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New profile posts

Your sig reminds me of a line from Star Trek TNG:

"You talk so much about being a warrior, about honor and death. Is it so hard to speak of love?"

(Episode is Birthright part II.)
I'm seeing a lot of new one piece SI stories on this site. While I'm not sure if I had anything to do with it, I feel inordinately proud regardless.
There's a really funny one called 反派:气运之子太多,我摆烂了, it's like a villain MC, but he wants nothing to do with protagonists and became a manga artist to avoid plot
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of this genre, 穿越反派臥底氣運之子女主們急了 is better... no "lying flat" mentality MC
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Borks and lies flat to become a tanuki loaf
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It's not that I hate laziness or people who take time to relax, but I hate protagonists who "lie flat" without considering the situation and no matter the cost, you know the kind of asshole who ignores everyone else's feelings and is internally self-righteous, without saying a single word of explanation
Question for you: does A Young Girl's Outer Heaven currently have any chapters in queue? If so, how complete are they? Love the story, your writing is excellent!
There are nine. At 0% complete. They're on my to do list in the backlog, which I am working through.
I really dislike the stories/scripts that write "bargaining" like both sides moving towards a middle ground, that's so naive and stupid

It ought to be more like one side has the leverage, so it's like, they stick to it, and the other side moves up until reaching threshold
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It just don't feel like a real scene at a market, you know? More like, one of those simulated bargains that shop keepers act out for tourists instead of a real haggling.
Fish, I'm not saying that that kind of haggling process necessarily happened every time - a lot of the time the haggling happened once at court resulting in an agreed "fair price", and then departing from that got you the angry mob and/or legal punishment.
I'm merely pointing out that it's not "sucks to be you" exploitation either - as Zam said, that's very much something that came with deregulation and capitalism in the last couple of centuries. And, well, "people trade at the legal fair price with no attempt to deviate" certainly isn't an especially-time-consuming scene.
I saw one that went like

[Hello everyone, this is the Multiverse Brain Storage Center. Please queue up in an orderly manner to store your brains before reading the following story. Remember to take your number plate when you leave~ I hope you have a happy life, goodbye~]
Apparently, Riot of LoL fame put out a new skin for the hot foxu, Ahri.

Fret not, for it too can be yours all for the measly price of... 500$

Top kek!
Your Story 4 in your snippets thread was really good, and I liked it a lot. Thank you for your time and effort. If you ever have the free time and the inspiration to write, please consider contuining that story. Have a nice year.
I'm writing a story called Hyoudou Issei and the D&D Beach Trip. I plan to write that on the website Fiction Live for people there. My goal is to share that in a few days... that's up in the air right now.
Just found both your Worm and Star Wars stories, I hope both of them continue for a long time. Keep up the great work! They are very enjoyable to read.
It seems like a major flaw in these "multiverse chat room" type stories is that the author keeps adding new characters, which means less time to the old characters, and part of this is because they have no creativity, so after the "fix fic" aspect on each of the original characters, the authors don't know how to write them
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after the sealing naraku and dragon raja girl, this story kinda meh
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Pats the fishie
caught up

sexy miko kikyo
bicurious esdeath
"sealing" and other same named skills are not the same across different universes, but are similar
few of the recurring cast (tony stark, ying zheng, etc.) (esdeath is one such character)

not enough nezuko
it starts picking up new characters without resolving old plot (orochimaru, ninja world storyline, dragon ball storyline, etc.)
dragon raja is sad
In detective conan, the black organization has its main members code named after alcohols

so why no bud light?