very wild ideas when it comes to school events and to quote one friend, has the mind of a dirty old man."

"That sounds worrying," Yui said, feeling uneasy. "But wait…school events?"

"Right," Lelouch said, realizing there was one detail he needed to add. "She is the Student Council President, she replaced the last one who graduated and after this year I think the rest of the council will graduate too. They are already planning elections for those who will replace them, so all they do is plan school events and set up the budgets each of the school clubs will have for each month."

"Oh I see, we never had one of those in my school," Yui said, clearly curious about what kind of events they planned.

"No event like school dances, carnival events or even school clubs like horseback riding or swimming?" Lelouch asked, to which Yui shook her head in response.

"There was only one club at Yamayuri Girls Surface Pilot Academy, yes, but mostly those related to TSF or military training, such as the Armored Kendo Club at my old school," Yui replied. "Based off of Armored Fencing, based around elements of kendo, descended from kenjutsu."

"Use of bamboo swords and armor, that was kendo as I knew it?" Lelouch said, recalling his friend Suzaku, having once demonstrated kendo when he faced his teacher. But they used the armor mostly to keep Suzaku from getting hurt during sparring matches. Naturally Lelouch recalled too that Suzaku was being trained in kenjutsu as well, incorporating Kendo as they went so he could perform better in sparring matches where the armor was necessary to avoid injury since his teacher, Mr. Tohdou wasn't afraid to pull his punches when necessary.

"Similar, but not that all different from Armored Fencing overall."

Armored Fencing, yes I recall you telling me about that, Lelouch thought, but from what Yui told him it didn't seem too different from kendo and kenjutsu at a glance, but more was incorporated.

Armored Fencing was a comprehensive close quarters combat martial art, created by the Royal Guard for surface pilot training curriculum used widely throughout Japan. It's a mixture of jujutsu, aikido and karate using a resin training sword that replicates the weight balance of the Type-74 melee blade used by Japanese TSFs. Students would wear protective gear during training, the armor itself being more heavy duty than those used in kendo. Mastery of Armored Fencing was critical for advancing through TSF training, as training in this art was meant to be translated through to the TSF via the brainwave interface developing potentially life-saving close quarters combat skills. Since using firearms in close quarter combat situations against the swarms of BETA ran the risk of friendly fire incidents.

As an added bonus Armored Fencing would give cadets such as Yui and her friends, a taste of high-speed close quarters combat would be like, helping them to get more familiar with it. Training was carried out in usually teams of four vs four or four against two veteran instructors, to build teamwork and coordination during combat. How you function as a team was also part of your grade that decided if you became a surface pilot or not.

Lelouch remembered Yui telling him that some Royal Houses had devised their own styles of Armored Fencing, such as Yui's family Jigen-ryu style, which put an emphasis on landing the first strike. A style, Yui's father had taught her to use before going to the academy, at least during times where he was home long enough to do so.

I've inherited that part of Yui's training through the coupling system without realizing it until basic training and that mock battle, Lelouch realized, Yui's Armored Fencing training was recorded as muscle memory for him.

He would need to train more to really make use of it, something he would need to ask Yui about later if time allows.

"Well I guess today you'll be experiencing some new things then," Lelouch said, knowing that Yui's world was very different from his.

He knew they didn't have much in the same way of entertainment as they did, possessing no video games, movies or television shows of the short. He supposed, given her goal to become a TSF pilot, high school was replaced with a military academy, likely a very strict one from what Lelouch had gathered during previous conversations.

"I suppose we can begin in the city, and then…" Lelouch was saying as he and Yui neared the double doors that made up the exit of the two story building they were in.

But as Lelouch reached for the door, it was opened by someone on the other side.

Oh damn it!

Lelouch cursed internally at the person on the other side. She was a year older than he was with shoulder-length blonde hair, blue eyes and a fair skin complexion. She wore a beige jacket over a white dress shirt, a green tie, a black skirt with black shoes and green socks.

"Oh Lelouch there you are, I am glad I caught you," the blonde haired girl said smiling before a mischievous grin replaced it upon seeing Yui. "Who's your friend?"

"My name is Crystal Simmons," Yui replied, showing her visitor's pass. "Lelouch was just showing me around."

"A shame you didn't ask for me, I am Milly Ashford, the Student Council President," Milly introduced herself, before giving a pouting expression. "If you were interested in enrolling I could've given you a tour, unless Lelouch finally got a girlfriend!?"

"Milly, I am sixteen. I am a little young for that," Lelouch replied with a deadpan expression.

"Maybe, but the best relationships start early and are built up from a young age," Milly replied waving her right index finger at Lelouch.

"Whatever," Lelouch said brushing the comment aside with a dismissive hand wave. "I am going to be busy today showing Crystal around Ashford Academy then the rest of the city."

"Well why don't I take care of that and we can talk about your new job," Milly replied with a smile.

"New job?"

"Yup, you're going to be Student Council Vice President," Milly announced.

"WHAT!" Yui and Lelouch exclaimed.

Lelouch quickly regained his composure. "I didn't even apply for it, don't you have to be elected?"

"Actually only the position of president requires an election among the students. The president chooses who fills the other positions," Milly replied with a matter-of-fact tone.

"Ok, but why me?"

"Because as you know it's required for all students to be part of a club or the student council. Since none of the clubs interest you, and being on the student council doesn't ask for much beyond setting up budgets for the other clubs and planning events, it could work for you," Milly answered with a confident smile. "And you're one of the smartest students in school so you are perfect, so you're more than qualified in my book."

Lelouch didn't have much of a counter-argument, except for the fact he was likely to be very busy soon. He did consider bringing it up, but Lelouch didn't want to have Milly probing the matter too much until he knew more about what kind of cover story Claude was fashioning for him.

