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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

disinterested -> disinterest
Thank you, corrected.
I seem to recall Krono was the one to teach his people the whole 'breaking and provisioning' thing in the first place.
Shame Liberty Prime got nuked. Could have been very useful.
For what? It's a war robot with no one to fight, and while I don't know what he said about it in FO3, OWB House considered it a rediculous vanity project and much prefers C-27s.
Always nice to head back to the wonderful world of OWB. Honestly I'm really looking forward to being able to get the Wardens of the White back in gear and kick the Immortal out of Seattle. You can do that now with Old Country but getting the Passkeepers and Safehaven to go along with your plans seems depends on RNG. Apparently the Alamo is supposed to be getting new content with the next update but I'm not sure if that's incremental or major update.

Honestly, I enjoyed the series in the same sense that I enjoyed Starship Troopers, with the book and movie being very different experiences that I regard as tangentially connected at best. My biggest issue with the Fallout show was honestly, what was the benefit of putting it where FO1 and FO2 took place, being so foundational, that we couldn't get from putting it in say, Kansas City in 2170? If it was in a different location and earlier in the timeline it would have gone over much better.

Heck, why not put it in NYC if the film industry culture tie in was so important?
Huh, I just recently went ahead and watched the new fallout series(I forget which streaming service it's on) it does occur to me that having telepaths around may be a good way to avoid Vault-tec remnants nuking the NCR(which you only learn most of the story behind it later in the episodes).

"I heard that way over in West Virginia they leave ICBMs lying around so that anyone with a couple of scout badges(1) can use them. They say they mainly use them to exterminate bats in caves and mines with them too."

(1) See the requirements for Tadpole: Cryptographer. It's the lowest rank of scout...
I watched a two and a half hour video about why that series is terrible and I agreed with every point. Shady Sands is a post-war town with no pre-war elements, it isn't where the series seems to think it is, and the main character's vault is right next to the Master's headquarters and if there had actually been a vault there all of the inhabitants would be super mutants by the time Fallout started.
So you watched a two and a half hour video by someone who hadn't actually seen the series.

Got it.

As a BTW, Vault 31,32, and 33 were next to the Santa-Monica Pier, and the Masters Cathedral was in Torrance, 16 miles away through the heart of the heavily irradiated at the time LA boneyard that the Master was very specifically limiting his advance through.
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Chances it was MauLer who was likely right in everything he said for two and half hours. The Fallout show is just another example of IP being mined for attention with quality and lore being sacrificed for mass appeal, with anyone who questions the writers or show runners gets tarred with claims of not being 'real' or 'true' fans of the series.
I watched a two and a half hour video about why that series is terrible and I agreed with every point.

While I get having valid lore concerns about a mass market adaptation from a studio which has already disregarded or twisted prior lore, do you actually watch any new media yourself? It feels like a lot of the time when you write about or talk about something new, it's always in the context of 'I saw the popular YouTuber 'the Antiwoke Armadillo' EVISCERATE Stargirl and Barbie, and that inspired me to write my SI in those settings'.

This feels like an overly personal question for me to ask, and I may be overstepping some bounds, but this is also an overly personal story to publish, and my curiosity is overpowering my good sense.
Actually, who is 'EE'?
While I get having valid lore concerns about a mass market adaptation from a studio which has already disregarded or twisted prior lore, do you actually watch any new media yourself? It feels like a lot of the time when you write about or talk about something new, it's always in the context of 'I saw the popular YouTuber 'the Antiwoke Armadillo' EVISCERATE Stargirl and Barbie, and that inspired me to write my SI in those settings'.

This feels like an overly personal question for me to ask, and I may be overstepping some bounds, but this is also an overly personal story to publish, and my curiosity is overpowering my good sense.
Very seldom. Ang Lee's Hulk spoiled all media for me.
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Coast to Coast (part 2)
29th November 2282
13:37 EST

"…for some reason, they decided to kill most of their own leadership." Sentinel Lyons snorts through her power armour's air filter. Lyons' Pride have actually switched over to repainted Hellfire Power Armour over their old T-51 armour. Some of them have either kept their old helmets or altered the Hellfire helmets to better resemble those traditionally used by the Brotherhood, probably to avoid friendly fire incidents. "Honestly, I don't know why they haven't just given up."

