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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I know that it's a coincidence but whenever someone says something like that, my Satandar goes off.

(That he at one point fell from the sky is like the one single thing we know about Satan that's actually biblical.)
Oh, the SI has a whole bunch of Lucifer/Satan flags. The reading of "Lucifer" as "Light bearer" describes him quite well. He's also got the whole snake and tempter thing going on (side note, I miss his Mr. Morden "What do you want?" routine). And then there is everything that went on with the Silver City arc, his activities in hell, etc.
but I don't know… Anything about what happens in the Aztec afterlife. I had thought they went in for reincarnation so there should only be a few human souls here, but… That's clearly not the case."

Those who die a natural death go to Mictlan, which is divided into nine layers. Here, they undergo various trials and hardships to gain the strength needed to be reborn. It takes four years to make the journey from the first layer to the ninth, and they are aided by Xolotl.

Those who don't die a natural death go to Teteocan, divided into 4 realms. They too shall be reborn after some time, though it's not mentioned how long.
  • The Eastern realm of Tlahuiztlampa is for victorious warriors, along with those who are ritually sacrificed. Xipe-Totec, The Flayed One, rules this realm.
  • The Western realm of Cihuatlampa is for women who die in childbirth, ruled by Quetzalcoatl.
  • The Southern realm of Huitztlampa, a realm of radiance for those who die while still a child, ruled by Huitzilopochtli.
  • The Northern realm of Mictlampa, a realm of stillness and rest (basically a spa) for those warriors who are defeated in battle, ruled by Tezcatlipoca.
"For the Aztecs, glory is only granted to victorious warriors, something I too endorse. However... Battles have both winners and losers. The efforts, bravery and determination of the losers are not reflected in such an arrangement. And that is something I cannot overlook. For those who die in battle ought to be rewarded equally. As such, mine is the realm of the defeated. It welcomes the souls of those who fought bravely, yet were tragically defeated, destined to be forgotten by all. These are the ones whose feats I acknowledge, and so I grant them the rest and peace they are worthy of."
It's good writing. A proper story is driven by the decisions of the main character. Sure, the antagonists are doing things to, but it's best when that to is in response to the MC. Otherwise you get a passive mc with no agency that a story just happens to, and those are typically very frustrating to read.
If the protagonist's actions never have consequences, that's bad writing. But to be really good writing, the world should be alive and important things should be happening off screen which cause important later events on-screen. It's very easy for one writer writing a big world to fall into the Great Man theory of history, because modeling a handful of Great Men(/Women) is much easier to write than working out what systemic forces are moving large numbers of ordinary people to cause change.

(Much as I'm loathe to encourage anyone responding to Vaermina.)
Break Time (supplementary, Renegade option)
17th February 2013
10:21 GMT -7

"Hmm." Sunset looks over to Circe. "Does that looks right to you?"

Circe seems mildly puzzled. "It's not like you to be so hesitant, Sunset. Are you worried about what we will be conjuring up?"

"We don't really have demons in Equestria." She taps her tablet as she checks the geometry of the ritual space. "The closest thing we have are umbrum, and they're basically useless."

"And not evil?"

"Oh, they're evil." She shrugs as she lowers the tablet. "Or at least that's what all the records say. But they're hard to bind and they don't really have any useful magic of their own. King Sombra used to use them to possess ponies so he could control them, but that only worked because he was a manifested umbrum himself and they were okay working for him without being bound. For everyone else, if you're strong enough to bind the umbrum you can probably just mind control the pony you were going to order them to possess."

I raise my left eyebrow.

"Or-. Just-. Find some other way to do it."

I nod. "Just because you're Alicorn of Magic, that doesn't mean that you have to solve-."

"Solve every problem with magic." She rolls not just her eyes, but her entire head, demonstrating that ascension doesn't stop you being a teenager. "You sure it's not Celestia you're dating?"

"Yes." I look over the programmable ritual circle. "So what are you summoning up?"

"I figured the best place to start was the youngest succubus, because that-."

"Sunset, I have adopted nine children. I don't want to end up on a sex offenders register."

"No, it's okay. This spell is the version for when you want to send a succubus to seduce someone else. They know what you want before they appear."

"Okay." I nod. "Just remember that it's your magic signature that's on all of this, and I will have absolutely no hesitation in giving the police your name."