"I see your point, but I assume this takes place once the rest of the current council graduates?"

"That's right," Milly chimed, clearly in a good mood. "Now then, since you are clearly interested in the academy. How about I give you the tour instead?"

"Uh sure," Yui agreed, thinking that saying no could cause some unwanted issues.

Lelouch could only quietly groan. He hoped Milly wouldn't turn what should've been a simple tour into something over the top.

Meanwhile in another facility in the northwestern corner of the nation, Kyoko had arrived to inspect a second vessel akin to the Takarabune, but the ship's coloring was different being a dark blue with gold and black. However when Kyoto arrived at the platform overlooking the ship in the hidden construction yard where it had been built, there was someone waiting for her.

"Hello Kyoko."

The man greeting her was around her age with medium-length dark silver hair with icy blue eyes, wearing the blue and gold uniform belonging to a head of one the four regent families. Kyoko recognized the man instantly, having known him for a long time due to her own position. Takatsugu Ikaruga, the head of the Ikaruga Family of the four regent families.

"Major Ikaruga," Kyoto replied.

"At ease Kyoko, no need for ranks here. But tell me what you think of your new ship?" Takatsugu asked, pointing at the newly completed vessel. "The second of our new Takarabune-class, the Hachiman."

"Named for Hachiman Daimyōjin, the Shinto god of war and agriculture, the divine protector of the Minamoto clan," Kyoko said, recognizing the meaning of the ship's namesake.

"Exactly, and you will be her commander once the crew is ready and you have chosen pilots to take ownership of the Minamoto Units aboard."

"I thought there was only one ship?"

Takatsugu couldn't help but laugh, but quickly regained his composure.

"You didn't seriously think we would give our only advance ship to a foreign teenager, no matter how capable, would you?" Takatsugu said before explaining. "Claude was generous enough to give all the materials and means needed to build at least five ships, the Takarabune is just the first of the line. The other three ships are the Bishamonten, Futsunushi, and the Takeminakata, each being built at facilities similar to this one. I'll be taking command of the Takeminakata once it is finished, but the last two will take time before they are completed."

"What of the crews for them, we are just having a hard time finding a full crew for Takarabune?" Kyoko asked.

"Yes that remains to be an unfortunate problem which will delay their launches, but we are doing our best to find people to fill the needed positions," Takatsugu said with a hint of mild annoyance.

"Is that the purpose of this conversation?"

"Hardly, but I did want to brag a little. The United States has become quite jealous of our successes in not just defending Kyoto, but the performance and combat power of the new machines. Already we are receiving requests for secret talks with other nations, it seems many are tired of the US holding superiority with the UN and global policy especially when it comes to the BETA," Takatsugu said with a smile. "I am looking forward to the kind of ripples upcoming events will cause."

"So we're just posturing right now."

"Far from it, but if Claude's information about upcoming events is accurate, it would do well for us to use this to strengthen Japan's diplomatic ties with other nations and increase our growing political clout too."

"The next target of the BETA will be Sadogashima, but we'll need to watch our eastern flank. So I am asking that you take this ship and your squad to help. Your cousin Yui and some of her friends will command a platoon from within their new machines to defend key points of the defensive line. Hopefully we can hold back the BETA if they attempt to change their strategy."

"Then who will be sent to…"

"Lelouch and his squad, provided there are no unforeseen changes with the situation at Suez and here. I'll be overseeing the battle personally from the Takarabune as its temporary commander and observer. However I'll be arranging for Lieutenant Yamashiro to work with Lelouch as insurance. The US has reassured us they'll deploy four squads of TSF and send two cruisers to provide range support," Takatsugu said, interrupting Kyoko.

Before Kyoko could say something else, Takatsugu cut her off.

"Why not your cousin Yui? It seems we are of the same mind. Keeping those two close would be beneficial, since I think we should consider arranging a marriage between them," Takatsugu interrupted Kyoko again as she tried to speak up. "Yes I am aware of Lelouch's background, so I doubt he and possibly Yui would accept such an arrangement. But I think we could encourage it with some time and patience, and maybe introduce some potential competition. The important thing is we should focus on tying Lelouch to us with something stronger than an alliance of convenience, and marriage with someone notable from the other houses would be ideal."

Kyoko wanted to say something, but she knew Takatsugu would bulldoze any counterargument she tried to make.

Takatsugu has always been like this, this is why I don't like dealing with him. But I am worried about Lelouch and Yui now, and who else was he planning to introduce to him as competition?

"So what do you think so far," Milly asked, as the group stood outside a stadium-like complex, as their tour guide had her hands on her hips.

"It's quite the impressive school," Yui remarked, while behind her was a wary Lelouch, who was on guard for whatever mischief Milly might be planning.

It was reassuring that Milly wasn't a malicious person by nature, but Lelouch knew Milly couldn't help herself when it came to teasing others or having some fun at their expense. Even then Lelouch knew from their past interactions he would be unwise to lower his guard around her, especially since he didn't want to reveal anything that could give Milly anything she could use, or expose something she doesn't need to know.

Milly Ashford had a worrying, yet an impressive, knack for getting what she wants out of people.

"Wonderful, so I hope you'll consider attending," Milly said, clasping her hands together with a hopeful smile on her face. "After all, outside of Lelouch the Student Council still needs some more willing members."

Aware that he might regret asking, Lelouch asked to take some of the pressure off Yui.

"Who have you managed to rope onto the Student Council?"

"A few people so far," Milly said, then as if on cue those people showed up.

"Ma'am President," a young girl called out as she approached the group, she was around the same age as Yui and Lelouch.

The girl had long orange hair, yellowish green eyes wearing the same uniform as Milly.

