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Just read the story...
Why does your character have Worm powers(Like Power manipulation), as you didn't take any?
It's okay if you want those powers, just write them in.

Using them without that is weird.
Remember, you had 10 points, and used 6 for Gilgamesh and 4 for wildcards.
These powers...you did not buy them.
He didn't finish the CYOA before destroying the computer and dieing. The powers spoiler, in the next chapter, shows that there were drawbacks and more powers and perks chosen 'randomly'.
Interlude Worm Emma
Sorry it took so long. Real life has been quite the bitch lately but now I have a lot of free time expect updates to happen quite often this month and perhaps the next month.

First of all a big Thank you to @Mirriam Grave.
Sir Bedivere


@chaos5367 or JUSTIN GUERCIA or @CrazyFox

Also known as Sir Tristan


also the Third Knight ShinjiOren

Now Tiled Sir Galahad



Nathan MacDonald who has not yet picked out which Knight he wishes to be known as....

Also Thanks to Glenn
and @V3LITHIUN,]workforfood. @Quellec, @Nicholas Pesqueda, @ Frank,
Those who really enjoy this story please do consider supporting me at patreon... Jaune Pendragon is creating Fanfiction | Patreon

Betad by myself cuz apparently my Beta is a bit busy lately.

Emma waited in front of Taylor's house, waiting for her to come out.

She had finally gained the courage, to speak to her and she was waiting for Taylor hoping to talk with her to ask for her forgiveness.

She would get down on her knees and beg if need be.

For her sins against Taylor was great indeed.

She waited and waited.

And waited.

Nearly an hour had passed when the door had finally opened and yet what greeted her was not Taylor.

It was her father Danny Hebert.


His voice was tired and there were dark bags under his eyes from lack of sleep.

"Why are you here?" he asked his eyes narrowed and voice tired but holding deep anger in them.

"I'm looking for Taylor. Is she in?"

His tired eyes narrowed. "And why is that? So, you can put her in a locker again?" He was barely holding himself back from throttling the girl in front of him his anger bubbling to the surface.

She shook her head remorsefully. " I wish to apologize." His eyes widened.

" I know, I cannot apologize enough, for what I have done. If she does not forgive me then I shall bear with it."

His eyes softened as he released a tired sigh, his shoulders slacking as his anger deflated, replaced with tiredness.

"Taylor didn't come back home since for two days. I called the police but they are too busy with the bombing going around." He was silent for a while. "I think Taylor might be in danger."

Emma's breath hitched.

What if Taylor was caught up in a blast?

What if she was injured, or buried underneath a building?

She didn't want to use her Powers so soon but if Taylor could be in danger then there was no time to hesitate

She took a deep breath and steeled herself for what she was about to do. "I'm going to find her Mr. Danny. I'll bring her back."

Danny looked confused. "Emma you can't go-"

Emma didn't answer.

Rather she closed her eyes and reached inside of her and called upon the soul that resided within her, the soul that had been placed in her body by the Lord, and she began to chant.

"Let silver and steel be the essence."

"Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation."

"Emma?" Danny questioned confused by what Emma was doing. "What are you doing?"

"Let the Lord be the one I pay tribute to."

"Are you alright?" Danny was now worried for Emma's mental state. "What's wrong?"

The soul within her responded

Wind picked up and a magical circle formed under the girl as the words of power began to take effect.


Danny let out a gasp. Emma was a cape?

"Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall."

The magic circle grew clearer.

"Let the four cardinal gates close."

and brighter with every line.

"Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate."

The soul within her inquired as to what she wanted to use her power for.

"Let it be declared now; your soul shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with her sword and shield."

"Submit to the beckoning of the Lord."

"Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth."

Emma's body began to glow a bright blue as the soul within her accepted her reasoning and gave her access to its power.

"An oath shall be sworn here."

"I shall strive for all virtues of all of Heaven;"

"I shall have cleanse all of my evils and my regrets."

The soul comforted her and reassured her for the dangerous task that she was about to undertake even as dangerous as this was, she was determined to do it.

She had to save her.

"From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power,"

"come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!"

