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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Ok, I have morbid curiosity in this.. "current comics" event that you are referring to. Unfortunately, I'm too lazy and discouraged by "current comics" so I don't really want to investigate what happened. Could you please be so kind as to explain this?
Word of warning, I have not been reading the comics in question... So, Johnathan Hickman is writing the X-books, or at least setting the current meta-plot.

Apparently, there's some big retcon about who's working with who, all the mutants now live on Krakoa and are serially immortal (via cloning or something?) and every mutant, hero or villain is welcome, complete with amnesty. Which is earning them no favours with the rest of the world...

Meanwhile, as far as I understand, the current plan is for the Love Triangle between Scott, Jean and Logan to turn into a three-way relationship... Which means making the 'heterosexual life partner' thing between Scott and Logan go all the way from 'bromance' into romance... o_O And I just can't see it...
immortal (via cloning or something?)

They basically brought back a lot of dead mutants by using the powers of a handful of the mutants there and now if they die the same method can be used on them.

and every mutant, hero or villain is welcome, complete with amnesty. Which is earning them no favours with the rest of the world

The fact that some of those villains have committed horrible crimes, tried to conquer the world, or even tried to commit genocide, multiple times, is probably why they're not so enthusiastic about the whole thing.
o_O And I just can't see it...
I can't speak for their chemistry, but Wolverine has slept with Nightcrawler before.

I haven't read the comic, but are you sure it's a three way relationship and not just polyamory on the side of Jean? Not that I trust Marvel not to fuck it up somehow.
Word of warning, I have not been reading the comics in question... So, Johnathan Hickman is writing the X-books, or at least setting the current meta-plot.

Apparently, there's some big retcon about who's working with who, all the mutants now live on Krakoa and are serially immortal (via cloning or something?) and every mutant, hero or villain is welcome, complete with amnesty. Which is earning them no favours with the rest of the world...

Meanwhile, as far as I understand, the current plan is for the Love Triangle between Scott, Jean and Logan to turn into a three-way relationship... Which means making the 'heterosexual life partner' thing between Scott and Logan go all the way from 'bromance' into romance... o_O And I just can't see it...
I haven't read the comic, but are you sure it's a three way relationship and not just polyamory on the side of Jean? Not that I trust Marvel not to fuck it up somehow.

It seems like Scott is dating Emma and Jean. Jean is Dating Logan and Scott. Logan and Scott have had threesomes for sure. same as jean and emma. Odds are it will be all 4 eventually.
Well, I thank you guys very much for sharing all that information about the current X-Men. And I'm absolutely glad I'm not reading the current X-Men, too.

It all sounds like a bad fanfic... which makes me think about all the bad fanfics that are actual comics, especially in Marvel for some reason, like the rape babies of Green Goblin and Gwen, or the teenage drama that tries to explain that Peter Parker is actually son of Aunt May and Richard Parker (for some reason those are the ones that have stayed the most with me and I wish I could forget them).
That's not how relationships work.

...Marvel's absolutely going to do it.
Yes it can be. I grew up in a very free spirited/hippie small city. I was dating 2 girls and a guy in my first year of college, one of my girlfriends, was also dating the other guy. Him and my other girlfriend had a third girl they were dating. It went on for nearly 2 years. Look how many kinds of boats we have. We have many kinds of relationships. not everyone needs a canoe.
Ohhh! Paul is going to show Tony Stark the ring he got off the Mandarin! Mandarin is supposed to have gotten his 10(9 now) rings from a ship belonging to Fin Fang Foom, the alien dragon.

Stark will actually be quite interested cause the Mandarin is a huge pain in the ass.

I have the 90s Iron Man series on DVD. Have to watch it again at some point. Paul could also maybe use his ring to heal Tony's chest/heart injuries or is that too much at this early point of training with the X-Men?