"My guess would be stubbornness. Once you commit to a course of action -particularly one which contravenes your established moral norms- the need for the ego to justify it can be utterly overwhelming."

Either the Brotherhood or the locals have cleared quite a few of the roads in the former capital, though they haven't done much beyond dragging the cars and rubble out of the way. This particular path on the other hand remains just as detritus-laden as ever. After all, what reason do the Capital Wasteland Chapter and the Brotherhood Outcasts have for talking to each other? They said everything they wanted to say when they split up.

"It's a relief to hear about it. I believe in what Elder Lyons is doing, but it was a weight off when you said that the High Elder approved it."

"High Elder Törni cleaves to the mission as espoused by Roger Maxson: preserve technology and then use it to rebuild human civilisation. However, the split that manifested here is not unique to your Chapter. The Texas Chapter split in the same way over more or less the same thing."

"What about the others?"

"The Maxson Chapter was almost destroyed by the Hangdogs tribe and then finished off by Caesar's Legion. The few survivors we found were shipped back to Lost Hills. The Mojave Chapter was almost destroyed in the NCR-Brotherhood War, but with the new cooperation agreement they're out of their bunker and making themselves useful. They've even given them de facto control of Helios One, given how much of a joke the NCR's science team was. Lost Hills has started turning all the territory between the bunker and the border with the Shi into a shining model of environmentally friendly industrialisation and farming. Midwest took a lot of casualties fighting the Calculator and has.. effectively dissolved. They've only been able to really start investigating the technology in Vault Zero since Elder Rusk sent them some of his Scribes from Dallas, and they cleared that out nearly a century ago. The Washington Brotherhood are going strong, much as everyone wishes they weren't."

"Why not?"

"They're raiders and slavers, led by a demon-worshipping madman."


"Well, I say 'demon-worshipping', but it's probably not a literal demon." I shake my head. "There's something very strange going on in Seattle and our intelligence gathering capacity is limited."

Because compared to everything else, a raider nation with a few platoons of Black Paladins isn't that much of a concern, and Elder The Immortal seems to be focusing on expanding into Alaska of all places anyway. Looking for equipment left over from Operation Anchorage, perhaps?

"And then the Isotope Chapter just goes wherever the radiation is too high for anyone else."

"The Isotope Chapter?"

"Yeah." I shrug. "Most Chapters banish anyone who turns into a ghoul. Given the number of brothers and sisters who tried to breach the West Tek Research Facility over the years -or who just got unlucky- that's not a small number. High Elder Törni allowed the survivors to form their own Chapter and granted Ms Rutherford the title of Elder. Are there any former Brotherhood ghouls around here?"

"No, no Brotherhood zombies here. What do they.. do?"

"Old ghouls are living witnesses to history. A couple of them are old enough to have actually met Roger Maxson in person, and the rest have all of the skills that someone over a hundred years old picks up in their life. Plus, they're immune to disease and radiation, so they can enter dangerous pre-War ruins without risk from environmental factors."

"And what happens when they go crazy?"

"If the ghouls in question doesn't wake up crazy from the change, staying mentally active can hold off the madness pretty much indefinitely. Most of Elder Rutherford's work is making sure that everyone is fully employed. They've been plumbing the depths of the Necropolis and clearing out the Divide, both places too radioactive for anyone who isn't a ghoul."

"They.. don't all go crazy?"

"I've personally spoken to ghouls who remember the Great War. Since ghouls don't age I assume that they'll either go mad or be killed eventually, but how mentally coherent do you expect to be when you're two hundred?"

She makes an amused snort. "I never thought of it like-"



The squad comes to a halt in sight of the Fort Independence barricade, people in power armour painted Outcast grey and red pointing their weapons at us. Sarah takes a few steps forward.