With one final bright burst of light the glow dimmed and the circle vanished revealing a woman in her place much taller than before, her body and her clothes were different, her grey eyes were now a beautiful shade of blueish-lavender her hair now golden blonde and long enough to go past her waist tied into a braid. Her clothes replaced with a medieval style armoured battle dress.


An understanding began to flow into her mind about the power she now possessed.

Strength: B
Endurance: B
Agility: A
Mana: A
Luck: C
NP: A++

Magic Resistance. Rank EX - grants protection against magical effects or powers. Differing from the Resistance effect that merely rejects Magical Energy, this ability cancels the spells or powers altogether.

True Name Discernment. Rank B A Skill where status information such as one's identity, Skills and Parameters are automatically revealed to the owner of this Skill when directly encountering a servant or a cape.

Revelation. Rank A is a Skill to "hear the voice of heavens" and take optimum action; a Skill equivalent to Instinct, a sixth sense regarding battles. However, "Revelation" accommodates all matters related to the achievement of a goal (for instance, choosing the most suitable path while travelling). Because there is no basis to it , it cannot be explained to others clearly. It is a Skill held by the soul of the user.

Charisma. Rank C Jeanne's figure participating in the assaults while hoisting a flag raised the morale of the soldiers to the limit and united the troops. Thanks to her Charisma, it is possible to make others believe in the contents of her 'Revelations' without basis.

Noble Phantasm

Luminosité Eternelle. Rank - A. It is her main weapon, kept in place of a sword on the battlefield, still potent enough to easily destroy Dragon Tooth Warriors, block strikes from enemy Servants, and pierce through obstacles with its tip. By planting it into the ground, tightly grasping it, and activating it as a Noble Phantasm, it converts her EX-rank Magic Resistance into protection barrier against all harm, both physical and spiritual.

La Pucelle -Suicide Attack C~EX - By using this Noble Phantasm, she will lose her own life after the battle. But in exchange for her life, she can annihilate anything in existence. Its designated rank of C refers only to its pre-activated state while the sword is still sheathed. The EX Rank after activation is because its pure destructive power cannot be calculated. These flames only destroy that which she thinks must be destroyed.

Danny looked surprised his eyes wide. He didn't know much but he knew about trigger events, considering his own daughter was one. She may not have told him but he was not an idiot. He noticed her sneaking out in the middle of the night and he had stayed up worried for her, he can only imagine where she was now. As horrible as Emma was, he wouldn't wish Emma to undergo a trigger event herself. Was this the reason she did what she did? Even so she had no excuse.

"I shall bring her back." She vowed, after all why else did she have this power if not to protect her and correct her mistakes? This was too much power for her to use for herself.

Pushing against the ground I jumped away towards the direction my skill Revelation was pointing me towards.

The asphalt shattered from the force as she jumped up on top of the roof and began her journey following her skill - Revelation.

Hold on Taylor I'm on my way.


As I arrived at the scene of the explosion, I saw several rescue teams who were digging up and clearing debris of what appeared to be a destroyed cafe.

There was also a PRT van with several PRT officers. Who seemed were also helping and was investigating the scene?

I did recognise one the capes though.

Miss Militia.


With a glowing green rifle hung on her shoulder.

I jumped down from the roof and landed on the street.

She turned towards me, likely hearing my landing and I began to walk towards her coming to a stop in front of her.

"Hello." I greeted.

She faced me. "Hero?"

"I shall try." I was not worthy of being called a Hero, her eyes crinkled as she nodded after taking in my costume.

"Are you new?"

"First day." I responded.

"Well it's nice to meet you. May I know your name?"

My cape name huh? I was not a hero but I suppose I could use her name it's the least I could do to thank her for lending me her aid.

I felt her joy coursing through me at that.

"Jeanne d'Arc." I replied, "Just call me Jeanne."

"The Maiden of Orleans?" She raised an eyebrow. "Well that name isn't taken, so that's not a problem. Also I'll have to cmmend on the costume, It's very well done. Well, Jeanne. What can I do for you?"

"I'm searching for a missing person. My power pointed me in this Direction. I believe I am very close but I also feel that there is a lot of danger as well as enemies nearby."

MM's eyes widened as she began to connect the dots together.

