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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Ok, so either she's lying or hes lying, given Pauls empathic vision didn't trip any alarms with the dude my guess is that she went out to try to find a breeding stud, ended up actually falling for the guy, panicked because she had gotten into the relationship based on a lie and decided to get out of there rather than come out with the truth. Which is extra fucked up when you remember she's already married.

This situation has gone from scolding an amazon that didn't think about the implications of differing social norms to potentially full on Telenovela.... APRHODITE GET THE POPCORN!
Or it's a horrible miscommunication where she thought that she had accurately communicated her intentions and the cultural divide was just so great that neither of them realised
£200? Does it come with a blow job?
Wait, £200? *blinks, checks conversion rates* I don't remember paying that much for it... *checks bottom of keyboard* Oh, this is a G815, which has a $50 cheaper list price. The G915 is the wireless version. And I think I might have gotten a discount on it, too, though it's been a while so I don't remember for sure. But I expect this keyboard to serve me for a very long time.

Usually one word.
"He didn't know she was from Themyscira."

Karyne puts her hands on her hips.

"That is not what she told us."
My money is on she found out the hard way that men aren't as an easy lay anymore and was getting a bit desperate as the no's started piling up.
I wanted to link to a video here, but I couldn't find it. While it's true that men and women lived separately, Sparta didn't celebrate same sex romantic relationships in the way that Athens or Thebes did.

If you do find the video, please let me know.
Uncomplicated Good Works (part 19)
22nd December 2012
17:03 GMT +3

"…understand why you think that, but that's not what happened."

Karyne nods, though I can't help but think that she looks a little disappointed.

"So you did not sire every newborn in the city?"

"No. Um. And it would be unwise for me to sire more than a couple in any case. They would all be half-brothers and half-sisters, so the risk of-."

Okay, they're farmers, so I'm going to assume that they know that inbreeding is bad, even if they don't know what genes are, but a technical explanation using words that Themysciran Greek doesn't have isn't going to help.

"Their own children would risk being malformed." She nods. "I was not aware that was a problem for demigods."

"I wouldn't want to risk it just in case."

"Then, how did the children come to be? You implied that they did not cross through the gateway during the Festival."

"I haven't told the rest of the world about the Festival, and I really don't think it would be a good idea."

She frowns. "Why?"

"Because we're talking about men who aren't familiar with Themysciran culture, and I'd rather avoid a great brawl."

She perks up slightly. "We could have them fight one another for the prize of impregnating us?"

"That-. Not on short notice, though if you really want to hold a… A studding tournament, I… Could organise that. If you really wanted."

"I will be third, so it will not be for a few years yet. But I thank you for the offer and will consider it." She looks away for a moment, smiling slightly guiltily. "So where did the children come from?"

"To put it simply, I can take a small part of the body of one woman, turn it into the part of a man which quickens a woman's womb, and ensure that she becomes pregnant with it."

Her eyes widen and her right hand clamps over her mouth.


"If you want a more technical explan-"



She doubles over, arms clasping her chest as she tries to stop laughing long enough to breathe.


The front door opens and another woman walks in. Her skin is a little paler and her hair is brown rather than black.

"Chloe! Chloe!" Karyne unhunches and dashes over to her wife. "The city-women, they can make finger-penises!"

Chloe look puzzled as Karyne embraces her for stability as she starts laughing again, then she looks over Karyne's shoulder at me, squinting and shaking her head in mystification.

I shake my head back. "That's not what I said. Just that I had a way for one woman to make another pregnant without needing a man.""Other than me, to enable it. Though a woman from-. Of my cult could do the same."

She frowns, and appears to be a little disturbed. "Why?"

"Some of those women have been together for millennia, and they preferred having a child related by blood to both of them to being intimate with a man. An attitude which I understand much better than what Medina did."

"Ah." Karyne straightens up, humour fleeing. "Yes."

"What.. did Medina do?"

Karyne shakes her head. "We're waiting until everyone is here. They… Want us… Her, to explain herself in the forum."

"That is no surprise. When Queen-."


They both glance around, but the screaming sounds more excited than anything else. Through the wall I see Kal-El carry another woman into the courtyard.