"We radioed ahead, Casdin! Don't act like this is a surprise!"

"What do you want, Sarah!?"

I hold up my other letter, seal towards him. "A message from Lost Hills! From the pen of the High Elder!"

Casdin looks at me. Then at the seal. Then he starts to look at Sarah before his face crumples.


The other Outcasts either freeze or look confused, though I'm telepathically monitoring them to make sure that none of them are about to decide to shoot. Letter aloft, I walk towards the barricade. One Outcast on the right starts to aim at me -there's no real intent there, he's just keeping me covered- but Casdin waves at him to lower his gun.

"What-? What are the.. High Elder's orders?"

I keep approaching slowly, letter forward.

"Begin packing up. A ship is being sent from the Alamo Chapter under the command of Paladin Cade. Their Chapter is under threat from a robot army under the control of a Mexican AI. You will reinforce them. Their Elder is… More in line with your way of thinking than Elder Lyons. The Alamo Chapter has command of a part of the former United States' satellite network. You will be able to communicate with them directly to confirm their arrival time."

"What are we allowed to take?"

"Everything. Strip your facilities bare. The Alamo Chapter will need it more than the Capital Wasteland Chapter, and the ship has plenty of storage."

While not a full fleet carrier, the recommissioned Hornet-class amphibious assault ship can carry a substantial quantity of cargo as well as serving as a launch platform for the Alamo Chapter's Vertibirds. They captured both from a Mexican oil rig which looks like it was being prepared to serve as an alternate site for Control Station Enclave. It and the rig will be sunk in about a day if Santa Anna declares war and sends his own more primitive but much more numerous fleet north, so there's no real problem sending it here to do a pickup run.

"And… If we refuse?"

"You'll be excommunicated, and Paladin Cade will see to your execution. The High Elder understands that… Sometimes, loyal members of the Brotherhood might interpret the Codex differently. That there is more than one way to fulfil the Brotherhood's mission. And that their fixation might cause them to forget that other than in cases of outright treason they're supposed to follow the commands of their Elder even if they think they're being inefficient. That is why you are being afforded this chance to carry on the Brotherhood's mission in a way that you can tolerate. You have erred, yes, but High Elder Törni knows that you are no traitor."

He nods hesitantly. "Bring me the written orders. We'll need to-. Think."
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29th November 2282
13:37 EST

"…for some reason, they decided to kill most of their own leadership." Sentinel Lyons snorts through her power armour's air filter. Lyons' Pride have actually switched over to repainted Hellfire Power Armour over their old T-51 armour. Some of them have either kept their old helmets or altered the Hellfire helmets to better resemble those traditionally used by the Brotherhood, probably to avoid friendly fire incidents. "Honestly, I don't know why they haven't just given up."
More DLC storylines, eh? I'm guessing they feel the outlay of resources and manpower is worth the resulting advantages the objective will grant them. Presumably a large cache of weapons, powered armour and extensive strategic intel.

"My guess would be stubbornness. Once you commit to a course of action -particularly one which contravenes your established moral norms- the need for the ego to justify it can be utterly overwhelming."
In other words, they're in too deep to turn back, regardless of their own desires.

Either the Brotherhood or the locals have cleared quite a few of the roads in the former capital, though they haven't done much beyond dragging the cars and rubble out of the way. This particular path on the other hand remains just as detritus-laden as ever. After all, what reason do the Capital Wasteland Chapter and the Brotherhood Outcasts have for talking to each other? They said everything they wanted to say when they split up.
With high-calibre ammunition, no less, I would bet.

"It's a relief to hear about it. I believe in what Elder Lyons is doing, but it was a weight off when you said that the High Elder approved it."

"High Elder Törni cleaves to the mission as espoused by Roger Maxson: preserve technology and then use it to rebuild human civilisation. However, the split that manifested here is not unique to your Chapter. The Texas Chapter split in the same way over more or less the same thing."

