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Theo Anders and the Black Exaltation[Worm/Exalted][Hiatus]

So I guess I'm asking if you guys want the thread moved.
The way the quest seems to be trending it probably should be.

[X] What if I wanted to be a vigilante?

Not a repudiation of family, but rather a chance to prove himself, and perhaps, an opportunity. It's not like TDP's power resembles Kaiser's. He could make some interesting friends that he couldn't otherwise, in theory anyway. Having an ace in the hole could also be useful.
That, plus the "m'lady", makes me feel like someone is channeling his inner loser.

I'd prefer if Theo TDP channeled his inner winner, instead.

Politeness is great. Theo TDP ought to be polite. But you gotta separate polite from deferential. Theo TDP is not deferential.

I will keep that in mind.
You want the murderhobo of Exalts to stand for the American Way?
Who doesn't?

[X] Of course. But we will speak terms later?
-[X] "I want to start it slow. Have you seen that fear effect? These powers get a lot of mileage out of their "Dark and Creepy" theme. Not to forget the trigger had a lot of influence on my mind with all the Freya and Death Goddess stuff. I need to sort this out, learn what sort of collateral damage I can cause before I make my debut."
-[X] "You're Kaiser, I'm gonna be the Prince. The Dark Prince, like in my hallucinations, because, honestly, look at me. I also wanna distance myself from old me, give up being the son of Max Anders the distant Medicine Mogul and become Kaiser's son full time. Call me "T", cause I'm sick of being Theo."

T of course is short for "The Dark Prince".
I'd prefer twisting Greeco-Romanism.
The thing with any fascist movement is that it's inherent to its native society. The Empire is trying to import a uniquely German construction into America without any consideration for its original context. American fascism is much more along the lines of Huey Long or [modern names redacted to prevent a political derail, but they're all hardcore Randians or reactionaries], with large doses of the KKK (optional). Instead of spray-painting swastikas, a racist Americanist Empire would intimidate minorities by hanging empty nooses from trees. Lung wouldn't be discriminated against because he's non-white but because he's an immigrant - possibly an undocumented ('illegal') one, depending on parts of his backstory that we don't know OOC.

Take into account the fact that WW2 is understood as the single most morally black-and-white war the US ever fought, and the public's treatment of a movement that actively emulates and glorifies the losing side just looks idiotic. Switching to Americanism would enable a long-term PR coup without actually toning down any of the Empire's methods.
Reminds me.about the Konrad curze worm quest by onlineimothep over on SB. Its hilariously.american but not american kkk. Just like heartland Americanism and patriotism. Cranked up to primarch levels.


'Murica with edge.
The thing with any fascist movement is that it's inherent to its native society. The Empire is trying to import a uniquely German construction into America without any consideration for its original context. American fascism is much more along the lines of Huey Long or [modern names redacted to prevent a political derail, but they're all hardcore Randians or reactionaries], with large doses of the KKK (optional). Instead of spray-painting swastikas, a racist Americanist Empire would intimidate minorities by hanging empty nooses from trees. Lung wouldn't be discriminated against because he's non-white but because he's an immigrant - possibly an undocumented ('illegal') one, depending on parts of his backstory that we don't know OOC.

Take into account the fact that WW2 is understood as the single most morally black-and-white war the US ever fought, and the public's treatment of a movement that actively emulates and glorifies the losing side just looks idiotic. Switching to Americanism would enable a long-term PR coup without actually toning down any of the Empire's methods.

Or we can just murder everyone in the Empire that doesn't want obey us when we decide to switch to being a hero :D
What made TDP gain Resonance in this scene?

Probably: Trigger Condition: The character's emotions lead him into a course of action he regrets + Acknowledging his living name.
Which means we are already being hounded by ill omens. Great.
Being called by his living name?
That alone doesn't give us Resonance. It just makes it so that if we gain Resonance in any other way in the scene we have to gain one more.
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Current tally

Vote Tally : Theo Anders and the Black Exaltation[Worm/Exalted] | Page 17 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.1.6

[X] "Of course. We will speak terms later." We are not asking his permission to speak of terms.
-[X] "Just one small thing, father. When you call me by my name, it reminds me of who I used to be. I don't like who I used to be. I mean no disrespect, but would you do me the small favor of using my cape name from now on?"
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Cape name if different than the Dark Prince
- [X] The world isn't yet ready to call me The Dark Prince, except maybe in bed. On the streets, I'll use something slightly less pretentious, slightly more normal-sounding. For now, I'll go by...
-- [X] Aminon
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Cape name if different thanthe Dark Prince
- [X] The world isn't yet ready to call me The Dark Prince, except maybe in bed. On the streets, I'll use something slightly less pretentious, slightly more normal-sounding. For now, I'll go by...
-- [X] Tenebrae
No. of Votes: 2


