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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

The Arc Clan: Cousin Relena New
- - -

Jaune sighed heavily, looking a bit down. Which was unusual to Ruby: The Beacon grounds were beautiful and the sun was shining. They'd just had a great meal, and great training session!

"Jaune, what is it?" Ruby asked, sitting down next to him on his bench.

"Oh, just... Another relative of mine is showing up."

Ruby winced.

"Ooh... They are a real pain?"

"Um, no, not at all!" Jaune said quickly, waving his hands quickly. "She's amazing! I'm really proud of her, and kind of amazed. She's only a few years older than me and yet she's done so much!"

"Who is she?" Ruby asked eagerly. Jaune coughed.

"Er... She's Relena Darlian."


A lot of students also relaxing stared over at them. Ruby blushed, and then lowered her voice.

"The former queen of the Cinq Kingdom?! Now the vice-foreign minister of Vale?! She's your cousin?!"

"Yeah," Jaune said with a nod, "She was brokering peace deals when she was my age! She's amazing!"

"I-I mean, I guess that would be kind of intimidating," Ruby admitted. Jaune shook his head.

"Oh no, she's incredibly sweet and kind! But her new husband is a little, uh..."


Jaune stood up and smiled broadly. A honey haired girl with her locks in a ponytail waved at him. She was dressed in a simple lavender suit with a white blouse. She also wore sunglasses, a scarf, and a sunhat to try and conceal her identity.

"Cousin!" Jaune greeted her, running up to hug her happily. She returned it, laughing when Jaune spun her around. He set her down, and he becamed down at her.

"I'm amazed you came to see me!" He said happily.

"Well, there are a lot of feathers to unruffle for the Vytal Tournament," Relena huffed. She looked over at Ruby, who shyly approached. She smiled mischievously.

"Oh. You must be Ruby Rose! It's nice to meet you. I've heard about you from Jaune's letters. His best friend, right?"

"Uh, oh, y-yeah!" Ruby nodded.

"Honestly, I'm surprised you've heard of her," Jaune admitted, "You don't seem that into, er, politics."

Ruby blushed and grinned.

"Well, I'm more of a fan of-!"

A man in elaborate white, red, and blue armor suddenly landed behind her, making the ground shake. His helmet resembled an ancient Mistralian samurai's, with a gleaming white mask and burning green eyes. A red shield was on one arm, while a large double-barrel rifle was in his other hand. A pair of metallic wings spread out behind him. The helmet mecha-shifted, revealing a stoic man's face with short brown hair. His Prussian blue eyes bore into Ruby, who gaped up at him in a mixture of awe and terror.

"-H-Heero Yuy," Ruby whispered, "Hero of the Eve Wars...!"

"I'm just a bodyguard and husband now," Heero stated firmly.

Relena chuckled and let go of Jaune. She reached up and hugged her husband around his neck, stepping up on tiptoes to kiss him.

"Mm... And I appreciate you very much in both roles," Relena giggled. "How are things?"

"Security is extremely inadequate," Heero stated firmly, "Air space is too easily accessible." His eyes narrowed upwards at the Atlas airships orbiting nearby. "I was only challenged once."

"We'll have to fix that, the Vacuoan delegates won't be happy," Relena sighed. She beamed. "So, you gonna say hello to Jaune and his friend-?"

"Ruby Rose, daughter of Summer Rose and Taiyang Xiao-Long. Fifteen years old, prodigy admitted into Beacon early on the word of Headmaster Ozpin," Heero stated flatly, "Leader of Team RWBY which consists of her older sister Yang Xiao-Long, the SDC heiress Weiss Schnee, and the runaway princess of Menagerie, Blake Belladonna."

Ruby gaped in shock.

"W-Wow... And you're one of the pilots of the Gundam-series mechashift armor systems!"

Heero smirked very slightly. Relena scowled.

"Heero, stop showing off!" She admonished. "Though that last one is a bit worrying-"

"It-It's okay, she's a friend, honest!" Jaune insisted, walking up and waving his hands.

Relena sighed. She looked over at Heero.

"Let's not get too carried away, huh?"