Also power ring scans I would think still be superior to 90s cartoon Marvel tech. Super accurate details and data on the x-gene or mutant physiology would be much appreciated by Xavier and Beast.
Yes it can be. I grew up in a very free spirited/hippie small city. I was dating 2 girls and a guy in my first year of college, one of my girlfriends, was also dating the other guy. Him and my other girlfriend had a third girl they were dating. It went on for nearly 2 years. Look how many kinds of boats we have. We have many kinds of relationships. not everyone needs a canoe.
That's not what I meant. The situation as described to me is like yours, but simpler.
It seems like Scott is dating Emma and Jean. Jean is Dating Logan and Scott. Logan and Scott have had threesomes for sure. same as jean and emma. Odds are it will be all 4 eventually.
I didn't disagree that such a relationship could work, in fact I'd very much like to part of such a supportive one.

My statement was that you don't just start dating someone else because your partner is dating them too, you form a relationship based on shared experiences and values and trust. Just them coming into contact with each other regularly and them relying on tropes to have the audience fill in the blanks is not going to work, especially in such a situation that most people will have very little experience with, either personally or secondhand.

I disagreed that the love triangle will naturally become a square because one guy is part of another love triangle.
Fine. How about you and me go and visit Anthony Stark and see what he can come up with."
Okay this is so stupid it makes my head hurt. Because talk about objectivication of women. Why is he handing force field to him like this is some sort of duel instead of Rogue and let her make her own choice in perpertuality?

I don't even...
Okay this is so stupid it makes my head hurt. Because talk about objectivication of women. Why is he handing force field to him like this is some sort of duel instead of Rogue and let her make her own choice in perpertuality?

I don't even...
He's doing it so that Rogue has more choices, rather than only being able to choose Paul or loneliness.
Okay this is so stupid it makes my head hurt. Because talk about objectivication of women. Why is he handing force field to him like this is some sort of duel instead of Rogue and let her make her own choice in perpertuality?

I don't even...
Because he doesn't know if it's possible or how long it will take but he does know that it will get Mr LeBeau to stop bothering him.
He's doing it so that Rogue has more choices, rather than only being able to choose Paul or loneliness.
My question was why is he giving that forcefield to gambit rather than Rogue! IT is like she doesn't matter at all only his rival does which is misogyinistic as heck.
Because he doesn't know if it's possible or how long it will take but he does know that it will get Mr LeBeau to stop bothering him.
Whic has nothing to do with what I am saying he can let him know that he commisioned one for rogue so he stops but getting one for gambit is, I don't even have words for it because I don't want to say retarted but it is at that.
It's like accepting a medical procedure that was made by the Nazis by experimenting on victims. Sure you won't be as bad as them if you accept the procedure, but you may feel like your profiting off the suffering of others.

I don't know you know this but most modern surgery foundations is build by Nazi Doctor Mengele by vivisecting people. Most people just pretend to not know it and let others talk about its Ethical nature but it stopped nobody. So it is already a thing.
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That's not what I meant. The situation as described to me is like yours, but simpler.
I disagreed that the love triangle will naturally become a square because one guy is part of another love triangle.
Ah sorry i see now.

I glossed over why i feel it will become a 4some, and only explained the interlocking triads. On Orgy island, I figure they will become a 4some eventually because scott and Logan haven't even argued in like a year, and Emma and Jean have overcome the old rivalry/hatred. the mindset of Krakoa will encourage the merger of the triads.

Honestly, I kind of want Paul and Remy to give Rogue the forcefield, she has a fling for a while then leaves in middle of night. Paul and Gambit are Heart broken and stay with each other anyway.
My question was why is he giving that forcefield to gambit rather than Rogue! IT is like she doesn't matter at all only his rival does which is misogyinistic as heck.