[X] Cape symbol, for Hero's its what goes on their products, for someone like Kaiser its their personal gang tag
--[X] Our caste mark, of course. It's not like we can hide it anyway, once our anima flares.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Of course. But we will speak terms later?
No. of Votes: 1

[X] If I wanted to join the Wards?
No. of Votes: 1

[X] "Just one small thing, father. When you call me by my name, it reminds me of who I used to be. I don't like who I used to be. I mean no disrespect, but would you do me the small favor of using my cape name from now on?"
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Of course. But we will speak terms later?
-[X] "After all, the wards might offer me a better... ah... I can't say it with a straight face. We'll need to discuss this... later?"
No. of Votes: 1 Counted in Plan Bii

[X] "I am The Dark Prince Jörmungandr. All shall look at me and love me in dispair, for I symbolize that the end comes for all. The Eternal Void that engulfs all eventualities. Do you think that is a little too much?"
No. of Votes: 1 Counted in Plan Bii

[X] Costume : Looking at the color scheme of your power's lightshow... there is an inherent limitation to what you can wear as a costume. Black and Silver. Well... it's not like Hugo Boss didn't design a REALLY sharp looking uniform with that color scheme... yeah, no... Let's go with a medieval theme, of black ornate armor with silver highlights. Your symbol shall be a disc surrounded by a ring or is that a serpent.
No. of Votes: 1 Counted in Plan Bii

[X] Costume idea Bii
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Plan Bii
No. of Votes: 4

[X] What if I wanted to be a vigilante?
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Of course. But we will speak terms later?
-[X] "I want to start it slow. Have you seen that fear effect? These powers get a lot of mileage out of their "Dark and Creepy" theme. Not to forget the trigger had a lot of influence on my mind with all the Freya and Death Goddess stuff. I need to sort this out, learn what sort of collateral damage I can cause before I make my debut."
-[X] "You're Kaiser, I'm gonna be the Prince. The Dark Prince, like in my hallucinations, because, honestly, look at me. I also wanna distance myself from old me, give up being the son of Max Anders the distant Medicine Mogul and become Kaiser's son full time. Call me "T", cause I'm sick of being Theo."
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Purchases:
-[X] Lore ●●○○○ -> ●●●●○ (-8 XP)
-[X] Athletics ●●●○○ -> ●●●●○ (-5 XP)
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 14


For some reason, probably formatting, this tally was all kinda of weird and jacked up. I think its all good now. Bii's plan is broken down a little bit but his votes are counted in 'Plan Bii.' Tanuki isn't counted twice.

I was going to hold off on XP spending until the next snip (In which stuff happens, and a vote or two is added to these votes and all of them get closed together) and open the charms to Glories: UCS, Ink Monkeys, Dreams of the First Age, Thousand Correct Actions (I don't have that book, so will need the relevant charms if they are proposed) and the 2.5 Errata (Anything else needs approval), but I see no reason to not allow it.

So as an addition to all votes following 06-Thunderstruck are the following options(I'm not going to write it every time):

[]Bank XP

[] Purchases:
-[] Write in

If you have a wishlist(Charms and stat improvements), or a general XP spending plan(Things like ASAP, Need, Soon, Luxury for both charms and stats), it'd probably be a good idea to post it so other people can see it. I'll link it under 'Extras' in the index. As a favor, if you do make a plan or put forward a charm in a vote, please list where I can find it, so I don't have to go hunting for it.
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I was going to hold off on XP spending until the next snip (In which stuff happens, and a vote or two is added to these votes and all of them get closed together) and open the charms to Glories: UCS, Ink Monkeys and the 2.5 Errata (Anything else needs approval), but I see no reason to not allow it.
Note that 2.5 Errata includes a major overhaul of Dreams of the First Age - 33 pages of revisions, more than any other splat except The Fair Folk (and its 44 pages). Relevant to TDP are the 24 mirror charms in those pages. Also note that it makes one correction to Thousand Correct Actions, a published splat that focuses on Dragonbloods but four of its charms explicitly have mirrored Solar/Abyssal counterparts: one each in Integrity, War, Athletics, and Sail.
Note that 2.5 Errata includes a major overhaul of Dreams of the First Age - 33 pages of revisions, more than any other splat except The Fair Folk (and its 44 pages). Relevant to TDP are the 24 mirror charms in those pages. Also note that it makes one correction to Thousand Correct Actions, a published splat that focuses on Dragonbloods but four of its charms explicitly have mirrored Solar/Abyssal counterparts: one each in Integrity, War, Athletics, and Sail.