Heero narrowed his eyes. Relena narrowed hers.

"No abductions and interrogations, or killing!"

Heero grimaced very slightly, before he nodded.

"Very well. I'll get back to overwatch... And I'll see you at dinner."

Relena kissed his lips, and beamed. The ghost of a smile was on his lips.

"That's my perfect husband," she said happily. Heero nodded, before his helmet mecha-shifted shut. Relena stepped back to a safe distance, as Heero lifted off and soared into the air. Relena sighed warmly as she watched him go. Ruby grinned.

"Oh man oh man... The Gundam mechashift armor series is some of the most advanced tech on the planet! I'm gonna see it up close and-!"

"And you're on Heero's radar," Jaune deadpanned, "That's not a good thing."

"Hey, for the chance to get a look at that stuff! I'd be okay with being put in jail!" Ruby chirped.

Jaune winced harder.

"Be careful what you wish for..."

- - -

Yes, Gundam Wing is still close to my heart. And Relena Peacecraft and Heero Yuy are still some of my favorite anime characters. Deal with it.

And hey, I wanted them to have a happy ending that didn't involve cryosleep and all that bullshit.
Gundam is great!

Someone give Qrow the Tequila Gundam.

So I had a idea that is a little Jaune centered but just as the kick off.

Someone going by the user name J-shARK has released a extremely fun and difficult game out into the web. Thing is something about some of the bosses are a little suspicious.

Angel of Frost
Crimson Thorn Princess
Abyssal Tiger
Scorching Sun Dragon

Static and Storm Deadly Duo

Who could J-shARK possibly be? And why did he make blocking useless?!
@AndrewJTalon Any thoughts on my idea of making Rudyard a war-bitten tyrant?

Too much? Or does it make sense for a man who lived the life he did, but also ended up making his Son decide being out with the White Fang with a wife and an infant daughter was better than living in Kuo Kanna... maybe he never mentioned his grandfather much to her growing up?

Just a thought.
Yes, Gundam Wing is still close to my heart. And Relena Peacecraft and Heero Yuy are still some of my favorite anime characters. Deal with it.

And hey, I wanted them to have a happy ending that didn't involve cryosleep and all that bullshit.
Well this does sound a lot better than the story I head about for Frozen Teardrop. Except for some of the tech, there were a few neat things there.

Although I do wonder in this case if Treiz is still around, or what Duo might be doing. In addition, if Noin decided to tie Zechs/Miliardo to a bed to get her feelings through his head.
As another dumb idea. Since beacon has a wizard of Oz theme for Ozpins group I decided to toss a minor wizard of Oz thing to Ruby.

Ruby takes her buming around the house clothes very seriously. Any stretchy soft sleep pants or oversized T-shirt will do.

But slippers are serious business. Are they soft enough? Are they made of a material that wears out quickly? do they have rubber soles? Will they make your feel sweaty? Do they have goofy designs or are they simple slippers?

At first Blake and Weiss think it's dumb, Weiss even makes the unwise decision to throw Ruby's slippers into the communal laundry room.

Where they were promptly stolen from.

Thus unleashing a rage upon beacon not seen since Summer Rose got her period on her birthday and Taiyang forgot it.

The rampage of Ruby left one rule clear in everyone's mind.

You don't fuck with Ruby slippers.
"No," Jaune said quickly, "Not since my uncle switched to jazz."

my first thought is "I wonder if his uncle's stage name is Barry White." And then I realized how appropriate that name is for Remnants naming conventions.

Er... She's Relena Darlian."

The fuck? Gundam Wing's trauma princess? Like, damn does that girl need a hug or five. Or a night with her boy toy and several boxes of condoms.

And hey, I wanted them to have a happy ending that didn't involve cryosleep and all that bullshit.