"An ABB hide out, near here?"

I nodded. "I have to go, there is no time." I said activating my revelation again. I turned towards the direction where I felt she was in and was began running.

Miss Militia's calls to me were far behind me within seconds thanks to my Jeanne's A-Rank agility. I'll apologize later. Taylor was in danger I knew that so that took precedence. How I knew I didn't know. Perhaps another aspect of Revelation?

Within a minute I came to a stop in-front of a seemingly empty ware house.

The gates were rusted and most of its windows broken.

The place seemed completely silent, as if there was no one there.

But this was where I felt Revelation point me.

This was definitely the one, Taylor was in.

Walking to the gate I gripped the handle and pushed it open.

The gate creaked as it opened rust flaking off it, formed due to the fact it was so close to the sea and not painted to any other protections applied to it.

I stepped in to the warehouse for it to be empty?

The large square windows let in light. The Warehouse was completely barren.

The only thing there, was a tumbleweed that seemed to roll in from the outside.

Wait what is a tumble weed doing all the way out here?

Shaking my head, I used Revelation for the third time today....

A hidden trapdoor?

Some kind of back entrance?

It took a while but I found it. It was a wooden trapdoor that disguised as block of concrete that went underground.

It was very well hidden so it might be an escape tunnel of some kind.

Opening the trapdoor and jumped down inside and landed on the floor.

Looking around I found myself in a dimly lit concrete hallway with some lights flickering.

I began to trot forwards. I knew I was close now. Very close.


Taylor didn't know how it all went so wrong.

One minute she was walking down the street the next everything went black.

Groggily blinked her eyes as she awoke.

Her stomach grumbled from hunger and her throat was dry and her mouth and lips parched.

How long was she out for?

She didn't know but from her hunger she'd reckon that it was quite a while.

The room dark but she could make out some details.

She was in a metal cage and apparently, she was not the only one.

There were several women and children with her.

And several cages, with even more people whimpering and crying and some of them still asleep.

There were a few guards stationed around ABB, from the looks of it, each of them carrying a gun.

Take deep breaths Taylor.

You have to be careful.

After about a minute one of the Guard opened a cage and took out woman out before locking it behind and dragging her away. The woman didn't even resist. It was like they had lost hope.

Taylor clenched her fists and her eyes narrowed. She had to find a way out and rescue them.

Slowly she took a look around, trying to find anything she could use.

The guard that had the key had already left.

So, she waited and waited and when the guard came in again
The moment he did several ants that she had gathered and kept ready for the guard to walk back in, began to crawl up the guards red ants, black ants all the ant she could find.

Ants were after all one of the strongest insects in the world.

Each one could carry approximately 50 times their own body weight.

A few seconds after the ants started climbing the guard, he began realize something was terribly, terribly wrong.

As he dropped the woman and began to try to get rid of whatever was climbing up his pants. A several ants used their immense strength while the rest kept climbing and distracting him as he kept prancing around room frightened and, in a panic, trying to get rid of all the ants the were climbing him. But it was no use. He bean to run out of the room and she managed to get the keys out of his pocket just in time as it fell to the ground in a metal clank.

There prisoners were silent as they tried to comprehend the strange phenomena that just happened.

Several ants immediately moved and used their combined strength to lift the key and began to drag the key slowly and surely towards her cage.

Unfortunately, it was at that moment a second guard came and saw the strange sights of several ants hoisting a metal key towards a cage.

"CAPE!" The guard cried out.

The moment he said that several bugs cockroaches and insects began to buzz towards him and began to swarm him and some entered his mouth making him spit and cough as he desperately tried to get rid of the swarm and he ran out as well.

The ants now continued hoisting the heavy key towards the cage.

Almost there.

Just a few more seconds.

"So, this is the what all the commotion is about?"

Taylor's head snapped towards the voice.

There was a woman, wearing large opaque goggles and a metal mask with a gas-mask filter and a braided cord of black, yellow, and green wires over her shoulders.

"So, the wanna be hero who took down lung, huh, come out where ever you are." The woman looked around trying to find where the insect master was not knowing that the young cape was among the captured prisoners, She raised the tinkertech grenade launcher she had with her towards the cages. "If you don't Imma start shooting the children."