"Sunset?" The boy goes to take a step out of the double-warded viewing area I told him to stay inside, then remembers himself and stops at the exterior line. "Is it going to summon my sister?"

Sunset glances at me, a little awkwardness and uncertainty entering her posture. "It might, but probably not. We're just going to get a succubus who knows more about what's going on than we do."

He nods, looking pensive.

Sunset nods. "Alright, positions."

Circe and Sunset take up positions opposite one another across the summoning circle while I step inside it, careful to avoid interfering with their drawings. And then I make eye contact with the boy while theatrically wiggling my left hand. Now, normally, standing inside the summoning circle is a bad idea, but that is because most summoners are squishy humans calling up things more physically powerful than themselves.

But as John Constantine demonstrated with the Fuckpig, it doesn't always have to go that way. And I am a New God.

Sunset gestures, and the edge of the summoning cylinder shimmers. And there's a faint scent of rotting eggs, which suggests that whoever we're summoning predated modern hygiene.

And given the shape of what appears… Sort of a combination of Cro-Magnon and actual crow, with a diaphanous… Mini-dress. The face is a sort of human face stretched in such a way as to suggest a beak, while the dress and feathers fade into each other. Now, I could sort of see how a bird woman could be an arousing sight. I've seen Ms Thal's fan sites. This is… Something unsexy that you can sort of see that it could turn into something sexy… If someone put a lot of work in.

"Usually, they wait outside the circle, oh God of Conquerors." She blinks her too-large eyes. "Though given your power I can see why you did not. You should have more caution: this gateway can work both ways."

"Oh, I plan on visiting Hell eventually. I do appreciate your warning, though I am somewhat curious as to your reason for offering it freely."

"Someone of your power could easily represent a long-term contract. I would ruin my chance if you died foolishly. Though perhaps my caution was unwarranted, given your great power."

"It's a foolish overlord who gets annoyed at subordinates looking out for his interests. Now, I want some information from you."

"Volunteering information only goes so far. If you are not sending me out to seduce your enemies, I will require payment."

"Fair enough. What do you have in mind?"

"I understand that your library is extensive. Given their aversion to demons, Atlantean lore reaches us only slowly."

"You want books on thaumaturgy?" She nods. "Seeking to better yourself. I respect that. Bit surprised that you didn't ask for more, but okay."

"If you weren't willing to supply even that, there wasn't any point in continuing the conversation. Ordinarily, I would attack a summoner who was so miserly, but in your case I would simply have left."

"Rational. You're young, aren't you?"

"Is that something that concerns you? I assure you that any information that I have will be accurate. My nature will not allow me to violate pacts."

"I imagine that an older demon would be more inflexible, that's all. Very well. Somewhere between ten and fifteen years ago a succubus set up with a vampire man on a small island in British waters. They had numerous children. The vampire was killed and the succubus 'died' shortly afterwards."

"That is not possible. We cannot bear children."

"Unless the succubus possessed a human body. I'm not exactly sure how it worked, but…" I point over to the boy. "It did."

The succubus makes a quiet cawing noise.

"So can I assume that you have no knowledge of his mother?"

"Succubae come and go. I have heard nothing of a succubae doing what you described."

Hm. "Alright. Any succubae showing an unusual interest in newer succubae? Or.. other newcomers to Hell? Some of her children died a little while after she did and we're trying to track down their souls."

"Countless souls fall into Hell every moment. But children are rare. Why do you think they would be ours?"

"Inherent demonic magic, inherited from mother and father. I suspect that reality would have treated them as demons."

"I cannot demand that you pay me for information I don't have. If I return and look for those children, what can I expect in thanks?"

"Depends on what you get. You can have a book for any substantial piece of information, even if it's just the mother's name. If you actually find the children… I could bind you to the Earth for a decade or so. If you maintain your adaptability, you could use that time to flourish within the bounds of human society."

Behind me, Sunset frowns at something.

"And the Queen?"

"If she gives you trouble, refer her to me."

The succubus bows. "I will return to Hell to begin my search."

I watch the space she occupied as she shimmers into non-existence. Then I turn to Sunset, who rotates her demonic analyser so that I can see the name and the boy can't.


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Sunset gestures, and the edge of the summoning cylinder shimmers. And there's a faint sent of rotting eggs, which suggests that whoever we're summoning predated modern hygiene.
That should say 'scent'.