I seem to be missing Thousand Correct Actions, but I did see it when I was going through Anathema's charm filters(Forgot that it had relevant charms). If someone wants them, I'll just need the charm to look at. I'm pretty sure they were copied earlier in the thread.

I will add Dreams of the First Age to the list. (And go update the index)
07- Loving the Lover
*Ahem* After consulting the rules to make sure I haven't gone over any lines, I have decided to issue a 'Questionable' warning. I believe everything sexual in this snip falls under [Listed under 'Questionable' and it is considered polite to give a warning] 'Written scenes that heavily imply any kind of sexual conduct (even if the sexual conduct itself would be illegal), so long as it remains at implication, and does not cross over into explicit explanation/description.' without getting into [Definitely NSFW] 'Written Fiction that contains graphic descriptions of Gore or sex. (Saying 'They fucked like rabbits' and using suggestive imagery is okay, spelling out all mechanical details is not.)' Not trying to rules lawyer by any means, just trying to follow the rules.


That night you dream.

Its a very nice dream.

The Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears is featuring prominently, glistening with what are presumably tears and not much else.

"Dark Prince," she purrs as she gets up and descends from her throne, "Come, sit with me."

You are, well, still hormonal, and the sight of the Lover is a bit much for your virgin eyes, and you are struck dumb. But she smiles as you finally manage to bumble out a polite greeting, and takes your hand. She leads you to a bench near her dream throne where you both sit, very close to one another and still clasping hands.

"Tell me of your world," she commands, "I found it very interesting that your former family acted as if the Exaltation was something that could happen. Were you Dragonblooded?"

"No, my, uh," again you stumble through a response, unsure of what to call her.

"I am your Liege, Dark Prince," she cuts in smoothly with a smile.

You clear your throat.

"No, my Liege, my... Theo's father and his father before him are parahumans. It was expected that I-Theo would trigger with his own powers, and take up his place within their criminal organization."

"And what are parahumans?"

And so you tell her everything you know about parahumans. She frowns when she hears about glowing golden man, Scion. Eventually you are telling her everything you know about the Empire and its parahumans, and the greater area of Brockton Bay.
When you finish, she hums thoughtfully before standing. And in a very classical Liege way, gives you your orders.

"Hear me, Dark Prince, and receive your immediate mission," she says imperiously as you slide off the bench and take a knee in front of her. It only seemed right, you are her servant, aren't you?

"You are to build a powerbase, independent of the government of Brockton Bay. In addition, you will gather knowledgeable sages to your side. The world of Earth Bet must become known to me, and so you will be an extension of my power and will, and through me the will of the Neverborn."

That... lines up rather nicely with your own current plans. Taking over the Empire would surely count as building a powerbase.

"It will be done, my Liege," you intone, head bowed.

Soft hands take your face in them and raise you to look at her sultry smile.

"I know it will be, I have faith in you," her sultry smile and her intense eyes become downright lustful, and your body reacts, "Now that business is concluded, let us indulge in the other."

Even as you stand, your blush grows, and your excitement wars with doubt and desire to not disappoint.

"I've never lain with a woman before, my Liege, I-"

Whatever you were going to say is cut off as she pulls you into a kiss. With tongue. And roaming hands. Their cool flesh feels amazing on your suddenly hot skin.

"It is of no consequence, it has been some time since I have had a virgin. Let me teach you the ways to please a woman."

What little she is wearing is divested, and her roaming hands set about relieving you of your own dream clothes. She pulls you back with kisses and seats herself on the bench, pushing you to your knees, her legs -


"Oh my! It's been even longer, unf, since I've had, mmm, someone so enthusiastic!"


"Yes, there you go. Just, ooooh, just like that."


"No, that way is fine too! You'd be surpr-" she squeals a little, drawing out the 'i', "-ised how many men- shades, that's good- refuse to go there."



You collapse and sit against the bench, your chest is heaving and you're both glistening, but otherwise she is just as perfect as she was when she disrobed. Except her hair. It has this ruffled look that really adds to the absolutely seductive (and you like to think it's also satisfied, but you've never seen that kind of look before) look she sports.

Then she stretches and stands. The Lover smiles down at you and offers you a hand up. You take it and, though her frame belies such strength, she hauls you to your feet.

"And finally, before you leave to the waking world, I have something for you." her face becomes stern, "It is very difficult to do this, Dark Prince, so do not expect it often."