Whic has nothing to do with what I am saying he can let him know that he commisioned one for rogue so he stops but getting one for gambit is, I don't even have words for it because I don't want to say retarted but it is at that

Paul clearly cares about Rogue, but the reason he didn't tell Gambit that he'll just have one built for her and brought him along may be because he wanted to make extra sure that Gambit stops what he is doing, since as someone previously mentioned some of his pranks may end up hurting someone.

This way he can potentially help her out, and get someone that's been harassing him to potentially back off.

It's not really misogynistic.

I don't know you know this but most modern surgery foundations is build by Nazi Doctor Mengele by vivisecting people. Most people just pretend to not know it and let others talk about its Ethical nature but it stopped nobody. So it is already a thing.

Let me use another example then.

Some people may refuse to buy products from a certain company because they do animal testing, which said person finds morally or ethically objectionable.

The product works and is something that person can buy, so by that logic the person should buy it, but due to their ethics they may not want to have anything to do with it.

What sounds? Rogue wasn't the last or even second to last ti speak and all she said was 'what in tarnation?'
Nothing anyone else said sounded pleasing.

I think he was just nervous about what Logan said and mispoke.
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Because he's living and working with Mr LeBeau, and therefore their relationship matters as well.

My point was more "Why is Paul making Gambit any part of solving Rogue's problems via technology?" Gambit doesn't have any technological expertise nor is he going to be making a deal with Stark himself.

If Paul wants a technological solution so that Rogue can touch other people, he can go and talk to Stark himself. Gambit adds fuck-all to the process.

The only reasons I'm seeing to bring Gambit along is if (a) he's going to get a technological solution for Gambit to touch Rogue rather than for Rogue to touch anyone she wants, or (b) he's going to get a technological solution for Rogue to touch people, give it to Gambit, and have Gambit give it to her.

Neither one of those scenarios makes any sense to me.

Scenario (a) kind of only makes sense if Paul doesn't actually give any fucks about Rogue, that the primary thing he wants is to prove his superiority to Gambit for some unknown reason, and Rogue is just a maguffin to be won to prove that. That wasn't the sense I was getting (and also so over-the-top assholish that I'm not sure how it would be a Paragon interrupt kind of thing).

I guess scenario (b) kind of makes sense if Paul's primary desire to fuck both Rogue and Gambit, so this is a convoluted scheme to hook the two of them so he can accomplish that, but that also wasn't at all how the scene came across.

Feels like Gambit is so extraneous to the "Solve Rogue's problem through technology" plan that asking him to make a decision about pursuing that option (as opposed to, you know, Rogue herself) seems bizarre to me.
My point was more "Why is Paul making Gambit any part of solving Rogue's problems via technology?" Gambit doesn't have any technological expertise nor is he going to be making a deal with Stark himself.

If Paul wants a technological solution so that Rogue can touch other people, he can go and talk to Stark himself. Gambit adds fuck-all to the process.

The only reasons I'm seeing to bring Gambit along is if (a) he's going to get a technological solution for Gambit to touch Rogue rather than for Rogue to touch anyone she wants, or (b) he's going to get a technological solution for Rogue to touch people, give it to Gambit, and have Gambit give it to her.

Neither one of those scenarios makes any sense to me.

Scenario (a) kind of only makes sense if Paul doesn't actually give any fucks about Rogue, that the primary thing he wants is to prove his superiority to Gambit for some unknown reason, and Rogue is just a maguffin to be won to prove that. That wasn't the sense I was getting (and also so over-the-top assholish that I'm not sure how it would be a Paragon interrupt kind of thing).

I guess scenario (b) kind of makes sense if Paul's primary desire to fuck both Rogue and Gambit, so this is a convoluted scheme to hook the two of them so he can accomplish that, but that also wasn't at all how the scene came across.

Feels like Gambit is so extraneous to the "Solve Rogue's problem through technology" plan that asking him to make a decision about pursuing that option (as opposed to, you know, Rogue herself) seems bizarre to me.

The reason he's bringing Gambit along is to get him to stop antagonising him with the pranks.