"It's a foolish overlord to gets annoyed at subordinates looking out for his interests. Now, I want some information from you."
That should say 'who'.

Also, I noticed that your latest Renegade chapters are missing the word "supplementary" in their titles. Is that on purpose or a mistake?
I have no idea why that name is important. But based on standard tropes that is either the mother's name or one of the dead children.

That's the name of the Succupires' oldest sister. The previous Renegade segment mentioned her. Oh, and she was, unfortunately, the first among themselves that they killed/ate.
I understand that your library is extensive. Given their aversion to demons, Atlantean lore reaches us only slowly."

"You want books on thaumaturgy?" She nods. "Seeking to better yourself. I respect that

Giving knowledge on magic to a demon seems like a very, very bad idea.

"So can I assume that you have no knowledge of his mother

What, you think that all demons know each other?

That's pretty racist.
17th February 2013
17:21 GMT

"Hmm." Sunset looks over to Circe. "Does that looks right to you?"

Circe seems mildly puzzled. "It's not like you to be so hesitant, Sunset. Are you worried about what we will be conjuring up?"
Amusingly, I have just the comeback for that. The subject may turn up in an unexpected form or state of dress. Or lack thereof. Especially if they're aiming for a younger, more.. pliable Succubus. I suspect a lot of the older ones are somewhat wary.

"We don't really have demons in Equestria." She taps her tablet as she checks the geometry of the ritual space. "The closest thing we have are umbrum, and they're basically useless."

"And not evil?"
What about Windigos? Or are they considered extinct?

"Oh, they're evil." She shrugs as she lowers the tablet. "Or at least that's what all the records say. But they're hard to bind and they don't really have any useful magic of their own. King Sombra used to use them to possess ponies so he could control them, but that only worked because he was a manifested umbrum himself and they were okay working for him without being bound. For everyone else, if you're strong enough to bind the umbrum you can probably just mind control the pony you were going to order them to possess."
Though I don't doubt he had some measure of leverage upon them. The promise of unlimited souls to mess with, perhaps.

I raise my left eyebrow.

"Or-. Just-. Find some other way to do it."
Has little Sunset given the matter some thought, eh?

I nod. "Just because you're Alicorn of Magic, that doesn't mean that you have to solve-."

"Solve every problem with magic." She rolls nod just her eyes, but her entire head, demonstrating that ascension doesn't stop you being a teenager. "You sure it's not Celestia you're dating?"
Feh. Sunbutt is far too old for him, even now. Though she's not without her charms, such as her pranksterish sense of humour.

"Yes." I look over the programmable ritual circle. "So what are you summoning up?"

"I figured the best place to start was the youngest succubus, because that-."
...How young are you talking? Or do they emerge fully legal?

"Sunset, I have adopted nine children. I don't want to end up on a sex offenders register."

"No, it's okay. This spell is the version for when you want to send a succubus to seduce someone else. They know what you want before they appear."
Well, good. As long as there's not going to be any underage girls popping up...

"Okay." I nod. "Just remember that it's your magic signature that's on all of this, and I will have absolutely no hesitation in giving the police your name."

"Sunset?" The boy goes to take a step out of the double-warded viewing area I told him to stay inside, then remembers himself and stops at the exterior line. "Is it going to summon my sister?"
...Huh, that is actually a good question, especially if she got fast-tracked.

Sunset glances at me, a little awkwardness and uncertainty entering her posture. "It might, but probably not. We're just going to get a succubus who knows more about what's going on then we do."

He nods, looking pensive.
And I doubt the spell allows for the seeking of blood-connections.

Sunset nods. "Alright, positions."

Circe and Sunset take up positions opposite one another across the summoning circle while I step inside it, careful to avoid interfering with their drawings. And then I make eye contact with the boy while theatrically wiggling my left hand. Now, normally, standing inside the summoning circle is a bad idea, but that is because most summoners are squishy humans calling up things more physically powerful than themselves.
And at this point, it would take a senior demon to give the Renegade a challenge.

But as John Constantine demonstrated with the Fuckpig, it doesn't always have to go that way. And I am a New God.