You trail behind her as she leads you to a set of large dream doors, and take the opportunity to watch her swaying hips, long legs, and currently naked bottom.

If only this wasn't a dream, then you wouldn't be a virgin. But it has been a very, very nice dream.

Then the doors swing open and you realize the Lover is showing you an armory. She turns and spreads her arms out, doing amazing things to her body. She glances down and snorts in amusement. You are fifteen, but even you're surprised. The two of you had been very thorough.

"You may choose two items from this side," she indicates her left, your right, "or a single more powerful artifact from the other side."

The Lover steps to the side and allows you to pass and you inspect the weapons and armor. Some of the blades are huge, and they all seem to be made out of some dark metal that screams and moans.

"My Liege, what metal is this?"

"Soulsteel, Dark Prince. It is crafted from the souls of men and turned to steel. Their anguish and suffering is eternal."

And that isn't all kinds of creepy. But you continue to look.

Eventually you settle on:

The Lover's gift(s) to The Dark Prince
[] Two one dot Soulsteel Artifacts
-[]Write in

[] One two dot Soulsteel Artifact
-[]Write in

You indicate your choices, she nods and then sashays over to you, gives you one more soul searing kiss and you wake up.

You blink rapidly.

Why are you standing naked in the dining room?

A cough gains your attention. You whip around and cover yourself. Nessa and your father are standing there in the archway, with Jessica having used her power to look over their shoulders, and heads.

Almost instantly the twins devolve into squabbling as Jessica makes smug comments, and Nessa is needling her with glee. Your father spares them a look and palms his face.

"Theo, we have an appointment with Old Johann at nine o'clock in two and a half hours. Find something that fits decently. Now. And take that with you."

A finger is jabbed at something at your feet and your father shuffles off mumbling about coffee and it being too early. Quite honestly you are sure your face is all but on fire as you quickly grab the artifact(s) off the floor and scoot out the other door of the dining room, doing your best to not attract the attention of your now bickering cousins.

Holy shit! You choose this/these! In the dream!

The Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears is real?!


XP gained: 2xp
+12 motes

The Lover padded TDP's confidence a little. All the better to wrap him around her finger.

So, the votes currently open are:

From 06-Thunderstruck(Please re vote):

Theo's response:
[] Of course. But we will speak terms later?
[] What if I wanted to be a vigilante?
[] If I wanted to join the Wards?

Theo's cape stuff:
[] Costume colors, theme (French Musketeer or Landsknecht or Pirate would be different themes), mask ideas
-[]Write in
[] Cape symbol, for Hero's its what goes on their products, for someone like Kaiser its their personal gang tag
-[]Write in
[] Cape name if different than the Dark Prince
-[]Write in

And from 07- Loving the Lover

The Lover's gift(s) to The Dark Prince
[] Two one dot Soulsteel Artifacts
-[]Write in

[] One two dot Soulsteel Artifact
-[]Write in

Finally, XP spending


-[]Write in
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"It is of no consequence, it has been some time since I have had a virgin. Let me teach you the ways to please a woman."

What little she is wearing is divested, and her roaming hands set about relieving you of your own dream clothes. She pulls you back with kisses and seats herself on the bench, pushing you to your knees, her legs -


"Oh my! It's been even longer, unf, since I've had, mmm, someone so enthusiastic!"


"Yes, there you go. Just, ooooh, just like that."


"No, that way is fine too! You'd be surpr-" she squeals a little, drawing out the 'i', "-ised how many men- shades, that's good- refuse to go there."



You collapse and sit against the bench, your chest is heaving and you're both glistening, but otherwise she is just as perfect as she was when she disrobed. Except her hair. It has this ruffled look that really adds to the absolutely seductive (and you like to think it's also satisfied, but you've never seen that kind of look before) look she sports.

Normally I would hate this kind of cop out but the way you wrote this is hilarious.
Normally I would hate this kind of cop out but the way you wrote this is hilarious.

Well, my hands are somewhat tied by the rules(Thankfully), and as I wrote it, its definitely toeing the line. And its a better 'cop out' (Remember this is a (currently) SFW quest and I'm not very good at writing or writing sexy times) than going 'she pulls you back to the bench with kisses, and soon you are joined. Many tens of minutes later you sit next to the bench sated, looking to see if your lover, the Lover, is also satisfied.'

So I decided to have a little fun with it.
From 06-Thunderstruck(No need to re vote if you already have done so for 06):
The way that the primary vote counter works, you actually do need to copy your previous vote. To prevent double-counting anyone, it only registers the most recent vote by each user.

(I'm abstaining from the artifacts vote because I don't really know what's worth getting)

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