"I am not President, not yet, allow me to introduce Shirley Fenette," Milly replied with a smile.

"Oh Lelouch it's you, and who is this," Shirley said, joining the group with a folder filled with papers tucked under her left arm.

"This is Crystal Simmons, Lelouch's new friend he made recently, she is interested in attending here," Milly said, quick to handle introductions for Yui. "Shirley here is going to be the treasurer for the council, but she has already joined the Swim Club and the Gymnastics Club."

"Hello nice to meet you," Shirley said with a warm smile, offering her free hand to Yui, who returned it.

"Yes, likewise it's nice to meet you too," Yui replied.

"So how do you know each other?" Shirley asked, glancing at Lelouch before looking at Yui.

"Apparently they met during one of Lelouch's chess games," Milly said, causing Shirley to glance with disapproval in his eyes, akin to a parent.

"Oh how many times have I said you shouldn't be gambling?!"

"Sorry, but the money is good," Lelouch replied, while Yui had a suspicion that this was not the first time they talked about the former prince's gambling habits.

I knew he partook of gambling in underground chess matches, but I guess it must've been more frequent than I believed, Yui thought.

While she didn't approve of Lelouch's gambling hobby either, unlike Shirley, Yui was aware of one reason why Lelouch likely resorted to gambling. Outside of whatever motivations and reasons for gambling, one thing she was sure of is that given the risks of his identity being found out Lelouch couldn't take a normal part time job like anyone his age would.

Since he has kept the same first name he used as a prince, that probably has its own risks too, Yui thought, wondering why Nunnally and Lelouch didn't change their first names when they adopted new identities?

"Besides I likely won't be gambling anymore, I've found a more challenging opponent," Lelouch said with a knowing smile, Yui was the only one who knew the truth behind that.

"Really now, mind sharing buddy," Rivalz said, throwing an arm around Lelouch's shoulder.

"Nah, this wouldn't be a game none of you would be interested in, but its nothing illegal I promise," Lelouch said with a smile.

I think the legality of the game and your ultimate goal might be debatable, Lelouch, Yui thought, keeping a straight face and her thoughts to herself.

"Well thank goodness you've given it up," Shirley said, pleased with this news.

If only she knew what Lelouch was really doing.

"Oh you sound like a wife praising her husband," Milly said, with a grin.

"Come on Milly, not this again," Shirley replied, with a flustered expression.

Lelouch quietly gestured to Yui to follow him, slipping away as Milly and Shirley were busy talking. Rivalz was the only one who saw them leave, which only caused a small smile to appear on his face.

Well buddy do I get the feeling you and that girl are more than friends?

Entering the school main building, Lelouch led Yui to a service elevator, once they were inside Lelouch entered in some codes before the elevator began descending.

"I am sorry you got caught up in that," Lelouch said, apologizing after a sigh.

"You couldn't have seen that coming, but that Milly is quite something isn't she?"

"She's a handful, and I can't believe she intends to make me Vice-President," Lelouch said, his annoyance was noticeable in his expression and tone.

"Probably a good administrative decision on her part," Yui acknowledged with one hand under her chin.

"True, but with her I am sure there will be more work involved."

"I see," Yui said, before deciding to ask a question as the elevator stopped. "By the way, where are we going?"

"There is something I wish to show you, and something I am curious about," Lelouch said, as the elevator doors opened. "But to answer where we are going, we're taking this elevator down to the sewer system that runs below the academy, which also connects to the series of interlocking layers that form the Tokyo Settlement."

"Layers?" Yui asked, curious.

"These layers are interconnecting plates which Ashford Academy and much of the city is built upon, which allows for highways, sewers and more to be built."

"They built over Tokyo is what you are implying?" Yui asked, realizing something in Lelouch's statement.

"Yes, apparently it was less costly to build over the demolished city than simply rebuilding it all from the ground up," Lelouch replied, shocking Yui as she continued to follow Lelouch as the latter led her through a maze of passageways in the sewers below the academy. "However the interlocking plates are useful for weathering Earthquakes and other natural disasters, as they can be removed in such a event."

"These plates have something to do with where we are going?"

"Exactly, as a result of how the Settlement is structured, there are many underground spaces that go unused, like this one," Lelouch said as he and Yui arrived at metal door, locked by a keypad.

Entering a code, the door opened, Lelouch allowed Yui to walk in first as a gentleman would before turning on the lights once he entered the room. In one corner of the room were a stack of boxes, but what caught Yui's attention was some kind of machine in front of her. It towered at least ten feet high or more, sitting on some kind of rotating stand with mechanical parts to allow what seemed to be a cockpit to move around. There was a step ladder off to the side that led to the cockpit, which only reinforced the idea to Yui.

Then it dawned on her, what it was.

"Is that a simulator for a Knightmare Frame?"

"Yes, I managed to get it from the black market a few months before I met Claude. Getting it was easy, but having it brought down here was a different story while covering it up," Lelouch replied, impressed that Yui deduced what it was.

"You've been training with this in secret?"

"Yes, since most battles involve Knightmare Frames, I knew it would be necessary for me to use one. So when I learned of this simulator on the black market, I acquired it. All of the money I earned from those chess matches helped cover all of the costs easily," Lelouch said with a proud smirk. "Did you want to give it a try? My highest rank when I last used it was B."

"Sure, I am curious myself actually," Yui said, knowing that part of the reason Lelouch was showing her this simulator was because he was curious to see what she got from him.

How well he could pilot a Knightmare Frame could provide proof that the skill and experience of using the simulator was shared during the times they used the Coupling System for training.

"Alright," Lelouch said, climbing up the ladder to open the cockpit, as a pilot seat slid out allowing anyone on the ladder to climb on. "Give me a second."