Taylor's breath hitched she began to panic. Some of the children started crying and the women were shaking in fear.

Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to calm down.

Then she began to call upon ALL the insects within her range.

Spiders, moths, Mosquitoes, ants, cockroaches.

Bakuda's eyes widened as she saw insects gathering and lifted her grenade launcher pointed straight towards a cage.

"Now! Or else I blow them all to ash!"

Her eyes widened.

If she did not reveal herself then so many people would die.

But if she did, then her life as a cape was over.

Before the Bomber had chance to squeeze the trigger a grey blur shot through the open door and crashed into her sending the bomber flying into the wall with a loud crack.

As the dust cleared it revealed a tall blonde woman as she scanned the cages.

As her eyes made contact with the woman's the woman let out a sigh of relief? Did she know her.?

"Who are you?"


I found Taylor.

I let out a sigh of relief. Most of the Guards here were no match for my speed and I was able to knock them out before they even realized what was happening.

I was also too close to losing Taylor. When Revelation screamed at me to go through one of the walls I didn't hesitate.

It was a good thing too if I had been a second too late Taylor would have been toast.

"Don't worry, It's alright now."

I smiled gently as I approached the cages and began to tear open metal cages with my B rank strength and I gently led them out one by one.

I almost choked as tears welled up as I helped Taylor out of the cage.

"Who are you?"

Should I tell her?

No not yet.

I don't think I can handle it yet.

I felt her comforting me through our link. Mentally I thanked her.

Your welcome young one.

"I'm Jeanne d'Arc. I'm here to get everyone out of here." I said giving a smile.
Unicrack 23 (Fate)
I entered my room through the window and gently lay Rin down on the bed.

However, it seemed as if fate was playing a joke on me as the moment I let go of her and stepped away her eyes fluttered open.

"Wh-who are..the Angel." She exclaimed her eyes wide open as she tried to get up but hissed in pain. Ah, I hadn't deactivated my wings yet, they felt so natural that I completely forgot they were there in the first place.

"Relax Rin, your muscles are torn in several places. Just give me a minute." I opened a portal to the gate and retrieved a health potion.

"You're a real angel?" She had stars in her eyes.

"I do not consider myself one. However, I am two-thirds divine, so I suppose that is not entirely incorrect." I popped open the cork. "This is a healing potion it should heal your wounds and muscles," I said gently tipping the flask over to her mouth. "Come on open up."

She opened her mouth and flinched as the first drops touched her tongue before her eyes widened and she greedily began to swallow it. I slowly poured the potion in steps. To allow her to breathe after each sip.

"Is it better?" I asked the flask nearly empty.

She nodded as she sat up. "Tastes like strawberry but I thought medicines were nasty?" No wonder she flinched.

"Well then that means the doctor who made the medicine is not good enough to make a tasty medicine," I said chuckling. Though I didn't expect the girl to be this obedient, I was expecting some kind of fuss before I could heal her.

"Mister Angel..did you come to take me to heaven?"

I stared at the girl...Right she came from a Christian family, she thought it was her time to die....but I suppose I could work with this.

"No, at least not yet, your father actually requested my help and I desired to help him, however, if you want I can take you to visit heaven. What do you say?"

Her eyes shone with joy. "Really?" I nodded. "Just wait here for a moment alright there's the TV you can watch if you want I have to get someone else as well before we leave.

"Oh, who?"

"Now that's a secret." I gave a small wink before I jumped out of the balcony and stretched my wings allowing the wind to carry me towards my next destination...

This world had no heaven or hell. No that's not true. It did have them it was locked away since the age of the Gods ended.

From my memories, I remember that you could enter the underworld by digging underground long enough the underworld was literally a world underground. but I highly doubt that's the case now. Now when a person dies in this universe they just go back to Akasha and no one knows what happens after that...


I hovered in the air above the Fuyuki bridge as I considered how I was going to achieve my objective.

Fantasy world creation would allow me to create whole universes but that was not what I wanted. I wanted to create an afterlife in this world. However, even if I did that would not change the fact that that the souls would go to Akasha after death or become a counter guardian, or become a heroic spirit and rise to the throne of heroes.

