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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Given that Paul addressed them was Mr. Atom, and Paul's distate and anal retentiveness about not using codenames, he'd have called him President Adams or something if it was the guy.

Sounds like Paul brought over the robot, which does beg the question of how they can eat a fuel rod.

My bad, I just assumed it was a typo. Mostly because absorbing radiological elements is Major Atom's main schtick and I didn't recall that Mr. Atom could do it as well. And I know it probably doesn't distract the robot as much, but still seems weird to occupy the (at the moment) main coordinator for the League in something that, while dangerous, doesn't seem that important.

Oh, and if Mr. Atom can consume the rods for energy it would make sense if he can properly open his mouth.

Well, it's also fitting.

It is the Light that came into existence when the Presence said "let there be light"

Is it? I don't know if something post-New 52 came out, which I wouldn't care about, but I was under the impression that Emotional Entities were the first living beings within a universe to connect with their respectice emotions, which is why they became embodiments of it.

With the Life Entity I would presume that, whatever they are, they were the first living being to properly experience the joy of life or something like that. I'm not sure that there is any particular connection with The Source or The Presence or any other divine being.
Is it? I don't know if something post-New 52 came out, which I wouldn't care about, but I was under the impression that Emotional Entities were the first living beings within a universe to connect with their respectice emotions, which is why they became embodiments of it.

With the Life Entity I would presume that, whatever they are, they were the first living being to properly experience the joy of life or something like that. I'm not sure that there is any particular connection with The Source or The Presence or any other divine being.

The White Light Entity isn't really an emotional entity. The White Light Entity arrived in the universe bringing the concept of Light and Life with it, exiling Nekron, which turned him into cosmic Get off my lawn man.

Which is why Nekron's ultimate goal was to destroy the White Light Entity, with it gone, the concept of life would go with it, instantly killing everyone and freeing Nekron to return home.

A connection to the Source/Presence can be inferred, but was never actually stated that I'm aware.

Well before flashpoint anyway.
I nod and transition myself out of the power plant. Lot's of lovely radiation-blocking metal and concrete around here.
They'd have been more aware of the pain… But maybe it would be better to die free as yourself?
I wonder how it feels for them to appear in the afterlife. Does the Anti-life just disappear? I wonder if that makes appearing in Hell better or worse.
A man who's skin is more blister than skin is weakly reaching for-.
First 'skin is' extraneous.
Are we really worried about the Life Entity specifically though? It's basically a more powerful Emotional Entity than all the others put togethere, and I doubt it suffers from the same weaknesses.

The biggest threat is to earth, not the source of all life.

It's not helpless, but in the comics it seemed to need a host to make full use of its abilities, it couldn't defeat Nekron until it had a good host, Sinestro wasn't sufficiently compatible, but Hal was.

And since if it dies everything else in the universe dies because life becomes impossible on the conceptual level that's not really something I'd be blasé about.
It's not helpless, but in the comics it seemed to need a host to make full use of its abilities, it couldn't defeat Nekron until it had a good host, Sinestro wasn't sufficiently compatible, but Hal was.

And since if it dies everything else in the universe dies because life becomes impossible on the conceptual level that's not really something I'd be blasé about.

Yeah, but an argument could be made because nekron embodied its conceptual opposite, death. I guess there's no way to know for sure but I doubt it'd have as much trouble with something less opposed to its nature.

Edit: Whatever happened to that Black Lantern druid or something who showed up way way back in Roanake Island with Klarion and co and after that with Arcane? I can't remember.
According to WOG, he's past his bar owning phase, so it's possible he's no longer in this universe.

Besides, why would Lucifer give a shit either way?

Dudes so far above anyone else in the setting that Earth 16 may as well be a slightly interesting petri dish.

Edit: On the other hand, free will is kind of his thing….
That should either say 'They just' or 'The Justified'.
Thank you, corrected.
I wonder how many people will start a new religion worshipping the "White God". I also hope they think of a better name for the Life Entity.
It's very powerful, it's white, it works.
Thank you, corrected.
Yeah, now I'm worried that racists are going to use that as justification for their shit.
The Life Entity doesn't look particularly human.
Thank you, corrected.
First 'skin is' extraneous.
That one is intentional.

I wonder how it feels for them to appear in the afterlife. Does the Anti-life just disappear? I wonder if that makes appearing in Hell better or worse.

First 'skin is' extraneous.
Well, we have WoG from Zoat that if Joker died, a fully restored, and sane Jack Napier would end up in Heaven because they take the insanity defense very seriously.

Presumably, anyone that makes it to Heaven is purged of Anti-Life
Instinctive ingroup-outgroup differentiation can't happen with a thing that very visibly isn't part of your group.
I think what they mean is that some bigots will remember seeing a white being and learn that it channels something called the White Light, and decide that this justifies white supremacy regardless of how nonsensical that is. This will then lead to them trying to use the image of the Life Entity as a symbol for white power. Hopefully if someone actually tries this Paul will shut it down ASAP.
Instinctive ingroup-outgroup differentiation can't happen with a thing that very visibly isn't part of your group.

You're really giving them too much credit for their intelligence.

I think what they mean is that some bigots will remember seeing a white being and learn that it channels something called the White Light, and decide that this justifies white supremacy regardless of how nonsensical that is. This will then lead to them trying to use the image of the Life Entity as a symbol for white power. Hopefully if someone actually tries this Paul will shut it down ASAP.