Fuck yes. God, I hated how they kept adding more bullshit to the After Colony timeline, and usually hid it away in light novels and/or shit that never got brought to the west. And there's even some gundam designs that you'd never know about. For example, there's a version of Wing Zero that had a bunch of extra rifles that would encircle its buster rifle to super charge it. I cant remember what it's power level was, but it was greater than asteroid/colony busting.
And the only time I knew it was a thing was because Bandai was selling a Perfect Grade kit of it for like 300$.
Fuck yes. God, I hated how they kept adding more bullshit to the After Colony timeline, and usually hid it away in light novels and/or shit that never got brought to the west. And there's even some gundam designs that you'd never know about. For example, there's a version of Wing Zero that had a bunch of extra rifles that would encircle its buster rifle to super charge it. I cant remember what it's power level was, but it was greater than asteroid/colony busting.
And the only time I knew it was a thing was because Bandai was selling a Perfect Grade kit of it for like 300$.
Yeah, Frozen Teardrop was a mess from what I know. At least some of the mechs were neat, as well finding out the expansion of habitable areas began to move into Mars. That was also nice. And note how I'm not mentioning any character beats at all.

Also stuff like the Scorpio and Geminas were interesting, even if they didn't quite fit into the main anime stories.
Gundam is great!

Someone give Qrow the Tequila Gundam.

So I had a idea that is a little Jaune centered but just as the kick off.

Someone going by the user name J-shARK has released a extremely fun and difficult game out into the web. Thing is something about some of the bosses are a little suspicious.

Angel of Frost
Crimson Thorn Princess
Abyssal Tiger
Scorching Sun Dragon

Static and Storm Deadly Duo

Who could J-shARK possibly be? And why did he make blocking useless?!

continuous blocking is useless(it drains your stamina), but including a parry system that rewards you for using it, especially perfect parry would be great.
@AndrewJTalon Any thoughts on my idea of making Rudyard a war-bitten tyrant?

Too much? Or does it make sense for a man who lived the life he did, but also ended up making his Son decide being out with the White Fang with a wife and an infant daughter was better than living in Kuo Kanna... maybe he never mentioned his grandfather much to her growing up?

Just a thought.

It does fit and would add a layer of complexity to the situation. Anything to make it so the Faunus issue is not black and white would do wonders for Blake's character.
Some ideas for this morning:

-Raven rescues Taiyang after he goes Burn Level 3 at Vale. Naturally she wants to know why he hid that kind of power from her. How does Tai respond?

-How would a sky pirate like Captain Jim Silverhand make a living in Remnant?

-How does Jaune's family react when he shows up with his friends for Summer Break?

-Raven shows up to confront Yang about getting pregnant in "In the Family Way."

-Ruby finds some journals of her mother's. Unfortunately they're all about her efforts to build Taiyang and herself a harem. Even more Unfortunately, it gives Ruby ideas...
-How does Jaune's family react when he shows up with his friends for Summer Break?

They all start trying to pair him off with their respective favorite Beacon girl.

-Ruby finds some journals of her mother's. Unfortunately they're all about her efforts to build Taiyang and herself a harem. Even more Unfortunately, it gives Ruby ideas...

"My harem plan for the Future" by Summer Rose
-Raven rescues Taiyang after he goes Burn Level 3 at Vale. Naturally she wants to know why he hid that kind of power from her. How does Tai respond?
Raven: Why no show power?!
Tai: You literally left as soon as you regained your strength after giving birth to Yang, didn't give me a chance to show you and help train with it.
Raven- Copes then leaves to bother Qrow on why he didn't tell her about Tai's power
-Ruby finds some journals of her mother's. Unfortunately they're all about her efforts to build Taiyang and herself a harem. Even more Unfortunately, it gives Ruby ideas...

Turns out Ruby has two more half siblings!

A edgy emo faunus who shares her love of red and black clothing.

And a girl here for the vytal festival who also has a gemstone name.

(You get three guesses who they are and the first two don't count)
Raven: Why no show power?!
Tai: You literally left as soon as you regained your strength after giving birth to Yang, didn't give me a chance to show you and help train with it.
Raven- Copes then leaves to bother Qrow on why he didn't tell her about Tai's power
Because it shouldn't have mattered!
Because when you left it told me that we meant to you.
That I was a fool for believing you loved me, loved our daughter!
The only reason I don't hate you completely is the best of you is in her!