That meant I had to meet with her.

I just hope she's willing to listen.

Now let's see How many charges did I have?

58 charges...Hmmm...

A power to call out to someone or something, that had no physical form. The Creation of the power took two charges. Not surprising.

I didn't have to wait long, as she appeared in front of me the clouds parted.

Outsider!....no you're human but your power comes from beyond the Root. Yet you have maintained your integrity without descending into madness nor do you consume madness itself.

I was silent.

You don't seem to be a threat to Humanity either. So what are you?



Alayashiki was the collective consciousness of humanity.

In a way, it was similar to how gods were born of the collective faith.

Damn Gods. It was a good thing that the age of Gods had ended. Else humanity would not have advanced as far as it had.

However, unlike Gods, she would exist as long as Humans existed and as Humans continued to increase in the number she would only get stronger.

She was created from the sole desire for Humanities survival and she would ensure they survived even if she had to kill some of them herself...

Idiots some of them were.

She sighed, but with the Gods gone, she was now alone. She had No one to talk to.

Gaia refused to speak with her and hasn't spoken to her Since the age of the Gods had ended.

Emiya had stopped speaking with her long ago since he had begun to consider the contract a living hell, even though it was him who requested the contract anyway.

But if she let him go then it was one less Guardian to protect the existence of mankind and she couldn't afford that not when something could happen at any moment.

So when she had heard a call for her, she was excited.

What had called her?

As she materialized in the Location of the caller she found herself intrigued.

A human? Wait, Gilgamesh? She accessed the Throne but found no connection to the person standing before her. In fact. he was someone completely unpredictable.

He was human yet he had no connection to her. He didn't even have a Connection to 「 」.

But he didn't have any taint on him that pointed to the outer gods such as Yog Sothoth or Cthulhu and he was not mad either?

So what was he?

"Outsider!....no thou art human but thou power comes from beyond the Root. Yet thou have maintained your integrity without descending into madness nor do thou consume thyself in madness."

She had to know.

Accessing the root she found that he was not on it either she was still able to see the results of his actions...Wait he was summoned by the Holy Grail war?

Wasn't that what Emiya goes to when he wants a Vacation?

"Thou dost seem to be a threat to Humanity either. So what are thou?"

The being? Man? Gilgamesh?

"Me? Call me Gilgamesh."

"Thou certainly have his body, and thoust soul is nearly identical as well but thou dost not have a connection to the 「 」.."

"Well, I am the king after all. Why do I need something like The root?"

"Be that as it may if thou art indeed Gilgamesh I would have had a connection to him. Yet I do not. Which means that thou art, not Gilgamesh. So please drop the act. Also, add to the fact he doth not have white wings like thee seem to have."

The boy? Man? grinned and he gave his wings a flap. "Oh, man. I thought I was doing a pretty good impression."

Well, unfortunately, he was not arrogant enough, it was definitely a good effort. And not to mention as a young adult would not have saved the young Tohsaka Heiress.

"Thoust still have not answered my question, what art thou?"

He put a hand on his chin as if deep in thought.

"Hmmm. I'm not sure? Also, you can drop the old English act."

How does he know?


He shrugged. "Eh, it was just a guess," His infuriating grin widened. "Thank you for confirming it for me though!"

This man! She sighed. Still, she dropped the old English...

"You are not sure? How can you not be sure what you are?"

"I guess you could say I'm a Human who has ascended beyond Godhood? I mean I can create whole universes easily if I wanted to, and tell physics to go fuck itself?"

"Creating a whole universe is certainly beyond the power of any Gods or Goddesses. They are created by the earth and the universe, so a Being that can create a universe is certainly above Godhood." She paused. "Then what shall you be called? A Being that surpasses any god?"

The being shrugged. "Well, I'll have to think of something, but I was a human... so I guess even with all this power I still think like one......"

"Very well. Now then, why have you called upon me? Surely it's not something meager as to talk?" Although that would certainly be nice.

"Well, I wanted to ask, is there an afterlife? That souls go to in this world?"