Pretty much.
Having the life entity be who Dr. Li saw is far better than what I initially expected given the high levels of radiation involved.

No dealing with the magical super cancer entity today, that would be a rough one to rebound into right after a Darkseid invasion.
Edit: Whatever happened to that Black Lantern druid or something who showed up way way back in Roanake Island with Klarion and co and after that with Arcane? I can't remember.
IIRC, Dark Druid was imprisoned in the Tower of Fate, which considering John Quinn raises further questions.
Reconstruction (Renegade option)
18th February 2013
19:21 GMT -7

I sigh as the g-elves escort… An idiotic American college student in. He's dressed like an unusually sheltered middle class youth's idea of what a punk looks like, faux-leather bracers, three hundred dollar leather jacket and jeans that were 'ripped' with a pair of scissors. He looks up at me with a depressing combination of despair and hope. "Ah, Mister… Grayven?"

"Perry.. Jerome.. White."

I make a show of slumping slightly in my chair, elbows resting on my desk.


"Ah… Mister Grayven?"

"A simple question, man. How on earth did you manage it?"

"Well, I…" His eyes shift shiftily as he tries to work out what the right answer is. "I-. The book made it… I didn't even think it was real. Y'know?"

"You, a rank neophyte, with no prior experience of magic, managed to summon up the Queen of the Succubae."

To my surprise and mild satisfaction, he manages to pull himself up slightly.



"Ah… My last girlfriend dumped me a couple of months ago, and she-. I'm pretty sure she's been spreading shit about me with all her friends-."

I raise my right hand. He stops talking.

"I can well understand a young man being horny and without a partner. What I don't understand is going from that to selling your soul to Queen Triskele."

"I just… Stopped reading at 'succubus'."

I close my eyes.






I open my eyes.

"If you'd stopped reading at 'succubus' then we wouldn't be in this position. So am I to understand that your aim was to summon up an idealised sexual partner and make merry, and worry about the bill later?"

"I just… Figured she'd.. want… 'Vital force' or something?"

"Mister White, Japanese pornography is not a reliable guide to demonology. Also." I close my eyes again and shake my head. "Triskele has the form of a giant skeletal snake with an androgynously beautiful face strapped to her skull. Now, I'm dating a horse, so I'm not going to criticise you for having extra-anthropological tastes, but…"

"There were… There were, like, other pictures on the page, and I didn't really… I didn't know she was the snake, I just thought… I thought the bones were… You know, decoration."

If I ever find myself in the room with the man responsible for World of Warcraft…

"I hope that the rest of your studies are going rather better than the 'F' I'm giving you in demonology."

"'F'-? The spell worked, didn't-?"

"It didn't achieve its stated objective."

"OW! Fuck you!"

Mr. White winces as his wish is pushed into the room, bound hand, foot and neck with enchanted bonds of iron, the neck bracket attached to poles held by federal agents on work experience.

One suitably nubile succubus, magically able and willing to indulge his every desire. Which unless I miss my guess probably started at the occasional mildly unusual sex act and quickly morphed into supportive girlfriend things that she'd find painfully boring but was too scared of her queen to say anything about.

"Jer-ry! They're hurting me!"

"Do you have your immigration paperwork?"

"Wha..? I'm American."

Improbable breast-waist-hips ratio, flawless skin without makeup, purple hair and… I sniff. Yes, a mild aphrodisiac scent. None of that is impossible for a metahuman, but a metahuman wouldn't suffer burns from the sanctified iron.

"You're a demon. And while the two aren't necessarily contradictory, I had Mister Constantine go through your alleged paperwork."

"Constan-?" … "Fuuuuuuuuuuuck."

"Not quite sure what he's got that I haven't, but sure. Be worried about him." I gesture to the two agents accompanying her. "As you can see, the United States of America is a little better prepared to handle things relating to magic these days."

"Ah, babe? I think we should probably cooperate."

"But Jer-ry! The queen's gunna be super-pissed!"

I shake my head. "You know full well that in four years it's not going to matter anyway."

Mr. White looks at me nervously. "Why? What happen in four years?"

"The pact isn't 'until death'. It's 'until Triskele gets bored'. Five years at most, then she drags you off to Hell."

"…" His eyes widen. "F-uuuuck."

"You can get out of it! Just make a new deal! It's like a mortgage!"

Mr. White looks at me for confirmation.

"Yes, if you can scrounge up a new innocent soul to sacrifice, that would indeed work. The last person Mister Constantine found in your position habitually kidnapped and sacrificed babies to fulfil the requirement."


"Sure!" The succubus rattles her chains. "Just let me ditch these guys and I'll get right on it, and on you."

I gaze levelly at Mr. White. "Seriously?"

"I-I don't wanna murder babies!"

"You wouldn't. You'd kidnap babies. The queen would kill them. And maybe not even then! Sometimes they just get trained as cultists, or sold on to other people!"

I lean forwards. "May I assume, then, that I will have your assistance in un-fucking this situation?"

He nods, while his succubus concubine just looks away, disinterested.

"And you."

"Whaaa-aat! You're ruining my contract!"

"Yes, but let's be honest with ourselves: you don't actually like Queen Triskele. Do you?"

"She got me this job.""So no, she suuuucks."

If possible, Mr. White slumps a little further.

"It was just one puppy! I have needs.""And wants."

"So I intend to tug on your contract to get Queen Triskele's attention. Work with me, and you will avoid prosecution and eternal damnation both." I hold out my right arm. "Shake my hand."

He shakes.
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