I got some criticism that a lot of my shorts are just Jaune showing off a different side of him and a girl who never thought of him in a romantic sense immediately starts thinking about him in a different way. Not necessarily immediately falling for him in all cases, but at least seeing him as more than just a goof. Fair point.

So let's turn that on its head. Let's have some ideas for situations where Jaune's crush on Weiss is broken and he starts thinking about another girl in a different, potentially romantic way. What are some ideas for those kinds of scenarios?

For say... Yang?

And so on?

I got some criticism that a lot of my shorts are just Jaune showing off a different side of him and a girl who never thought of him in a romantic sense immediately starts thinking about him in a different way. Not necessarily immediately falling for him in all cases, but at least seeing him as more than just a goof. Fair point.

So let's turn that on its head. Let's have some ideas for situations where Jaune's crush on Weiss is broken and he starts thinking about another girl in a different, potentially romantic way. What are some ideas for those kinds of scenarios?

For say... Yang?

And so on?
He drops his crush because he finds out Weiss has a really weird secret. Like eating boiled eggs with the shell still on.

As a funny idea to get him set up with Blake...

April fools day.

Nora sets up a catnip bomb to go off when team reby get back from training and hides a bunch of stray cats in team rwby's room.

Blake is the one opening the door and gets a face full of nip.

Turns out high Blake is a massive flirt and manages to secure herself a date with Jaune, Yang, and sun.

At the same time.

Yang and sun end up bailing out but Jaune doesn't.

I got some criticism that a lot of my shorts are just Jaune showing off a different side of him and a girl who never thought of him in a romantic sense immediately starts thinking about him in a different way. Not necessarily immediately falling for him in all cases, but at least seeing him as more than just a goof. Fair point.

So let's turn that on its head. Let's have some ideas for situations where Jaune's crush on Weiss is broken and he starts thinking about another girl in a different, potentially romantic way. What are some ideas for those kinds of scenarios?

For say... Yang?

And so on?

Velvet sees Jaune being a bit depressed after letting go of his feelings for Weiss, and drags him outside near the Emerald Forest, so he can help her with some photography for Professor Peach's class.


Well, I know this isn't exactly what you wanted, but this is still a good excuse.


Ruby and Jaune go and see a movie together. Yang doesn't bat an eye because Jaune is so focused on Weiss, and is pretty dang innocent. Plus, Ruby is 15, and Yang did tell her to find some friends.

But during the movie something sad happens. Maybe a dog dies or something. And Ruby gets upset and clings to Jaune. Maybe she cries and buries herself in his chest.

Jaune immediately gets the manly urge to beat the fuck outta whatever just hurt his woman!

Of course, he dismisses this foolish notion. Why would he think that? Ruby isn't his. He loves Weiss!

But things keep happening. On the way back, Ruby sees some kind of weapon magazine or something she is passionate about. But she doesn't have the lien to buy it. So, unpromted, he pays for it and gets it for her. She gets excited and thanks him. He feels the urge to kiss her, to hold him in his arms, and make sure she stays happy. He gets the manly urge to protect that smile!

But as they leave the store, some idiots start being cunts. They start making fun of Ruby, and her passions. Of course, she gets upset. Really upset. Jaune sees that she's about to draw Crescent Rose to intimidate them, and he steps up. He gets in front of her and, since he's pretty tall, glares down at the hooligans.

They get scared off, and Ruby thanks Jaune. They start heading back to Beacon, and Jaune starts to think over everything that's happened today. What were these feelings? Why was his heart pounding whenever he looks at Ruby?

Then it hits him.

Weiss was just a crush.

But Ruby? No. He loves Ruby.

So, he just blurts out the question. Does she wanna be his girlfriend?

Whether she says "yes" or "no" depends on whatever you want to happen. Maybe Jaune truly is the universe's punching bag and she says "no"? Or maybe he gets lucky and gets one of the Best Girls?
So let's turn that on its head. Let's have some ideas for situations where Jaune's crush on Weiss is broken and he starts thinking about another girl in a different, potentially romantic way. What are some ideas for those kinds of scenarios?

For say... Yang?