Sunset gestures, and the edge of the summoning cylinder shimmers. And there's a faint scent of rotting eggs, which suggests that whoever we're summoning predated modern hygiene.
...Huh. I kind of expected something... Grosser-looking for something called the 'fuckpig'. Possibly like one of those 'hentai fat bastards' taken up to eleven.

And given the shape of what appears… Sort of a combination of Cro-Magnon and actual crow, with a diaphanous… Mini-dress. The face is a sort of human face stretched in such a way as to suggest a beak, while the dress and feathers fade into each other. Now, I could sort of see how a bird woman could be an arousing sight. I've seen Ms Thal's fan sites. This is… Something unsexy that you can sort of see that it could turn into something sexy… If someone put a lot of work in.
Hey, she's not trying to seduce you, Renegade., Why bother with a glamour if you're not the target?

"Usually, they wait outside the circle, oh God of Conquerors." She blinks her too-large eyes. "Though given your power I can see why you did not. You should have more caution: this gateway can work both ways."

"Oh, I plan on visiting Hell eventually. I do appreciate your warning, though I am somewhat curious as to your reason for offering it freely."
I half-suspect the Lords would like some warning of his coming, if only to assemble their forces or clear his path.

"Someone of your power could easily represent a long-term contract. I would ruin my chance if you died foolishly. Though perhaps my caution was unwarranted, given your great power."

"It's a foolish overlord to get annoyed at subordinates looking out for his interests. Now, I want some information from you."
Ah, bribery. It makes the underworld go around.

"Volunteering information only goes so far. If you are not sending me out to seduce your enemies, I will require payment."

"Fair enough. What do you have in mind?"
Sadly, I doubt a donation of tantric mana would suffice.

"I understand that your library is extensive. Given their aversion to demons, Atlantean lore reaches us only slowly."

"You want books on thaumaturgy?" She nods. "Seeking to better yourself. I respect that. Bit surprised that you didn't ask for more, but okay."
Ambition. Also a key part of any demon's being...

"If you weren't willing to supply even that, there wasn't any point in continuing the conversation. Ordinarily, I would attack a summoner who was so miserly, but in your case I would simply have left."

"Rational. You're young, aren't you?"
Presumably the older Succubi wouldn't have bothered showing up at all if there was no profit in it for them.

"Is that something that concerns you? I assure you that any information that I have will be accurate. My nature will not allow me to violate pacts."

"I imagine that an older demon would be more inflexible, that's all. Very well. Somewhere between ten and fifteen years ago a succubus set up with a vampire man on a small island in British waters. They had numerous children. The vampire was killed and the succubus 'died' shortly afterwards."
At least when they make a deal, they stick to it. But you'd better read the fine print very well before signing. :p

"That is not possible. We cannot bear children."

"Unless the succubus possessed a human body. I'm not exactly sure how it worked, but…" I point over to the boy. "It did."
Huh. Interesting detail. I suppose it makes sense - an unwanted pregnancy might put a dampener on a career trajectory, even if you had clients with those tastes.

The succubus makes a quiet cawing noise.

"So can I assume that you have no knowledge of his mother?"
Ah, she's surprised, I see. This information might be something of value to take back with her.

"Succubae come and go. I have heard nothing of a succubae doing what you described."

Hm. "Alright. Any succubae showing an unusual interest in newer succubae? Or.. other newcomers to Hell? Some of her children died a little while after she did and we're trying to track down their souls."
Since I doubt the kid would have that many sins to 'atone' for.

"Countless souls fall into Hell every moment. But children are rare. Why do you think they would be ours?"

"Inherent demonic magic, inherited from mother and father. I suspect that reality would have treated them as demons."
Reality, and the Silver City.Or they might surprise us all by going 'your sins are not your own' and letting her into the pearly gates.

"I cannot demand that you pay me for information I don't have. If I return and look for those children, what can I expect in thanks?"

"Depends on what you get. You can have a book for any substantial piece of information, even if it's just the mother's name. If you actually find the children… I could bind you to the Earth for a decade or so. If you maintain your adaptability, you could use that time to flourish within the bounds of human society."
Assuming she doesn't get greedy. Heck, she could pretend to be a superhero. Or make a killing in the porn industry. Especially as a webcam star.

Behind me, Sunset frowns at something.

"And the Queen?"
Oh-hoh? What's she spotted?

"If she gives you trouble, refer her to me."