"What about the others?"
Sometimes the lure of becoming a petty conqueror is mighty indeed. Especially if there's not much hope of maintaining your original mission.

"The Maxson Chapter was almost destroyed by the Hangdogs tribe and then finished off by Caesar's Legion. The few survivors we found were shipped back to Lost Hills. The Mojave Chapter was almost destroyed in the NCR-Brotherhood War, but with the new cooperation agreement they're out of their bunker and making themselves useful. They've even given them de facto control of Helios One, given how much of a joke the NCR's science team was. Lost Hills has started turning all the territory between the bunker and the boarder with the Shi into a shining model of environmentally friendly industrialisation and farming. Midwest took a lot of casualties fighting the Calculator and has.. effectively dissolved. They've only been able to really start investigating the technology in Vault Zero since Elder Rusk sent them some of his Scribes from Dallas, and they cleared that out nearly a century ago. The Washington Brotherhood are going strong, much as everyone wishes they weren't."
Holy info-dump, hero guy. I'm guessing this is how most of these events played out due to Krono's involvement.

"Why not?"

"They're raiders and slavers, led by a demon-worshipping madman."
Bit of a descent. Then again, 'madman' covers most of the changes.


"Well, I say 'demon-worshipping', but it's probably not a literal demon." I shake my head. "There's something very strange going on in Seattle and our intelligence gathering capacity is limited."
Because the locals have a kill-on-sight policy concerning strangers?

Because compared to everything else, a raider nation with a few platoons of Black Paladins isn't that much of a concern, and Elder The Immortal seems to be focusing on expanding into Alaska of all places anyway. Looking for equipment left over from Operation Anchorage, perhaps?
Including a lot of Chinese equipment scavenged from the battlefield, I bet.

"And then the Isotope Chapter just goes wherever the radiation is too high for anyone else."

"The Isotope Chapter?"
Well, that's a meaningful name, I wager.

"Yeah." I shrug. "Most Chapters banish anyone who turns into a ghoul. Given the number of brothers and sisters who tried to breach the West Tek Research Facility over the years -or who just got unlucky- that's not a small number. High Elder Törni allowed the survivors to form their own Chapter and granted Ms Rutherford the title of Elder. Are there any former Brotherhood ghouls around here?"
Heh. Making the best of a bad situation, I see. Torni sounds like a smart woman.

"No, no Brotherhood zombies here. What do they.. do?"

"Old ghouls are living witnesses to history. A couple of them are old enough to have actually met Roger Maxson in person, and the rest have all of the skills that someone over a hundred years old picks up in their life. Plus, they're immune to disease and radiation, so they can enter dangerous pre-War ruins without risk from environmental factors."
As long as you can work around the other aspects of being a Ghoul. I take it there are many drawbacks...

"And what happens why they go crazy?"

"If the ghouls in question doesn't wake up crazy from the change, staying mentally active can hold off the madness pretty much indefinitely. Most of Elder Rutherford's work is making sure that everyone is fully employed. They've been plumbing the depths of the Necropolis and clearing out the Divide, both places too radioactive for anyone who isn't a ghoul."
Helpful. I suppose that's a rare upgrade from the Old World Blues mod that only turns up if you take very specific research routes.

"They.. don't all go crazy?"

"I've personally spoken to ghouls who remember the Great War. Since ghouls don't age I assume that they'll either go mad or be killed eventually, but how mentally coherent do you expect to be when you're two hundred?"
I suppose that's one weakness of being stuck with a human brain in an unaging body. It's not built to operate that long...

She makes an amused snort. "I never thought of it like-"


Ah, looks like they've reached their destination.

The squad comes to a halt in sight of the Fort Independence barricade, people in power armour painted Outcast grey and red pointing their weapons at us. Sarah takes a few steps forward.

"We radioed ahead, Casdin! Don't act like this is a surprise!"
Sounds like a good man in a bad situation. Something Krono is good at correcting.

"What do you want, Sarah!?"

I hold up my other letter, seal towards him. "A message from Lost Hills! From the pen of the High Elder!"
Now, how will he take this, I wonder. Given who the High Elder was...