And so on?
Well, you could do Coco. She hears Velvet talking about Jaune being down in the dumps after what happened with Weiss. Decides to check it out, and sort of mentors him. Things spiral out from there.
A few more ideas:

-Nick had a slightly different career before he married Isabel: He was a sky pirate! He's (mostly) retired now, but how would that have affected Jaune and his sisters growing up?

-Since it's Mother's Day this weekend, what are some Mother's Day related activities our heroes could get up to?

-Yang is sentenced to some school service after busting up a nightclub: Taking care of the school grounds, garden, and doing some other chores. Jaune helps her out and they bond.

-Blake fakes that Jaune is her boyfriend when her parents visit. Shenanigans ensue.

-Rather than being a horrible cold controlling bitch, what if Pyrrha's mother, Athena Nikos, was... A smother? Like her daughter's biggest but most overbearing and obnoxious fan?

-The Summer Break in Radian heats up, as our heroes spend their first day in the Arc Farmhouse!

-What are some of the adventures of Jaune as THE HUNTSMAN! Going out into Vale to challenge various nefarious supervillainesses! Like the Red Huntress! The Crimson Reaper! The Black Cat! Snowflake Princess! Sun Dragon! And others!
-Nick had a slightly different career before he married Isabel: He was a sky pirate! He's (mostly) retired now, but how would that have affected Jaune and his sisters growing up?
Vomit Boy is no more, Jaune can no longer be airsick.
But he know black-markets, he became the guy to go at Beacon if you want Something not easily found.
Some of his sisters decide to follow daddy's old carrier. When he sneak out to become a hunter, the whole sorority, all profession, unite their resource to search for him. He was found quickly and they hire a bunch of low-level thug to kidnap/test him. If he can't defeat thug, he can't defeat Grim!
The sister get introduced way earlier than canon and when they explain they are currently making buck smuggling Dust, the Cast realize something big is happening in the background before the Wall get blow up.
Vomit Boy is no more, Jaune can no longer be airsick.
But he know black-markets, he became the guy to go at Beacon if you want Something not easily found.
Some of his sisters decide to follow daddy's old carrier. When he sneak out to become a hunter, the whole sorority, all profession, unite their resource to search for him. He was found quickly and they hire a bunch of low-level thug to kidnap/test him. If he can't defeat thug, he can't defeat Grim!
The sister get introduced way earlier than canon and when they explain they are currently making buck smuggling Dust, the Cast realize something big is happening in the background before the Wall get blow up.

vale gets saved...by SKY PIRATES!

with all the davey jones and (kids not understanding these days what it meant to be a actual pirate and such) crossbones...of course it also means that Juane is more like the one piece adventure version rather then pirates of the Caribbean version...

funnily enough, the ship their father had passed down for Juane is named the black pearl...make of that as you will.
Some ideas that are free to steal.

- Jaune makes an asmr recording/video (like in one RWBY Chibi skit) for his sister or something, and almost any girl who hears Jaune's soft whisper voice thinks it's insanely attractive and/or has an asmr sensation.

- In the RWBY x Justice League crossover, we never see the Superhero versions of team JNPR, so what if they did go with RWBY into the DCU, and how would their superhero forms look like, and what would their powers be?
Or Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora, and/or Ren (possibly also members of RWBY) be from a secret family/legacy of superheroes.
Another fun way could be that an effect of prolonged exposure to Jaune's Aura Amp Semblance causes them te become Supers, complete with new superpower, Heroic Build and Most Common Superpower.
(Potential results; Amazon Pyrrha, Asgardian Nora, Wuxia martial artist Ren, (not sure what Jaune would turn into), the Flash Ruby, Mage Knight Weiss, Ninja Blake (with all kinds of ninja tricks, like replacing herself with a log), and She-Hulk/Power girl Yang).

- Yang is incredibly attracted to nice or beautiful eyes.
She kinda secretly loves looking into the eyes of someone she's dating (or has a crush on/is in love with at the moment), and when the mood is right she loves staring into each other's eyes, letting the whole world fade away, just the two of them having that connection.
She never says it openly, nor has she told the majority of the people who she has dated, because it conflicts with her reputation as a badass and easygoing Party Girl.