The succubus bows. "I will return to Hell to begin my search."
An offer the Queen may well take you up on. if only out of curiosity.

I watch the space she occupied as she shimmers into non-existence. Then I turn to Sunset, who rotates her demonic analyser so that I can see the name and the boy can't.


...Could be a coincidence. Could explain some things.

Well, if it was who that last bit implies, no wonder she acted oddly when she saw Vam-Paul. Still, it may also just be luck. And there's no guarantee that said lost sister would retain any memory of her life after the... Reforging process. It'll be interesting to see what information the young Succubus comes back with later. And whether the Queen takes an interest in proceedings.

She rolls nod just her eyes, but her entire head...
She rolls not just her eyes, but her entire head...
That should say 'scent'.
That should say 'who'.
Also, I noticed that your latest Renegade chapters are missing the word "supplementary" in their titles. Is that on purpose or a mistake?
She rolls not just her eyes, but her entire head...
Thank you, corrected.
...Huh. I kind of expected something... Grosser-looking for something called the 'fuckpig'. Possibly like one of those 'hentai fat bastards' taken up to eleven.
It was trying to avoid letting them know exactly what it was. It's true form looks more like a xenomorph.
Feh. Sunbutt is far too old for him, even now. Though she's not without her charms, such as her pranksterish sense of humour.

She's just 500 years older.

How young are you talking? Or do they emerge fully legal?

I guess it can depend on the summoner and whrt they like.

Hey, she's not trying to seduce you, Renegade., Why bother with a glamour if you're not the target?

Though it may have worked.

Paul got very close to the Spider Queen and renegade is a Paul.

Reality, and the Silver City.Or they might surprise us all by going 'your sins are not your own' and letting her into the pearly gates.

Maybe they'd separate the good parts and let that into Heaven while the bad parts go to Hell.
I suppose Sunset might not know otherwise given how long the Umbrum have been sealed, but from what I recall the Umbrum are actually meant to be pretty scary. To the extent Chrysalis' reaction to learning they were going to be released was to nope out with the intent of fleeing to another continent.

It's just rather fortunate that they're extremely vulnerable to the Crystal Heart.
"Succubae come and go. I have heard nothing of a succubae doing what you described."

Hm. "Alright. Any succubae showing an unusual interest in newer succubae?
Isn't it usually 'succubi'? Although I guess ae makes some sense because that's the female plural form in Latin, right? (I have only rudimentary education in the language.)
Break Time (part 7)
17th February 2013
17:38 GMT

"You ever feel like joining the Justice League yourself?"

Philippus shakes her head, her eyes taking in every detail of the landscape below us. Hippolyta has opened up the reliquary and Philippus is back in her 'training Diana' equipment: Hermes' spare sandals on her feet allowing her to fly and boosting her speed, and the misnamed 'gauntlets' of Atlas around her forearms to boost her strength and endurance. Unfortunately for information-gathering purposes, Diana and Donna still have their respective lassos.

"It would be wrong to get in the way of the princesses. They do not need old women like me competing with them for glory."

That's a very Amazon response, though I mean that in the sense that it's a response that made sense before the Exile. Much like asari, the young women fought and the mature women raised daughters and practised professions. Unless their core territory was threatened or they became officers. Amazons don't have a new tradition which takes into account the lack of enemies or their agelessness. There's no need to prove your courage in your physical prime if your physical prime lasts three thousand years. And there's no urgent rush to have children once you've done that if you're blessed by a goddess who hasn't realised that normal women run out of ovum eventually.

That's probably something we're going to need to work on before the current generation come of age. After this mess is over.

"I don't think she'd see it like that."


She looks up, not at me but at the twelve pegasus riders accompanying us. Two of them are Heraklya, while the other ten are 'normal'. All have orichalcum equipment. Unless the Aztecs have flying monsters this should be more than enough force for reconnaissance.

"What will their Earth Goddess do with the people she ate?"


Her eyes flick my way. "Shades have no need for hearts."

"I'm not sure those are literally hearts. You have to remember that we're not in the material world any longer. It's thrown me off a few times, too."

"What does taking the heart of a soul do to it?"

"Okay, you know that motivation actually comes from your brain but we poetically refer to passion as coming from the heart?"

"No heart, no passion."