Lelouch climbed into the pilot chair, using a keyboard, likely to program conditions and training for the simulator. It took him a few minutes, but once he was done, Lelouch got out of the chair before descending down the ladder.

"It's ready for you, I've set you up with your own profile to use when you use the simulator to keep track of her grades for each simulation program," Lelouch said, gesturing for the cockpit chair.

"Alright," Yui said, before ascending the ladder to enter the cockpit.

Lelouch took position before a computer terminal, which allowed instructors to monitor the simulation. Of course, could've programmed the simulation from this terminal, but he didn't want Yui to know what he had in mind to test her.

Meaning he didn't want her to know he had set the simulation to scale up the difficulty through the simulated battle she would face.

Let's see how you handle something that operates differently from a TSF or a mobile suit? Lelouch thought, looking forward to Yui's performance.

Inside the cockpit, Yui was familiarizing herself with the controls, immediately noticing the difference in how a Knightmare Frame operated.

"No brainwave headset, and simplified controls huh," Yui said, muttering to herself before using a console to see what weapons she had available. "Ok, so for weapons I have an assault rifle with a built-in grenade launcher, slash harkens that can act as grappling hooks, and elbow–mounted tonfas."

Pushing a button, and grabbing the control sticks, the simulation began.

Lelouch probably put in some kind of scaling difficulty, Yui thought, suspecting the simulation would get more difficult the longer it went on.

The simulation opened to the Glasgow being deployed from the air onto a clearing within a forest with some pathways for the Knightmare Frame to use. Although she had expected to experience some familiarity with the controls due to the experience shared via the Coupling System, Yui was surprised by how quickly she grasped controlling the Knightmare Frame. As if it was second nature to her, Yui sped her Glasgow Knightmare Frame through the forest path, before coming upon some tanks once she cleared the forest and saw them in an open plain.

Weaving to the sides to evade their fire, Yui used the Glasgow's slash harkens to destroy one of the tanks when in range before repeating the process to systematically wipe them out. It took her only a few minutes before the ten tanks were eliminated, without sustaining any damage.

Best to save that assault rifle for later, Yui reasoned, aware it had limited ammunition.

Following the path ahead, Yui's Glasgow reached a fortified position, but tanks weren't her only foe, this time four Glasgows were advancing towards her while the eight tanks remained in the rear at the fortified line providing support fire. But that wasn't all, attack helicopters were moving in ready to support the enemy Glasgows.

Weaving to the sides like before to evade the tanks, but the helicopters would be more dangerous so Yui dealt with them first. Using her assault rifle, she shot down the helicopters before engaging the Glasgows in close quarters. Hoping the tanks wouldn't fire on their own, Yui dodged the enemy Glasgow's assault rifle shots before using a slash harken to take off the head of the nearest Glasgow. Unfortunately her effort to behead a second was deflected by the enemy using its own slash harken to block it.

Using one of its elbow-mounted tonfa, Yui knocked the assault rifle from the hand of the Glasgow before it could take aim and fire, but the third Glasgow had moved into attack range. Noticing the danger in time, Yui got behind the second Glasgow, whose weapon had been knocked from its hands. Unfortunately for the second Glasgow its companion fired, shooting his own ally.

Ranged weapons are ill-advised in close quarters, Yui thought, recalling the lessons of her instructor from the academy.

Yui didn't give the third enemy Glasgow a chance to recover and attack again, this time charging it and punching its head off with its free hand. The last Glasgow, joined the battle attacking with a hail of bullets from its assault rifle. But, to complicate things, six more enemy Glasgows emerged from the forest attempting to flank Yui from behind in a surprise attack.

An idea came to mind, as Yui aimed the Assault Rifle at the tanks, firing the grenade launcher, but oddly it missed its mark landing behind the tanks. Yui smiled as the tanks began to panic fire, hitting the one Glasgow, Yui was keeping at a distance to pull off her plan. She rushed at the others, firing her assault rifle, taking down two before the last two broke away trying to perform a pincer against her.

However, Yui drew close to one, using a tonfa to knock its weapon from its hand. The enemy Glasgow deflected Yui's follow up attack with its own tonfa, but Yui dispatched the enemy Knightmare Frame, using her slash harkens at point blank range to disable an arm while another took its head off.

Using the defeated Glasgow as a shield, Yui attacked the last enemy, shooting its chest into Swiss chess forcing the cockpit block to be ejected. Then all that was left was to mop up the enemy tanks.

"That didn't seem too bad," Yui said, unaware the simulation wasn't over yet.

In the corner of her eye, Yui saw a squadron of planes approaching to begin a bombing run. Understanding the danger, Yui fled the area, before navigation prompts on her screen appeared, directing her to the next phase of the simulation.

Reaching the edge of the forest Yui entered into an urban area, but this time she noticed two enemy Glasgows ahead of her, firing their assault rifles. As she veered down another street to evade she came face to face with a third Glasgow, waiting to ambush her. Luckily Yui was faster, disarming the enemy Knightmare Frame before disabling it with a blow from its tonfa. Yui didn't stop, fearing she was being surrounded, but she made sure to move behind the disabled Glasgow as it fell back to use it as a brief shield just in case.

Then she sharply turned and sped down another street, which was a good move as bullets came flying that would've hit her back. She turned her Glasgow around, opening fire on a pair of Glasgows that had likely chased after her in pursuit. Ducking down another street, Yui attacked another Glasgow that had been moving to attack her, getting the jump on the simulated enemy before they could attack. But that used up the last bullets in her rifle, so Yui was in trouble when another Glasgow arrived.

Firing her slash harken, Yui missed, but quickly retracted the slash harken causing a portion of the wall to be ripped out striking the back of the enemy Glasgow's head and its cockpit taking it out. That wasn't intended, but Yui seemed fine with the outcome.