He could just help Rogue on his own, but that won't exactly help his relationship with Gambit, a team mate and someone he may depend on in the future.

By doing this he can help Rogue and make a very positive impression on Gambit.
(b) he's going to get a technological solution for Rogue to touch people, give it to Gambit, and have Gambit give it to her.

It's a little petty, but makes sense. He's going "You think she'd prefer you? Alright, let's get rid of the handicap. I think she'll pick me anyway (because you're a dick)."
I believe currently it is just Jean maintaining a relationship with both Scott and Logan. There is no explicit 3-way relationship between Scott and Logan. And it is unclear if Scott is with Emma at the moment. But there is the potential for it between Scott and Logan. They do have their own sort of chemistry, and they gained mutual respect for each other a long time ago.

It is more of a free love kind of deal on Krakoa.

As for the amnesty, part of the argument is that the antisocial tendencies and actions was because of their exclusion from being a mutant. Now they have a society where they can belong. And the amnesty is only for the past. If you kill a human now, you are getting sent to mutant jail, which is worse than human prisons. Plus it's not like humans have excused other criminals. Dark Reign for example.

I would say the only really egregious one getting off is Sinister who has no excuse for his tendencies. But he is also very necessary for the Five and gets folded in.
I would say the only really egregious one getting off is Sinister who has no excuse for his tendencies. But he is also very necessary for the Five and gets folded in

They also brought in Apocalypse, aka the guy that has tried to commit genocide multiple times because of his whole belief in rule of the strong.

As for the amnesty, part of the argument is that the antisocial tendencies and actions was because of their exclusion from being a mutant. Now they have a society where they can belong.

There's honestly only so much a person can get away with before their excuses start to be shit.

Some believe that Hitler may have been abused as a child, but I doubt a lot of people will think that letting him start a new life after all the shit he's done is a good idea.
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Interesting interactions.

I remember 90's Gambit being petty enough to charge a brick when he was in a pissing match with Logan when rebuilding the mansion, so I'm not shocked at a cake bomb. Little curious how he pulled it off without paul noticing though, but he's a pretty sneaky fella.

The comment that Gambit is no physical threat to this Paul reminded me of something from the comics. Their is a near Dr Who levels of weirdness in a story about Gambit in the comics when he was tossed out of the x-men for his part in ...I think it was the marauders killing morloks, when his part of that came out. They threw him out in the ice outside the savage land, fully expecting him to freeze to death, and Rogue didn't stop them.

He got saved by what later turned out to be an alternate universe version of himself going by the name New Sun,that had his set of powers dialed to 11. Evidently main universe Gambit worked for Sinister and did the morlok job as payment for removing a chunk of his brain to reduce his growing powers to a manageable level. When dealing with this alternate version of himself, there was some time travel and Gambit had a younger version of Sinister put the brain bits back in, so he'd have enough juice to face off with his evil version one on one.

New Sun and/or Gambit with their full range of powers doesn't just do 'touch thing, charge it, it explodes'. He's a full on energy manipulator that could glass a planet. The Evil Gambit had taken out his whole earth and had hopped universes to make sure the local versions of the same didn't do the same (and no, I don't remember why he didn't just let Gambit die....comic book logic). Powers included all Gambits charging tricks with a look rather then a touch, flight, transformation into an energy being, multiverse teleportation and anything else you can think of when to comes to kinetic energy or radiation/ absorption of energy.

Anywho, A 'fully armed and operational' version of comics Gambit would actually be something of a challenge for Marvel Paul. And, depending on just how much he cares for Rogue, you really could see him go all out.
There's also the revelation of X-Men: the End, where it turns out Gambit is a clone of Mr Sinister with Summers DNA implanted, which would suggest that Gambit ought to have the same powers as Mr Sinister- shapeshifting, healing factor, superhuman stats, telepathy, and telekinesis, as well.

Of course last I heard that wasn't proven in any other universe.....

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