Casdin looks at me. Then at the seal. Then he starts to look at Sarah before his face crumples.

Interesting? Is he assuming the worst, or is there something more to his state of mind?

The other Outcasts either freeze or look confused, though I'm telepathically monitoring them to make sure that none of them are about to decide to shoot. Letter aloft, I walk towards the barricade. One Outcast on the right starts to aim at me -there's no real intent there, he's just keeping me covered- but Casdin waves at him to lower his gun.

"What-? What are the.. High Elder's orders?"
Ah. Just momentarily concern that shit's about to go real bad for them, I suppose.

I keep approaching slowly, letter forward.

"Begin packing up. A ship is being sent from the Alamo Chapter under the command of Paladin Cade. Their Chapter is under threat from a robot army under the control of a Mexican AI. You will reinforce them. Their Elder is… More in line with your way of thinking than Elder Lyons. The Alamo Chapter has command of a part of the former United States' satellite network. You will be able to communicate with them directly to confirm their arrival time."
Well, that's probably better than they were expecting, and more than they could have hoped for.

"What are we allowed to take?"

"Everything. Strip your facilities bare. The Alamo Chapter will need it more than the Capital Wasteland Chapter, and the ship has plenty of storage."
Since I expect they had concerns about leaving materiel behind for their nominal enemies to plunder...

While not a full fleet carrier, the recommissioned Hornet-class amphibious assault ship can carry a substantial quantity of cargo as well as serving as a launch platform for the Alamo Chapter's Vertibirds. They captured both from a Mexican oil rig which looks like it was being prepared to serve as an alternate site for Control Station Enclave. It and the rig will be sunk in about a day if Santa Anna declares war and sends his own more primitive but much more numerous fleet north, so there's no real problem sending it here to do a pickup run.
A naval ship, I take it. Since I doubt they have the resources or available tech for a flying vessel.

"And… If we refuse?"

"You'll be excommunicated, and Paladin Cade will see to your execution. The High Elder understand that… Sometimes, loyal members of the Brotherhood might interpret the Codex differently. That there is more than one way to fulfil the Brotherhood's mission. And that their fixation might cause them to forget that other than in cases of outright treason they're supposed to follow the commands of their Elder even if they think they're being inefficient. That is why you are being afforded this chance to carry on the Brotherhood's mission in a way that you can tolerate. You have erred, yes, but High Elder Törni knows that you are no traitor."
And that would be the crux of their issues with Lyons, then? They consider his plan of action to be against their beliefs? <Checks Wiki> Ah, yes. 'An ineffectual waste of men and resources'. I can see their complaint, then.

He nods hesitantly. "Bring me the written orders. We'll need to-. Think."
To be fair, what you'll be doing will be a lot better for everyone than squatting in your base looking edgy.

Bit of a conundrum for them, I suppose. Do as ordered, and go into danger, or refuse and be exterminated. On the one side, risk of dying to a powerful enemy. On the other, certain death at the hands of their brothers... And it takes pressure off Lyons' group, even as it disrupts the balance of power in the region.

...between the bunker and the boarder with the Shi...
...between the bunker and the border with the Shi...
And that would be the crux of their issues with Lyons, then? They consider his plan of action to be against their beliefs? <Checks Wiki> Ah, yes. 'An ineffectual waste of men and resources'. I can see their complaint, then.

To be fair, what you'll be doing will be a lot better for everyone than squatting in your base looking edgy.

The thing is, between the 'end' of FO3* and the main part of FO4, the Renegades 'reunite' with the main Brotherhood camp in D.C. after Lyons the Elder died. Sarah leads after him, but like all too many soldiers that are good in the field, she's...not great...at institutional leadership, and dies in a mysterious 'accident' whose only survivors are ex-Renegade brotherhood. Meanwhile, Maxson the Younger gets his ear bent by ex-Renegade officers, and eventually winds up in charge of the D.C. branch of the Brotherhood, orders the dirigible built, (that Paul saw Lyons the Elder decrying when we first saw this snippet) and uses it to move his followers to Boston, chasing the Institute. Who DO make damn nifty toys, to be fair.