With the assault rifle now empty, Yui tossed the weapon aside before taking the assault rifle used by the downed Glasgow.

Heading down the street, Yui attacked another Glasgow she spotted around a corner, finding three more Glasgows who opened fire on her. Using the street corner to protect herself, Yui fired, downing one enemy Knightmare Frame before slipping down another street, but instead of flanking them she waited in ambush, suspecting they would pursue her.

So when they came around the corner she gunned them down.

Suddenly the words appeared on her screen: "Simulation Complete."

"Well she did far better than expected," Lelouch mused having watched the simulation, although he wasn't surprised that Yui succeeded he was surprised at how it happened. "I guess she managed to translate her skills of piloting a TSF into piloting a Knightmare Frame. If time allows, maybe I should try the simulator myself and see if there is any change in my skills."

It didn't take long for Yui to exit the simulator cockpit.

"So how did I do?"

Lelouch gave a knowing smile, "You exceeded my expectations, you got the highest rank, an A+."

"Its certainly different from piloting a TSF, but yet it all felt second nature to me."

"I suppose we could say your skills with piloting a TSF has meshed together with handing a Knightmare Frame," Lelouch complimented, intrigued by this outcome.

"So what now?" Yui asked, stretching her arms.

"We can explore this Japan if you like, but I should warn you. You'll see a lot of things I have no doubt that will make you angry and offend you, even if this Japan isn't yours," Lelouch said, adopting a more serious expression.

"I know, I have no doubt there will be some things that will upset me. But to avoid complicating things for you and your sister, I'll try to keep my feelings in check."

"Alright, but if you need to go someplace private to vent, don't hesitate to ask," Lelouch said, to which Yui agreed with a nod.

Using the sewers passageways to quietly leave Ashford Academy, Lelouch and Yui began their exploration of the city. For a time they walked in silence, blending in with everyone else walking pass them, which Yui thought seemed no different than when she was attending the academy in Kyoto. As the silence became somewhat unbearable, Yui turned to Lelouch asking.

"I will say your school is different from the academy I went to. I didn't imagine it would have so many clubs like horseback riding, science, baking, chess and so much more. But whose idea was it to allow for the Fantasy Seduction Club?"

Lelouch merely gave Yui a knowing look.

"Oh right Milly was involved," Yui replied, which Lelouch nodded in confirmation.

"Her ideas for events are quite odd from what I've heard. I am not sure how the current council is handling it," Lelouch admitted.

"Should I ask?"

"No, I believe not," Lelouch replied. As they walked Yui saw something that drew her attention.

"Lelouch, what is that?"

"That would be an arcade?" Lelouch replied, as the pair stood outside a video game arcade with many machines visible through the windows.

"Uh, what's an arcade?"

"It's a place where usually young children or people around our age would go and play video games and other games such as basketball throwing, simulators, dancing games, and much more depending on the establishment and what they offer." Lelouch explained.

"I see," Yui said, clearly curious.

"Would you like to try some?"

"Uh I don't know, but I would like to observe," Yui said, uncertain if she could play any of them.

Lelouch grinned, "Very well."

The pair walked inside the arcade and looking around, Lelouch spotted an occupied game console, which was a shooting game involving zombies. After buying some tokens, Lelouch began his demonstration as he put in some tokens.

"Most games like these you just aim and shoot, then shoot away from the screen to reload. You win by keeping the enemies from getting too close until the end," Lelouch explained before demonstrating how the game was played.

Lelouch's training in firearms as part of his hellish training regime under Marimo was beneficial allowing him to perform very well at the game. By the time it was over, Lelouch had won, earning a high score.

"Well done, so there are other games like these?"

"Yes, some will have you be a cowboy from the Wild West fighting against bandits, or a soldier fighting on a battlefield. Sometimes aliens, but nothing like the BETA," Lelouch replied.

"I see, and the people are really enjoying themselves."

"Indeed, there is almost a game for everyone. Now, are you sure you don't want to try one?"

"Uh," Yui was hesitant, but she relented. "Is there a game we could play together?"

"Aside from the game I just played, there are racing games, simulator games and fighting games."

"What might be good for a first timer like me?"

"I would say a racing game is easy to learn, and we can both play one." Lelouch said, before noticing such a game. "This one seems easy enough and there are two seats available."

"Ok, let's try it."

Lelouch got into the player one seat, while Yui sat next to him in player two. The controls were straightforward enough, a steering wheel, an accelerator pedal, a brake pedal and a stick to shift gears if they chose manual over automatic.

Yui chose a yellow sports car to drive while Lelouch picked a purple one.

"Here we go," Lelouch said as the race began.

"There are other racers?"

"They are just computer controlled non-player characters, but they will make the race more difficult," Lelouch said, replying to Yui's question.

"I see," Yui said, putting her foot on the accelerator to speed up and try to get around them.

"Careful there are some sharp turns ahead," Lelouch cautioned.

"I see them."

The race was more intense than what Lelouch would have preferred for Yui's first time playing, but by the end, despite not winning, it was clear Yui was enjoying herself. The pair spent an hour in the arcade before finally leaving to explore more of the city. When the pair were passing through a park they saw a group of young Britannians, dressed up like some kind of delinquent gang. They were harassing and kicking a Japanese man by a mobile hotdog stand.

What stunned her even more was a pair of police officers who simply glanced at the scene before walking away.

"Why aren't they doing anything?" Yui asked, alarmed by the police officers' disregard.

"Because it's perfectly legal to discriminate against those who are not Britannian," Lelouch said, his voice barely hiding his bitterness at such a law. "Most Britannians believe that they are superior to those who are not so that allows them to exercise that belief in whatever way they believe proves it."