"Or maybe they still have it and… Tlazolteotl, or whoever it is, is using it to change them as they see fit. The sheeda we met had his personality intact, so I doubt it's having the heart removed by itself… Or maybe it just affects sheeda differently? I don't know."

"But they still have their minds." She frowns. "Then why do none of them talk to us? They make no war cries. They do not organise themselves with words or use formations."

"Again, guessing, but there is a limit to how many ways a goddess can split her attention. If she's remote controlling-. There was a wizard I briefly fought on Earth called Papa Midnite. One of his things was to remove part of a person's soul to turn them into a near-mindless servant. They lost the capacity for independent thought. Couldn't even speak. Just follow instructions as best as their damaged minds could understand them. You could stab one and it would just stand there, bleeding to death, until it lost the strength to stand. When we defeated him we were able to restore the surviving ones…"

I don't know what happened to them afterwards. Given the spiritual damage that inflicted on them, I doubt they would have survived any degree of Anti-Life exposure.

I shake my head. "The point is, there are all sorts of things you can clip off a person to turn them into pawns. Remember what shades were like before Lord Hades had his revelation?"

She nods. "I do."

"To be clear, Lord Hades is a god I admire and respect because he does a very good job at running an afterlife. Not all religions are as fortunate as we are."

"He does now."

"Anyway. Going back to my original point, it's a big world and if you feel like doing some heroing, I'm sure we can find somewhere for you that doesn't detract from Wonder Woman."

"I will keep that in mind."

Okay, so the topography of this place doesn't match Central America, but the trees I've seen match those that are native to Central America. Which makes sense. There are mountains in the distance, though I'm.. not sure if they're affected by the one hundred metre limit. Is Tlazolteotl trapping her rivals as well? I think-.

"I smell smoke. And water."

Philippus makes eye contact with Cernunnos. "Where?"

He points to… Forward and right. I have no idea whether or not this place uses normal directions, and I've got no idea how to work them out if it does. "That way."

Ring, scan?


"My ring thinks there's a river. Beyond that, don't know."

But that makes sense too. Aztecs hunted, so naturally their afterlife has the associated ideas built into it. They didn't use power rings, so I've got to copy their methods if I want to get anywhere. I could…

I glance at the construct coffin I'm carrying along behind me.

I could assimilate her, then pull the new construct lantern into my ring to gain its memories. And yes, that's an even more horrible violation of her soul than has already taken place, but Anti-Life. And the horrible violations that are already happening to her fellow Aztecs, with or without the Anti-Life.

Perhaps if I use the purple healing ray for longer? I might be able to reconfigure-.



"Scout ahead. I want to know what Cernunnos has found."

"Covertly or overtly?"

She frowns at me, then looks over at the flying horses-.

I generate a booster construct. "Just checking."

The booster ignites, sending me shooting over the forest and… Yes, there's the river, just peeking through the canopy. Drop through the leaves into the channel and accelerate faster, because just because there's no reason for the Aztecs to have anti-air weapons doesn't mean that they don't.

I blink, and a… Boat? Flashes past. It was stationary, wedged against the bank and a fallen tree trunk. It looked like it was in reasonable condition, but the light construction suggested… A fishing vessel? This may be a river but it's not exactly the Amazon. It doesn't seem like boat fishing would be the way to go for food collection. Puzzling.

Up ahead the terrain rises, the river cutting a valley into the harder rock on side. I can distantly hear the sound of crashing water from a waterfall. Not much in the way of other sound coming from that direction-.

And then I'm at the plunge pool, braking hard as I see actual man made structures. Rock buildings that put me equally in mind of the surviving Aztec structures and those of Themyscira, things built by people with primitive tools and methods but unlimited time and patience. The roofs are thatched, and the walls are brightly coloured with either different types of stone or some kind of paint.

I don't see any actual people.

But I do see an Anti-Life broadcaster.
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Okay, you that motivation

"you know that"

"Then why"

I don't know what happened to them afterwards. Given the spiritual damage that inflicted on them, I doubt they would have survived any degree of Anti-Life exposure

Who knows.

Maybe their experience with that gave them some level of resistance.

associated ideas built in to it. They

"into it"
17th February 2013
17:38 GMT

"You ever feel like joining the Justice League yourself?"