So moving this group out? Probably saved Sarah's life. Which is all to the good, for D.C.

*There's some debate as to canonicity of the alien ship, and how long the Lone Wanderer might have been in stasis, but that's just being obstructionist. Meh.
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The thing is, between the 'end' of FO3* and the main part of FO4, the Renegades 'reunite' with the main Brotherhood camp in D.C. after Lyons the Elder died. Sarah leads after him, but like all too many soldiers that are good in the field, she's...not great...at institutional leadership, and dies in a mysterious 'accident' whose only survivors are ex-Renegade brotherhood. Meanwhile, Maxson the Younger gets his ear bent by ex-Renegade officers, and eventually winds up in charge of the D.C. branch of the Brotherhood, orders the dirigible built, (that Paul saw Lyons the Elder decrying when we first saw this snippet) and uses it to move his followers to Boston, chasing the Institute. Who DO make damn nifty toys, to be fair.

So moving this group out? Probably saved Sarah's life. Which is all to the good, for D.C.

*There's some debate as to canonicity of the alien ship, and how long the Lone Wanderer might have been in stasis, but that's just being obstructionist. Meh.
Well yes, if Zoat were using anything even approaching Fallout canon that would be true.

But he's not, he's using Fallout as seen through the eyes of angry youtubers and a fan game.
...between the bunker and the border with the Shi...
Thank you, corrected.
Interesting? Is he assuming the worst, or is there something more to his state of mind?
The Outcasts split with the main Chapter because Lyons was doing what Roger Maxson intended, rather than what every High Elder since him ordered the Brotherhood to do. Each group thinks the other are heretics. And here they just got word from the current High Elder that it was the Outcasts who were in the wrong. The moment he saw the High Elder's seal being accompanied by paladins from the main chapter he knew what the ruling was.

It's like if two Catholic bishops declared each other excummunicate over a difference in doctrine, and then years later a ruling came from the Pope.
I've never played the games, but these fallout chapters are really interesting. It's fun when protagonist-kun exposes how whacky the worldbuilding is sometimes.

Doubly fun because I have no idea what's canon and what's Paul-derived fuckery. :V
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I've never played the games, but these fallout chapters are really interesting. It's fun when protagonist-kun exposes how whacky the worldbuilding is sometimes.

Doubly fun because I have no idea what's canon and what's Paul-derived fuckery. :V
Following the Fallout timeline and Old World Blues' normal timeline.

Owen Lyons would be dead and.. Sarah Lyons would probably still be Elder at this point, I think?

Rusk and Santa Anna would be at war and the survivors of the Alamo Brotherhood would have rejoined Texas.

The Outcasts would still be around, not really doing very much.
For what? It's a war robot with no one to fight, and while I don't know what he said about it in FO3, OWB House considered it a rediculous vanity project and much prefers C-27s.
"They're raiders and slavers, led by a demon-worshipping madman."
Because compared to everything else, a raider nation with a few platoons of Black Paladins isn't that much of a concern
Their Chapter is under threat from a robot army under the control of a Mexican AI.
Seems to me that there are quite a large number of people to fight.
While building Liberty Prime was most likely not an efficient use of resources (it was designed by the Fallout US after all), that doesn't mean it isn't effective once completed. Having a nigh-unstoppable war bot to smash hard targets or trivialise battles would be very useful.
Seems to me that there are quite a large number of people to fight.
While building Liberty Prime was most likely not an efficient use of resources (it was designed by the Fallout US after all), that doesn't mean it isn't effective once completed. Having a nigh-unstoppable war bot to smash hard targets or trivialise battles would be very useful.
The US is fairly large.

In the immediate area around the Citadel, they're out of things to fight that are worth sending a giant war robot after. The Enclave survivors have packed up, the feral super mutants are dead and the slavers have been dealt with.