"That is ridiculous," Yui replied, mindful to avoid drawing anyone's attention.

"That is the kind of country Britannia is."

"And we can't do anything to help him can we?" Yui asked as she tried to keep her composure, but her outrage had slipped into her voice.

"That's right," Lelouch said regretfully. "You've noticed he runs that hotdog cart. If we help him, he'll likely be unable to sell another hotdog here again. That is the price you pay to be a Britannian Slave."


"He likely became an Honorary Britannian to gain some rights and the ability to work in the city to make money. Unfortunately, despite being an Honorary Britannian, it's no better than being a slave. Most of them are given low wage paying jobs or high risk work that pays little because their Britannian bosses can get away with it."

"I can't imagine why anyone would accept it."

"I understand. Although I can't speak for anyone who chose to be an Honorary Britannian. I can only guess that some probably chose to escape life in the ghetto and are seeking money just to survive. Of course they are likely doing it to support their family and loved ones," Lelouch replied.

"The ghetto?"

"I'll show you," Lelouch said as he and Yui left the park. The latter casted a look of pity towards the poor man.

Sometime later the two went to the top of a nearby building with an observation deck. From there Yui could see another part of the city hidden by the towering clean and white buildings. Beyond them were the ruins of another city devastated by a combination of war and time. Looking around, Lelouch saw no one around, meaning they could talk freely.

"Those are the ghettos," Lelouch explained, after making sure no one was around.

"What happened?" Yui's eyes widened in horror at the sight, but felt her emotions ranging from shock, sorrow to barely contained outrage.

"It's what's left of the original city of Tokyo, I believe you are looking at what was once Shinjuku. Most Japanese people who don't become Honorary Britannians have to live in the ghettos where they barely have any electricity or running water. Even a healthy meal and medicine have become valuable and rare. It's those conditions that drive people to become Honorary Britannians or join a resistance group," Lelouch explained.

"Then those ruins were caused during Britannian's invasion of Japan?"

"That's right," Lelouch answered. "Japan fought hard, but it couldn't withstand Britannian's relentless onslaught. As I've said, they were badly outnumbered and outgunned."

Yui tried to envision what such a war for Japan would've been like, they didn't have TSFs like her Japan did so the Japan here fought with tanks and jets. Such battles with overwhelming force reminded her of the battles Japan had been having against the BETA recently.

"Did Japan win any of the battles?"

"One actually that I know of, it was called the Miracle of Itsukushima."

"Miracle of Itsukushima?"

"It was when the Britannians were invading Itsukushima aiming to wipe out the military base there. The base and its forces were led by Lieutenant Colonel Kyoshiro Tohdoh."

"What happened, did he manage to overwhelm them or gain an edge?"

Lelouch smiled knowingly. "He actually baited them into a well prepared trap."

Yui was surprised by this revelation.

"The Britannians had a huge advantage in numbers and resources, so they repeated the same blitzkrieg tactics in every corner of Japan they invaded. Tohdoh realized this and prepared in advance, using the one thing Japan had a lot of, Sakuradite."

"How was that useful?"

"Remember how I mentioned Sakuradite is a vital resource for the development of technology?" Lelouch asked, which Yui nodded. "In its raw form, especially liquefied, it's a powerful explosive. Tohdoh moved the entire base into a nearby mountain overlooking the bay and the battlefield while the base itself was rigged to blow. The base's defenses were likely using automated gun placements to keep the Britannians from realizing the ploy, but their successes in other parts of Japan left them overconfident."

"So they charged right in, and Tohdoh just blew the whole base up?"

"He likely did so once they drew the enemy deep into the base. But such an explosion would've been quite destructive, that even those outside the base were hit by the resulting pressure wave from the explosion. However, Tohdoh also had Sakuradite rigged mines in the waters within the bay, which were triggered by the blast, catching the invading Britannian navy off guard. Then Tohdoh and his men unleashed their counterattack from the mountain, picking off the confused and disoriented Britannians who survived."

"That sounds impressive, and he won Japan's only victory in that war."

"Yes unfortunately it was Japan's only victory, but I must commend Tohdoh for the advance preparation."

"So what happened to him?"

"Last I heard he managed to join the remains of Japan's military and went underground, joining them to form the Japan Liberation Front. I don't know if he leads them, but I imagine he is one of the group's leaders."

"I see. So has the Japan Liberation Front made any progress towards liberating Japan?"

"Nothing notable on that front. I've only heard about the occasional raids on military supply depots. Beyond that I have no information, but progress appears to be lacking."

"I see," Yui said, sounding understandably disappointed.

"Let's go," Lelouch suggested as he and Yui departed.

"I really hope you'll make a difference."

"Time will only tell, but I intend to," Lelouch said confidently, which impressed Yui.

Maybe he could, Yui thought.

"Anywhere else you wanted to go?"

"I suppose, could we visit Mt. Fuji?"

"Alright," Lelouch said, looking around one last time for eavesdroppers. "You won't like what you see."

"Could it be worse than the sight of these ghettos," Yui asked, but Lelouch decided not to answer that question.

By the time Lelouch and Yui arrived in the vicinity of Mt. Fuji, it was late afternoon. They rested by what was Lake Kawaguchi, where a massive hotel looked over with three large bridges connected. Since only Britnanians and foreign visitors entered the hotel from the three connecting bridges, Yui and Lelouch rested by the water. They sat on a bench overlooking the lake, choosing a spot where no one was around to eavesdrop on them.

Yui wished that viewing the wondrous mountain with its frozen top and surrounding forests would be a sight to see compared to the BETA. But it was not the regular mountain she expected but a corrupted form defiled by steel.