"Ma'am, you can let go-."

Chloe rolls her eyes and walks back outside.

"Tryphena, let him go."

"He can fly! Like the Princess! Can I pick him?"

"Excuse me?"

"No. Medina has upset people and the forum wants to talk to us."

Kal-El comes in first, with Tryphena following him with a decidedly predatory look in her eyes. Chloe looks awkwardly at the back of Kal-El's head for a moment, then turns back to the main gates as Medina and Rina approach from the animal pens. Medina isn't showing in the conventional sense yet, but a quick scan shows that the foetus is in good health. As they enter the room, Rina doesn't look particularly happy about us being here. Medina on the other hand-

"Delivery was an option?"

-doesn't seem troubled at all.

Which is hopeful, in a way. If backward-looking women in the backwoods of Themyscira don't object to having men around, then I don't think I need to worry about the minority who do having a support base somewhere.

"Not at this stage. Medina-."

"Felix isn't happy. The Queen already sent word about that."

Kal-El nods. "Apparently, you didn't mention that you were from Themyscira. Not until you were leaving."

Chloe looks around in surprise. "Medi?"

"I didn't hide it."


"I didn't! I think I-." She frowns, trying to remember. "I said I was Greek, from an island, and that I was a Hellenist. I remember that clearly, because we talked about his god and the burning cage in the sky. I don't clearly remember saying that I am from Themyscira, but…" She looks awkwardly at Kal-El. "Wasn't it obvious?"

"Not according to him. He thought that you were dating."


Rina raises her right eyebrow. "'Dating'?"

"Arranged meeting during courtship where the two people involved find out whether they're compatible."

Her eyes widen, and she inclines her head towards Medina, who shakes her head.

"No! I just met him several times to ensure that he was of good character, then we had sex several times until it took."

"That's the same thing."

She frowns. "It is?"
Last edited:
Rina raises her right eyebrow. "'Dating'?"

"Arranged meeting during courtship where the two people involved find out whether they're compatible."

Her eyes widen, and she inclines her head towards Medina, who shakes her head.

"No! I just met him several times to ensure that he was of good character, then we had sex several times until it took."

"That's the same thing."

She frowns. "It is?"
I'm not a historian, but is courtship a big deal in the time period of Greece back when the Amazons weren't separated from the rest of the world?
"Chloe! Chloe!" Karyne unhunches and dashes over to her wife. "The city-women, they can make finger-penises

Ahh, Paul.

Always fingering people and spiders.

"He can fly! Like the Princess! Can I pick him

He's spoken for.

No! I just met him several times to ensure that he was of good character, then we had sex several times until it took."

"That's the same thing."

She frowns. "It is?

Ehh, to be fair it could also happen in a friendship or just an interest in a general hook-up for sex, but lacking any romantic elements in it, so Paul is only partially right.
I'm not a historian, but is courtship a big deal in the time period of Greece back when the Amazons weren't separated from the rest of the world?

That was thousands of years ago and Zoat already said their memories aren't enhanced.

Also, by Hepheastian, did no one vet the women who went to America??? Do some some sort of course plus quizz?
22nd December 2012
17:03 GMT +3

"…understand why you think that, but that's not what happened."

Karyne nods, though I can't help but think that she looks a little disappointed.
Ah, looks like she's the mature voice of reason amongst her group. Let's hope she can help sort things out without too much shouting. At least, other than Medina getting a solid chewing out concerning modern relationships and the expectations involved...

"So you did not sire every newborn in the city?"

"No. Um. And it would be unwise for me to sire more than a couple in any case. They would all be half-brothers and half-sisters, so the risk of-."
Oh, ho, that story has spread, and people are already misunderstanding it. I expect the Pavlova will have a quite interesting childhood in the years to come.

Okay, they're farmers, so I'm going to assume that they know that inbreeding is bad, even if they don't know what genes are, but a technical explanation using words that Themysciran Greek doesn't have isn't going to help.

"Their own children would risk being malformed." She nods. "I was not aware that was a problem for demigods."
Yes, OL, they are farmers, and they do understand breeding. Especially the potential for mutations. As for the viability of divine lineages, keep in mind: Some Hellenic heroes have Zeus pop up in multiple places in their family tree...