"No, they merely return to 「 」 and are Reborn, though before the age of the Gods ended the gates of different Underworlds belonging to different pantheons judged the souls of the dead. However, since the age of God has ended and all the human souls returned to 「 」 . The Gods merely observe the World from the Reverse side of the world now."

"I see... So there is no heaven or hell anymore?"


"I thought so," He nodded. "What if I brought back one of the underworlds?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"I was thinking of bringing Ereshkigal out from the reverse side of the world. From what I remember from Gilgamesh's memories she is one of the few Goddesses that actually takes her duty seriously and more importantly one of the few with a caring heart."

"You wish to bring the Sumerian Netherworld from its place in the Reverse side of the world to earth. Are you INSANE?! NO what in the WORLD did you think that was in any way a good idea?!"

"Well, I'm not going to bring it to earth duh. I'm doing to create a Dimension beside this one and then move Ereshkigal there, then connect a gate for souls to flow through the gate. Of course, this gate would not be visible or tangible to just anyone either."

"That...would work... but how are you going to build it?"

"Oh, Like this." He extended his hands in front of him and then... Five blue glowing orbs of... what in the world were they?

As much as she tried she couldn't understand what they were.

Did they seem to contain Potential? No, some kind of energy? Not anything she could recognize. It was as if it was it's very presence made the fabric of reality bow down to its whims and reality did so willingly.

The Five blue orbs combined into one and disappeared in a flash of light and then, besides the being, a GATE formed.

Could it even be called a gate?

It was circular in shape like a jagged hoop, 70 meters in diameter, about 1 meter thick it was a shiny black made from a material unknown, and it extruded an aura of mystery and power and End.

The being the placed his right hand on the GATE and then she felt it the space in the center of the GATE begin to distort. The only visible change was the outer edges of the gate had thousands of tiny glowing dots like stars in the night sky upon its activation.

"There, now all I need to do is go to the Reverse Side of the world and see if Ereshkigal is willing."

"Very well, I suppose this is where we part ways?" It was nice to talk with someone in so long but it was not like they would wish to be friends with her anyway. Besides this bieng was so far above Godhood that it wasn't even funny.

"Well...I was wondering if you would meet with someone?"



"I was hoping you could keep her company while I went to the reverse side of the world?"

"Are you talking about the Tohsaka heir?"


"You do know that she is from a family of Magi right?"


"Magi fear me. They are terrified. They fear that when they get close to the root I would send my counter guardians against them. They do not think that the reason I send them is because of the destruction the would cause with whichever methods they are using to do so."


"Oh indeed."

"Oh indeed."

"Well, she is quite an intelligent girl, I'm sure if you explain it to her she will be happy to talk to you."


"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, come on."

Well, Emiya was friends with the girl in many of the realities, she couldn't be too bad. Could she?

I apologize for the short chapter... I'll try to update tomorrow or the day after
I glanced over to the man who was bowing, one hand underneath his stomach

"Indeed it is, in this day and age it is mankind that reigns supreme.
Before, it was written as if a set up for a line that never came.

Emiya had stopped speaking with her long ago since he had begun to consider the contract a living hell, even though it was him who requested the contract anyway.

But if she let him go then it was one less Guardian to protect the existence of mankind and she couldn't afford that not when something could happen at any moment.
What about the other Counter Guardians?


"Oh indeed."

"Oh indeed."
Last edited:
Unicrack 23.1 (Fate)
The cold air passed around me as I flew through the night sky at Mach 24.

I was currently heading towards a certain city...racing against the sun.

A city that I had memories of, yet I had not stepped into it before.


Clouds began to thin out as I passed the Ocean and entered the deserts of the Middle east.

I slowed down as I came to a stop above the ruins of Uruk.

No...Far be it for me to call ruins. There were people still living there...

The whole of Uruk still had people, except the Ziggurat. There were very few people there mostly guards from what I could see.

The people living here had rebuilt Uruk...even if it was not as good as it was within my memories I could tell that these people were the descendants of Uruk.

Something was wrong...I could feel it.

What exactly I didn't know.

Dismissing my wings I used Telekenisis instead to hold me aloft as I changed into my gold armour in a flash and began to descend onto the Ziggurat.