- What if Semblances acted more like epithets from Epithet Erased/Anime Campaign (Semantic Superpowers)?
So Semblances could be defined solely/mostly by wording, and thus capable of a great deal of stretching what it is capable of.
So Yang's "burn" could not only be used to create fire, but empower her when angry/induce anger in others (burning rage), burn off unwanted fat/calories or poisons, infatuate others (create burning passion), and it makes her extremely "hot".
An epithet is a single word attached to the soul of a person (called an inscribed), and gives them powers based on interpretation of that word (lore states that while epithets can reappear, a given word can only be used by one person at a time).
While limited to this one word, there are multiple examples of epithets being used creatively within the boundary of that word, granting more abilities and applications then due to them being creative.
"Soup" for example, is used with incredible versatility, like ability to generate steam and hot soup, and can do anything a person with power over boiling water could (or even cold water if he channels something like Vichyssoise or gazpacho), with the added benefit of it being nutritious, while the user of "bluster" can only use it to blow a donut off a table, due to his utter lack of creativity (and terrible other stats across the board).

- The Schnee family pet Snowball has ran away, and is going to Beacon (and Weiss gets an alert on her scroll that it's close and heading in her direction or something).
Everybody expects it to be something like a pony, horse, or overly pampered cat.
It's not.
Snowball is a gigantic white, blue-eyed, dire wolf the size of a large horse, with Aura and a frost/ice semblance, and like Zwei is a very intelligent and smart enough to use mechanical tools (It's a Winter Wolf from D&D/pathfinder, who are intelligent and can speak 3 or 4 languages).
Willow got it as a puppy when she was a child as a birthday present from her father Nicholas (and the reason it ran away to Weiss is because Jacques thought it cost too much money and had it thrown out, or because Willow tried to set her foot down about Jacques treatment of their children and the emotional neglect/abuse became physical, and he hit her, so Snowball runs away to Weiss for help, or something like that).

- During a drunk poker/gambling night, the parents/legal guardians of teams RWBY and JNPR accidentally got their children in an arranged marriage between Jaune and all members of RWBY and JNPR (yes, including Ren).
The issue is that Jaune can only legally marry 1 person, and none of the parents are willing to back down for various (and very petty) reasons, so now RWBY and JNPR have to deal with the confusing fallout.

- When Jaune was a child, Raven tried to groom him into a "fitting husband" for some other Branwen Tribe (Yang or someone else, it doesn't matter) for a period of time, but gave up due to various aspects of Jaune she didn't like.
These qualities are the exact thing that Yang finds attractive in Jaune, and when she finds out what Raven tried to do, she asks Jaune if they can start dating, partially out of pure spite (which she would honestly admit to when she asks him).

- Jaune is insanely talented at making and setting up effective traps, which range from very debilitating to very deadly, so given Prep-Time he can make any location very dangerous for enemies.
Last edited:
Ruby finds old mentions of projects to try to make Grimm beneficial to humanity (just mentions of old failed projects. No details on the crazy bullshit merlot and others did).

She decides to take her own crack at it. How? By building a new weapon!

Armed with her weapons love, Weiss knowledge of dust, and Nora's....Nora they succeeded in the creation.

Of the Pokeball.
-Nick had a slightly different career before he married Isabel: He was a sky pirate! He's (mostly) retired now, but how would that have affected Jaune and his sisters growing up?

Jaune decides he wants to be a Sky Pirate like his father, hijacks what he thinks is a Schnee dust shipment, but it turns out to be one of Cinder Falls stolen dust transports. He gets mistaken by Ozpin for a wannabe Huntsmen, and is recruited into Beacon. Only Weiss is convinced that he is a dastardly, handsome Sky Pirate, and not a Huntsmen!

What are some of the adventures of Jaune as THE HUNTSMAN! Going out into Vale to challenge various nefarious supervillainesses! Like the Red Huntress! The Crimson Reaper! The Black Cat! Snowflake Princess! Sun Dragon! And others!

Alternative names, Ruby Rose is The Bakery Bandit, and her sister Yang is The Raging Dragon.

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