"I wouldn't want to risk it just in case."

"Then, how did the children come to be? You implied that they did not cross through the gateway during the Festival."
...Man, Themyscira could well become the next big Spring Break destination of word of that got out.

"I haven't told the rest of the world about the Festival, and I really don't think it would be a good idea."

She frowns. "Why?"
...Wait until you meet your first drunken frat boy, and then ask that.

"Because we're talking about men who aren't familiar with Themysciran culture, and I'd rather avoid a great brawl."

She perks up slightly. "We could have them fight one another for the prize of impregnating us?"
...Honestly, I could see that becoming a popular tradition. :p Especially amongst the aforementioned Drunken Frat Boy demographic.

"That-. Not on short notice, though if you really want to hold a… A studding tournament, I… Could organise that. If you really wanted."

"I will be third, so it will not be for a few years yet. But I thank you for the offer and will consider it." She looks away for a moment, smiling slightly guiltily. "So where did the children come from?"
...Ah, she has a thing for gentlemen fighting, eh? x3 Keep in mind that traditional Hellenic pankration was normally done nude.

"To put it simply, I can take a small part of the body of one woman, turn it into the part of a man which quickens a woman's womb, and ensure that she becomes pregnant with it."

Her eyes widen and her right hand clamps over her mouth.
Oh, she's gotten completely the wrong idea, hasn't she?


"If you want a more technical explan-"
Hey, never know if she's got a hidden knowledge of anatomical sciences as they were during the mainland days...


...Yep, she's picturing something entirely inappropriate.

She doubles over, arms clasping her chest as she tries to stop laughing long enough to breathe.

Well done, OL, she's literally about to ROFL. :rolleyes: Amusingly, I've had moments like that, where laughing irrationally overrides the need to breathe... I'm sure we all have.

The front door opens and another woman walks in. Her skin is a little paler and her hair is brown rather than black.

"Chloe! Chloe!" Karyne unhunches and dashes over to her wife. "The city-women, they can make finger-penises!"
...Yeah, she definitely pictured something inappropriate. And hilarious. :p

Chloe look puzzled as Karyne embraces her for stability as she starts laughing again, then she looks over Karyne's shoulder at me, squinting and shaking her head in mystification.

I shake my head back. "That's not what I said. Just that I had a way for one woman to make another pregnant without needing a man.""Other than me, to enable it. Though a woman from-. Of my cult could do the same."
'Cult' is probably the best way to explain a Lantern Corps, I guess.

She frowns, and appears to be a little disturbed. "Why?"

"Some of those women have been together for millennia, and they preferred having a child related by blood to both of them to being intimate with a man. An attitude which I understand much better than what Medina did."
Yes, I do vaguely remember that little discussion he had with... Someone? Where he explained his views on fatherhood. Most notably wanting to avoid the 'fire and forget' type of relationship.

"Ah." Karyne straightens up, humour fleeing. "Yes."

"What.. did Medina do?"
Well, that dampened the mood right quick.

Karyne shakes her head. "We're waiting until everyone is here. They… Want us… Her, to explain herself in the forum."

"That is no surprise. When Queen-."
Ah, good to see Karyne's not the only sensible one in the poly.


They both glance around, but the screaming sounds more excited than anything else. Through the wall I see Kal-El carry another woman into the courtyard.
o_O Carry how? Bridal-style? Fireman's lift? Is she clambering to his head and shoulders like a cat? :p



"Ma'am, you can let go-."
...Yeah, I'm going with the third option. :D And also picturing Daffy Duck when confronted with a large pile of money.

Chloe rolls her eyes and walks back outside.

"Tryphena, let him go."
Ah, the quirky one? No doubt they have lots of laughs over her antics.

"He can fly! Like the Princess! Can I pick him?"

"Excuse me?"
Sorry, he's got a prior claim. And she's a lot stronger than you are, honey.

"No. Medina has upset people and the forum wants to talk to us."