Philippus shakes her head, her eyes taking in every detail of the landscape below us. Hippolyta has opened up the reliquary and Philippus is back in her 'training Diana' equipment: Hermes' spare sandals on her allowing her to fly and boosting her speed, and the misnamed 'gauntlets' of Atlas around her forearms to boost her strength and endurance. Unfortunately for information-gathering purposes, Diana and Donna still have their respective lassos.
I suspect she sees the 'superhero life' as a young person's career. And while she may not be old physically - I'd be impressed if she appeared more than mid-thirties at the oldest - She's lived a long time, and right now, I suspect she just wants to enjoy being around her beloved Queen.

"It would be wrong to get in the way of the princesses. They do not need old women like me competing with them for glory."

That's a very Amazon response, though I mean that in the sense that it's a response that made sense before the Exile. Much like Asari, the young women fought and the mature women raised daughters and practised professions. Unless their core territory was threatened or they became officers. Amazons don't have a new tradition which takes into account the lack of enemies or their agelessness. There's no need to prove your courage in your physical prime if your physical prime lasts three thousand years. And there's no urgent rush to have children once you've done that if you're blessed by a goddess who hasn't realised that normal women run out of ovum eventually.
And when the most dangerous foe you generally face is an occasional invasion of your people's own dead... One that you've gotten so good at dealing with that it's merely an inconvenience... There's not much drive to make a new tradition.

That's probably something we're going to need to work on before the current generation come of age. After this mess is over.

"I don't think she'd see it like that."
Heh. Thinking of what will happen when the Pavlova hit their teens and look to Man's World as a way to find their own place?


She looks up, not at me but at the twelve pegasi riders accompanying us. Two of them are Herakla, while the other ten are 'normal'. All have orichalcum equipment. Unless the Aztecs have flying monsters this should be more than enough force for reconnaissance.
Ah, speaking of superheroic folk. Two of Herakles' daughters is quite the force-multiplier.

"What will their Earth Goddess do with the people she ate?"

And really, it's not so much 'ate' as 'swallowed'. Given that we don't know if they'll be digested or not...

Her eyes flick my way. "Shades have no need for hearts."

"I'm not sure those are literally hearts. You have to remember that we're not in the material world any longer. It's thrown me off a few times, too."
These lands are places of metaphor, after all. The Amazons are a little more unchangable because they're still flesh.

"What does taking the heart of a soul do to it?"

"Okay, you that motivation actually comes from your brain but we poetically refer to passion as coming from the heart?"

"No heart, no passion."
So the missing hearts are more... The removal of something critical to their rational consciousness?

"Or maybe they still have it and… Tlazolteotl, or whoever it is, is using it to change them as they see fit. The sheeda we met had his personality intact, so I doubt it's having the heart removed by itself… Or maybe it just affects sheeda differently? I don't know."

"But they still have their minds." She frowns. "They why do none of them talk to us? They make no war cries. They do not organise themselves with words or use formations."
No-one said it was a perfect analogy.

"Again, guessing, but there is a limit to how many ways a goddess can split her attention. If she's remote controlling-. There was a wizard I briefly fought on Earth called Papa Midnite. One of his things was to remove part of a person's soul to turn them into a near-mindless servant. They lost the capacity for independent thought. Couldn't even speak. Just follow instructions as best as their damaged minds could understand them. You could stab one and it would just stand there, bleeding to death, until it lost the strength to stand. When we defeated him we were able to restore the surviving ones…"
...I don't remember that. :confused: It was either off-screen or simply nothing critical, I guess. It has been a long story, after all.

I don't know what happened to them afterwards. Given the spiritual damage that inflicted on them, I doubt they would have survived any degree of Anti-Life exposure.

I shake my head. "The point is, there are all sorts of things you can clip off a person to turn them into pawns. Remember what shades were like before Lord Hades had his revelation?"
Ouch. Bad luck for them. And for quite a lot of people, when you think about it. Third disaster in as many years that resulted in many, many deaths...

She nods. "I do."

"To be clear, Lord Hades is a god I admire and respect because he does a very good job at running an afterlife. Not all religions are as fortunate as we are."
I mean, it's not like he's listening right now, OL. No need to be quite so... Complimentary?

"He does now."

"Anyway. Going back to my original point, it's a big world and if you feel like doing some heroing, I'm sure we can find somewhere for you that doesn't detract from Wonder Woman."
Like, say, Greece. North Africa. Heck, any part of the Mediterranean, other than Kahndaq.