As I neared the top of the Ziggurat someone noticed me... a cleaner from what I could see as the bowl of water she nearly dropped the bowl of water she was carrying and ran inside perhaps to inform someone?

It was night in Japan, but here it was the middle of the day.

And I was wearing a shiny Golden armour... that's kind of noticeable..

I touched down on the ziggurat and slowly walked up to my throne, it was cracked and chipped all over, eroded from the passage of time, but it was repaired by someone, not to its previous state but it was done well.

I took a seat on it and began to look around.

This place was Old. Really Old, the walls were cracked and the clay showed it's age, but it was still cleaned and well maintained...as much as it could be done for a Palace over 2000 years old.

I heard several steps coming up the stairs before stopping just shy of my field of vision.

"O Mighty King. Your humble servant begs permission to present herself before you."

This was unexpected...of course, it was...this was the fate universe.

But I suppose it was time to act like a King.

"Very well..I shall grant you leave to witness my glory." Oh god, that is so HAMMY!

"I am most grateful for this Honor your majesty."

And a young girl stepped into the hall and kneeled down before me.

Her skin is dark brown, and her hair was a lustrous black she was also wearing a prepossessing ceremonial bridal garment.

"I see that your people ruled this land in my absence."

"We have not ruled it rather we have lived in harmony with it. Just as your majesty surmised my people are but mere commoners."

"For a thousand years, we had joined with those who were left after the fall of Uruk. The people of Uruk desired to rebuild the land and live within it. They did not wish to leave the land so we aided them in this task and joined them in living harmoniously with the land."

Memories flowed into me once more. Memories of my retainer who overlapped the young girl in front of me.


"Your Majesty?"

"It is nothing, however, I had sensed something wrong when I arrived...tell me what it is!

"At once your majesty. Our land is constantly being invaded by a foreign country. If not for our mages hiding Uruk from their eyes. They ravage this land for they despise us and desire the riches that this plan possesses. Oil and Gas. They make up stories about how we are terrorists to justify their actions to the rest of the world and bring with them machines of war, they destroy our houses, they kill our families and children and burn our farms. They have destroyed several cities using metal birds of war."

Anger grew within me with every word that passed from her mouth. Anger that came from the very depth of my being. I was so angry that the handrest on my throne shattered as the girl's breath hitched.

"Those WORMS dare pillage MY LAND AND MY SUBJECTS!? THEY SHALL PAY FOR THEIR SINS!" The king's voice echoed throughout the Ziggurat.






"This foreign country...is the UNITED STATES correct?" I asked calming myself down.

"Yes, your majesty."

"Good, I am going to make them rue the day they attacked my Subjects and pillaged my land, but first, tell me young one...what is your name?"

"Tiné Chelc is the name given to me your majesty."

I got up and began to walk using my memories to navigate the Zigurrat as I headed down towards the basement. "Follow me, it's time to pay Ereshkigal a visit." The young girl stood up and began to follow behind obediently...
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Everyone's going to shit out their innards when they realize that an "Alternate Gilgamesh" has transcended beyond the shackles of their local reality cluster, managed to grow tremendously in power and has decided to pay their version of modern day Uruk a visit.
Unicrack 23.2 (Fate)
When Tina heard the servant who told her about the man floating down from the sky onto to the Ziggurat in golden armour she was shocked.

She had read about his legends, and almost everyone who lived in Uruk knew about him.

Gilgamesh the wise king.

And during his reign were the Golden years of Uruk.

When her people had come first came across across Uruk it was a wonderful city.

But it was in mourning after the passing of King Gilgamesh.

The People of Uruk welcomed them with open arms, they were nice people, kind and hard workers. Unlike her clan of mages.

But as time passed the Uruk became the home of the tribe as well.

The surrounding lands of Mesopotamia grew with Uruk as its centre.

Mesopotamia, now known as Iraq, became a nation with all the cities joining together with Uruk.

But in recent years, the Western nations began to assault on them.

The tribe did their best to protect the city with their mage craft but not everything could be stopped, still thanks to their magecraft the walls of Uruk stayed strong.

Then there was a prophecy about the King returning when the people needed him the most.

She honestly didn't believe it...until today...