"Is that really Mount Fuji?" The sight gave Yui mixed feelings, which leaned towards insult.

"Hate to tell you it, but it is," Lelouch answered.

"What in the gods' name did they do to it?" Yui glared specifically at the artificial parts of it. She didn't know if the side of the mountain was still natural, but it was cybernatic with a massive installation built around one side. "Even the Training Corps back in our world is far more considerate."

"That's what happens when a natural wonder is home to eighty percent of the world's most valuable resource," Lelouch said deadpan. "Even before Japan fell, they had mining sites up to the top and down under the mountain. Only that Britannia made it more…explicit. Your anger towards the violation of both its sanctity and ecosystem is understandable."

"Then the Sakuradite mines are at Mt. Fuji?" Yui asked, which Lelouch confirmed with a nod.

"Yes, which was a big reason for the war in the first place, but it was likely only a matter of time since Sakuradite was invaluable to all of the major powers. Even if any of them came to Japan's aid, they likely would've made a puppet state out of Japan to control the mines themselves, who knows what could've happened then," Lelouch said, before giving Yui another truth. "It's probably why Japan surrendered in the end."

"I…I…understand, but I couldn't even conceive of Japan surrendering, even when you told me the first time it was difficult to accept."

"I don't blame you. I doubt fewer people would've taken it well," Lelouch acknowledged. "However, even in surrender, Japan hasn't given up the fight. They just realized a head-on confrontation wasn't possible with Britannia right now."

"What do you mean?"

"I am speculating on this, but when the war ended many of Japan's wealthy industrialist and influential politicians dodged the war tribunals by cooperating with the new government, officially opportunistic traitors in exchange they oversee all Japanese affairs in Area 11. They're probably using their new positions to support anti-Britannian efforts across Japan, especially the JLF to keep up the fight for seven years," Lelouch said, deducing why such figures would have cooperated with Britannia than aid in the resistance, at least not directly.

"They did that, to one day overthrow Britannia and liberate Japan," Yui asked, which Lelouch confirmed with a nod before continuing. "But working with the Britannians? Asking for cooperation from other nations is one thing, but actually collaborating with them. That's no better than selling out their country."

"In a pragmatic sense, it's quite the opposite," Lelouch countered. "While they are publicly kneeling to Britannia operating under the current government, they are collaborating to topple them using their positions to support those efforts. Progress is just…slow."


"For one thing, they're obtaining Knightmares from overseas and salvaging whatever they could find to send to resistance groups. Another problem is giving the incompetent officials hush money to keep quiet on their actual operations. With my brother Clovis in charge, that was easy enough for them."

"Even so…"

"If you were thinking why not just fight to the bitter end rather than surrender, then that would bring in bigger problems," Lelouch shot her down. "The reason Area 11 is a hotbed for resistance movements is because Japan surrendered before exhausting its military strength. Do-or-die resistance would just waste that strength and far more manpower in Japan, in addition to causing more destruction to the local infrastructure. The indigenous species would have no effective means to resist if it was split in three either. The option of surrender was a miracle by itself, but I doubt it was an easy decision by no means."

"I can't even imagine how they could've done it?"

"They likely forced themselves, all banking on the hope that one day their actions can help Japan be free once more."

"Maybe you might make their efforts worth it in the end," Yui complimented.

"Perhaps, but only time can tell," Lelouch said as he and Yui sat together on the bench observing the sunset.

If there was one thing gained from this, Lelouch had only strengthen Yui's willingness to aid him in taking Britannia down when the time came.

Marimo was reviewing a checklist as she was walking towards a hanger where she would happen upon a group of men disembarking a plane. The majority were military engineers and other personnel, but Marimo went for the man who was overseeing their efforts standing near the newly arrived plane.

"Are all preparations ready?"

"Not yet," The civilian contractor replied, having expected Marimo's arrival. "Weather has hindered our work, but we need to replace some of the drones with new ones due to finding faults that made them too risky to use. I am also proposing we do system checks on them to ensure no malfunctions will occur."

"I suppose given the storms we've had in that region so its no surprise," Marimo replied, this was also expected. "How long before everything is ready? Will all preparations be complete on time?"

"As long as the new drones have no faults and the weather becomes more favorable, we should be ready on time in two weeks."

"Good, I'll be sure to accelerate training for the squad in question who must take this challenge to prepare them," Marimo said, accepting a file with all of the details behind the preparation work being carried out.

I can't believe so much effort is being put into such a CCSE exam, but if he succeeds this should silence anyone doubting his abilities, Marimo thought before adding. So long as it doesn't kill him first.

The Comprehensive Skill Evaluation would test Lelouch and his new friends, survival skills and working together would be key. Normally the evaluation would come before training in TSFs, due to the accelerated training track and the effort and preparations needed they were delayed.

Marimo hoped Lelouch would succeed, or at least not end up dead.

A/N: Well that chapter is done, and next is Lelouch and his new squad's CCSE exam, which has been broken up into three chapters. This was a tough chapter to write, partly because I've found few details on what daily life was like in Japan before the BETA invasion other than video games not being a thing and generally going towards efforts to fight the BETA and defend Japan. Gauging Yui's reactions to certain things in Area 11, while I had a general idea I was worried about her acting out of character so I did consult with Jameyofthemegacosmos and others since I had to portray her emotions just right too.

This is also a difference between her and Kallen, Yui feels the same about things as Kallen would, but having to keep up certain appearances due to her family status and reputation combined with the media and general public's negative view of the Takamura Family, not to give them anything they could use against her family (having endured slander and bullying growing up, something that will be touched upon in more detail in chapter 13). Overall I believed Yui would be more mindful and manage to keep her emotions more in check, for a time or unless alone with Lelouch or someone she trusts very much, which I wrote her reactions as such.