"I will keep that in mind."

Okay, so the topography of this place doesn't match Central America, but the trees I've seen match those that are native to Central America. Which makes sense. There are mountains in the distance, though I'm.. not sure if they're affected by the one hundred metre limit. Is Tlazolteotl trapping her rivals as well? I think-.
Worth pointing out that it might not be her behind this.. She could be as much a victim as anyone. Especially if Mannheim is playing games around here.

"I smell smoke. And water."

Philippus makes eye contact with Cernunnos. "Where?"
No Blood, though, so that means civilisation, but not battle.

He points to… Forward and right. I have no idea whether or not this place uses normal directions, and I've got no idea how to work them out if it does. "That way."

Ring, scan?
I suspect if you're going somewhere, you'll get there eventually. Time is an illusion, and lunchtime doubly so. :p

"My ring thinks there's a river. Beyond that, don't know."

But that makes sense too. Aztecs hunted, so naturally their afterlife has the associated ideas built in to it. They didn't use power rings, so I've got to copy their methods if I want to get anywhere. I could…
Maybe a construct condor or something?

I glance at the construct coffin I'm carrying along behind me.

I could assimilate her, then pull the new construct lantern into my ring to gain its memories. And yes, that's an even more horrible violation of her soul than has already taken place, but Anti-Life. And the horrible violations that are already happening to her fellow Aztecs, with or without the Anti-Life.
...Let's leave the functionally permanent theft of their soul as a last resort, OL...

Perhaps if I use the purple healing ray for longer? I might be able to reconfigure-.

What, use the ray as a metaphysical faucet to pour life energy into the undead?


"Scout ahead. I want to know what Cernunnos has found."
I suppose he is the fastest thing they've got,,relatively speaking.

"Covertly or overtly?"

She frowns at me, then looks over at the flying horses-.
I rather think if anyone were looking, then they'd have seen you already.

I generate a booster construct. "Just checking."

The booster ignites, sending my shooting over the forest and… Yes, there's the river, just peeking through canopy. Drop through the leaves into the channel and accelerate faster, because just because there's no reason for the Aztecs to have anti-air weapons doesn't mean that they don't.
Even if it's merely a demigod with supernatural spear-throwing skills.

I blink, and a… Boat? Flashes past. It was stationary, wedged against the bank and a fallen tree trunk. It looked like it was in reasonable condition, but the light construct suggested… A fishing vessel? This may be a river but it's not exactly the Amazon. It doesn't seem like boat fishing would be the way to go for food collection. Puzzling.

Up ahead the terrain rises, the river cutting a valley into the harder rock on side. I can distantly hear the sound of crashing water from a waterfall. Not much in the way of other sound coming from that direction-.
Perhaps it's a leftover from a more ancient part of their religion? Or the realm of one of the conquered people absorbed into the Aztec's empire...

And then I'm at the plunge pool, breaking hard as I see actual man made structures. Rock buildings that put me equally in mind of the surviving Aztec structures and those of Themyscira, things built by people with primitive tools and methods but unlimited time and patience. The roofs are thatched, and the walls are brightly coloured with either different types of stone or some kind of paint.

I don't see any actual people.

But I do see an Anti-Life broadcaster.
Motherfucker. Mannheim did expand into the otherworlds. Or this is a reflection of something in the real world...

Well, there it is. Proof that Mannheim's been poking into the mystical realms of Earth. No doubt trying to crush the weaker pantheons before he goes after faiths like Shinto, the Aesir or the Olympians. Because as I said before: The New God of Tyranny will tolerate no rivals. Plus, crushing their patron gods would make bringing down divine champions like Adom or Captain Marvel easier.
...I don't remember that. :confused: It was either off-screen or simply nothing critical, I guess. It has been a long story, after all

I think it happened around the Oceanus episode.

Midnite gave the Light that guy that was possessed by the gluttony or famine elemental and he was later arrested.

Like, say, Greece. North Africa. Heck, any part of the Mediterranean, other than Kahndaq.

The League is international, so that may not work.

Perhaps it's a leftover from a more ancient part of their religion? Or the realm of one of the conquered people absorbed into the Aztec's empire...

Vulcan did say that gods absorbed other gods when they were assimilated or conquered, so it's possible.

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