Kal-El comes in first, with Tryphena following him with a decidedly predatory look in her eyes. Chloe looks awkwardly at the back of Kal-El's head for a moment, then turns back to the main gates as Medina and Rina approach from the animal pens. Medina isn't showing in the conventional sense yet, but a quick scan shows that the foetus is in good health. As they enter the room, Rina doesn't look particularly happy about us being here. Medina on the other than-
Hmm. I'm betting Rina isn't interested in taking part in the old 'baby-seeking expedition' tradition.

"Delivery was an option?"

-doesn't seem troubled at all.
Oh, this is going to be entertaining.

Which is hopeful, in a way. If backward-looking women in the backwoods of Themyscira don't object to having men around, then I don't think I need to worry about the minority who do having a support base somewhere.

"Not at this stage. Medina-."
Don't take one small farm as a barometer of the whole island, OL. I don't doubt there's groups that embrace the man-hating ways.

"Felix isn't happy. The Queen already sent word about that."

Kal-El nods. "Apparently, you didn't mention that you were from Themyscira. Not until you were leaving."
Lady doesn't seem too concerned about all the trouble she could be in, does she?

Chloe looks around in surprise. "Medi?"

"I didn't hide it."
...Not mentioning it at all doesn't count, honey.


"I didn't! I think I-." She frowns, trying to remember. "I said I was Greek, from an island, and that I was a Hellenist. I remember that clearly, because we talked about his god and the burning cage in the sky. I don't clearly remember saying that I am from Themyscira, but…" She looks awkwardly at Kal-El. "Wasn't it obvious?"
I mean, the average Amazon is a fairly fit, attractive young lady. It's not like they have glowing marks all over them that declare 'Themysciran Amazon' to all and sundry.

"Not according to him. He thought that you were dating."

No 'Well, that's his problem' response? I do hope you plan to be reasonable, then.

Rina raises her right eyebrow. "'Dating'?"

"Arranged meeting during courtship where the two people involved find out whether they're compatible."
Something which might have taken place occasionally back in the day, but not as often as modern folks do.

Her eyes widen, and she inclines her head towards Medina, who shakes her head.

"No! I just met him several times to ensure that he was of good character, then we had sex several times until it took."
...Yeah, those are dates. Complete with First, Second, Third bases and the Home Run.

"That's the same thing."

She frowns. "It is?"
It is these days. Though the sex isn't always involved.

So, I take it that's everybody in the group marriage. A regular five-man... Er, -woman band, I see. Assuming Felix is ready, I'm sure OL can arrange for them all to meet, ideally before it goes before the general public. I suspect everyone involved would rather their dirty laundry not be aired before the ladies of the Forum. Though there'll still have to be discussion on what to do next time something like this happens...
You have to keep in mind that the last time people from Medina's area did this? The men from the surrounding areas knew it was a thing and the Christian family model wasn't in practice anywhere close. So there needs to be some briefing packages prepared for the Amazons when leaving.
I'm not a historian, but is courtship a big deal in the time period of Greece back when the Amazons weren't separated from the rest of the world?
Long story short.

Courtship in ancient Greece was a guy going to a Father and offering him whatever for his Daughter. If the Father liked the guy, liked the guys family, or liked what the guy was offering, the Father would say "okay my daughter will marry you" and that was that.
Yes, OL, they are farmers, and they do understand breeding. Especially the potential for mutations. As for the viability of divine lineages, keep in mind: Some Hellenic heroes have Zeus pop up in multiple places in their family tree...

The family reunions are probably very difficult when their son/nephew/grandson/brother/cousin/uncle/grandfather Zeus comes along.

It is these days. Though the sex isn't always involved

True, but they may still not be for romantic interests or courtship.

They could be for just a hook-up, but one side wants to make sure the other is trustworthy.

They may not want to have anything to do with the person they're having sex with after the act, but they want to be certain that they'll be okay, since what if the complete stranger you just met decides that he doesn't care if you say no.
"No! I just met him several times to ensure that he was of good character, then we had sex several times until it took."

"That's the same thing."

She frowns. "It is?"
I don't know, my dating was far less successful than that.

And a few women before my wife who seemed interested in more were very clear about the limits of our relationship. And turned out to not be interested.

I wish there were more people out there, men and women, who would be willing to talk with their significant other before issues like this kind of thing could even occur.

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