But...if the stories she had read and the prophecies are true.....

She shook her head.. Now was not the time... she had to prepare for a meeting with the King. and she could not do so in rags.


When she saw the king her first impression was that he was a bit young... not fully an adult, but nearly there, by current standards.

However, what shocked her the most was the amount of anger he had displayed when she had informed him of what was happening.

She was sure his voice must have been heard even at the bottom of the palace.

But it was also reassuring.

He meant that he was not a tyrant as he was in his early days.

Now however she was following behind the King as she was commanded, and they were going to see Ereshkigal?

From what she understood that was the Goddess of the underworld...but that should not be possible...the age of gods were long since over.

However, she remained silent as she followed her King.

Eventually, he came to a stop in front of the ziggurat and then everything changed.

One instant people were bustling across the streets, the next instant the entire city of Uruk was empty.

The sky had darkened as if it was night and the sun had disappeared.

"Do not stay too far from me, or else I might not be able to keep you safe from the dangers of the Reverse side of the world."

The Reverse side of the world.

Her eyes widened.

Of course. He had already mentioned that they were going to meet Goddess Ereshkigal.

The Reverse side of the world should have been an obvious destination...but how?

She shook her head. It was not her place to question the King.

The air was cold.

Shivers went up to her spine as she spotted several beasts looking at them, but none of them dared to attack, perhaps sensing the King's Presence?

Eventually, they arrived at a graveyard which had a staircase that went underground but as they headed into it, it revealed a whole another world.

"We are now in Ereshkigals domain. The Underworld of Sumeria."

"Your Majesty?"

"Ereshkigal...she is one of the few goddesses who has my respect."

Those words shocked her. Gilgamesh was known for being the one who went against the Gods.

To hear that there was a God or Goddess that had his respect was something that she did not expect.

And soon they came to a gate.


Who goes there?

"A voice came out from the gate."

"Gilgamesh. King of Uruk."

There was silence for a few seconds.


"Ereshkigal. I have come to pay you a visit and I come bearing a gift."

"That is not possible. That is a Lie."

"Hmmm, I suppose that is not entirely true, considering I reincarnated. However, I am slowly recovering most of the memories of my life as the King of Uruk."

"Come forth. I wish to see you for myself."

And so the gate opened and they passed through it, then came a second gate which opened as soon as they came across it. With each gate, they were descending further and further into a depths of Kur.

As they finally reached the bottom after passing through seven gates, at the bottom she saw it.

The Goddess named Ereshkigal...

Her appearance was terrifying and her presence heavy.

So much so that if she had not got rid of most of her emotions she would have fallen over from fear.


"Gilgamesh....I cannot believe it...I can see you. I can feel your presence, but your soul...it is not...no...you are Gilgamesh but you are also someone else...."

"Reincarnation does tend to change people Ereshkigal." The King chuckled.

"That.....yes. Yes does make some sense. The Goddess paused. But that is not what you came here for I suppose? However I rarely get any Visitors here, if I had some food or drink then I could serve you...but unfortunately, my underworld is barren. None of my Authorities allows me to grow any plants or even flowers here as much as wish so and since the Age of the Gods has ended I do not get any new souls here either."

"Yes, that is one of the Gifts, that I have brought."


The King chuckled once more. "Ereshkigal, Goddess of Kur. One of the Only Goddesses that have gained my respect."


"I have brought you a GIft, should you chose to accept it, I can grant you the Authority necessary to grant your wishes. To grow plants, to grow flowers in this barren land of Kur, and brighten this place up..and maybe a way for the dead to come here once more if you chose to accept it."


Truly this was the ultimate proof that he was the king. That he could make a Goddess speechless merely by speaking.

Truly, any doubt she had was erased as she saw the terrifying goddess that was completely at a loss.



Somewhere far away Scathach looked up. "Huh, looks like Ereshkigal got a visitor... I wonder who it is?"
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Instead of Kingmaker he's a Godmaker. From denouncing gods to giving them Authorities. Seems legit.

Also, Skull Breasts.

Also, also, will we get to see Fem!Gilgamesh?

Also, also, also, can those skulls give blowjobs? Golden Orgy anyone?
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