The Capital Wasteland Chapter can't really transport it. They could tell it to walk to the Alamo and it would eventually get there, but that's not really practical.

Seatle is on the other side of the country.
I'm not really clear on what the Outcast's deal is.

Like I get that they didn't like Lyon's altruism, but what was their plan, exactly?
If they're not fighting super-mutants, then what are they doing?

And the schism was really caused by them asking for permission to go raid Fort Independence for it's technology and military supplies (which were being held by raiders) and being refused multiple times?
Kill the raiders, take the supplies, use the supplies to kill supermutants.

How the fuck are you supposed to gather technology or rebuild civilization with an army of big green muties stomping all over everyone?
I understand them not wanting to give away food or medicine to wastelanders, but combat operations against supermutants aren't really negotiable.
They're already hostile and you can't walk ten feet without bumping into one.

Edit: That being said "I got a letter from your boss, she says 'pack up your shit and go join another chapter'." is a pretty neat way to handle the schism.
Granted, the capitol chapter is still going to have reduced supplies and manpower that the outcasts took with them, but you can't exactly reintegrate them anymore. Too much bad blood.

Sending them off to join another chapter is a good way to placate both sides with a minimal loss of manpower.

It's like if two Catholic bishops declared each other excummunicate over a difference in doctrine, and then years later a ruling came from the Pope.

A ruling came from the pope, with one of the other bishop's men serving as a guard for the messenger.
That way you know it's bad news before the wax seal is even broken.

Casdin's group were kind of banking on the idea that when High Command got wind of the split, they'd agree with him over Lyons, he and his men would be exonerated and he would be vindicated for his actions.

Seeing the letter be hand-delivered more-or-less by Paladin Lyons herself must have been like a bucket of ice poured down the inside of his armour.
If the messanger is cosy with Lyon's chapter, then the ruling is obviously going to be against Casdin and his men.

Frankly, he probably wasn't expecting anything as lenient as "Pack up your shit and prepare for redeployment."
Especially since Kronos makes clear in the next couple of paragraphs that the punishment for disobeying orders is usually execution.

Edit: I appreciate the poetry of sending them to fight a hostile AI too.
"Oh you wanna collect dangerous technology? Ok, here's some dangerous fucking technology, have at it."

From the high-elder's position, this schism has got to seem so petty. She's looking at the Brotherhood being underfire in every single state, hammering out ghoul-rights, combating a demon-worshipping traitor-chapter, probably wrestling with manpower-and-supply problems in every single chapter.

And then over in the capitol you've got a whole chapter that ripped itself in half over fucking nothing.
"We should help people by fighting supermutants."
"But I don't want to help people"
You're going to have to fight the supermutants regardless, they're still man-eating cannibalistic mutants.
But she has to split them up now or they'll kill each-other.
"Fine, go be useful somewhere else."
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With the season finale of X-Men 97, here's hoping we'll get another arc of Paul in the original animated series, whether it be as "Xavier's ever reliable and pragmatic consigliere/token human member of the X-Men with a space-magic ring", OR "The BIGGEST, genre savvy pain in the ass for supervillains everywhere.... besides Deadpool, (though admittedly Paul is significantly more likeable/respectable)."
Thank you, corrected.
With the season finale of X-Men 97, here's hoping we'll get another arc of Paul in the original animated series, whether it be as "Xavier's ever reliable and pragmatic consigliere/token human member of the X-Men with a space-magic ring", OR "The BIGGEST, genre savvy pain in the ass for supervillains everywhere.... besides Deadpool, (though admittedly Paul is significantly more likeable/respectable)."
I've got to be honest, the idea that in-his-sixties Erik had a sexual relationship with in-her-early-teens Rogue is... Offputting, to say the least.
I've got to be honest, the idea that in-his-sixties Erik had a sexual relationship with in-her-early-teens Rogue is... Offputting, to say the least.
Agreed. Hence why it's important that Paul's very existence utterly erases the slightest remote possibility of that EVER happening.

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