The Knightmare Frame battle was a tricky one to do as well, but those who pre-reviewed the chapter before its release didn't see notice any issues so I hope it was a good showcase of what Yui might be capable of once she gets her own Knightmare Frame later on.

"Lelouch and his squad, provided there are no unforeseen changes with the situation at Suez and here. I'll be overseeing the battle personally from the Takarabune as its temporary commander and observer. However I'll be arranging for Lieutenant Yamashiro to work with Lelouch as insurance. The US has reassured us they'll deploy four squads of TSF and send two cruisers to provide range support," Takatsugu said, interrupting Kyoko. - Also keep this statement in mind, because let's just say some unforeseen changes later in the story will force some changes XD.

Let's just say for all of her power Claude can't always stop fate from asserting itself, at least without carefully laying the ground work years in advance or while not trying to destroy reality. She knows what will happen, but she won't know which path things will take until it happens. Which keeps things interesting.

But those new ships are awhile away from completion due to a shortage of manpower especially on crewing the ships.

As for the upcoming CCSE exam, yeah its difficulty has been increased adding lots of traps and drones Lelouch will have to deal with like Takeru and gang in the original game would face.

The poll deciding Ichika from Infinite Stratos's fate is still ongoing with Ichika fleeing his world with Lelouch winning with five votes ahead of the other option, but his involvement with Lelouch's group or not won't affect my plans. Which I must comment this poll has been intriguing to watch as early on it was dead even until ten votes, before the option for Ichika to flee with Lelouch pulled ahead by five votes, but still holding at 15 as of this character. I'll leave the poll open until sufficient votes come in or until the story gets closer to IS's involvement in the story, which I might put down another poll (deciding Tabane's fate since that has been a...issue that has divided people let's just same) and if I should involve Gunbuster's sequel (Diebuster, which may be way too OP for me to use in this story or until the very end XD. When planets are getting used as weapons and destroyed, yeah its something to think hard on lol).

Thank you all for reading the chapter, and I appreciate any feedback, favorites and follows.

The last mecha specs until later, outwardly its appearance is based on the Type-94 Shiranui with a more streamlined appearance and placements for its MS-based weapons and defenses. The limited production models had the Coupling System and Beam Shields, but would be removed, the former for being unable to adapt the needed tech on a massive scale, and the beam shields were too power consuming, not badly, but were deemed not practical for mass production.

Model number: HXM-01A

Code name: Minamoto

Pilot(s): Yuzuka Sendo, Haruko Kashiwagi, Haruka Suzumiya, Marimo Jinguuji, Tsukiko Fujisawa, Michiru Isumi and others

Unit type: Prototype Test-Production Type MS/TSF hybrid

Manufacturer: Unknown

Operator: Empire of Japan, Order of the Black Knights

First deployment: September 29th 2016 A.T.B.

Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso

Dimensions: head height 17.7 meters

Weight: 53.2 metric tons

Armor: Trans-Phase Armor

Powerplant: Rechargeable Solar Energy Conductor. (draws power from the sun, but without it a full charge will allow it to operate for about a week)

Propulsion: Voiture Lumiere Propulsion System: A combat variant of the "Voiture Lumiere" propulsion system is mounted in the Strike Freedom's mobile weapon wings. Unlike the Voiture Lumiere used by GSX-401FW Stargazer Gundam, this combat variant uses an internal laser, instead of solar winds or an external power beam, and converts its energy into a strong light pressure which is then used as thrust. When activated, the system allows the suit to accelerate at incredible rates and to quickly dodge the most intense enemy beam barrages.

Equipment and Design Features

Quasi-Psycommu System: The Quasi-psycommu system was developed to extend the capabilities of remote control to non-Newtypes. This system can actively scan the pilot's brainwaves, no matter how weak they are, and then let the computer translate the thoughts into commands to be issued to remote weapons. Using the quasi-psycommu even non-Newtypes can control simple wire-guided remote weapons, such as INCOMs.

Coupling System (limited production models only)

Intention Automatic System

Fixed Armaments:

2 X 60mm Vulcan Guns, stored in the head.

2 X Beam Sabers, mounted in the Shoulder Armor for easy access.

2 X Butterfly Busters: Highly experimental weapons that can switch between gun mode and saber mode with a folding mechanic similar to its namesake mounted on the hip side.

2 x Beam Shield, mounted on forearms (limited production models only)

Beam Smart Gun: Also known as the Mega Beam Rifle, it is a high output beam cannon with an open mega particle compression-accelerator device. It is later put into mass-production and referred to as the "laundry-drying pole". Stored in the left sub-arm mounted rack on the backpack.

Beam Launcher: This large caliber beam weapon was developed as a replacement for the projectile firing bazooka, powered by a replaceable energy-pack, the beam launcher fires low-velocity beams with high destructive power. Mounted on the right sub-arm storage rack on the backpack.

2 x Sub-Arms: mounted alongside the flight unit, which can be equipped with different weapons as per the pilot's preferences or mission requirements. Usable are scatter missile pods, anti-aircraft machine guns, rail cannons, integrated beam rifles, beam sabers or physical blades.
Nice, Yui gets to see Lelouch's Earth.
No BETA...
But hella racist and oppressive.
And resolves and feelings are affirmed here.
Excited to see what comes of it in the end.

Yeah, traded one problem for another set o issues.


Well chapter 13 will show things growing between her and Lelouch.

It'll be fine. Lelouch is Gundam man now
Rip Lancelot

Yes, and Lancelot is as good as screwed in one on one, but the Lancelot's ONLY saving grace is that Lelouch won't bring in mobile suits yet until he has the man power to both kick Britannia out of Area 11 then hold it and launch attacks on them.

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